View Full Version : 3rd Ed Help with a Descision for a Homebrew item for my Paladin

2014-06-08, 03:30 PM
My DM in this campaign loves handing out homebrew items and abilities. I'm a Human Paladin 12(Unoptimal, but fun). I recently got my hands on a magic tome about special mounts, that when read, grants me one of two abilities, and I want to know which one you think is more worth it:

1) When flanking with my special mount, I get a +2 untyped bonus to hit and damage

2) I gain Spirited Charge as a bonus feat, even if I do not meet the prerequisites(which I don't)

2014-06-08, 03:35 PM
Spirited charge. If your in a situation where your mount comes into play (not in most dungeons) your likely riding your mount. Plus doubling smite + power attack damage is nice.

Red Fel
2014-06-08, 03:38 PM
Spirited charge. If your in a situation where your mount comes into play (not in most dungeons) your likely riding your mount. Plus doubling smite + power attack damage is nice.

Seconded. Free feats are exceptionally valuable, particularly when you can ignore prereqs; by contrast, bonuses to hit/damage can be purchased. And as Shieldbunny points out, when your mount is involved, you're more likely to be riding than flanking with it. I don't know that most Paladin-players I've played with have even considered the combat stats for their mounts (admittedly, a bit short-sighted, but it is what it is).

2014-06-08, 03:49 PM
I don't know that most Paladin-players I've played with have even considered the combat stats for their mounts (admittedly, a bit short-sighted, but it is what it is).

I always figure that out. After all the horse gets to attack in the charge as well. Give it a strength boosting item and talk your DM into letting you cast magic weapon on it's house shoes. :P

2014-06-08, 04:03 PM
I should point out my mount is a Celestial Pegasus(Actually a horse that one day sprouted wings because he wanted to, but we use the pegasus stats and abilities anyways). At level 6 I took Planar Paladin 6 and at level 7 he sprouted wings. My DM made the Planar Paladin level replace all uses of Remove Disease for abilities my mount can gain. At level 9 he gained See Invisibility at Will. At level 12 he gained Air Walk 3/day(Allows it to stay in place in the air for many turns), And he'll get telepathy 60 feet at level 15 and Ethereal Jaunt 1/day at level 18. Caster level for them equal to his current HD. He has Sancified Natural Attack as a feat, too.