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2014-06-09, 04:10 AM
In the distance, a huge ship cuts through the ocean, led by a gentle breeze. Sails of pure darkness pull it forward, gazes caught in them go through great pains to escape. Two dozen cannons from each side of the metallic wood structure, the artistic curves of the ship, the unmoving guardians with their imposing presence. Creatures from all across the worlds gather on the ship, throwing their lives for a chance of more. The Casino of Life, the Timeless Ship, the Tick of the Sea, the Silenced Tock. The ship has many names, but its treasure is left untouched.

An ancient being slipped through time's fingers. He will never betray his master, forever guard him. Sitting in the cavern, deep within the Darastix Mountain, called in legends as the skeleton of the first dragon, he stares at the huge formation, a creation of many crystals and gems bound together, the heart of the Father, defeated by his son and daughter, but not gone. No, not gone. Only asleep. Bahamut and Tiamat may rule the dragons... For now.

A child sobs dryly, for he has no more tears to shed. The last drop of blood leaves his brother's body into the pool under the altar. The cloaked figures standing around, watching in silence as the darkness slowly approaches. The days are numbered, and this is the first.

A man sits on the ground, his legs folded underneath, watching through the mist of Space as his son sacrifices himself to darkness, far away. His smile is gentle, barely noticeable. Plans are in motion, and this will be the ultimate struggle. Slowly, others gather around him, one daring to place a hand on the master's shoulder. There was never turning back, why would they hesitate now?

The Court of Cycles

There are rumors circulating around the reason that the Sunguise, Larius Greatjaw, named his mansion in such a fashion, but the only ones who seen him are his own staff, which are almost as secretive as Larius himself, so nobody knows. Perhaps one day you will have the chance to ask him yourselves, but it was explained to you thoroughly that it will not be today.

The Court works efficiently, that much is certain. It was a day since you were recommended to the guild and already you received a confirmation. In truth, the confirmation was instant. Faster than that, some say. Larius knows before you know, that you are going to apply. Larius is above time. Some say.

For some of you it took some time waiting, others less. But when all six applicants were chosen, you were invited to the mansion. To the Court of Cycles. A new group of Sun's Hunters to be born.

You were greeted, if you could call the chill you felt a greeting, by a man in a black suit and white eyes. Completely white. The lethal intent poured out of him and you knew that if anything close to being called harm even approaches the Sunguise, this man will have a word or two to say. This is not a servant. This man's unshakable resolve to guard his Sunguise is terrifying, and the man hadn't even moved yet.

One by one, he motions for you to come to a small room for an interview. Perhaps you misheard, but what you experienced was an interrogation. But not one where you used words.

"Do not resist. It will hurt less that way." He says, his voice is cold.

Why does it sound like he-

You are overwhelmed as your world becomes engulfed by the white eyes. Your memories, experiences, feelings, thoughts, everything rushes through and around you. Your entire life, in a fraction of a second, relived and observed by this... Man. Nothing is private.

He smirks. A cold and vicious smile. He knows something you don't. He judges you for your past. You are still gasping for air, even those of you that don't need it, as if you are remembering the experience of not having air and struggling to inhale the precious life source, as the man motions for you to leave and the next one to enter.

He just stripped away any feeling of privacy you had and picked at the pieces of your soul, and you don't even know his name. How rude.

You sit with the rest, waiting for the torture to end, perhaps doubt begins to creep. Was this worth it? Was this really what you signed for?

While you are waiting, a young man comes and explains the contract. You will work together, you will not kill each other, you will resurrect each other and you may not reject a resurrection. You are bound to each other and the Sunguise until the Sunguise releases you from this contract.

Before you have a chance to object, he begins again. He explains that you have already agreed to everything the moment you were recommended to serve as a Sun's Hunter and the contract had been imprinted into your soul during the examination you had just been through.

As the last of you joins and hears the explanation, the white-eyed man speaks.

"You are now officially Sun's Hunters and part of the Cycle Sunguise's family. As your value grows, will be rewarded, as you surely know. Carry these tokens at all times." He says and draws out six tiny hourglasses. On the top is engraved a jaw, on the bottom there is a lung. Black sand runs from the bottom to the top of the hourglass, where it whirls like a sandstorm. The amount of sand in either parts doesn't seem to change. "These are your tokens. Besides allowing us to supervise you through various methods, bypassing your protections without compromising them to other threats, these are what insures your identity as a Sun's Hunter to be true. The common folk does not know of them and believes the badges are the sign of the Hunter, but whenever you are interacting with other Hunters, be they Cycle Hunters or of another, use the hourglass to identify yourself unless you seek blood to be spilled."

Then he pulls out six badges, engraved with scales over a delicate painting of the seasons. "Those would identify you as Cycle Hunters for the civilians. They will respect and fear you, so expect a lot of eagerness to please you. However, it may also draw unwanted attention and hostility, so choose whether or not you wish to openly display it."

"And lastly, this." He draws out two thin tubes made of silver. They are very simplistic, but there is beauty in that. "These tubes have quite a few uses, but only one of them is of interest to you right now. They are connected to each other and through them you can transfer items that you collect in your adventures and in return, we will send you gold. Don't concern yourself with details of volume or mass, as anything touching the mouth of the tube will slide right through." He scans the room, looking for something to use to demonstrate and his eyes settle on the young man. "Right, Pewdrick."

Before Pewdrick can retreat, white-eyes sticks one tube to his face and Pewdrick is sucked through. The sight is quite sickening, to say the least. Watching as a human being is squeezed into the size of a coin and sucked into the tube as if being a soft beverage drunk in a theater through a straw, with the slurping sound of trying to get the last drops too, is not pleasant. As Pewdrick appears in a similar fashion from the other tube, he looks pale and sick. And then he vomits.

"Well, unless you get anything intelligent, it wouldn't complain about the journey." The man says. "Pewdrick will be your contact and guide. He isn't a Hunter so you may do whatever you want with him, but if you kill him, please either resurrect him or find a suitable replacement."

"That's not funny!" Pewdrick exclaims as he gasps for air and wipes his chin. "They might not get your humor, Uncle Roost."

Roost smiles as he nudges Pewdrick and turns to walk away. It's not like the smile he gave you earlier. It was actually a warm smile.

After cleaning himself up, Pewdrick walks with you outside to the front garden. "Your contract might look harsh, but I'm sure you'll get used to it. Besides, most of it is to ensure you work together and for Sunguise Larius. After the incident with Sir Allion Greytusk..." Pewdrick seems to lose himself for a moment before shaking his head.

"Anyway, I'm sure you can't wait to get out there and make a name for yourselves and Sunguise Larius! As starting Hunters, I wouldn't suggest going after the big artifacts right away. The city-" He motions at Inghub, the "capital" of the Cycle Region, that the Court overlooks. "will have plenty of opportunities or leads. If you want a base of operations for yourself, there is an abandoned castle not too far to the north. Well, relatively abandoned." Pewdrick laughs. "Shoreline Castle has great access to trade roads and just by the river, but since the battle with the ogres nobody really used it, you know..."

He nudges away as you hear someone shouting at the western garden, bossing around the workers. "Anyway, do you have any questions or anything I can help with? At your service!" He straightens up and tries to look tall.

2014-06-09, 07:19 AM
Marius speaks, and when he does anyone present can tell this is a voice of pure ice, of one uncaring of the whims and needs of others let alone expressing any like of any being other than himself. He announces to his new party members, "I believe it would be best to first set up our power base at this castle, and it sounds as if we may have to... relieve its current inhabitants, whatever they may be, of their stay in this castle."

Here is what Marius looks like: http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/186/3/8/azeron_by_88grzes-d563rzd.jpg

2014-06-09, 07:20 AM
Damien nods when he receives the confirmation, the nervous servant delivering it while he was attacking the pells. Pausing, he reads it, and smiles.
And now I have my chance. A chance for something different. A way to change our status.
He puts his weapons and armor away, before he cleans up, and informs his father. Once that is done, he rearmors and arms, and heads away from his families estates, going to the Court of Cycles. It was a long journey, but he had no troubles. The one particularly stupid group of bandits that threatened him will never threaten another ever again.
Once he arrived, he observed the fortified beauty of the Court, noting that here was power indeed. He had, of course, seen it before, but not in a while. His duties had not been in the city. The man that greeted him was odd, seemingly a dedicated bodyguard, but seemed to be something... different.
Soon enough, that difference was explained, and Damien did not enjoy the mind games that the guard employed. Such paranoia was both a blessing and a curse. Anyone who was that paranoid would have trouble keeping his servants loyal, but he would also be harder to fool.
At least the contract is unlikely to be an issue for a while. First, we need to learn to truly trust each other. Only then might we start taking some more serious actions. These tokens shouldn't be an issue, although showing them shouldn't be necessarily, until it is.

When Pewdrick is sucked in, Damien winces.
That was... educational. It would appear that they have no regard for loyalty, as expected. Quite foolish, really. It would also appear that if needed, we have a way to retreat, although not a very pleasant one.

He looks over you as he speaks, clearly thinking.
"Shoreline castle? It would be good to claim it. I'm sure that my father would be happy to provide administrators, for a percentage of the income it would generate, if we are able to clear it. Restoring it to operation would be a good idea, even if we don't end up using it much. It would also give us a chance to demonstrate what we can do, which will prove to be important when we move on to more difficult tasks."
Finally, he looks to Pewdrick, before asking a question.
"Pewdrick, what do you know of the castle?"

Dressed in blackened full plate, the towering young man seems almost scary. His armor is a bit battered, but well taken care of, and the symbol of Hextor features prominently on the breastplate. At his waist, a gigantic flail rests, and across his back, a paired longbow and glaive rest. His gauntlets are spiked, and he seems to have an aura of menace about him.

2014-06-09, 07:39 AM
Pewdrick shakes his head. "Not much, it's pretty old and not very used... Oh, wait!" He pulls out a pair of glasses and puts them on before and casting a spell.

Spellcraft DC 17
Lore of the Gods

"Aha, yes... Yes... It was constructed first when the land was still wild with chaotic energies as a shelter and then expanded to serve as a keep and built big enough to house a family and servants. The family's name... I'm sorry, it's lost to me. They got massacred by a tribe of ogres that used the keep to raid the nearby villages and retreat to safety, taking back people to sacrifice to their good. King Beyor the Second dispatched troops and they managed to defeat the ogres and they sealed the inner sanctum so that the vile energy that left from the ritual wouldn't infect the land, but it proved ineffective and the land and water became poisoned so the keep wasn't maintained and left abandoned. No efforts to purify the land or open the sanctum had been made..."

2014-06-09, 07:48 AM
Damien nods, still looking at Pewdrick, before turning once more to the rest of the group.
"Thank you, Pewdrick. Clearing it out should be fairly straightforward. First, we clear out whatever has moved in, then we deal with this ritual's after effects. If it turns out that we can't handle the magic, I'm sure that we can find someone who can handle it. Now, since it's still early in the day, do any of you have anything that you need to do? I assume that you are all fairly capable, but we can handle introductions on the road."

2014-06-09, 07:53 AM
A ruby mask looks back at the cold white eyes, never moving as they bore into his past, then a quick jutting of a memory comes to him, two sibilings. No he did not have sibilings, he was not a person, he was a tool for the Stern lady and this was a means to an end. At least that is what Talon told himself as for the first time in a few years he took a breath, the only sign that he was not a statue. Up until that point Talon had stood off to the side, like on of the many statues lining the walls, but now he stepped forward, following those he would be "working" with for the time being.

Watching the demonstration of the tubes power he takes note and makes a mental note to try the ability later. However he did not have time to think about such things as the conversation had already switched to something else. Did I jump topics so quickly as a mortal as well? Talon wonders, after all he had gotten used to moving at a slower pace and examining things fully before moving onto anything new. It seemed he would no longer have that pleasure as he hears talk about a castle and setting up a base of operation. Judging what the Stern lady would wish, as well as his teacher Talon nods his head before remembering these were not the temple folk that would suffice with such a simple answer. From beneath the mask comes a dry voice that is almost impossible to hear. We agree with this conclusion. Are their any blueprints or such we can study before beginning our assault? Talon asks no one in particular, after all he knew not a single one of them, and none seemed to be the leader of the group.

2014-06-09, 08:00 AM
Damien seems to be a bit taken aback by the masked man's soft voice.
A man that size speaking that quietly? Something seems to be a bit... off here.

[roll0] know: religion

Undead. Interesting.

2014-06-09, 08:08 AM
"I agree with our quiet friend here, some layout of the castle would be helpful." Marius says to the group at large.

2014-06-09, 08:13 AM
Damien nods, as he was finished thinking.
"Indeed. Pewdrick, do you know anything about the layout? It's probably a standard motte and bailey, but there are likely holes in the outer wall from being abandoned for so long, not to mention the assault on the ogres. I don't think getting in will be an issue."

2014-06-09, 08:31 AM
"Ah, you are right, Sir Damien. There is also a small dock, as the keep is on the riverbank... Most of the building is underground as at was build to withstand chaotic magical storms, it could be still intact." Pewdrick says as he removes his glasses and hangs them on his collar.

2014-06-09, 08:36 AM
Damien smiles.
"Perhaps enough damage was done to the castle to make getting in fairly painless. If whatever lives there now has done some repair work, then taking the castle might be a bit tricky. Motte and Bailey, while simple, is a fairly good design over all. And if most of it is underground, this might be challenging."

2014-06-09, 09:13 AM
"Provided we can reach the entrance of the castle, I believe I have a method of bypassing the door."

2014-06-09, 09:18 AM
Damien looks at the man in full plate, curious. The man seems almost familiar, but... not quite.
"It's not the gate that's worrisome, but the murder holes. Typically, the set up would be a main gate, then ten to twenty feet of open passage, with murder holes above, then a second gate. If it is defended, hot oil, arrows, rocks, and all manner of unpleasant things would be thrown through the murder holes. If you can bypass all that, then that might make things simpler, but we won't know until we get there."
He pauses for a moment, surveying the group.
"Everyone is ready to go, right? You don't need more supplies or anything?"

2014-06-09, 09:48 AM
The elf with stylish red cloak and golden hair remains quiet for a long time, thinking back some memories he thought were in the past. Specially the day he was abandoned in the master Euclides state.

Once he hears everybody speaking about seizing the castle he smile and begin remembering his childhood dreams, "We surely need that castle for us. It will make a nice base operations once we get rid of the ogres, if they are still there", he then pauses to think what he knew about this castle, anything he may rhave read in a dust tome at Euclides' library.


"Anyway, I'm Primus and this is Papuzio", he take a fat rat from his cloak, "It's a little shy", and he put it back to the cloak, where it constantly moves.

"Before we go there is something I need to do, for everybody's sake. I use a special kind of magic that allow me to connect my soul with others souls, creating a weave of power. Casting spells in this weave will allow me to cast my spells at everyone".

He then get his weaver's kit out and begin chanting as a rune appears in everyone's chest and a silver line comes into existance. He then begin weaving it till a complicated net of silver lines is done and with another word it dissapears.

"We are now connected".

He looks like this when casting:

2014-06-09, 10:01 AM
As the elf throws in his support for taking the castle as well, Damien smiles again.
Good. It looks like they are going for it. If they do, then it is likely that my father can arrange to keep the castle, and gain the income. It might not work, but it's certainly worth the effort.

When Primus introduces himself, Damien looks a bit disappointed.
It looks like we are doing introductions here and now.
"Nice to meet you, Primus, and you, Papuzio. I am Sir Damien of Longhall, a warrior of Hextor, and heir to the Barony of Longhall. If your magic works like that, can others provide spells into the weave? Or just yourself? Either way, it seems like it can be very useful."

2014-06-09, 10:30 AM
Kadira spoke as little as possible. The white-eyed man scared her, but she had known, expected, that she was going to be scared. She well understood that she was dallying with powers beyond her understanding. It was the path she had chosen by allowing herself to excel, to stand out from among the crowd of aspirants in her guild.

