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View Full Version : Princely Road Trip [EMPIRE! private thread]

Morph Bark
2014-06-10, 08:33 AM
(Zap Dynamic)

The Inconceivable pulled into the port of Emerald City early in the morning. By the afternoon, things had been taken care of with the harbormaster and servants began unloading his belongings and a few crates of Niskan vodka. "This is going to be one fine trip," Tailong noted, hoping Martin would arrive soon too.

2014-06-10, 01:00 PM
Martin awoke before dawn. His companion, a prominent jeweler, didn’t stir. They had spent a long evening together the night before. Her travels to purchase gems and precious metals made her an excellent courier between Signore Collino and the Grant boys. He had spent a long night pumping her for information from the Jeweled Cities, and even longer making sure she was satisfied with their arrangement. One couldn’t be too careful with a valuble asset like her.

He slipped away quietly and out into the pre-dawn city. His city. Being chased from it by terror as a child would never change his attachment to it. He wandered around as the sun peeked over the eastern hills. From the docks, he purchased some oysters from a boat just pulling in. A little neighborhood bakery provided it too delicious to be well known baguettes. At a cart in a piazza, an older couple he knew sold him a mug of iced fruit water. He smiled at them, knowing they met when a Wenyavuk delegation visited the islands before he was born. A sense of familiarity was in every corner of the city.

A group of children rushed past, yelling and tossing a ball around, nearly knocking him off his feet. A casual check showed they only got his decoy coin purse. He put his fingers to his mouth and whistled loudly, ”Hey!” He shouted at the retreating kids, “You gotta knock a mark down, otherwise he can run you down!” He tossed a small silver coin at the pack and laughed as they rolled over each other for it. “Kids.” He laughed.

He had a treat in store for the everyone. He had managed to rent a special friend of his for his time here. He made his way over to her special home and quietly snuck in. But she couldn’t be fooled, and faster than he could blink, a long shaggy trunk had wrapped about his arm and shoulders, squeezing him in a death grip. “Easy girl” He croaked to the mastadon as it stamped its feet and made low, happy trumpeting noises. He was still amazed that his childhood pet mastodon was still alive, but the Wenyavuk tenders assured him they could live almost as long as a man.
Mid-afternoon arrived as rode her down to the docks, a large cart in tow. Emerald City traffic was used to the lumbering beasts, and cleared the way. He recovered his supplies from a friendly warehouse then stumped down to where the Inconceivable was there docked.
Martin shouted over the din, “Prince Tailong! I found you a wife! Meet Betty!” A gentle rap on the head with the guiding stick, and she trumpeted happily.

Morph Bark
2014-06-10, 03:34 PM
Tailong was just discussing something about travel routes with the navigator of the ship, who was pointing frantically at a map of the Sea of the Golden Sun and its surrounding lands. The noise of large stomping feet made him look up, and the Salterri prince gazed in amazement. He laughed loudly when he saw Martin and the mastodon trumpeted. "Martin! So good to see you, I didn't know you were already a father!" Tailong walked over to the massive woolly beast and stretched a hand carefully to pet its trunk. "Wow, truly a magnificent creature. I'm not guessing she's gonna be our ride to the palace though, is she?"

2014-06-10, 06:36 PM
Tailong was just discussing something about travel routes with the navigator of the ship, who was pointing frantically at a map of the Sea of the Golden Sun and its surrounding lands. The noise of large stomping feet made him look up, and the Salterri prince gazed in amazement. He laughed loudly when he saw Martin and the mastodon trumpeted. "Martin! So good to see you, I didn't know you were already a father!" Tailong walked over to the massive woolly beast and stretched a hand carefully to pet its trunk. "Wow, truly a magnificent creature. I'm not guessing she's gonna be our ride to the palace though, is she?"

"A-firmative. She's an old friend from my childhood. I didn't know they lived that long, but when she saw me, she wouldn't let any other mastadon near." He grinned wildly and continued, "What can I say? Once a woman takes me for a ride, she wont let go.."

He motioned to the cart attached to the howda, "Have your porters toss your stuff in with the rest."

