View Full Version : Two theories

2014-06-09, 05:21 PM
On the Vampire:

Durkon, as well as the dwarven race in general, has demonstrated a clear fear of trees (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0150.html). This has been a long-standing running joke, even shared by their god, Thor (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0874.html). The vampire has been shown to access all knowledge of Durkon via accessing his memory (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0948.html), and though Durkon has resisted on this, he has done so unsuccessfully. However, assuming the vampire does not by default share this innate fear of trees (as it appears Hel does not think it an argument worthy of pursuit, as in the abovelinked strip 874), he would likely not think to request a memory to show how Durkon would react to trees. I believe this lack of reaction, in turn, will influence the thoughts on any who view it as innately wrong and un-Durkonish. This will be the beginning of the end of the vampire's façade. Also, the possibility exists that a tree branch will serve as the stake through the heart should the vampire be vanquished, allowing the resurrection of Durkon to enter the realm of possibility, serving as a sort of poetic justice.

On Vaarsuvius vs. Xykon how Kish and hamishpence are smarter than I:

Vaarsuvius has realized the folly in wielding arcane might as a cudgel (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0667.html), as well as taken a more directly responsible, active investment in the mission (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0919.html). Through his unique hindsight into the failure of ultimate arcane power to achieve his goals, as well as a more specific remembrance of the denial of magic (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0627.html), he has gained key insight into massive weakness Xykon and Redcloak both posses. As an epic-level sorcerer and an incredibly high-level cleric, they make a powerhouse team. If V were to invalidate magic, he would be severely hampered, but so would both villains. Xykon would still be quite powerful, but all his sorcerer spells would be gone, severely hampering his ability to fight. Against Roy's fighting ability (especially with his undead bane greatsword), the fight would be much more sided with the Order, so long as Xykon can be kept within the antimagic field. Redcloak would be much more easily subdued, but again would need to stay in the field. As this would make the final battle end very quickly, I doubt it will be an instant game-ender, though I do believe it will be a significant factor in the final battle.

I'm interested to hear others' thoughts on the matter.

Yes, I know it's technically three theories, if you split the "vampire will not fear trees" and "vampire will be staked be a tree" as separate theories, which is easily doable. I combined them into a single, unified theory. So there.

2014-06-09, 05:43 PM
For the tree thing, you have to remember that Lurky isn't just probing for memories as he thinks he needs them. Hes getting them over time as well, with or without an immediate need to reference them. With how much its ingrained into Dwarven culture, im skeptical that it is going to be the thing that tips someone off.

2014-06-09, 05:45 PM
In terms of D&D rules, Xykon's epic-level spells would still function within an anti-magic field, and Superb Dispelling might well destroy it.

Thematically, Rich has already shown that Spliced-Vaarsuvius was able to disjunct the field, so it seems unlikely that he'd follow that up with "Xykon can do nothing about it." It seems even more unlikely that Xykon's defeat will be primarily about Vaarsuvius, in the end.

The High Priest of Hel may let something involving trees slip.

2014-06-09, 05:55 PM
For the tree thing, you have to remember that Lurky isn't just probing for memories as he thinks he needs them. Hes getting them over time as well, with or without an immediate need to reference them. With how much its ingrained into Dwarven culture, im skeptical that it is going to be the thing that tips someone off.
True, but Dukon's resistance may come into play here. He may well try to hide any of his hylophobia, at least long enough to let it slip. I think this would be a very strong use of the running gag, so much of my impetus to believe this is from a meta perspective, not an in-story perspective.

In terms of D&D rules, Xykon's epic-level spells would still function within an anti-magic field, and Superb Dispelling might well destroy it.

Thematically, Rich has already shown that Spliced-Vaarsuvius was able to disjunct the field, so it seems unlikely that he'd follow that up with "Xykon can do nothing about it." It seems even more unlikely that Xykon's defeat will be primarily about Vaarsuvius, in the end.

