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2014-06-16, 10:57 AM
Turn 1

3051 AF
The Second Month

A new day dawns on the world and as the sun rolls over the horizon it's rays reveal many things. Vast plains stretch as far as the eye can see. They are covered in the farms laid out by diligent dirtlings workers. Few hills and only a few rivers interrupt the intricate patterns of crops and grazing land laid out. This is the Plain of Ghiv the most fertile farmland in the known world. Despite being such a vital requirement for their lives most residents of the City of Resplendent Towers give little thought to the farms beyond an occasional admiring of the pretty patterns they make from a distance.

And why should they. The city dominates the plains. To travelers at a distance it first appears to be a simple tower, but as they approach the truth is revealed. What once seemed to be windows are in truth massive hangar bays that dock a multitude of airships. What was taken to be moss on stone are massive hanging gardens tended to by thousands of citizens. Further up factories crowd each other for space with which to vent their smoke and the city is ringed with a perpetual black cloud whose updrafts of hot air buoy the flight of fleets of airships coming to and from the city. And the city stretches ever upward, it's heights lost in the mists of clouds miles above the grounds. It rises out of the plains like a man made mountain. An awe inspiring edifice of stone and iron.

Of course this is mostly lost on it's inhabitants. Yes, they take pride in their monumental city. But for most their lives are a bustle of activity in a twisting confine of streets and buildings. Only the airship crews regularly see the city as a whole, and indeed many citizens are so busy in the interior that they see the sky only rarely. But that is no hardship for the city has everything they need. Markets, factories, and homes all crowd each other for space in the many levels of the city.

And through it all the inhabitants work and struggle for a better life. In the depths of the earth gangs fight for dominance in brutal clashes. Merchants use coins as weapons to amass fortunes of immense wealth. The nobles play a deadly game of subterfuge in their attempts to outmaneuver their rivals. Even the monks on the blessed peak of the city, far far above the ground below, are not quite immune to such mortal failings.

The current stir in the city has been caused by the rumors from the Imperial palace that Pordius Dravor is in ill health. The current Emperor and holder of the Petal Throne his death will cause a maelstrom of politics as the various noble houses engage in the cutthroat competition for the throne. Even before his death the House of Dravor is solidifying it's position and the other noble families are maneuvering in anticipation of the coming power struggle.

And while the nobles squabble the rest of the city takes advantage. New gangs have appeared in the undercity to stake out their claims, and newly established merchant cartels, some only a few decades old, work to make their marks.


OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?356931-TW-Spire-City-OOC)

2014-06-16, 12:05 PM
Atelier Lyrica

"A little bit o' sugar, and a little bit o' spice, and a little bit of just about everything nice..."

These words wafted out on a lilting melody from the windows of what appeared to be a quaint little cottage, if a little large and sprawling for what most people's conception of such a cottage would be. In fact, spanning several expansive buildings and sporting an equivalent number of what appeared to be over-large chimneys, such was a most incongruous sight as much for its size as for its archaic stylings within the awe-inspiring edifice that was Spire City.

Yet, for all of its quaintness, it held a most important niche of its very own within its little corner of the great spire which pierces the very heavens. For this queer yet strangely homely complex was none other than the titular Atelier Lyrica; yes, home and workshop of the preeminent Alchemist of Spire City. And at this very moment, the aforementioned Alchemist was tinkering around with yet another of her experiments, mixing together a selection of components she had figured would have an effect. Some sort of effect, at least.

"Here we go, a little drip of this... wait, what? Ehh...?! EEEEH?!"


Thick, black smoke roiled out of every open window in the Atelier, and another gust of the smoke signified the front door of the alchemical workshop being opened. Out of the door stumbled a young blonde girl in a delicate green dress, a pretty little thing if not for the prodigious amount of soot caking all over her body. Tears welling out of her eyes, Lyrica collapsed on the front porch in dejection, tearing up all the while.

"Oooooow... I screwed up..."

2014-06-16, 12:14 PM
In her office under the city, Eliria smiles through dry lips. It seems that war was soon to break out in the higher city. And here too, of course.

So, you claim to want to end the gang wars. The two major powers, the Night Hawks and the Reddinfel, are being problematic currently. Would you like to assist in out efforts to wipe them both out?

In the interests off all of us that live in the Undercity, would you be interesting in dealing with that new gang calling themselves the Reddinfel?

In the interests off all of us that live in the Undercity, would you be interesting in dealing with that new gang calling themselves the Reddinfel?

2014-06-16, 02:09 PM
The girl tossed and turned in her new bed, clearly uncomfortable. Nightmares of the week before plagued her sleep, as nearly as I could tell, and she had not yet awoken after several days. Adding mind magic to my list of things to learn, I turned back to what I knew of the situation, hoping something new would start to make sense.

She was from a family in the mercantile district. I had found her covered in blood, laid out in the middle of what I think was a magical circle. At the head was the mage I had scryed in preparation for contact, finishing what I'm fairly sure was a summoning, based on the words and gestures involved, though there was no visible effect.

I called for a small intervention at this point. Activities like this tend to bring a rather negative response down on anyone knowledgeable enough to use 'magic', so letting them continue would be in rather poor taste.

A fairly discreet person who in the past had traded a number of favors for an opportunity to study psychology. The mage was surprised by a knife thirty minutes later, taking notes over the cooling and bleeding girl. Well, not bleeding now, the various cuts had clotted, but there was still a lot of blood.

At my request, the family was confirmed dead, the mage's notes were retrieved, and the girl was transferred to a private room within me. A small house-fire later to obscure things, and the favor was done. A cursory examination would see a house fire killing a small family in their sleep. A more thorough investigation would reveal that a known assassin occasionally used by the noble houses was involved, and possibly the presence of a mage. If a divination specialist was brought in, they might find me. Maybe. Even then, I had a prepared explanation.

The remainder of my big move took another three days, and the girl had stabilized under my care. No sign of waking, but now I could turn my attention to it. The notes were a meandering mess, but appeared to outline a ritual to summon something and merge it with a being. Probably an ice elemental this time, based off of what I had seen. Acting on a hunch, I began to lower the air temperature. Sure enough, it worked, and she calmed down.

More work would be needed to set things right. But help will always be available here, for those who need it.

The House of Knowledge

To avoid some unfortunate circumstances, we have relocated. If you'll look up, you'll see us at the upper levels of the Bastion, on the south side.

There have been no changes to our admittance policies at this time. We look forward to helping you learn.

2014-06-16, 02:50 PM
Derrick smiled from his seat in his office at the center of The Black Council's growing operation. He was mainly reading through submitted reports, when he noticed an odd letter slipped in among the others. Not many people knew The Black Council really existed yet, though their were plenty of rumors. Only someone in the undercity would have easy access to conformation at this point.

I am slightly surprised that you have heard anything about this little group of mine. We are one of the newest groups anywhere in the city, and few people accept our existence as fact. Though, a group as old as The Deadmen knowing of us doesn't surprise, what surprises me is that you feel we are worth contacting. We have little power compared to you older guilds and groups. It is true, we plan on ending the gang wars that dominate the undercity. Just ending those will launch this city into a bright new future, though how far our influence will extend. I know not.

Signed, Gentlemen Marcone

2014-06-16, 03:58 PM
Mmhmm. And you're right. As well, you seem much more reasonable than the violent, angry people that currently are the most powerful factions down here. So, I was thinking. If we convince the Night Hawks to attack the Reds with our support, then mop up what's left of them, that would leave both of them gone, and a vacuum of power it would be a simple matter for us to fill.

2014-06-16, 04:02 PM
A power vacuum the other groups down here in the undercity would fight to fill. Maybe in the long term it'd calm things down, but here in the short term the violence would escalate. Instead, how about we slowly destroy them, weakening them overtime so that when their head is cut, the power vacuum is much smaller, and the violence afterwards would be far less.

2014-06-16, 04:13 PM
Mmhmm. And under normal circumstances I'd agree with you. But the Reddinfel, as this new gang is calling themselves, are both dangerous and agressive. They need to go, for all of our safety. And we might as well take the opportunity to finish off the Hawks if we can lure them into a war while we're at it.

2014-06-16, 04:18 PM
However true that may be, they would find no easy allies, nor are they well equipped for a long fight. I simply must insist we take this more slowly, alerting the city to who they are and their intentions through proxies, and as they make their move, we move in with the Nighthawks to hit them while their weak, letting the Nighthawks take the largest blow before we ourselves finish them off.

2014-06-16, 04:29 PM
You make a good point. Farewell, then. We will be in touch.

2014-06-16, 10:12 PM
Sargon spun around in the chair he's been using the past decade, and opened the blinds so that the room wouldn't be completely dark. The door leading from the ante-office was hesitantly opened by a young hot shot representative.
Sargon heard his heals clear and shy words from his mouth, "You called for me sir?".
"Indeed I did. Tea?" was the soft reply of the elf.
"No thank you sir."
"Mr. Fintch, Let me just sort through the papers and then you can put your name on these pre-written letters, and be on your way," He said finally turning around. His grey eyes were cast upon his desk, while his hands rifled through it, signing all of the necessary documents, and getting everything organized for Fintch.
Fintch could've sworn he heard his boss mutter, "Damn bureaucracy," as well as some other unpleasant words. He was handed the stack. He clicked his heals once more, and was indeed on his way.

Dear sir Gegral, and Titan Shipping,

After much thought we write to you on the proposal that Titan Shipping, and The League of Fine Tea Makers [LFTM (You can pronounce that Left M if you'd like)] work together to achieve their similar goals. We believe this could be of much benefit to you and your profits as well as us. My employer, Sargon, is willing to meet and talk about what the future holds if you're interested in cooperation. We look forward to your response and hopefully, your future partnership as well.

Humbly yours,
Jedediah Fintch
Approved by Sargon : 3-2-3051

Dear sir or ma'am,

The League of Fine Tea Makers is very happy to announce it's newest addition to our renowned blendbase. Wow! We will be releasing a new flavor of Red-Pineapple Swirl to go along with last months Pineapple-Tang blend on the nones of this month. Hot Stuff! And if you buy them both in our Pineapple Bundle you'll get an exclusive 2% discount! Neat! Cool!

Remember, Drink with the League, Drink with Intrigue!

Thanks to Our Loyal Customers from,
Jedediah Fintch
Approved by Sargon : 3-2-3051

2014-06-16, 11:13 PM
To directly ally with a group supporting of undead would be a risky endeavour. We would need some sort of incentive in order for it to be worth our time. If you can provide us with a boon of some sort we might be able to convince our members to lend their support.

The Shadow continues to pass messages through his lieutenant for various plans to ensure the profitability of their guild. It's a good time for robbery and thus a good time to make a profit. These turbulent time makes theft easier and more profitable than ever before.

2014-06-17, 08:26 AM

To Lower City Factions

To all groups in the lower city, the Pit Fighters are looking for new areas to establish fighting pits. The pits themselves are very usefull as they allow the public to relax and enjoy bloodsport, and settle disputes in a way that does not impact innocent bystanders. If you would like to establish a new pit in your area please contact the Pit Fighters Association.

~Kruk Utz

To the Guild

The PFA would like to establish a Pit in the Docks. As one of the major groups in the area, we see your consent as nessicary for its construction. A Pit will help stablize your territory as those with disputes will settle the matter in a fight rather than in the street, as well as create a new form of entertainment for the common folk and create a little income on the side. Are you interested?

~Kruk Utz

2014-06-17, 11:28 AM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 8]

shadows move on the hushed street, the low hissing of a few gas-lamps providing both the only light and only sound. The cracked and poorly maintained streets showing the first growth of mosses and grass make little sound as decorated figures lope along the sidewalks, four legged beasts by their sides.

There is no watch where the Reddinfel roam,
In the darkened streets they guard their own.

Grafitti marked warehouses and streets are slowly over-written by punks with an X shaped scar on their arms, and while the hush continues to reign, a group of women with razorback claws tattoo'd along their arms leap out with black market beambow casters. Silencing each of the scarred punks with quiet fizzing noises. Their bodies are cleared away and their work erased, though now there are a few more buildings with the stag's head, the paw print, or the claw scratch of the Reddinfel.

Paw for loyalty, and Cats Scratch for luck,
The city: hunted, like a fat young buck.

In a quiet room with a small amount of sunlight trickling through a narrow hole in the ceiling, a heavy set man tends a small garden, his hands frequently going to the pockets of his cloak and drawing forth more seeds to plant. The woman watching this, known as Alicia the Cat, coughs quietly. "Hadran, we had more of them claiming turf on eastside. They are dead now, but are we retaliating this time?" Hadran looks up from his garden, then rises towards a closet. He opens it to reveal a tangle of garden implements, weapons, clothing, and food. "Oh yes." He whispers while selecting a light hand-axe with a warpick on the reverse of the blade. "Its time they joined our community."

The dagger and stag will sweep the streets,
In silent Undertown, the Green plays for keeps.

To The Fleshwarpers Guild
Greeting, My name is Hadran,
I have a great respect for the art of flesh warping but little talent in it myself. There are several projects I am interested in pursuing that your guild is ideally suited for. Do you happen to expierement on animals as well? Or is your art purely for the humanoid body?

To Atelier, Alchemist of the Spire
Greetings, my name is Hadran
I have heard of the wonders of alchemy but know little of its actual applications, are you truly able to cure the flesh of injury with simple tinctures and increase ones strength with a mere brew?I am very interested in your work and I think my organization could benefit greatly from such wonders, would you be willing to do business with me?

To the Wasteland Hunters
Greetings, my name is Hadran,
I have heard rumour that your group can be hired for mercenary work, and that few are more skilled in combat. If this is true what are your general terms for hiring? If you would shirk at actual mercenary work would you be amiable to perhaps training some of my people with your combat skill?

To The Duskmen
Greetings fellow Druid,
Race may seperate us but I hope that can be moved past for a mutual respect for the heartbeat of the land. While I know much of these things my people are painfully ignorant of the natural ways of the wild. I seek to perhaps change that. Would your small crew be willing to help. Your age old experience deserves you much respect in these things, I am a mere initiate.

To the Pitfighters Association
Greetings, My name is Hadran,
I would be happy to support a PFA arena in my little corner of the city, the practice of pit fighting is already common among my people and it would be interesting to see those who have trained all their lives for such things.

2014-06-17, 11:51 AM
Atelier Lyrica

Greetings, Hadrian!

This is Lyrica here! And yes, I would be most happy to do business with you! Drop by my Atelier some time, and we'll talk about what I can synthesize just for you!

Bring flowers! Not picky about what kind on my part, just as long as it's the kind of flowers you like!

Jaerug XI
2014-06-17, 02:11 PM

Dear Recipient,
Beitrice has brought it to our attention that her medications need refilling soon. Under ideal conditions we would simply read the container, but she disposed of it in a fit of forgetfulness the medication let slip through. She insisted it was a matter of some urgency and would not be dissuaded. Her anxious tendencies are either unhindered by the substance or caused by it. As such we must discern the manufacturer of these items, but we do not know if they are genuine or simply flavoring for her beverage. If you are the source of this product, which she has oft referred to as "Pinky Tincture" or alternately "Loosy-Woosy Juice" depending on her self-prescribed serving that day, it would be most kind for you to send reply that we may replenish her stock or better yet discuss superior options for her treatment.

2014-06-17, 02:36 PM

POLVHER, and Beatrice,

Off the top of my head we don't have any tea flavors of that title, but you're welcome to sort through the attached catalogue of our renowned blendbase if you'd like. If you'd like to inquire about a different substance to cure the ailment, you'll need to fill out the proper form, and send it to our medicinal blend manager. If you'd like to get some other tea I recommend getting the Pineapple Bundle, which will be coming out on the nones.

Thank You, and have a nice day,
Remember, Drink with the League, Drink with Intrigue!
Elizabeth Wafter
LFTM Customer Service Correspondent

Jaerug XI
2014-06-17, 03:17 PM

Ms. Wafter,
Thank you for your prompt and unhelpful response. While pineapple is not to Beitrice's liking, we appreciate your offer and complimentary catalog. We shall seek elsewhere for the product as many ancient city records can attest to the perils of combining popular marketing with herbal medicine.

2014-06-17, 06:29 PM
Titan Shipping

By all means let us meet and here your proposal.

2014-06-17, 07:29 PM
Atelier Lyrica

Oh, dearie me! Of course I would be most happy to help.

First, I'll have to take a look at what this tincture may be, so I can see if it's something of my own making, yes? Drop by my Atelier some time, and bring a dose of the medication for me. Bring Miss Beitrice too, I'll see if I can't figure out what's been ailing her, maybe make something better for her.

Bring flowers, too!

2014-06-17, 10:18 PM
House Florenn
D. ESP: 5

The morning would bring with it the sun's golden rays, and the large, ornate room that Lady Miesa Florenn was in would be lit with the reddish hues of the sunrise. The young woman was already wide awake, sipping her morning tea as she enjoyed this breathtaking view from her new chambers for the first time. The previous days had been fraught with stress and much negotiation on her part, and the part of her personal friends and allies, but they had eventually succeeded, and she had become Head of House Florenn. A glorious victory for her personal ambition, to be sure, and one she was proud of, but there was no time for resting on her laurels.

News had come that the current Emperor, Pordius Dravor of House Dravor, was in ill health. While it was merely a rumor, such a rumor was oft seeded with truth of some sort, and the man was old. Even if this wasn't his time, it would surely come, and perhaps sooner rather than later. And with the recent movements by House Dravor, there was likely more than a little truth to this matter.

Which meant it was time for action. And yet, she'd sip her tea, smiling as she watched the sunrise, a small stack of envelopes already signed and sealed on her desk. There was always time for sleep later.

Our condolences on the recent ill health of Emperor Prodius Dravor. Our prayers go out to him, and we hope that his health will improve in the near future. While it is certainly true that our Houses have not always gotten along in the past, we see no reason for our past enmity to result in conflict between us as time moves forward. It is our utmost hope that the health of the Emperor recovers, but should it not, we wish to avoid the sometimes bloody conflicts that our forefathers had inflicted on one another, and we hope you wish for the same.

We hope this letter does not get lost in the rush of reorganization! House Florenn wishes to send you good tidings, and we hope that your recent relocation has not caused undue difficulty for your people. We wish to offer our vocal support for your cause, as House Florenn has historically been great supporters of the sciences and learning, even if we have lost that tradition in recent times, and should you ever come into difficulty where we may be able to help, you need only make the request.

House Florenn wishes you good tidings, Lady Springsong. Our House has always been supporters of the arts, sciences, and learning, even if we have lost much of our own scholarly backing in recent years. We hope to establish friendly relations with your workshop over the coming days, and as such, should you ever come into difficulty where we may be able to help, you need only ask.

House Florenn wishes good tidings for our noble brethren within The Argent. With the recent news of Emperor Dravor's poor health, we believe it would be in the interests of our Houses to stand together through the coming conflicts that are certain to come about should he pass away. If the Argent are amenable to our offer, please let us know.

House Florenn wishes good tidings for the Duskmen. We would like to express our interest in establishing a friendly working relationship with your group in the coming days. We believe that the Duskmen possess an invaluable skill set, and it is quite a shame that the other noble families have not recognized it. If a partnership in the future seems interesting to you, please let us know.

House Florenn wishes good tidings for our friends in House Hadren. You have no doubt heard the rumors regarding Emperor Dravor's failing health. Let us be frank. We believe that three generations of rule under House Dravor are more than enough. A fourth would be unacceptable, and we would like to request your assistance in ensuring that this does not come about.

House Florenn wishes good tidings upon the Bell Cartel. We are sure that news of the Emperor's illness has reached your ears at this point in time. We would like to request your assistance over the coming days in our bid for the throne. This partnership would likely be in both of our interests. House Dravor has clearly shown the Bell Cartel no favor, treating you as little more than second class despite your position, and as such, we can't imagine another several decades under House Dravor rule is particularly interesting for the Bell Cartel. We can promise that under our oversight, the Bell Cartel would certainly not be regarded so poorly.

2014-06-17, 10:42 PM
The Argent - House Florenn

Lady Florenn,

We would wish for good tidings to you as well, but of course these news can't be good at all. However, the Spire will live on.

There will be conflict in our future, I am certain. However, there are conflicts and conflicts. The Argent are not of such ancient bloodline as your own, and our stake in what happens above our station is not great. Regardless, our favour can be useful even to one such as you. We may not represent a single great House, but we represent a multitude of smaller ones, and every great leader needs the backing of their subjects.

Of course, we can't just throw our names around as such. While of not much importance to you, we do have our own problems. If you were to use your influence in cooperation with ours to make one such problem go away, I am sure the Argent would reciprocate. The problem I am speaking of happens to be a bunch of merchants rising above their station in the levels near our own, and causing trouble for honourable nobles who've happened to fall upon bad times. I am sure you agree that we should penalize the former for their imprudence and use the gains to assist the latter - all the better for more support to your own righteous cause.

Lord Eryn Loboniva, Host of the Argent

The Argent - House of Knowledge


I would like to schedule a visit to check on my granddaughter, Arienne, and see how her studies are progressing. At the same time, I have found some interesting texts that I believe would be useful to you. We might discuss options to share that knowledge.

((OOC: I don't actually need a PM convo for this, just fluff so we can RP out a face-to-face meeting for fun. I wish to offer you the assistance of 1 Knowledge this turn, in exchange for a negotiable amount of Subtlety. This allows you to complete a second Rune, and I have a project I would enjoy some assistance in.))

Lord Eryn Loboniva

2014-06-17, 10:58 PM
Subtly: 5

Dear Lady Miesa Florenn

I wish to extend tidings of friendship to you, and your house. Quite a few of members of the city respect you and your house. I write to you on this fine day with a few purposes. Mainly, I wish to wish you good tidings, and a good future. This is, however, not my only reason for writing to you. I wish to support your bid for the Throne from behind the scenes. You, and your house resuming power would be beneficial for most members of the city. I can understand why you wouldn't want any connections with such a, so called, lowly gang such as The Black Council, but I feel that we may be able to come to a beneficial relationship in the future.

Sincerely, Gentlmen Marcone

2014-06-17, 11:08 PM
The Argent - Black Council

Rumours of your existance are filtering upwards within the Spire.

I believe you know who I am, if you are as they say.

I have some knowledge I believe might be useful to you. A favour, for a favour.

I also have a warning. You should be wary of acting rashly in the matter of Undercity gangs. There is more at work than may seem.

((OOC: Offering to help you with 1 Knowledge this turn, giving you a second Rune. In exchange, I want a negotiable amount of Subtlety under my command for a single operation.))

2014-06-17, 11:14 PM
Yes, we are well aware of who you are. We are well aware that things are not always as they seem, maybe moreso than most. You ask for a favor in exchange for a favor, I ask for what you want for the knowledge.

2014-06-17, 11:22 PM
The Argent - Black Council

I have an ongoing project in the upper Spire. I wish for my initial foray to be powerful and surprising.

To this end, I wish for the assistance of a number of your men. [3 Units] should be enough.

Any losses will be compensated for, though none should occur.

2014-06-17, 11:26 PM
Should you lose any of those I send, I would like to know who costed you to lose. Should this get traced back to The Black Council, and us be negativily impacted by your actions with our resources, expect repercussions. When you need them, you shall have them, though I cannot promise we will not ask for more if we find your operation to risky, or you have lost us what we gave you.

2014-06-17, 11:39 PM
The Argent - Black Council


The risks are low. But risks always exist.

We have sufficient resources to replenish whatever you might stand to lose, in the worst case.

2014-06-18, 02:30 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

Aw, don't call me 'Lady'! Makes me blush, that it does!

That aside, I hope to be friends with you too, Lady Florenn! I'll keep your offer in mind, and if you ever need me to synthesize anything at all for you, feel free to drop by my Atelier! Do bring flowers if and when you do!

2014-06-18, 03:43 AM
The House of Knowledge

Several letters had come in, following the move. It seemed that several came from higher in the Spire than usual. Excellent.

Soon, a set of letters were composed, and folded into the appropriate forms. A gust of wind passed over the desk, casting the letters out a briefly opened window.

Each would make its way to where it was needed. In time.

The first to arrive came in the shape of a paper crane.

We wish to reciprocate the good tidings of House Florenn. Relocation has been smooth, and the reorganization is nearly complete. Let it be known that such patrons of the sciences as House Florenn are remembered in this House, and shall have friends here.

May the coming days preserve you and yours.

The second paper to flutter onto a desk came in the shape of a small tree, which remained upright until unfolded.

Well met, Lord Loboniva.

The House of Knowledge is always open to any who may wish to visit, so please come whenever you find the time. I would hazard a guess that you would also wish to discuss the upcoming turbulence, while you visit. If so, I'm sure a quiet section of the library would prove free of questing ears.

OOC: Sounds good (the face to 'face' conversation; the deal will need to be negotiated). Your choice if you wish to make this a PM or not.

2014-06-18, 11:04 AM
We have quite a few ideas for initiatives, which will allow our companies to prosper. One is that we sell a few of the others products in the others shop. As well as have some advertisements in each others shops. We have an idea of putting additives in the tea to make it addicting. That way the tea will be more inelastic, and demand will increase, and our profits will soar, and we'd be willing to give you a cut if you'd be willing to help with that. Alternately we could have additives made from alchemy, and illusion magics to gain influence with the government, and bring equality for your people.

2014-06-18, 11:22 AM

Dear sir Knights of the IRON KNIGHTS

I've been assigned to inquire about an arrangement between yourselves, and LFTM. It would be in the best interest of the league if we were able to have you as a defense in case anything came up. Soon we'll be able to pay you some up front, and then we'll give you some once you've successfully defended our companies infrastructure. Would something along those lines be reasonable to you?

Humbly yours,
Suzanne van Lin
Head of LFTM Security
Approved by Sargon : 8-2-3051

2014-06-18, 11:40 AM
Titan Shipping

We don't want to gain equality by drugging everyone. We do know of a mild stimulant found in a plant growing in the wild which you could add to your tea, but since many teas already caffeinated you seem to have that covered. We don't really have shops for you to advertise in. Our factories are for personal use and we work for other companies out of our offices. You could advertise there if you like.

2014-06-18, 11:44 AM
The Argent

Eryn paced back and forth in his room, pondering the news. A measured pace, without a shred of emotion. Every once in a while, he wrote down markings on a book open at the table, and then continued.

In normal times, any significant action by a player in the Spire would provoke an opposite reaction. He'd spent a long time very carefully avoiding making a splash, for that exact reason. The situation was self-balancing, and to upset that balance was to play with fire. It had taken him many long years to gain what he had, and yet it was not much.

But it seemed that the times were changing. In extrordinary circumstances, where the balance was shifting naturally across the board, bold moves could and would be rewarded. The new balance would leave new people on top.

A few more moments of pacing, and the Lord turned to leave the room.

--- ---

"You're giving out the manuscripts!? Those are the fruit of a century of collecting and study!"

"They are a resource, and now is the time to use it."

"I can't allow this! They're priceless!"

"Watch your tongue. I'm not 'giving them out', I am loaning them temporarily. And if you want to complain, bring it up at the next gathering."

The Argent - Atelier Lyrica

Good day to you and yours,

Lord Loboniva and his entourage shall be visiting your establishment in two days' time, for business and negotiation. I expect this visit will coincide with the arrival of a number of other guests - this random happenstance shall not be an issue.

An expedition has recently recovered some of the wildflowers from Tyr that were discussed at the previous meeting. A sample shall be forthcoming.

With respect,
The Argent

The Argent - Reddinfel

There's talk of your rapid rise in the Undercity.

Expect a reaction. I advise caution, lest you step false and fall.

This is not the time to shake the foundations of the tree.

Come to the Atelier in two days' time. For a talk.

The Argent - Duskmen

I hope you will join me at her place in two days' time.

The Argent - House of Knowledge

((Not a PM.))

