View Full Version : Resident Evil: Extinction

Midnight Son
2007-02-22, 10:45 AM
Who's excited for this? (http://youtube.com/watch?v=MLRW3q9C-7E) I know it doesn't show much, but this teaser looks awesome. I'd say best of the three based off of the sampling there.

2007-02-22, 02:50 PM
Weskers going to be in this one. Which I would like if they didn't screw every game character up.

2007-02-22, 03:02 PM
Mad Max + Resident Evil? :smallbiggrin:

I didn't know if this was going to be the next-gen RE game or a movie, until it got to the satellite and I remembered it from the end of the RE2 movie.

2007-02-22, 03:08 PM
Ugh. These movies are the bane of my existence; crappy movies based off of an AWESOME game. The first two are the most predictable, idiotic pieces of crap. My Bf, myself, and a bunch of our wrestling buddies went to watch the second one, as we make it a point to go see all crappy movies (Like AvP).

When Jill Valentine said :"I'm good, but I'm not THAT good." I died inwardly. What a way to destroy your own series by making your main characters seem like wusses! How utterly sad!

If they put Wesker in this one, I'm going to cry. Not my hot Wesker, nooo...

2007-02-22, 04:22 PM
Plus, Alice is one of the biggest Mary Sues I've ever seen.

2007-02-22, 05:57 PM
Ugh. These movies are the bane of my existence; crappy movies based off of an AWESOME game. The first two are the most predictable, idiotic pieces of crap. My Bf, myself, and a bunch of our wrestling buddies went to watch the second one, as we make it a point to go see all crappy movies (Like AvP).

When Jill Valentine said :"I'm good, but I'm not THAT good." I died inwardly. What a way to destroy your own series by making your main characters seem like wusses! How utterly sad!

If they put Wesker in this one, I'm going to cry. Not my hot Wesker, nooo...
Sadly Wesker is confirmed.

2007-02-22, 06:08 PM
Sadly Wesker is confirmed.



purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-02-22, 06:25 PM
I'm going to see it only due to the fact that I'm a huge RE fan, and bought my Gamecube for the specific reason of getting all the RE games (which I have). Quite frankly, I think it will be a huge dissappointment as the other two have been. The series had a lot of potential to begin with, but was completely and utterly ruined.

2007-02-22, 06:28 PM
As the number of prior mediums for a franchise increases, the quality of new mediums approaches zero.

That said, I do want to have a go at some of the RE books out there.

If a RE movie was done well, it'd be awesome.

purple gelatinous cube o' Doom
2007-02-22, 06:31 PM
The RE books are ok, but nothing special. They're not a very high reading level. I'd say a 4th grader could easily read them.

2007-02-22, 06:58 PM
Wesker...is in this? Gee, I wonder if he'll live beyond the first 20 minutes... considering what happened with Nicholai in 2, and all.

I think the movie looks pretty horrible regardless. That said, I'll likely be seeing it the night it opens.

2007-02-22, 07:10 PM
This is the way of geeks.

"God, this movie is going to blow. I hate them so much for making it.

...want to go opening night?"

><; I kick myself for ever falling into it any time. Like Transformers, this, and AvP.

That said, shouldn't AvP have been AMAZING?! The games, the books, the comics...wow. And then.


2007-02-22, 07:42 PM
I liked RE apocalypse, perhaps due to the fact that I never played the games and wasnt expecting anything else then gory intertainment. But one thing, why did they kill the russian guy, he was so cool, he has the best line in the movie IMO.

Midnight Son
2007-02-22, 08:16 PM
I agree with Thorgrim29. I never played the games and, thus, had nothing to campare the movies too but my own tastes. RE1 sucked hard in my opinion. 2 was a good action flick, but I thought the very end was kinda lame. This one's lookin' good to me so far.

2007-02-22, 09:24 PM
I liked the first one a lot, but the second one was really cheesy, that monster thing sucked ass. I hope the 3rd will be better!

That Lanky Bugger
2007-02-22, 10:11 PM
I liked the first one a lot, but the second one was really cheesy, that monster thing sucked ass. I hope the 3rd will be better!

Quoted for truth...

2007-02-23, 12:09 AM
I liked the first one a lot, but the second one was really cheesy, that monster thing sucked ass. I hope the 3rd will be better!
You think the monster sucked? You didn't see what it shoulda been.


Take note Anderson. That is how you make a bad ass monster.

2007-02-23, 01:06 AM
This movie looks awesome.

2007-02-23, 01:28 AM
I liked the other two movies. Yes, I've never played an RE game. But the movies were good for what they were meant to be: action with an attractive female role. If the RE games never existed and you watched the movies, you might have thought higher of them. Take the movie as entirely separate from the video game. Yes, one inspired the other, but you'll rarely be happy with a VG movie if you're looking for a perfect following of the plotline.