Even so, the telepathic inquisition left her hollow-eyed and unsteady. But whatever test was given, she passed it.

In the waiting area, she observed her new colleagues. Several of them took pains to look scary. Mere posturing. Contemptible. But her opinions of them were irrelevant. She was bound to work with them, whether they were true allies or mere tools.

But then something truly surprising happened. The white-eyed man showed warmth. Kadira couldn't restrain a slight upward curl of her own lips. The younger man, Pewdrick, called him "Uncle", and seemed to actually like him. Fascinating.

Melody, feeling the lightening of her bondmate's mood, trilled.

Kadira approved of the plan to seize the castle: it seemed a good exercise for the new group. She said nothing, as it seemed that consensus had already been reached. She smiled a little when the elf wizard introduced his familiar along with himself. When her own turn came, she said simply, "I am Kadira. This is Melody.". Melody chirped.


Kadira: http://s30.postimg.org/u6juxatp9/kadira.jpg%5B/IMG. Melody is a song thrush.

2014-06-09, 10:38 AM
Damien nods in acknowledgement.
"Nice to meet you, Lady Kadira, and you, Melody."

2014-06-09, 10:42 AM
"I wish I had a familiar." Pewdrick says. "But even if I were any good at arcana..." The shouts are heard from the eastern garden now. "Sir Allion would probably eat him..." He sighs.

2014-06-09, 10:48 AM
Melody apparently understands Pedwick's words: she chirps, upset, at the prospect of a familiar being eaten. Kadira briefly reaches up to stroke her little head with a finger.

"You've mentioned Sir Allion twice now," Kadira comments. "What's the story there?"

2014-06-09, 11:01 AM
Pewdrick looks around and then speaks quietly. "Sir Allion is awful!" He says. "He comes from a clan of wereboars and became a Cycle Hunter a long time ago. He was released from his contract but decided to stay in the Court instead of buying himself land and lording around there... But the man is vicious. After adventuring with his fellow Hunters, he killed them. As per the contract, he resurrected them and they had to accept the spell, coming back weaker. Guessing at his intention, they tried to fight him, but he kept killing them and bringing them back to life weaker than before. Finally, their soul was so weak that it couldn't make the journey back again. Sir Allion argued that since his team is technically released from the contract, so should he be released... Sunguise Larius decided to release Sir Allion instead of sacrificing other potential Hunters to join his team just to be killed. I don't like him. Avoid him whenever possible."

2014-06-09, 11:04 AM
Damien shakes his head at the example of stupidity.
"That was quite foolish of him. Living allies are much more valuable than dead ones, and he ensured that no one would ever work with him ever again. There is a reason you follow both the letter and the spirit of agreements you enter into."

2014-06-09, 11:07 AM
"That is the reason the 'no killing fellow Hunters' clause was added..." Pewdrick says. "But I honestly doubt Sir Allion cares about teamwork. Or work... I think he simply did it to show that he could and that he was stronger than the other five combined..."

2014-06-09, 11:08 AM
Kadira frowned. "I understand that the provision against killing one's fellow Hunters was added for that reason. But wasn't it already a violation of the contract to take actions intended to result in one's release from the contract? Why did..." Kadira checked her words. "Was Sir Allion not punished for that?"

2014-06-09, 11:09 AM
"As I said. A fool. You are never so strong that you don't need allies. That's probably why he stays here, because he knows that if he leaves, anyone could kill him, and he has no friends who would help."

2014-06-09, 11:10 AM
"Sadly no, only my spells are able to sue the weave", Primus explain to Damien, "Which is not a problem, since I'm versed in both the arcane and the divine".

After hearing the tale of Sir Allion, Primus takes mental note to not stay in the same place as him. Ever.

"Maybe we shuld be leaving and get some castle for ourselves, right?".

2014-06-09, 11:11 AM
"Indeed, there is the right of the strong, but that also applies to intellect, which this man Allion seems to lack." Marius says with a tone of disdain in his voice. He then turns to his party and says, "Well if we are doing introductions I am Marius vi Causar, nephew of the king and seventh in line to the throne as well as a paladin of the Shining Blade. Greetings to all of you. Also a hello to you in particular Damien, I believe we have met before at court."

2014-06-09, 11:15 AM
Damien looks a bit disappointed at Primus's explanation, but he nods in agreement, before turning to Marius.
"I thought I recognized you, Marius, but it has been a year, and the difference armor makes in someone's appearance is quite remarkable. Now, since no one else seems to have any questions, why don't we get moving?"

Damien heads over to the exit, clearly waiting for the others to come along.

2014-06-09, 11:17 AM
"Perhaps." Pewdrick says to Damien and turns to Kadira. "The problem is that Sir Allion doesn't seem to be a man who thinks ahead. His claim to deserve release came some time afterwards when he realized that he could make the argument. He continued to work as a Cycle Hunter for almost three years before the release. Perhaps someone else suggested it to him. Before Sir Allion tore the adviser apart for no apparent reason, I'd guess..."

"Anyway... It would take you a two or three days to reach Shoreline Castle by foot. Since it was a stop for traders, there are still roads heading there, so travel by a carriage would be a simple and speedy solution... You shouldn't have issues to get one, especially if you wave your badge around."

2014-06-09, 11:17 AM
Marius replies, "Yes indeed, it is the clothes that make the man or woman." and as he says this begins to head towards the exit as well.

Has everyone in the group spoken at least once, I haven't checked. I'd hate to leave before they get a chance to post

2014-06-09, 11:32 AM
Primus follow Damien to the exit but stop suddenly, "Ah!", he turns to Pewdrick, "You'll come with us? Or we just carry the tube and you pop up from time to time?".

2014-06-09, 01:41 PM
"What?" Pewdrick looks startled. "Oh no, gods no. The tubes can carry sound too, If we need to talk. I don't want to go through that thing again..."

2014-06-09, 01:50 PM
Damien, his attention drawn back to Pewdrick from his contemplation of the castle, looks over at him, and asks another question.
"Pewdrick, what are the other powers of the tubes?"

2014-06-09, 01:54 PM
Pewdrick thinks for a moment. "Well, we can divine on you through them, but we can do it on you anyway so it really doesn't matter, as long as it's not stolen or something. It's just to transfer stuff from place to place... No reason that sound can't be one of those stuffs, aye?" He laughs.

2014-06-09, 01:59 PM
"Other than communication, storing and travelling?", Primus add to Damien question, "also, one tube is for you and the other for us, right?"

2014-06-09, 02:00 PM
"Well, of course. The main point is for you to send in the items and get gold in return. Would be pointless if you got both ends on your side..."

2014-06-09, 02:01 PM
Damien thinks on this for a moment.
"If someone is badly injured, can we send them through, so that someone on your end might heal them, so they can come back?"

2014-06-09, 02:03 PM
Pewdrick frowns. "I guess you could, but you are supposed to be self sufficient and deal with your issues yourself. If you come, you won't be denied treatment, but I doubt it would help you impress Sunguise Larius..."

2014-06-09, 02:05 PM
Damien shrugs.
"Options are always good to have."

2014-06-09, 02:05 PM
"Well unless anybody needs to pick something up from the town, I suggest we leave to secure our castle."

2014-06-09, 02:07 PM
"Fair enough", Primus say looking at the tube, "anyway, i guess se better go before someone else claims the castle"

2014-06-09, 08:55 PM
Listening silently as the information about this castle was given, Talon watches as each member introduces themselves. Well I guess it is my turn now, its a good thing the high father choose to give me a name for this mission otherwise I would have nothing to say. Talon thinks to himself as he looks at all those gathered around and speaks up, after all he was not the last person to speak up. You may address me as Talon Ruddem. Talon says simply, before walking out of the estate, after all the wizard in the golden robes had said they should get going now before another had the same idea which was a logical way of looking at things, so why tally when they had a job to do. Introductions were pointless after all, all you needed to know is if you could count on the person besides you, there name meant nothing to the Stern lady.

2014-06-10, 05:57 AM
Damien marches out the door, talking along the way.
"We should locate either a carriage, or some horses. There will be a carriage house near the gates, so we can acquire mounts there, and cut a couple of days from our travel. We should pay for the mounts, but, since I, at least, lack the funds to do so, we will be using our badges to get them, and then either returning them with some gold, or purchasing them for ourselves on our return, if we are able to recover gold from the inner sanctum."

2014-06-10, 06:04 AM
"I do not need to purchase a horse, as I already have one," and as Marius says this he lets loose a sharp whistle which seems to ring across the planes. A circle of black flames erupts nearby and in the center emerges the skeletal warhorse, armed with a black leather saddle as dark as midnight itself, as well as grey travel bags. While no flesh remains, it still has a crimson-red mane, and where eyes should be instead are black pits which look like an abyss where no light may escape. "This is my mount, Aurelius. Aurelius, these people shall be our companions while we are the Cycle Sunguise's hunters."

2014-06-10, 06:09 AM
Damien looks surprised by the appearance of Aurelius, however, he also recognizes Hextor's power when he sees it, and so, he acts unimpressed.
"Impressive. However, unless you can repeat that trick for all of us, the rest of us will still need mounts. Hopefully, Your Aurelius won't scare them too much."

2014-06-10, 07:17 AM
Horse's why would they need horses? Could they not walk, oh wait mortals needed sleep, a distraction that slowed them down. Talon remembers as he watches the circle of black flames with close attention. When the skeletal horse appears he is more then thrilled as he walks up to the creature ignoring the rider as he goes around, seeming to investigate it. No not an animate undead spell as it appeared out of nowhere, perhaps a summon undead like I myself can use. But he said that he could ride this creature all day and that spell dose not last for long periods of time. Talon points out to himself as he goes over all the spells he had in his repertoire and not being able to find a single one, not even that he had heard of that could do what this creature was. May I touch Aurelius? Talon asks as he keeps on studying the creature before him, not even bother to look up for an answer as he pulls the horses skeletal face down to his ruby mask. Emerald green eyes staring into the empty pits.

Knowledge Arcane [roll0]
Knowledge religion [roll1]
Spellcraft [roll2]

All above rolls are generated towards the skeletal horse

If given permission to touch Aurelious the creature takes [roll3] negative energy (which would do nothing to an undead) as well as extending his necromantic presence (+4 against turn attempts)

Taking out a ruby easily worth a small fortune he shows it to Damien. We can acquire such a animal, however we much prefer one like his if available. Talon says pointing to Aurelious happily as he runs his gloved hand down the creatures face.

2014-06-10, 07:22 AM
"If Aurelius wishes for you to touch him, you may." replies Marius to the red-masked figure.

As Talon approaches Aurelius, the horse bows its head slightly as if motioning for him to come forward. When Talon looks into Aurelius' eyes he sees small movement in the vast darkness that inhabits the place where its eyes should be, as if thanking him for his gift of negative energy.

2014-06-10, 07:23 AM
Damien laughs, and claps Talon on the shoulder.
"Ah, such a mount wouldn't be easy to find. Pity, as they would be a lot more enduring. No, you'll probably need to settle for a more normal horse."

2014-06-10, 07:34 AM
Thank you for allowing me this small little exercise. You must be one blessed by the goddess to have such a steed, which temple did you come from as I never saw you at my own? Talon asks as he nods to Aurelius.

However Talon almost unleashes a burst of necrotic energy as he feels a hand on his shoulder, remembering at the last moment he was working with others. Then I will simply have to make one, yes it will give me much insight into the power of death, and the magic unleashed upon death. Talon says deep in thought as his mind already thinks of the experiments he could run. Also unless you are immune to negative energy I advise not touching me. I am not used to people yet, and my bodies normal reply to a touch is to unleash a barrage of negative energy. Talon explains so that this way their would be no accidents on their journey.

2014-06-10, 07:41 AM
Damien sighs at Talon's explanation, shaking his head.
"You might want to change that reaction. Wherever you came from, you are no longer surrounded by other undead, and a lot of people will react poorly to such a response."

2014-06-10, 07:48 AM
"Yes I am grateful to have Aurelius as my steed, he has been a loyal and true companion. However, and I mean no offense towards your goddess, Aurelius is not an envoy of her but of Hextor, whom Aurelius and I serve." and as he says this, a red seal depicting a bundle of arrows grasped by a hand glows upon Aurelius' forehead along with Marius' as well.

2014-06-10, 08:00 AM
As Damien explains that he is not around other undead anymore Talon tilts his ruby masked head to the side. I am the only undead in my entire church, and only as part of an experiment. Personal space is something we were taught to respect in the church of the Stern lady, whether it be in ones room or with their being, that would be why I asked Marius if I could place my hand upon Aurelius. Talon explains, not trying to sound rude, only explain what he was used to.

Watching as the red seal of Hextor appears above Marius and Aurelius head Talon seems to acknowledge there statement in silence. I see, so the Scourge of hell shall be having his own champions here as well. I have worked with your order before, as I am sure you know the Stern Lady and Hextor are not unknown to be allies when it comes to the law, I hope that the same can be said for us. Talon says, this had been the most talking he had done in a long time. Normally he spent much of his time in the church getting the bodies ready for burial.

2014-06-10, 08:06 AM
Damien continues to look disappointed.
"Talon, if you objected to being touched, you should have said so initially, instead of offering threats. Remember, you are a part of a contract, and I don't think that you really want to find out what happens if you violate that contract by attacking the other members of your group."

To Marius, Damien offers an approving nod.
"I see you made the right choice, although I thought that the Order of the Shining Blade was dedicated to Heironeous, not Hextor."
He smiles momentarily.
"You never did seem like the type to go for Heironeous. I'm glad to see that I was right about that."

2014-06-10, 08:10 AM
Marius gives a sly grin to Damien, "What the Order doesn't know won't hurt it, or rather it won't until we of Hextor claim leadership of the Order."

2014-06-10, 08:16 AM
Damien shakes his head.
"A goal, but it would likely be simpler to create a new order, and use them to destroy the Shining Blade. Still, if you think such a victory is possible, it would be the more fitting solution. I know little of that order."

2014-06-10, 08:19 AM
"While martial strength is truly just, so too also is strength of the mind. Sometimes it is better to conserve your physical strength and use your enemies' strength to accomplish your goals instead." "Plus," Marius says with a smile, "just think of the look of horror on those sanctimonious paladins' faces when they learn that their leadership is beholden to the Herald of Hell."

2014-06-10, 08:21 AM
"It would be amusing, although if you usually discuss this in public, I doubt that your cause is unknown to them. If you can show them the true path, then it will have been a quest well done. If you fail, well... you don't want to fail."

2014-06-10, 08:25 AM
"I only speak of this as we are all bound by oath not to bring harm to our fellow party members, and bringing word of this to the Order would surely bring harm to me." replies Marius, "so do not worry fellow brother in Hextor, we shall succeed."

Marius then turns to the rest of the group and says, "Now that Aurelius is here and well, I am ready to head to the castle; although if you need horses perhaps we should go to town first and procure some for you."

2014-06-10, 08:29 AM
"We will find some at a stables near the gate. I remember passing one near there, and with the right persuasion, I'm sure that the owner will be happy to lend them to us. Since we are ready to go, let's do so."
Damien continues walking along, heading towards the gate, looking for a stable or a livery along the way.

2014-06-10, 09:25 AM
Deciding to head over to the stables, Pewdrick calls a coach for you and you head out. The driver takes you to a decent looking place. Four horses stand under the stable and look at you from their feed, curious. A short tanned man with a neck almost as thick as his head glances at you shortly before approaching. "You came to buy horses, aye? Right place! I got these four lot here, fastest in the city they are. Trust me." He shows his crooked teeth, making a... Charming, smile. "Oh, your horse looks a bit sickly." He says, glancing at Aurelius. "I don't think I can sell you horses if you can't take care of them... You really ought to feed them from time to time. Or at least allow them to graze. They are quite self sufficient, really. This one looks like you starved in a basement for a year. Is it supposed to be so pale?"

