View Full Version : Odd Characters

2014-06-11, 11:11 PM
What is the most unusual character you have ever made? I'm looking for strange and bizarre. The kind of character that really makes you question how creative you can possibly be.

To start it off, there was a character I had made with a friend that lasted for about half a year until he was killed by a dragon. He was Mystery Lastname, the haunted oracle blacksmith that made bear traps for a living. He was a 3 foot tall Gnome with pink eyes and pink skin. This was complemented by his rainbow Afro. Mystery had come from a very prestigious and wealthy family that had revolutionized mounted travel for Gnomes and Halflings by breeding miniature hippos. His front lawn was also littered with Garden Humans.
As for his style of combat, Mystery disliked harmful spell casting so he stuck with spells that matched his appearance. Whenever the party would gear themselves up for a grueling fight, Mystery would just ride up to the front lines on the back of his miniature hippo, casting Color Spray/ Rainbow Pattern and shouting, "Taste the rainbow!".

So to repeat, what is the craziest, most unusual character you have ever made? I am referring to any version of D&D for this.

2014-06-12, 12:21 AM
In a sadly short-lived level 20 game, I played a human with only 5 class levels. Oh, and a house-ruled LA +15 template.

See, Danny wasn't like most youthful adventurers. He wasn't born...around here. He got lost and stumbled through a portal some crazy cultists were using to seek out things man was not meant to know.

But Danny wanted to get to know people.

Danny was the friendliest pseudonatural human you ever met. Even if forgetting not to turn in a non-Euclidean direction DID cause him to reveal tentacles that do 2d4 Con damage when they grapple you.

Was very much a stranger in a strange land; probably could have passed off as a low-level adventurer who stumbled into the planes for the first time, though the party started off knowing what he was, so we didn't play that angle.\

Oh, and then there was The Elf. The Elf was a CN wild mage specializing in Divination. He was also going for Arcane Archer at some point, though he never quite got there. He didn't go by "Elf," but since he introduced himself by a different name every time he met somebody new, knowing what to call him was a bit tricky. He always did weird and strange things that seemed to have no purpose, until later. Because he used Knowledge and divination and the like to make sure he knew what was going on most of the time.

He annoyed the heck out of the rest of the party because if they didn't listen to his suggestions and kept dithering, he'd just go do something.

When we got a piece of the Rod of Seven Parts, he wanted to go visit the giant castle at the top of a mountain. When the party wouldn't listen to him, he used Ventriloquism to make the Rod Piece, in somebody's backpack, tell them to go there. They started trying to reason with the Rod Piece. Then, when they took it out and the voice kept coming from the backpack, they thought there was somebody hiding in it. Really, the Elf had just failed to notice them take it out.

He wouldn't touch any part of the Rod; he didn't want to be Lawful.

Falcon X
2014-06-12, 12:35 AM
1. Seraphil the Snake: Buomman Sidewinder Monk with Dullard flaw. This guy pops out of nowhere, he never talks except in throat singing, and he seems very nice and innocent until fangs pop out of his mouth and he bites somebody.
Backstory: Seraphil, while gifted in so many ways, has absolutely no intelligence. Despite being the unlikely candidate, he decided to do what he saw someone else do and leave to gain knowledge of the outside world. Little did he know that he chose to go to the harshest and most dangerous plane of existence out there: Ours.

2. Nogard the Dragon: Rogue Modron Warmage. When this guy left the hive, a few screw went loose. He now thinks he's a dragon. He's never met a dragon, but he knows they breathe fire and horde treasure, so that's what he does.

3. White Picket Fence Berserker. So, I had this player who was a barbarian. One day, he is in town and says, "I take a stroll down the residential district." I off-handedly joke about this being the suburbs and make the houses in rows with lawns and a white picket fence.
The player then breaks off a whole section of fence and hence-forth wields it as his favored weapon. Yes, he took the exotic weapon proficiency in White Picket Fences. He gave the posts metal tips and put the thing on a spinner.

4. Hummingbird-Ghost Wizard. So, this just sort of happened. I started by playing a human wizard with an unexplained ghost-touched flaw (makes me sensitive to ghosts).
A few games in, my wizard dies (trampled by goblins after a failed autohypnosis check).
Naturally, the DM and I decide that he should return as a ghost.
Later, we temporarily split the party, so I create another temporary character so I can play with both groups. My new character is a Duskblade Spellscale with a Hummingbird Familiar.
Long-story short, my wizard ends up permanently possessing the hummingbird familiar. So, I play the Spellscale Duskblade as my PC, but have his familiar be possessed by my old ghost-wizard PC.

5. Teddy Bear Pirate. The first time I ever DMed and I had a player who wanted to be a Chaotic Evil were-teddybear Thief Acrobat who dreams of being a pirate lord. We played it, and it was fun.