The High Priest of Hel may let something involving trees slip.
Crap. I forgot to check the strips with Darth V against the dragon. It takes disjunction to do this, though. Xykon does have Superb Dispelling (I tried looking it up, and it appears it wouldn't affect AMF, though as always, I could be misunderstanding the rules). Xykon doesn't appear to have access to Disjunction. Though his Epic spells may break through, his non-epics theoretically wouldn't, which would still take quite a bit of the wind out of his sails. And Redcloak could still be totally incapacitated.

Does this sound about right?

2014-06-09, 06:09 PM
True, but Dukon's resistance may come into play here. He may well try to hide any of his hylophobia, at least long enough to let it slip. I think this would be a very strong use of the running gag, so much of my impetus to believe this is from a meta perspective, not an in-story perspective.

I agree, and I can totally see Rich doing that, if it weren't such an important plot development. Rich tends to handle those fairly seriously, even if he cant resist sullying the moment immediately afterwards.

2014-06-09, 06:09 PM
Xykon does have Superb Dispelling (I tried looking it up, and it appears it wouldn't affect AMF, though as always, I could be misunderstanding the rules).

The Dispel Seed (from which Superb Dispelling is developed) does say it works on everything:


This seed can end ongoing spells that have been cast on a creature or object, temporarily suppress the magical abilities of a magic item, or end ongoing spells (or at least their effects) within an area. A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired. The dispel seed can defeat all spells, even those not normally subject to dispel magic.

2014-06-09, 06:19 PM
The Dispel Seed (from which Superb Dispelling is developed) does say it works on everything:


This seed can end ongoing spells that have been cast on a creature or object, temporarily suppress the magical abilities of a magic item, or end ongoing spells (or at least their effects) within an area. A dispelled spell ends as if its duration had expired. The dispel seed can defeat all spells, even those not normally subject to dispel magic.

So that's where I went wrong. Didn't look up the seed. Oh well, it was a fun thought while it lasted.

2014-06-09, 06:49 PM
Wait, the trees are a running gag?
And I always thought they were recurring villains! :smalltongue:

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-06-09, 07:31 PM
On the trees: it seems that the High Priest of Hel is assimilating all the memories of Durkon over time, rather than doing it when he needs the memories. I'd imagine that, since he is impersonating Durkon, he wants to get a good idea of his strengths and weaknesses, and would look for his fears. I do like the idea of him dying due to a tree branch through the heart.

On AMF: I guess this has already been covered, but I'd imagine that, even ignoring Superb Dispelling, Xykon would probably get lucky and remove it with Disjunction, just to make things harder for the Order.

2014-06-10, 02:01 PM
On the trees: it seems that the High Priest of Hel is assimilating all the memories of Durkon over time, rather than doing it when he needs the memories. I'd imagine that, since he is impersonating Durkon, he wants to get a good idea of his strengths and weaknesses, and would look for his fears. I do like the idea of him dying due to a tree branch through the heart.

On AMF: I guess this has already been covered, but I'd imagine that, even ignoring Superb Dispelling, Xykon would probably get lucky and remove it with Disjunction, just to make things harder for the Order.

Xyykon is a sorcerer, not a wizard, and I might be wrong but I believe he can't actually cast disjunction (as we already his 3 nine level spells: energy drain, meteor swarm, and the soul-trapping thingie). Of course superb dispelling should work perfectly.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-06-10, 02:08 PM
Xyykon is a sorcerer, not a wizard, and I might be wrong but I believe he can't actually cast disjunction (as we already his 3 nine level spells: energy drain, meteor swarm, and the soul-trapping thingie). Of course superb dispelling should work perfectly.

Good point. I forgot that Wizards can do some things that Sorcerors can't

2014-06-10, 02:26 PM
On the trees: it seems that the High Priest of Hel is assimilating all the memories of Durkon over time, rather than doing it when he needs the memories. I'd imagine that, since he is impersonating Durkon, he wants to get a good idea of his strengths and weaknesses, and would look for his fears. I do like the idea of him dying due to a tree branch through the heart.