2014-06-10, 09:29 AM
"Don't worry my good man, my mount is in perfect health. I treat it as if it were my own progeny." Marius says to the man with a smile, "Now as for my friends here, how much would it cost them to purchase some horses?"

Are we now in town or are we still on manor grounds?

2014-06-10, 09:33 AM
Damien looks over the horses. At his family's estate, a groom would handle that for him, but he doesn't see anything terribly wrong with the horses. Of course, that leaves him with the difficulty of paying for a horse when he doesn't have the gold for it.
He looks over the stablemaster, internally disgusted, but too well trained to show it. However, he remains silent for now, allowing the others to handle negotiations.

2014-06-10, 09:36 AM
The man looks at Aurelius suspiciously. "Well... It would pain me to part with my best. Ninety gold pieces for each of them would help... Alleviate some of that pain. Some. So... That's..." He seems to struggle. "Three hundred for the four, I think..." Four horses, ninety gold each, three hundred total. Of course!

2014-06-10, 09:37 AM
As the mortal known as Damien continues to misunderstand him, Talon inwardly wonders if as a mortal his mind had jumped to conclusions so quickly. It seemed so long ago since he had not spent time thinking about what he would say first. Damien is your name correct? Talon says turning to look at the one who had accused him of breaking his contract and threatening them. I stated that touching me could cause you harm if I am not aware you are going to do so. Much like how if you went up to a random stranger and did the same thing, the instant reaction would to be either to walk off, or strike. I understand your mind may work at a faster pace then my own and as such may see things unclearly, but I can assure you that was not a threat in any form or way. Perhaps if you ever study death itself and learn to work at death's pace you may understand what I say more clearly as you will have to slow your mind down so that you can see the world through a large spectrum instead of just the words heard, you will also see the meaning, as well as understand them threw the eyes of the one speaking them. Talon explains, hoping that this would clear everything up. After all they had all just meet and he rather not have the same relationship with those he traveled with as with the ones in the temple.

Arriving at the stables was a pleasant release from the stuffed confines of the carriage, all Talon wished to do was study Aurelius, however that was not an option at the moment. So being able to acquire his own such animal seemed the next logical action. Sir do you happen to have a white horse? And as to Aurelius, you do not find the creature to be a beauty? A mastery of death and magic combined? Talon asks the man, keeping their personal space between himself and all others in the room.

2014-06-10, 09:40 AM
Marius smiles at the man and says, "Surely you can lower the price a bit, we are travelers you see and do not have much coin. Perhaps sixty gold each would be acceptable?"


2014-06-10, 09:49 AM
Kadira smiled. On one hand, 300 for four riding horses was fair market price. On the other, it would not do for the group's reputation if they were found to have taken advantage of inadequate arithmetic. "Actually, four times ninety would be 360. We wouldn't want to take advantage of you like that. On the other hand, while these are fine horses, 90 would be a rather steep price. 300 for four would be more appropriate, but we do have other options. Is that your best offer?"

Appraise +7: [roll0]. Diplomacy +22: [roll1]

2014-06-10, 09:49 AM
Before the Stables
Damien continues to look disapproving of Talon's attitude. His voice is terse, clearly not accepting Talon's evasion.
"Yes, I am Damien. Why don't I explain. You are neglecting a few things in your explanation. I know a little about undead, and I know what you are. I also know that what you describe is not part of what you are. After all, if it was, I would have already felt the effects, which means that you are either weak, and unable to control your power, or you are choosing not to. Either way, you are offering a threat. Using a straw man argument in an attempt to excuse your actions does not change this. Especially when your argument has flaws beyond just it's nature. Why don't you stop treating me like a fool, and we can forget this?
Without another word, Damien strides off.

2014-06-10, 10:03 AM
The man is shocked by the drastic request of Marius but as Kadira speaks, he seems diffused by embarrassment. "Well... I guess... I could lower it... A bit... Ten gold pieces less for each horse... Then if together they cost three hundred... That would..." His face reddens with effort and further embarrassment.

2014-06-10, 10:06 AM
"I shall leave this in your more capable and experienced hands then Kadira, I shall be back shortly" Marius says with a smile as he and Aurelius trot towards the blacksmith in town.

2014-06-10, 10:08 AM
"260," Kadira says helpfully. "A very fair price, sir, thank you."

2014-06-10, 10:38 AM
Kadira pays the man herself, for all four horses.

2014-06-10, 10:45 AM
When Marius arrives in front of the smithy, he gets off of Aurelius, and asks him to wait outside. Marius then walks into the blacksmith shop, looks for the blacksmith and when he has his attention says, "Tell me sir, do you create most of your work based on contract or do you smith a certain amount of weapons per day and thus have a surplus?"

2014-06-10, 10:52 AM
Damien nods to Kadira.
"Thank you, Lady Kadira, for your consideration. I'll repay you at a later date."
A thought crosses his mind, and he looks to the stablemaster, his gaze focused.
"Saddles are included, aren't they?"

This is being said by a 6'2", heavily muscled fellow in black plate, with several weapons, and spiked gauntlets. It's not really meant as being intimidating, but the stablemaster might take it that way as well.

2014-06-10, 11:37 AM
The man looks horrified by another error. "Please sir, equipment isn't included... I already gave you a discount..."

The blacksmith, a dwarf that lacks any features besides being almost a paragon of dwarfiness due to the DM posting from his not-quite-smartphone, oh no, immersion is broken, nods at Marius. "Aye, contract work it is."

2014-06-10, 11:40 AM
"Hmm I was hoping you had a surplus of weapons after each month. Do you know if any blacksmith operates in a similar fashion to say an alchemy shop where there is a surplus, or is this how all blacksmiths work?" asks Marius politely.

2014-06-10, 11:49 AM
"Aye, all of us. We have pretty strict quotas so we rarely work for anyone besides the City Watch or the Sunguise and his men"

2014-06-10, 11:55 AM
Marius begins to leave but as he does he says to the blacksmith, "Well if you ever end up with extra weapons on your hands for whatever reason, contact me and I'll take them off your hands and make it worth your while. Inform all the other men of your craft this offer as well. My name is Marius, remember it well." and upon saying that he leaves and gets back on Aurelius, returning to where he last left the party.

2014-06-10, 12:49 PM
Suddenly, a small man rushes towards you - or rather a halfling - completely out of breath. He leans on his gnarly stick for a moment, filling his lungs with air. You all notice the badge of the Hunters proudly pinned to his chest. He smiles, puts his headband back on straight and pulls a wooden pipe from his pocket:

" **huff huff** thank farlanghn for divination magic... i found you ! I overslept and missed the reunion this morning... luckily, Pewdrick filled me in and here I am! We'll need a poney. I understand you are paying, sweet madam? Milos is the name, and i am one lucky bastard. Travelling with me will assure us good fortune! Let's raid this castle, folks!"

Milos plants his staff firmly in the ground and draws a sparker from his pocket. He lights his pipe and inhales.

Ps: im writing from my phone so i cant use colors and stuff. Im working at summer camp so the best i can do is text from my phone. During my days off my posts will look nicer!

2014-06-10, 01:00 PM
Marius returns just in time on Aurelius to see Milos introduce himself to the group, "Welcome Milos, my name is Marius vi Causar, a pleasure to meet you. Hopefully you truly are lucky, for we will need all the luck we can get in our travels I believe"

2014-06-10, 01:07 PM
A halfling? And part of the group? But late. Hopefully, that won't be habit forming.
Still, despite his dissenting thoughts, Damien nods in acknowledgement of Milos's presence.
"Greetings Milos. I am Sir Damien of Longhall. If you are that lucky, it could prove to be very helpful."

He turns back to the stablemaster.
"Now, do you have saddles available?"

2014-06-10, 01:22 PM
"You are not so fortunate if you can't afford your own mount," Kadira comments dryly. "Or did you mean that you have been fortunate in the past because your previous colleagues have been fools easily plundered by a smile?" She offers a amused smile of her own.

To the stablemaster she says, "Gear for the four horses, then. What price each?"

[roll0] Haggle for gear, if roll-playing would save time.

ETA: Internet came back, on laptop again now :) .

2014-06-10, 01:54 PM
The stablemaster looks at the halfling and after a moment his eyes go wide. "A pony, yes, of course. Don't worry yourself, they already paid for it. And saddles. I'll also throw in feed for your mounts. The thin one too! A week worth, yes?" He speaks quickly, hus eyes darting towards the badge Milos carries in the open.

2014-06-10, 02:02 PM
Damien just looks a little sad at the reaction.
Terrified slaves are one thing, but willing followers always seem to offer better support for less than terrified ones do in the long term. Then again, no one ever seems to think in the long term.

2014-06-10, 02:22 PM
To Talon at the "stop touching me" scene:
"Many spells I cast will require me to touch you. Also I have no way of healing you, since you're an undead...", he thinks for a moment, "But once I have time I'll make sure to learn some. Ah! And dont you worry, I can select who I affect by the weave, so I can heal everybody minus you, to avoid causing you any harm"

At the table shop
Primus was ready to correct the dumb stablemaster when Kadira did it, "She seems interesting", he thinks to himself and when she offer to pay for all of them he hands to her 65 gold coins, "Let me pay for my horse, please?".

When Milos arrive
"Good thing you made it in time, I'm Primus Silverjeba", the elf librarian shake the halfling hand, "Tomorrow I'll put you in the weave, unless everyone wants to take the ten minutes process again"

2014-06-10, 02:39 PM
"Don't trouble yourselves for me, i'll wait for this weave-thing you speak of"

Milos then curls a sly lip to kadira:

"Told you. Luck is never far from my step. The man says you've already payed for my pony."

He winks to the woman, empties his ashes on the floor and pockets the pipe.

"I hate to waste such good tobacco, but I think we're done here. Let's ride, and may Farlanghn guide our steps."

To the stablemaster:

"Thank you for your... kindness"

He proceeds to clumsily mount his poney, the effort making him blush somewhat.

2014-06-10, 02:42 PM
"Well then, now that we all have our mounts shall we depart?" asks Marius to the party at large.

2014-06-10, 02:43 PM
Damien watches Milos's struggles with humor.
"Milos, you might find it easier once you put on a saddle."
He looks back to the stablemaster.
"Stablemaster, might you be able to get the saddles onto the horses? I'm sure that everyone not familiar with horses will be watching, so that they can duplicate the feat tomorrow."

2014-06-10, 02:46 PM
"Of course, of course...Followers of Farlagnhn prefer the foot to the hoof... that is all" answers Milos shyly while dismounting

2014-06-10, 03:15 PM
Kadira sighs when the pin is noticed. When everyone has their gear and is leaving the stable, she lags behind to speak again to the merchant. "Worry not, good man. Not all of us have forgotten where we came from. You deserve payment for your goods. Name a fair price and I shall pay it."

Outside, after she has finished the transaction and rejoined the others, she makes no mention of the additional expense, but graciously accepts Primus's repayment and Damien's promise of same.

She saddles her own horse and mounts with ease. She's obviously no expert, but just as obviously she has ridden before.

2014-06-10, 04:06 PM
"If anyone can help me with this saddle I would be very grateful... I dont leave the library taht much and never bothered learning to ride, but I guess...", he look his mount, "I guess it will be like some sort of adventure, right?".

The librarian then wait for the saddles to be purchased and will pay for his and, with the help of somebody, he'll mount the horse.

"I guess I'll call him... Number One. Seems like a good name for it. Hopefully if it survive I wont have to name another Number Two".

Mounted and ready, Primus take 10 minutes redoing his weave to add Milos to it, "Ok, now we can leave, sorry for taking your time".

2014-06-11, 12:13 AM
As the one known as Primus tells him many of his spells will require him to touch him Talon thinks for a moment. If it is needed I can see the breach of space to be acceptable. As for healing, I have many ways to do so on my own so it should not be necessary thank you though. Talon says bowing his head to him as he lets the human bicker on, after all he was above such things. Let him think he had won the battle.

Once at the stable Talon was about to pull out his ruby when Kadira happily paid for everyone steed. I thank you Kadira, though I had the money for such an interaction I see that you are trying to build bonds of trust and friendship with others is that correct? Talon asks as he looks up from a book in his hand describing the anatomy of a horse, reaching into a bag on the side of him he pulls out a ruby worth 400gp. Please take the price of the saddles and food out of this. Their is no need to treat any of us any different because we are hunters stable master. Talon says to the man as he looks to the halfling wondering how a badge on such a small person could make the man so afraid.

Once everything had been purchased Talon looks to the saddle and watches what everyone else is doing, however for the life of him he can not seem to get it on right. Noting how kind Kadira and Marius had been so far he calls out to the two of them. And if either one of you could also help me with my own saddle it would be appreciated. I will try to take notes and learn so you do not need to do so for long. Talon says taking note of who helps him to repay at a later time.

2014-06-11, 12:37 AM
Realizing the he was perhaps one of the more experienced riders in the group Marius helps Talon and Milos saddle their horses, and shows them how to do it so they can repeat it if need be. Upon doing this he gets back onto Aurelius and the pair began sauntering forwards, waiting for the others to follow. However not even 5m go by when he realizes he hasn't gotten any supplies for the journey and says, "It appears to have slipped my mind but I do think that before we go of to the castle we may want to get some form of supplies for our journey, unless any of you has to ability to conjure such supplies as food and water for the group? While Aurelius does not need any sustenance, I however am mortal and therefore do"

2014-06-11, 12:42 AM
"Oh, no, I cannot!" The man exclaims, shocked by your insistence to pay, considering how moments ago you tried to avoid that as much as possible. "The city being so close to the Court, we get most of the work from the Sunguise." He explains. "It more than covers anything his valued Cycle Hunters need. If I took any more than I already did, I would have to flail myself for such greed and ingratitude!" He laughs. "If you want to pay me back, just treat my horses well and if anyone asks, you think Trock's Horseshoe is the bestest place for all your mount needs."

2014-06-11, 01:14 AM
"The best place to get mounts? Sounds fair", Primus say to the man as he leaves.

As they stride away and Marius remember about food stuff, Primus tell him, "I cant bring food to existence, so we better buying some week worth of food at least", and then he ride to some market where they could get food and water.

Primus will buy himself food and water for about 10 days

2014-06-11, 06:03 AM
Damien easily gets on his horse(Although the horse winces), and heads out with the others.
When they are discussing supplies, Damien speaks up.
"I have supplies enough for myself, but they wouldn't last long if everyone was using them."
Looking down at the horse beneath him, he also adds in another thought.
"It makes sense for someone else's horse to carry some of my gear, as I mine can't go very fast with it."

2014-06-11, 08:42 AM
"Aurelius is preternaturally strong in comparison to mortal horses, so I can lighten your load a bit Damien. Also I hate to mention it but the Order sent me here with no money so unless you guys are fine with me mentally compelling a shopkeep to give me supplies, I may have to borrow some money." says Marius.

2014-06-11, 09:10 AM
Riding on the poor horse, Damien takes off his pack, and passes it to Marius, so that Aurelius can carry it. Damien passes it easily, almost effortlessly, although it seems somewhat heavy(About 30 pounds).
"That will speed things along. I can give you some gold, although I don't have much. Supplies for a few days should be fairly cheap. I'll meet everyone at the gate, and then we can begin our journey."
Damien flips a gold coin to Marius as he turns to leave. His horse seems much happier about the weight(Going from around 320 to 290)

2014-06-11, 10:23 AM
(On phone)

Primus look at his partners and decide to bid farewell to his máster before leaving and simply says, "I'll buy some rations and other stuff for adventuring, camping etc. Aldo want to say goodbye to my master. I'll meet you all at the gate in a few minutes", saying that he rush to Euclides' state, but not before going in a few shops to supply stuff: he was leaving the city with his robe and frimoire only. Had he not see Marius' heavy burden he would probably end up sleeping on the grass.

