View Full Version : Whats a good price to make the party pay for magical items made by me?

2014-06-08, 03:11 PM
So im the party caster (Pathfinder!) and im gonna take some feats for magic item creation! What should i charge my party members when they ask for magical items? i know i should make it lower than the original item, but how much lower?

2014-06-08, 03:16 PM
So im the party caster (Pathfinder!) and im gonna take some feats for magic item creation! What should i charge my party members when they ask for magical items? i know i should make it lower than the original item, but how much lower?

This is pathfinder so you don't lose any XP, so you can't charge them for that bit.

Well, that depends... Did the party barbarian make you pay for the last feat he took?
Otherwise, I strongly suggest you give party-members items at the price you have to pay to make them, rather than charging them extra.

2014-06-08, 03:37 PM
So im the party caster (Pathfinder!) and im gonna take some feats for magic item creation! What should i charge my party members when they ask for magical items? i know i should make it lower than the original item, but how much lower?
You should charge your cost, for the same basic reason that the Fighter doesn't charge you every time he swings his sword (although the application is more subtle).

2014-06-08, 03:48 PM
You should charge your cost, for the same basic reason that the Fighter doesn't charge you every time he swings his sword (although the application is more subtle).

I agree that you should charge them just the cost it takes you to make it, but I feel the analogy is a little off. The Fighter swinging his sword at the very least doesn't take up time you could be spending on making things for yourself; You don't hijack his Weapon Focus feat for a couple weeks like one does when you have someone craft something for you.

2014-06-08, 03:52 PM
my party doesnt have a barbarian... And im ROLEPLAYING!!!(DUNH DUNH DUUUUUNH)
yeah, im playing a greedy little wizard gnome, whose main goal is to take as much loot as possible.

2014-06-08, 03:53 PM
Generally speaking, you shouldn't charge your party members for magic items, since you both benefit from them having better gear. That said, I will occasionally ask for tips (5-10% of the item's price) and spend that money buying or making other items for the party - wands of Infernal Healing, utility scrolls etc.

Red Fel
2014-06-08, 04:00 PM
my party doesnt have a barbarian... And im ROLEPLAYING!!!(DUNH DUNH DUUUUUNH)
yeah, im playing a greedy little wizard gnome, whose main goal is to take as much loot as possible.

There's a difference between RPing greed that benefits the party - such as haggling down prices in stores, negotiating for better rewards, and stealing an extra coin or two from a person who I'm sure was a genuinely naughty person and deserved it - and RPing greed that aggravates the party and may cause both IC and OOC conflict.

Be aware that you could get away with charging your party a nominal fee. Even if you charge them half price, they're still saving money as opposed to if they bought it at a store. But do it enough, and any gratitude they have turns into resentment.

Remember that "it's what my character would do" is often heard in response to the sounds of a party implosion beginning.

2014-06-08, 04:04 PM
my party doesnt have a barbarian... And im ROLEPLAYING!!!(DUNH DUNH DUUUUUNH)
yeah, im playing a greedy little wizard gnome, whose main goal is to take as much loot as possible.

This is relevant information not reflected in the OP.

Even greedy little wizard gnomes should consider being nice to their friends though, as that goes a long way to staying a living greedy little wizard gnome as opposed to a dead one (through TPK, betrayal, or abandonment).

If you are greedy and willing to place that above the protection a good relation with other characters in the party entails, you should charge whatever they are willing to pay (as long as that offsets your creation costs). We can't really give you a number on that as that's up to your fellow partymembers. Some might go as high as one gp below store-price, while others will think you a jerk for charging more than it cost you, and refuse to even pay a single gp more. If you're truly greedy, even a single gp profit may be interesting from a roleplaying perspective.

2014-06-08, 04:06 PM
This is pathfinder so you don't lose any XP, so you can't charge them for that bit.

Well, that depends... Did the party barbarian make you pay for the last feat he took?
Otherwise, I strongly suggest you give party-members items at the price you have to pay to make them, rather than charging them extra.

Well, there is some opportunity cost involved. Time he's making items for party members is time that he's not making items for himself.

Now if there's plenty of time available to make all the stuff you want, and still make some for the party, then I'd do it for free. If it was a choice between an item I wanted, and something a party member wanted, I might do it for the party member for a small extra fee, maybe 5-10% over the base cost to make it.