Morph Bark
2014-06-11, 08:00 AM
Tailong grinned. "Ever like an Ashenian horse, Martin." He gestured at the men on the ground and they put all the stuff on the cart. Tailong jumped up and grabbed hold of the howdah and climbed on board. "Yipyip!"

2014-06-11, 09:23 AM
Betty was unimpressed. It took a couple of raps on her noggin to get her moving.

"We're headed for Water's Watch and a nearby hunting lodge. It was the original capital of Woodwind, way before the Ignato Empire and the triumvarite. I think the lodge is often used by Triumvarite the nobility."

The pair knew they would likley arrive as night fell, so they had some time to relax and enjoy the ride. Betty followed the road with little trouble, and only an occasional stop at a pond or a yummy looking tree.

[ooc: I figured we needed to get to a place away from the cities and coasts and in the forests to properly hunt boar]

2014-06-11, 10:42 AM
Zhuang was waiting at the lodge for his cousin and whatever guest he had decided to bring. He had a decent fire going and a collection of hunting spears lined the wall. They had been sharpened beforehand by some servants who had since left and Zhuang had settled into a chair by the fire to read. As the sun began to set and he still heard nothing he thought he might get another night of peaceful sleep but he soon heard the rumbling ground that marked an approaching mammoth or elephant and realized his luck was not going to run that long. Pushing away his dour face at the thought of hunting boar and replacing it with a smile he rose from his seat and went to the entrance of the lodge, the light from inside silhouetting his Cloudiz features as the Salterri Prince and his friend approached.

He waved a hand in greeting to the arrivals.

2014-06-11, 07:45 PM
Martin unloaded the cart and found a paddock for Betty to stay. The hunting horses seemed offended to share the barn wiht the large beast.

He carried a crate of Quarimosi rum in his hands, a small tub of Islander rice-wine tucked under one arm. He was all smiles as he entered the lodge, singing a tavern tune.

"It's the second week of deer camp
I got a swollen head
I'm lying with the dustballs
Underneath the bed
An icy breeze is blowing
Into the tongue and groove
My pants are frozen to the floor
And I'm too sick to move
I didn't drink so many
Just thirty pints of beer
It musta been that last shot
That put me under here

It's the second week of deer camp
And all the guys are here
We drink play cards and shoot the bull
But never shoot no deer
The only time we leave the camp
Is when we go for beer
The second week of deer camp
Is the greatest time of year

I remember playing poker
I lost the game I fear
That weasel’s wearing my new swampers
And sleeping with my spear
He's snoring like a wild bear
The camp smells like a dump
Someone's dirty underwear
Is hanging on the pump
Mickey's in the woodbox
Weener's passed out on the stove
His flannel shirt is smoking
I wonder if he knows

It's the second week of deer camp
And all the guys are here.."

Morph Bark
2014-06-12, 08:15 AM
Tailong helped Martin unpack the cart--they were only two after all, with much baggage. While Martin took care of the rum and rice-wine, he unloaded and put down the small barrels of Grmanhil mead, Bracian beer and Niskovian vodka next to the cart. The only thing that seemed to be missing was Heartwine. He wondered if Martin had forgotten. He let them stand there and made it his job to bring all the other things from the cart to the lodge, starting with his clothes and leaving his bow and arrows and spears for last.

He had his hands full when Zhuang came in sight and he called out a greeting. He shook his head at Martin's singing. That voice was fit for a villain in a Tarcbjorn play.

"All's ready here, cousin?"

2014-06-12, 11:56 AM
Tailong helped Martin unpack the cart--they were only two after all, with much baggage. While Martin took care of the rum and rice-wine, he unloaded and put down the small barrels of Grmanhil mead, Bracian beer and Niskovian vodka next to the cart. The only thing that seemed to be missing was Heartwine. He wondered if Martin had forgotten. He let them stand there and made it his job to bring all the other things from the cart to the lodge, starting with his clothes and leaving his bow and arrows and spears for last.

He had his hands full when Zhuang came in sight and he called out a greeting. He shook his head at Martin's singing. That voice was fit for a villain in a Tarcbjorn play.

"All's ready here, cousin?"