On AMF: I guess this has already been covered, but I'd imagine that, even ignoring Superb Dispelling, Xykon would probably get lucky and remove it with Disjunction, just to make things harder for the Order.
Xykon does not have Disjunction, but as already pointed out, Supreb Dispelling can punch through easily. As for the memory assimilation, Keltest brought this up at the start, and I made a riposte. If you wish to continue the debate (as my response was very much arguable), feel free to do so, but keep my original reply to this concern in mind.

I agree, and I can totally see Rich doing that, if it weren't such an important plot development. Rich tends to handle those fairly seriously, even if he cant resist sullying the moment immediately afterwards.

I somehow managed to completely miss this before. I have two possible rebuttals to this. First, this very same running joke was brought to bear for comic effect during the Death of Durkon scene (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0874.html) (not the same strip, but if you're reading through the comic as a whole, it is a scant few pages before his death). This did not cheapen or take away from the direness of the situation, at least not for me.

As a second option, it could be altered so as to be played more seriously, rather than for laughs. My skills are nowhere near the Giant's in terms of storytelling, and I believe I could accomplish such a feat, which makes me believe that he easily could as well.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-06-10, 02:36 PM
As for the memory assimilation, Keltest brought this up at the start, and I made a riposte. If you wish to continue the debate (as my response was very much arguable), feel free to do so, but keep my original reply to this concern in mind.
I missed that before. I guess I'm a little undecided on whether or not that would happen. On one hand, it would be nice to see Durkon resisting the High Priest of Hel, but on the other hand I sort of feel that the High Priest of Hel can't be stopped. I don't think we need to debate this, as it's very much a matter of opinion and I'm a little unsure anyways.

2014-06-10, 02:58 PM
Wait, the trees are a running gag?
And I always thought they were recurring villains! :smalltongue:

Like many villains, the trees' victims run away in fear. The trees prevent their running victims from speaking by covering their victim's mouths with running gags!

2014-06-11, 05:24 PM
Like many villains, the trees' victims run away in fear. The trees prevent their running victims from speaking by covering their victim's mouths with running gags!

Why must they be so evil?

John Coake
2014-06-11, 07:00 PM
Wait, the trees are a running gag?
And I always thought they were recurring villains! :smalltongue:
Can I add this to my sig?

Also: I'd love to see the tree-jokes work against durkula, just for the irony.

Darth Paul
2014-06-11, 09:51 PM
Prediction, here & now:

The Durkula plot will be resolved by a tree being struck by lightning, falling on Durkula (after his heinous plot has been revealed, of course), its broken limb piercing his black heart and killing him. The Dwarven nations will realize they have been wrong about trees all along. Trees will become legendary heroes of the dwarves. Durkon will ascend and become the Dwarven God of Trees.

And he will hate the job like he hates drinking human beer. :durkon:

2014-06-11, 10:05 PM
What happens if someone is revered enough immediatly after his or her death to ascend to godhood, but also soon enough for it still be possible to resurrect the person? would the person be resurrected as a god in mortal form with all his or her god powers? only a portion of the new god's escense is resurrected? the person is resurrected as normal, but immediatly ascends to godhood upon dying again? or the resurrection plainly fails?

I mean, I am counting on Durkon living again, so I am to wonder how it would work for the new dwarven god of trees. :durkon:

Darth Paul
2014-06-12, 07:33 PM
I suppose, since the soul has to wish to return for resurrecting, that if the rest of the pantheon offered him God Of Trees And Beer, it might tempt Durkon so much that he stayed in the afterlife. Otherwise, he might count as a Demigod if he came back, with the unique ability to Create Beer instead of Water at will as a spell-like ability, etc., etc...

Oh yeah.... and a permanent aura of Protection From Hangovers in a 10' radius.

2014-06-13, 04:18 AM
Xyykon is a sorcerer, not a wizard, and I might be wrong but I believe he can't actually cast disjunction (as we already his 3 nine level spells: energy drain, meteor swarm, and the soul-trapping thingie). Of course superb dispelling should work perfectly.

Unless he took the Spell Knowledge (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/feats.htm#spellKnowledge) feat.

:smallconfused: "Wait, there are Epic Sorcerors who don't take the Spell Knowledge feat?"