2007-02-23, 01:29 AM
I've played RE4. It's one of the best games ever released for the GC.

2007-02-23, 01:40 AM
I liked the other two movies. Yes, I've never played an RE game. But the movies were good for what they were meant to be: action with an attractive female role. If the RE games never existed and you watched the movies, you might have thought higher of them. Take the movie as entirely separate from the video game. Yes, one inspired the other, but you'll rarely be happy with a VG movie if you're looking for a perfect following of the plotline.
I didn't want a complete following of the plot(some amount of similerity would have been nice). What I wanted were a fresh supply of monsters. Hunters, Tyrants, hell a Chimera would have been nice.
I think that if I had never played the game I would have come in looking for a good Zombie movie. I would have still been disappointed. If I even went to see the second I think I still would have thought Nemesis looked like the kind of monster 80's technology could easily handle and think that Alice was stupid with super powers.
A friend of mine saw a play based on 1984 and thought it was great up to the point where he read the book. He's now rather disappointed . If something takes the name of something don't you think its responsible to live up to the source matirial?

That Lanky Bugger
2007-02-23, 09:50 AM
I've got to agree with Nightmarenny here... The movies are a slight against Resident Evil fans.

For example, the only game which had psionic superpeople was Resident Evil: Code Veronica, and even then it was the antagonists of the game and not the protagonists. The Resident Evil experience (if I can call it that without sounding TOO pretentious) is all about crazy monsters running around and normal people in situations far beyond their control. Even in Resident Evil 4, Leon is a relatively normal human being and, while he has a lot of mental discipline, he still becomes overwhelmed at times by the events going on around him.

Alice never comes off as scared beyond the first movie. Throughout pretty much the entire second movie, all of the critters are just targets for her to kill. The production crew focused so hard on making her badass that they forgot that Resident Evil has never really BEEN about badass protagonists taking on hordes of foes without flinching. Even in the end-game of a Resident Evil title, you're on your toes and worried about what creepy thing lies around the next corner. There was never the feeling that Alice wouldn't make it through the events of the film.

If this were on their own, I would expect a subpar action movie at best (because let's face it... Ultraviolet was a crime against nature). However, the way they did things in the second movie leads me to believe I'm going to be seeing a bad movie with the added "Eargh" feeling you get every time you red some bad self-insert fanfiction.

2007-02-23, 09:57 AM
If this were on their own, I would expect a subpar action movie at best (because let's face it... Ultraviolet was a crime against nature).
Was Ultraviolet somehow linked to the RE movies? I didn't bother to see it or find out more after seeing the abyssmal trailers.

2007-02-23, 10:15 AM
Was Ultraviolet somehow linked to the RE movies? I didn't bother to see it or find out more after seeing the abyssmal trailers.

No, its not. Ultraviolet was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I've never read any of the comics or anything associated with it, but it just didn't have any kind of followable plot and the action scenes were so unrealistic it was hard to take the movie seriously.

However, I've played all of the Resident Evil games and I loved both of the movies. I think they were exciting, interesting, and very action-packed. I think there is a trend with people who have intimate knowlege of a subject to hate source to movie creations. I think if people understand that a movie is not going to capture the full scope of the original source (be it a book, comic, videogame or w/e), then they will enjoy it a lot more.

Tor the Fallen
2007-02-23, 10:19 AM
I get it. Umbrella has a very high shield production in their capital city, so have been building wonders there. I imagine they're capturing all sorts of cities through sheer culture alone. Unfortunately, the cities are full of the living dead. I guess not a whole of culture to compere against.

This movie looks terrible.
The RE franchise doesn't even make sense. "Durr, let's send a heavily armed group of mercenaries to fight a computer. Guns are te winz!!"

Now we see Umbrella's corporate strategy come to fruition- turn the shareholders into zombies, and the shares into brains. Also, collect the world's most recognizable monuments. You know, just in case.
Except... what happens when we run out of brains? Does the whole brain economy just collapse?

Also, we see global warming has really done some damage, as everything's gone sandy and Mad Max.

Wow, it's like a metaphor for peak oil. Or global warming. Or maybe an allegory about the current brain drain at US universities and tech firms.

2007-02-23, 10:33 AM
I get it. Umbrella has a very high shield production in their capital city, so have been building wonders there. I imagine they're capturing all sorts of cities through sheer culture alone. Unfortunately, the cities are full of the living dead. I guess not a whole of culture to compere against.

This movie looks terrible.
The RE franchise doesn't even make sense. "Durr, let's send a heavily armed group of mercenaries to fight a computer. Guns are te winz!!"

