View Full Version : Invisible sword?

2014-06-10, 10:23 PM
is there a way for a character to get an invisible sword?

2014-06-10, 10:25 PM
That sounds dangerous !!!!!!!


2014-06-10, 10:29 PM
Was watching Fate/Zero and actually really liked the idea for some reason. Made a character based off of saber from it but am wondering if their is a way to replicate the weapon and if it being invisible would give it any benefits.

2014-06-10, 10:31 PM
All you have to do is cast invisibility on it.

Fable Wright
2014-06-10, 10:37 PM
Take the Invisible Spell feat, and then cast an Invisible Spectral Weapon. You now have a temporary invisible sword that actually gives you a benefit in combat.

If you just want the invisible sword part, just cast a Permanencied Invisibility on your sword.

2014-06-10, 10:39 PM
I think the only real perk of having an invisible sword is Roleplay fun. "Don't hurt me, i'm unarmed! *STAB!*"

2014-06-10, 10:40 PM
Just be careful for assassins wielding 150cm Katanas on stairs. They can figure out your sword's length stuff with ease.

2014-06-10, 10:44 PM
My favorite is Fabricating a weapon from iron coming from a Wall of Iron spell with the Invisible Spell metamagic applied. If I interpret all the relevant spells correctly, the resulting weapon is completely invisible and nonmagical.

2014-06-10, 10:49 PM
like the temporary invisible spectral weapon thing, kinda fits how the sword works in the show. It doesn't really need a great use, just wanted it to be made. Somehow the simplest answer eluded me, Invisibility.

2014-06-10, 10:58 PM
Mmm as a fan of fate/stay night I suggest you watch that before you continue with Fate/zero. you might also need to find a way to get wind wall on the sword, so it can truly be just like blue saber's sword.

2014-06-10, 11:06 PM
I think the only real perk of having an invisible sword is Roleplay fun. "Don't hurt me, i'm unarmed! *STAB!*"

You can do much the same with gloves of storing. I heard of one game where a player used the gloves to produce a sword so it would be at the throat of his opponent immediately.

2014-06-10, 11:16 PM
slaydemon- any ideas how to do that? I was just going with a close replica but if you have an idea how to actually make a sword cloaked in wind that makes it invisible that would be nice. lol if not close enough works. When im making a character based off of anime i go with close enough not perfect match

2014-06-10, 11:35 PM
I created this magic item years ago for a rogue PC who liked to use a rapier with improved feint. I never worked out what the price should be, since I knew he wouldn't sell it.

Invisible Rapier: +1Attk/Dmg; Twice a day as free action the wielder can whisper a command word (DC10 Listen check to hear) to make the blade become invisible. The blade will remain invisible long enough to make one attack. The blade always catches foes flat footed unless the target is under the affects of True Seeing or See Invisibility. Against enemies with Uncanny Dodge this blade adds 1 to your effective level to catch them flat footed. The blade also gets a +2 to attacks for being invisible.

2014-06-10, 11:36 PM
A Blurstrike weapon (+2, MiC) does something like this. When you activate it, it fades from view and makes your target flat-footed against the first attack you make in a round. Limited uses per day, although 10/day should be sufficient for most purposes.

2014-06-10, 11:36 PM
Someonelse- not bad actually. Most likely not use it for this but it will find use in my game with a rapier wielding foe i am working on.

2014-06-10, 11:37 PM
Slipperychicken? lol what- anyways yes that would work, put some wind fluff on it and tada that should do nicely. I am not trying to replicate all of the characters abilities anyways, only the invisible sword part.

2014-06-10, 11:38 PM
Thanks :smallbiggrin:

2014-06-10, 11:45 PM
Really, you should talk to your DM. I don't think there's anything official in the books for this sort of thing.

If I were the DM, I'd say that the sword is under a variable Blur effect (based on how strong the enchantment is), that subtracts a given number from the target's Dex/Dodge bonuses (stronger the enchantment, higher the penalty). Since this isn't an illusion but a physical magic effect, standard immunities don't apply, and it screws with all sight-based perception methods. Blindsight, Tremorsense, and similar would work as normal, though. Only thing would be that I think the weapon would probably get a LITTLE extra damage, like 1d2 slashing per penalty if performed in the same manner as the Fate series.

2014-06-11, 12:01 AM
You know I personally would be tempted to put an attack to hit penalty on an invisible sword unless you had some means of seeing it. If it's invisible you can only best guess where it actually is.

2014-06-11, 12:16 AM
Lol i am the dm that is why i am trying to figure this out. A NPC will have it, and i think i might make all attacks with it unless the target can see the blade be treated as FF and give the attacker a small penalty to attack (NPC actually can see it so no biggy)

2014-06-11, 12:31 AM
Unless it only works for that NPC, assume the PCs will kill them and take the invisible sword for themselves.

