View Full Version : DM Help Looking for monster that could fit this bill

2014-06-12, 11:33 AM
Not necessarily a monster, but I would prefer if he was a demon or a devil of some kind. Alternatively he could just be a wizard.

Anyway, the creature should be between CR 5 and 8. There doesn't need to be an exact mechanical way to do this, just that the creature fits the bill. Anyway, I have a small hamlet whose residence either fled to the city or died of plague. Those who fled to seek aid returned to find the village residents alive, though pretty weak, so much so that they couldn't work, forcing usually their next of kin to work and send money to their relatives. The residents aren't actually alive, but this creature maintains the illusion so that their next of kin (or anybody who visits them regularly) perceives them as weak, but alive. Since the residents never leave their homes, and when the "provider" brings a friend to tag along, the illusion works in such a way that the guy who is under the illusion always first asks the people he is providing (the dead) if his friend/partner/etc. can come in, and the answer is always no.

The demon/creature is the owner of the inn in the center of the hamlet, which is the only maintained structure, and he tells the story that this village is now mostly abandoned, with a few families still residing here. He uses the money the providers leave (which is a decent sum, since there are several dozen "providers", each one leaving several silver pieces each week) to further enhance his tavern. I didn't yet think about why he would want this, but perhaps I won't need to.

John Longarrow
2014-06-12, 11:45 AM
This sounds more like Fey than demon/devil.
This could be a custom Fey to. Or several fey, one of whom owns the tavern and a couple that "Pose" as the relatives.

2014-06-12, 11:54 AM
Yeah ... sounds more like a mondus operani of a Unseelie Fey than a brainchild of a Demon or Devil

Actually ... sounds like a Jaebrin (MM5) Beguiler having fun

2014-06-12, 12:02 PM

Sounds like you need this thread.

2014-06-12, 01:07 PM
Maybe an evil pixie... they have invisibility, permanent image, and could be beefed up with a few PC levels.

The Viscount
2014-06-12, 10:25 PM
Consider using Mockery Bugs from MMV, which seem completely human if not exactly all there. If you could somehow enslave the queen you could potentially control all the drones to pull off this plan.

2014-06-12, 10:41 PM
could be a rakshasa too. The CR is about right (a mite high).
they're keen on the illusions thing

heck a rakshasa cult (or single rakshasa with undead attendants) pretending to be a band of ittinerant healers taking care of the infirm. The (disguised) undead don't speak because "my brothers and sisters have taken vows of silence, I, sadly cannot, for someone must ensure we may communicate with others." and "Again, thank you most kindly for helping us buy resources for the folk here"
"Please, do avoid bringing outsiders. The disease is still fairly virulent. We are slowly beating it back, but it seems to resist magical healing. Mundane treatments are the sole thing that seems to have an effect, but it is a slow battle against such a foul plague. Please, do not linger... though do not forget us, your visits do lighten up the mood for the folk here"

ya know, duplicity and hypocrisy. Great rakshasa stuff

John Longarrow
2014-06-13, 06:33 AM
I was thinking and I may have another answer...
Doppleganger. Just one. He's the "Sick relative" every time. He's got a couple lackies who front as the "healers".

This just doesn't seem like it would make enough money to be worth it though. If they are also using a poison that can't be detected by magic to get travellers "Sick" to kill and loot, that may work. It would need to be unknowns, something the doppleganger could pick up on.