View Full Version : DM Help I need help with a PC vs NPC encounter lvl 7

2014-06-13, 06:55 PM
ok first of all... Anders and Thomas you know I roam inhere... if you find this, stop reading.

So Im running "the sinister spire" with my friends. Im a first time DM and two of the guys in the groupe has been DM's till now. Ive been playing with this groupe for 10 years. The reason im DM now is because ive been min/maxing or optimizing too much the last campain i participated in. (planar shepard, you were all right!) So by own choice im the DM I feel I need to get a grip on why/how/etc we play this game. For me I need to learn why not to break a game, eventhough I can.

So thats a bit about me...

So back to the important part... i have allowed my players a free +1 LA and they have access to everything only rule is that I need full disclousure (spellcheck) And I need to know at all times... My personal mantra is that im here to make it fun for my players... im here to make them feel and look cool, while feeling awsome... So Im not out to kill them, but in this instance just challange them to the max while letting them shine.

As im writing this it dawns on me that Id also love to show these guys that fighter doesnt rule! And that ToB is a usefull toole and not a book of cheating cards. I have an idea that Id challange them with a Druid (beause its my prefered class and noone seem to understand why its cool (eventhough ive ended two encounters in two rounds in another game with the same ppl), and then two or three persons from Tome of battle.

So what im hoping to make is a druid and a swordsage and a warblade perhaps a few more npc's?
I need this to be super challanging BUT still doable or fleeable if they havnt been preparing enough... I wont dispell magic.

So the enviroment is the streets of Pedestal probably (sinister spire) around P12 so its the slum area of pedestal... The groupe im planning on is prepared on meeting these guys the've done the research! And so far they will be semi/high buffed...

Ok so the groupe ive made, and that ive been DM'ing:
A halfminotaur fighter, thats gone net/trident... and twohand sword... its a low op build but highop template so alot of hurt!
An Assimar Cleric going pelor lvl 6+ so alot of turning... but not DM persist. Think we might get DM quicken at some point but not now.
An Arthasian (DM 319 p. 19 or so) warlock: not glaive or claws, but allowed to have supernatural spells... so no spell resistance on the straight dmg invocations.. but the shapes and such is not SR immunt. And a bit of psionics.

Then we have our trouble makers:
lvl 7 Chaos Gnome: He wouldnt go shadowcraft or any other prc... but he is a sorc, and ive pointed him towards dragon magic... he is mostely a glasscannon blaster, but with dragonborn traits... I wish he would surprice me!

And then the moste troublesome guy BUT also the one carrying the game, both with offgame participation but also with ingame RP. (he has been my DM for 8 years)
He is a catfolk fighter/WIZ/abjuration champion: he is fighting with a spiked chain and ive not allowed him mage armor due to it not being abj.

So the thing is I firmly belive they will pound the Sinister spire encounters now that they are lvl 7. They are about to reach the hall of mirrors.
But what im thinking is that when they get back to pedestal, Ill have a groupe challenging them probably because they have bought a ring of counterspells that was promised to this groupe. or ill find another offending way why they should be challanged... but the point is, that its a challange, to they will have info if they scearch.. and my groupe will have alot of info because that DID the searching!

SO now to my real problem:

i have a lvl 7: Warlock with a +1 template that gives him psionic grease and +2x2 stats
lvl 7 fighter with a +1 template half-minotaur - underplayed as a net/spear fighter
a lvl 7 cleric of pelor - well its a cleric, but not going for persist or any divine metamagic yet
a lvl 7 sorcerer: Chaos gnome, and ive introduced dragon magic and wings of cover etc... but he chose fireball as a 3rd lvl... dunno whats his 2.nd 3rd lvl spell will be
and then a fighter/wiz/abjurant: so he is a dex heavy cat with alot of jump, he has a spiked chain, power attack, magic buffs, enlarge, ring of counterspells, the ability that allowes him to use an immidiate action to be 10 ft away... so clearly he is the powerhouse so far...

I want to have a 3-.4 man party containing a druid, a swordsage and a warblade + ? if needed to challange these guys... but I also need help to give these guys a precise CR, so I know where to look when challangeing them

Thanks for your time!!!!