Eryn Loboniva arrives a few days later, with a number of his men as guards. One of them is carrying a package wrapped in cloth.

2014-06-18, 11:52 AM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 8]

"Flowers? She asked me to bring her flowers?" Normally intimidating enough to stare down a razorback it was strange to see Hadran taken aback. "What is it with women and their fascination with watching beautiful things that grow slowly wither and die Alicia?"
Suppressing a small chuckle, she replied "You'll certainly not find the answer with me Hadran, I've just come with the reports, but I recommend something colourful. From what I hear of the cities alchemist she is a rather colourful person."
Hadran looked over his small garden, absentmindedly scratching the head of a mottled mongrel with a long and mean looking muzzle. Normal agitated and vicious, the hound seemed overjoyed by his touch, wagging its tail and releasing a contented grumble.
"A colourful alchemist... Hmmm..."

To the Deadmen
You dare tinker in my affairs? You dare to believe I would not see? You DARE to think your kind fit with our natural order?
You will pay dearly for your scheming, pray to your perished gods that you survive the month you monsters.

To Lyrica
A heavyset man in a light shirt and britches the colour of summer leaves arrives, he looks rather normal; but it is easy to see the distinct balance and strength in his movements and traces of tattoo can be seen around the sleeves and collar of his clothing. In his hands are two flower pots bearing tall stalks with many small purple flowers along their length.
"A pleasure to meet you miss Lyrica, I am Hadran, these are Foxgloves from my own garden, I understand they are quiet beautiful and quicken any heart. Though do not eat them, or your heart may quicken too much."

To the Argent
Conveniently enough I am headed that direction anyway. Tread carefully Noble, not everything can be solved with mere words.

2014-06-18, 12:23 PM
The Argent Midturn [GM]

So, if I understand this correctly...

I'll have 5 Knowledge prepare myself a Rune. One of the arts of illusion and subtlety, to be used offensively for boosting the Cartel attack. I'll also be giving 1 Knowledge to help the Black Council in exchange for their Subtlety supporting me in the EoT, but I dunno if this is a midturn thing or not. Probably not? Same with another 1 Knowledge for the House of Knowledge.

I'll have my 4 Industry produce equipment for my Subtlety to use on the Bell Cartel attack.

I'll have my Subtlety, along with those of my allies, attack the Bell Cartel. I wish for them to study the Cartel's operations, find weaknesses to target and then take over their operations and force them away from the Noble part of the Spire. My VIP, Eryn Loboniva, leads this operation. Let's be rather aggressive, with our strength - my allies don't exactly have that much loyalty, so I'll make the move faster than they'd hopefully expect and before they can get defenses set up if they are aware of what I am doing. Nobody except Loboniva should be aware of the plan of action itself, because I've told that to nobody, so there's no risk of that leaking. If it seems that the Cartel is prepared/preparing, have the midturn attack focus on eliminating their defenses.

I am assuming that any loot gained by troops under my command, even if they've been provided for the mission by another faction, will go to me.

EDIT: Just to note. I might be gaining groups of 3 Subtlety from the Black Council, House Florenn, the Deadmen and House of Knowledge, and some more from the Duskmen, Atelier Lyrica and Reddinfel. I do not know whether the former group arrives on the midturn or at the EoT. Regardless, they are to be added to the Cartel thing anyway.

Also, the terms of the deal with the former group are that they don't get any of the loot, they're under my personal command for the battle and that's it. The latter group gets a fair share.

2014-06-18, 12:33 PM

To The Reddinfel

That is great news, if you will allow it we will be in your area soon [midturn] to build the structer and start schedualing fights. May the Pit bring our groups mountains of gold. Would you like to name the Pit?

Also, if you would like to offer some support in building the structer it will only serve to make it stronger

OOC: Sorry for the edit, forgot the last line.

2014-06-18, 12:41 PM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

"Koff, koff... hic! Koff..."

Coughing from the soot generated by her latest explosion, Lyrica slowly began to pick herself up from the ground, when a shadow fell over her. Glancing up, she peered at the large figure that was casting the shadow, blocking out the light and leaving her in the shade. A moment passed, then two. Then...

She suddenly jumped up in surprise, frantically brushing the soot from her dress as she exclaimed,

"Oh, oh! A customer... no, a guest!"

"Dear me, this is so embarrassing! Didn't mean for you to see me like this, Master Hadran!"

Lyrica babbled, clearly flustered at Hadran showing up just in time to catch her screwing up yet another one of her experiments. Finally standing up and brushing herself off as quickly as she could, the girl hurried to make herself as presentable as she could reasonably be, given the circumstances.

"Oh right, right. You did say you're coming by... well! Welcome to Atelier Lyrica, Master Hadran! What can Lyrica do for you today OH FLOWERS!!!"

The Alchemist suddenly exclaimed, dashing forward and almost snatching one of the flower pots from the large man's hand, highly animated all of a sudden.

"Oh thank you, Master Hadran! How pretty! Foxgloves, yes, yes! Very nice! Really useful too, I use these all the time in my tinctures. Now..."

And despite Hadran's earlier warning, Lyrica plucked a flower off the stem... and popped it in her mouth. And chewed it, slowly in fact, as if she was actually savoring it as a snack.

"Oh! Most fresh and potent, too! This would be just right, thank you so much...!"

Even as she swallowed her mouthful and babbled on, Lyrica gradually became flushed, and she started breathing slightly quicker. She put a hand to her cheek, and regarded Hadran a tad strangely.

"Oh, my... my heart is beating so fast, Master Hadran. And you're right in front of me... I wonder, could it be...?"

Oh, how exciting! I would be most happy to meet Lord Lobovina two days hence. I'll have the Atelier real hospitable when he arrives!

And thank you for the wildflowers, I sure would be expecting them!

2014-06-18, 01:48 PM
]Alright...I hope I get this all right.

Force: What meager forces the Deadmen have are preparing for the inevitable assault that the Reddinfel will no doubt make upon them: The streets leading to their territory hide forces in key strategic positions, and a couple Revenants are brought out, their cages rattling as the mad undead seek escape, ready to set upon the first thing they see upon release. Invest Force 3 in defending from the Reddinfels when they attack.

Subtlety: Meanwhile, the small army of Ghosts in the Deadmen's employ are keeping tabs on the Reddinfel's army, carefully watching for opportunities to sabotage them, trip them up, and otherwise sabotage their progress towards the Deadmen's territory. Elsewhere, a group of Greys trained in the arts of deception are helping The Argent with their business. Invest 5 Subtlety in trying to reduce the Reddinfel's force, spend 3 helping the Argent with their stuff.

Knowledge: Meanwhile, the production of Runes never stops, even when the Deadmen are under threat. Produce a Rune using 5 Knowledge.

2014-06-18, 02:13 PM
Subtlety: Send three units to The Argent. (3/5 used)

Industry: Bring in the income (Wealth) from rackets, and fronts that The Black Council owns throughout the city. (7/7 used)

Loyalty: Spread the word that The Black Council is looking for smart, and skilled individuals to join its ranks. (Use loyalty to boost Subtlety) (5/5 Used)

Subtlety: Use informants in the city to search for skilled, and smart people to join The Black Council. Paired with loyalty. (2/2 Remaining Used)

(You Said loyalty had to be paired, so this is how I understood it to mean

2014-06-18, 02:24 PM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 8]

If you would care to have me name it, I would choose the The Kohpek. You are welcome to start this [midturn].

To Lyrica, The Argent, The Duskmen
Hadran blinks and hesitates for a split second, but in the next slice of the same second he pulls out a lock of holly and pulls off a petal from the Foxglove. The holly's sharp spine draw across Hadran's palm, oozing blood which is wiped along the deadly petal. A few ancient words later he makes a complex gesture and mutters a quick spell. "Miss Lyrica do you nee-" The statement was cut off by a terrible shattering sound as the pot remaining in Hadran's hand shattered on the ground; having been dropped during the brief second.

2014-06-18, 02:26 PM
The House of Knowledge

Over the course of a day, a third paper made its way into down into the city, twisted into a Möbius strip.

Greetings, Lady Springsong.
I have heard much of your abilities. Some true, and some no doubt false.

On this sad day, I have cause to ask. How are you with the medical arts?

A fourth, folded in an odd design not unlike three wedges joined together, circled above the city thrice before a chance gust of wind caught it. In fell into the Bastion, seeming to lose all lift until the draft of an opening door caught it, pulling the note into the offices of the Torchguard.

Honored Sir,
Much has been said of the prowess of the Torchguard, and with turbulent times coming much could be made of such a reputation.

I would like to enquire regarding the possibility of hiring the Torchguard Company, or a subdivision thereof, to ensure that no opportunist takes advantage of my libraries in the coming months and years without going through the proper channels.

I await your response with hope. Thank you.

Finally, an expected visitor arrived. As they crossed the newly made stone bridge, my voice was carried to them by a simple illusion.
"Know, visitor, that no violence will be tolerated within this House."

After passing through the Antechamber, you enter the main hall. It is a massive space, filled with shelves stretching from the floor twenty meters below you to the ceiling eighty meters above. No sunlight touches this maze of shelves, for the space is lit entirely by floating wisps of light. Here, the crash of metal on stone from a guardsman's boots can not be heard, and indeed your own heartbeat seems muted in the resounding silence.

A scholar clad in what look to be purple pyjamas materializes, standing on the air on the opposite side of the railing preventing a careless soul from falling off the stairs. "If you could follow me, I'll show you to a rather nice nook where we can talk. Thank you for coming."

She seems not to walk or fly so much as teleport ahead, eventually coming to rest in a rather plush chair among several nestled in the shelves. It would appear that introducing the topic of discussion is being left to you, for now.

2014-06-18, 05:24 PM
House Florenn
D. ESP: 5

While I must admit that their recent actions had gone mostly unnoticed for us as of late, we can certainly assist you in this endeavor, depending on what you require. What is it that you request of us, and what is your current plan of action?

Gentleman Marcone,

House Florenn wishes good tidings upon you as well. I must apologize first for my ignorance, as I know little about the Black Council. We appreciate your support, and do not worry about position as a so called 'gang'. We value all of our allies, whether of noble or common blood, so it makes little difference to us.

House Florenn is currently in the market for one or more suppliers of equipment and other necessities for our operatives. If making such a deal would interest you, we would currently be looking for up to [4 Wealth] worth of [Equipment], to be provided shortly after the [Midturn]. We would provide the [Wealth] at the time of the trade. Please let us know if your services would be available, and how much Equipment you would be able to provide us.

Lady Miesa Florenn, Head of House Florenn

A message would arrive a few days later along with a small bouquet of flowers picked fresh from the Florenn gardens.

House Florenn is currently in the market for one or more suppliers of equipment and other necessities for our operatives. If making such a deal would interest you, we would currently be looking for up to [4 Wealth] worth of [Equipment], to be provided shortly after the [Midturn]. We would provide the [Wealth] at the time of the trade. Please let us know if your services would be available, and how much Equipment you would be able to provide us.

Also, if you wish for me to address you as something other than Lady, please let me know, Miss Springsong.

Lady Miesa Florenna, Head of House Florenn

2014-06-18, 05:41 PM
The Fleshwarper's Guild, Loyalty [4]

The howls that filled the room would of chilled the heart of even the most veteran of city guardsmen, sending them fleeing from the source. This was not the case for the short, curvy woman clad in a slightly tattered robe or the bored man leaning against the wall. From their expressions, it could be assumed that this was a normal day in the lab. The woman turned, cursing under her breath to pull the the curtain over her latest creation. The howl was cut short as the heavy red cloth muffled the creature's screams of rage and pain.

"Damnation. Serum IX has indeed solved the organ failure problem, but this transformation is... problematic" breathing deeply, Guildmistress Oriana Crow turned to her assistant "Make sure you get this down Gregory!"

The middle-aged human forced himself to give a polite nod, keeping his eyes from rolling in bemused irritation. He lifted his pen to the scroll before him and began to scratch notes in a cramped, clear script. "Perhaps it was the essence of Night Walker Guildmistress. The pigmentation change is similar."

Oriana nods, shocking white hair bopping against her dark flesh "Mmm. True. I wanted to add an exotic tinge to her skin, not turn her into a frothing rage monster. Limited utility for ladies fashion... but potentially useful for military or gangs. Package it, send out some samples to interested parties."

"Speaking of interested parties my Lady, we have some correspondance that you may wish to take a look at. Would you like me to send the letters to you?"

"Yes, yes. Send them to me."

Deal with? I assume you don't mean in a business capacity?


I am responding to your public call for new Pit Fighting Arenas. We would be happy to accept your offer... though I have a few follow up questions. First, what is done with the corpses of Pit Fighters who fall in the arena? Second, I'm sure you have heard of our skills... would you be interested in contracting our services to.... spice up your fights?

Oriana Crow, Guildmistress


Thank you for your interest! Our skills are used on all flesh- animal, mythical, humanoid and more. We would be very interested in discussing a contract that could let us showcase our talents. What did you have in mind?

Guildmistress Oriana Crow

Have you ever felt like your body just isn't what you expected? Have you ever been embarrassed by the pathetic Guards that you hire to protect yourself? Have you ever wished that you could mold your own fate?

Well, wait no more! The Fleshwarpers Guild can help you! With ancient techniques and careful scientific procedure, we can make a whole new you. Why shouldn't you be the talk around town? Do yourself a favor. Contact that Fleshwarpers today.

Prices vary on size and scope of contract.

2014-06-18, 05:42 PM
Dear Lady Miesa Florenn

I must apologize, what resources we can spare for the time being have been pledged to support someone else's endeavors. Besides that, our forges have yet to receive their next shipment of metal to work with, so we cannot produce any equipment at this time[Industry already tasked to generating wealth]. That said, we will be able to provide equipment, and resources in the not to distant future. Sorry if this inconveniences you. We could, however, offer you a rune after some time has passed [After EoT], or some wealth so that you may buy more equipment from another group. Whatever you decide, we wish you well.

Sincerely, Gentleman Marcone

We are deeply sorry, but we must reject the offer at this time. We are still moving things around, and new people are joining. Once we have our affairs in order, we shall contact you once more, and see what we can do.

2014-06-18, 06:00 PM
Indeed. Sound interesting? It's in all of our best interests.

2014-06-18, 08:08 PM
The Fleshwarper's Guild, Loyalty [4]

Don't take this the wrong way, but why would we? The undead aren't usually in need of our services, and it seems silly to anger or destroy a potential customer. What would be in it for us?

2014-06-18, 09:04 PM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5


Lyrica exclaimed in shock at the sound of the pot shattering on the ground, jumping a little despite herself. The sight of Hadran's cut finger and welling blood didn't seem to help her composure any.

Reflexively, she tossed the one remaining pot away as she moved to try and tend to Hadran. The pot of foxgloves went sailing through the air, seemingly about to meet the same fate as the other pot... and dropped into the arms of a burlap robed figure who was somehow in the yard at the right time and place. The figure, having secured a firm grasp on the pot of foxgloves, skittered back into the Atelier silently.

"Master Hadran, you're hurt! What should I do, what should I... oh yes, we need to get you treated!"

The young girl tittered, getting more breathless and more flushed, her flustering bordering on hysteria at this point. She tugged on Hadran's arm, leading him in through the front door of the Atelier. As they entered the workshop named after herself, Lyrica called out into the main shop space to whomever appeared to be inside, if out of sight.

"Come in please, Master Hadran. Children?! Fetch me a healing tincture and some wraps, please! And a foxglove antidote too, while you're at it!"

Letter from the House of Knowledge

On a separate day, Lyrica was busy in her personal study room, poring over one of her many recipe books, when a paper Möbius strip came fluttering in on the wind, and settled on the book she was reading.

"Oh! What's this...?"

She picked up the piece of paper, unwrapping it to reveal its nature as a letter, and read it carefully. Then, she put a hand to her mouth.

"Oh. Oh my."

With that, she reached for her writing materials, wasting no time in composing a response.

Oh, dear. That does not sound good at all.

Fortunately for you, the arts of the apothecary are right up my alley! There is one whom is in need of it, I presume? Would you like to have the afflicted drop by my Atelier, or shall I make a trip down to wherever you might be?

Sincerely yours,
Lyrica Springsong

P.S. Why do people insist on calling me 'Lady Springsong', do you know? It makes me blush honestly, I am so not used to that!

Oh, my! 'Miss Springsong' isn't really all that much better, Lady Florenna! 'Lyrica' would be just fine for me, really!

Anyway, on to the main topic at hand. You would like to know if Lyrica can make some [Equipment] for you, yes? [4 Wealth] is a real goodly sum too, Lady Florenna, I must say. But, that don't tell me anything about how much [Equipment] you actually need, nor the type of it that you're wanting to buy from me. Perhaps it would be best if we discuss that first, before we settle on a price?

Sincerely yours,
Lyrica Springsong

2014-06-18, 09:13 PM
Do not think of the Reddinfel as your customers. They are violent, brutal, and coldly uncompromising. One does not sell to a wolf pack. One puts it down before it can cause harm.

2014-06-18, 09:26 PM
The Fleshwarper's Guild, Loyalty [4]

I've met plenty of wolves that... with some tweaking... have been very friendly. Listen, we have never had a problem with this gang... and gangs are one of our biggest customers. Bring us opportunities, or we will forced to remain decidedly neutral.

2014-06-18, 09:59 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

To the Fleshwarpers Guild (4)
The Duskmen greet you, Fleshwarpers.

Your work has been noticed by the bloodsingers of our order. Your medium is quite similar to our own, though of course the message varies. We wished to bring to light the possibility of future joint endeavors to further the art that the both of us are disciples of. Not this moon, as we must focus our gaze inward, but the idea may be given time to germinate. While the exact expression of such cooperations is undecided, our specialties can supplement each others in multitudes of fields, and I leave the decision for another time.

To the Reddinfel (4)
Indeed, there is much for you to learn. The blood of the World Below flows through those who embrace it, and all seekers are brothers in our eyes. Time has shaped us to better reflect the wilds, but I have heard tales of your order's own communions with the beast within.

And maybe we can help guide your learnings of the nature of this world, of the music and silence of all. The divides of such may be bent, or broken, through will and ritual. Our shaman have practiced their bloodrites for eons. Would you like to aid with their binding of the song?

We who hear the call must stand together. The Duskmen do not forget their family.

[OOC: You loan me 1 Knowledge for the turn. For some negotiable price, which we can discuss in the PM.]

To the Wasteland Hunters (4)
Greetings to our brothers, if not in blood, than by trade.

We both are purveyors of the goods of the World Below, a calling few hear. While purpose may separate us, there is much to be said of men willing to brave the wilds. I wish to open a connection here so that we may seed cooperative ties between our two orders. But to do so, your aims must be illuminated. What is it that you seek within the Spire?

To House Florenn (4)
Time has made the great Spire forget, yes. With no wars to wage, there are none who must walk the World Below. We have no men to guide, and no men to hunt. But in these times of turmoil, with the Petal Throne to wither, trouble shall come to our city, within and without. It has always been the mantle of the Duskmen to watch the wilds and the other Cities of the Map, once for conquest, yet now as sentinels. But the sun is setting upon that age of our order, just as it sets upon our emperor. What manner of partnership do you seek? And what role do we play within?

To Atelier Lyrica, the Reddinfel, and the Argenta (PM)
Silys the Stormwrath, speaker of the Duskmen, appears at the Atelier bearing a single, golden flower. Offering it delicately to the host, the orc says, "A spiderfrond blossom. Razor sharp, like its leaves. Unless you allow it to prey on flesh, it shouldn't grow any larger than it currently is, however. Do be careful."

[OOC: I guess we'll wait on Murska to post before we do any business here.]

2014-06-18, 10:07 PM
Very well, then. May we both live to not regret your decision.

2014-06-19, 02:45 AM
My antechamber, as with the rest of the library, was made to impress upon visitors that Knowledge is important. Four-thousand, seven-hundred and sixty-eight square meters of shelf ring the space.

I hate it. Miss Knowledge installed a skylight of all things, feeling that the natural light would help to put guests at ease for negotiations over the price of entry, and form a distinction between the entrance and the shelves. So much shelf space, wasted holding cheap copies of books so nothing important would degrade in the sunlight.

Five visitors, today. Only one was new, which was a sad state of affairs. Still, the increased security of this location would be worth it, if I could stay sufficiently neutral in the games of the nobles. If. A leader of a minor but persistent coalition of houses contacted me today, asking after help. Another, a leader of one of the ancient houses, simply asked to reaffirm ties. Care and a light tread will clearly be needed. Maybe the Torchguard Company will agree to lend a stick?

Any way it goes, the coming days should be interesting if nothi- did she just pull out a sleeping bag? She did. Clever of her, but that floor will do no favors come morning. Probably best that I move her to a guest room.

Ah, there's the response from Lady Springsong. Hopefully she can help, here.

The House of Knowledge (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__w1OHFGHTY)

A second note arrives from the House of Knowledge, folded tightly into a scale model of a human heart.

You presume correctly, Lady Springsong. I have done my best, but at this point it would appear that calling in an expert is the best course of action.

Based on what information I have, moving her seems unwise. I am not sure that I feel entirely comfortable sharing detailed medical information in a note just anyone could grab from the air and read, especially for someone else, but I can say that she looks to be stable.

Looks. I have very little idea of what I am doing and sincerely hope that the medical texts I am using as references are accurate.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,
The House of Knowledge

P.S. I suspect that the reason behind the appellation is either a nod towards your skill and position, or an attempt at flattery. Possibly both.

I would like to get your input on an action.

I intend to use my reputation, backed by my loyalty, to attract people to visit the House of Knowledge to read within the library.

What I was wondering was if I could not declare a stat that I intend to increase through the accrual of favors and other payments, but rather make unfocused growth. That is, spread the growth among all stats randomly.

Also, would it be possible to get a trait which could allow me to use some fraction of my knowledge stat as a passive bonus to actions?

Thank you.

2014-06-19, 10:19 AM

Yes we understand. If you ever change your mind at any point or have any propositions for business ventures let us know.

2014-06-19, 10:28 AM
Kruk sat in his large chair and smiled. In a few days he's gotten 2 requests for a pit and another possible location at a later time. Soon the PFA would be larger and richer than any of the other Gladiator groups in the city.

The door creaked upen and a small creature peered its head in. It was his assistant Parrin, a dwarf he had beaten and broken many years ago. Parrin wasn't even the creature's real name, it was just what Kruk called him, and he doesn't dare to tell him otherwise.

Yes Parrin?
Sir,.... um... there is a slight..... problem with the building projects
I thought you worked out all the problems.
Its just that... we don't have any building plans... and we don't have any men that have the skills to design a building like that. I'm sure we can pay an outside group to draw up the designs, but we will need to

At that moment Kruk hurled his dagger at the dwarf, and if he hadn't been still hiding behind the door it would have hit in the arm somewhere.

NO! These are going to be our pride, our legacy. They will not be designed by an outside group. Begin organizing a recruitment effort, and get some labs up and running. You will have all the resources we have at your disposal. Get it done, or I'll send you back down the sewers.

Yes sir, I'll get right on it.
As Parrin closed the door and ran off, Kruk got some paper and began writing. This would push everything back, hopefully it wouldn't cause any backlash.

Midturn (GM, PM)

We are re-organizing to boost our research. These new pits we are going to build are going to be the basis for our entire faciton, and must be designed properly, and therefore we must have the knowledge base to design such structers. We are going to be using our men to attract new researchers, and we will be spending our wealth to improve our libraries for the design process.

3 loyalty, 4 reputation will be used to increase our knowledge.
all 8 Resource will be turned into Wealth.

If I can use it right now I'll use the 8 wealth to increase our knowledge. Otherwise I'll put it in my EOT.


We will also look for a PFA Champion. This will use all my force and subtly to create a VIP that is exceptional at combat.

(loyalty 3)

To The Fleashwarpers Guild

We are always glad to establish another pit, but it may take us a few months to get to the construction. As far as other work, we may want to look into that at another time. Currently we are working on expansion and infrasture. Once our current projects are complete we will get back with you on your services.

To The Reddinfel

I belive we have spoken too soon, and miscalculated our construction potential. We should be able to break ground [next turn]

2014-06-19, 12:36 PM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

By the time the heart-shaped letter from the House of Knowledge arrived at Lyrica's study desk, the Alchemist herself was already off somewhere else, preoccupied with other matters. Thus, it was a slightly longer while before the response finally came from the Atelier.

My apologies for the delay in my response.

I understand. I will make haste to come by and have a look at the patient. Please expect me by the next day.

Sincerely yours,
Lyrica Springsong

P.S. Either way, it is most embarrassing. Please call me Lyrica, I much prefer that.

(OOC: Can't spare a PM, sorry.)

The following day, a little wisp of a girl, with flowing blonde hair and donning a flowery green dress, stepped gingerly into the antechamber of the House of Knowledge. Glancing around her surroundings, she looked for all the world like an unassuming little lass, and no passerby on the street would mark her for anything beyond her delicate looks.

"Hel...hello? Anybody home? It is Lyrica Springsong here!"

2014-06-19, 05:57 PM
So we are allowed 3 actions? Tell me if I mess this up to badly
Use 5 Knowledge to Produce a Rune of Knowledge
Use 2 Industry to steal (Produce) 2 Wealth
Use 2 Industry to produce 12 (Knowledge 6 * 2 Industry Used) Equipment (Unassigned)

2014-06-19, 10:29 PM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 8]

To the PFA
That is alright, I suppose we shar see more of you in the coming months. In the meantime, I don't suppose you hire out any of your gladiators as mercenaries or combat trainers?

To the Fleshwarpers
In the interests of making our mark on the city I was considering offering you a contract to breed us a warbeast. I have many fine hounds in my kennels and they have served me well. But I want to... broaden our stocks. Stronger, more agile, maws that can threaten a man in heavy chain mail. Would you be interested in such a contract?

To Lyrica, The Duskmen, The Argent
Hadran is led slightly bewildered into the Atelier, and caught even more off guard by the numbers of youth in the crowded workshop. "Miss Lyrica I am quite fine, it is just a relief to know you have an antidote for the foxglove. Next time I will perhaps bring daffodils." Hadran flashes Lyrica a worried smile. "So why do you eat flowers?" The cut on Hadrans hand is gone before the tinctures are even found, leaving only a smear of red blood.

To the Lost Ones
I'm sure you know who I am. I am almost certain you know most of what goes on here in the undercity, in your own way. You are no council of thieves or cult of the dead. You are the poor, the down-trodden, and the other wretches and cast aways that this lower city teems with. I want to make a difference down here. I want to make some change, leave a mark. You have the heart of the undercity in your grasp, and not even my people are as loyal as yours, and I would ask for support in small ways here and there from your 'organization'.

It is a pit of dogs down here and I am the wolf. I have told you that you are many things, but now I ask you: are you the deer we hunt, or the pup we nurture?

2014-06-20, 12:09 AM
Atelier Lyrica

What Hadran saw as he entered the designated shop space of the Atelier, were a bunch of similarly burlap-robed figures busying themselves with various tasks like ants, their hoods pulled up over their heads to conceal their features. Not a single one taller than Lyrica herself, they scrambled to follow the Alchemist's orders, gathering the items she requested.

For her part, Lyrica spun around to look at Hadran's wound, just in time to see it sealing itself. Still looking flushed, the young girl went wide-eyed as she leaned forward, looking closely at where the wound used to be.

"Oh, wow! That's awesome, Master Hadran! How did you do that?"

She said breathlessly, still under the strangely muted effects of the foxglove. Just then, one of the burlap-robed figures ran up to her, having gathered the tinctures and wrappings.

"Mother, the tinctures and wraps."

"Thank you, darling. But it's fine, there's no need for it. Run along now."

Lyrica said, affectionately caressing the robed figure's head beneath the hood. Whatever it was nodded and ran off, and another similar-looking one came up with a vial of purple liquid.

