View Full Version : [3.5] Magical two-way radio?

2014-06-13, 08:00 AM
Hey gang,

I've been wondering what options are there for two-way communication, sort of like a wireless radio or telephone, only in D&D. I know there is some Psionic power that does this, but that's not really helping since we don't use Psionics in our game. So, is there any equivalent in Vancian magic?

Only thing I can think of is Telepathic Bond, but that doesn't quite hit the spot. For instance, every recipient needs to be close to each other at the time of casting.

What I'd really like would be actual items that function like walkie-talkies or stationary radios. Of course I could just make them up, but would be cool if that stuff already existed.

2014-06-13, 08:23 AM
Theres actually quite a few of these, I wrote about some in one of my handbooks, I'll link ya when im at a full computer.

2014-06-13, 08:23 AM
The common answer is Sending Stones from MiC, which casts Sending 1/day.

I personally like Whispering Flame (Eberron Five Nations 155). Provides up to 8 hours of 2 way radio, as a 2nd level spell.

You could combine them both. Use Sending Stone to tell the other party to light the candle, for a longer conversation.

And of course you can use the given rules to make a custom item (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/creatingMagicItems.htm) of use-activated Sending (or a self-resetting trap (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/traps.htm) of Sending, if you want it to be stationary).

And there is shenanigans: If you can somehow make candles out of Animal Tallow or other similiar material, they count as "once alive", then you can apply Unguent of Timelessness (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#unguentofTimelessness). That will theoretically prolong their burning lifespan by 365x, so Whispering Flame now lasts for ~121 days. But may result in books getting thrown at you.

2014-06-13, 08:30 AM
A pair of items of Sending (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/sending.htm) would do it, though they'd be remarkably expensive. 50,400 gp base price for the spell as a command-word at will. Trade having it only send to the paired object for having a standard action rather than 10 min. casting time, and treat it as one unified pair, and you can probably keep it at that price. For that much gold, you do get the ability to Send across planes as well as anywhere in the same plane, so there's that.

If you don't mind the 110 ft. range limitation, Message (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/message.htm) makes a cheap alternative. 900 gp for an at-will item that lets you send messages to one creature at a time (and lets them respond).

2014-06-13, 09:11 AM
Speaking stones is a 2nd level wizard/sorcerer spell from Magic of Eberron. Its pretty limited, but it lets you speak over any distance, as long as you have the stone, and the person you're talking to has a stone. If you get i think its favored of house(sivis) or a scribe dragonmark then you can send a message of 100 words, otherwise its usually 25

Additionally, speechlink is a great spell for something like this

2014-06-13, 09:19 AM
Improved Familiar for a Fairy Dragon will allow you to use it's telepathy for stealthy comms. It also has Blindsight.

2014-06-13, 09:30 AM
Earrings of the Wolf (Drag337) are pretty much what you want. Big range, two way communication, cheapish

2014-06-13, 09:38 AM
Only thing I can think of is Telepathic Bond, but that doesn't quite hit the spot. For instance, every recipient needs to be close to each other at the time of casting.

Yeah but you can Permanency it; it's not like you guys need to be riding in each other's pockets 24/7.

2014-06-13, 09:52 AM
Aspect Mirror, from Complete Scoundrel, page 113, 4000gp.

More than a radio, that's actually Skype.
The only drawback is that the mirrors are paired in sets, in that a single mirror can communicate only with the one it's paired to, although the text mentions that there are some sets composed by up to five mirrors.

2014-06-13, 10:20 AM
In the MiC , farspeaking amulet, IIRC. One member wears the amulet up to 4 others carry a gem detached from said amulet. Works like message. Works 3-4 x/day.