6. Uldras. We played with Uldras. They are CE blue colored, garden gnome-like creatures who despise civilization and are hyper-emotional. So, they were evil smurfs.
I only had two players, so one played the queen and the other played six of her servants simultaneously. They were named Diggy, Snipey, Boomey, and other such telling names. She treated them like minions from "Despicable Me".

Sir Chuckles
2014-06-12, 12:38 AM
Awakened Brown Bear Ranger/Fist of the Forest/Bear Warrior/Animal Lord (Bear) with a Bear animal companion and Wild Cohort for another Bear companion, plus Leadership for an Awakened Brown Bear Druid Cohort with the same feats plus a Summoning set-up for summoning more Bears.

Bearfist got nothin' on that.

2014-06-12, 12:53 AM
A group of four ghosts that shared the same ectoplasmic body. Each had their own backstory culminating in their deaths (or re-death, in one case) and the accidental binding together of their souls. They lived in a riverine sword that one of the party members picked up in his travels, and alternated control over (and appearance of) the ghost body.

They were fun to play. Sadly, the incorporeality proved to be annoying to both myself and the DM, so we worked together to get a good ending for them. The Ghostalt ended up sacrificing themselves to delay a black dragon while the rest of the party ran. My replacement character was a relative (great-great-great niece) of one of the four ghosts, investigating why her great-great-great aunt's name showed up on a magic item order from the mage college she was a grad student/TA at.

Jeff the Green
2014-06-12, 01:08 AM
Well, right now I'm playing a spellweaver (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/mm2_gallery/88268_620_116.jpg) who was part of the Daelkyr invasion and barely missed getting through the gate back home when the Gatekeepers closed it. He's adjusted to life in Eberron, though not well. He's still obsessed with bioengineering, but he's convinced his experimental subjects benefit from it; he was utterly baffled when House Cannith got upset with him for giving the young child of one of the leaders an ectopic eyeball on his elbow.

2014-06-12, 01:29 AM
chicken wizard, well it was a CN gold dragon, that was cursed to chicken form, even after breaking the curse decided it was really a chicken and stayed that way

awakened wolverine ranger/barbarian

awakened skunk druid

2014-06-12, 06:56 AM
Thrud, Neanderthal Dread Necromancer. He was incompetent even by the standards of his tribe, but he was also incredibly strong and incredibly likable (20 Str, 18 Cha, everything else was 10 or lower). He was out hunting one day and found a cave, which he obviously decided to explore. He stumbled upon a magic crystal that zapped him and granted him necromantic powers, but did nothing to his intellect. Obviously, magic is better than not-magic, so Thrud kept going as a necromancer.

2014-06-12, 07:25 AM
This one never saw play, but a strange confluence of conversation topics including, amongst other things, Castlevania and Psychonauts, we came up with the concept for Joaquim, the Psychic Turtle.

Joaquim is an Awakened turtle Kineticist with at least one level of Elocator. He floats one foot off the ground, surrounded by greatswords he telekinetically carries in a ring about himself and telekinetically FLINGS in combat.

A variant on his build would instead be a Soul Knife so we can fluff the mind blade as a ring of floating swords and just give him the right number of attacks per the rules.

2014-06-12, 08:32 AM
Something I'm hoping to play soon:

Possedui the spider.

He's an Awakened skitterhaunt dark hairy spider warlock with incredible Hide and good Move Silently. He creates his own concealment with Darkness all day and sneaks around unnoticeably.

2014-06-12, 08:49 AM
The half-daelkyr fleshwarper. I made her in a gothic campaign, designed mostly to scare the PCs (I'm the DM). Her symbiont was a breed leech (or was it brood leech?) and she would literally kidnap pregnant women and make them have half-daelkyr children. All in all my most disturbing campaign. Ever.

2014-06-12, 11:02 AM
I am working on a back up build right now. Concept? Crazy Cat lady. She is going to be a Mongrel Folk Totemist 2/Druid 1/ Animal companion variant wiz 1/ Animal Companion variant Sorc1/ Beast Lord 10/ Totemist 5 with a Wild Cohort. All Companions and cohorts will be cats. She will also have the share soulmeld feat, which she will share with her pets. I am trying to decide if I want to squeeze in a level of Barbarian and go totem rager for the last few levels. Something about a frumpy mongrel folk with a bunch of cats all hissing and going into a rage sounds amusing. However it may be better to just increase my totemist levels and go for more chakras and binds. She will have 8 cats when it's all said and done.

2014-06-12, 12:07 PM
Add Leadership for Tibbit companions. Then add Undead Leadership for undead Tibbits.

2014-06-12, 02:24 PM
Never played anyparticularly wierd characters, but I'm currently playing a Feral Poison Dusk Lizardfolk Telflammar/Black Blood Cultist

I call him Raptorman