View Full Version : Pathfinder Tiefling Celestial Commander (Summoner)

2014-06-10, 10:53 AM
I ran across this little beauty just recently and although I know giving up an eidolon is just fricken horrible idea (eidolon's are awesome) I can't help but want to make a Tiefling PC with this class.


Just for kicks and giggles...

Yuna, Female Tiefling Demon-Spawn (Pitborn) Tiefling (+2 Str, + 2 Cha, -2 Int) Celestial Commander of Saint Cuthbert.

Her father was a cleric of the church, died in battle against an undying monster. However her father was able to defeat it... For now, the beast comes back from time to time since it is unkillable. Yuna hopes to do they same, to protect her homeland and the world from the deaded Terrasque.

Her mother died upon childbirth, she was a tiefling that was looked upon with distrust and hate by the community. Many felt that she was just seducing Yuna's father to turn him... However their love was genuine and lasted till her final breath.

Yuna became a summoner to accomplish her goals of destroying sin the Terrasque.

(If you don't see where I'm going with this, please go play FFX :smallbiggrin:, though background and similarities in name is going to be the end of their connection... )

My idea is that she will spam grease and summon monsters, for the most part spell focus and greater spell focus (conjuration) will be needed for this even though I get augment summoning for free.

20 point buy (18 score max at first level)

Level 1

Str: 16
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 8
Wis: 8
Cha: 18

Feats: Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Trait: Unscathed (+2 to all elemental resistances)
Trait: Perception Trait (+1 Perception, is class skill)

HP: 10
Skill Points: 2 (favored class bonus)
Spell Craft: -1 Mod + 3 Train + 1 skill point = +3
Perception: -1 Mod + 3 Train + 1 Skill Point + 2 Racial +1 Trait = +6
+2 to disable device (Useless... Mostly)

Racial Features
Resist 7: Fire, Cold, Electricity
Prehensile Tail (Totally holds my holy symbol for me)
Skilled: +2 Perception/Disable Device
1/Day: Shatter (Sp): CL = Class Level (DC = 15)
Darkvision: 60 feet
Medium Size
Speed: 30

Languages: Common, Abyssal, and Celestial (class bonus)

AC: 10 + 5 (scail mail) + 1 Dex = 16

Weapon Attack: 0 BAB + 3 Strength = +3
Weapon Damage: Long spear 1d8 + 4 (reach)

Summon Monster 1: 8/day
Spell Known

0: Mage Hand, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Message (at-will)

1: Grease, Enlarge Person (2/day)

Domain: Although it is quite unoptimized I'm thinking of going with the healing domain (my groups are flexible with gods giving them domains) but I'm not sure just yet. Growth could be fun as could a few others. Actually for the fun of it I may make her a cleric of a cause and give her the Demon domain. She gets it not by choice but due to her heritage.

(Random note: I'm not racist against the albhed, but the similar outlook of the people within their worlds with regaurd to Tieflings and thte Albhed do have similarities. :smallwink:)

Also I know being a cleric would be more optimized but cleric doesn't get, that I know of, a few of the class features I really want (teamwork feats for summons? Hell yeah).

So what do you guys think? Any suggestions?

Edit: Basic tactics...

First round I will summon a creature(s) at range to keep the enemy from charging or casting easily. Use my move action to get into charge position myself.

Second round: Attack with summoned creatures, move them out of the way for my charge attack. Charge the enemy but use reach.

Third round: Summons attack and move to keep me from being charged or they provoke AoO if the creature(s) got next to me so that I won't take the hit.

Fourth round: Summons do their thing. I move back into charging range. Standard action I cast a spell such as Grease.

Fifth round: summons do their thing, get out of the way, I charge.

Summoner yo-yo. I might take the growth domain to up my reach and damage a bit...

Teamwork feat ideas...

Tandem Trip, Shake it Off, and Feint Partner...

2014-06-10, 11:27 AM
Nice archetype, I'd like to give it a try.

I would recommend grabbing summon good monster before spell focus conjugation. The extra endurance, presuming its rules to not be dysfunctional, will be nice even before the extra choices come into play.