"Yes, all is well here. Tell me cousin, who's the singing fellow you've brought with you? He looks to be an islander, am I wrong?"

Morph Bark
2014-06-12, 12:25 PM
Tailong smiled knowingly at Zhuang. "You're right on that, though it's even better." He put down his load and stretched an arm out towards Martin. "Presenting His Royal Highness Martin Tremblor-Grants, Prince of the Jeweled Cities, Hero of the Emerald City, future King of Pirates and cousin to the most lovely princesses the Imperium has known since over a century."

One reason Tailong had invited Martin along was that he had an adventurous spirit like him and up to a challenge, which had made making the invitation look tempting easy enough, since it would've tempted him. Of the other reasons, Zhuang would likely be able to figure out at least one, his cousin thought.

2014-06-12, 12:49 PM
Tailong smiled knowingly at Zhuang. "You're right on that, though it's even better." He put down his load and stretched an arm out towards Martin. "Presenting His Royal Highness Martin Tremblor-Grants, Prince of the Jeweled Cities, Hero of the Emerald City, future King of Pirates and cousin to the most lovely princesses the Imperium has known since over a century."

One reason Tailong had invited Martin along was that he had an adventurous spirit like him and up to a challenge, which had made making the invitation look tempting easy enough, since it would've tempted him. Of the other reasons, Zhuang would likely be able to figure out at least one, his cousin thought.

"He is such a cunning linguist, he is, or so Ambryn claims." Martin laughed as he settled in. "The only real title I might have is Admiral of the of Indpendent Islander Mercantile Exchange, which is a mouthful. We couldn't decide on pirate-admiral or admiral-pirate."

2014-06-12, 01:30 PM
"Ah! I have heard such stories about you Martin! Your cousin Eirwynn speaks often of her sister's tales regarding yourself," he threw a glance at Tailong at this statement, trying to gauge his cousin's reaction.

Zhuang bent and helped lift some of the supplies the two travelers had brought with them, throwing his hovering off slightly but he regained his balance and began to head inside.

"I think Pirate Admiral has a more authoritative ring to it myself. The Admiral of all Pirates, it seems to say, which isn't a bad title to cultivate as I'm certain your ancestor would attest."

Morph Bark
2014-06-12, 02:06 PM
"She'd know." Tailong admitted. "Future King of Pirates." He insisted on the title with a knowing and stubborn look. "Pirate Admiral of the Mouthful of Words is suited too, though I'd fear for the one getting their mouth full of you."

He took in a deep breath of the woodland air and let out a big 'AAAHH' in satisfaction as he planted a hand on one shoulder of each of his companions. "And this week we shall add another story to it. A story for each of us and all of us. First, we drink, then, we hunt, then, we feast! We shall bring the biggest, fattest boar to the palace and honour our ancestors, both living and dead in words and in action. And then we shall see the eloquence of Vetrstark Tarcbjorn, and how one truly should put action to words as taught by the son of the greatest poet who ever lived." He smirked at the both of them and let them go. "Shall we crank open a bottle of rice-wine to celebrate our coming together, lads? I know you're not used to the stronger stuff cousin, so Martin did well in bringing it along."

2014-06-12, 03:12 PM
Zhuang let a tight smile cross his face as his cousin clamped his hand down on his shoulder.

"Yes, thank you," he said, forcibly loosening his jaw from being clenched, "I don't find drinking terribly enjoyable," he explained to Martin, "I find it makes me less attentive to the Raaneki virtue I do find enjoyment in."

He didn't mention he didn't much care for hunting or staying in a lodge with his cousin much either out of sake of politeness but his discomfort lay quietly under the surface.

2014-06-12, 07:03 PM
"I have just the thing, then!" Martin said excitedly. He dug around in the kitchen and came up with a couple of cups, a knife, and a mallet.

As the cousins watched, he hustled over to the provisions and rummaged around for... something. "Hang on, you're gonna love it." Back in the kitchen, knives flew, hammers hammered and in just a couple of minutes Martin came out with three large mugs of... something. It had a piece of pineapple tucked along the rim.

