View Full Version : Kung fu werewolf or tentacle monster?

desero clades
2014-06-14, 02:43 AM
So my last character died and for my next guy I'm thinking either going for a werewolf style character (claws and bite) as well as improved unarmed strike and the TWF feat tree.

Second option was start out as a werewolf character and over time gain more monstrous qualities (tentacles, talk deformity, maybe a few other aberration feats...)

Which character do you guys think would be
A.) more useful/fun to play
& B.)simply which would cooler in your opinion?

2014-06-14, 02:52 AM
Eh, why choose? Shifter druid, because shifter is a sort of psudo-lycanthropy, with aberration wild shape. The base stats vaguely support the overall goal, though you should probably pick dreamsight over one of the more wolfish traits, and you end up with a build that can transform from a claw/claw/bite ravager into a tentacle/tentacle/tentacle/tentacle... abomination in a swift action (with a mantle of the beast, of course). It's likely that the tentacle plan will supersede the slashing plan a bit, cause those forms tend to be pretty sweet at beating face (check thoon elder brain from the MM V, which is likely the premier form for tentacle madness), but you can balance that out some through a shifter druid's natural summoning focus, allowing you to scare the crap out of your enemies on one side of the battlefield while wolves (or whatever) eat face on the other. It's good stuff.

desero clades
2014-06-14, 03:34 AM
I actually am a shifter druid! Sadly though, we are using the PHB2 variant, so I don't get wild shape at all, which is why I'm having a little trouble deciding what to do...

2014-06-14, 03:43 AM
I actually am a shifter druid! Sadly though, we are using the PHB2 variant, so I don't get wild shape at all, which is why I'm having a little trouble deciding what to do...
You should probably stick with the claw/claw/bite stuff then, because it's not nearly as far out of your way, and because focusing a bunch of attention on shapeshift is a bit of a losing battle. It's just not a good ACF, so you should probably give a greater quantity of focus to magic, and sometimes intermix it with face consumption. Alternatively, as a completely different build path, you could always run a warshaper (CW, 89), which is also capable of pulling off those combat styles.

2014-06-14, 04:05 AM
Yes, but if you become a tentacle monster, then you'll feel compelled to kidnap the Princess of a demon-fighting ninja clan, and...

Oh, is this not where we're going with this?

My bad.

desero clades
2014-06-14, 04:05 AM
Warshaper might be a good idea... Hadn't really considered that yet.
Shapeshifting isn't so bad though, our other front liner is a paladin so I'm not too concerned with being over shadowed :smalltongue:

desero clades
2014-06-14, 04:06 AM
Yes, but if you become a tentacle monster, then you'll feel compelled to kidnap the Princess of a demon-fighting ninja clan, and...

Oh, is this not where we're going with this?

My bad.

That is 100% my character concept! how did you know!?

2014-06-14, 04:30 AM
why not kung fu tentical monster?

desero clades
2014-06-14, 04:35 AM
why not kung fu tentical monster?

Limited feat selection mostly. I need feats to get tentacles and feats to get improve unarmed strike and twf

2014-06-14, 04:46 AM
that or ditch the gifts and get a good grafter

2014-06-14, 04:55 AM
The City Brawler barbarian variant (Dragon 349) trades martial and medium armor proficiencies for Improved Unarmed Strike and Two Weapon Fighting when fighting unarmed (also Improved TWF at 6 and Greater TWF at 11). Something to consider if your DM allows Dragon stuff.