2014-06-10, 11:35 AM
Wouldn't get Feather Fall in the slightest (unless your DM is known for dropping you every second gaming session). I'd go for Enlarge Person (and really get mileage out of your spear range).

2014-06-10, 12:01 PM
Use your domain to get an animal companion, be your own party.

Healing would give you access to some off list spells, allowing you to be a party healer in a pinch.

Edited for autocorrect badness

2014-06-10, 12:08 PM
Use your domain to get an anal companion, be your own party.

Healing would give you access to some off list spells, allowing you to be a party healer in a pinch.

See, I know what you meant... But...

I wasn't aware there was a way to get an animal companion. However that may be taking things to far haha.

One of the reasons I was thinking healing was so I can use items that have cure spells in them or whatever.

The Oni
2014-06-10, 12:08 PM
Thematically, Yuna's better off with a domain that replicates the Sending or otherwise lays spirits to rest. She does heal people, but that's not exclusively a summoner's domain - she's not a summoner until she can perform the Sending. The Ancestors replacement power for the Repose Domain will let her Speak With Farplane...

And yeah, Feather fall won't be helpful until you get to Bevelle much at all.

The Oni
2014-06-10, 12:09 PM
Use your domain to get an anal companion

see that's less of a class feature, more of a fetish

2014-06-10, 12:11 PM
see that's less of a class feature, more of a fetish

Wow, autocorrect, thanks for that. I don't even know how it got there.

The Oni
2014-06-10, 12:15 PM
Wow, autocorrect, thanks for that. I don't even know how it got there.

neither did the companion

But seriously. Animal companion is rarely a bad idea, but a Summoner is gonna be calling most of her animal friends from the higher/lower planes. I mean, unless you can pull off a bipedal cat and name him Kimahri.

2014-06-10, 12:18 PM
Thematically, Yuna's better off with a domain that replicates the Sending or otherwise lays spirits to rest. She does heal people, but that's not exclusively a summoner's domain - she's not a summoner until she can perform the Sending. The Ancestors replacement power for the Repose Domain will let her Speak With Farplane...

And yeah, Feather fall won't be helpful until you get to Bevelle much at all.

Eh, I'm not to worried about keeping her within Yuna's theme, I just used that background because it was fun.

Actually I'm not sure if I need healing spells! I can eventually just summon a monster that can heal the party! Haha totally forgot about that. Low levels I'm sure potions or UMD can get the job done. Plus someone I play D&D with is bound to play a cleric.

Random note: I would like to see a D&D world set up like FFX cosmology (plane + far plane + pyreflies+ eidolons) but without the whole Sin/others coming back thing from the audio works.

2014-06-10, 12:23 PM
If you aren't worried about healing, just look for good domain powers and good spells not on your list.

2014-06-10, 12:33 PM
If you aren't worried about healing, just look for good domain powers and good spells not on your list.

Yup. I pretty much have any buff spells I could want. Looks like I need to look for destruction, mass destruction.


Domain Options

3 main choices right now...

Fire (Ash): Destruction power via magic. Ash gives a nifty battlefield control ability. Mostly just for when I want to be a Blasty mage. Spells here would give me something different to do in case I don't want to melee or if I'm taking a penalty to attack rolls. My cha is pretty good so I'm not worried about the DC being low. (So far this is the front runner)

Nobility (Martyr): Just fantastic. Works with the Yuna theme (even if I didnt specifically want to keep going with it). I could take leadership as a feat in later levels to get my "guardians" if I want to take the Martyr path. Leadership/Martyr combo wouldn't be bad and the spells are so so (for my character).

Law (Tyranny): Sounds silly but I would refluffed the subdomaim to be called something like "Structure" or "Obedience". The touch of law ability is fantastic with the right party. The level 8 ability is also sweet, pretty much a free Trip for my summons to pounce on. Hit => Free Command + all summons charging? Then if the target stands up, AoO for all the summons and Yuna... Pretty awesome. Bonus spells suck though.