View Full Version : Is Time stands Still Really that good or is it over rated?

2014-06-13, 04:21 PM
So all the guides i have seen implore me to take time stands still without question. And I can see how it would make someone incredibly strong.

But considering how late you get it is it really needed?

See I am making a swordsage with plans to go into Abjurant champion.

Now I could
A. only get 1 level in any spellcasting class i go to and then get abjurant champion later on getting time stands still at level 20


B. Get a few extra levels into my spellcasting class but forgo any chance of getting level 9 maneuvers....

You know now that I actually typed it down, it seems like by the time I actually can get it im so high level it feels rather moot. IDK.

2014-06-13, 04:38 PM
For a build that relies upon full attacks, you're essentially double you damage output every other round. Its practically the whole reason there are ToB archer builds. That said, if you don't plan on full attacking a lot, it not going to be as good.

2014-06-13, 04:39 PM
TSS is really awesome if you can combine it with other tricks that give you extra attacks.

(Regular Attacks + Raging Mongoose (+2) + Haste (+1) + Iteratives) x2
--> 8 Attacks at full BAB, plus 6 iteratives,
or twice that if you go TWF.

It's awesome for going Nova when you start your turn with a strong enemy within reach. If you have to move to get there, that's gonna cost your Swift Action (you do have Swift Movement, don't you?), so no Raging Mongoose, which cuts your efficiency almost in half.

TSS is also fantastic for Archers, for obvious reasons. The above combo also works for archery. A "Warbow" can be pretty hefty with that, let alone an "Eternal Bow".

2014-06-13, 04:45 PM
For a build that relies upon full attacks, you're essentially double you damage output every other round. Its practically the whole reason there are ToB archer builds. That said, if you don't plan on full attacking a lot, it not going to be as good.

See thats kind of the thing, I want to go in, I don't want to STAY in. I want to get in get a few shots in(I'm focusing on flanking and sneak attacks to maximize my damage) and then get out.

Also what does nova and swift movement mean?

2014-06-13, 04:49 PM
Also what does nova mean?
It means using up your resources at a high rate of speed, possibly overkilling an encounter. It comes up most often with reference to psions, who can augment many of their powers, and have access to action economy breakers, but other classes can pull it off too.

2014-06-13, 05:03 PM
Yeah, in the context of Initiators, I mean "nova" in the sense of "spike your burst damage as high as possible" -- the best part is that you aren't really going nova because you can always just refresh your maneuvers, rinse and repeat.

As for "swift movement", I should have said "Swift Action Movement", i.e. use one of the various tricks on offer to move with a Swift Action, so you can pull off a Full Attack during the same turn. Such as:
- Travel Devotion -- best if you can cram in a level of Cleric so you can fuel it with TUs
- Quicksilver Motion (DM7)
- Shadow Blink (SH7)
- Sudden Leap (TC1)

Red Fel
2014-06-13, 08:05 PM
The bottom line is that "really that good" doesn't always mean "really that good for everybody."

Basically, Time Stands Still allows you to turn one full attack action into two full attacks. Doubled damage output. If you use a full attack, it's a great way to double that output.

If you don't, it's probably not the best use of your action.

Note, however, that Time Stands Still works awesomely with anything that triggers on each hit, because you are doubling the number of hits. For example, you're getting twice as much Sneak Attack, twice as much Punishing Stance, twice as much Flaming, and so on.

Now, there is nothing stopping you from jumping in, triggering Time Stands Still, and jumping back out when your next move comes around. Admittedly, if your build involves move-action-standard-action in order to get in and get out, Time Stands Still may be less useful to you. Note that a full attack action prevents you from taking more than a five-foot step (absent various mobility tricks). So TSS may not be the best for highly mobile builds.

It's still really good. But it's not for everybody.

2014-06-13, 08:12 PM
It's awesome for going Nova when you start your turn with a strong enemy within reach.

This is exactly how Demogorgon died in my Savage Tide campaign. The party swordsage happened to start in reach of the Prince of Demons, and one horrendous double-full attack later, he lay dead. One round, and the final boss was kaput.

So yeah, I'd say Time Stands Still is a pretty damn powerful maneuver.

2014-06-13, 08:35 PM
This is exactly how Demogorgon died in my Savage Tide campaign. The party swordsage happened to start in reach of the Prince of Demons, and one horrendous double-full attack later, he lay dead. One round, and the final boss was kaput.

So yeah, I'd say Time Stands Still is a pretty damn powerful maneuver.

I can only imagine how much rage you were in right now.

2014-06-13, 08:40 PM
I can only imagine how much rage you were in right now.He is, perhaps, the most powerful demon in the Abyss. Why didn't he have magic out the wazoo to protect him? Planar Bind a nightmare for Astral Projection and whatnot?

He should have access to spellcasting, even for spells he himself (themselves?) cannot cast. He has minions to do it for him, I'm sure.