View Full Version : Pathfinder Character Building Suggestions?

2014-06-12, 10:07 PM
I'm going to be a player in a Legacy of Fire game soon, and my GM approved gnolls as a potential PC race. I haven't decided though, which campaign trait to choose for the character I'm working on, a female gnoll - Earning Your Freedom, Finding Haleen, or Gnoll Killer. Does anyone have any opinions?

2014-06-13, 12:39 AM
Finding Haleen is the best trait optimization wise. But creating a back story to go with it could be tricky especially if another character wants to take the trait as well.

Earning your Freedom seems like the easiest to RP and fits with a gnoll character who needs a reason to join a group of non-gnoll PC's. The +1 to any save is not bad either.

Gnoll killer could be good if you are planning on playing some sort of renegade gnoll who specializes in killing her kin.

2014-06-13, 07:23 AM
We just finished this adventure. Well we still need to do the last fight, but our DM has made some stuff up for us to do before we do so we'll be getting to level 20, We've been at this for a good 2 years almost.

You forgot the Pathfinder choice. You get a compass that can hold a Ioun stone, it gives a +2 to your survival for getting lost, you will then have contacts at all the Pathfinder outposts that you go to. And if you come across any knowledge, you can bring it back to the Pathfinder Society and be rewarded, or get renown for its finding.

As you can guess I chose the Pathfinder choice. I made an elf Magus that came from Kyonin, my mother was a wizard and my father was a soldier, helped flavour the sword use and spell slinging.

Kurald Galain
2014-06-13, 07:55 AM
Mechanically speaking, Finding Haleen is easily better than the other two combined.

Why just these three traits, though?

2014-06-13, 08:01 AM
The backstory to go with Earning Your Freedom I have, is that during my gnoll's first raid to capture slaves, her group captured humans in a caravan from Osirion, which included a 5-year-old human girl. She couldn't quite stand the thought of what might happen to that girl, so she helped her escape in Katapesh to family the girl had there, and was sold into slavery herself by her clan-brothers. She was bought, and spent two years as one of his slaves until, like in the trait backstory, he fell on hard times and sold his slaves to the city government, and the Pactmasters decided a gnoll could be useful in their plans to reclaim Kelmarane, offering her freedom in exchange for helping to do this.

This seems like a decent background, is it?

2014-06-13, 08:04 AM
I ruled out Seeking Adventure, Reclaiming Your Roots, and Missionary as choices because they didn't seem like good fits for a gnoll PC.