"Mother, the foxglove antidote."

"Thank you dear. Run along now!"

She said in turn, before tossing down the contents of the vial in one move. She took a moment to let the antidote take effect, before turning back to Hadran, the blush already disappearing from her cheeks.

"Phew, that's better... so, why do I eat flowers? Well... I don't know, why not?"

Lyrica said, putting a finger to her cheek, acting as though nothing particularly unusual had happened.

"I've been doing it this way since forever. Best way to find out what an ingredient does, as far as I know. That's very important to Alchemy, you see... oh, another guest!"

The Alchemist suddenly exclaimed, getting all flustered again.

"A-a-anyway! Please take a seat Master Hadran, I'll be right back! Children, some tea for Master Hadran and the other guests, quick!"

Lyrica called out, just before dashing out the door again. Several of the robed figures, hearing her latest order, promptly scurried in some other room presumably to carry it out...

Meeting Silys Stormwraith

"Oh, good day! Welcome to Atelier Lyrica, how can I help you today?"

The young blonde called out, stepped out the front door of the Atelier to meet the representative from the Duskmen.

"I'm Lyrica! May I know your... oh, how pretty! What's this...?"

Halfway through her greeting, the Alchemist got distracted by the pretty golden flower the orc bore. Hearing his description, it took a moment for it to sink into the Alchemist's mind... at which point she practically burst with excitement.

"Oh, wow! A spiderfrond! That's awesome, sir! How did you manage to obtain it!"

Lyrica exclaimed excitedly, grabbing Silys' wrists as she practically bounced.

"I never thought anyone could manage to bring me one of these! You must help me gather more of these things from the world outside, sir! You must!"

2014-06-20, 06:06 AM
The Argent

"Be careful with the dart launchers. You don't want a spike in your eye, even if we haven't poisoned them yet." A number of busy men, putting together crates of equipment in a room underneath a prominent nobleman's manor.

"We probably won't need to use those. But it is better to have them than not. Get them to the men by sundown."

But not this particular nobleman. He's here on business.

"Yes, sir."

Argent - House of Knowledge

"Violence is rarely tolerated, yet it follows us all nevertheless." At a wave, the man's guards step to the side and let him enter alone.

Lord Loboniva takes a seat for himself before speaking.

"I trust Arianne is doing fine? I intend to visit her before I depart, but unfortunately events are keeping me busy, so I shall beg your forgiveness for my manners if I move into the other subject immediately.

I have with me a single manuscript of inestimable value, added to our collection some decades ago. I believe that it would be of use to you. We are willing to loan it for study and even copying, in exchange for the assistance of a small number, maybe [3 Units], of your eyes and ears on the outside. They are to be placed under my personal command for two weeks.

I intend to gather information to strike a blow at the prestige of an opponent. Politics, you know. There should be little risk involved, but we are willing to compensate you for any losses you might suffer in the endeavour."

The Argent - House Florenn

I intend to send them a firm message that stepping above their station is unwise in this city. To this end, I wish for either you to use your influence amongst the highborn to sway the public opinion [4 Reputation] or assist the operation itself by placing some of your agents under my personal command for two weeks. [3 Subtlety] I will of course compensate you for any losses you might suffer, but the operation carries little risk.

In exchange, you will have our support for the Throne.

In the Atelier Lyrica: Reddinfel, Lyrica, Duskmen [PM]

A tall man clad in finely cut black and gray clothing, and with the posture of one born to nobility, steps inside while the others are briefly distracted by their introductions.

He seems to know his way around, having visited several times in the past. A few moments later, two men follow him in, carrying a small crate with an open top. It contains, still in the soil, a few kinds of wildflowers from far abroad, the names of which Loboniva never bothered to learn. They carefully lower it on the floor, and depart quickly without sparing a glance for the others present.

"Good morning, miss Springsong. I hope you are well today, as on all days." A small nod in her direction. Then he turns to survey the room.

"Ah, I see the others have also arrived. I am Lord Eryn Loboniva, representing the Argent. It is most fortunate for each of us to coincidentally have business here at the same time."

2014-06-20, 06:54 AM
Atelier Lyrica

Meeting Lord Eryn Loboniva

And with the mere distraction of Lord Loboniva's self-introduction, Lyrica's attention was drawn away from Silys before the orc even had a chance to respond to her plea. Bouncing up straight, the young girl who is - inexplicably, some might say - also the most well-known Alchemist of Spire City waved cheerily at the Host of the Argent.

"Oh hello, hello! Good day, Lord Eryn! Beautiful day, isn't it...? OH NO!!! I wasn't expecting so many guests all at once... more tea, children, more tea!"

Lyrica exclaimed, wringing her hands, and the robed figures disappeared to a man through doors and passageways, leaving the four of them alone in the shop space of the Atelier.

"Oh, dear. So sorry, Lord Eryn, I seem to be a right mess today... OH FLOWERS!"

She exclaimed once again, bouncing over to the crate of wildflowers that Lord Loboniva had brought just for her. And it would be the Loboniva family head whom, of all the people in the room, who would know best that the Alchemist's scatter-brained behaviour... was just par for the course, actually.

"Thank you so much, Lord Eryn! Ehehe... so pretty, and they smell so sweet too! Hmmm, mmhmmm..."

Lyrica hummed to herself, tenderly picking over the various blossoms in the soil, and gently plucking off a petal to pop in her mouth. She chewed gingerly, then more enthusiastically. And then, she broke out into a huge grin.


The Alchemist took a deep breath... and then blew as strongly as she could, into the shop space. And, in the next moment, the air in the shop space took on the scent of the wildflower whose petal Lyrica had just ate.

"Ehehe, it smells so nice!"

The young blonde giggled, seeming to have entirely forgotten that the shop did lead into an antechamber which was meant to host her guests, if only she had not seemed to forget about that particular aspect of etiquette entirely.

2014-06-20, 07:21 AM
The Argent

The cartographers of the outside world and the Spire-graphers within the city had a long history of mutual resentment. The former pointed at the poor quality of most maps of the Spire, and the messy markings covering every attempt to detail the twisting, three-dimensional passageways within the tower. The latter laughed at how easy it must be to just take a sheet of paper and map a two-dimensional plane on it, and how despite that the specific locations of seas and continents were still often wrong. In matter of fact, both professions had their own difficulties to contend with, be it trying to create a readable map of as complex a structure as the Spire on paper or contending with the curvature of the planet and the oft' remarkably imprecise information brought by the rare few who travelled far.

This particular map was one of the better attempts to show the structure of upper Spire. And, complex though it may be, yet additional markings were being scribbled on it by a bunch of debating noblemen. One might think that most of those present had long since lost track of what the different symbols meant, if they'd ever even known, and that this might've been the fuel for the raging argument around the table. One might not be wholly wrong in assuming so.

In the Atelier Lyrica: Reddinfel, Duskmen, Lyrica [PM]

Despite the girl repeatedly and improperly using his given name, in what might have, amongst most of his acquaintances, been construed a deliberate affront, Lord Loboniva says nothing as Lyrica examines the flowers. A careful observer might note a slight curve of a smile, an expression that looks both lonely and out of place on that strict and lined face.

After a moment, he coughs lightly. "Indeed, the pleasant odour of the specimen immediately brought you to mind, miss Springsong. Perhaps, however, we might have somewhere more private for everyone to be seated and perhaps exchange some news from our respective parts of our great city?"

2014-06-20, 10:59 AM
The Guild to the PFA
We do not regard entertainment as being ones of our areas of business. We deal in material goods. Imports, exports, and trade within the city. As such we have no desire to invest in a Pit. However we don't control the Docks. If you wish to build your pit in some other part of it, then we won't interfere. We have no objections to the pit itself. We simply don't expect it to do well as investment. The Docks are a place of business and trade. There is little time or use for such venues here.

House Dravor to House Florenn
Indeed, we have no desire to come to blows over this matter. And truly we hope that the succession will not even be an issue for many years to come. We thank you for your most considerate condolences.

House Hadren to House Florenn
Ah, well if you are being frank then we shall as well. Simply put we have no love for House Dravor, but neither do we have any ill will towards them. They do not interfere with our affairs. Why then should we support your bid instead.

The Bell Cartel to House Florenn
We are pleased that you are not like most nobles in the city. They who regard us with hostility, and take insult at our presence. For we have much to offer the rule of enlightened empress such as you would make. Our Cartel is willing to back your bid. In return all we ask is that you consider certain proposals that we will have for your tenure on the Petal Throne.

The Iron Knights to the LFTM
A most direct proposal you offer. Not like the circituous nobles who most often approach us. We can agree to such a deal. Security for goods. We propose that [2 Wealth] per [1 Force] is an agreeable contract, don't you agree.

Although please refrain from adding any additives to the goods you send us. We find the thought of secretly adding addictive substances to unassuming products somewhat distasteful. A tea should stand on its own merits, not added herbs.

The Torchguard to the House of Knowledge
We would be happy to provide our services to the House of Knowledge. We can offer a rate of [1 Wealth] per [1 Force] which we believe is quite reasonable.

To Boundless
Yes, you can direct that all growth be spread among your stats.

You can't however get a trait that passively adds your knowledge as a bonus. Or passively adds any stat actually. Since that effectively gives you stats for free.

The Lost Ones to the Reddinfel
I saw a wolf once. Yes, yes I did. The scaggs bought it for the pits. First fight it was up against Old Man Wesker's dogs. It was big and fierce. A cunning predator that was king of the wilds. Cunning, yes it was. Old Man's Wesker's dogs tore it apart. Yes, yes they did. King of the forest it might have been. But this is the City. The city, the city. It is not like the Wilds.

We can help you Wolf. Help, help you survive. But do not be so arrogant. The city is full of dangers to you and us. Do not think that all of them will be as easy to defeat as the Dirty Wreckers. The wreckers wrecked.

We help you. You help us. That is the way the City works.

2014-06-20, 11:13 AM

Dear Knights,

To clarify the contract. We'll pay you half of the money up front for the amount of [force] you'll send to defend us, if something happens, and we'll give the rest after you have successfully defended us. So if we gave 4 [wealth] you'd send 4 [force] to defend with, and then seeing you've done that we would then give you the other 4 [wealth]. We will also agree to not add anything unnecessary to the tea orders from the Iron Knights. Now my question is, if we give you 4 [wealth] up front, and nothing happens that you need to intervene on, will we still have that payment for the next month?

Humbly yours,
Suzanne van Lin
Head of LFTM Security
Approved by Sargon : 8-6-3051

2014-06-20, 11:24 AM
Recent Events

Whatever else might be happening in the City life goes on. People work, children play, and business of the city continues. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the Docks were a thousand airships come and go each day. Many of these are overseen by the Guild. These savvy traders have a vast network of contacts throughout the City and lands beyond, and of late they have been especially busy. The products of the cities factories go out, and in return many exotic and useful goods are imported from such far off places as Ferril and the Dome of Kallez.

And the activity is not limited to the merchants. In the upper city the nobles play a long game of intrigue and shadows. Favors are exchanged and promises extracted as Lastor Dravor begins a drive to secure his position as the undisputed successor to his uncle, the ailing emperor. Of course not all the nobles are involved in this. As ever the House of Daren, whose home is more like a university than a mansion, continues it's exploration into the mysteries of the world. Rumor has that an expedition has just returned from far off lands and brought back numerous unique specimens that Karden Hadren is taking great delight in examining.

Oddly the Bell Cartel seems to have gone in a different direction. They are engaging in neither the commerce of the guild, nor the politicking of the nobles. But yet their holdings are ringing with the sounds of industry as they prepare for some great venture. Much speculation is about that they might be planning an expedition of their own. Perhaps across the ocean of malice, which no one has successfully crossed.

The Bastion of course is a hive of activity as always. The various mercenary groups continue their daily regimes of training and drills as they prepare for combat. The city is of course at peace, and expected to stay that way. But everyone remembers the Succession of Emperor Daego when the Karteshians attempted to take advantage of the turmoil to raid the lower reaches.

Rumors also have it that their is increased movement in the Undercity. But no one cares what such lost ones are doing.

Iron Knights to the LFTM
You aren't paying for the knights. You're paying for an increased patrol presence around your warehouses and offices. One payment for one month of security. If you want the continued security of our presence, then you need to continue the payments.

Now if what you want is insurance rather than security, then we can do that as well. Someone attacks you and we'll hit them back to show them such behavior isn't tolerated. A single payment will suffice for that. But insurance is not security. Our hitting someone after they attack you, will still mean they attacked you in the first place.

2014-06-20, 12:22 PM


Ah, okay. We apologize for the confusion. We will be sticking with the increased patrolling, and policing of the area. We will send our first payment soon.

Humbly yours,
Suzanne van Lin
Head of LFTM Security
Approved by Sargon : 8-6-3051

2014-06-20, 11:15 PM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

That did it; Lyrica put her hands to her mouth, looking genuinely mortified.

"Oh, shoot...! Yes yes, of course! This way Lord Eryn, Master Hadran, Sir... Orc? Sorry, didn't catch your name. Anyway here, come, follow me!"

The Alchemist tittered, leading her three guests to the antechamber... which, probably against all of their expectations, was actually already well laid-out. Three comfortable-looking couches were already arranged in one corner facing each other, with a round table in their midst. Little side tables were arranged on the right of each couch, with floral arrangements placed on them; on one was placed the pot of foxgloves that Hadran had brought with him, while the spiderfrond blossom brought by Silys Stormwraith took pride of place on yet another.

Even as the guests took in the scene, they noticed yet another one of the robed figured by the third side stable, placing what was apparently one of the wildflowers brought by Lord Loboniva; somehow, he or she had already gotten around to removing it from the crate and placing it in a pot, in the very short time it took for the party to finally arrive at this spot. The robed figure placed the pot down, turned to the party, bowed, and disappeared through another door leading away from the antechamber.

It seemed that scatter-brained though the Alchemist may be, she had at least the sense of mind to surround herself with people whom are capable of compensating for her failings. One can only wonder where she found such people, and why they were all dressed in the same manner.

"Come, come. Once again, welcome to my humble workshop! Please make yourself comfortable here, and do tell if there's anything I can do for any of you today!"

Lyrica trilled cheerily, leading each of the guests to their respective seats. At the same time, another trio of the robed figures showed up in the antechamber, bearing tea sets, ready to serve the guests of the Atelier Lyrica.

Good day! It is Lyrica Springsong here, from Atelier Lyrica! How have things been in the Bastion? Would your Knights be need any Equipment from me this month?

Anyway, I must admit I've been a little concerned about the state of matter in the City recently. I'm a tad worried someone will come by and mess up my work, in fact. No telling who might be up to some mischief, after all.

Do you think some of your brave Knights can help out here, keep a lookout around my Atelier for a bit? I can pay in Equipment, if you'd like!

Stats to be Utilised

Industry: Use all 5 points to produce Equipment. Distribution of the Equipment to be determined at a later time.

Knowledge: Use 5 points to create a Rune, the use of which is to be determined later. Depending on how things work out, I might use my remaining 4 points, and take an ally's 1 point to create another Rune.

Reputation: Use all 9 points to influence the Iron Knights to increase patrols around the Atelier Lyrica.

2014-06-21, 12:53 AM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

To Atelier Lyrica, the Reddinfel, and the Argenta (PM)
"Silys the Stormwrath. Speaker of the Duskmen."

Slightly turning to Lord Loboniva, he continues, "And, yes, most fortuitous all of us have arrived as we have.

Waving away the tea, the ancient ranger takes a seat on the couch adjacent to the spiderfrond, leaning forward heavily on the gnarled and blackened cane he carries with him."So what shall we make of this happenstance? Prior to being called here, I was discussing business with the Reddinfel, which I would like to complete. But I do not know what the two of you would want with my order."

2014-06-21, 11:26 AM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 8]

To The Duskmen, The Argent, Lyrica
"The first order of business I wish to bring up is my production capabilities. My group is knowledgable in its own way but are crippled simpletons when compared to the vast archives of the Duskmen or the Atelier Lyrica. But if we were to contribute our knowledge and industry to your causes it could make for a much more profitable turn. I would request a boon in return however: My men are gangers and lowlifes, they would not mind me saying for they know it to be true, but with better equipment from the Atelier and the Duskmen I would be much more able to hold of the Coalition that is forming in the Undercity." Hadran pauses before looking at Silys. "And perhaps even a rune in the coming months, that would be a dear boon indeed." Turning back to the others gathered he continues, "Other that that perhaps we can go into some joint venture, I would hazard to say we represent a large part of the cities power between our various organizations."

To the Lost Ones
It is surprising to hear that you have seen a wolf before, but understand that even the strongest wolf relies on a pack. No singular dog in all of Spire City no matter how overbred could defeat a whole pack in combat. It is good to hear we can help eachother, even in small ways. My plans for the coming months are reasonably simple: Expand my turf and gain some ground before the Deadmen can bring any sort of alliance against me. Perhaps even going so far as to hit them first with a few raids. I could offer you food, housing and even wealth in exchange for keeping me aware of any moves the deadmen and their allies might make against me. Preferably far in advance so I have time to prepare.

Jaerug XI
2014-06-21, 12:52 PM

Doughnebel Aerin hated those days when the best use of his time was too sit on the ledge of the pool and capture fish. It was a fine enough pastime, but one that went against his vows. In his old age, a bachelor as he was, he had only made one: Never be bored and never be boring.
Carefully, deftly, minding his back, Doughnebel Aerin peered over the disc at all the many shifting paintings of pure light, each one showing a sliver of the city's activity.

Subtlety: (9) Lay the groundwork for some communicating correspondents within the Bastion. Not too high up, not too many. Use proximity and connections as well as possible.
Knowledge: (7) Few if any of my current members were present at the home's founding, look into the records to obtain maximum understanding of the pool's workings. Figure out the fine controls.
Industry: (3) Invest some money in the League of Fine Tea Makers. We are likely valued customers.

2014-06-21, 01:26 PM
In the Atelier: Duskmen, Reddinfel, Lyrica [PM]

The smooth, practiced smile that never reaches his eyes - this is the sort of expression that does feel natural on the face of Lord Loboniva.

"Yes, our organizations do hold some measure of power. The important part, however, is in the details. We are each a very different sort of power, concerned about different things and located in different parts of the Spire. Ours is not a cooperation of mutual interest; that is fragile and breaks once interests shift. But keeping in touch, providing the occasional help in order to be assisted in turn. It would be unexpected, which is the greatest strength of any plan, and I believe each of us have our own goals that do not conflict and would benefit from some measure of cooperation?

For instance, as a test of cohesion, I believe you are tangentially aware of my little operation against the Bell Cartel?"

2014-06-21, 03:28 PM
Titan Shipping

loyalty, reputation, and knowledge will work to produce wildspeaker runes (runes which allow one to communicate with the the plants and animals beyond the spire and lower their hostility)

2014-06-21, 04:01 PM
The League of Fine Tea Makers

Dorothy Dalton entered timidly wondering what Sargon could possibly want for her. She'd only been working for the league as a secretary for a few months. Being summoned was peculiar indeed. She looked down at her high striped socks, which disappeared into her dress and into her shoes, before looking up.

Sargon took his boots off the table, promptly stood up, and spoke "Ah yes Miss Dalton. I'll cut to the chase. We're undergoing some policy changes. You're being promoted. My last liaison she stepped out of line once too many times and well". He gestured towards his boot before chuckling, and saying "She got the boot. Anyway. I've decided to give everyone a well deserved extra personal day off work. In addition to this, this months hardest worker will get another day on top of that. Put that in a memo, and get that out immediately. Then write a second memo, send it an hour later. This one will say that company policy has changed, and we won't be so lenient with slip ups in the future. That's it on the memo front".

This was a lot to take in for Dorothy. She scribbled notes down with fervor. She couldn't believe she'd already been promoted there working so little time. She had to ask, "Sir? Why me?".

"You've been doing great, and haven't had anything bad put on your track record, so I decided to give it a shot. You're the most qualified anyway. Anyway, take this to marketing, and take these plans to Mr Fintch, He'll get them sorted." he said whilst putting several papers into her hands.

"What do I do with this folder here?" Dorothy asked. It was odd how he forgot to tell her.

"Oh yes, thank you Miss Dalton. I was just getting that. Bring that to Ms. van Lin, we're increasing security. That should be all".

Industry 9 - Create 5 Wealth, and give that wealth to the iron knights, and then work on expanding infrastructure.
Loyalty 5 - Give workers extra benefits for doing good things, and more punishment for bad things, that way people don't step out of line increasing loyalty.
Reputation 5 -make advertisements to spread the brand name, and get more people interested in the product

2014-06-21, 05:48 PM
The Duskmen

To Atelier Lyrica, the Argenta, and Reddinfel (PM)
"Hadran, I will put your men to good use this month, if you permit it. In exchange for an appropriate amount of Equipment for your services, of course. I as well am interested in improving my production capabilities in the short term, however past such immediate concerns, I am unsure as to my course. The Duskmen have served the Spire for ages, beyond its walls, but now we have turned inward. To rebuild our order and reaffirm our purpose. What that means, I do not yet know."

Back to Lord Loboniva, the Speaker continues, "I have heard tidings of your crusade, yes. You seek our aid?"

2014-06-21, 07:36 PM
The Reddinfel [loyalty 8]

To Lyrica, The Duskmen, The Argent
"That is good to hear Sylis, I think it best if I offer [1 knowledge] to each of you and [one industry] to you. I exchange I would humbly request potions of combat prowess for my troops, that we may better defend ourselves, and indeed lash out against the other factions down here." Turning to Lord Lobonivia, "I have not as of yet, heard of any such scheming. But considering their wealth and station I would happily consider some action against them. Did you have anything specific in mind?"

2014-06-21, 09:16 PM
In the Atelier: Duskmen, Reddinfel, Lyrica (PM)

"Indeed. I have convinced several factions from all over the Spire to join me in an attempt to strike a blow against their operations, force them to leave the Nobles' sector of the city and seize as many assets as we can.

You would be able to join in without arousing any undue suspicion. For a share of the goods, of course, and future cooperation in your efforts.

I have already ensured that the Deadmen will not be attacking you, Reddinfel, if you in turn stay your hand for the month."

2014-06-21, 10:27 PM
I've been a little swamped lately, which is why this is coming so late in the day. Sorry.

Fluff has been included in basically every post, including this one once I'm done editing things in.

Midturn actions:

1.) Library of the Spire: Anyone can visit, provided they are willing to pay with a favor or two. As the House of Knowledge tries to stay neutral, these favors tend to not be very dangerous to grant. Many have gone their entire lives without needing to pay it back, so the request meets with little hesitation.
Reputation(6)+Loyalty(4) to General Stat Growth

2.) Calling in favors: Time moves in cycles. Observing these cycles, the House predicts a time of strife, and so calls upon a small number of favors from the merchant class to provide supplies.
Industry(5) to produce Wealth(3) and Equipment(18)

3.) A girl in need of aid: <See my first IC post's fluff section.>
Subtlety(5)+The House of Knowledge(VIP) to rescue a girl badly in need of help. (first of a sequence of actions to hopefully get a second VIP)

Diplomatic action: Hire three units of the Torchguard Company.

Regarding the previous note, the lack of passive stat bonuses warrants a monotone 'drat'. A few other ideas, if I may.

A trait allowing VIPs to study at the House of Knowledge to more effectively increase in experience.

A trait forcing attacks to be met at the bridge, rather than allowing people to take a set of hidden passages through the air to infiltrate the sentient house. Or worse, march an army through said passages.
-A trait allowing me to destroy the bridge rather than admit an attack.

Unless someone posts in the meantime, I'll be editing this post with responses. If you're expecting one, check tomorrow.

2014-06-21, 11:16 PM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 5

Mostly standing to one side and keeping out of the way while her robed retainers did most of the work serving her guests, Lyrica listened curiously but politely as the gentlemen began their mutual discussions, appearing not to notice the incongruity of a conspiracy forming right in her antechamber before her eyes. Nor the apparent fact that they were talking as though she were included in it as a matter of course, even though she had no forewarning of such to her, admittedly, fragmented recollection.

Still, as the Alchemist of the Atelier, it was her duty to cater to any needs her customers might have come to her humble workshop for.

"You would give me some of your books, Master Hadran? Thank you very much! And rest assured, I'll be most happy to synthesize anything you'd like to have!"

She said cheerily, giving them a sunny smile. Still, it was not until Lord Loboniva brought up the matter of the Bell Cartel that the discussion seemed to really catch her attention, for once. Hearing what he said, Lyrica's mood actually seemed to darken for the first time since the meeting, and she pouted with her arms crossed.

"The Bell Cartel? I don't like them!" she complained, incongruously in a tone not unfitting for a child grousing about a playmate she wasn't fond of. "They kept coming by some time ago, making noises about wanting to buy my Atelier, and they were so annoying about it too! I finally made sure they wouldn't come back, when I fed one of them a firebrew I was working on. Burned the taste right out of his tongue, that it did! Still keeps sending me letters about the same old thing every other day or so, it's irritating!"

2014-06-21, 11:37 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

To Atelier Lyrica, Reddinfel, and the Argent (PM)
"Agreed, Hadran. And Lord Loboniva, the Duskmen will aid you against the Cartel. It has been a long time since we had a task worthy of our talents..."

9 Subtlety join with the Argent and others attacking the Bell Cartel. Follow Murska's lead in terms of exact tactics and goals. If I understand correctly, I get loot and allies out of this, so why not. I hate being passive with my combat stats.

4 Dusk Industry + 1 from Reddinfel work to make Equipment. Quick question, Dinosaur is loaning me 1 Knowledge and 1 Industry. Does that mean these 5 get to multiply against my current total of 10 Knowledge, or only my own 9? This will either produce 50 or 45 depending on how that works out.

9 Dusk Knowledge + 1 from Reddinfel craft 2 Runes.

If resources can be spent during the same step they're produced, 9 Equipment to the Reddinfel for their loans (they get to choose if it's going to Force or Subtlety), the rest are assigned to my Subtlety. Maximizes combat and I can invest in more long term things at EoT. Runes will be saved for a larger offensive at that time as well. Or bumping my Knowledge up to 10, which is important.

If resources take time to build and can only be assigned the next processing step after production, then I'll figure this out at EoT, including the payment. Keep all of it for myself until I have time to negotiate.

Razorback claws, spiderfrond leaves, teeth of the great Maws... The materials of the Dusk were quite different from the iron and steel of the Manufactorium. They had never taken to metal, soulless as it was. No life had ever stirred within, no spirit the druids could call forth. But within the remains of beasts of the World Below, an echo of the primal stirred. The wrath and fury it once had in life never fully left. Ages ago, the shamans of the brotherhood had discovered that offerings of blood could entice the imprint back, reinforcing and reinforced by their magics bound into the weapon. A new life was breathed into the bones and flesh. The predator re-awoken, in tune with its wielder and creator. Those who bought Dusk-made arms never truly understood the labor of love put into it, never able to connect with the force of nature brought forth. But the Duskmen knew. Their soul and blood mingled with the entity they had brought back, mind afire from the will of the beast. For it had been a long time since either had hunted. And now, finally, they had prey...

2014-06-22, 12:56 AM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 8]

To Lyrica, The Argent, The Duskmen
Hadran nods, "This is all to my liking, I will assist against the Cartel and provide Industry and Knowledge to Lyrica and the Duskmen." Pausing ever so slightly, he raises his drink. " To partnership and profit, and hopes of future endeavors."

6 Subtlety for aiding in the Cartel hit.
1 industry to Lyrica for Equipment
1 knowledge to the Duskmen and 1 knowledge to Lyrica for the deals.
If the above two only count as one action: 9 force to move block by block towards the commoners quarters to a maximum of 4 blocks.