"Try this!" He handed the mug to Zhuang and Tailong. "It is rice wine and rum, mixed with pineapple and orange squeezings. You pound a sugar stick into dust and mix it in. All the stuff mellows out the sting of the alcohol. We call it a Tangarotha Typhoon."

2014-06-12, 09:55 PM
Zhuang lifted the mug to his lips and took a sip. His mouth puckered at the sweet mixture still undercut by the taste of alcohol. There was no denying it was certainly better than any straight alcohol he'd had before and he took another, deeper drink before passing it to his cousin.

"Spirits above you Islanders make even alcohol taste like the tropics!"

2014-06-13, 09:34 AM
And so the drinking began....

The trio settled in for a night of drinking, table games, and idle chit chat.

Feeling pleasantly spinny, Martin waggled a finger at the other two, "Now how'r you related again? Someone really should publiss a chart or somethin'"

2014-06-13, 10:15 AM
"Hish father ish my fathersh brother, exshept his father is Qzare," Zhuang answered, surprised at how much he had drunk due to the Typoon's smoother taste, "Now let me ashk you something Mishter Pirate Admiral, how are you related to Jonash Grumby, the firsht pirate king? Grandshon? Grand nephew?"

2014-06-13, 11:13 AM
"Jonas was my grandpa. He had three kids- Amber and Evelyn when he was really young, and Tumberink when he was almost 80. 80! Can you imagine that? Make me shudder when I think of it." He laughed. He took another sip. "Anyway, Islanders name thier kids with their mom's last name. Some old tradition about it being more important who launched the boat than laid the first timber." He laughed again and touched the intricate geometric tattoo along his left eye and cheek. "Grant. Grandma's mark. Mom and Amber had it too."

He waggled a finger at Tailong. "So that makes Tempest my cousin, and Ambryn my first cousin once removed. Remember that Princey boy, when you're trying to get under her skirt." He gave him a very fake looking evil eye, then started laughing again.

Morph Bark
2014-06-16, 03:32 PM
The Tangarotha Typhoon of Martin's craft turned out to be really tasty! "A bit fruity, but jusht the way for coushin Zhuay, 'mguessay." He mumbled when they were well into their drinking. He waved his mug at Zhuang while he explained their relation. "Dun forget that... your fasha is older, but youz the youngun." He grinned at Martin while he chugged down another mug of vodka, before he stood up to mix his own thing, where he took no fruit and only mixed all the straight alcoholic drinks they had--which he introduced to the others as Dragon's Piss. The first taste was more awful than any of its parts, but the aftertaste was surprisingly good, if not as tasty as the fruity drinks. "I'lla remember that one, but only before. While I'lla be under that skirt I'lla have plenty other things on my mind." He grinned bigger and raised his cup in a toast. "To the ladies! To future kings and present heroes!"

2014-06-16, 03:38 PM
"Here here!" Zhuang raised his goblet half full, or was it half empty, of Typhoon, "To the lady kings!"

2014-06-17, 07:28 AM
"To our future wives and current girlfriends, may they never meet!" Martin added.

2014-06-19, 01:22 PM
Moving things forward, please feel free to time jump as needed:

In the morning, the dogs were far more ready than the hunters. Zhuang had his master huntsman bring up the finest bay-and-cordon pair the Empire had for the upcoming hunt.
Corella was as fine a tracking hound as the Aloren province had ever produced. Quick and yet tireless, she could follow her expert nose all day. No prey was safe from her, and her baying call carried for miles, even through dense forest.

Dyamnus was the cordon dog of the pair. 100 pounds of muscle and attitude, his job was to go head to head with dire boar, mountain lion, and other dangerous animals. He kept them busy and prevented them from running off as the huntsmen closed in.
The three men donned their hunting gear of mithril and leather and checked to make certain the one groom had properly barded the horses. Long spears of hardwood, tipped with broad-bladed spearheads awaited them. The mounted up and set off into the foggy and overcast morning.
Corella was out running early, carving back and forth across the path of the riders, trying to pick up a scent. Barely an hour out, a quick sharp ‘woof’ indicated she had the scent, and the group was truly off and running. The thick Woodwind forest slowed the horses, and eventually the trio abandoned them entirely as Corella’s baying grew more strident.