Bedroll, winter blanket, 10 candles, Scroll case (with 20 paper sheet), Flint and Steel, 2 Vials of Ink, Inkpen, Pouch belt, Sewing Needle, Waterskin, 2 Torches, Ration (7 days), Traveler's Outfit, Backpack, Soap (1lb)

Once in his master presence, Primus bow respectfully to him, "I came here to say goodbye and to thank you for all you taught me. Once i get the opportunity I'll sendo to you to ler you know how I'm doing", he then pause before smiling at him, "Also wantes to borrow a few books to keep my mind sharp if you dont mind".

He'll depart to the gate to meet the others after these two tasks are complete.

2014-06-11, 11:00 AM
Milos strikes a dramatic pose, one hand on his heart:
"Friends, do not worry. Through my magic, Farlanghn will supply us with all the food and water we need for as long as we are on the road! A son of the god of travel would never allow for his companions to be hungry while roaming His holy ground! Let us leave, i am growing eager to commence this voyage"

2014-06-11, 11:02 AM
Marius thanks Damien for the gold piece, but upon hearing Milos state that their concerns will be provided for, he returns the coin to Damien and prepares to set out.

2014-06-11, 11:15 AM
Kadira helps those who need help with their mounts, being careful not to touch Talon. She does not participate in the discussion about food. She's ready to leave but makes no effort to hurry the others.

2014-06-11, 11:31 AM
Once all of his new companions arrive at the gate, Damien nods in approval, before he turns his horse, and sets out, knowing that the others would be following.

2014-06-11, 11:32 AM
It takes some time to buy everything Primus thought it was necessary to have to adventure.
He then rush back to the gate, afraid the party would have be impatiant for his delay, "Done! I've everything I need now, can we?"

2014-06-11, 11:34 AM
"Not at all friend, it's better to wait a short time for an ally, than to go on an adventure one member lighter." Marius and Aurelius then begin heading down the road along with the rest of the party.

2014-06-11, 11:41 AM
"Wise words, wise words", Primus ride behind them as he look at the others in the group.

"Sooooo", he says looking at Kadira, "What you guys can do? As I said I can cast both arcane and divine spells to affect everybody, like this", he gesture his hand they all feel a little ward protecting them, if only for a few seconds.


2014-06-11, 11:54 AM
Assuming that the mage, Primus, was addressing everyone, Damien answers with his deep voice, although his explanation is a bit short, he feels that it covers things reasonably well..
"Hextor aids me in battle, and I am skilled without that aid."

2014-06-11, 11:57 AM
"I am sanctified by Hextor himself and in his service I have been given the directive to rule. I also have the ability to manifest powers through force of mind alone." replies Marius to Primus.

2014-06-11, 12:16 PM
"Once battle comes, you wont be aided only by Hextor, but by me too as well", Primus says before quickly adding, "Not that my aid can be compared to any deity, of course. I for one pray to Boccob"

2014-06-11, 12:16 PM
Kadira grins, her ice-blue eyes twinkling. "I kill things," she says.

2014-06-11, 12:19 PM
"Hmmm... Which metodes you use? I ask that because I need to know which spells should I prepare to better enhance everybody's strenght", the elven with golden hair says meeting her gaze and smiling.

2014-06-11, 12:26 PM
Kadira's rapier leaps into her hand, seemingly of its own volition. "Mostly this," she says. "But, to your point, spells to enhance my agility would mostly be redundant to my own."

She returns her rapier to its scabbard.

2014-06-11, 12:29 PM
"What about one to grant armor without hindering you?", he says before even checking if she was using any armor at all, "Who would benefit from that?"

2014-06-11, 12:42 PM
Kadira shrugs, with another easy grin. "Well, if you cast it, I don't have to."

2014-06-11, 01:08 PM
Damien just glances at the mage as he asks about conjuring armor, and shakes his head. The chances of the mage being able to summon better armor than what his father had provided was minimal.

2014-06-11, 02:07 PM
"I'll be protecting me with it, that's for sure", Primus say and then looking at Damien, "And this armor you wear wont stop ghost's attacks or other enemies like shadows or wraiths. Mine will and you wont even need to take your off for it to work aggainst incoporeal threats".

2014-06-11, 02:12 PM
Damien shrugs.
My armor might not help against such enemies, but Hextor will.

2014-06-11, 02:54 PM
"I can conjure my own additional armor, so you need not worry about using your magics on me." says Marius, "Furthermore if that silver tongue of yours doesn't work on a particular person, I am specialized in using my abilities to compel them to obey us."

2014-06-11, 06:17 PM
"By Farlangnhs favorite walking stick! You people seem a little bit stiff... i'll make sure to conjure up as much ale as possible unless i want this voyage to be quite harsh... anyways, i pray the god of roads, as you probably all know by now... and well, i know how to make myself useful and not be a burden to others. Oh! And this is Loom. He brings misfortune to my enemies."

A shape suddenly detaches itself from Milos' shadow. You all feel a strange chill and, for a short second, you feel as though unfathomable cosmic forces have suddenly decided to side against you... for a second, you all see the haunting visage of failure. But the weird sensation quickly subsides as the blurry shape takes form: a reptilian form made of shadow... of shadow and something... stranger... inexplicable... something primeval. The shape sinks again into the shadow...

"Yep! Says Milos with a proud grin. I also have a creepy-crawly!"

2014-06-11, 06:31 PM
Damien continues on stoically, hoping that the halfling would stop. They'd only been moving for five minutes, and he still hadn't talked about anything important, or stopped. Then something strange happened, an odd feeling, an unnatural feeling, a feeling that everything he did was doomed to failure, something that he had never really experienced. And then, just as fast, it was gone.
He immediately glares at Milos.
"What was that?"
He seems quite angry.

2014-06-11, 06:35 PM
"Calm, Damien, our friend here is just showing of an ally of his own. It is no more unnatural than ones familiar or Aurelius here" he says as he pats the side of Aurelius' head. "Now Milos, does your "creepy crawlly" have a name?"

Irkus check out the OOC thread and post there and join the party :P

2014-06-11, 07:09 PM
"I think the name is Loom...", the librarian tell Marius before adding, "Also, it dont take any extra effort for me to create armor for you".

2014-06-11, 08:26 PM
As talk about food is brought up Talon stays silent, after all he was not effected by mortal worries like food, he could go on long after them not even needing to sleep in fact, a problem that bothered him as who would he talk to at night as all others slept? Its not like he could randomly ask people to stay awake, he knew mortals needed rest, perhaps he would have time then to study more from his books about anatomy, as well as find some reading material on those with him. Talon then hears Mariuses dilemma and once more pulls out his ruby. If it is needed we can provide you with coin, in return for the ability to spend more time with Aurelius, after all I find him interesting, and perhaps when I learn a bit more I would like to try a few experiments on him if the two of you were willing of course. Nothing that should harm him, but in fact make him stronger.

Talon then listens and watches as Primus seems to leave the group for a short amount of time, why he had not said his goodbyes already was odd, but then again he perhaps was not used to leaving his tower, something Talon could respect in a way as it meant he was trying to learn new magic that the stern lady could then use and teach, he would have to keep an eye on that one though to make sure he did not wander from her path. With those thoughts in mind he turns around and almost bumps into Milos who seemed to be doing a dramatic pose. The gesture was kind, and so Talon stayed silent even though he did not eat, he to was eager however to set out to claim this castle.

As Primus asks about everyone's abilities Talon thinks for a moment, listening to what others revealed before speaking himself. Talon only really begins to take notice as the one he thought to be the clown in the group calls forth a power from his shadows that seems to bring misfortune. Very interesting here I thought abilities like that no longer effected me. It seems the dead are as susceptible as the living are to this. It will come in handy no doubt. Talon then notices the anger the knight of Hextor seems to show at the effects of the creature and he can not help but smile under his ruby mask, unseen by all. Well it seems it has become my turn. Let me first explain that with a single touch I can transfer negative energy to another, and if surrounded by enemies I can instead let loose a burst of such energy. I advise not being near it when it goes off. I have above average abilities in combat, though I would not compare myself to any of the others when it comes to close range combat. My abilities focus more on aiding those that are around me, while decreasing our enemies resistance and ways to fight us. Also Primus if you could use such a spell on me it would be greatly appreciated, as while I have the ability to shroud myself in an armor made of bones that damages my foes, it is always better to not be hit at all.

2014-06-11, 09:26 PM
Milos stares at the ruby-masked man, his head slightly leaning on the left, a puzzled look on his face... *something about this guy is off... the way he speaks... the way he moves... what is he? * thinks the halfling.

2014-06-11, 11:25 PM
"Sure. My Mage Armor spell last for 5 hours so once we leave the city I'll cast it and protect everyone", he then think a little, "Or should I cast when battle begins only? That would leave us vulnerable for ambush, but would... maybe... be more efficient?", his look turn vague as his mind is lost somewhere in thoughts and he ignore the people around him, daydreaming.

2014-06-11, 11:34 PM
Talon thinks for a moment pondering his lessons under the strict teachers of Wee Jas and what they had said about spells of that nature. After all even though he was a natural at necromancy and could mostly on cast such spells, did not mean he was not interested in other schools of magic. I believe it would be wiset to cast it in the middle of the day each day when the sun is at it highest, this way all those who would attack us besides perhaps wild beasts would be awake by then and looking for people to attack until the sun goes down. Talon says as he thinks that that would leave around a two hour gap before the sun went down each day, but as one needed to find a suitable campsite for the night, as well as set up the camp with luck it would only take leave them an hour of being unprotected. After all once the camp was set up they would be able to take shifts watching throughout the night.

2014-06-12, 07:39 AM
Saddling your horses and making sure you won't need to worry about supplies for the way, you head out, chatting or being awkwardly silent, whatever. Not much time passes, no really, you haven't even cleared the farmlands surrounding the city, when you see about half a dozen kids hitting a large rock by the road. With sticks, even!

Wait, that's no rock. That's an ogre, curled up and... Whimpering? Yeah, he's whimpering. The kids laugh and shout, insulting him and calling him ugly and a porcupine sniffer. Kids these days...

2014-06-12, 07:44 AM
Damien looks at the strange scene as he continues to ride along the path. If the ogre chooses not to resist, who was he to interfere?

2014-06-12, 09:14 AM
Milos laughs:

"If all the ogres put up such a fight, perhaps cleaning the castle will prove easier than we thought. Perhaps the beasts will be open to discussion and no blood shall need be spilled!"

The ridicule of his idea makes him laugh some more:

"Could you imagine that? Having a nice calm chat with a band of ogres... those things are supposed to be fierce... anyone have an idea as to what is going on here?"

2014-06-12, 09:19 AM
Damien shrugs, clearly not caring too much about it.
"It looks like a remarkably pathetic ogre to me. If it doesn't try to defend itself, why should we intervene?"

2014-06-12, 09:25 AM
Marius looks upon the ogre with distain at this weak being and says," I concur with Damien, why would we help such a weak creature. The gods help those who help themselves, if someone is to make their way in this world it must be on their own merits."

2014-06-12, 09:41 AM
Damien's thought processes continue to advance, at which point he asks another question.
"On the other hand, we are a long way from that castle, and the ogres were cleared out of there, so where did this fellow come from."

With that thought vocalized, Damien shouts over to the kids.
"Hey, Kids! Where did that ogre come from?"

2014-06-12, 09:43 AM
The kids turn to look at Damien, all big and clad in armor. "From your butt!" One of them exclaims and they laugh.

2014-06-12, 09:52 AM
Interesting. These, then, are not normal children. Either that, or ogres are quite common in the area. We can ask questions in the nearby town, as children with that attitude will not provide useful information. Getting information would require the application of force, which would cause problems later on, and it would be suspect.

Damien just shakes his head, and keeps on moving, before speaking to the others somewhat loudly.
"Looks like they don't know anything useful. Not surprising."

2014-06-12, 11:34 AM
"Go back to the hole you came from, you coal knight!" One of the kids calls out to Damien and sticks his tongue out.

"And feed your horse, you moron." Another shouts at Marius. Satisfied, they go back to hitting the ogre.

2014-06-12, 11:35 AM
Damien ignores them.

2014-06-12, 11:37 AM
Marius too ignores the impudent brats. "Perhaps the ogre itself can tell us, although I doubt it has the presence of mind to tell us in this state, one moment please." says Marius as his eyes begin to glow with an otherworldy purple tinge as he looks at the ogre. He then says,"Ogre why don't you rise up and tell us where you are from."

He uses Psionic Suggestion on the ogre, Spell DC of 14 against will and my aura of fear lowers all saves by -2

2014-06-12, 11:46 AM
Tje ogre, resisting the suggestion, stops whimpering and rises to his full height, glaring. "Hey, we're not done with you!" The kids exclaim and hit his knees.

Ignoring them, the ogre speaks in bad common. "No home. Travel."

2014-06-12, 11:49 AM
"Where did you originally come from? Do you know if any other ogres live in the Shoreline Castle?" Marius asks the ogre.

Resists my suggestion but still follows it? works for me :P

2014-06-12, 02:04 PM
"I know no ogres." The ogre says simply. "I don't talk about I to unproven strength. I follow you until strength proven, then fight. If fight good, talk. No choice. I follow. No slow, no trouble."

2014-06-12, 02:10 PM
"Then you shall follow me until I prove my strength? Excellent. Now you kids should go back to your home and learn to not disrespect your betters, now begone!" says Marius imperiously to the ogre and then to the children.


2014-06-12, 02:12 PM
If that's his attitude, why did he let those kids beat him up.

2014-06-12, 02:14 PM
Marius whispers to the group "I wonder why he had that attitude and allowed the children to beat him. Perhaps they were the strongest individuals he met so far? We don't know how long he's been in this area."

Sorry thought you were whispering it to me, edited it so it sounds reasonable

2014-06-12, 02:15 PM
Damien looks over at Marius, and whispers back.
"Marius, I doubt that you believe that any more than I do. We won't know until the ogre talks."

2014-06-12, 02:23 PM
Primus watch the strange attitude of the ogre and the kids.
At least the ogre didnt slaughtered the kids, so Primus was ok with it.

As Marius says tot he ogre to follow them then, he rise his brow.
"As long as he can see strenght in things other than muscles...", then he get a brilliant idea.

Doing some gestures he cast a simple cantrip to allow him to whisper to Marius and Damien and to hear them whispering back.
"Maybe we could instead of killing all the ogres in the castle, if there are any ogres there, we could convince them to protect it and be some kind of personal army"

You can whisper messages and receive whispered replies with little chance of being overheard. You point your finger at each creature you want to receive the message. When you whisper, the whispered message is audible to all targeted creatures within range. Magical silence, 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal (or a thin sheet of lead), or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks the spell. The message does not have to travel in a straight line. It can circumvent a barrier if there is an open path between you and the subject, and the path's entire length lies within the spell's range. The creatures that receive the message can whisper a reply that you hear. The spell transmits sound, not meaning. It doesn't transcend language barriers.
Note: To speak a message, you must mouth the words and whisper, possibly allowing observers the opportunity to read your lips.

2014-06-12, 02:25 PM
Kadira just watched the entire scene with bemusement.

2014-06-12, 02:26 PM
When Primus's message comes in, Damien considers for a moment, before replying.
"They would be more useful as soldiers than as guards, as I wouldn't trust them to not betray us at a later date."

2014-06-12, 02:31 PM
"Well," Marius replies via the message spell, "if all ogres follow based on strength then we could reply on their loyalty as long as they view us as powerful mages and warriors. Many honor guards throughout history worked on that principle I might add. Furthermore our mission is to set up a power base, not simply capture a castle, so getting guards who do not require coin but instead follow us loyally would be vastly preferable to those with pecuniary tendencies."

2014-06-12, 02:34 PM
Damien continues whispering to the group.
"I'm not saying that they would be useless, but I would prefer to have men that I trust around, to counterbalance them. As I mentioned before, I'm sure that my father could supply us with servants, and I can identify some of the spies that would be among them."

2014-06-12, 02:36 PM
"No offense to your lord father, but I find the nobility always sends followers most loyal to the lord, not the lordling so the men your father sends would be loyal to him, not you or us." whispered Marius, "personally I would like to start a new power base, without the influence of my family."

2014-06-12, 02:39 PM
Damien continues to whisper.
"Oh, I've got no doubt that he will send men loyal to him. However, I also don't have any concerns with that, as I have no intentions of betraying him, and if I did, I certainly wouldn't do it from here. We would also have ogres, and any others we recruit. I would like to hand my son greater power than what my father hands me, and he wants to hand me more than what his father handed him."

2014-06-12, 02:42 PM
"Very well, I at least will agree that your father can send some of his servants to aide us, but if it is acceptable to you I would like for them to be limited it number. This is no slight against your father or you, nor do I plan to betray you, but given that we said we would allow your father to manage our estate while we are away, I would like to not put too much power in the hand of one individual party member." replied Marius.

2014-06-12, 02:46 PM
"I can understand that, however, we all signed the contract. For now, we are very much allies. Before we really get into discussing distribution of power, we should claim what we are discussing. That reminds me of a group of bandits we wiped out. They were planning a raid, but before we could attack, they got so worked up about splitting the loot they started fighting each other. By the time we decided to move, there were only three survivors out of the 72 bandits. That was the easiest fight in my life."

2014-06-12, 02:49 PM
Marius then announces outloud to both the party and ogre, "Then let us then on forward and continue our journey, ogre you may walk beside Aurelius and I." and upon saying this Aurelius begins to move forward.

2014-06-12, 02:51 PM
Damien gets his mount moving again as well.

2014-06-12, 02:55 PM
The ogre shakes his head. "I walk behind. You use magic on my mind. You use magic to talk secret. I no trust, watch you."

2014-06-12, 02:57 PM
Damien laughs. Once he has calmed down, he slows down until he is behind the ogre.
"You can walk behind them Marius if you want to, but you won't be in the rear. You are unarmored, and we just met you."

2014-06-12, 02:58 PM
"Very well, you'll walk behind me. If it makes any difference the magic I used to communicate with my allies was not in any slight on you but in relation to the children." Marius says with a slight smile

Diplomacy: [roll0] not really trying to convince him to do anything, just see me in a slightly friendlier light

2014-06-12, 03:14 PM
"No difference. Secret is lie, secret is disrespect. No honor." The ogre says and looks at Damien. "I honor. No fight until see strong. Swear on master." He says and raises his hands. You see a broken pair of manacles around his hands with a key in one of them. The ogre removes they key and the chains suddenly link to each other, restricting the ogre. He offers the key to Damien. "I no lie, you no betray, no trouble. Only request, walk behind." He insists.

"We're not done with it!" The kids whine.

2014-06-12, 03:19 PM
"I guess that so too. We are working for ourselves, not for anyone's family... Except for the Sunguise that is", he whisper to them before speaking outloud to the ogre, "Hey, ogre! What's your name? If you plan on following us we should use your name. I'm Primus"

2014-06-12, 03:22 PM
Marius looks at the children with a look of annoyance, "Didn't I tell you lot to return back to your families? Obey and leave now, the ogre is no longer your concern." and then turns to the ogre and says, "I'm sorry you feel betrayed friend, I hope to regain your trust and assure your loyalty. My name is Marius vi Causar and my mount's name is Aurelius."

2014-06-12, 03:22 PM
Damien takes the key.
"That is acceptable, Ogre. Children, you are done with the ogre. Unless you would like to discuss it with me?"
That last sentence rolls off of his tongue with palpable menace, and Damien grips the handle of his rather nasty looking flail as well.
[roll0] intimidate(Possible +4 for size)

2014-06-12, 04:47 PM
"You... You're just talk!" The kid says to Damien, but his voice shaky and unsure. "You wouldn't touch us!" He says.

"Let that sh*t crawl back up the butt it came out off!" Declares another kid and the group runs off.

The ogre, ignoring the exchange, speaks. "No name, but master called me Knight..."

2014-06-12, 04:50 PM
"Well Knight, it is a pleasure to meet you. Now is everyone ready to depart?" asks Marius to the party and Knight.

Upon receiving confirmation from the party, Marius continues onward with Aurelius.

2014-06-12, 04:55 PM
"I've been ready. Let's go."
And with that, he continues moving along.

2014-06-12, 05:03 PM
"Who was your master, Knight?" Kadira asks, carefully riding in front of the ogre as he requested.

"Any why were you allowing those children to hit you?"

2014-06-12, 05:23 PM
"Master was good. Tell more if prove strength." Knight says. "Weak can't hurt my body or honor. No honor in attacking weak. Master taught to only fight strong, not weak. My honor in my mind, others think doesn't matter. Kids do what kids want, doesn't matter."

2014-06-12, 05:42 PM
"Your master was wise," says Kadira, and leaves it at that.

2014-06-12, 05:47 PM
"Perhaps, but it is better to show the weak their place than to allow them to believe they have power. Some are simply fit only to be ruled, such is the way of the world." says Marius in a voice sounding as cold as the dark void of space itself.

2014-06-12, 05:56 PM
"I no teacher. Weak no matter to me. They act and think how they want." The ogre says.

2014-06-12, 07:57 PM
Talon was a bit surprised when he looked up from the book in his hand at the sound of whimpering, thinking it was coming from someone close to them or something else, however when off in the distance he sees a half dozen kids hitting an orge with a stick he becomes extremely confused. After all the thing could probably eat them all if it really wanted to, so the fact it was allowing them to attack it without retaliation was enough to give pause, as he folded over the tip of the page he was on before putting it away, looking as he did so to see if any of the others had taken notice.

Listening to the replies of those he was with Talon became increasingly happy their was a contract forcing them to keep him alive and not kill him.Did you ever think perhaps he is choosing not to attack? By retaliating against the children he knows that someone will be sent to kill him. So instead of looking for death he instead allows the children to beat on him until they all grow tired of it and leave. He could very well after all just be pretending to be hurt to make them lose interest faster. After all a child beating a confident defiant orge is a story of legends, but a child beating a sniveling one, not so much. Talon points out to Marius, Milos, and Damien as he begins to think of the laws that dictated the road and its travelers, after all attacking someone for no reason would be against the law, and children or not they would learn not to break it.

Sitting back Talon notes then that Damien asks the children where the orge had come from and their reply being his butt, while amusing as it was, Talon knew that a remark like that could easily set the knight off, and began to wounder what he would do. However to his surprise Damien ignores them and keeps riding, talking about how the kids knew nothing useful. Could he read minds? Soon however things started turning ugly as they moved from Damien to Marius and his steed as well. Noting his glowing eyes, Talon gets ready to step in when he hears the words come out of Marius's mouth and the not to surprising reply from the orge. Did I not tell you that very same thing? That he was simply pretending for them. Talon points out as he keeps his longsword sheathed, confident the orge or children would not attack them.

Watching from atop his white horse as the orge tells them he would follow until strength was proven, but not talk until it was he tries to think of what it could mean. Sure there was the obvious answer, however he felt the orge was talking about a different kind of strength then the kind Marius and Damien possessed. Noting Primus taking the same kind of approach as his own Talon looks to the orge and for the first time speaks directly to it. And what kind of strength would you like us to prove. It is clear you have a strong mind, as well as endurance. And by your very race you are naturally physically strong. All are strengths. However there are many different forms of strength, as well as applications of it, to prove to you our strength, we must first know which strength you would like us to prove. From a normal orge I would expect physical strength, however you are not normal are you. Talon calls out to the orge from atop his steed, still behind the two much larger members of the group with them.

Talon then notes Damien, Marius, and Primus whispering as if to each other. As time ticks on and the three seem to continue to keep all the others waiting, not knowing what they were talking about Talon starts to grow impatient, after all this was a group matter they were not alone somewhere split off from the rest of us. Then finally after what seemed like ages Talon looks to Marius as he addresses the orge, telling it, as if it were a pet, that it could walk besides him. However the orge was no fool as he stated he would not walk besides a man who had used magic to try and control his mind, followed by magic to talk in secret. So he caught onto it as well then. Perhaps then you would not mind walking with myself? Talon asks the orge, not demanding or telling it where it would walk, simply offering his company to the creature. Talon then notes the manacles he locks up voluntarily before handing the key to Damien, now why would he do that? Talon wonders as he hears the children whining they were not done. And unless you want to be brought in for charges of assault on a traveler of the road I would suggest you leave now. Talon says to them, making a clear warning their game was over.

Listening to the kids continued disrespect Talon gets down from his steed and lifts up a single finger as he begins to count. One...Two... As he counts he listens as the orge explains his name for all intents was knight. Happy to hear Kadira in all this he could not agree more with her statement. To kill a fly would prove nothing after all besides that you were a bully when you could simply walk away. It was only when you had no other choice against those weak who tried to attack you that you would have to show your strength. So long as no laws were broken by the weak they were free to do as they wished. Knight your master was indeed wise, as are you for the fact you not only speak the words, but also understand them. Talon says kindly to the creature as they continue to move on.

If the children dont start running by 2 in the middle of three Talon will start walking towards them and use one of his 0 level cleric spells for inflict minior wound

[roll0] damage 1hp to whoever is being the most defient to make the point across, followed by him saying the next time it will hurt alot more.

2014-06-12, 08:00 PM
Milos, who was listening through the whole thing, rides up to Marius. His horse is startled by the skeleton, but finaly calms down. The small priest turns to the ogre:

"Knight, you are quite the philosopher for an ogre! And you say to be a traveler? No one who claims to walk the roads of this world is an enemy of mine. As for you Marius, i find your ways rather simplistic.. if someone proves to be stronger than you, will you automatically bow to him? In his eye you would be weak, so following your own statement, you should. Also, as talon pointed out, how do you measure strength? Through muscle alone? For i am certain our elven friend here has a stronger mind than you, but your sword arm is probably stronger, yes? You have me confused..."

2014-06-12, 08:12 PM
Marius replied to Milos query, "You are correct in saying that ones strength in this world is not purely based on physical strength. There is also mental strength, social strength, political strength which could be considered a form of social strength indeed. However one's true strength is an amalgamation of all these things, so one who can claim experience or aptitude in more than one field can be more powerful than one who is skilled only in one. Furthermore I myself already bow to two lords. One is my god Hextor, who has power beyond any mortal and yet also bows to a greater power. The second is our Sunguise benefactor, who leads us in the mortal realm, and while I serve both I will not bend knee to any other as until proven otherwise, there are none in their domains who can claim to be more powerful."

2014-06-13, 01:13 AM
"Power is strenght, but strenght alone without focus isnt a good thing. Power alone is nothing without reason or an ideal. Power alone is pointless", Primus says with his index finger pointing up, a signature gesture from his master when he was saying a lesson to him.

2014-06-13, 05:46 AM
Continuing along the road, Damien speaks up in the discussion about power.
"Power is just that. Power. The ability to do what you want to, when you want to. What you do with it? That's entirely up to you. If you can do all that you want, then you are powerful. If you can't, then you need to seek more power to do it. It's quite simple."

2014-06-13, 06:49 AM
"Indeed there are two types of roles in this world, one of the master and one of the apprentice. It is the master's role to represent all the power the student may one day gain and until then hold it over them. It is the apprentice's role to learn from the master, and yearn for the power he represents, so that when he becomes more powerful than his master, that he might strike him down and take the power for himself. However simply put there are those whose destiny is to always be apprentices, never fit to wield the power of those they serve. They are beasts in human clothing fit only to be ruled, as without change intelligent life stagnates, and that is the greatest heresy against life ever... the quality of being unchanging, of never becoming more powerful." Marius says in addition to Damien's comment on power.

2014-06-13, 07:15 AM
Continuing to ride along, Damien continues to participate in the conversation.
"Power is the ability to do what you want to do. At it's core, that's all it is. Some people have simple desires, some people have more ambitious desires. Some are strong, and achieve their goals, and some are weak, and give up. Masters, apprentices... those are stepping stones, not power in and of itself."

2014-06-13, 08:44 AM
Listening to the many different views on power, and its uses Talon thinks to what he himself thought power was. He could not deny the fact there was always someone at the top of the ladder, and there were those beneath them. After all Wee Jas herself was one of the most powerful deities in the known world, and he was her servant. Following her teachings, so that one day he to could have power, but not to overthrow her. Simply so that when he joined those in the afterlife by her side he would be able to offer her something none of those there could do already. He would master the affinity with necromancy she had given him, and agument it with her divine blessing so that magic in and of itself would become his tools. So what was power to Talon, power was simply believing in yourself and what you put your faith in, and never backing down from the goals you had set.

2014-06-13, 09:10 AM
With Knight following behind, you continue on the road east, towards Shoreline Castle. Darastix Mountain, a huge landmark that's peak vanishes in the clouds, is said to have a dragon's head instead of a proper mountain top. However, none can confirm that, since the clouds never go away. But it is always there, looming to the south, as if watching. Sometimes it vanishes between the hills as the road twists and turns, sometimes you are staring right at it as you continue.

But something changes. Something is wrong. Your horses grow uneasy and it doesn't take long for you to get an idea of why. The stench hits you, and it hits hard. Your mounts rear and whine in fear as nine monstrous creatures descend from the hills, covering your flanks.

These wolf-like beasts are covered in sores and their flesh is rotting, revealing bone and maggots. Instead of a head, these creatures have a dozen of maggots writhing around, their eyes and teeth move and bite in unison, ready to pounce.


DC 5 Ride to avoid falling off the saddle as your horses are spooked. Marius is fine.

Knowledge Nature to identify.

Primus 17
Talon 12
Kadira 10
Milos 6
Marius 5
Damien 4

OpFor 1

Conduct of Battle: Post your actions in whatever order, I will apply them in initiative order, adjusting for minor changes. If actions before your initiative order invalidate or drastically change the situation, I will allow additional time to post new actions.

2014-06-13, 09:26 AM
Damien, controlling his panicked horse, calmly dismounts, keeping a hold on the reins to prevent the horse from escaping. As he does so, he pulls out his flail in his other hand, and calls out to Hextor, calling on his strength to aid in battle. After that's done, he calls out to Knight.

"Knight, hold on to the horses! If they are killed, we will have a long walk ahead of us."

Move to dismount and draw a weapon, standard to cast divine favor(+2 to attack and damage for 1 min.)

2014-06-13, 09:31 AM

As Talons steed begins to become shaken he looks around, noticing the smell of rotting flesh he begins to think undead were about, and prepares to destroy them, when wolf like creatures descend upon them. Not knowing what they were proved to be a problem as Talon knew not how best to attack these creatures, however if they were like others of their kind he had an idea that if they hit it would hurt. And so he begins to glare at each and every single one, his emerald green eyes only seeming to be intensified by the ruby mask covering the rest of his face, as one by one he looks at all the enemies. As he stares down each enemy he pulls out a dish of what looks like white paste as each part of his body he touches begins to be covered in black flames, a clear warning to all who tried to attack him, they would feel it more then he would.

Swift activating Iron guard's glare to give a -4 penalty to attacks against allies to all enemies I threaten.

Standard Action casting death armor 1d4+2 damage to anything that hits me.

Concentration check to cast from the saddle? [roll1]

2014-06-13, 09:44 AM
Marius and Aurelius charge towards the one of the wolf like beasts, greatsword in hand. As he approaches the beast he whispers, "Blade of Frost awaken."

Upon saying that, the blade begins to take on a white-blue tinge and the temperature surround it drops. Marius then shouts, "By Hextor's will you must die!" and swings his greatsword with all his might at the beast, while Aureilus stamps it with its skeletal hooves.