Alicia watched the Silent Talon file out and make for the innumerable tunnels and alleyways making their way towards... somewhere. Hadran had given the orders to move but had left command to Jake Trand, her second in command. She was to watch over the Reddinfel while Hadran debated with... others in the city. The orders he had left for her were clear, move the archives and wealth to their allies and should the opportunity present itself: 'retaliate'. Alicia licked her lips, stalking among Hadrans garden, she really hoped that she would have the chance to 'retaliate'. The Gangs of the Undercity we constantly bickering and battling. It wasn't ever a question of attacking, you were always 'retaliating', retaliations against retaliations. Endlessly cascading in violent chaos. It was just a question of force applied, with enough force, they would never retaliate again.

Alicia Smiled in the fading light of evening, green eyes flashing.

2014-06-22, 05:40 AM
Atelier Lyrica

"To partnership and, erm, profit!"

Lyrica followed with her own cup in hand, happily mimicking Hadran's toast. Where she got her own cup from her up for debate, as was whether she fully understood what she was just agreeing to.

"So, erm. Let me see if I get this straight..."

The young girl continued, placing a finger against her cheek in thought.

"Master Hadran will make me a gift of some of his books, and I'm supposed to synthesize some [Equipment] for your mutual adventures, right? I'm not exactly sure just how much you're expecting me to give, but I'm getting the vibe that it's quite a bit more than Master Hadran's gift would cover. And that just doesn't seem right, especially since you're all going to profit so much from that adventure. Unless, of course, I was going to be part of it, and would get a share of... eh? Eh?!"

She suddenly exclaimed, the belated realization finally catching up to her as she turned to Lord Loboniva with an astonished expression.

"I am part of this, aren't I?! I'm sharing in this whole thing you have got going, right?"

Stats to be Utilised

Industry: Use all points to produce Equipment. Assuming this produces 50 Equipment after gaining the 1 Knowledge from Reddinfel, distribute as follows: 16 Subtlety Equipment to Duskmen, 16 Force Equipment to Reddinfel, and retain 18 Force Equipment for myself.

Knowledge: Use 5 points to create a Rune, and use this Rune to fund a Trait: [Sigil of the Alchemist]. The idea is that all Equipment produced by my faction will be identified with a sigil which marks them as having been produced by Atelier Lyrica, and in the crunch might be identified with the following as a possible example - [x Atelier Equipment] - separating it from the Equipment produced by other factions. What other factions would not know, is that if Lyrica is involved in a combat situation with forces using Atelier Equipment, she can exert her power and make Atelier Equipment lose their effects for the duration of that scene. This could be useful if any factions buy Equipment from her, and then later attempt to use it against her.

Assuming Reddinfel gives 1 Knowledge to me, use another 5 points to create a Subtlety Rune, which will then be distributed to Duskmen.

Reputation: Use all 9 points to influence the Iron Knights to increase patrols around the Atelier Lyrica.

2014-06-22, 06:53 AM
In the Atelier: Lyrica, Duskmen, Reddinfel [PM]

The man turns to look at Lyrica, raising one eyebrow slightly.

"Oh, but of course, Miss Springsong. If you are willing, we would all be honoured to have you as a friend in these turbulent times, and very grateful for any assistance you could spare. You are, after all, the most skillful alchemist in the Spire."

2014-06-22, 08:43 AM
House Florenn
D. ESP: 5

The beginning of the month would be marked by an increase in the always steady stream of messengers flying in and out of House Florenn's territory. Several of these messengers would carry various treaties that would help result in the renewal of lapsed trade agreements, and soon enough the sounds of forges could be heard ringing deep within the heart of House Florenn, while small caravans would make their way to lower parts of the City to sell their wares.

Subtlety (6) + Reputation (9): House Florenn is going to out The Argent's sneak attack plan on the Bell Cartel while making sure that no one is aware that it is Florenn spreading the word. A single messenger is sent to the Cartel to inform them of the impending attack, while word is spread throughout the City, especially other nobles and the Iron Knights, that an unprovoked attack of some sort is being planned by The Argent on the Bell Cartel as an obvious powergrab attempt to help secure their own rise to the throne. The message is spread in such a way to ensure that The Argent clearly looks like a threat to the security of the noble quarters.

Industry (4): House Florenn will generate Wealth this turn, vendoring trade goods at the lower level markets.

2014-06-22, 11:23 AM
Atelier Lyrica

"Oh, Lord Eryn! You flatter me too much by far!"

Lyrica cooed, placing both hands on her blushing cheeks. Soon enough though, she put her hands together, and beamed at Lord Loboniva.

"That aside, I'm so happy you'll ask me to be your friend, Lord Eryn. And I'll be glad to do so! Master Hadran, Sir Silys, the same goes for the both of you, too!"

With that, she leaned forward towards Lord Loboniva, and extended the pinky finger of her hand towards him.

"You promise I will get my fair share for my part, right Lord Eryn? Pinky swear!"

2014-06-23, 06:20 PM
Midturn 1

Dravor Banquet
The Dravor have begun preparing to hold a grand banquet to show off their wealth and solidify their allies in the city. Rumors swirl over just what the plans are for the feast. When the last Emperor died the Dravor threw a feast which lasted for weeks. With entertainment featuring animals imported from far off lands and the best entertainers in the city. According to inside sources the Dravor plan for even bigger event this time to showcase the power that three consecutive emperors has resulted in. The Banquet is currently planned for the fifth month.

(Anyone with a reputation over 5 gets an invite automatically. Anyone with a reputation of five can get an invitation if they ask nicely. Anyone below that will have to put a bit of work into it if they want one.)

Hitting the Books
In a surprising move the musclebound fighters of the Pit Fighter's Association have begun turning to more intellectual pursuits. They have hired several knowledgeable scholars and are building a library in which the more members of the association can pursue such knowledge as architecture and mathematics. No one is really sure what brought this on.

Elderly Communications
The Polhevr have begun circulating a correspondence sheet through the Bastion. Full of the gossip and goings on of old people it holds little interest for the young of the city, but is rapidly catching on with the elderly veterans and retired artisans that are still alive and have nothing better to do.

Spire Crime Wave
There has been a flurry of theft through the commoner's quarter. From gold to tools many things have vanished into the night. Many people have taken to locking their houses extra tightly or organizing citizen's watch patrols to guard their neighborhoods.

In the upper city chaos has engulfed the Bell Cartel as they're warehouses are ransacked by a massive assault. They vehemently blame the Argent for the raid, and indeed many rumors have Argent agents seen heading towards the Cartel's assets. The mood is grim in the Upper City as this raid is the biggest and most overt operation launched in the Upper City in recent years if not decades. Most take it as a sign of the chaos that will ensue when the Emperor Dravor dies.

In the docks the Sentient Entities Union is in chaos as thieves have raided their main factories and made off with a host of valuable goods. There is no indication of who these thieves were, but the various golems and creatures of the union are pushing for the creation of a city wide watch to help curb the recent rise of criminal activity.

Chemical Processes
The premises of Atelier Lyrica have been exceptionally busy of late as the alchemic master begins producing a multitude of special potions and fine equipment for various parties around the city. A stream of raw materials has been seen going into the cottage followed by crate after crate of finished products going the other way.

Fine Teas and Beverages
There has been an intense campaign by the league of fine tea makers to convince the people of the city to choose league teas over the teas of their rivals. Sales, free samples, and many a poster plastered on a wall have been among the tea makers tools to this end. As a result they have become something of a household name and many new purchasers are enjoying the fine league blends.

Library Pass
Citizens from around the spire continue to visit the house of knowledge to look up information and learn new skills. The House's admittance is a simple future favor and so people from all over the spire can be seen inside. From commoner's browsing the artisan reference books, to scholars studying massive tomes of history, to nobles reading the great romantic works of past ages.

The Dead Fortress
Deep in the Undercity the deadmen fortify their territory. Dead soldiers stand watch, and the undead gang appears to be preparing for an assault of some kind. An assault which does not come, leaving watchers to put down the preparations as being caused by paranoia on the part of slightly mushy brains.

Runes of Dusk
The Duskmen appear to have gone on a great rune inscription project. They have bought a great quantity of the materials necessary to make runes such as copper plates, enchanted chisels, and a variety of mystical inks. Several shamans from the Reddinfel have also been seen arriving at the Duskmen's compound. No doubt to help in some bit of esoteric nature magic.

Noble Traders
The House Florenn has been engaged in a fair bit of trading from their personal factories to the merchants of the Docks. Although not known for its mercantile endeavors the House of Florenn has made several profitable transactions and helped increase the overall economy of the city.

The Black Council Want You!
Word on the street is that the Black Council is recruiting new members. They are looking for skilled and hard working recruits to help them make their mark on the city. Anyone looking for good pay and a chance to make a difference should sign up today.

Titanic Achievements
The Ogres of Titan Shipping. Many of their ships have come in from the wild bearing unknown products, but there has not been a corresponding increase in exotic goods sold to the rest of the city. At the same time many reference books have been purchased by the company on a variety of subjects. There is much speculation that shipping company is developing some new product, but the ogres are not saying anything.

To the Argent, Black Council, Reddinfel, Duskmen, and Deadmen (GM)
The four factions gather to attack the Bell Cartel and drive the merchants from the heights. Even though the Duskmen and Reddinfel bring more actual spies to the operation they defer to the commanders of the Argent agents as the plan originated with them. Spies are sent ahead to begin scouting for the best approaches and they immediately run into problems. It seems the Bell Cartel has prepared a defense against spies and saboteurs. What follows is a game of cat and mouse as Cartel agents hunt for any coalition spies attempting to bypass their lines.

Unfortunately for the Cartel there are simply too many spies trying to slip past their watch lines. And once one gets through the way is quickly opened for more agents to get through. The thieves go to work raiding Cartel warehouses while several assassins prune the Cartel leadership.

After all is said and done the coalition returns to the Argent compound. The stolen spoils are split between the Argent, the Duskmen, and the Reddinfel and the coalition agents go there separate ways.

To Atelier Lyrica (GM)
Only the permanent Knowledge that you have modifiers the production of equipment. Not knowledge loaned to you for an action. So you produced 54 equipment this midturn. If you want to produce 50 the Reddinfel would have had to give you that point of knowledge permanently.

On the other hand the Reddinfel also sent you 1 industry, which makes up the difference. (I hadn't actually considered what having someone send you industry to make equipment would do prior to this. I don't want to give the full knowledge bonus, because that leads to some cheesy exploits, but they are being directed by your knowledge. So for now I'm going with any industry sent to you gets half your knowledge bonus.)

You did produce 2 runes, one of which was sent to the Duskmen. The trait was not created yet as you cannot use a rune in the same turn in which you produce it.

To the League of Fine Teamakers (GM)
The Polhevr have expressed an interest in investing in your fine products and have bought many blends of tea.

To Titan Shipping (GM)
You have produced two runes.

To House of Knowledge (GM)
You can only use three stats in the Midturn. Not all six.

You produced 3 wealth, but then you immediately sent it to the Torchguard.

The VIP is in the process of training, but you'll need to invest more before she is a full VIP.

1. You can get a trait to increase exp growth.
2. You can get a trait to funnel invaders through the bridge. Otherwise they would use teleportation and airships to get into your library.
3. Such a trait would be possible, but that bridge is pretty important to keeping the House up. It would be an expensive effort to make the House actually fly in it's own right. In effect it would be a very expensive, and very effective, defensive trait.

To House Florenn (GM)
The Bell Cartel informs you that they already knew of the attack from other informants, but thanks you for the warning and pledges their support. Just as soon as they manage to fend off those arrayed against them.

Meanwhile you have been quite succesful in both making the Argent out to be warmongers and keeping your own name out of the rumors.

To Deadmen (GM)
Your ghosts harry the forces of the Reddinfel. Due to the fact that a good third of them have been sent to help the Argent they are unable to fully sabotage the Reddinfel. Instead they merely harass their forces. They do manage to cause a few deaths, but unfortuantely a Reddinfel shaman manages to catch and dissipate a few ghosts as well.

1 Rune is created.

To the Reddinfel (GM)
Several ghosts have been harassing your forces. They manage to kill a few members before being driven off.

Atelier Lyrica sends you 16 equipment in exchange for your knowledge and industry.

(You can only use three stats in a midturn. Even if two of those stats are your very low industry and knowledge.)

To the Duskmen (GM)
Atelier Lyrica sends you 16 equipment and 1 Rune.

The Reddinfel only send you 1 knowledge, and no industry. This lets you create 2 runes, but only 45 equipment. Which is stored for later.

(Knowledge sent to you does not increase the modifier of equipment created. At least not if they're just loaning it to you. If they gave it to you permanently, then it would increase the modifier, but I don't think that's what the Reddinfel is doing.

I hadn't actually considered what having someone send you industry to make equipment would do prior to this. I don't want to give the full knowledge bonus, because that leads to some cheesy exploits, but they are being directed by your knowledge. So for now I'm going with any industry sent to you gets half your knowledge bonus.)

To the Argent (GM)
1 Rune gained, 28 Equipment produced.

(A VIP counts as a stat for a midturn usage. So Loboniva did not help.)

2014-06-23, 06:33 PM
OOC:I'm assuming the thing with the iron knights went through? And since I worked on increasing my rep in the midturn do I need to ask nicely for that banquet?

2014-06-23, 07:13 PM
OOC:I'm assuming the thing with the iron knights went through? And since I worked on increasing my rep in the midturn do I need to ask nicely for that banquet?

It hasn't taken effect yet. So yes you would need to ask.

2014-06-23, 10:17 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

Internal (GM)
Without Reddinfel, Equipment production is only 36. 4 Industry * 9 Knowledge.

Just want to confirm explicitly, I acquired 1.5 Industry from the Bell Cartel raid (talked to Murska on Skype), 16 Equipment from Lyrica, 1 Rune from Lyrica, 45/36 Equipment from my own production, and 2 Runes from the Dusk+Reddinfel Knowledge, correct? And such Resources cannot be spent until after the action they're produced, meaning I didn't have the ability to assign Equipment to Subtlety to boost their attack or (hypothetically) use a Rune to boost it, making them all currently in my pool? Aside from the Industry, any stat change?

Now, how does using Runes work?

Can they be used on their lonesome, meaning not pairing it with a stat action, or must they boost something else?

Are they keyed to a certain purpose upon production, or are they floating resources able to be applied however I wish, no matter their source or intended use at their creation?

Similarly, how does Wealth work in those same regards?

(You can put the above questions and answers in clarifications if you'd like, I just want them here so I can explain my intentions)

For this EoT, I'd like to know so I can try to boost my Knowledge to 10 and no longer require loans to get 2 Runes a turn, in addition to being able to make more Equipment per action. I will likely be putting my Reputation and Loyalty into this, with at least one Rune helping. If I can find buyers of some Equipment, also some Wealth.

Probably, Knowledge and Industry will build more Resources, Force and Subtlety go to the war effort. Silys... Probably boosts the Knowledge action. Gaining 10 is a very good step up, and it sounds like it's going to be very difficult.

2014-06-23, 11:09 PM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 8]

To the Deadmen
You think a wall is going to protect you? You think a few extra patrols are going to protect you? Your forces are less than half of mine, no amount of walls will keep you safe.

The undercity will thank me when I have finally laid your weary corpses to rest.

To the Duskmen
Meetings with nobles and alchemists aside, how do you feel about further joint ventures? I see this city as a tree, and every tree flourishes in the light but depends on its roots. The undercity is a hive of fighting parasites and bugs, but we still provide people and minerals for the city. Just imagine how much more good the city would be with unified roots? But first we need something to rally around. I think a strong presence of the Green faith in the undercity could be just the thing. Thoughts? I feel these things should be discussed with fellow druids.

2014-06-24, 09:13 AM
Duskmen (GM)
My mistake you only 36 equipment not 45. You have 52 total with the extra from Lyrica.

The other resources are correct. And yes you can't spend them until after the action they were produced on.

You took some casualties to your subtlety stat during the operation.

Runes and Wealth both work the same. The only difference is the amount of boost they are worth. They must be applied with another stat, but it can be any other stat. Neither of them are keyed to a specific purpose once they're made they can be used for anything. Same for equipment.

2014-06-24, 09:24 AM
OOC: When does it take effect then? after the EoT? or at the same time?

2014-06-24, 10:48 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 5

(OOC: Can't spare a PM, sorry.)

The following day, a little wisp of a girl, with flowing blonde hair and donning a flowery green dress, stepped gingerly into the antechamber of the House of Knowledge. Glancing around her surroundings, she looked for all the world like an unassuming little lass, and no passerby on the street would mark her for anything beyond her delicate looks.

"Hel...hello? Anybody home? It is Lyrica Springsong here!"

Good day! It is Lyrica Springsong here, from Atelier Lyrica! How have things been in the Bastion? Would your Knights be need any Equipment from me this month?

Anyway, I must admit I've been a little concerned about the state of matter in the City recently. I'm a tad worried someone will come by and mess up my work, in fact. No telling who might be up to some mischief, after all.

Do you think some of your brave Knights can help out here, keep a lookout around my Atelier for a bit? I can pay in Equipment, if you'd like!

Thank you very much for your invitation! I shall be glad to attend!

By the way, is there any chance you might be needing my services for this banquet? Just tell me if you need me to synthesize anything special, and we can talk about it!

Yours Sincerely,
Lyrica Springsong

2014-06-24, 03:18 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

To the Reddinfel (4)
I look favorably upon future cooperations, depending upon their nature. It is true the Undercity is rotting, and the rule of the wilds may ease it's corruption, but there would be much opposition and strife. For now, the Duskmen must tend to our own affairs above, but in the near future, I hope to be able to aid you in coming to know the will of the World Below. I am unsure of when or how, as that will depend upon our own path, but I will keep in touch.

Internal (GM)
How do Equipment applied to Industry and Knowledge work with future Rune, Equipment, or Wealth production?

Oh, and to inform you, I want to try to get Florenn to offer a partnership where they push for the Dusk as a city watch / police body and I support their bid for the throne. I'd like Nyna's Reputation working for me, and it furthers my eventual goal of supplanting the Iron Knights as military force of the Spire. Which I think is my main goal at this point, with the creation of a Sanctuary (nature reserve) maybe being pursued in conjunction with Reddinfel's expansion through the Undercity.

So I'm going to send a message to the Sentient Entities' Union in pursuit of that, as soon as I figure out the wording. But mainly I want to keep you apprised of my current longterm goal.

2014-06-24, 07:38 PM
Oh, yes, yes, how trite. Your violence will be the end of you, though...And we will endure. Even if you slaughter us all to the last man, another will take up our banner. And what are you? A miserable little violent man who seeks the downfall of those who desire peace. Perhaps you will see the value of peace when you join us.

2014-06-24, 09:49 PM
The lieutenant shows up at the front of the Reddinfel's centre of operations with a singular letter.

Greetings Mr. Hatchet,

I believe we have much to discuss. An organization known as the Deadmen, whom I believe you to be in contact with has contacted my organization, and I believe an organization known as the Fleshwarper's Guild to conspire against you.
The message (which I have no doubt you intercepted yourself) goes as follows: "In the interests off all of us that live in the Undercity, would you be interesting in dealing with that new gang calling themselves the Reddinfel?"

While I have no particular qualms against working with their organization, I believe your organization has much more to offer to mine. I'm prepared to offer you a deal. I'll send some of the goods, and any intel i gather your way, and in exchange, occasionally your organization will lend their muscle to some of my organization's needs. As a sign of good will and support, as soon as my organization is able, we will be sending you some free equipment we've managed to "find" around the city. Take it, and do with it what you want, its a gift. Even if you do not accept this offer, I believe you to be in the right to know.

The Shadow

2014-06-24, 10:10 PM

Greeting Mighty House of Dravor,

Sorry I'm awfully swamped over here so I'll make this short, and to the point.

I write to your great house on behalf of the League of Fine Tea Makers. We wish to be represented at this banquet, and be allowed to send a few company representatives such as my good friend and colleague Mr. Fintch. (You can talk to him if you'd prefer. I'll get you his contact information if you give the word). We will even bring our finest teas to serve to the other guests.

What's more we would be willing to help you out should you pursue the throne, but we should talk about that more later. Now is not the time.

Humbly yours,
Dorothy Dalton
LFTM Liaison and Secretary
Approved by Sargon 16-2-3051

2014-06-24, 10:10 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

To the Sentient Entities Union (4)

We have heard of your troubles and call for a city watch, and I wish to add my voice to your own. Troubling times are ahead, and a party unaffiliated with the squabbling nobility should be available to police the Upper City. Do you have any ideas as to how to further this goal?

To House Florenn (4)
Salutations again.

We have found we may have some excess wickerwyrd bows, among some various other instruments of will. Would you be interested in purchase of any such Equipment?

[OOC: Specifically looking for Wealth this turn prior to EoT, in exchange for some amount of Equipment.]

To Titan Shipping (5)
Good tidings.

I see the goods of the World Below have earned your interest. By chance do you have any need of some of our own products?

[OOC: I'm offering Equipment for Wealth, but only if we can do the trade before EoT. Trying to round up money before some actions.]

2014-06-25, 02:21 AM
Three requests were made.

To one, a merchant who had done well using knowledge of ancient trade routes, and a tip or two on negotiating, a favor was requested. Coin was rarely the currency of the House, but when coin was called for, some small portion of a merchant's profits could be spared.
To a second, secure transportation was asked for. Easily done, for the sealed strongbox barely massed ten kilograms.

To the third, a favor was not called. Instead, it was a request to hire. Within the day, the banner of the Torchguard fluttered over the bridge to the House of Knowledge. With it came an unspoken promise.

"None who threaten this house shall pass."

There were, after all, three keys to surviving a period of turbulence, and turbulence was indeed coming.
Be well liked enough that an alliance of enemies does not form.
Be able to resist the tests of those opportunists who would seek to benefit from your downfall.
Be capable of a ruinous reprisal should someone succeed in destroying you.

The House of Knowledge (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdFILnqon34)

My apologies for the horrible delay.
"Welcome, and thank you for coming, Lyrica. If you could follow me, she is resting through here." The purple-clad witch appeared suddenly, with none of the hallmarks of teleportation.

She passes through a gap opened between two sliding book cases, into a corridor which is almost certainly not open to the public. Two doors down, she turns and walks through a door labeled 'Kirisame' as though it wasn't there. The door opens for you when you approach.

The room seems to have been the workshop of a practicing alchemist at one point, and the scorched wall and ceiling speak to someone who did not stick to sedate processes. Hastily scribbled notes litter every available surface, and in one corner a large cauldron is still supplied heat by a portable magic reactor, though whatever contents were present have long since boiled away.

A layer of dust covering everything suggests that this room has laid untouched for years, with only a trail of footprints leading to a door on the other side to suggest that anyone has passed through in that time.

The witch stands in this room, disturbing nothing, her slippers leaving no footprints. "If you have any questions before seeing her, I will answer them now. Otherwise, she is through the door."

It seems that my lack of responsiveness has continued for too long, as the operation you were asking for help with happened at midturn. My apologies.

I can sum up what the House's stance would have been, though. It would have politely declined after the explanation, claiming that the violation of its Neutrality would exceed the possible gains. A subtext could be read into it that it might have agreed if doing so didn't risk its reputation, but that would not have been stated.

We could proceed to a short roleplay regarding Arianne, if you would like?

2014-06-25, 03:26 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5


Lyrica cooed in wonder, glancing around the place as she hopped from one end of the room to the other; one moment examining the cauldron and magic reactor setup, the next moment poring over the various notes apparently left behind by the alchemist who last used this room, and the following moment swiping a finger along one of the scorched walls, and then placing it in her mouth as if tasting whatever trace of substance might still have been left caked on it. Finally, her curiosity partially sated, the Alchemist turned back to her ghostly guide as the latter opened the floor for questions.

"Questions... oh, yes! I do believe I might have a couple or three!"

Lyrica said, holding up three fingers to the witch.

"First, may I use this room as my own? I mean, I don't know if the previous alchemist would return and want it back, so I just want to be sure. It would be easier for me too, if I'm going to have to work with your patient for some time. If so, I hope you wouldn't mind me having some of my children in here to help clean up the place too!"

"Second, if there's anything I should know about your patient before I meet him or her, do please tell me!"

Smiling cheerfully, the young girl leaned forward slightly, peering up at the witch from below her flowing golden locks.

"Third, I was actually wanting to seek permission to browse your library in my own time for a while, before you made the price of a future favor public. I guess we can call this my favor for the price of admittance, for now and ever?"

(OOC: No worries. So in crunch terms, what do you need me to do, and what would you pay for it? I'm thinking use of my VIP and my own Knowledge as necessary, in exchange for access to some of your Knowledge for my own use?)

See above. How would using another faction's Knowledge to invest in building my own work?

2014-06-25, 04:42 AM
The House of Knowledge (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfR3xvHgAI8)

The witch (ooc note: not a ghost) smiles upon seeing Lyrica's enthusiasm. It seemed to remind her of someone.

"Of course you may. Miss Kirisame simply requested that it be put to good use, rather than be used as a storage room or something. I have kept it untouched in her memory, but I'm sure she wouldn't have minded.

I'll need to get new ingredients, most likely, and it probably won't be quite as good as your own workshop, but it is free for you to use."

With an almost negligent hand wave, the witch kicks up a light breeze to begin carrying away the dust, somehow avoiding filling the room with it.

"As to your recompense, you will ever be welcome here, for whatever purpose you wish. Just please don't destroy anything outside the testing areas. For your patient, here is what I know.

I found her while scrying upon someone who had once studied here. A skilled conjurer, whom I had hoped to ask for help in my relocation. I found him in a damaged home within the commoner's quarter, completing what I am fairly sure was a summoning and binding ritual centered on the girl. An ice elemental, is what I'm fairly sure was summoned.

She was in rather bad shape before, with significant lacerations, bruising, and more than a few cuts. I suspect that, due to their uniformity, the cuts were performed as a part of the ritual, while the bruising and lacerations were likely caused by the mage trying to subdue her. Her parents were found on the upper floor, dead of similar injuries. Of note is that head injuries appear to have been sustained.

I was not able to intervene before the ritual was completed. Upon completion, the girl began emitting an aura of cold, and began exhibiting symptoms similar to that shown by someone placed in an overwarm environment.

My intervention arrived approximately ten minutes following the ritual's completion, and concluded with her safe transport to the room she now occupies.

I have lowered the temperature of the room to what appears to be her most comfortable temperature, just below the freezing point of water. A substance referred to as 'Celox Powder' was used to encourage coagulation, which prevented further bleeding, and the various wounds appear to be healing slightly faster than natural.

Finally, I have kept the room as sterile as I can make it, to prevent infection. She has not yet awoken. Approximately three days have passed."

(OOC: That would work, hopefully.

For payment, this is something that the House values getting done quite highly. At the bare minimum, Lyrica will have free access for the rest of her life (and unlife, should she so choose), which is pretty rare. For most, it's a favor to enter, each time, which doesn't include access to anything but the main hall of the library.

Mechanically, though, that wouldn't do much yet, so I'll let you in on a bit of my future plans. Aside from a few defensive traits, I intend for the majority of my traits to benefit "those with library access", with benefits such as improved experience gains for VIPs, or possibly opening special actions if I can get that cleared.

A loan of knowledge at some point is also on the table, as is the possibility of the House owing Lyrica a favor or two. Heh, you could probably bargain into getting this room and the attached bedroom, if you wished.)

2014-06-25, 08:26 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

"Oh... oh, my. Tha-that's... horrible."

The realization that she might have touched a sore spot when the witch mentioned that the room was kept untouched in the previous occupant's 'memory' had already dampened Lyrica's otherwise chipper mood somewhat, but as the witch went further into the story behind the plight of her patient, the atrocity of the circumstances slowly but surely made an impact on the heart of the young girl. By the time the witch was done with her explanation, she had both hands covering her trembling lips, barely able to speak, and her eyes were actually beginning to well up.

