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View Full Version : Player Help Making Planar Motes Intelligent

2014-06-15, 06:10 PM
I've been looking at the Planar Motes from the Complete Scoundrel book.
They seem cool to have, but unfortunately they will eventually disappear.
It also states they will fly away if you don't keep in something like a jar.

So I was wondering: Is there a way to turn these little blobs of planar... matter......? into something that resembles a companion? I want them to be able to interact with me and others (talking will do) without them disappearing after a while or just flying away if they're not in a container.

While hunting for other magic stuff in the DMG I came across intelligent items. I figured that a Planar Mote isn't exactly an item, but I think that similar rules could apply to them for what I want to achieve. Besides, the possibility to add a few powers to them neither hurts nor feels out of place.

I was wondering what you guys think of this. Would you allow such a thing as a DM? If yes, how would you rule it? Any thoughts in general about this?

2014-06-15, 07:09 PM
I like this idea. Since they essentially function as intelligent items, as you noted, you could probably get away with casting animate objects. The problem is that it would fade in time, so your DM would have to get rid of that. AS a familiar, I could see it working with the stats of maybe a Soulspark from magic of Incarnum. I don't see an issue with it though.

2014-06-15, 07:28 PM
Somewhat related, the Planar Handbook has Antitrait oil(I think it's oil). If you store Planar Motes in that, they should survive indefinitely.

2014-06-16, 11:17 AM
Thx for the ideas guys!
As soon as I've got the Planar Handbook I'll check it the oily stuff (can't find it anywhere on-line).