When they reached her, she was circling along the top of a drumlin. A deep thicket filled the kettle below. Zhuang reached down and removed Dyamnus’ lead. A hundred plus pounds of eager muscle growled and barked as it charged down the hill. Dyamnus plunged into the brush. Snapping twigs, the sounds of churning brush, and then, the high squeak of a boar! The trio spread out, coming down the hill and approaching the thicket from three sides. They couldn’t see anything through the shadows and thick brush. But Dyamnus growls had taken on a muzzled tone.
Suddenly, a massive shape burst out of the brush, right at Tailong! A truly massive dire boar was trying to gore Dyamnus. Or perhaps it was trying to escape. The dog, had a good portion of the boar’s neck clamped in its jaws. They pair spun wildly as they caromed about the small valley.

2014-06-23, 12:18 PM
<<OOC: again, feel free to add dialogue all you want. I just wanted closure>>>

Martin, Zhuang and Tailong closed in with their spears. The dog and boar spun wildly. Taliong darted forward and stabbed quickly, eager for the kill. The boar’s tough hide took most of it, and it spun away, squealing even louder. Zhuang gave Tailong a quick shove, causing him to stumble to the side. As he started to protest, the boar lashed out in a massive kick with its hind legs- clipping Taliong on the leg and sending him tumbling
Martin managed a solid blow between the shoulder-blades just as the boar kicked. Dense bone and muscled deadened the blow, but the gash was still deep. Zhuang spun and delivered a deep, piercing blow behind the ribs and into the belly. The hog’s leg went limp.
He whistled, and the dog let go, jumping back. The three men closed in, spears striking repeatedly. The boar soon collapsed. In their elation, however, they lost track of Dyamnus. Being a chase dog, it plunged back into the brush.
Martin drew his hunting knife and bent down to finish the beast. “NO, you fool!” Tailong yelled. He launched himself onto the head of the boar, just as it brought its tusks up in a powerful slash- right at Marin. His weight bore the beast’s head to the ground. Martin joined him and the pair struggled to hold it down as Martin finished the job. In the chaos, no one heard Dyamnus growling again.
Sleepy circled around, his back to the thicket. So he was unaware Dyamnus had spooked another boar- a smaller female- who came charging up behind him. Martin saw it a fraction of a second before the rest. On his knees, he threw himself at the creature, grabbing it about the middle as Dyamnus bit into its neck. Man and dog wrestled the smaller creature down as it plowed into Zhuang. Tailong and Zhuang recovered quickly, go to their feet, and dispatched the second creature.

Silence descended on the valley, with just the heaving breathing of dog and animal breaking the stillness. They examined themselves, and the dogs. Dyamnus had numerous small cuts and a broken tooth, but looked otherwise well. Tailong’s left leg greave was mangled and a large section of skin was torn away. He realized then that Zhuang’s shove saved him from a blow that would have caved in his knee. Martin, in turn, stared at the long deep gouge across his armor’s chest-plate. The boar’s slashing head turn nearly cut through had it not been for Tailongs quick action. Zhaung managed to remove his leg armor, severely dented from where the sow’s smaller tusks had made contact. He realized he was spared a permanent limp by Martins diving interception.

Much limping, cussing, and “by the god’s I’m going to feel that in the morning”s, the trio managed to return to the lodge, prizes in hand. Anti-septic, bandages, and alcohol they applied with great abandon.

At some point during the evening’s recovery, Tailong and Martin had a few quiet moments discussion about Ambryn. It became clear to both of them that Tailong was truly in love with her. Martin loved her as a cousin and close friend. He admitted that anything else they might have been in the past was likely the infatuation of the young.

The trio were all in agreement that the next few days were a blur of activity and recovery. There was travel, an incident with the mammoth and a water crossing which wound up soaking them all to the bone, a feast at the capitol, and too much alcohol to be medically necessary for the healing of injuries The story of the hunt was told and retold, each time getting more grandiose. The royal hunt-master admitted it was one of the largest boar’s ever taken in the forest. But by the time the story reached the local taverns, bard’s spun tales of the Three Princes and the Great Beast of the Forest.