View Full Version : [IC] The B-Vengers

lord pringle
2014-06-09, 11:16 PM
Our story begins a few months after the battle for New York, in the coastal town of San Diego. It's a hot autumn day and people in the city have been trying to stay cool in their air conditioned houses. Suddenly an apartment building ignites, the fourth burning to combust in two days. People are screaming and the fire seems to burst further and further away from its origin.
What will you do?

2014-06-11, 05:34 PM
Lena was crossing the street at the time of the explosion.

She glanced up, clutching at the wide brimmed hat that covered her face and drawing her left arm, the arm which had the centipede device implanted in it, close to her chest. It was hard to conceal that in the heat, but she had trained for years to go unnoticed and being on the run was just an extension of those skills.

She glanced around to see if anyone else was acting oddly and to get a better picture of the surrounding area.

Perception: [roll0]

2014-06-12, 11:33 PM
Aegis: the Invincible

The screaming rang out through the neighborhood as the fires began to eat away at the walls of the apartment building and grow stronger. The Centipede-wearing Lena looked around to see if anyone was acting strangely… and as she turned her head to the right to look, someone came running by her in a blur of motion.

A black t-shirt, black gym pants with a blue stripe running down each leg. Black sneakers with blue soles and laces. And blue tape around the man’s wrists and hands. Around his head was a red headband, tied in the back.

This tall, broad-shouldered man pounded the pavement into the street, moving so quickly. He then bent his knees and jumped far faster and higher than any normal human being could jump. He went soaring through the window, directly into the burning building, looking for people trapped within and possibly to stop the blaze.


Tim McAllister was running late for the show at the local Rec Center. Ultimate Championship Wrestling’s special Saturday event. And Tim was running late, so he decided he would just go ahead and be dressed in his ring gear for when he arrived. But as he was running down the street, he heard the screaming and had to do something about it.

As he leaped into the burning building, his lungs and eyes weren’t bothered by the smoke. His skin didn’t burn from the heat. He listened for screaming and called out, his voice loud and clear with a Southern accent.

“YO! Anyone in here?!”

2014-06-13, 04:26 AM
Was that- was that a hero? Lena hadn't seen this one before, but she knew all too well that the powers men had displayed at the Battle of New York were real. She didn't have that kind of strength herself, so she had to make do with running into the bottom of the building and searching for the stairs. She didn't like to show off her abilities, but with that Super drawing attention she should easily be able to help out without being caught herself.

lord pringle
2014-06-13, 10:31 AM
You notice a man running from the building. He has black hair, sunglasses, and is wearing some weather appropriate clothes.
There is a fire escape that one could use to climb the building.
On this floor, there's only one apartment that still sounds like there are people in it, but it sound like there are more people on the above floors.

2014-06-13, 10:51 AM
Chris pulls up to the burning apartment's back entrance, seeing it open, he ran into the building, pulling out the device he found, he has started calling it the Shift, ready to transform at any moment.

2014-06-13, 06:12 PM

Multiple floors worth of people. Good thing Tim doesn’t have to climb. He charged through a wall of flames, singing and burning away some of his ring gear, in the process. But it doesn’t touch the golden shield on his chest.

He makes it to the apartment and shouts out.

“Ya’ll better get away from the door!”

He gives them a second before he comes pushing through, smashing through the door as if it were made of paper mache. Without wasting any time, he gets to whomever is trapped in here, gathering them up into his arms before jumping out through their window, depositing them on the ground before jumping back into the building, going for more people. He’s fast, strong.

2014-06-14, 09:06 PM
((OOC: Sorry about taking so long to do this; ACT testing has come up and I've spent a lot of time studying. I've got it through with for now and I should be able to post more consistently))

Suzu walked down the street, humming some song that was stuck in his head and with a bag of magic supplies slung over his shoulder. After his last 'performance' at some kid's birthday, he was looking forward to going home and getting some rest. It wasn't the best gig, but it paid the bills until he could actually perform somewhere. Suddenly, he saw a building going up in flames. People were screaming, and he stumbled back in surprise. He looked at the ensuing scene for a minute, trying to process all the chaos that was happening.

Suddenly, a big guy with black and blue clothing streaked down the street, leaping into the building. Suzu remembered the news reports from the Battle of New York, and thought of finally putting his powers into use. A more rational part of him said "No! There's fire! Paper burns, you'll burn!", but Suzu wasn't interested in that part of him right now. Suzu reaches into his bag, pulling out a fresh spiral notebook. He had bought it yesterday, for doing origami while on the go. He reaches out at the notebook, feeling the pages with a sort of mental touch. He looks around, trying to find a good hiding spot where he could change as well as observing the scene for any significant details.