2014-06-11, 01:38 AM
Invisibility + permanency. The NPC's buddy could do it or a hired wizard would do it for 5,700 gp or so. It does not actually make the target flat-footed because the wielder is still visible. Heck the wielder has almost as much trouble knowing where the sharp side ends as the target does. The target can still watch the wielder's hands.

IIRC there's a technique involving a Japanese short sword pointed directly at the foe to disguise its length, causing the foe to parry at the wrong spot. But it's no big advantage and falls under general swordsmanship skills.

If the wielder further impairs the target's vision with something like fog, then I'd think about giving a small bonus because then it's harder to tell what's going on. But even then I might take away the bonus once the target figures it out. By strict RAW there's no benefit.

It can be dispelled but that happens far less often than you might think. Especially since it's not worth dispelling. Really if you can waste an average of 2 of a wizard's turns with the sword by getting him to dispel it then that's far more effective then actually attacking with it.

Tohsaka Rin
2014-06-11, 09:54 AM
Eh, it's not that useful, unless you're trying to hide the identity of a famous weapon.

The sword actually isn't invisible, just very hard to discern. Because while you can't see what the sword IS, you can see the thick folds of air wrapped around it.

While that makes it tricky to duel with someone wielding such a weapon, it doesn't take long for anyone with half a brain to estimate how long the blade roughly is. You still have to swing it with your hands, that pretty much telegraphs exactly where the blade is going to be, at any given time.

So, yeah, blurstrike (as has been already mentioned) sounds like the best way of doing this. That, or just ask the DM if you can flavor it as shrouded with air to make it difficult to discern what it looks like, but still plainly obvious that it's a sword of some sort.

If you want more, you want to get a wizard to enchant it to do line of sonic energy two or three times a day.

2014-06-11, 10:06 AM
Also, a truly invisible sword would be really annoying to find and pick up in the morning without cutting yourself at least once.

2014-06-11, 10:21 AM
Look up Bladeshimmer in Complete Scoundrel (page 114). It has rules for attacking with an invisible weapon. The attacker makes a Sleight of Hand check with a +10 competence bonus. This becomes the Spot DC for his opponent to notice the weapon. If his opponent doesn't make the Spot check, he's considered flat-footed for the attack.

Bladeshimmer is only good for one attack, as it gets wiped off. However, a weapon with a more permanent invisiblility effect would presumably continue to work as if it were Bladeshimmered, although it's not clear if the Sleight of Hand check is made once for the entire combat or if a new check is made for every attack.

To speed things up, I'd just declare that the Spot DC is equal to the attacker's "Take 10" result for Sleight of Hand + 10 competence bonus for being invisible. If a sneak attacker went completely nuts with this, I might cap it after a certain number of successful attacks, as the fresh blood on the blade makes it rather obvious to spot. A move action could be used to quickly wipe off the blade.

2014-06-11, 04:57 PM
Also, a truly invisible sword would be really annoying to find and pick up in the morning without cutting yourself at least once.

You know, we have technology to avoid accidents like that.

http://www.armouronline.com/foto/produkty/titulni_885_scabbard_for_15_hand_sword_scabbard.jp g

As long as you don't also enchant the scabbard to be invisible, it shouldn't pose many problems when properly sheathed, aside from the user being aware that his sword's been misplaced or stolen.

And just hope you don't end up dropping your fancy invisible sword and having to frantically search for it in combat.

2014-06-11, 09:49 PM
so bladesimmer (or shimmer idk which is correct) or blurstrike. a one turn bonus would fit really. it is not meant to be all powerful just cool (my players eat up any original weapon they can find). plus it is going to be a pretty good weapon, belongs to a level 16 king so plenty of money to enhance the weapon.

2014-06-11, 10:11 PM
so bladesimmer (or shimmer idk which is correct) or blurstrike. a one turn bonus would fit really. it is not meant to be all powerful just cool (my players eat up any original weapon they can find). plus it is going to be a pretty good weapon, belongs to a level 16 king so plenty of money to enhance the weapon.

He could also bling it up with Everbright (+2,000gp, MiC), which renders the weapon immune to rust. Also gives a cute little blinding effect. Maybe Illuminating (+500gp, MiC) too, unless he's supposed to be a sneaky king.

2014-06-11, 10:22 PM
If you have ever seen fate/zero or fate/stay night, the king is based off of the main servants ideals and attitude. Just recreating her into the closest thing I can in the game and trying to get the weapon "feel" right. everbright might work, her weapon is a golden sword

Safety Sword
2014-06-12, 01:23 AM
Getting disarmed and the fun of finding the sword afterward would make me allow this as a DM :smallamused: