View Full Version : Non-combat Ship Encounters

2014-06-09, 12:11 PM
So I have a fairly in-depth plot for a seafarring plot, but I am at a lack for non/low-combat encounters at sea.
The ship is a trade vessel, and not implicitly involved in piracy or a military standing.
The players are most of the crew minus the captain, allowing me the control to spoonfeed the players plot for the time being. (until a specific major plotpoint) I've started compiling a list, but I'm running out of ideas.

Here's my current list. Generalized since it would take time to explain the whole plot.

Crew mutiny
Discovering the ship is trading dirty goods
Someone on board is making Ilicit trade deals
Stormy seas
Dangerous refugees
Lack of supplies
Avoiding civil service
Discovering they've been jipped in trade
A crewmate falling ill
Jealousy onboard
Hunting of a legendary catch
Religious conflict
Washed ashore
Stuck on a reef
Bad tides
Corrupt harbormaster
Mistaken identity of the ship
Authorities arresting the captain or a crewmate for something they did or did not commit
Corrupt coastguard demanding high tariff
One of the crew mates is a spy for a foreign nation
Merchants that dock with the ship and wont leave until their wares are sold

Any additions would be most welcome.

2014-06-09, 12:21 PM
Most useful thread — I may need some ideas like this myself shortly.

A variation on your last one is lots of little boats with people trying to sell you trinkets — mainly happens in rivers or near ports.
Ship collides with a Whale
Sights Land — Land Ahoy
Sights an abandoned ship — a la Marie Celeste
Sirene's who charm the crew into jumping over-board in the night
Broken Yard — falls onto the deck
Broken Mast
Crew members keep disappearing, one by one
Tsunami passes
Pumice raft, caused by a distant eruption
Abandoned life boat

2014-06-09, 04:14 PM
I considered a few more.

Sea is full of dead fish
Ship wanders into a mine field
Abandoners tell crew their ship sank with valuable cargo
An uncharted island appears
Caught fish look sickly
Fire in the cabins
Wares overboard
Sunken treasure
Bad winds
Stagnant sea
Infestation of rats or insects
Someone or something is putting holes in the ship overnight
A cursed object is brought onboard
An extremely valuable item is fished up
Competition is held to determine the First Mate
Sea charts go missing
Someone is stealing liquor