View Full Version : DM Help Called shots in grapple

2014-06-10, 05:13 PM
Recently a player asked about called shots while grappling, namely eye gouging. I think he saw a recent GOT episode and wants to try blinding enemies. I like to encourage my players to do cool things and think outside the box, but I also know if I make this too easy he will do it nonstop. I was thinking maybe he would get a grapple check penalty for aiming and if he beats his opponent by enough I'd allow it? We haven't been doing any called shots for arms or legs really, just occasional flavor text from me.

Any ideas how to go about this? Or if it is just a bad idea in general

Also of note anything I let my players do I always try and throw back at them eventually.

2014-06-10, 05:18 PM
I think he saw a recent GOT episode and wants to try blinding enemies.
:smalleek: Shudders

But seriously.

I'd make it cost a feat, and build some simple mechanics around it. (they might need to pin the opponent).

Depends on how powerful your games tend to be. This might be an on par ability, or fairly meh. If the latter, I'd not make it cost a feat.

2014-06-10, 05:30 PM
I'd allow it. Wouldn't make it easy though. It should definitely be a high DC. I mean, he's reaching for their EYES...they obviously can see it coming. If he is going for the eyes then he isn't using his hands for anything else which will make it easier for the opponent to manhandle him. So, high DC. If he can get the opponent pinned first it shouldn't be as hard of a check though.

It's a realistic tactic but if the player is 'Good' aligned then he should probably be wary of using this tactic cuz it doesn't exactly scream of "I'm a good guy, yay!" and if used enough he should probably be 'shifted' into a different alignment.

2014-06-10, 05:49 PM
I mean, he's reaching for their EYES...they obviously can see it coming..


here, take some of my respect.

2014-06-10, 05:53 PM
I'm pretty sure a pin is basically required for an eye gouge.

The get the pin, next round they make a grapple check, if they win by 5 or more, they can move into position for an eye gouge, next round, grapple check and if they win by 5 they eye gouge.