I'm attacking the monster in A8, activating my greatsword's enchantment, frost. Also power attack removing -4 from Atk roll and +4 to damage roll
Marius Attack:
Crit Confirm:[roll1]
Crit Damage:[roll3]

Aurelius Attack:[roll4]
Crit Confirm:[roll5]
Damage:[roll6] if bonus from charge [roll7]
Crit Damage:[roll]1d6+4 if charge bonus [roll8]

2014-06-13, 10:03 AM
Kadira keeps her horse in check as she deftly casts a spell and then gracefully dismounts, placing herself between the beasts and her horse. Her rapier is in her hand by the time her boots touch the ground.

Ride +3: [roll0]

Dismount to D11. Spell cast is Haste, unless Primus has already cast Haste, in which case it is Cat's Grace on herself. Drawing her Eager rapier is a free action. I believe she can target all six PCs with Haste.

Haste (round 1 of 6): +1 to hit, +1 dodge to AC and Reflex, special ( http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/haste.htm ).

Kadira: AC 18 (touch 14, flat-footed 14).

2014-06-13, 10:52 AM
Primus manage to keep his horse in check, but decide to stay on ground in case anything happen.
He then dismount and cast a defensive spell, encasing all allies in force armor.


"Beware! These are the foul carrion hounds. They usually are underground, but these obviously arent. It's said they serve monstrous masters, so maybe some foul creature may be around here as well. If they kill a horse we better burn it before it fester and spread!".

Move to dismount at H13.
Standart to cast Mage Armor on everybody for +4 AC.
Free action to tell what info he got from his Knowledge check.

Init +7, HP 42/42, Speed 60ft
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort +10, Ref +6, Will +7
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 21, Wis 12, Cha 10
Condition Haste, Mage Armor;
Prepared Spells
3: Haste (2), Dimension Step;
2: Invisibility, Bull's Strenght and Bear Endurance;
1: Nerveskitter (2), Shield (2), Benig Transposition (2);
0: at will;

3: Cure Serious Wounds (2), Girallon's Blessing, Protection from energy;
2: Lesser Restoration, Barkskin (2), Close Wounds (2)
1: Beastland Ferocity (2), Conviction, Shield of Faith, Invest Light Protection (2)
0: at will;

2014-06-13, 03:34 PM
Milos was about to reply when the beasts attacked... he is startled for a second, but,quickly, his many hours of training with his master come back to mind. He jumps off of his saddle and moves towards the beasts in a sudden burst of speed. Fetching his symbol of farlanghn, he raises it up in the air. A wave of unholy energy surges, filling the surrounding air with dark intent. His expression is one of perfect concentration, not what you'd expect from the halfling...
Seemingly energized by the malign energies, Loom lashs out towards the beasts, pouncing into their shadows...

move action to dismount, then activate travel devotion and move 20ft as swift action, moving to E9. From there, activate rebuke undead, affecting all undead within the area. Turning check [roll0] and that's it

2014-06-14, 12:56 AM
While the group dismounts and readies themselves for battle, Milos quickly jumps off his pony and valiantly runs towards the filthy canines, unleashing a wave of positive energy! However, these creatures, while quite hideous and horrendous to behold, are not undead. The positive energy finds the closest undead and Talon finds himself overcome by it, forcing him to flee from Milos!

Marius doesn't let this change in events dishearten him and charges at one of the monstrous hounds at the foot of the hill to their left, his sword slashing fiercely and his hooved friend striking true as well! Unable to withstand such a display of power, the beast falls dead out of sheer admiration.

Damien also dismounts.

Then the hounds close in to attack, the maggots that are their heads are biting and snapping, eager!

One hound, looking larger and fiercer than the others, attacks Kadira! The many bites slash and tear at her, dealing 10 damage as the hound does not let go and attempts to grapple her! Grapple vs his 27. If Kadira fails and is grappled, the maggots begin to burrow into her flesh, trying to consume her and deal 26 damage.

Two hounds move to attack at Talon, turned atop his mount. Their teeth sink into the undead flesh, tearing at it, dealing 7 and 9 damage, after DR. They try to grab hold of him and drag him off the horse! Resist grapple vs 8 and 16. If either fails you are grappled and take 23 damage (After DR).

Two of the hounds move in to attack the shining beacon of halfling! Both sink their teeth into him, gnawing at him like a chew toy for 12 and 14 damage. Resist, you lucky fiend, resist! For the undead may slap you for turning him later! Do not die here! They try to grapple you for opposed grapple vs 18 and 16. If either fails take 14 damage and you're grappled.

One hound moves in from atop the hill to bite at the killer of his brother, Marius! Raising his sword, the paladin blocks the creature and keeps him away. Far away, fangirls swoon and faint.

One of the hounds swarms Primus' mount on his own! Who said that you need more than yourself to swarm... It deals a massive blow to it (13 damage) and tries to sink its teeth into the horse, but the beast struggles and manages to get loose. Unfortunately, it's an idiot and knows nothing of strategy and bolts, trying to escape from between two hounds. As it tries to move away, the hound strikes quickly once more and the beast falls to the ground. (7 damage, unconscious and dying at -1!)

Finally, the last hound charges at Damien. Biting at whatever exposed flesh it finds, bashing maggots into full plate, the canine strikes for 12 damage and tries to grab hold of the man in black. Grapple vs 23, 26 damage if you fail.


Primus 17
Talon 12
Kadira 10
Milos 6
Marius 5
Damien 4

OpFor 1

2014-06-14, 01:24 AM
[roll0] + [roll1]

2014-06-14, 01:26 AM
[roll0] if needed

As Talon feels the bite of these abominations upon his undead flesh he looks down in annoyance as he switches his auras, to begin healing those around him while a longsword appears in his hand. And with a fell swoop he tries to loop of the beasts head that had attacked him so forcefully, with the divine power of Wee Jas. All while curing his ally who had been hurt in the process of their assault.

Swift to Martial spirit, move action to draw blade, Standard to use Crusader’s Strike

Attack [roll1] Damage [roll2] If attack hits Kadira heals [roll3] hp while I gain 2 from stance

2014-06-14, 09:32 AM
His injuries stinging a bit, Damien proceeds to demonstrate that he does not appreciate being bitten. Not even a little bit.
(Description of attacks will be added after hit or miss, assuming Sliver does not do so)

Swift to use White Raven Tactics on Primus(Who basically gets 2 turns)
Attack 1[roll0] Attack 1 PA for 6
[roll1] Damage
Haste Bonus [roll2] Attack 1 PA for 6
[roll3] Damage
Attack 2 [roll4] Attack 1 PA for 6
[roll5] Damage

While he's doing this, His mind notes the rest of the battlefield, and he calls out to Primus.
"Primus, you're clear! Give them everything you've got!"
Primus finds that with Damien's encouragement, his mind seems to clear, and he can act again.

2014-06-14, 01:37 PM
Reveling in the success of their attack Marius looks around at the state of the battle, while Aurelius stamps and chomps at the other carrion hound which had the gall to attack the emissaries of Hextor. Marius, upon seeing Kadira in danger, looks at the carrion hound attempting to grapple her, and with his eyes glowing with an otherworldly purple says, "The sands of time now claim you, body and soul!"

Hoof attack 1:[roll0]
Crit Confirm:[roll1]
Crit Damage:[roll3]

Hoof attack 2:[roll4]
Crit Confirm:[roll5]
Crit Damage:[roll7]

Bite attack:[roll8]
Crit Confirm:[roll9]
Crit Damage:[roll11]

Marius manifests Time Hop, target jumps forward 1 round/level. 6 rounds, each turn subject can make a DC15 WIS check to break free early. -5PP

2014-06-14, 01:52 PM

Luck domain [roll]1d20+2

2014-06-14, 01:56 PM

For luck domain

Edit: ok screw this its too complicated for me to play right now. Milos dies. Ill try to start another game after summer when i have access to a pc... its painful playing from my phone... really sorry :(

Have fun! You guys seemed like a really nice party :(

Milos implodes... destroyed by the fickle finger of faith :'(

2014-06-14, 08:46 PM
Primus see Number One falling to the carrion hounds and is glad it served as meat shield, just the way he intended.
Not that he didnt like the horse or anything, but first it go down than he.

He then move to G11, trying to stay as far as he can from the creatures, before casting a simple warding spell to both heal and protect them.

Grant them all DR 1/Evil (for one minute) and heals [roll0] (+3 from half caster level and +2 from Augmented Healing)

He also draw power from nature, increasing the ammount of healing.
Magic of the Land feat [roll1] DC 16 to add 2 to the healing.

But then he hears Damien ordering him to attack again, and the adrenaline boost is enough for him to cast another spell to help them fight:

Seeing the monsters trying to hold a few members of the party, Primus decide to grant them all strenght, all the while making him tougher and heal some of the damage the beast did.

Grants everybody +4 enhancement to Strenght to everybody as well granting them DR 5/magic or, in case they already have a DR of their own, raising it by 5 due to Thoughning Transmutation feat (both effects for one round). So they all will have at least DR 6/evil (thanks to the previous casting of Invest Light Protection).

Magic of the Land [roll2] DC 16 to also heal everybody 2 damage.

2014-06-15, 10:59 AM
Kadira felt the power of a spell wash through her, healing some of her grievous wounds, keeping the maggots at bay a little longer. She tried desperately to escape the grasping mouths....

Her grapple check was 14, I believe. If by chance she gets free, she'll retreat to F13, hoping to use her horse as a literal meat shield to buy time.

Kadira: AC 19, DR ??, Hp 15/42 (on her turn) -> 17/42 (after Primus's second turn).

Ongoing group buff: Haste (round 2 of 6).

2014-06-15, 01:03 PM
Primus heals his companions as his trusted mount bleeds on the ground steadily. Talon feels as his initial shock is lifted by some mysterious force of nature and manages to strike at his foe, healing Kadira and himself.

Kadira struggles against the hound but she is unable to free herself. At least Talon healed her for 10 HP.

As Milos struggles pushes off the hounds, it seems as though time itself reverts back and instead of the halfling, stands a man! Oh, what are you thinking. Who is Milos? This is Arriver! He came with you, but was really quiet until now... There was never a halfling that emitted a blast that caused Talon to be frozen in his saddle...

Marius shouts at the hound maggoting all over Kadira and the hound, out of respect, gets lost in time. Aurelius attacks! And hits! And deals damage!

Damien is slashing and hacking and butchering the hound while shouting words of encouragement, allowing Primus to instill strength in his allies!

The two hounds stare at Arriver, still confused by the temporal shift. They aren't PCs, so they are a little slow.

The hound attacks at the offending thin horse, striking at Aurelius for 15 damage and trying to grapple DC 16, if failed additional 27 damage.

One hound hits Talon for 8 damage, while the other's maggots snap helplessly around. The maggots try to burrow into the dead flesh! Grapple vs 14 or take additional 17 damage.

The final hound, caring only to feast upon the dying horse, finishes the job as some of the maggots leap out and burrow into the horse. Still, the corpse is too fresh and the hound leaps unto the body of his dead companion, looking down hungrily at Damien.

The pack leader is lost in time, ashamed at being shouted at.


Talon 12
Kadira 10
Arriver 6
Marius 5
Damien 4
Primus 3

OpFor 1

2014-06-15, 01:12 PM
Pulling his flail from the skull of the fallen wolf just as another wolf comes over, Damien easily deflects it's attack, before swinging again. Unfortunately, a large portion of the wolf's head came with his flail, spoiling his attacks for a moment. Focused on taking the wolf down quickly, he remains silent.

Swift to recover maneuvers(All the one of them that was expended :smallbiggrin:)
Attack 1: [roll0] PA for 6
[roll1] damage
Haste 1: [roll2] PA for 6
[roll3] damage
Attack 2: [roll4] PA for 6
[roll5] damage

Fortunately, having part of the first wolf's skull broken on it's head distracts it for a moment, and before it recovers, Damien strikes again, killing it as well.

2014-06-15, 01:33 PM
As Talons blade strikes into his enemy he is filled with a new resolve as the strange feeling left him. However his amusement returned as the black flames began to eat away at the magots as he tried to break free from the creature before him trying to hold him in place.

[roll0] Damage Grapple [roll1] vs DC 14

Full attack [roll2] Damage [roll3] Furious counterstrike+wielding his longsword in two hands
Critical confirmation [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Attack 2 [roll6] Damage [roll7]
Critical confirmation [roll8] Damage [roll9]

However unable to get free of the creatures grapple Talon unleashes one of his deadly touches above the beasts heart, watching as the negative energy pumped threw his fingers into its beating heart, slowly trying to stop it from beating. 13 negative energy damage. I suggest everyone step back, I am about to explode. Talon calls out to the others as he begins storing negative energy inside his body.

2014-06-15, 01:54 PM
For the first time all day, Kadira was truly grateful for her teammates. They healed her, and healed her again, and healed her a little more--and then someone somehow made the beast that was trying to devour her simply cease to exist.

Kadira moved swiftly to attack. She circled behind the nearest hound to skewer it from the flank.

Move to B9 (indirect route to avoid attack of opportunity) to gain flanking position. Sneak Attack: [roll0] (hasted +1, flanking +2). Damage [roll1] (+2 from bonus Str, +1 Dirty Fighter) + [roll2]. Total damage: 15. Gains 3 hp from Life-Drinking (1/10 today).

Kadira: AC 19, DR ?, Hp 30/42

Group Buff: Haste (round 3 of 6)

2014-06-15, 02:58 PM
Arriver was indeed a little dizzy all this time. Maybe it was the Hangover from Yesterday, Maybe it was the Devilweed, Maybe it was a temporal Dysfunction. He had no time to think of such things however, as a stench worse than a troll arse invaded his nostrils . Dismounting the horse, he studied the carrion hounds mentally, his green cloak releasing to reveal bright mithril chainmail .
Drawing his Bow with a fast, flowing motion, he aimed.
Quick Draw [General]

Base attack bonus +1.
You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action.
A character who has selected this feat may throw weapons at his full normal rate of attacks (much like a character with a bow).
Calculating the possibilities, Arriver decided not to risk it with firing two arrows per shot. Instead, he would use the short range to fire many arrows at rapid succession, while the point blank range would make them less innacurate

Rapid Shot [General]

Dex 13, Point Blank Shot.
You can get one extra attack per round with a ranged weapon. The attack is at your highest base attack bonus, but each attack you make in that round (the extra one and the normal ones) takes a –2 penalty. You must use the full attack action to use this feat.
A fighter may select Rapid Shot as one of his fighter bonus feats.
A 2nd-level ranger who has chosen the archery combat style is treated as having Rapid Shot, even if he does not have the prerequisites for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor.

Point Blank Shot [General]

You get a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at ranges of up to 30 feet.

Arriver has normally two ranged attacks, at +11 and +6 bonus. Due to Rapid Shot, He gains an additional attack at his highest base attack bonus, which is +6. Due to the -2 Modifier from Rapid Shot, And the +1 modifier from Point Blank Shot, we have 3 attacks: Two at + 10, and one at +5

[roll0], [roll1] ,[roll2]
I do not Know the AC of the hounds, but the damage would be, if any attack hits, 1d8+2(str modifier)+1(magic bow bonus) + 4 (favored enemy[magical beasts])
I will roll for the three attacks , if they hit, at the same order
[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]

a Dark figure emerged from Arriver's shoulder, if tiny. Skittering, a squirrel manifested out of pure darkness ran to the farthest hound. It was from the plane of shadow, A terrifying(ly cute) skiurid.
Skiurid Moves behind f the hound farthest away of the two, with an indirect route to avoid AoOSPOILER]

Touching the ground before it, an aura of pure darkness manifested from the creatures (adorable) dark heart, enveloping the carrion hound[SPOILER=chill darkness]
The skiurid creates a darkness effect on a 20ft. cicrle around it, dealing 1d6 damage to all living creatures if you do not suceed in a dc 16 fort save, you take 1 point of strength damage
I don't know the Hound's fort, so i'll leave it to you

2014-06-15, 03:06 PM
Hearing Talon's warning of a blast of negative energy and seeing Aurelius injured, Marius leaps off of Aurelius, bringing his greatsword downward onto the carrion hound nearby and then making a slashing at the beast again once he lands. While he leaping Marius shouts to Talon,"I'm sending Aurelius to aide you, hold off unleashing your negative energy until he is there if you please." While this happens Aurelius bolts towards Talon and stomps at the nearest carrion hound to help protect Talon while he prepares to unleash unholy energy.

