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View Full Version : 3rd Ed How do you prefer to get spell resistance?

2014-06-08, 11:47 PM
As the topic says, I'm on the market for spell resistance to replicate a character I once made in a more fair manner. Said character got turned into a Curst(from Monsters of Faerun) as a part of his backstory, which was GM approved. I basically spent all of combat being as insufferable as possible, but everybody loved my character, even when he accidentally carpet-bombed a bazaar. The template itself is fairly powerful(the fact that it doesn't even list level adjustment, less alone have one also implies to me that it's probably 3.0), and I wanted to make a more fair version of it(which basically means the only thing I absolutely have to lose is the immunity to turn undead, but I can simulate it, or just chance it with a high turn resistance). The one thing that I can't imagine getting my hands on is the Spell Resistance. I know there's easily hundreds of ways to pick it up, but I just can't seem to think of or find any that stand out to me.

So I thought I'd ask my playgrounders what you all thought of ways you pick up SR. Anything is on the table; Spells, feats, items, etc. The only restriction is that the character is a gnome, so your selection of racial feats will be limited. But please, informing me of any ways I can pick up spell resistance would be much appreciated!

2014-06-08, 11:57 PM
The method I know of that grants the most SR is being a druid of at least level nine, taking aberration wild shape, casting enhance wild shape, and becoming a will-o'-wisp. That grants immunity to magic, which is essentially infinite SR. Can't do much better than that, I think.

Edit: Do note that you can technically do this at level seven, when you get enhance wild shape, but you need to stall natural spell, which is a bit of a no go. You'd basically just be a floating, invisible, defensive blob.

2014-06-09, 12:19 AM
floating, invisible, defensive blob.

I must do this.

This must happen.

Thank you for enlightening me.

Any other methods?

2014-06-09, 12:28 AM
I must do this.

This must happen.

Thank you for enlightening me.

Any other methods?
Well, there's other sources amongst wild shape options, if you're interested, though none as awesome as that one. Dragon wild shape has a few offerings, and aberration has some others that are less massive, yet still reasonable. The reason you'd go with the former is because they're available on a more spontaneous basis, without the need for enhance wild shape, and the reason you'd go with the latter is because you desire other abilities stacked atop the SR. For example, as a relatively recent, find, the windghost (MM II, 198) has an SR of 25, along with immunity to mind affecting and air, fast healing, and maybe some sort of free action flight ability (it lists fly as an Ex, and says you can use that as a free action, but that flight lines up with the form's normal flight. It's a thing that needs a bit more research).

2014-06-09, 05:47 AM
My favorite way to do it is through a permanent mind switch with a Solar. I sense that probably isn't what you're looking for though. For you, I'd suggest just using the spell resistance spell. The items that grant it are too expensive for the amount of SR they provide.

2014-06-09, 06:47 AM
Well I'm more old fashioned but I just take levels of monk. Best way to do it since they get it as a class feature!