A few long seconds passed before Lyrica could compose herself, wiping the budding tears from her eyes with the back of both hands. Yet, when she next opened her eyes to look at the witch, it was the Alchemist who regarded her counterpart with a keen mien, actually looking halfway stern through her soft features.

"I must see this for myself. Take me to her!"

The Alchemist of Spire City barked, or at least as much as her delicate voice would allow, as she withdrew a vial of clear liquid from her basket and emptied the contents over her own hands. The sharp scent of alcohol permeated the long-empty alchemical laboratory, as she rubbed her hands together.

(OOC: Going to see if I can use my VIP action early, before the EoT proper, and get additional information on what would be necessary to pull off your request. After that, we'll negotiate. :smallsmile: )

Using Lyrica's VIP Action as an EoT, but I'm hoping to have it take effect early. She will essentially study the House of Knowledge's 'patient', and try to get an idea of what it would take to stabilize her in the short-term, and maybe undo the effects in the long term.

2014-06-25, 09:05 AM

To The Reddinfel

While we are willing to hire out our men, it will require us knowing what they are going to be doing while in your employ. We are trying to make gladiatorial combat become a ligitimate sport, and if the upper class sees our men doing unsavory acts it will be significantly harder to get the laws passed.

To the Dravor family

Sir Dravor,

I am Kruk Utz. A few years back I lost my arm in the military, and since I have been building up a small company. I ask you if there is room for one more at the great banquet you are planning? I am willing to make donations or other work to help with the banquet.

~ Kruk Utz

2014-06-25, 09:34 AM
Titan Shipping

While your goods might be of interest to us, we were already planning an operation and our funds will be tied up in the very near future. Perhaps another time.

2014-06-25, 01:48 PM
The House of Knowledge (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7i7frH7ja8)

"Very well, then. Thank you, Lyrica."
OOC Note: If no-one has noticed, I will occasionally link to music in the faction title.
The illusion disperses as the door opens, loosing a blast of cold air through the room that kicks up what remains of the lab's dust and scattered the notes.

"A positive pressure environment, to deny entry to any airborne contagions."

Inside the room, ice crystals can be seen forming in the cold air, and the floor already has a light dusting of the crystals. At the far wall, resting in what appears to be a very comfortable bed, the girl in question sleeps.

http://i62.tinypic.com/ztgrj6.jpg (http://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/630440)

Little can be seen of the described injuries save for red marks and bruising, which nonetheless cover almost every exposed patch of skin. Despite this, she seems to sleep peacefully.

Around the room, several things stand out. A window, and you are quite sure that this room should not have a window because of its location, looks out onto a black void filled with pricks of light. A brass telescope stands beside it, as well as a number of astrological charts. Just beside the window and adjacent to the bed is a dresser, holding a rather complex mechanical clock, and a picture of a blond-haired witch in white and black standing next to the purple-clad one you saw earlier. Both are smiling.

On a cabinet, a small collection of papers "The conjurer's notes. They are, sadly, rather well enciphered." lay next to a long-unused broom. Nearly a third of the room is taken up by a combined kitchen and dining area, littered with notes covered in the same handwriting as the previous room. One stack is even being used to prop up a too-short table leg.

2014-06-26, 01:23 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 5

Lyrica's attention was wholly fixated upon the sleeping girl from the moment the duo entered the room. Even as the young lady took moments to examine the window that should not be, the ice crystals forming everywhere, the various miscellaneous items and the notes left behind by the conjurer who created the mess to begin with, the bulk of her attention was ever on the sleeping girl on the bed. Her brows furrowed, she paced around the bed while keenly examining her patient, leaning in occasionally for the closer look, but never touching her.

Gradually, as she became increasingly engrossed in her work (only occasionally dividing a bit of her attention to the notes), it seemed as though Lyrica's eyes were glazing over, and she was becoming ever more lost to the world; this was the Alchemist at work, completely focused on the conundrum before her. She began thinking aloud, muttering unconsciously about the various options she was considering in turn.

"Separation... remove the water... no, will not work. Perhaps... atishoo!"

The girl suddenly sneezed, covering her nose with both hands. Shivering, she looked up; her nose was red, and her eyes were watery and no longer glazed. It was simply Lyrica again, and she was feeling the effects of the cold.

"Uuuu... I'd have brought a coat, if I'd known. This will take a while, I think. I recommend we figure out how to wake her up first, maybe keep any further damage from happening, and buy some time for us to find out how to undo this. And, I think I'll need more information than I have at hand if we're to do this... may I look through your books, if I think it's necessary?"

2014-06-26, 10:50 AM
The Iron Knights to Atelier Lyrica (5)
We are always glad to protect upstanding citizens such as yourself. If you feel that you are in danger we will send a patrol immediately to keep miscreants away. And while they are there perhaps they can discuss our equipment needs with you.

The House of Dravor to Atelier Lyrica (5)
Mistress Springsong,

We would be delighted to have the services of a master alchemist such as yourself to provide for our banquet. Tell me what is the strongest material you can produce which is transparent.

Seneschal Bradley

Atelier Lyrica (GM)
You've already used another faction's knowledge to make a rune. Other uses are the same. In effect they serve as parts of your own knowledge for that action. They can do anything your own knowledge can do; make a rune, research a trait, or train your knowledge. That's if they give you knowledge to use yourself. The other option is two faction's collaborating on a trait that will benefit both of them, in which case there is a small research bonus for the collaboration.

Action: Lyrica works to stabilize the girl. She is successful and the girl is no longer in any danger. But it does appear that more work will be necessary to bring her out of her coma.

The Duskmen (GM)
Equipment gives a bonus to the action. Industry which has equipment would produce more wealth or equipment. The same with knowledge and runes.

The House of Dravor to the LFTM (5)
We would pleased to have representatives of your league at our banquet. Please find your invitations enclosed.

Seneschal Bradley.

The Sentient Entities Union to the Duskmen (4)
It is our plan to form a new body which is dedicated to the city and not to any one faction. We are currently seeking funders to back the initial creation of such a group.

The House of Dravor to the PFA (3)
We believe your company is involved in the entertainment business is it not. Perhaps you could put together a fight for our guests as part of the festivities.

Seneschal Bradley

The Bell Cartel to Titan Shipping, Sentient Entities Union, Atelier Lyrica, The Guild, The Duskmen, The Fleshwarpers Guild
Greetings to our mercantile colleagues,

We come to you about the recent wave of criminal activities that have occurred in our fair city. We of course have already felt the effects, but we posit that as part of the most mercantile portions of the city each of you may also become a target for these thieves. Especially if their recent actions go unpunished. Thus we ask for your aid in tracking down the criminals responsible for recent events and dealing with them.

The House of Dravor to the Iron Knights (6)
Greetings Commander Duval,

As our closest allies we wish to hear your thoughts about the recent events which have occurred in the city.

Sir Lastor Dravor

House Hadren to the Silence (VIP)






House Hadren to the House of Knowledge (4)

I wish to have access to the knowledge contained in your great library. What would you require in return.

Magos Karden Hadren

The Iron Knights to the Allspire (5)
We wish to make some expansions in the Bastion and as such need to purchase a great quantity of material. Will your company be able to handle this order.

--Attached is a purchase order listing several hundred tons of various materials ranging from iron plating to mithril beams.

The Torchguard to the Coalition (6)
We have heard that your area of the city has been suffering depredations recently. We offer you a contract at quite reasonable rates to correct this situation.

The Guild to the Allspire (4)
We have acquired a great deal of Malta Wood. As a faithful customer we offer you the chance to purchase it before we show it to any other potential buyers.

The Lost Ones to the Shadow's Eye (5)
YOU see all. See, see all. But do your really see all. We think not. Not, not allseeing. Your agents are good we have no doubt. But it is a big city. Big City, home of giants. We can offer you more eyes. More eyes and ears. All we ask is for a little cut of the profits. Cut, cut of the prophets.

2014-06-26, 11:40 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

Oh, that would be most welcome, considering the troubles recently! Thank you very much, Sir Knight. I shall have tea prepared for your patrol when they come by!

Your Sincerely,
Lyrica Springsong

Lord Bradley,

The strongest of the transparent materials I could produce? Why, I must say this is a question I cannot answer with utmost certainty, for I have unfortunately not given thought to the matter prior to your inquiry. However, now that you have mentioned it, I do believe the key to that conundrum lies in the sapphire mineral, if only I can unlock its secrets. Allow me to consult my books and run some tests, and I shall get back to you shortly!

Yours Sincerely,
Lyrica Springsong

Oh, dear! That is most terrible. I would like to help, but I am afraid such work is not exactly within my range of expertise. So sorry!

Do tell me if there is anything I can do to help, though!

Yours Sincerely,
Lyrica Springsong

Okay, about House Dravor's request. How is that going to work?

Am I going to need to spend a future VIP Action on it, spend Knowledge on researching the requested material, or is my Knowledge stat alone sufficient to give me the answer automatically?

Also, am I allowed to come up with just about any material for this request, or is it going to be pre-determined by yourself? If the former, I'm thinking about going with transparent aluminium or the like.

2014-06-29, 01:19 AM
Titan Shipping

We have not yet been victims of serious theft, but we will increase our security. If any resolution for group action is put forward we are open to considering it.

2014-06-29, 07:40 AM

to House of Dravor (3)

We would be honored to host some matches to intertain your banquet. Is bloodshed alright, or would you like to keep them sparing matches to limit the carnage? We can also do some historic re-enactments if that would please.

2014-06-29, 12:42 PM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 8]

To Lyrica, The Argent, The Duskmen
An excellent operation, shall we press the attack? They are attempting to rally aid to them. If we tarry it could give them time to organize more potent defenses. If the Argent can use their influence to keep the Iron Knights and others like them away the Reddinfel could attempt a more... Obvious attack.

To the PFA
You must of course consider who is hiring you. I would be using your aid to war with gangs in the undercity. I understand that this is less than ideal for public image, but perhaps some training exercises from your honored veterans?

To the Nighthawks
A woman barely into her twenties slinks down the stairs of the dimly lit safehouse, her arms and legs bare and revealing a rainbow of tattoos that seem to move along her muscled frame of their own accord.
"Greetings Shadow, it is a pleasure to meet you at last, I am Alicia, Hadran is currently in another locale. The Reddinfel of course thank you for your generous gifts and of course accept the offer. I hope you do not require any such 'favours' this month, we are otherwise occupied." She smiles, and offers a hand to shake.

To the Lost Ones
Greetings once more. I knew you had eyes everywhere, and now I see you communicating with the so called Silence. What do you know of these mysterious folk?

2014-06-29, 05:26 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

To Reddinfel, Argenta, Lyrica (PM)
"Yes, the Sentient Entities Union are calling for a city watch to be formed, and the Bell Cartel calls for investigations into who conducted the theft. Which could prove poorly for us. For the benefit of our association, I will forward what my birds tell me of the communications of the Spire for the rest of the month.

Allowing the Bell Cartel time to regroup would be detrimental to our efforts. However, so would the universal condemnation of ourselves."

[OOC: For the rest of the turn, all messages not involving the Duskmen are available to be read by y'all. As of the start of the turn I had 9 Subtlety, but I took casualties and don't know the current number. But as long as the 7-8+ Loyalty factions aren't talking, it should be fine. I see no reason for this arrangement to not persist through future turns, I'd just prefer to explicitly declare it each of them.]

To the Bell Cartel (4)
As of yet, we have not suffered such crimes, however the possibility has been considered. The Duskmen will manage our own affairs, but we would be interested in hearing any possible joint resolutions on remedying this threat in the future.

2014-06-29, 08:51 PM

"Miss Dalton one more thing".
"Page Mr. Fintch for me. He'll be in for a pleasant suprise".
"You aren't firing him are you sir?".
"No no not at all", the brewmaster laughed, "He's being promoted for his good work."
She giggled, and went to find him.
"Hm. Giggling...".

Dear Coalition[/[B]B] and our fellow League,

We would like to broaden our horizons, and broaden your horizons as well. Us organizations situated in the commoner area must stick together. Must we not? We predict great things happening in the future. We might be able to create new trust and wealth and power by working together. We can rid ourselves from our enemies, and bring prosperity to the common people of the spire.

My employer, Sargon, is interested in meeting at the beginning of the next month.

What do you say?

Humbly yours,
Jedediah Fintch
LFTM Human Resource Manager
Approved by Sargon 28-2-3051

2014-06-30, 03:25 PM
The PFA (loyalty 3)

Kruk Utz was watching the re-enacters practice some of the setup. This was a first for the PFA, rather than send men in to hack eachother to pieces, this would be more like a play where the men fought and re-enacted an ancient battle. Kruk himself had no idea what the battle was, but some scholar said it was a very big deal in the Spire's history. The gladiators were not helping the situation. They weren't actors, they were warriors. Trying to get a few of them to learn some lines was worse then pulling teeth. In fact Kruk was sure a few would rather have their teeth pulled out then be part of this battle.

So Kruk watched this fiasco unfold as the gladiators tried to learn how to have the battle unfold in a manner that wouldn't have any historians in the crowd calling for Kruk's head.

To the The Reddinfel

Next month we are going to be able to begin construction of the Arena in your area. Once that is complete, we should be able to disscuss any specific plans in more detail. In general we don't see a problem attacking other gangs in the lower city. It will give our men good practice and I believe will improve our standing in the upper city. What we don't want to be a part of are heists that steal from those who earn money and create jobs.

2014-07-01, 09:25 AM
Sentient Entities Union to the Bell Cartel, Titan Shipping, Atelier Lyrica, the Duskmen
We agree that the recent criminal activity needs to be stopped as such we propose that the five of us pool our funds to create a city watch. Preferably one that can operate city wide rather be limited to only ourselves.

The Allspire to the Iron Knights (5)
We can certainly fulfill such an order.

The Coalition to the Torchguard (6)
And what might those rates be.

The Allspire to the Guild (4)
We are afraid that we do not need any Malta Wood at the moment. Our supplies will hold out for another two months. Please let us know if you still have some in stock then.

The Shadow's Eye to the Lost Ones (5)
Such an agreement would be of benefit to us both. However there are too many eyes and ears watching this method of communication. If we were to proceed like this anything you find out would practically be public knowledge. We propose that we set a secure line of communication before we proceed.

To Atelier Lyrica (GM)
Knowledge alone would be enough to research. Though a VIP would help.

You can come up with any material you like.

The House of Dravor to the PFA (3)
We personally have no qualms with bloodshed. But some of our guests may not be so hardened. So please proceed with the sparring matches. You may do historical reenactments if you wish. It will be interesting to see what you come up with.

The Lost Ones to the Reddinfel (8)
We haven't talked with what is not that there. You must be mistaken, mistaken.

The Coalition and the Atheist Leage to the LFTM
Both of the other factions agree to send representatives for talks next month.

2014-07-03, 08:50 PM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 8]

To the Lost Ones
My apologies, I meant to write of the Shadows Eye. What do you know of that organization?

2014-07-08, 11:47 AM
Turn 2

3051 AF
The Third Month

Fire and Sword
The greatest news of the month is complete and utter destruction of the Bell Cartel. In a single night of fire the great merchant cartel has been pillaged and their assets plundered by a horde of raiders. This has caused great consternation among the elite of the Upper City. They may not have cared greatly for the Bell Cartel, but if it could be so ravaged then so could they. Many nobles have added their voice to the cries for a city guard. The Iron Knights are not enough they say. The city needs a dedicated guard force beyond the house guards and mercenaries that currently serve that purpose. The Iron Knights have responded that they can protect the city, but they need more funds in order to fully patrol every area. There has been no response from the Petal Throne as the ailing Emperor Dravor has concentrated more on his family as his life fades than the city as a whole.

Coins and Workshops
Despite the increased violence in the City during this last month the City as a whole is doing better than it ever has. Many companies are expanding their trade further and further causing exotic materials to flow into the city in ever increasing quantities. This in turn has fueled a great explosion of industry as artisans and workers take these new materials and create new goods to send on the merchant captain's voyages outward.

Besides these foreign goods local products have also become more common. Tea and fish in particular are becoming staples of the City as local growers manage to raise both products in the City itself. This is in contrast to previous years when they had been luxuries available only when the rare trade ship brought them in from far off lands.

The New Arrival
Lady Mireille Lise Forestier has purchased the derelict grounds of the Bell Cartel. She arrived several months ago from foreign lands. Charming and erudite she took the society of the upper city by storm. With her many talents and tales of her exotic exploits in the world at large and large supply of artifacts and relics she has established herself as a person of some importance in the City despite her relative youth. Her past is mysterious and she merely states that she is the last of a long line of adventurers who have explored the world for generations. She explains her purchase of the Bell Cartel properties as being most fortuitous as she has been planning to settle down and start a House, but there had been no suitable plots available.

Iron Knights to the Atelier Lyrica
As promised a captain of the Iron Knights has stopped by with his patrol to discuss future dealings between them and the atelier.

House Hadren to the House of Knowledge

I wish to have access to the knowledge contained in your great library. What would you require in return.

Magos Karden Hadren

The Lost Ones to the Reddinfel
The Shadow's Eye is where you wish to go if you wish to know. The workings of the city and mysterious and complex, but the Eye sees all. The Divine Eye above and the Shadow Eye below as the saying goes.

2014-07-08, 12:05 PM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 8]

To the PFA
Are plans moving ahead to install an arena this month?

To the Lost Ones
I see, well mayhaps I will yet talk to them as the months roll on. For now I am still interested in you. What does your group seek most? I would have thought given your title it would simply be security and safety; but in these strange times people are often more than they seem. We can help each other, but first we need to know what the other wants.

To the Night Hawks
I may be able to spare time for more in depth talks this month should you wish to have them, is there anything further you wished to discuss? I notice that the promised equipment never arrived. I hope you do not mean beg favours in exchange for empty promises.

To the Fleshwarpers Guild
I am still interested in a contract with your artisans, do you have a price in mind?

2014-07-08, 03:40 PM

Thank you for coming. We believe that a sort of alliance in these troubling times with high crime rates could be quite beneficial. It's absolutely imperative that we stick together. Don't you agree? The League of Fine Tea Makers feels that with our pooled resources (My company, The Coalition's newspapers, and general support of the atheist league, and its followers) can bring a much more united commoner quarters, and our organizations will thrive. Together we could do joint research, run advertisements throughout all of the commons, do away with our enemies, and prosper. We have high hopes for this friendship, and expect great things. Thank you.

2014-07-09, 10:23 AM
Atelier Lyrica

The Atelier Lyrica had always seen relatively brisk business for its products since the first day, but on this day, things were somewhat different. This time, it was absolutely bustling in the shop, with a large number of the City's alchemists crowding around and jostling each other to catch a glimpse of the preeminent Alchemist of Spire City. Though the Atelier's Homonculi were doing their best to keep everything orderly and civil, and everyone was generally cordial with each other given the circumstances, it was clear that the Homonculi were somewhat at a loss about what to do with them. Without direction from the Alchemist, they did not quite know how to handle this unusual situation.

Then, the murmuring of the crowd suddenly increased in its excitement and intensity; for the Alchemist Springsong herself has shown up, appearing from behind a door to the throng of alchemists gathered before her today. If Lyrica was spooked by the unexpected crowd that had gathered around her, she did not show it; indeed, with barely a pause, she turned and flashed them a bright, cheery smile.

"Good morning, everyone! I'm so happy to see so many of you here! So, how can Lyrica help you today?"

Silence. Silence so complete, crickets could be heard. The crowd was utterly stunned and bewildered by her words, while Lyrica herself tilted her head, gazing back at the throng of amateur alchemists with utter and complete guilelessness. This state of affairs persisted for several seconds, until one of the robed Homonculi went up to the Alchemist, and whispered in her ear.

"Oh! I plain forgot!"

Lyrica suddenly exclaimed, clapping her hands together in realization.

"So it's starting today, isn't it? Hee hee, so sorry about that mixup!"

She apologized to the crowd, rubbing her head and sticking her tongue out in embarrassment. As for the crowd of would-be apprentices, they heaved a collective sigh of relief, and the murmuring started up again as the realization of the Alchemist's honest mistake passed down the line.

With that settled, Lyrica put her hands together, and addressed her prospective apprentices with a sweet smile.

"Alright then! Today is going to be a busy day, so do be a bunch of dears and help me out with the synthesizing, okay? I'll be down in the workshop along with all of you, so feel free to ask me anything if there's something you're not sure about!"

The collective roar of approval that emanated from the Atelier that morning, was a testament of the Alchemist's charm amongst the people she served.

Hello! It's Lyrica here!

So, as you may remember, I managed to stablize your patient last month. However, it's going to take a bit more work to wake her up, and I don't know for sure how much needs to be done before we can cure her of her condition entirely.

However, I think we can get started on that, and first we need to find out just what happened to her. Runes may be the best and quickest way to go about it, so what I'm thinking is, maybe we should exchange books with each other, and perhaps help each other build upon our Knowledge? That way, we can both make Runes all the faster, and that should help with the patient too!

The front door opened to reveal Lyrica already expecting their arrival, bouncing up and down in anticipation.

"Oh hello, hello, sir knight! Come in, come in, I have tea ready for all of you already! So, what was it we were going to talk about today, again?"

2014-07-09, 11:38 AM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 8]

Okay so loot division as follows
I keep 3 knowledge
Send 1 knowledge and .5 industry to the Argent
Send 2 Industry to the Duskmen
Send 1 knowledge to the Atelier Lyrica

To the Duskmen
If you would care to arrange another meeting of our small council this month I would be most appreciative. There is much to discuss, but I think interaction directly with my organization may hurt the Argent even more than it already has.

2014-07-09, 11:39 AM

Loot division as in above post.

2014-07-09, 12:46 PM
PFA Loyalty 3

To The Reddinfel

Yes, we are looking to at least begin construction this month. Would you be willing to help us look into some technical advancment with the Pits? This would be something we will be looking into in 2 months (EOT, not midturn) if you are interested.

To the Fleshwarpers Guild

If you are still wanting a pit in your territory we are hoping we can begin construction in 2 months (EOT, not midturn). We are also looking for some technical advancment in the Pits, specifically dealing with communications that can help both of us if your interested.


How many turns are you going to wait until a player faction becomes an NPC?

2014-07-11, 10:27 AM
The Lost Ones to the Reddinfel
To have a place of our own.

The Coalition and the Ahtesit League to the LFTM (PM)
Both the representatives of the coalition and the atheist league agree that working together is a sound policy and would be most helpful. In theory that is. What they want to now is what exactly you propose that the three groups do in practise.

The Iron Knights to Atelier Lyrica
The Iron Knight captian is a grizzled veteran much at contrast to Lyrica's cheery nature. "We were to discuss future business arrangements between your atelier and our organization ma'am.

I NPC a faction after they have missed two consecutive EoTs.

2014-07-12, 06:24 PM
Midturn [GM]

8 Knowledge go towards creating Runes. Should finish the .4 one and create another.

2 Runes and 8 Loyalty go towards repairing my reputation. Host some classy evenings, have my people discreetly ensure that our generosity, honesty and sense of fair play is known. The runes are a bit of a show of force, that we can spend such valuable resources on our image.

5.5 Industry create some Wealth.

2014-07-12, 08:45 PM

Mid Turn

4 industry will build a Arena in the Reddinfel territory.
4 industry will create equipment

3 research will work design arenas that can hold more people and research what kind of fights people want to see (have arenas increase industry)

We will also spread news of us hosting entertainment at the great ball the Dravor feast, to increase our own prestige in the city (use REP to increase REP).

2014-07-12, 11:29 PM

"Mister Fintch. If you could please deliver this to Mister Thurman while you're over in that neck of the woods that'd be nice. We've got a few parts we need to get to help out our machinery. That way everything is up to stuff".
"Of course sir. It isn't a problem"
"Send Miss Dalton in when you leave, and don't let your growing friendship get in the way of business".
"Yes sir". Jedediah left somewhat smugly as he'd have an excuse to talk to Miss Dorothy. They'd been getting along swimmingly. When he got to her they chitchatted a bit, and he sent her on her way.

She opened the door cautiously. As she always did. Sargon could be described to be intimidating at times, and she did not intend on messing things up for herself.
"Ah good. Miss Dalton. I need you to send this letter out to the Coalition, and The Atheist League. We really need thier support in the coming months. I have a sense of growth and friendship occurring. But maybe that's just the extra hormones I'm releasing while my wings start to grow. But anyway that is of the utmost importance. Additionally get that payment in to the knights.".
"Of course. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Come to think of it I believe you do need to write a memo to our chemists. Becuase our progress with these new flavors and additives is quite good, but they need to do better. Make it a point that if someone can get the project up to my standards they shall be getting a bonus.".
"Yes sir".
"That will be all. Good day Miss Dalton".

To the Atheist League, and The Coalition PM

We've got a few different ideas for initiatives. Such as advertisements for one thing, which could benefit us all. Another project we could work on is making sure that the natural order isn't around for much longer if you're catching my drift. This has obvious benefits towards The Atheist League. It also allows the Coalition to more easily represent everyone if the order isn't causing much trouble. It'd give more room for us to grow as well. Another thing to consider is getting a more formal patrol in the common area to protect our citizens.

Industry should produce equipment that aid in production. Additionally produce 2 wealth and send it to the Iron Knights to patrol the area.
Reputation should work on bettering relations with Atheist League + Coalition
Knowledge should continue looking into tea additives.

2014-07-13, 01:30 AM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

To the Reddinfel (4)
And so we shall.

Meet at our shrines in the Dockyards.

To Atelier Lyrica (4)
If you wish to continue our correspondence, meet our people in our territory in the Dockyards.

To the Argenta (4)
So that we may discuss matters, it would be beneficial to meet in the shrines of the Wilds my people have shaped in the Dockyards.

To House Forestier (4)
Welcome to the Spire, my lady,

It is always a pleasure for people who have traveled the world to settle themselves in this grand city. If I may, what motivates you to establish a House for yourself?

Midturn (GM)
54 Equipment to assign...

3 to Force, 2 to Loyalty, 4 to Reputation, 11 to Subtlety, 12 to Industry, 18 to Knowledge, 4 to Silys the Stormwrath. That should give me a good buffer for any unexpected losses, and my high stats enough to work off them twice.

Industry 7 [14] (4 at start of game, 1.2 from Midturn, 2 from EoT) builds ~77 Equipment.

Knowledge 11 [18] builds Runes.

Subtlety 9.5 [20] looks into the Sentient Entities Union raid last turn, aiming to find the culprit, what was taken, and enough evidence to prove both of those are the case. With that, I can blackmail the attacker and/or sell the information to the Union. I don't have any current target in mind to send my spies elsewhere so, for now, I'll just find out some useful information.

2014-07-13, 01:52 AM
The Reddinfel [loyalty 8]

The silent streets of the Reddinfel turf are silent as ever but suddenly a brief humming passed over a warehouse long thought empty. The fleeting sound left behind it a charged feeling to the air. And the regular soft padding of Reddinfel patrols left faint sparks in their wake, drool from their hounds glowed dully on the pavement for a passing moment.

Whatever is happening in these darkened streets is new to the Reddinfel. New and quietly deadly.

Silence resumes its subtle throne over the undercity block. Leaving fear in its wake.


The Reddinfel now have enough to produce runes! So pleased by this!
5 Knowledge to create a rune of Warbreeding, a blessing upon the hounds who run with the pack. Strength, agility, nigh invincibility. Apply to force.

Loyalty will begin spreading the word of recruitment in the Reddinfel even further. Gaining even more force to the cause.

Subtlety will begin to practice with Alicia (the NPC I've been messing with in my fluff), training into a sublety focused VIP

2014-07-13, 03:00 AM
Atelier Lyrica

"Oh! Oh right, of course! Come in, come in!"

Lyrica exclaimed, as she led the Iron Knights into the antechamber, where tea had already been set out for them.