Marius Ride check- quick dismount: + [roll1]
Attack 1: [roll2]
Crit Confirm 1:[roll3]
Crit Damage:[roll5]

Attack 2:[roll6]
Crit Confirm 2:[roll7]
Crit Damage:[roll8]

Aurelius Grapple break:[roll9] +[roll10]
Aurelius Attack:[roll11]
Crit Confirm:[roll12]
Crit Damage:[roll14]

Expending 2 AP, 1 on my dismount and 1 on Aurelius' grapple break. Aurelius will attack the hound in E16

2014-06-15, 05:16 PM
Primus is a little confused when he see the halfling was gone, "Wait, what halfling?", but he have to think fast and dont matter if it was the squirrel guy or the halfling one, he had to make sure everybody was alive after.

"Time to shine", he think to himself as look to everybody as he cover everyone in sacred protection.

Shield of faith to everyone for +3 Deflection bonus on AC as well as healing 2 damage due Magic of the Land (autosucess).

"I can move you all around and make you escape from their grasp so wait for me to dimension step you if you're grabbed", he says to group.

2014-06-16, 01:22 AM
Marius and Damien both smile as the followers of the scourge make their respective enemies fall as Aurelius, listening to his masters command takes the safest route and goes the low road. However everyone else was not so lucky.

As Talon struggles to break free from the creatures grasp he is sadly unable as the maggots seem to dig into his unholy flesh, bitting threw his gloves and trying to crawl threw his eyes. 8 DAMAGE DC 14 grapple or take an additional 20 DAMAGE Nor is your horse lucky as it tries to flee with no master to control it as the creature next to the one feeding on your face attacks it as it flees before giving chase to it. 14 damage to horse from AoO followed by chasing it for 11 damage DC23 grapple or die if it is not already dead.

Marius killed beast in GH 1-2 thanks to his horse last round
Damien destroyed the beast in JK 14-15
Aurelius is in GH 14-15 now (within distance to benefit from necrotic presence which gives +4 to turn attempts and negative energy burst when I do it in round 4)
DE 16-17 is trying to EAT ME! I can only think of tomon and pumba on this one.
BC 16-17 killed my horse

And just when things were looking bad, they got worst as the vile Alpha male that had been sent away, out of time returned dazzed for the moment though flanking Kadira.

With the alpha males return the creature before Kadira which she had striked only moment ago turns around trying to rip into her for such a brutal attack against it. And as its claws come down trying to hold you they shred a bit of your arm 5 Damage. Grapple DC18 or take 19 damage

Arriver though you may have been a silent halfling this entire time with an evil squirrel in disguise the silence was broken when you revealed your true identity and the beast to your left seizes the moment to try and bring you and your bow down, as the darkness seems to have little effect on the two creatures.

Your sheet is not with the others so I am posting what my rolls are here for you, no cheating please. Attack 22 Damage4 damage Grapple 20 or take 26 damage

2014-06-16, 01:42 AM
As Talon sees his friend Aurelius get close to him he feels once more proof that death was not ready for him, and the burning black flames around him burns threw the creature grappling him as he breaks free of its grasp. Ready Aurelious? Talon asks as he unleashes a powerful shockwave of negative energy that covers an entire 10ft around him in all directions.

Death armor [roll0] Negative energy burst [roll1] Reflex DC 16 if you want half damage, but really who wants that.

Damage count on wolf in DE is 41 if failed save 38 if passed sliver as a heads up

2014-06-16, 06:08 AM
His flail dripping blood, Damien charges at the wolves near Talon, jumping momentarily into the air before bringing his flail down with immense force on the pack leader. He feels bad about attacking the creature while it is distracted, but it seemed necessary.

Charging at the ones near Talon. If the one in DE is dead, hit the next one. Using shock trooper and leap attack.(dc 10 jump is auto success).
[roll0] attack(-2 for honor of the duel)
[roll1] damage(+6 more from leading the charge)
AC is a 16, but if an attack hits him, Damien will use wall of blades, making his ac [roll2]

When the wolves look at this threat, Damien sees the opportunity for Talon.
"Talon! While they're distracted!"
WRT on Talon

HP: 84/84 AC 16(Special, see rolls spoiler), Active Effects: Divine Favor(6 rounds remaining), Haste(2 rounds remaining), Mage Armor

2014-06-16, 08:53 AM
As Talon feels time slow allowing him to attack once more he takes his chance to strike down the creature before him. It was bad enough the alpha male had returned, he did not need the other once it was done eating his steed to swarm him as well.

Furious counterstrike +1 to attack and damage

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3]

Total 31 damage crit confirmation in OOC

2014-06-16, 09:01 AM
Not this time, beast! The many mouths took some flesh from her arm, but this time Kadira was able to escape its clutches. The abrupt return of the vanished pack leader caught her flat-footed, but fortunately it was still too "out of it" to act.

Kadira twirled gracefully between and around her foes, and took another stab at the one she had already injured, aiming again for what she hoped was a vital organ.

Tumble check to maneuver around two critters (DC 15+2) into flanking position: [roll0]. Attack the hound she already injured: [roll1]. Hopefully, damage: [roll2] + [roll3]. Life-Drinking plus Primus's most recent spell bring her back to 30hp.

Kadira: AC 21, DR ??, Hp 30/42.

Group Buff: Haste (round 4 of 6)

2014-06-16, 09:06 AM
[roll0] Archmage, sliver you have control of the rest of his turn from there as I need to get ready for work.......:smallfurious: Really.

2014-06-16, 09:45 AM
Upon slaying yet another beast, Marius turns around and seeing Arriver in danger, rushes to help him, slashing his ice-cold greatsword at yet another foe of the scion of Hextor. In the mean time, Aurellius, almost fully healed by Talon's blast, attacks another carrion hound, stomping it with Aurelius' massively powerful hooves.

Marius Attack:[roll0] +2= 30
Crit Confirm:[roll1] +2=32
Damage:[roll2] +12=26
Crit Damage:[roll3] +12=23

Aurelius Attack:[roll4]
Crit Confirm:[roll5]
Crit Damage:[roll7]

Marius power attacks and charges the hound in f7-8, -4 Attack +4 Dmg. Aurelius attacks the hound in e16-17

Marius: HP-80/80 AC-18 AP-7/8 MP-33/41 DR-10/magic 1/evil
Aurelius: HP-35/38 AC-19

2014-06-16, 02:41 PM
Here is the updated map of battle. Talon's and Arriver's actions had still not been taken and accounted for, I also adjusted some movements a bit to allow Kadira to flank with Marius, which would allow them to kill off the flanked hound and leaving the one north of Arriver injured from Arriver's arching and Kadira's earlier attack. I'll change the map to show it is dead after having the remaining actions. That leaves one hound at full hp, one hound partially injured from Talon and one hound at around half hp, IIRC.


2014-06-16, 04:04 PM
If anyone is grappled and delayed action for Primus:
Primus raise his hands, with the a loud sound of a shuffling deck, he teleport people around, making them get free of whoever is holding them.

If no one is grappled/waited for Primus to act:
Seeing that the wolves were being taken care of, Primus move to Kadira and touch her back, making a pair of clawed arms raise from her soft skin and making her skin tougher.

You give the subject an additional pair of arms. Each of its arms—new and old—ends in a clawed hand with fingers and an opposable thumb. The creature's original arms (if any) are its primary arms, and new limbs are secondary limbs (if the subject had no arms, the arms created by the spell are its primary arms).
The creature gains four claw attacks, each using its base attack bonus + its Str modifier for attack rolls. Each claw deals 1d4 points of damage + the subject's Str modifier, and if an opponent is struck by two or more claws in 1 round, the subject can rend it for an additional 2d4 points of damage + 1-1/2 times its Str modifier.
A creature cannot use normal weapons and the claw attacks in the same round, and the subject does not gain additional claw attacks from a high base attack bonus.

Also, get DR 5/magic or raise her DR by 5 (which would make at least DR 6/evil).
And Magic of the Land: [roll0] DC 17 to heal her 4 hp

2014-06-16, 10:46 PM
Because the man insides Talons head is an idiot and dose not understand the rules of the nine blades the poor undead became extremely confused and saw images of his death before him due to that small voice. Thankfully the voice of the gods spoke to him and so safe thanks to Damien he launches a coruscating ray springs from your hand taking the form of a snake as it winds its way around Aurellius to strike the beast and weaken it.

Moving two squares up, and four to the right followed by firing a Ray of enfeeblement at the creature occupying squares 15-16 RTA [roll0] Damage [roll1] str damage and whoever has the least hp gains 2 if the attack hits. I am at 24, so if no one is lower please let me know.

2014-06-17, 09:09 AM
Arriver watch his shots missing but one, And the Hounds quickly closing in, withdrew his bow and drew his rapier and short short in a rapid movement

Quick Draw [General]

Base attack bonus +1.
You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action.
A character who has selected this feat may throw weapons at his full normal rate of attacks (much like a character with a bow).
Seeing Marillus Flanking a hound, Arriver took advantage, Attacking Both with his Weapons

Two-Weapon Fighting [General]

You can fight with a weapon in each hand. You can make one extra attack each round with the second weapon.
Dex 15.
Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6.
If you wield a second weapon in your off hand, you can get one extra attack per round with that weapon. When fighting in this way you suffer a –6 penalty with your regular attack or attacks with your primary hand and a –10 penalty to the attack with your off hand. If your off-hand weapon is light the penalties are reduced by 2 each. (An unarmed strike is always considered light.)
A 2nd-level ranger who has chosen the two-weapon combat style is treated as having Two-Weapon Fighting, even if he does not have the prerequisite for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor.
A fighter may select Two-Weapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Weapon Focus [General]

Choose one type of weapon. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple (or ray, if you are a spellcaster) as your weapon for purposes of this feat.
Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1.
You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon.
You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon.
A fighter may select Weapon Focus as one of his fighter bonus feats. He must have Weapon Focus with a weapon to gain the Weapon Specialization feat for that weapon.

Arriver Has a normal attack bonus of +10/+5, increased by the magic bonus of the rapier and the masterwork trait of the short sword, as well as the Weapon FOcus at bot, Two Weapon fighting cancels Flanking, So we got 3 attacks at +12/+12/+7

1st with rapier [roll0], 2nd with rapier [roll1],1st with short sword [roll2]

damage 1st rapier [roll3], 2nd rapier [roll4], 1st short sword[roll5]

Critical 1st rapier [roll6] , 2nd rapier [roll7], 1st short sword [roll8]

The Skiurid, Watching his master in danger, run between the two hounds, invisible to them as it was on their behinds.
Skiurid moves between the two hound from behind,avoiding AOO
Focusing the darkness inside it's soul, the black rodent carpets the area in shadow once more

2 hits [roll9],[roll10]

2014-06-17, 12:55 PM
Talon releases a burst of negative energy, healing Aurelius and himself while harming the hounds! Waiting for an opportunity, Kadira and Marius time their attacks and move into position, smiting one of the hounds from both sides.

Arriver, avoiding the maggots trying to bite at him, lunges with his rapier, followed by a slash with his sword and finally, the last lung goes deep between the maggots and pierces the heart of the creature, killing it.

Damien leaps into the air and comes crashing into the hound terrorizing Talon, crushing it and releasing the undead from its grasp. Filled with renewed vigor, Talon unleashes a strength sapping spell unto the beast that just killed his horse! His attack barely hits the fiend, having charged at Talon's steed.

And then... You grow another pair of arms! And they are clawed! And so are your original ones! Primus... Magic has gone too far!

Or has it?

The hound, attacked by Aurelius, turns angry at the beast that dared interrupt it as it was getting ready to maggotize the fresh corpse. Filled with rage at being faced by something barely worth being chewed on, the hound tries to bite and claw at Aurelius, only to be shoved away with ease.

The alpha male, confused by the lack of Kadira in its maws, sees the horse and jumps at the chance! Teeth biting through the air, the hound claws at the horse in frustration, delivering two deep slashes for 11 damage. The horse, in pain and fear, tries to bolt, but the hound bites again and this time, the teeth find flesh and the horse falls, bleeding on the road. 13 damage.


Kadira 10
Arriver 6
Marius 5
Damien 4
Talon 3.5e
Primus 3

OpFor 1

2014-06-17, 01:21 PM
Not content with the slaughter that he had already unleashed, Damien charges once more, leaping into the air to crash down upon his foe with his flail.

Swift to recover maneuvers
Full round to charge either the alpha(If he is still alive), or the Other surviving wolf.
[roll0] Attack(-2 if someone else is threatening the enemy)
[roll1] damage
AC 16
Once more, if an attack hits him, Damien will use wall of blades, giving him an AC of [roll2]
Auto succeed on the dc 10 jump check.
Damage: 18 from power attack(Combat Brute boosts it to 3x, instead of 2x), X 3 from leap attack(so 54), + 7 str(61) + 6 stance(67) + 1 weapon(68) + 2 divine(70)

HP: MAX, AC 16(Special, see rolls spoiler), Active Effects: Divine Favor(5 rounds remaining), Haste(1 round remaining), Mage armor

2014-06-17, 01:40 PM
If the alpha is dead

If the alpha is killed by the time Damien's move comes around, he will perform a charge, attempting to push the horse on top of the hound.

[roll0] bull rush(Opposed by the horse's, and the horse gets a +8 to the roll from size and having legs.)
Assuming that succeeds, he pushes the horse into the wolf's square, trying to tangle them together, and trip the wolf.

Touch attacks(Tripping):
[roll1] for the wolf
[roll2] for the horse

[roll3] tripping the wolf(The wolf gets a +8 to this too(+4 for size, +4 for having 4 legs))
[roll4] tripping the horse(The horse gets a +8 to this too(+4 for size, +4 for having 4 legs))

2014-06-17, 03:32 PM
Ahh! No! Why?! Primus had cast a spell that transformed Kadira into some kind of four-armed monster! But four sets of claws weren't much use without monstrous strength, and the spell didn't include that.

Well, at least she could still wield her rapier. She waited for someone else to occupy the alpha wolf's attention so she could flank it and stab it from behind.

Sneak Attack [roll0], damage [roll1]. Life-Drinking +3hp.

Kadira: AC 19, Hp 37/42

Group Buff: Haste (round 5 of 6)

2014-06-17, 04:14 PM
Seeing that he had time to lay enchantments upon himself, and Aurelius by extension, Marius' eyes glow otherwordly purple once more as a shimmering barrier appears in front of himself and Aurelius.

In the meantime, Aurelius attacks the hound which had attempt to bring harm to it and its partner-of-life-and-Hextor, Marius. It stomps at the beast and then bites at it, determined to bring this abomination to its death.

Aurelius Hoof Attack 1:[roll0]
Crit Confirm:[roll1]
Crit Damage:[roll3]

Hoof Attack 2:[roll4]
Crit Confirm:[roll5]
Crit Damage:[roll7]

Crit Confirm:[roll9]
Crit Damage:[roll11]

Marius casts an augmented Force Screen on himself, and by share spell (Su) to Aurelius as well, granting +5 AC shield bonus, -5PP

Marius: HP-80/80 AC-25 AP-7/8 MP-28/41 DR-10/magic 1/evil
Aurelius: HP-35/38 AC-24

2014-06-17, 05:32 PM
As the alpha beast strike down Kadira's horse, Primus say a brief prayer and heal it.
No more deads, neither their own or the mounts, a shame he couldnt protect Number One.