Perception: [roll0]

lord pringle
2014-06-15, 09:18 AM
A man runs past you clutching something.
As you come back in from rescuing the people, make me a perception check.
You notice two main things. One, There is a man running out of the burning building, who doesn't have a scorch mark or even soot on him. He seems to be clutching something. Two, the fire seems to expand and contract almost like a heart beat.

2014-06-16, 09:30 AM
(OoC: Sorry it took me so long story.)

Jacks saw the fire expanding.
'I'll have to move fast if I want to help'
Fortunately for him, he could move fast. Very fast.
He accelerated towards the building as time seemed to slow down around him.
He re-entered normal speed as he reached the building and went up to one of the spectators (Lena).
"Do you know what happened here?"

2014-06-16, 09:49 AM
Changing her mind, Lena/Spook bolts after the man fleeing the building. She did not know what it was that had caught her attention, seeing as he appeared fairly nondescript, but she knew to trust her instincts, and so she followed him at top speed.

2014-06-16, 10:21 PM
Suzu examined the situation, wondering how to best approach this situation. The ability to manipulate paper wouldn't do much if he was up against a fire. He was trying to think of something when he saw a man clutching something as he ran out of the building. The man seemed to be unharmed by the fire as he runs from the scene. "That looks pretty suspicious to me," Suzu thinks as he hurries toward a nearby alley. Looking about to make sure nobody could notice him, Suzu reached out with his mind towards his notebook, tearing the pages and binding them around himself, concealing his clothing and most of his body, except for his eyes. The blue lines from the paper are shifted into the chest area, forming a crane insignia that spreads its wings out to touch his shoulders. Suzu looks about at himself, satisfied with his disguise. He takes the remaining paper, forming a paper airplane the size of a large skateboard. Suzu steps onto it, crouching down in order to keep himself stable. Taking to the air, Suzu drops his bag onto a rooftop, remembering the place so he could come back for it later. Suzu flies into the air, following the man from the air but not trying to get close or let the man know he's being followed. He also takes a closer look to see what the man is holding.

Stealth check (in case he tries looking for me, Suzu will try to stay out of sight): [roll0]
Perception check (for seeing what he's holding): [roll1]

2014-06-18, 05:42 PM
Tyler's motorcycle comes to a halt on the path. Stepping down, he adjusts his scarf to cover his mouth. Typical patrol procedure. He normally didn't deal with fires and such, but nothing else was happening, and the spontaneousnus of the fire seemed odd. He knew of a good number of mutants who could manipulate flames, and there would be boundless other reasons.
However with no way to help the victims, he is content to sit back and watch for any superhuman activity.

2014-06-18, 05:46 PM
[roll0] :smallredface:

lord pringle
2014-06-20, 11:25 PM
You can't quite see what he's holding, but he doesn't seem to notice you.
You don't notice anything strange about the fire. But there are screams coming from the floors above you.
The fire is clearly unnatural. It's pulsating like a heart beat.
As you get closer to the man, he draws a strange red gun. "Don't move or I'll shoot! he shouts.

2014-06-21, 01:04 AM
Suzu flies some distance above the strange man, his paper airplane making no sound as he coasted over. He couldn't make out what the man was holding, so he tried moving in closer-

"Don't move or I'll shoot!" the man shouts as he pulls out a strange red gun. He was pointing it at a woman at the other end of the alley. Suzu knew he had to do something. Pulling out a piece of paper, Suzu quickly folded a small paper crane. He watches it spring up, nestling itself into Suzu's index and middle finger like a dart. Suzu throws the crane at the man with the gun, whereupon it unleashed a flurry of pecks on the man's hand, forcing him to drop the gun. Assuming he was successful, Suzu would quickly wrap that paper around the gun in order to pull it out of the man's reach, simultaneously dropping to the roof as his remaining paper comes up around him like a cloak.

Initiative (just in case): [roll0]
Disarm Check: [roll1]
Switch 'Master of Paper' array from Parchment Movement to Stationery Hand.

2014-06-22, 07:14 AM
As you get closer to the man, he draws a strange red gun. "Don't move or I'll shoot! he shouts.

Lena had encountered enough gun-toting men and women since acquiring her implant that she knew she could survive almost any amount of damage a mortal weapon could deal. Then again this didn't look like a mortal weapon.

"Hold it there!" she barked. "Put the weapon down and nobody gets hurt."

Persuasion: [roll0]