2014-06-08, 04:34 PM
lol, my party is perfectly fine with it. I figure ill do something like 60% of items original value, so i get 10% of the cut for myself (to make more magic stuff of course)

2014-06-08, 04:34 PM
If it were 3E where it costs you xp, I'd agree a surcharge is fair (maybe 10% above cost), though I'd rather just let the beneficiaries be the ones to pay the xp (ie, I'd houserule if DM).

But this is pathfinder's wild west frontier of time being the only limiting factor for crafting. You're not losing anything. You should charge them at cost, and no more. You don't have to prioritize making them stuff over making yourself stuff, but it's pretty scuzzy to charge them.

"But I'm a greedy little SOB of a wizard!"

Yeah, uh huh. Just once I'd love to see a selfish Fighter who uses a bow and hides behind the party wizard at all times, trying to use him as soft cover.

2014-06-08, 04:41 PM
Hmm... Should i try and make a part time shop? so i could sell magic items at a lower price than any other vendor? like for other people (we are in an egyptian city with loads of adventuring parties who are looting the tombs under permission of the pharaoh)

2014-06-08, 04:42 PM
The key question is, lets say you couldn't make any magic items for the party - would you still have taken the Craft feats? If so, then it makes sense to give stuff to the party at cost (or whatever they feel okay with paying as a nod to RP). Personally I just like favors as a currency for this - 'you all owe me one for the stuff I'm making for you, so next time we're divvying up loot I want first pick'.

If on the other hand you would not have taken that feat, then the Fighter sword-swinging analogy breaks down, because you're basically sacrificing some of your permanent character-build resources to empower them in place of yourself. It would be like asking the Fighter to take Leadership instead of Power Attack so the party could have a healbot follower or something. In that case, you need to figure out what a feat is worth to you, and endeavor to make back about that much through the surcharge.

2014-06-08, 08:02 PM
hmm... probobly not, cause there are so many other feats you can take as a wizard, that increase your magical power.

The Insanity
2014-06-09, 11:24 AM
Whats a good price to make the party pay for magical items made by me?
Just their friendship.
Alternatively, what it cost you to make it.
Alternatively alternatively...
hmm... probobly not, cause there are so many other feats you can take as a wizard, that increase your magical power.
then take them, problem solved.

2014-06-09, 11:45 AM
If your fellow players agree with you i think 75% is fair.(Talk to them OOC first, also i'm assuming the cost is 50%....never played pathfinder...)

50% for the item
25% for improving your character
25% for them

I don't think you should complain about 1/4 discount on magic itens......even if someone is ripping 25% it somehow gets back on the group.

But that's just me, talk with them.

Doug Lampert
2014-06-09, 12:10 PM
If your fellow players agree with you i think 75% is fair.(Talk to them OOC first, also i'm assuming the cost is 50%....never played pathfinder...)

50% for the item
25% for improving your character
25% for them

I don't think you should complain about 1/4 discount on magic itens......even if someone is ripping 25% it somehow gets back on the group.

But that's just me, talk with them.

I largely agree, this is an out of character issue. I'd go with less than 75%, but I certainly would not go for "cost". 3/5 or 2/3 or something. Absolute minimum is dependent on party size, the bigger the party the more other people are using your service and the less you need to make from each to make taking the feats worthwhile.

3.0 we largely settled on roughly 75%, 50% for the material costs, 20% compensation for the XP cost (not present in PF), 5% profit for time and as compensation for taking the feat.

Some characters went to 80%, others 70% (especially with 3.5 and XP is a river rules, that made 70% the standard as the XP cost was plainly a triviality).

PF for a greedy bastard wizard I'd charge at least 60% and I'd seriously consider charging 2/3rds. If anyone objects, point out that you're not forcing them to buy and they can take the feats themselves. (They can, PF after all, but they won't, they don't have the feats so they didn't think it was worth it to get their gear cost from 100% down to 50%, why should they decide it's worth it to go from the 60% you're offering to 50%?)

But talk to the other players OoC and see what they think. IME a reasonable group will agree that something extra is reasonable.

2014-06-09, 12:19 PM
Generally speaking, you shouldn't charge your party members for magic items, since you both benefit from them having better gear. That said, I will occasionally ask for tips (5-10% of the item's price) and spend that money buying or making other items for the party - wands of Infernal Healing, utility scrolls etc.
I kind of like this. "It is common practice to tip your artificer. Apropos of nothing, of course."

2014-06-09, 02:27 PM
hmm yeah, ive talked to my group and they agreed to pay me some extra, they thought it would be fair.