Primus then look at Kadira and shout to her, "These extra hands will help you if fend off the beast if they get hold of you again, as well as protecting your skin!". He dont like shouting at people, but in the middle of the battle he had to make sure he was clear.

"Also, extra attacks for Sneak Attacks!"

He then make a mental list of his remaining spells while he decide what to do.

Prepared Spells:
3: Haste (2), Dimension Step;
2: Invisibility, Bull's Strenght, Bear Endurance;
1: Nerveskitter (2), Mage Armor, Shield (2), Benign Transposition (2);
0: at will;

3: Cure Serious Wounds (2), Protection from energy;
2: Lesser Restoration, Barkskin (2), Close Wounds;
1: Beastland Ferocity, Conviction, Shield of Faith, Invest Light Protection;
0: at will;

And decide to do nothing, as the enemies seem that were being taken care of.
No need to waste more spells, unless they manage to hurt someone else.

He waits to cast a healing spell in case of need.

2014-06-17, 08:12 PM
As Talon watches the rest of the field becoming finished up he notes that Aurelius was still fighting by himself, wanting to help protect the skeletal steed Talon lifts his finger once more as a pale ray shoots out of it, covering the beast in a sheen of ice.

RTA [roll0] Damage [roll1] cold damage This takes into effect firing into combat

2014-06-18, 12:10 PM
Arrivar smiled as he saw the hound falling from his critical strike. Seeing the other one approaching from the side he charge, readying his rapier as he took a downwoard slash, aiming at the hound's head

Arriver charges the hound at C 10
1 charge attack at +10 bonus, plus magic weapon bonus +1, Weapon Focus +1, Charge Bonus +2, + 1 Haste Bonus= +15

Damage: +2 From Favored Enemy, +4 From strength Bonus(18 str From Buffs), +1 From Magic Weapon Bonus= +7

If crit [roll2]

As the darkness field fell, the shadows coalesce into a little, tiny nugget of pure darkness. The Pitch black squirrel, watching is master in danger TOTALLY IGNORE HIM AND WENT TO EAT HIS NUT OF EVIL

somebody was going to sleep outside the tent tonight

2014-06-18, 02:03 PM
Arriver strikes at the alpha as Aurelius stamps and chomps his foe. Damien charges at the alpha and smashes the maggots into its body, killing it as Talon freezes the last hound.

"Your horse, safe." Knight tells Damien.

Well, at least Kadira's horse was saved by Primus. Still, Primus and Talon lost their horses... Some stablemaster will be sad to find out...

Copied from OOC for convenience, since there are going to be a couple more pages before everyone manages to see that:

Team A XP:

Damien, Primus, Marius, Arriver and Kadira: 817xp

Talon: 1167xp. Congratulations, you level up! You are now level 5.

2014-06-18, 02:15 PM
Marius walks over to Aurelius and, laying his hands on him, says, "You are still slightly injured, I command the dark to return to you." As he says this, dark energy flows from his hands and spreads across Aurelius, removing any damage he sustained from battle. Marius then turns to the party and says, "Are you all ok? If any of you require a mount, one of you could ride on Aurelius with me, as he is strong enough to carry another."

Marius uses deadly touch on Aurelius, who is now at 38/38HP, 9 points of DT left for the day

2014-06-18, 02:17 PM
After he strikes down the alpha, Damien looks around, searching for any other enemies, but there were no more, and he relaxes, pulling his flail back out of the wound it left, and looking at the wriggling maggots on it in disgust.
He slams it into the ground to remove them, before turning to Knight.
"My thanks. Losing a fine steed is always a sad day."

At that, he glances briefly at the other members of the group, noting that none of them were seriously injured. Satisfied of that, he focuses, speaking a brief prayer to Hextor, before conjuring water, and using it to clean his flail, removing the gore, and drying it off with a cloth from his pack.

Once he finishes with that, he glances over his armor, to make sure that it is undamaged, before looking to Primus, and Kadira.
"Your magic was most helpful. You have my thanks. Lady, I believe this will aid your mount considerably, in thanks."
He focuses, and speaks a brief prayer to Hextor(A different one), and almost immediately, the horse's injuries begin to heal, as though the horse had declared war on it's injuries.

Once it has healed, he looks to everyone once more, and speaks again, his voice solemn, but commanding.
"There is no point in remaining here. Talon, Primus, you should ride double with Kadira and Arriver, unless you would prefer to walk. We will be faster if you ride. Marius, your offer is kind, but if there is a battle, you can fight mounted, and they can't."
With that, he returns to his horse, and gets back on it(The poor horse winces at the weight)

Casting lesser vigor on the horse, and create water to clean the flail.(15 hp restored from lesser vigor)

2014-06-18, 02:25 PM
"Thank you," said Kadira. "Thank you all. I expected that you would have to save my life someday, but I didn't expect it to be today. Perhaps in the future I should ride in a less exposed position.

"Of course someone can ride with me. I'm light, my horse is unlikely to mind."

2014-06-18, 02:27 PM
"And they're dead. A shame Number One didnt made it through", Primus say looking at his dead horse, "These carrion hounds can jump in the things they kill, so we better burn the dead horses before they too become trouble, unless...", he thinks a little about the possibility of purify the meat, removing all nasty stuff from it, "No no, we better burn it".

He then look at Kadira, with her four arms, "How bad are your wounds? Thankfully I saved your horse, so maybe... If you dont care, can I get a ride with you?", he then look around to the rest, "And how are your wounds as well? Anyone need healing?".

2014-06-18, 02:35 PM
"I'm fine, just a few scratches left. Not worth another spell." The four-clawed-arms spell had already been one spell too many, in her estimation, though Primus's reason for applying it had been sound.

"And I agree, we should definitely burn all the corpses."

2014-06-18, 02:39 PM
From atop of his horse, Damien frowns at the proposition of burning the corpses.
"I am uninjured, thanks to Primus's magic, however, I would recommend against burning the corpses. It would take us several hours to gather up the bodies, and gather up enough wood to burn them. If those maggots are infectious, it is likely we would be infected doing so."

2014-06-18, 02:50 PM
"I can take care of burning the bodies, just put them in a pile and I'll take care of the rest. There will be no need for wood or anything." replies Marius to Damien and the others.

2014-06-18, 02:56 PM
"That makes it much more practical."
He looks over to Primus.
"Are the maggots a danger to us?"

2014-06-18, 03:20 PM
"Yes they are", in fact it was kinda obvious, but the not knowing exactly the answer Primus decided not to risk, "I dont want any of you to become like that cratures. It wont be a pretty view".

2014-06-18, 03:29 PM
"If touching them can infect us, we would either need to burn each corpse in place, or we need to move on. Marius, can you burn the corpses where they are, or can you only burn them once?"

2014-06-18, 04:21 PM
"I am able to manifest a bolt of flame along a line, however no matter how I could aim it unless we move the bodies I don't think I'll be able to hit all the bodies... although fire does spread but it is not the best decision I feel to start a forest fire." Marius replies while eyeing the corpses to see if there really was any way to hit them all in one go.

2014-06-18, 04:28 PM
"I guess we can move them, after all the beasts were engaged in melee with almost all of us. Too late to get worry to be close or touch them right?", Primus say, "Let's pile them up and burn them down and be gone with it. We have a castle waiting for us".

Even though saying that, Primus makes no effort to get them all close, he's weak and know it. Also these beasts disgusted him.

2014-06-18, 04:56 PM
"Are you sure, Primus? I don't want to get infested, and we can take another path back. Unless Marius can create his flames several times, we should move on. It isn't worth our time, or our lives."

2014-06-18, 05:00 PM
"If someone gets infested and becomes diseased I could purify them through the blessing of Hextor. However I think we either need to decide right now whether to take care of the corpse's or simply depart as soon as possible, in case the corpses of the horses rise again, if that is possible that is." as he says this, he wipes his greatsword on the saddle of one of the fallen horses, cleaning it of the gore and mutilated flesh from the carrion hounds.

2014-06-18, 05:05 PM
Damien pauses for a moment, before sighing.
"If they are as dangerous as you claim, Primus, then clearing them from the road should be done. If you can remove any infestation Marius, then I will move them. At least that way, we can get moving again."

And with that, he climbs off of his horse, and starts piling the corpses up for Marius to burn.

2014-06-18, 05:16 PM
" Friend, don't be too greedy" Arriver said to the skiurid softly, that had grabbed the second dark nugget " There is someone here that needs it". The shadow being glared at his master, who pointed to Marius. With a grumpy, yet cute, squeek, the skiurid moved in front of Marius, dropping the nugget before him, like a retriever dog with prey, it's tail twitching. " Thought you can need it" Arriver explained" I heard those nuggets empower necromancy spells"

( Using a nugget as an optional material component to a necromancy or negative energy spell has a 50% chance to increase the CL by 2)

2014-06-18, 05:18 PM
After Damien puts all the corpses into a pile, Marius points a finger at the pile and from his finger shoots out a jet of purple flames, which burn the pile. After this Marius inspects Damien to see if he is infected in anyway. When the evil squirell drops the nut at Marius feet, he says graciously. "Thank you for your offer however I am no necromancer, but Talon may have use of this arcane ingredient when he works his magic."

mainfest energy bolt:fire -5PP. 29/47MP left. If Damien looks infested in any way, Marius also uses remove disease

2014-06-18, 05:20 PM
"Now that we're done with that, we need to get moving."

And with that, Damien climbs on his horse, and waits for the others to get moving, so he could follow, with the ogre behind him.

2014-06-18, 07:51 PM
As the battle came to an end from where he stood one could observe Talon holding his hand to his chest as a dark blue wave of energy passed from his hand to his body, seeming to heal it until no signs of the battle remained. However while such simple acts where being taken place on the outside, on the inside of Talons mind much more was at work. It seemed over that short amount of time with these people he had seen more death then he had seen in a long time, so much that he felt even closer to Wee Jas as he felt her smile upon him as he gained the ability to use more spells. That was not the only thing different though he could tell as he heard a whisper in the darkness surrounding him telling him that his body was no longer as weak as those of the living, that it could repel more physical damage then before and that even the healing powers of clerics would have a lesser effect on him then they once had. I thank you my goddess, and promise to continue my research for you until I am worthy to sit in your palace. Talon prays to Wee Jas as he opens his emerald eyes for the first time in about a minute and looks around, smiling to see Aurelius still alive threw this ordeal he slowly walks over to her noticing that Marius had taken care to heal the wounds that his steed had suffered. It would be my honor to ride with the two of you if you think it is best. I have learned a lot since we left, so I am confident if battle were to break out I would not be a hindrance upon the two of you. Talon explains to them waiting to hear there reply.

While he waits Talon pulls a small vile from his cloak and takes off the stopper as he pulls a pair of tweezers out from a pocket, moving them over to grab one of the maggots from the dead bodies before they were burnt and placing it inside the vile and locking it in place. If what you say is true and these creatures have the power to defy death itself I wounder if one alone would have a similar effect or a separate one. Primus when we get some free time do you think you could help me run a few tests? Talon asks quietly as he slowly stands from his kneeling position and places the vial back inside his cloak for further travel. As he stands though he notes Marius holding his hand out to Talon and that odd squirrel creature seeming to be angry at his feet. Looking at what Marius had in his hands he gratefully accepts the gift as he places it away inside his pack. Thank you for this Arriver, if you happen to come across anymore I would be more then willing to take them off of your hands. Talon explains kindly.

With the agreement to burn the bodies, Talon helps the others move them into a pile, making sure to not let any of the maggots get beneath his clothing before stepping back to allow Marius to ignite the bodies.

I invested two ranks in ride, as after all Talon was learning how to do it, so I have a +4 modifier in it, as you only need a 5 to stay on and a 10 to fight atop a steed I think Talon should be fine.

2014-06-18, 07:57 PM
"Of course you may ride with us Talon, and hopefully one day Wee Jas will gift you with a steed like Hextor has given me. Although you may be hard-pressed to find one as strong or loyal as Aurelius is." as he says this, Marius gets on Aurelius, and once Talon as gotten on, prepares to continue on their journey to the Shoreside Castle.

2014-06-18, 08:07 PM
The stern lady never gives her followers something they are not ready for, more taking a backseat approach and allowing them to discover things on their own. Already I have learned much just by studying Aurelius's movements that I feel comfortable saying that perhaps in a few months I may in fact be able to try and create a beta version. Though as my own will not be from a god, but threw research and my own powers that have been lent to me, I doubt it will be able to match the cunning of Aurelius. Also if it is needed I have an unlimited supply of healing when it comes to those of our condition. Talon says pointing first to himself, then to Aurelius. All you need to do is ask and I will do what I can to heal your steed. Talon explains offering his own thanks for allowing him to ride.

So is your horse a guy or a girl? I keep on going to say she but then am not sure if it is a female or not.

2014-06-19, 01:32 AM
"It will be a pleasure to help in your researches, Talon. I value knowledge in all its forms, you see".

Primus then mount the horse with Kadira and, a.little unconfortable and embarrased he ask her, " Should i hug you or something? I've never mounted before till we bought the horses and I dont know.."

(On phone and half asleep. Will edit with colors tomorrow. A sense motive check dc 10 show Primus was never so close to a woman before :v )
(Too much time in the library it seems)

2014-06-19, 06:39 AM
Kadira smiles. "Yes, one of us has to hold on to the other. But since I have more experience riding, I think it would be best if you sit in front, so you can hold the pommel, and I sit behind, because I'm more likely to land safely if I fall off."

2014-06-19, 08:33 PM
As soon as everyone is mounted, Aurelius begins to go along the path the party was previously going along, with Talon and Marius in tow.

2014-06-19, 10:27 PM
Primus hears and nod to Kadira, "Ok".
He then mount the horse and wait for the rest before departing.

"Will Knight be able to walk besides while we ride?", he ask Damien and Marius.

2014-06-19, 10:33 PM
Marius turns to Knight when Primus mentions this and says, "I would hope so, indeed if it is suitable to Knight, I would like for him to walk beside me so that he and I may talk. Of course that is as long as I have regained his trust, which I hope I have."

2014-06-19, 11:15 PM
Knight looks at Primus. "Is question of my speed or will?" He asks, frowning that such a question was not directed at him. "I am faster than your beasts." Turning to Marius. "Talk about what?" He says, suspicious.

2014-06-19, 11:17 PM
"Well you said you would tell us more about you, your master, and where you came from once we proved our strength. Haven't we done so? Aurelius himself defeated one of these abominations in our combat. Not to mention the feats the rest of us pulled off." Marius says to Knight.

2014-06-19, 11:32 PM
"Is it strength to defeat beasts that do not think?" Knight asks, confused. "Beasts that attack a horse as well as man. To prove your strength, I meant fight me." He looks you up and down. Thankfully, you are on a horse, so you avoid being looked mostly down. "Do you challenge me now?"

2014-06-19, 11:38 PM
"Ah so you meant challenge you. Well I hope you don't think less of me if I decline to challenge you right now, perhaps after we capture the castle we may spar and I can finally find out about the ogre behind the mystery, eh." smiles Marius, "which brings me to a question I hope you can answer, we are about to infiltrate a castle which as far as we know is occupied by other ogres and take it as our own. Will that be a problem for you or would you be willing to aide us in that, so that afterward you and I may spar in a test of strength and steel?"

2014-06-19, 11:44 PM
Knight shakes his head. "Better this way. Would not wish to defeat you before an important battle, hurts morale." He says with an ugly smile. "If they do harm, they accept risk. How species matters? If it were human, actions would be same. Just smaller. It is your quest, I will not help. I will watch your strength."