"Come, sit, sit! I recall now, something about my supplying the Knights with my items, and the Knights watching the Atelier for me, right? So, what do you have in mind?"

I should have received 1 Knowledge from Reddinfel as loot, bringing my total to 10.

Apply 20 Equipment to Knowledge. Use 10 Knowledge to produce two Runes.

Apply 20 Equipment to Industry. Use 6.5 Industry to produce Atelier Equipment.

VIP Action: Lyrica will spend this Midturn researching a recipe for [Transparent Alumina], for the purposes of the House Dravor request.

Use one Rune to upgrade [Sigil of the Alchemist] with an additional Trait: [Improved Equipment]. This Trait is intended to make Atelier Equipment give additional bonuses, compared to garden variety Equipment produced by others.

Send one Rune to the Argent, for services rendered.

2014-07-14, 10:14 AM
To the LFTM (PM)
"Advertisements are a more mercantile endeavor, which would certainly benefit your organization, but would not particularly help ours. The coalition could certainly support pressuring the Natural Order to move. They are an unsightly presence in the district."

"And that is where we differ. We might not agree with the Natural Order's aims, but if those with divergent beliefs are forced away, then it could too easily be turned against us in turn. We could support a patrolling of the district though. Such a thing would be in all our interests."


The House Forestier to the Duskmen (4)
What motivates me to create a noble title for myself and my heirs in one of the Great Cities of the world. Besides the ensuing wealth, prestige, and power you mean. Well I can't keep exploring the world forever. I am getting older, and you need sharp reflexes for that sort of thing.

The Iron Knights to the Atelier Lyrica
"The Iron Knights are at heart a mercenary organization. Our charter given to use one thousand years ago gives us liscense to go against the enemies of the city. It does not mention any activities inside the city itself, but we have found it necessary over the centuries to engage in internal contracts to support our external activities. So the question is, what can you provide us to assigning Knight patrols to your atelier worthwhile."

"Our own foundries provide us with sufficient equipment for our needs. More weapons and armor to fill our armories is always worthwhile of course, but is there anything you could supply that would be more unique. I see all these servants of yours." The captain gestures at any Homonculi in view. "Golems of some sort I assume. Can you make more for us. Ones that could fight perhaps."

2014-07-14, 10:36 AM
Argent to Duskmen

Agreed. I shall endeavour to be present.

2014-07-14, 11:25 AM

Coalition and the Atheist League PM
The advertisements would draw more attention to your newspaper, which would expand its influence, and it would help the atheist league by getting its word out, but we understand if this is not something you find worthwhile at the moment. As far as the Natural Order goes, we could put some checks on the power of the other members of this alliance if that would ease it for you. For the patrolling we will put up all of our men, but we'd also like to suggest group training.

OOC: By pressuring them to move did the coalition mean getting them in a different part of the city, or exterminating them, because I meant the later... Also would there be any bonuses if I were to gain control of the whole commoner area, and also with growth last turn how much have I expanded into the area?

2014-07-14, 11:25 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

Oh yes, of course I will come! Maybe I can bring something for everyone? I've got a good feeling about this new synthesis recipe for lemon meringue pie I created recently!


"Fighting Homonculi? Oh, wow. That never crossed my mind, I must admit. Let me think about it..."

Lyrica trailed off, deep in thought. Unconsciously, she began pacing the floor back and forth, seemingly forgetting about her guests altogether, while she pondered on how to go about fulfilling the request that the Iron Knight had just given her. In the meantime, the Homonculi themselves took the initiative to lead the Knights to the chairs, and serving them.

Not long after, the Alchemist snapped out of her reveries, and turned back to the leader of the patrol.

"I'm sure that I can manage it, sir knight. In fact, I'm pretty certain there's at least several ways to go about it."

She said, a finger placed against her cheek in thought.

"But you know, I don't actually know how to fight like you and your fellow knights, myself. So that may be a problem, at least when it comes to giving them those techniques that will make them good fighters. I'm pretty sure I can figure a way around that easy enough, but how soon do you need them?"

(OOC: Okay, is this an "I put in the research, you come up with the results" deal? Or can I make up just about anything, and you'll roll with it?)

2014-07-14, 03:36 PM
House Florenn
D. ESP: 5

House Florenn continues to accrue wealth through trade and sales with the lower levels, as the new workshops are put to work immediately, producing more Wealth for future endeavors. Meanwhile, Lady Florenn begins working on reaffirming the loyalty of her House members. She appeals to their sense of honor and the House's long history as one of the most successful noble houses in the Spire, using the House's reputation along with her own ability to help improve their Loyalty.

2014-07-14, 08:22 PM
Midturn 2

Argent Invitations
In the past few months many an event has been thrown by the Argent. They have been hosting a variety of affairs from private parties to fancier balls. These have all been accompanied by displays of tasteful wealth and magic. More and more the impression among the city is that the Argent are powerful and worthy of respect.

The Pits of Blood
In contrast to the quieter affairs of the upper city the pits of the Pit Fighter's Association have been thronged by crowds of commoners seeking cheap bloody gratification. To meet the demand for more fighters, more battles, and more blood they have opened a new pit in Reddinfel territory. Although a bit intimidating at first this hasn't stopped the crowds from coming to cheer at the new arena.

Papers and Tea
The reputation of the League of Fine Tea Makers has been expanding in recent weeks. The Coalition has been printing news sheets praising their fine products and assuring their readers that the league does in fact live up to its name. This has lead to an increase in tea consumption in the City as it becomes a valued part of every day.

Fantastic Materials
Alchemist workshops are always fascinating to watch. Either they create something amazing or they explode. Sometimes both. But most workshops don't draw the crowds that gathered around Atelier Lyrica recently. Strange sounds could be heard coming from within and a steady flow of exotic materials continued to go in one, but those were normal occurrences at the workshop. What really drew the crowds were the piles of fascinating glittering materials that kept being dumped out. A rainbow assortment of glass and metal piled up in the Atelier's courtyard and the same thing went through every onlooker's mind. "If those were the discards what would the final product look like."

Florenn Forever
One of the most important houses in the city House Florenn is never quiet, but is was even less so today as cheers could be heard coming from within the compound. Recent tightening of security stopped news of what exactly was going on from getting out, but news of a personal appearance by Lady Florenn, the exuberant cheers, and the common knowledge that the House of Florenn has been doing quite well financially these days means it was most likely good news.

The Duskmen (PM)
Your spies attempt to find the perpetrator behind the SEU thefts. But they have no luck. Leads are cold, agents are shot at, and informants refuse to talk. Whoever it is they are at least as skilled as your agents.

The Reddinfel (PM)
Alicia begins practicing picking locks and moving through shadows under the tutelage of the more experienced members of the Reddinfel, but she is not yet ready for field operations.

The Argent (PM)
Atelier Lyrica has sent a rune in payment for services rendered.

2014-07-14, 08:40 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

Internal (GM)
Could I get the exact equipment and rune counts from those actions? I am curious how the Equipment on the stats effect it. I also still intend to fill the blank in my midturn post with fluff, I just haven't found how to say what I want yet...

2014-07-15, 10:25 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

Internal (GM)
Could I get the exact equipment and rune counts from those actions? I am curious how the Equipment on the stats effect it. I also still intend to fill the blank in my midturn post with fluff, I just haven't found how to say what I want yet...

Your current totals are

Wealth: 0
Equipment: 121
Runes: 5.8

2014-07-16, 07:50 AM
OOC: So what is my current inventory now? I've also replied to the Iron Knights already...

2014-07-16, 10:23 PM
News in the City

Divine Decree
The Divine Eye has decreed that the city wil soon face a great test. And that's its actions in the coming times will determine more than just the normal politcal status and livelihoods in the city.

There is much speculation on what exactly the Divine Eye means, but no clarification is forthcoming from the Cloud Monastery.

City Guardians
The Sentient Entities Union has established a fund for the creation of a guard force to protect every resident of the city, and to keep crime down. So far there has been a small but steady stream of donations.

Fiery Recruitment
The Torchguard has started a recruiting drive. They're looking for young fit soldiers of all races ready to join the illustrious ranks of the Torchguard and continue to uphold it's place in history through martial prowess.

People's Decree
The Atheist League has issued a rebuttal to the Divine Eye saying that the Eye is just capitalizing on the current climate of political change. As the succesion of the Petal Throne approaches it is obvious that turbulent times are ahead. And such vague statements could easily be applied to anything that happens and are of no real use in the modern world.

Information is Power
The Shadow's Eye has issued a bounty on any information pertaining to the regions of the city known as the Reprisal or the Silence. Since no one has ever come back from those regions intact in mind or body there are few takers.

Coalition and the Atheist League to LFTM (PM)
The coalition newsheets are circulated among their members. They aren't really sold as newspapers.

The Atheist League wants to know what you mean by powers. The alliance doesn't have any powers at the moment beyond each member's assets.

They both agree to a few group patrols

(OOC: I know you meant extermination. But the coalition isn't that bloodthirsty.)

The Iron Knights to Atelier Lyrica
The Knight Captain sips his tea as he waits for the alchemist to finish thinking. He's used to eccentric mages. When she finally does he replies.

"We don't need them as such. It simply a question of what you are offering us to make it worthwhile to divert forces from the Outside to in here."

"However if you can create such golems, then your atelier would be more than just a client to us. Such golems could greatly lower our casualties. Making your atelier a vital asset in the defense of the city."

(OOC: You can make anything and I'll deal with it.)

Wealth 0
Equipment 124
Runes 4

2014-07-17, 11:19 PM
The Reddinfel [loyalty 8]

The Pit Fighter Arena is an unusual break in the streets of the Reddinfel. The roar of a blood hungry crowd interrupting the quiet alleys. Everything from knife fights and fist fights to armed brawls against wardogs. Whispers speak of a grand melee soon to be held. And that the Reddinfel may be offering a sizable purse to the winner. Though as of yet these are simply rumours.

To the Shadows Eye
How high is the bounty? I may consider investigating.

To The Duskmen, The Argent, Lyrica
I have a theory. A theory about the roots of the city. A tree is reliant on every part of itself to live. The leaves collect energy, the trunk supports the leaves, and the roots nourish the rest. However if one cuts the leaves and branches, the tree is likely to survive. Many can even stand to lose a sizable portion of the trunk. Cut the trunk and leaves from the roots though, and the tree shall surely perish. Among this esteemed company I have the roots of the tree, but many others also have pieces and parts and we all pull and scrap over it constantly. However if I should overthrow these competitors, our little band would have control over the roots of the city. And from their the rest is a simple matter of working our way up.

What I am asking is that your respective organizations prop up the Reddinfel as we make our bid for the undercity. Equipment, runes, subtlety, even troops if you feel you can spare them. With your assistance and a bit of careful maneuvering, we will be too powerful to stop before the Deadmen or any others can mobilize any sort of petty coalition.

To the PFA
Would you be alright if we used the new stadium to host a melee? The cost will mostly be on us, though if you would like to contribute you are most welcome.

To the Lost Ones
A noble goal. I seek something different, a unity within the undercity, and perhaps one day stretching even higher. These goals can coexist, we can help eachother achieve them. I intend to take territory back from some of the smaller gangs this month. I offer you some portion of that territory to begin setting up a place in exchange for some future cooperation.

2014-07-18, 08:00 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

Well, I'm plenty busy these days, but I think I can do that! Give you some stuff and equipment, and all that! But, you know, what do I get for this?

"Me, a vital asset? Oh, wow. That almost sounds flattering!"

Lyrica trilled, placing both palms on pinkish cheeks, acting as coy as though the Knight Captain had said she was a ravishing beauty with no equal. Though she wasted a few more seconds of the Knights' time playing the blushing dame, the Alchemist eventually returned to business. Though, it was clear that her idea of a 'business-like demeanour' was apparently to put her face close to the Knight Captain's own, almost like a child begging for an adult's attention.

"Oh, I know! Do you Knights run some kind of gaol or dungeon? Anybody in there who knows how to fight, perhaps on death row or something? I can use that, if you'd give them to me!"

2014-07-18, 08:59 AM

Coalition, Atheist League (PM)
Well you were worried about you being eliminated next, but we could regulate each others powers in such a way, where that wouldn't happen. We might doing this by making our patrols loyal to the Alliance, and Commoner Area itself rather than one individual organization.

2014-07-18, 11:41 AM
Argent - Lyrica, Duskmen, Reddinfel [PM]

"I have to echo the words of Miss Springsong here. If we prop up your power and enable you to overwhelm the Undercity, what prevents you from continuing up from there on your own? We would need a mechanism to ensure none of us ends up outliving their usefulness, to keep this alliance stable."

2014-07-19, 08:46 PM
The Shadow's Eye to the Reddinfel
One rune if you can provide substantial information. One wealth otherwise.

The Lost Ones to the Reddinfel
We don't need territory. Anyone can take it in the Undercity. The deep dark undercity. That is the problem. The problem is keeping it.

The Iron Knights to the Atelier Lyrica
"We could provide you with some prisoners. What do you plan to do with them?"

Coaliation and Atheist League to the LFTM
"That would require making a separate organization loyal to the Commoner's Quarters. It is not a bad idea, but it is quite a different thing than joint patrols."

2014-07-19, 10:16 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

Argenta, Atelier Lyrica, Reddinfel (PM)
"I believe the balancing factor in all this is legitimacy. The Reddinfel have might, which allows them authority in the Undercity, but up above, one must have a level of properness to rule. Between the rest of us, we have nobility, business, and military represented. However we lack an army capable of operating without much scrutiny in the Upper City. Dravor has the Iron Knights, which prevents us from more overt action without much effort in cloaking it, such as we did last month. I feel it would be prudent to attempt to acquire some more martial might.

If we don't want to simply build it internally, which feels less optimal, I see two paths we could take. We could attempt to infiltrate and subvert the city guard in its infancy, guaranteeing us influence and power throughout the Spire, with some level of autonomy from the Iron Knights. Or we could try to buy out a more mercenary firm like the Torchguard.

As I have served with the latter, they would be my preference. However, doing so denies us potential intelligence benefits of having the sentries in our pockets. Alternately, we could pursue both, with Lyrica and the Argenta using their reputation to seed loyalists to us through the guard, while I attempt to convince the Torchguard for a limited merger of our two organizations."

2014-07-19, 11:08 PM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

"Oh, oh! About that, I've got something to tell!"

"See, a couple of those nice Iron Knights came down to my Atelier from the Bastion lately, to talk business. They wanted me to make some of my children capable of fighting, and send them to be part of their forces. Said they'll do anything to protect my Atelier, if I do so."

"I think I'll take them up on that deal! It'll mean they'll sponsor my private army if we ever are in need of one, and it'll get us an in with the Iron Knights as well!"

"Well, just because they did something you didn't like, you put them to death. That's a waste of their valuable fighting skills, don't you think?"

The Alchemist said, giving the Captain a sunny smile even as her words turned towards an abominable bent.

"Give them to me, and I'm sure I can figure out a way to give them a fresh start! Make them born again, wipe the slate clean, and teach them to be upstanding folk who'd fight for the good of the Knights, and the City!"

2014-07-20, 04:01 PM

Coalition, Athiest League (PM)
Would you be interested in such an organization?

2014-07-20, 05:04 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

Lyrica, Argenta, Reddinfel (PM)
"As we are discussing the Iron Knights, I feel it would be prudent to discuss our long term intentions. House Dravor holds the throne, at least for now, and the Knights largely answer to them. Other nobility to some degree, but the familial ties show a clear favoritism. As they likely would disapprove of aiding the Reddinfel in the Undercity, that places us as potential threats to the Spire, at least in their eyes. As such, there may come a time where open warfare is initiated, by one side or another. I do not believe we currently have the assets to survive such an engagement.

Strengthening ties to the current regime will buy us time and leeway, but even then, the war for the throne will fracture power groups. Our little conspiracy here must ensure our assistance is vital to any who seek to claim the City. For now, we have a heavy leaning towards development, between myself and Lyrica, as well as covert operations, but little in the ways of force. What we do have, from Hadran, attracts attention when deployed outside the Undercity.

So I would suggest the following plan for each of us. Lyrica pursues a closer relationship to the Iron Knights, as well as continuing the expansion of her business. This buys us potent arms as well as a favorable outlook from on high. The Reddinfel gain ground in the Undercity, with our backing. This secures us the ability to act in that area, as well as something that will keep other power groups distracted looking towards the roots. The Argenta seed the town guard with loyalists, under the front of giving the organization their backing. And I work towards bringing the Torchguard into the Duskmen, while also supplying equipment for the burgeoning watch. I would prefer the Atelier's reputation be unblemished if anyone looks into possible corruption in the police.

Any opposition or alternative suggestions?"

To House Forestier (4)
The young certainly do have an edge outside the walls of our City, yes. My people have thankfully mitigated the worst of the ravages of time through our magicks, but even so, I have not left the Spire in a long time. Managing the affairs of my order takes up most of my attention. Maybe in time I will return to the World Below...

But no matter. I simply wished to offer my assistance, if you would need it, in establishing your house. It has been a long time since a new family arose, and it is a pleasant sight to say the least.

2014-07-21, 08:04 AM
The PFA Loyalty 3

To the Reddinfel

You may use the stadium, but we will be unable to help fund the show as we currently have other dealings going on this month.

2014-07-21, 09:54 AM
The Iron Knights to the Atelier Lyrica
"Very well, we will see if we have anyone to give you. We would actually prefer golems though. Making prisoners fight for you requires prisoners in the first place, and our dungeons are not overflowing."

The Coalition and Atheist League to the LFTM (PM)
We would be.

House Forestier to the Duskmen (4)
I thank you for the kind offer. I believe I have everything well in hand, but I will keep you mind should such assistance prove necessary.

2014-07-21, 10:54 AM

Coalition, and Atheist League PM
Alright we will begin to put resources into the creation of our Common Affiliation very soon.
OOC:What are the mechanics of this organization looking like exactly?

2014-07-21, 11:28 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

"Sounds just fine to me! I'll do that, if there aren't any better suggestions!"

"Oh, don't worry about that! I heard you the first time. You want Children of mine who can fight, that's what I'm going to give you!"

Lyrica babbled, waving her fingers in a flustered manner. She then placed a finger to her temple, and winked at the Captain.

"I'm not going to, like, mind-control these prisoners and make them fight, see? I just need their knowledge of fighting, so I'll take it right out of their heads. Then I'll give my Children that knowledge, and voila! Just give me a bit of time to figure it out, and you'll have your fighting Children in no time at all!"


10 Equipment assigned to Force. 1 Force used to defend the Atelier against attack; even if they aren't fighters, the Homonculi keep an eye out for any trouble regardless.

10 Equipment assigned to Subtlety. 1 Subtlety used to gather information on market demand; while running errands for the Alchemist such as purchasing supplies and groceries, the Homonculi will keep an ear to the ground to see what items are in high demand.

34 Equipment assigned to Industry. Use as much Industry and Equipment as necessary to build the Industry stat up to 7, and spend the rest on producing Atelier Equipment. This will be fluffed as Lyrica producing more Homonculi and hardware for the purposes of expanding production capacity.

30 Equipment assigned to Knowledge. 10 Knowledge used to produce two Runes.

20 Equipment assigned to Loyalty. 5 Loyalty used to boost the Industry-building action.
20 Equipment assigned to Reputation. 9 Reputation used to build good business relationships between the Atelier and the merchants of the Docks. This is geared towards building the Trait [Merchant Contacts], so that Lyrica gets the first pick of any goods brought into the City by said merchants, exotic or mundane. The idea is that the Trait will give a bonus to research actions using Knowledge and/or production actions using Industry.

Use one Rune to upgrade [Sigil of the Alchemist] with an additional Trait: [Improved Equipment]. This Trait is intended to make Atelier Equipment give additional bonuses, compared to garden variety Equipment produced by others.

Use two Runes to create a new Trait: [Desmense of the Alchemist]. This Trait is intended to enable Lyrica to directly substitute Knowledge as the defensive stat against Force-based or Subtlety-based attacks from hostile factions. If this is not enough to achieve that goal, it should at least make progress towards it. This will be fluffed as Lyrica using Runes to create defensive wards around the Atelier, making it her 'place of power'.

Use one Rune to create a new Trait: [Soul Alchemy]. This Trait is intended to enable Lyrica to affect the soul itself via alchemical means, allowing her to extract and duplicate skill sets and experiences from donors (willing or otherwise), and make Homonculi the recipient of these distilled memories and skills, allowing her to use Industry to build other stats as long as she has obtained the necessary and relevant soul fragments. If this is not enough to achieve that goal, it should at least make progress towards it. This will be fluffed as Lyrica using the Rune to draw up the requisite alchemical formula, though it is not meant to be public knowledge.

VIP Action: Lyrica will continue her research into perfecting the recipe of [Transparent Alumina], and hopefully get it ready for use by the next Turn.

2014-07-28, 02:01 PM
Turn 3

3051 AF
The Fourth Month

The Undercity Wars
Open warfare has broken out in the undercity. Although no stranger to violence the tunnels and warrens of the undercity now ring with the sounds of combat as the Reddinfel surge out of their holdings. The nearest street gangs are quickly demolished and the Reddinfel's enforcers move on to groups that have had more time to prepare.

The extra time does little however and the wild fighters overrun all opposition. Several neighborhoods are soon subsumed by the Reddinfel, and the surrounding areas are left vacant as the vagabonds, criminals, and poor scramble to escape the crossfire.

The Common Affiliation
These events do not go unnoticed by the residents of the Commoner's Quarters. Banding together they begin to form a new group of guards to protect them from depredation from below. Known as the Common Affiliation the coalition group is loyal to the no mere faction but the district itself. Each new guard takes a vow to protect the common people from all who might threaten them, and only the most dutiful recruits are chosen to join the militant organization.

Aerial Displays
The Pit Fighter's Association has branched out. No longer confined to mere arena combat they have bought several airships which engage in daring duels in the sky around the city. Such feats of skill and of course blood draw even more crowds, and even the practice fights are watched with keen interest by crowds of onlookers.

Feats of Magic
While those below might be content with more mundane affairs the Docks are filled with the workings of magic. The very air here seems charged as spells are cast by various mages in their affairs. From minor cantrips to powerful runes the lure of magic is visible in dozens of ways around the quarter.

The Duskmen train with the Torchguard in how to combine magic and warfare. Using displays of raw power honed to a destructive purpose. Atelier Lyrica's workshops sparks with magic as project after project is experimented on and perfected by the alchemists working within. And Titan Shipping puts its magic to the more mundane, but extremely important, purpose of ensuring that the City always has a steady supply of food from the surroundings farmlands.

The City is always bustling with merchants and craftsmen. All sorts of things are for sale in its marketplaces from exotic goods, to mundane tools, to the services of a group of mercenaries. Everything is available for a price. Including organization. Various merchants have banded together to pay the Shadow's Eye to collate the various prices and marketplaces in the city into one place.

The results are free to all. As the merchant's are quite keen on informing people of how to buy their goods.

4 Equipment - 1 Wealth
1 Rune - 5 Wealth

2 Spy - 1 Wealth
1 Saboteurs - 2 Wealth
1 Guard - 1 Wealth
1 Thug - 2 Wealth

Information - Varies

The marketplace is general information regarding the current trend for prices in the city. You can put a request in and someone will answer it. Or you can post your own ads and I'll add them to the marketplace in the next turn.

Prices will go up and down based on supply and demand.

---A Snippet of Rumor---
The explorers and merchants of the City of Resplendent Towers have ventured in every direction except over the North Sea. They have brought back tales of wonder and adventure from far off lands. Among these tales are those of the many cities that dot the world.

Most agree however that as exotic as these cities may be none are so grand as the City of Resplendent Towers. None but two. Far to the east lies the City of Perpetual Light. A gleaming tower of light that reaches far into the sky it shines as a beacon to travelers and is home to a bountiful republic that offers aid and welcome to any traveler brave enough to venture so far.

Far to the west lies a much less welcoming sight. The City of Iron Terror is just as awe inspiring as it's brethren, but it's interior is far more horrible. Ruled by the Steel Fiend it's citizens toil in dread workshops and the earth and sky is poisoned by malefic toxins.

Few are the adventures who brave the tortuous path between the three cities, but those who do and survive unfailingly become unspeakably rich. For the each city produces wonders unmatched by those of the lesser kingdoms. The Steel Fiend's workshops produced devices of unparalleled efficiency. The Petal Throne's mages inscribe runes of unmatched power. And the Radiant Council's farms produce plants and beasts of unsurpassed quality.

2014-07-29, 08:13 AM
PFA (loyalty 3)

To the Wasteland Hunters

The PFA is always looking for new attractions in the pits, and creatures from outside the wall would make a great addition. We would like to fun an expidition outside the walls, led by your expert hunters, and with the goal of capturing some of the more wild looking creatures outside the city. Is something like this an interest to you?

To the Fleshwarpers Guild

If we are still able to build a arena in your territory we are able and willing to construct one this month. We would also like to hire out some of your researchers to help with a project that would make the arenas more worth while.

To GM (PM)

ok, so do I need to use the stats during the Turn 3 EOT so it is going on during turn 4, or should I use the stats during the Turn 4 EOT?

2014-07-31, 04:14 PM
The Wasteland Hunter to the PFA
Yes, what would you be interested in. Despite the common belief it is not inherently dangerous outside the walls. The plains have been tamed and there is little danger there, although certainly some exotic beasts can be found. But the greater the distance from the city the greater the risk, and the greater the danger from the beasts roaming the wilderness. So how far do you care to go.

The Fleshwarpers Guild to the PFA
We would be amenable to both projects. What do you have in mind.

To the PFA (GM)
The Dravor's feast will begin at the start of turn 4 and continue through the whole turn if that is what you are referring to. So you would need to commit your resources in the coming EoT, although it could also be augmented by a midturn action in turn 4.

2014-07-31, 10:37 PM
Recent Events

Spire Guards
The Spire Guards have been founded in the Docks. An organization of armed patrollers and thief catchers the Spire Guards are heavily funded by the Sentient Entities Union, but also take funding from other interested parties. The Spire Guards charter concerns the safety of the city as a whole, and although they do not currently have the manpower for it they are plainly intent on providing a bit of law and order to the currently rather chaotic city.

Currently the Spire Guards is a essentially a private mercenary company, but the Sentient Entities Union has been open in its desire to have it legitimized by the Throne, and have offered their support to any political contenders willing to make that happen.

The Workings of the Dravor
Emperor Dravor has not been seen in public for over a month. Despite this the Dravor insist that he is still alive and are moving ahead with preparations for their great feast. They have been working on a new tower in which to host the event and airships have been arriving from far off lands bearing exotic goods to make the feast something to remember. Rumor has it that the Dravor plan to top the last such feast they held several decades ago. And many are eager to see what they could possibly come up with to top the juvenile Maw display and roast.

Bounty of Whispers
With no takers the Shadow's Eye has doubled it's bounty on information regarding the Reprisal or the Silence. The now vast sum has overridden even hard won survival instincts and a slow trickle of adventurers with nothing to lose have begun to try and probe the two dread zones. So far none have returned, and the bounty sits unclaimed.

There are rumors of a massive war far to the east being waged with fantastic weapons and great armies. But it is too far away for any solid details to known, or even whether the rumors are true.

The Allspire is having a sale on granite having stored up too much surplus.

The Kaxxix clan seems to be agitated over something.

The Natural Order is buying weapons.

Mages around the city are picking up traces of some major magical working being done.

House of Dravor to the Atelier Lyrica
Have you had any success in making an appropriate material?

2014-08-01, 08:56 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

Oh, oh yes! So sorry, I was going to write you back, but I blew up my stationery yesterday! Just got my children to buy me a new set, which I'm writing to you with right now!

Anyway! Yes, I have created something that just might be what you're looking for! I'll have to figure out a way to synthesize this material in the amount you're probably looking for, and it needs testing to see if it's as hard as you want, but I do believe we're at least on the right track!

