View Full Version : Optimization [3.P] Optimization Challenge: No magic.

2014-06-12, 07:48 AM
Well now, here's an interesting one for you guys. I was just invited to a game that looks pretty neat. Custom setting that's highly political, runs like Game of Thrones meets the United Nations. Technically Pathfinder in structure and mechanics such as skills, feat aquisition, and traits. However, 3.5 material like classes, feats, and items are being allowed, and if both games have them you can choose from either.

Pretty standard setup: 20-point buy, starting level 3, starting cash 3,000, and for classes you can swap freely between 3.5 and PF variants. There's just one caveat:
Absolutely no magic.

According to the GM, this specifically means all (Sp) and (Su) Abilities are going to be dropped with no replacement. Also that special materials like Mithral and Adamant exist, but nothing can be enchanted or enhanced beyond the mundane. Now this clearly isn't in the traditional oeuvre of D&D. However, the idea intrigued me. Even without spells there's a lot you can do, but I'm curious to get the community's insight here.

What, then, is the most potent, high-tier non-magic build you can think of? Already I'm thinking either Swift Hunter or Factotum with knowledge and travel devotion each, but I'm sure there's gotta be better. I've never really looked into ToB; any game breaking maneuvers I should be abreast of? any other tips and tricks that I might use to become as effective as possible?

2014-06-12, 07:58 AM
Are devices from Ravenloft allowed? Non-magical items that can duplicate spell effects even in a dead magic zone.

2014-06-12, 08:09 AM
It being "highly political" throws an even bigger curve ball than "no magic," honestly. D&D is a system built largely around combat. Most RPGs spend more time on combat rules than any others due to their mutual ancestry, but D&D is closest to the main branch of the family and thus follows this trend very closely.

As with any optimization problem, then, the question is: for what do you want to optimize? At what do you want to be "best?" What are the things that will make your character useful if he is optimized for them?

Any number of mega-damage melee builds use relatively little magic in them, and could be used with no magic at only a slight decrease in output. But mega-damage may not be the right choice in a highly political game. Ultraviolence is usually counterproductive when engaged in intrigue.

2014-06-12, 08:13 AM
I'm afraid Travel Devotion is out of the question, as it's a domain feat, and domain feats are spell-like abilities:

Unless otherwise noted, the benefit granted by any domain feat is a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your character level. All such effects are subject to spell resistance, and you can dismiss any continuing effect as a free action.

Tome of Battle seems to be your best bet, as it contains a whole lot of Ex abilities - Swordsage even has an Ex teleportation ability. Otherwise... Half Ogre Zhentarim Dungeoncrasher Fighter? Being big and strong and intimidating would be useful in a world where most of your enemies are humans (And immunity to fear is a Su ability of the Paladin ;) ). Unless you're gonna be fighting a whole bunch of undead, a fear build might be on the cards, and you may be able to get a trip lockdown build going on.

Though I'm not sure what political use it would have. The best noncombat builds use magic, or at least supernatural abilities (Half Elf Bard's Soothing Voice)

2014-06-12, 08:26 AM
If you want to kill things nonmagically a gunslinger might be your best bet. They do a lot of damage at range reliably. Politics is not their best suit, but they do get reasonable skills.