Now we see Umbrella's corporate strategy come to fruition- turn the shareholders into zombies, and the shares into brains. Also, collect the world's most recognizable monuments. You know, just in case.
Except... what happens when we run out of brains? Does the whole brain economy just collapse?

Also, we see global warming has really done some damage, as everything's gone sandy and Mad Max.

Wow, it's like a metaphor for peak oil. Or global warming. Or maybe an allegory about the current brain drain at US universities and tech firms.

Is a rational argument too much to ask for? You've seen a plotless trailer. How about waiting for the movie to come out before cutting it down? No, it seems you'd rather hate it for its RE name than actually judge it as a film.

2007-02-23, 10:52 AM
I will never understand what made the moive makers deviate from the game's story and use the awful one they did.

EDIT: also they arn't collecting monuments, that's vegas.....

Tor the Fallen
2007-02-23, 11:16 AM
Is a rational argument too much to ask for? You've seen a plotless trailer. How about waiting for the movie to come out before cutting it down? No, it seems you'd rather hate it for its RE name than actually judge it as a film.

Hate it?
I have low expectations for it. Look at the trailer. Look at its predecessors. Look at the target audience.

There's nothing there to convince me it'll be good. I'd rather spend those 8 bucks on a case.

Tor the Fallen
2007-02-23, 11:17 AM
also they arn't collecting monuments, that's vegas.....

I know, it just reminded me of Civilization.

2007-02-23, 03:09 PM
I liked RE apocalypse, perhaps due to the fact that I never played the games and wasnt expecting anything else then gory intertainment. But one thing, why did they kill the russian guy, he was so cool, he has the best line in the movie IMO.

Nicholai was the russian dude.

Spoiler follows:
In RE 3, he had a very large role as a bad-guy. He goes around killing other troops and collects BOW(That is, Bio-organic Weapon...the Zombies) data and stuff, which I believe he had plans to sell.

In the end, you either blow him up with a rocket launcher in a boss-fight (he gets a helicopter), or he just gets killed by Nemesis.

So yeah, imagine what fans of him felt when he gets eaten by a stupid zombie dog.

And now that they're having Wesker, a similar character (though much more important), I cannot help but imagine that they'll kill him off, and do it in a really lame way, too.

I mean, everything else about the movies has been lame so far. The only thing I've liked thus-far was the fact that there were zombies and guns. Luckily for the writers, though, that's all they really need to attract people like me, and countless others.

2007-02-24, 02:51 AM
Now we see Umbrella's corporate strategy come to fruition- turn the shareholders into zombies, and the shares into brains. Also, collect the world's most recognizable monuments. You know, just in case.
Except... what happens when we run out of brains? Does the whole brain economy just collapse?

World monuments? Have you ever been to Las Vegas, the setting for the movie? If not Vegas tends towards gaudy. Yes gaudy is the word, and a rather large number of the hotels/casinos have some pretty extravagent exteriors.

2007-02-26, 07:52 PM
I liked the other two movies. Yes, I've never played an RE game. But the movies were good for what they were meant to be: action with an attractive female role. If the RE games never existed and you watched the movies, you might have thought higher of them.
As apparently I have...not that I thought they were good....mindless enterainment watching female action hero bounce around shooting and punching CGI enemies-tomb raider with a Ukranian lead. Not my normal arthouse fare but decent enough for a beer on the couch before heading off for the evening.

2007-02-26, 09:15 PM
I liked the other two movies. Yes, I've never played an RE game. But the movies were good for what they were meant to be: action with an attractive female role. If the RE games never existed and you watched the movies, you might have thought higher of them. Take the movie as entirely separate from the video game. Yes, one inspired the other, but you'll rarely be happy with a VG movie if you're looking for a perfect following of the plotline.

Interesting theory, but i saw the movies before i played any of the games. In fact the inanity of the films (number 2 in particular) made me avoid them for some time. The first is a sub-par but watchable popcorn action flick. One i rate simlarly to underworld, the league of extrardinary gentlemen and Van helsing: tons of potential for awesomeness but a terrible excecution

2007-02-28, 01:08 AM
At least it's not made by Uwe Boll

2007-02-28, 09:50 PM
At least it's not made by Uwe Boll
True, that is a god-send

2007-03-06, 12:51 AM
This is the way of geeks.

"God, this movie is going to blow. I hate them so much for making it.

...want to go opening night?"

><; I kick myself for ever falling into it any time. Like Transformers, this, and AvP.

That said, shouldn't AvP have been AMAZING?! The games, the books, the comics...wow. And then.


Yeah, you know what caused that? Paul S. Anderson. Awful director who was responsible in varying degrees for AvP, both Resident Evil movies (and is producing the third), Event Horizon, and Mortal Combat. Side note, he's directing the upcoming Castlevania movie.