Speaking of testing, do you think we could arrange a visit some time? You're welcome to visit my Atelier, or I can join you for tea, either is good! I'll like to bring some of this material to show you. Maybe you have someone real strong to take a hammer to it, see if it's hard enough for what you want to do with it?

Lyrica Springsong

2014-08-01, 11:52 PM
Titan Shipping

In improving the Spire Guards, what assets would be most prized and how should we contribute them?

Are you soon planning a voyage?

2014-08-02, 06:17 PM
House Dravor to Atelier Lyrica
Feel free to stop by any time with your samples.

Sentient Entities Union
Currently we have two main focuses. Increasing the size of the guards, and producing a source of funding through either city politics or independent investments. Anything you can do to help with those goals would be welcome.

The Guild to Titan Shipping
We are always preparing and launching trade ships to the out lands, although how far they go varies. Are you interested in investing in one of our ventures?

2014-08-02, 07:57 PM
Titan Shipping

We are interested. Should a Ship leave for the City of Perpetual Light at some point in time we would be willing to both provide a force for its protection and provide the beginnings of a cargo including several runes.

2014-08-02, 11:16 PM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

Having received the invitation from House Dravor, Lyrica promptly showed up one day, with some of her Homonculi in tow carrying slabs of something which looked very much like glass panels. She waved her hand as she hollered out.

"Good day! It's Lyrica here! I've brought some of the material with me here!"

2014-08-03, 10:19 AM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 10]

To the Duskmen
Would I be able to procure some equipment from you, the recent fighting has left mine somewhat battered.

To Lyrica
Would I be able to procure some equipment from you, the recent fighting has left mine somewhat battered.

To Khaxxix
Whats the matter with you? Are we gonna have a problem here?

To the Shadows Eye
Alright, thats a heck of a bounty, I'll poke around, see what I can find.

The Fleshwarpers
*Ahem*, about my earlier letters and requests. Are you still interested in working on breeding warhounds? And what would your price be?

To The Nighthawks
Your offer of alligience still rings fresh in my mind, but your continued silence has given me cause to question your offer. Do you truly want to form a partnership?

A large force of Reddinfel thugs creeps slowly towards the deadzone known as the silence, the growling of their giant hounds turns to whines as the houses grow more dilapidated and abandoned. A huge man in an antlered helmet leads the pack, and at the edge of the spot from which no one has returned from he puts up his hand for the signal to stop. Hadran draws forth a small device and palms it into his hand, the device is covered in tiny runes and should things go wrong, may be the packs only hope.

Hadran steps his foot over the line, and as one, the pack follows.

14.5 Force is gonna head into the region known as The Silence along with Hadran.
5 knowledge is going to produce a rune.
Hadran is using his action to go with the Troops.
Equip my free floating rune to force. This is a rune of teleportation bound to the gangs main hideout, and should things go wrong for the forces heading into Silence, it will hopefully allow them to escape.

2014-08-03, 10:39 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

Oh, but of course! How much are you looking for, Master Hadrian? Maybe 1 Wealth for 20 Equipment, perhaps?

Lyrica Springsong

2014-08-04, 10:44 AM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 10]

To Lyrica
A generous offer, I accept.

Transfer 1 wealth to Lyrica

2014-08-04, 02:12 PM
The Guild to Titan Shipping
We have no expeditions planned for the City of Perpetual Light. The risks are too high for us. We will however be willing to sell you the necessary vessels and provisions should you wish to establish your own venture.

The House Dravor to Atelier Lyrica
Lyrica is met at the door by a tall man in long grey robes. "Greetings, Mistress Springsong we have been looking forward to your shipment. I am seneschal Bradley. Please come in." The man leads Lyrica and her homonculi into a courtyard which has been prepared with a variety of tools in the center and a table with tea off to the side.

The Khaxxix to the Reddinfel
There is no response

The Fleshwarpers to the Reddinfel
The price would depend entirely on how much you wish your war hounds to be enhanced. You mentioned being able to threaten a man in chain mail. That represents a certain minimum of jaw strength and toughness to survive close quarters with well equipped soldiers. However we can go far beyond that. We can make a beast that could shrug off swords and arrows like water, and tear through ranks of armored knights. But of course that would be correspondingly expensive.

Then of course there is the question of whether you wish for any magic resistance to prevent your warhounds from being the target of mages.

The Nighthawks to the Reddinfel
Our apologies. We have been reevaluating our position in the city. We do still wish to form a partnership with your organization.

To the Reddinfel
I'll get to your midturn later.

2014-08-04, 04:39 PM
Titan Shipping

What risks would those be? Is it merely distance, or does some other factor preclude it?

2014-08-05, 02:36 AM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

To the Torchguard (4)
These tales of the other Great Cities have gotten me remembering the old days. Where both of our orders traversed the World Below, bringing with flame and sword the might of the Spire. While those times are behind us, I feel we may have a possibility for a similar future. In the coming months, I wish to prepare a trade convoy to the City of Perpetual Light. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter, and am willing to pay you with armaments for your men.

[OOC: So X Equipment for hiring out the entire company for a potentially extended trek, possibly for multiple turns. If 4 Equipment is 1 Wealth, then I can make a pretty great offer.]

To the Reddinfel (4)
We have quite a bit in excess. What were you thinking of offering in exchange?

To the Natural Order (4)
Whispers of you seeking weapons have come to my ears. Is there any truth to this rumor?
Despite the ascetic nature of the order, the Duskmen are actually one of the more prominent brewers of the Spire. After centuries of mixing potions and elixirs together from the foulest of ingredients, they've gotten quite good at masking the taste with a hefty helping of their potent alcohol. In the wars of ages past, they shared this battle draught with the soldiers they fought alongside, and many veterans never quite found another drink to their taste. There's not really anything else that has quite the same kick as razorback blood blended with spiderfrond root. In more recent times, as the order sought to supplement their incomes as the battles they had subsisted off of dwindled, they dialed back the more eclectic components and instead used their knowledge of alchemy and herbs to make more mundane spirits. Despite a hefty portion of the sales being based on misguided beliefs in the mystical powers of the drink (a belief the Duskmen vehemently condemn), they still partially fund their organization through such products.

Midturn (GM)
Just realized Midturn was Saturday. If you'll still accept it, here's mine:

Fill all stats up to Equipment cap. I don't know what you've decided on, but I have 154, so there's plenty to move around.

Knowledge builds Runes.

Industry builds Wealth. Some natural byproducts of the Dusk enchantment process actually fetch a nice price on the open market, as some scraps of animals are viewed as lucky charms or spiritual tokens. Very rarely is there actually any truth to these beliefs, but the Duskmen don't particularly want to lose out on their secondhand market. Besides, if it makes folks feel better, what's the harm?

Subtlety searches out the explorers who have returned from the east and probes them as to the journey. I want to judge the feasibility of a joint venture between myself and the Torchguard (and possibly Titan Shipping, since they're asking around about a convoy) to the City of Perpetual Light. Any and all information about their own trek is appreciated. My agents offer toasts of Dusk-brewed alcohol, a potent and rare tonic that's said to reinvigorate the mind and spirit (after the hangover, of course), swapping war stories of the World Below with the pioneers, hoping to get a feel for what kind of dangers they'll be looking at. If they know anything about this war going on out in the east, inquire about that too, but it's a lesser matter.

2014-08-05, 10:26 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

Alrighty, I'll be sending it over your way then! But this is a one-time deal only, okay? And only because I like you that much, too! It won't be that much of a bargain next time, but I hope you'll like my products enough to keep buying from me!

Lyrica Springsong

"Oh, tea! My favourite!"

Lyrica squealed, as she bounded over to the tea set and proceeded to serve herself a cup, quite forgetting her purpose in being here in the first place as she savored the brew. The Homonculi, however, certainly didn't forget; they diligently got to setting up the transparent sheets of the mystery material using all the tools at hand, while their mistress happily hummed to herself as she sipped at her cup.

After a while, she seemed to remember what she was here for, and turned to the seneschal.

"Oh, oh! I almost forgot! So is His Majesty joining us here today? What I've got here is plenty hard, but it's a first try so I can't say for sure how hard it really is. How shall we go about testing it?"

Send 20 Equipment to the Reddinfel upon receipt of 1 Wealth.

2014-08-07, 12:03 AM
The Guild to Titan Shipping
Distance is no minor obstacle in this case. The journey to the City of Perpetual Light is a long and arduous one. Many countries will have to be crossed and not all of them are friendly. This in addition to the dangers of the wild lands. In truth we do not even have accurate knowledge of all the dangers involved as there are so few reliable reports of the journey.

Torchguard to the Duskmen
How many guards do you wish to hire? In addition we do not wish to send our guards off and never see them again. We would like to know what preperations you are making for this expedition.

The Natural Order to the Duskmen
We are indeed seeking weapons.

House of Dravor to Atelier Lyrica (PM)
The seneschal follows the exuberant alchemist and pours himself a cup of tea of his own. "I'm afraid his majesty is not well enough to join us today, although he does send his thanks that you could create a material on such short notice. As for testing we had thought to start small and work our way up. First a few weapons test, and then we'll see how much weight it can take. Do you need me to call for some of our house guard, or can your assistants perform the weapons test?"

Atelier Lyrica and Reddinfel
1 wealth for 20 equipment: Done

OOC: Everyone
Now that I'm finally done with the TW: CA 2 new turn I'm going to do the midturn here. Since it's been due for a few days already I'm going to work on it first thing tomorrow (Since I am too tired to do it today.) So if you want to get a midturn in, then you still have some time to get it in. But not much.

2014-08-07, 12:21 AM
Titan Shipping

What is the farthest city towards the city of perpetual light which you do travel to?

industry will produce wealth to fund the Spire Guard and Iron Knights 8 to 7

loyalty will seek to draw skill to Titan knowledge

force will continue making the short overland trips of eclectic purpose that are the company's core service

2014-08-07, 08:00 AM

1: 12 Knowledge make Runes. Place 4 more equipment on Knowledge while we're at it.
2: Put 11 equipment on Industry. 5.5 Industry creates equipment.
3: Loboniva himself works to boost Loyalty. Place 14 Equipment on him.

2014-08-07, 09:24 AM
In the deep depths of the Undercity, the Deadmen train themselves, getting stealthier (Subtlety into Subtlety)

Meanwhile, their leader continues her Arcane research, continuing to stockpile runes (Make another Rune with Knowledge)

And they also seek out new recruits; The recently undead, or those willing to sacrifice their lives to be something more. (Reputation into Subtlety)

2014-08-07, 10:24 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

"Well... about that..."

Lyrica pondered to herself for a while, with a finger to her lip. Her gaze wandered over to her Homonculi entourage, who were still busy putting the final touches on the transparent material they had brought with them. She observed them for a few seconds, frowned, and then turned back to the Seneschal with a bright smile.

"Oh, I think it would be best if you call some of the house guard, sir Bradley. My children are a diligent lot, but they're... not exactly all that strong, you know? I'm sure the big, strong men of your house guard would be that much more up to the task!"

VIP Action: Lyrica will personally work on further research into the [Soul Alchemy] Trait. The idea is to find and work out whatever kinks might be present in the current process, and take it one step closer to making it suitable for the mass production of combat-capable Homonculi.

8 Industry will be used for the production of Equipment.

10 Knowledge will be used for the production of Runes.

2014-08-07, 10:43 AM

A large force of Reddinfel thugs has gone into the silence. They have yet to return.

The Duskmen have increased sales of exotic animal parts to collectors and those who believe such things hold medicinal properties.

Titan Shipping is recruiting scholars and mages to look after it's archives.

The workshops of the Argent are busy as they produce goods and equipment for sale and use by the Argent's members.

Growing numbers of undead flock to the banner of the Deadmen seeking a place to belong.

The strange golems used by Atelier Lyrica have begun to act in strange ways in recent weeks.

Duskmen (GM)
There aren't a lot of explorers who have good knowledge of the area as far away as the city of Perpetual Light. Most don't make it back, the ones who do usually leverage their experience and trade goods into wealth and power. There are also explorers who claim to have made it, but haven't actually. Some are real explorers who are simply exaggerating their travels, others are simple con men. So discerning the truth is difficult.

Eventually the Duskmen manage to collect a few facts that seem reasonably certain.

The round trip to the City of Perpetual Light is about six months round trip with a well equipped airship travelling non stop. Of note however is that no airship has ever actually made a full trip, and the journey over land takes a year.

Besides sheer length the greatest hazards of the trip are the Totem Mountains, the Sea of Storms, the Kingdom of Dreams, and something known simply as the Devastation.

The Totem Mountains are high and impenetrable by anything but airship. They are home to numerous monsters as well as bands of airship pirates.

The Sea of Storms is exactly what it sounds like.

The Kingdom of Dreams is a harsh xenophobic land which does not tolerate intruders.

Nothing is certain about the Devastation besides the name.

Reddinfel (GM)
After navigating the dark eerily quiet streets and tunnels of the Silence for several days, Hadran and his followers come to the conclusion that they have become lost. Despite their skills in tracking the corridors they expect to find are simply not there when they attempt to backtrack. Even worse by the progress they have made they should be well out of the Silence by now and into the rest of the Undercity. But they clearly haven't made it back out.

Atelier Lyrica (GM)
Lyrica continues to work on soul alchemy. She imprints several of her Homonculi with various skills as a test, and it seems to be working out. The main bottleneck seems to be that only she is currently skilled enough to perform the procedure with introducing quirks and errors.

House of Dravor to Atelier Lyrica (PM)
Several guards are called up and the half hour is filled with a dreadful clatter as they test all manner of weaponry against the transparent aluminum. The material holds up quite well and seneschal Bradley turns back to Lyrica as the guards return to their posts, "Most impressive mistress Springsong. Now you understand we wish to use this as a building material so now we will test it's structural strength." He calls for some engineers who begin measuring the material and start bringing in weights to load it with.

"While they do that is there anything you think we should know about your marvelous new substance. Proper care and handling and such."

2014-08-07, 12:25 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

To the Torchguard (4)
My hopes would be your entire company comes with me. However, I don't know the quantity or price involved.

Due to the inherent dangers, it will be a number of months before being able to depart, and until then I will be preparing. I have already culled the rumors and tales of the explorers who made it, so I know what locales are along the way. To the best of our ability, the Duskmen will scout the areas to be prepared for the dangers involved, and building the necessary equipment and armaments.

I have no intention of losing my own people either. We will be ready, when the time comes.

To House Forestier (4)
Greetings once more,

I was wondering if in your travels you had ever made the trek to the City of Perpetual Light? Or the Totem Mountains, the Sea of Storms, the Kingdom of Dreams, or the Devastation? My order is hoping to send a trade caravan to the City at some point in the coming year, and I would like to be as prepared as I can.

To the Natural Order (4)
We've got plenty. What quantity are you looking for and what price are you willing to pay?

To Titan Shipping (4)
I have heard you're looking into sending a caravan to the City of Perpetual Light. The Duskmen are hoping to do much the same. Would you be interested in cooperating on this endeavor?

2014-08-07, 02:48 PM
Titan Shipping

we are open to the possibility.

2014-08-08, 04:09 PM
House Forestier to the Duskmen
I have never explored in that direction. After all it's already been reached.

The Torchguard to the Duskmen
We have several existing contracts with various groups around the city, not to mention the necessity of guarding our own headquarters. So hiring our entire company would be very expensive. We do not believe that you could afford it. Frankly we do not believe any one organization could afford that price.

2014-08-09, 10:23 AM
The Reddinfel [loyalty 10]

Darn misdirection, my one weakness. Except perhaps blood loss. Alright well I have a bunch of spare equipment kicking around back home so I'll use that to magic up some long range communication with Hadran, then we will have some of the boys back home head to the edge of the Silence and throw up some flares, do some testing, see what the troops on the ground can see. For those in the silence well start searching houses, bashing open doors if we have to, and Hadran will generally call out (as I have no doubt we are being watched) "I am one of the best damned urban trackers in the city, which means I don't get lost unless someone else makes it so. Now you've had a bit of fun, lets talk."

To Lyrica
Of course m'lady, your generosity is no less appreciated.

To The Lost Ones
So, trouble has arisen, do you know anything of the silence?

2014-08-09, 11:51 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

"A building material? As in, you want to outright build a big honking palace with this stuff?"

Lyrica exclaimed right in front of the Seneschal, looking utterly incredulous and astonished at this daring proposal. It took her a bit to regain her composure, although her brows remained furrowed as she considered the matter. At length, she held up a finger.

"Well, for what it's worth... think of these as being flat, transparent pieces of sapphire. That's pretty much what they are, really. I think you can take it from there without my explaining."

Her brows still furrowed, Lyrica crossed her arms, regarding Bradley all the while.

"But, I must say... are you sure, sir Bradley? This is going to cost a pretty penny, you know. It'll take a lot of work and investment for my part, if I'm going to produce anywhere near the amount of this material I'm guessing you want me to."

2014-08-09, 06:32 PM
House of Dravor to Atelier Lyrica (PM)
Seneschal Bradley looks unperturbed at Lyrica's statement. "I assure you that we fully expected this to be an expesnive process when we asked if you could produce such a material. We are prepared to pay for the necessary amounts. Although we aren't actually planning to make a palace out of it. We merely plan to make an arena. Perhaps put in large windows in a feasting hall. Something to make an impression as people look out of the City into the sky."

The Lost Ones to the Reddinfel
We do not. It is a fearful place, an insane place.

Reddinfel (GM)
There troops inside the silence don't see any flares. Nor do they find anything inside the houses. Although occasionally when they go through a door they find themselves on another street rather than inside. Nothing answers Hadran. At least not out loud. He starts to hear whispers, but only in his mind and no one else can hear them. They're too faint to make out, but it feels like someone stuck a stream of faint sounds in his head.

2014-08-10, 10:44 AM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 10]

Very well, if you do not wish to talk perhaps you see fit to set us free." Hadran looks around pointedly. "But let it be known to whoever is watching: I still wish to talk, and I am certain you know where to find me should you desire to talk as well.

2014-08-11, 11:13 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 5

"Oh! I see! Well, that is certainly much more doable."

Lyrica said, lapsing back into her customary cheeriness for a moment. After which, the slightly more solemn demeanour of the Alchemist took center stage again, as she peered back at the Seneschal in quiet consideration.

"Well, that is what I say, and I stick by it. No mistake, it'll still take a lot of doing though. Will cost me a pretty penny just to get started, I know that much, and that's not even mentioning I don't know how much, exactly, of this stuff His Majesty wants. Maybe an estimate, so I know how much work needs to go into this? Will you want anymore of it after you're finished with the arena? Can I sell it to other interested buyers afterward, or does House Dravor want a monopoly on it?"

The Alchemist rambled on, losing track of the flow of words out of her mouth, before she finally caught herself. She glanced sideways at the engineers working with her samples, wondering how the testing was going.

"I hope what I've got so far hits the mark on the first shot... would save a lot of work."

2014-08-19, 12:41 AM
Turn 4

3051 AF
The Fifth Month

Torches in the Dusk
The ancient and respected mercenary company of the Torchguard is no more. It has not fallen to enemy action, but rather the entreaties of the Duskmen scouts. After long negotiations the Duskmen convinced the members of the torchguard that there history of past glories was no longer serving them well, and that the future lay with the Duskmen. Such words fell on fertile ground as the Torchguard had been waning in recent years. And in the end almost all the Torchguard have resigned from service and joined the Duskmen instead.

Argent Charities
The word around the City is that Lord Loboniva*has been seen among the common people. The leader of the Argent has apparently been seeking out those in need and lending a helping hand. This has greatly increased his standing among the craftsmen and common laborers of the city.

The Banquet of House Dravor
The House of Dravor has started their banquet with a bang. Commissioning hundreds of craftsmen and mages they launched a series illusions and pyrotechnics in the skies around the City bathing the tower walls in a multitude of colors. The display lasted for three full days as mages filled the sky with intricate shapes and patterns, which culminated with a rendition of the highlights of Emperor Dravor's life from his early exploits in the Iron Knights, to his crowning and campaigns against the Sand Nomads, and finally to the many years of peace and prosperity that he brought to the City.

When the light shows finally concluded the House of Dravor unveiled their new spire. A splendid tower that hung of the city in a display of masterful architecture that almost seemed to float in the air.

2 Equipment - 1 Wealth
1 Rune - 6 Wealth

2 Spy - 1 Wealth
1 Saboteurs - 2 Wealth
1 Guard - 1 Wealth
1 Thug - 2 Wealth

Information - Varies

This is just the first part of the new turn. I've got a few more things for part 2, but I don't want to delay anymore than I already have. Part 2 will be posted later, once I have a chance to write it out in detail.

Please be sure to let me know if you have any questions.

2014-08-20, 01:59 PM
Part 2

Rumblings in the Undercity
The Kaxxix have expanded out of their warren of tunnels to claim a great deal of territory in the city around them, in a manner very reminiscent of the Reddinfel's earlier expansion. This has resulted in a marked movement of displaced people to the other side of the Bore as they seek to get away from the two gangs before they become the next set of victims.

The Dravor Banquet
The Pit Fighter's Association is one of the main sources of entertainment at the Banquet. They have begun a serieis of historical reenactments of the Siege of 1103, where a large army of warped barbarians seiged the tower for 2 years before they were broken by the first of the Iron Knights. Over 400 fighters participated in the reenactment including cavalry. Something not usually seen in the city. Later events advertised by the association include duels between elite gladiators and a series of mock airship battles reliving the Affairs of the Dreadpirate.

Not to be outdone in any form of military prowess the Iron Knights have arranged demonstrations of their drilling manuevers and columns of Iron Knights have been stationed around the Dravor complex. They have also demonstrated several of their weapons such as the Iron Golems, the fantastic firepower of their battlemages, and of course the fearsome dreadnought of the skies, the Leviathan.

The Guild has begun preparing for a large expedition. They have commisioned many new airships and are stockpiling supplies as well as training crews and guards. Rumor has it that they plan to attempt to cross the Maw Sea. But most dismiss those rumors as no one has ever crossed the sea and returned to tell the tale.

---A Brief History of the City---

The City of Resplendent Towers has been ruled by the Empire of Blossoms for 1,036 years. During that time it has seen dozens of wars, the rise and fall of twice as many Houses, and the evolution of magic from primitive castings to the varied and extremely useful set of disciplines it is today. What most do not know however is that the City existed long before the Empire.

Before the legendary First Emperor, whose name has been lost to history, took the city as his capitol, it belonged to the Kingdom of Chatise. The Kingdom of Chatise was a short lived nation ruled by a string of corrupt monarchs who got their position by assassinating their predecessors. It's destruction by the First Emperor was not a loss to the world. However before the kingdom took over the city was used by the Order of Historians. A monastic order of scholars whose few surviving works give the most clear picture of the times before the Empire.

Even they however did not first found the city. Surviving records indicate that the Order found the city abandoned and derelict before they decided to make their headquarters there, but even then it was nearly as tall as it is today.

Who then first built the city. Some magnificent ancient empire, long forgotten elder gods, tyrants mages, something the citizens today cannot even comprehend. No one knows. And it is unlikely that anyone ever will, as the records and knowledge of that prehistory are cryptic at best, and at worst nonexistent.

2014-08-24, 10:36 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

To the Guild (4)
I hear you are prepping for an expedition beyond the Maw Sea. Would you be interested in hiring my company to assist in some manner? The World Below calls to us, and it has been many months since we've ventured forth.

To the Argent (4)
The Kaxxix march in the Undercity. Should we meet once more to discuss the repercussions?

To the Reddinfel (4)
The Kaxxix march in the Undercity. Should we meet once more to discuss the repercussions?

To the Atelier Lyrica (4)
Would you be interested in meeting again with our mutual friends among the Spire? I know you have business to attend to with the banquet, so I do not wish to take your time away from such important matters.

Internal (PM)
Force (15) [3]
Subtlety (12) [30]
Industry (8) [21]
Knowledge (11) [33]
Loyalty (4) [12]
Reputation (10.5) [10]

Silys Stormwrath (7) [18]

Eastern Expedition II

Wealth: 5
Equipment: 235
Runes: 9

Fill all stats to full.

57 to Force
18 to Subtlety
11 to Industry
11 to Knowledge
4 to Loyalty
32 to Reputation
10 to Silys

Total assigned: 143

Total left: 92

Do the Duskmen get a seat at the banquet from the Reputation bump? Would you be nice to be acknowledged... :smalltongue:

Otherwise, Silys gets to be all offended and continue his machinations.

2014-08-25, 11:55 AM
The Guild to the Duskmen
What are your current rates for expedition guards?

To the Duskmen
Yes with your current reputation you can get an invitation.

2014-08-27, 08:33 AM

To the Iron Knights

The PFA would like to appolgize if we seemd to be treading on your ground during the feast. We were trying to remind the people of the great feats the Iron Knights are capable of. I hope we can build a strong relationship together.

To House Dravor

I hope you approved of our display during the feast. I would like to ask if you think building an arena in the upper districts would be something you and your family would approve of? We wouldn't have as much bloodshed in the upper districts, and may try to show more plays and reinactments.

2014-08-27, 10:12 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 5

Oh! My part in the banquet was just done, actually! I would be most happy to meet with all of you again. Just drop me a note when you've decided on the time and place!

Nothing from House Dravor about how the Alchemist made the floating spire possible? Not even any reactions of wonder from the admiring audience at the miraculous material only made possible by Lyrica's skill? I am disappointed. :smallfrown:

Lyrica (VIP Action) + 10 Knowledge + 5 Loyalty + [Soul Alchemy XV] + [Transparent Alumina XIII] + [Final Loyalties IX]

Lyrica will utilise all the resources listed above to create and perfect the synthesis process for [Combat Homonculi] during the Midturn. The 10 Knowledge and her VIP Action is the core investment to this end, with 5 Loyalty acting as a boost to the whole research process. [Soul Alchemy] will also be the core Trait being utilized in this research, with Lyrica specifically extracting soul shards containing combat expertise, duplicating them, and inserting them into receptive Homonculi bodies to create proficient and reliable warriors. [Transparent Alumina] will be used to create crystalline armor and weapons which will be used to equip the Combat Homonculi and make them distinctive at the same time. [Final Loyalties] is for the purpose of marking each Combat Homonculi with the Sigil of the Alchemist, making all of them susceptible to the Alchemist's power.

The idea is to make it possible for Atelier Lyrica to directly produce Force using Industry. More importantly, if the Atelier trades this manufactured Force to any other faction, it would give them a preferably-secret Trait [Atelier's Combat Homonculi], which will increase in degree the more Force traded to them by the Atelier. This would reflect the forces of Combat Homonculi secreted in that faction's Force, which can be subverted by the Alchemist's power and made useless or even traitorous to the faction in question, should this become necessary.

2014-08-27, 08:52 PM
The Iron Knights to the PFA
We have no problems with your exhibitions of our past deeds.

The House of Dravor to the PFA
We were quite pleased with the performance of your fighters. If you can continue to put on such displays then we could see our way to investing in your arena.

To the Atelier Lyrica
Well first of all I was saving it and a few other things for the midturn. This was supposed to be a big turn long thing. But then no one posted anything so that didn't happen. Which was kind of disappointing for me as well.

Second they payed you in wealth not rep since you said it would be really expensive, which implied that you wanted to be paid up front and weren't donating the material as a demonstration of your superior skills.

2014-08-27, 10:52 PM

To the Guild (5)
When were you planning your trek?

Midturn (PM)
15 Force, 12 Subtlety, 11 Knowledge, and 2 Runes go into the Reprisal. I'm aiming to claim the bounty on information from the Shadow's Eye (or find out for my own benefit, depending on the nature of the zone). Spies and mages are there to investigate what the hell it is, while soldiers make sure I don't die or anything. See if I can gain anything of benefit like Wealth, Runes, or stat points. Ideally, find out the cause of the calamity so I can reproduce the explosion, but if there are ghosts who I can consult with through necromancy, then that's fine too.

