View Full Version : [World Building] Any good supplements or setting books for a "land of fire and stone"

2014-06-09, 12:15 PM
I have a volcanic continent in my setting that I plan to populate and detail soon enough. So far I've relied on supplement books for guidance when world building, as well as ideas - I made my archipelago continent by grabbing ideas from Stormwrack, I made my largest and primary continent after reading several books (races of stone for dwarves, races of wild for elves, frostburn for the north, and sandstorm for the south). I used Xen'Dirk as a starting point for making an exotic jungle continent, and now I have a large continent which is mostly stone and volcanoes.

So far I decided to use goliaths and fire giants as races native to this land, and I have several dwarf and human colonies on the far west of the continent. The continent is somewhat like Morrowind's central region (around Red Mountain), and I'm not talking about the game, but the lore behind it (the game doesn't really do justice to the amount of danger and harshness the region should provide). As long as it's 3.5 any supplement goes.

2014-06-09, 12:42 PM
One thing I forgot to mention: While I might consider adding some demons or devils, I want it primarily to have alignment independent stuff.

Falcon X
2014-06-09, 02:03 PM
I once had a campaign that the primary enemies were a part of a multi-faceted cult that led back to Imix, then Tharizdun. His holocaust disciples were scary. I had my main villain be a candlecaster who had an arm graft from a holocaust disciple.
My primary enemies were:
- Fire Newts (Intelligent)
- Thoqqua
- Flame Snakes
While most are evil-aligned, they are pretty standard fare for Volcanic regions.

As far as supplements go:
- Sandstorm: because it deals with heat fatigue and the like.
- Dragon 314: Gave new organizations and spells for non-evil elemental groups.
- this third-Party book: http://paizo.com/products/btpy8199?Fire-and-Brimstone-A-Comprehensive-Guide-to-Lava-Magma-and-Superheated-Rock

2014-06-09, 02:15 PM
Races of stone has some good mountain terrain rules
Checking the Dark Sun Campaign Setting would probably be good too; rocky and barren

other possible native races:
for dwarves: check the azerblood dwarves
for humans: fire, smoke, steam, and ash (para)genasi

Now for red-mountain terrain/lore

littered artificer labs
totemists being a fairly common class among the natives
marauding warforged

2014-06-09, 05:22 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. Other monster and race ideas are most welcome.

Falcon X
2014-06-09, 08:15 PM
If you don't have access to dragon, I can e-mail you excerpts.
Salamanders are a fun idea. A bit evil though. You might think about just using a template like Magma element or Fire-Souled creature.

Dragon 347 - Special new plane of fire environments (hardfire, cerulean magma, etc.), magma and smoke monoliths, magma element creatures (magma rhinoceros), fire weird full article, items and spells.
Dragon 334 - Alchemical Fire article, it's artificial, but people in the area might have done it.
Dragon 314 - Brotherhood of the Burning Heart, Fire-Souled creature, Heartfire Fanner prestige, Firestorm Berserker prestige, fire spells and feats, Searing Flames: Ecology of the Salamander article
Dragon 308 - Dragon magic and gear (if you go with the cliche of dragons being a big deal in the mountains.)

DMs Guide 2 - p.53 for Lava rules
MM4 - Holocaust Disciple, Bloodfire Ooze (Couple with Salamanders), Inferno Spider

2014-06-09, 08:29 PM
there are obsidian weapons in OA
and crystal/deep crystal could be used for weapons in that region as opposed to steel

2014-06-12, 07:58 AM
If you don't have access to dragon, I can e-mail you excerpts.

That would be awesome, thanks :)