2014-08-28, 08:35 AM
Kruk strutted through the party shaking hands with countless nobles, couriters, and other leaders of the Spire. He was never one for fancy dinners, but knowing each hand he shook was more money helped improve his mood.


My 8 industry will create more equipment for training my VIPs
My 3 Research will continue developing the Gauntlet
We will once again try a recruitment drive using my newly higher 7 Reputation to hire a larger research department.

To House Dravor

Would you have a problem with us building an arena in your area of the upper city? That would allow us to attract performers more suited to life in the Upper city.

2014-08-28, 07:28 PM
Steel Glass
There are rumors going around that the Dravor's new tower is at least partly held up by an amazing new material that is extremely hard, but as transparent as glass. This allows for rather intriguing structures to be built. Popularly known as steel glass it is generally believed to be a product of Atelier Lyrica.

To Atelier Lyrica
Lyrica manages to produce the first of her proposed Combat Homonculi. They appear to be quite strong and well suited to warfare. It occurs to her however that while she has put quite a lot of effort into inscribing sigils on them that will let her control them, she hasn't actually put much work into hiding those sigils from more than a cursory inspection from other mages.

The Guild to the Duskmen
If all goes well we had hoped to dispatch our expedition in a few months.

To the Duskmen
The Duskmen find absolutely nothing in the area known as the Reprisal. No ghosts, no vagrants, no useful artifacts or forgotten treasure. Just melted ruins and scattered debris. The area does shows signs of being entered before. Despite what rumors might say about vengeful ghosts there have clearly been scavengers in the past and they have picked the place clean.

The Duskmen sent could probably set up a small outpost there if they wanted though.

To the PFA
Work continues on the Gauntlet to make it more useful in training new fighters.

Several more mages and assistants are hired to fill out the archival staff.

The Dravor to the PFA
Although we aren't opposed to such an arena, we aren't convinced enough to let you set it up in our compound.

2014-08-30, 06:14 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. Esp: 5

Hello and good day, Reverends! It's Lyrica here, how have you all been doing?

So, you might have heard that I have had some part in the Emperor's new floating tower. And it's true, as a matter of fact! So I was just wondering, perhaps you would like to get your hands on some of what everyone's calling 'steel glass' nowadays? Well, I'm selling for the right price! Feel free to drop by if you want to place an order!

Hello and good day! It's Lyrica here, how have you all been doing?

So, you might have heard that I have had some part in the Emperor's new floating tower. And it's true, as a matter of fact! So I was just wondering, perhaps you would like to get your hands on some of what everyone's calling 'steel glass' nowadays? Well, I'm selling for the right price! Feel free to drop by if you want to place an order!

Hello and good day! It's Lyrica here, how have you all been doing?

So, you might have heard that I have had some part in the Emperor's new floating tower. And it's true, as a matter of fact! So I was just wondering, perhaps you would like to get your hands on some of what everyone's calling 'steel glass' nowadays? Well, I'm selling for the right price! Feel free to drop by if you want to place an order!

I'm planning to dump a huge load of Equipment on the Market at discount rates, and crashing prices to drive competitors out of business. How feasible is such a move?

2014-08-30, 08:55 PM
Loyalty: 5

To Atelier Lyrica, Reddinfel, Argenta (PM)
[OOC: Schedules prevented IC conversation, but have previously discussed attacking House of Knowledge and Black Council at EoT.]

To the Shadow's Eye (5)
I was wondering what the status was on the bounties for information on the Reprisal and the Silence were. We've been considering looking into one or both, and I'd like to know if it economically viable.

Internal (PM)
In response to Midturn, if you are giving me a prompt to use the stats I sent in at that point to construct an outpost there, then I will do so. Intent is for a forward operating base as well as a listening post, but I'm not going to put anything else to it outside of what I just sent in.

2014-08-31, 09:14 PM
Spinner Monks to Atelier Lyrica
We do not have any plans that would require such a material.

The Guild to Atelier Lyrica
Is this steel glass suitable for use in airships?

Allspire to Atelier Lyrica
We would be interested in purchasing samples of this material. What are your prices?

To Atelier Lyrica
Most factions do not rely on equipment sales. It's more of a sideline if they happen to have excess amounts. You could do two things though. First if your prices were low enough you could corner the market and have everyone buy your equipment. And second you would cause an overall decrease in the price of equipment.

Shadow's Eye to the Duskmen
The bounties are still available. No one as yet has returned any substantial information.

2014-09-01, 11:42 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 5

Oh, I'd dare say it is! Imagine having a window you can look out of, but anyone trying to shoot you through it will be in for a rude shock!

Perhaps I can bring some samples down, and let you test it for yourself?

(OOC: Before I can answer that question, I would need to know how many units of [Transparent Alumina] I could produce for each Industry, and what else it may cost me.)

2014-09-08, 10:28 PM
The Guild to Atelier Lyrica
That sounds like something of a novelty material, and we would prefer a more practical application. but yes please bring a sample for us to examine.

Atelier Lyrica (GM)
You can produce 26 units of Transparent Alumina independent of anything else.

Eots are being worked on. Shooting for a new turn up on Tuesday. Definitely by Wednesday.

2014-09-10, 02:05 AM
Turn 4

3051 AF
The Sixth Month

The Emperor's Death
As if the previous months banquet was the high point at which he wanted to depart at word has spread that the Emperor, Pordius Dravor, has succumbed to his illness. The Divine himself performed the ceremony to lay the former Emperor to rest. As per tradition his body was cremated and spread among the clouds. A tradition founded after the disastrous reign of Septus the Undead.

It a testament to the respect that the city had for the Emperor that the mourning period lasted a whole day before the jockeying for the Petal Throne began in earnest. But begin it did. There are have already been fifteen reported assassinations among the nobles houses, along with numerous duels, slanderous rumors, and a never ending flow of gossip on who is currently in lead.

The favorite of course is Lastor Dravor. The clear successor of his uncle he is currently firmly backed by House of Dravor and well respected by the people of the city. But he has yet to acquire the necessary votes of the Council of Nobles, and there are numerous other contenders who could give him a fight for the throne.

Anyone intending to make a play for the throne has this turn to announce their claim. Anyone playing a noble faction can do this automatically. Anyone not playing a noble has to find someone with a vote to back them. But there are a lot of minor nobles who have one vote and just about nothing else. If you have 8-10 reputation it won't be a problem to get them to back you. You could also try to buy or steal a vote, but that will be harder. Do it in the midturn.

Once all the claimants are announced then the contest for the throne will continue until the lead claimant has 50% more reputation than the next highest claimant. That will represent them having amassed enough votes to get the throne.

You can also attempt to do other things like bribe nobles, sabotage the others, and outright rig the vote.

The winner will get the trait [Holder of the Petal Throne]. This gives a rep boost, and a lot of influence over the Iron Knights.

3 Equipment - 1 Wealth
1 Rune - 6 Wealth

2 Spy - 1 Wealth
1 Saboteurs - 2 Wealth
1 Guard - 1 Wealth
1 Thug - 2 Wealth

Information - Varies

2014-09-10, 10:40 AM
Literary Destruction
Unknown parties have infiltrated the House of Knowledge and stolen many of it's priceless references and artifacts. The library has activated it's defense system and separated from the main Spire while it works to upgrade it's security.

Many people have flocked to see this. It may be a great disaster for scholars to have one of the largest publicly available bodies of literature vandalized. But for the common worker it's far more interesting to see thousands of tons of rock and iron floating in the air with no means of support.

Undead in the Undercity
The deadmen continue to recruit from the undead of the city. As a side benefit of this the areas around their headquarters are becoming predominately populated by undead as more squeamish mortals move out, and the neighborhoods are taken over by unaffiliated undead looking for a place that won't discriminate.

Titan Expedition
In one of the largest expeditions in recent years Titan Shipping has dispatched a massive number of ships towards the east. They claim that this is no mere exploratory expedition, but rather is the start of another branch of the company in a far off city.

Common Guard
The Commoner's Affiliation continues to train dutifully to protect the Commoner's Quarters. Especially in light of the recent raids they swear to protect their homes and neighbors from potential thieves and robbers.

Atelier Lyrica has revealed more details of it's new steel glass to the public. Not only is it decorative due to it's transparent properties, but the material is also wonderfully strong for it's weight. The common people have taken to calling it glass steel, or glasteel, as the former name was somewhat unwieldy for common use.

Many companies are considering purchasing the material. Alchemists all over the city are working frantically to try and reproduce the material, but so far only the genius of Alchemist Springsong has been successful in creating it, and Atelier Lyrica remains the sole source.

The House of Forestier
The Lady Forestier is rapidly making a name for herself at court. With a staff of highly loyal servants she has established the house as an economic force in the city. Although hardly at the level of the great merchant companies the fact that the lady started with nothing but the loot of her adventures speaks to her force of will, and the size of the hoard that she must have brought back.

Religious Schisms
In recent generations the Spinner Monks have become more and more divided over schisms in their interpretations of the workings of the Divine. Their cloud monasteries have become rife with theological debate, which has in turn become political maneuvering.

This has changed recently however, as the Divine Eye is beginning to assert his authority to bring the different sects in line. Rumors have it that his motives is a unified front to face the time of troubles he has foreseen.

The Game of Shadows
The House of Dres has long been overshadowed by the greater nobility. A minor house and one known for it's tendency to skulk and scheme they are not well regarded. However recently they have begun offering their services as an intermediary third party to handle the "unorthodox tactics" which the various noble houses are sure to need in their contention for the throne.

Undercity Dwarves
The Kaxxix Killsquad have expanded again. Kaxxix thugs are roving through the undercity in force to intimidate the residents and remind them of their power. Rumor has it that they are also seeking the purchase of better quality weapons and armor to further assert their will in the undercity.

After seeing the last four turns I have noticed that wealth was not being used a lot. It just didn't seem as useful as I meant it to be. So as a first step I am going to give it the ability to be spent as soon as you earned. That means if you earn 4 wealth in an EoT you can immediately spend it on an investment in that same EoT.

2014-09-10, 03:52 PM
An Announcement from the Deadmen

Our queen, Eliria Nightingale intends to run for empress of this fair city, and usher in a new era of equality for the living and the dead.

2014-09-11, 04:02 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 4

Silys the Stormwrath, elder of the Duskmen, aspires for the Petal Throne.

To the Argenta (4)
I would guess we have much to discuss in this coming month. Do you wish to do so in person?

To Titan Shipping (4)
Venturing off all on your own? Seems dangerous. If you need to call in any support, we are here for an appropriate price.

To the Reddinfel (4)
Any thoughts on the Kaxxix's expansion?

2014-09-11, 04:28 PM

Lord Loboniva of the Argent announces his candidacy. It is a common move for the Argent, and usually simply means they are biding their time and waiting for offers for their backing to a more serious candidate. However, both the weath and the reputation of Loboniva has been ascendant lately...

2014-09-12, 09:13 PM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 5


Good morning, my lovelies! Thank you all so much for supporting Atelier Lyrica all this time!

So, I heard there's some of you here who would love to buy some glasteel from my Atelier, right? Well, I was going to decide on a price for it, if only so I can get that over with and bring it to all of you as soon as I can... but then, I got an even better idea!

How about you decide how much glasteel is worth? Make your bids for the price you'll pay for each unit of glasteel, as well as how much you would be willing to buy from me. Submit your bids to any of my children in the Atelier today, and may the best offer win!

Lyrica Springsong

On the appointed date and time, Lyrica showed up with some of her Homonculi in tow, waving cheerily at the Guild representative even as her retinue brought some samples of her newly-coined glasteel with them.

"Hello, hello! Lovely day, isn't it? I've brought some of my glasteel here for you to look at!"

Hello, Captain! Lyrica here! So, I just taught some of my children how to fight, and I dare say they'd fight just as good as your folks, at least. Maybe you'd like to come down to the Atelier and take a look sometime?

You mentioned I could produce 26 units of [Transparent Alumina]. 26 units for each point of Industry, or 26 units total with my total Industry points? Does Equipment and the [Minor Workshops] Trait affect the production rate, and how?

[Merchant Contacts] - What is the collective stance of the City's merchants towards the success process? Do they have any say and/or influence in it, and if so, could they be induced to throw their weight behind a candidate?

2014-09-14, 05:34 PM
Throne Claimants
The various noble houses are soon jockeyed for position and either announcing their candidacy for the throne or their support for another party. Most of the candidates are of no consequence. Minor nobility with little practical chance of succeeding. However a few stand out.

Karden Hadren - One of the strongest mages in the city and far more interested in knowledge than political power. He only entered because House Hadren always enters to show they can, even if they have no intention of actually claiming the throne.

Praxus Ironson - The leader of the Atheist League. Entering on a platform of doing away with the current system which places the Cloudspinners at the literally top of the social hierarchy.

Matthew Duvale - Chairman of the Coalition. Like House Hadren the coalition has no intention of actually winning the Petal Throne. It would go against their citizen's mandate. Duvale has entered solely to remind the nobles that the together the commoners are a force to be reckoned with.

Agnes Kaxxix - No one is entirely sure how the Kaxxix Killsquad managed to convince the minor noble house of Lowens to support their bid. But it appears to be legitimate and without coercion.

Noone Lyten - A mysterious cloaked figure who appeared from nowhere and presented the vote of the House of Lyten as their support for the throne. The line of Lyten has been extinct for three hundred years, but the papers that the figure present to the Council of Nobles were legitimate and so accepted. This happens occasionally. Some scion of line thought to be long dead reappears and attempts to use the succession as leverage to revive their house. It is usually not noteworthy. However in this case literally nothing is known about Noone. He appears to have no past and wears a long white cloak that conceals all his features.

The Guild to Atelier Lyrica
The guild's representatives carefully test the material, and seem satisfied. They offer an initial bid of 1 wealth for 2 units of glasteel. With quantities being adjustable.

Edit: I'll get a few more bids in later, but I need to take a closer look at each NPC before I do.

The Iron Knights to Atelier Lyrica
A squad of Iron Knights comes to the Atelier to evaluate the combat homunculi.

To Atelier Lyrica (GM)
26 units is produced independent of the rest of your industry. Equipment and other traits don't affect this.

The city's merchants usually don't have a direct say in the succession process being mostly non noble. However their collective wealth is substantial and by backing one candidate or another they can have a major influence. That said your merchant contacts traits has more to do with finding the best prices and getting bargains, not persuading merchants politically.

2014-09-16, 02:11 AM
To Atelier Lyrica
There are three categories of bids sent to Atelier Lyrica. The first is from nobles who want to emulate House Dravor and use the glasteel to emphasize their wealth and power. These bids are the highest in terms of wealth per unit, but have very low quantities. The nobles are still testing the water on this. If it turns into contest to see who can build the most extravagant towers, then there could be a lot more ordering later on. If it's not as prestigious as the nobles expected, then it might dry up. (Average price is 2 wealth per unit.)

Next are the merchant guilds and craftsmen. They have a more exacting eye for quality and a better idea of what they can actually do with glasteel. They're offering a decent price, for decent quantities. They'll buy what they need for projects, but won't try to stockpile and will go elsewhere if someone make a better material for their needs. (1 wealth for 2 units.)

The last and largest market is the commoner's and peddlers. People who want to use it as minor decorations or get bargains. They offer a very low bid, but there is a market here for as much Glasteel as you can make. (1 wealth for 4 units.)

(Basically the nobles will buy at most 10 units per turn, but there price is minimum 2 wealth per unit. It may go higher as they try to compete. But they want it to be prestigious. So if everyone and their dog starts using glasteel they aren't going to want it anymore. On the other if it becomes a really high class symbol of wealth they might start buying it like crazy. You're probably going to have to do some work for that to happen though.

The merchants will buy about 20 units. Their patronage is reliable. They'll always buy 20 units if you offer it. And they'll buy it at the listed price. They won't go higher than that, but they will try to meet their quota at a lower price if you offer some units at bargain bin prices. You can try and use your merchant contacts to lock in those rates so they'll always pay that much even if you sell some for lower or someone else starts making it, but they'll probably try to haggle.

Then there's the lower class. They'll buy all the units you could ever make, but only for 1 wealth per 4 units. Or lower, but I don't know why you'd go even lower than that.)

2014-09-16, 10:00 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 5

Glasteel: The Mark of Status

Hello again, my most precious and treasured friends! Once again, thank you everyone, for your patronage at Atelier Lyrica! An immense debt of gratitude is owed to all of you by yours truly!

So, here's an update about the latest and greatest product yet from the Atelier; Glasteel! A truly wondrous thing it is, isn't it? Clear as glass, yet as strong as any steel you will ever find within this great and towering City! And, as you might expect, this miracle of alchemy is an exceptionally RARE thing indeed. There is only so much glasteel to be had, only so much that can be made every month, and only one place you can possibly find it; Atelier Lyrica, that is!

Such a rare wonder would truly be a mark of high status for anyone who could afford it, would it now? Why, one might say whomever can afford the most glasteel would truly be worthy of the Petal Throne! And this month, just 20 units will be on auction at Atelier Lyrica! Minimum bid for 1 unit will start at 2 Wealth; get your bids in today!

Lyrica Springsong

Lyrica herself came out to greet the Knights this time, and behind her stood a platoon of what appeared to be highly-disciplined soldiers, equipped entirely in what appears to be crystalline armor and gear. Though their bearing was solemn and sombre as befitting trained soldiers, the Alchemist herself behaved as cheerily as ever, waving to the Captain of the squad in greeting.

"Hello, hello! So glad you could come, I've been waiting for you! Come, take a look at what my fighting children can do! En garde!"

And as she pealed out her last sentence, the Combat Homonculi drew their crystal swords at once, and held it in ready positions facing the Knights. The young girl continued waving at the Knights even as they pointed their swords at her guests, and it took her some moments to realize the unintended implications of the gesture. At that moment, she panicked and flailed around, running from side to side and exclaiming.

"Oh no, no! Sorry, didn't mean it THAT way! Children, quick, put those swords away! Bring out the training stuff, quick!"

The Combat Homonculi silently acknowledged their creator's orders with barely a nod, and sheathed their weapons, as the more familiar robed figures of the Alchemist's mundane homonculi came bearing wooden training swords for their fighting brethren. Even as they proceeded to correct their unintended mistake, Lyrica remained flustered, unsure as to how to proceed with the Captain.

Alright, so I take it I'll produce 26 units of Transparent Alumina each Turn automatically, whatever I do. If I make it a status symbol for the nobility, it just might have an interesting effect on the succession to the Petal Throne. Probably will spend Reputation on that in the Midturn.

Do I produce Combat Homonculi the same way, or do I need to spend Industry on it?

2014-09-17, 07:14 PM
The Iron Knights to Atelier Lyrica
The captain merely chuckles and doesn't seem offended. "Then let us start with a group. How good are you creations at squad tactics." The knight captain orders a group of his men to get wooden training swords and the fighting begins.

After several hours the captain looks fairly pleased and says, "Your creations seem to be quite effective. How many do you think you can get to us a month."

To Atelier Lyrica (GM)
You need to spend industry making Combat Homunculi as they are units of Force rather than a type of good.

To Everyone
If anyone is going to give me a midturn I'll take them tomorrow the 18th.

2014-09-18, 01:27 AM
Midturn [GM]

1: 12 Knowledge making Runes.
2: 14.5 Industry creating Wealth.
3: 3 Runes and 13 Reputation arrange for more 'perfect charity photo-ops' to increase Rep. I've got a headstart on this game. :smalltongue:

2014-09-18, 09:22 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 5

"Oh! Well, about that..."

Lyrica hemmed and hawed, putting a finger to her cheek in thought.

(OOC: An answer to the Captain's question would probably have to wait, until I get an answer as to how much Force I can build per Industry point.)

13.5 Industry to be used for producing Equipment.

10 Knowledge to be used for producing Runes.

13.5 Reputation to be used for marketing Glasteel as a luxury product, in order to appeal to the nobility and secure high bids from them for the material.

27 Wealth to be used to purchase magical tomes and scrolls wherever they can be found in order to boost Knowledge, within a reasonable range of prices. Maybe [Merchant Contacts] might be useful, in that regard.

2014-09-19, 01:12 PM
Titan Shipping

knowledge will grow itself
industry will grow itself
loyalty will grow itself

2014-09-19, 02:43 PM
Midturn 5

Loboniva for the People
Lord Loboniva continues to be seen around the city. He greets everyone he meets and listens to what the people have to say about the current state of things. He is not just talk however. Loboniva has also helped out several families who were in need and helped to renovate Glodding Street to a more livable state.

The Exquisiteness of Glasteel
Glasteel has become highly fashionable among the nobility. Many noble families have renovated parts of their estates with the transparent material, and there is beginning to be a competition in how fantastic the architecture of the new towers and spires being built can be. A style has grown up among the most cutting edge architects involving the use of huge windows and glasteel support struts to give the illusion of flying among the clouds.

Growth of Transportation
Titan Shipping continues to expand it's routes and hire more people to crew it's ships. Although not as exciting as other affairs of the city the company is growing into one of the most successful merchant company in the city. And certainly the most successful one run by Ogres.

Library Guards
The House of Knowledge has contacted the organization founded by the Sentient Entities Union. It appears to be interested in funding them in order to prevent more raids against not only itself, but other members of the city. With two strong supporters the Guards have begun to grow stronger and garner funding and recruits from the various minor groups of the city that wish to see a city wide security force.

Hounds of War
For the individual wishing to take a more proactive stance on security the Fleshwarpers Guild is advertising it's new breed of guard dogs. From small ferocious beasts suitable for guarding homes to huge brutes capable of killing a man in full armor they cover the full range of security needs. The fleshwarpers guild also guarantees that their dogs are both loyal and harmless to their owners.

Tick Tock Lot
A shipment of the finest clockwork from the far off City of Iron has arrived at the docks. The Guild has purchased the whole lot and has started advertising an auction of the various pieces to be held in one months time.

2014-09-24, 07:12 AM

Esteemed Candidates,

If you are interested, we are able to brand our products with an advertisement to help you in the running. You may make an offer if you wish to pursue such an agreement. We can also add discounts to the products you'll be branding so the message will spread further. Or we could market the products to a certain part of the city.
Remember, Drink with the League, Drink with Intrigue!

Jedediah Fintch
LFTM Sales and Marketing Representative
Approved by Sargon 20-6-3051

2014-09-26, 07:29 PM
Titan Industries

With our eventual aim to reach the City of Perpetual Light we have set up a corporate branch in the Jask Freehold, as the Guild no doubt already knows. We aim to use this as a launching pad for airship voyages further in the City's direction. If either of your groups wish to use our infrastructure there to aid your own designs or wish to collaborate on building a second outpost further out still we are always amenable to working with you.

2014-09-29, 09:00 PM
Turn 6

3051 AF
The Seventh Month

The Throne
The council of nobles has met and cast their votes for the month. In a surprising turn of events Lord Loboniva has gathered a level of support that far outstrips his rivals. The leader of the Argent narrowly missed having enough support to be crowned Emperor, but signs point to him doing so next month if this trend continues.

Most of the city puts this down to a combination of Loboniva's continued efforts to support the people the city as well as his extensive overtures to the other lesser nobles. It also helped that Lastor Dravor narrowly escaped falling victim to an assassination attempt and is bed ridden leaving him unable to put forth the Dravor's best showing.

The Burning of the Black
The Black Council has been struck by a band of raiders. Almost arrogant in their show of force, but still anonymous enough not to be traced back to any one group the raiders looted the libraries of the Black Council and burned many parts of their compound. Although the Black Council is by no means well liked by most of the city their suffering adds to the tense atmosphere of the city. In recent months attacks after attack have ranged from the districts of the nobles to the caverns of the under city. No one feels safe and funding for the City Guards is increasing as more and more organizations see the benefit of an organization willing to stop raids no matter who the target is.

The Commoner's Quarters are already seeing increased patrols as the Guards work with the Commoner's Affiliation to secure the area. Not only to protect the commoners themselves, but also to attack as a blockade on raiders from the Under City, where the consensus is that the recent attacks have originated from.

Equipment for Everyone
Atelier Lyrica has begun putting huge quantities of equipment on the market. From crossbows to swords and research tomes to maps of the districts the Atelier has something for everyone. Although many of the major factions prefer to use their own equipment several have purchased from the Atelier. In the under city especially Atelier weapons are beginning to become common.

In addition to high quality gear the Alchemist Springsong has announced her plans to offer her homunculi as a mercenary alternative. her combat homunculi are advertised as professional, reliable, and unbreakable.

Heroes of the Pit
In these chaotic times the most unlikely heroes can emerge. Case in point are the gladiators of the Pit Fighter's Association. Although still concerned mostly with their shows of late the most skilled champions have begun to venture into the undercity on impromptu patrols to keep the gangs in line. Several gangs have attempted to waylay the fighters, but they have proven that their skills are not just for show and beaten off every attack. Bringing a measure of order and temporary peace to the lawlessness of the Undercity.

Dogs of War
The Fleshwarper's Guild's effort to market their guard dogs to the city has been mostly successful. Dogs of all types are seen guarding houses and warehouses against thieves and vagabonds. Surprisingly, despite the overall atmosphere of fear the Guild has also done a good business in dogs without any combat training. Apparently there is a large market for pets in the city as well, and people are taking advantage of the Guild's offer to buy dogs customized to their exact tastes and requirements. The nobles in particular are buying breeds that are both fashionable at court and ferocious defenders against assassins.

Deals of a Lifetime
In an attempt to compete with the Atelier Lyrica's flooding of the market the Guild is offering bargain rates on a wide variety of goods. From exotic foreign weapons and reagents to the finest tools and materials the Guild's market is filled with excellent products at exceptionally low prices. Currently the Guild is offering [6 Equipment] for [1 Wealth].

Librarian's Revenge
The House of Knowledge has spent the last month renovating it's security systems. Many elvish work crews have been seen hanging from the floating library repairing breaches and installing new devices. Mages across the city have also detected large quantities of magic coming from the arcane institution. Now the house of knowledge has restored it's bridge to the main City and rumor has it that it is on the hunt for whoever dared to assault it's halls of lore.

4-6 Equipment - 1 Wealth
1 Rune - 6 Wealth

2 Spy - 1 Wealth
1 Saboteurs - 2 Wealth
1 Guard - 1 Wealth
1 Thug - 2 Wealth

Information - Varies

2014-09-30, 02:00 PM
The Duskmen
Loyalty: 11

To Titan Industries (5)
I would be very interested in that. Though it may require a month before I am able to commit resources.

To the Argent (PM)
Do you require any assistance in taking the throne, or would it be more prudent to be working elsewhere?

I'm a bit worried about the House of Knowledge finding out the true culprits of their raid, but I don't really see what could be done to prevent that.

To the Pit Fighter's Association (3.5)

I was wondering what your intentions in the Undercity were this past month. The Duskmen may be able to assist you in bringing some order to the floors below, in a more permanent manner, if that would be of interest to you.

2014-09-30, 11:01 PM
Titan Industries

That would align well with our plans.

You seem to be increasingly troubled by the alchemist. While, in the long term we are sure you can overcome these difficulties we thought this a time to reexamine your offer to sponsor an airship voyage. Wishing as we do that your agency be secure for future transactions. We would like to commission a vessel to travel to Jask Freehold in the comming weeks and two more that will travel there and beyond beginning next month. We would pay for all three in advance. What would such a chartering cost us?

We consider your control of the petal throne most in line with our policies. In order that no sudden upset prevent your ascension we shall support you in the following days.

2014-10-01, 03:33 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 5

Hi there, Mister Seneschal! It's Lyrica here!

I heard the young Lord Dravor has not been in the best of health lately, I'm afraid. I'm just wondering if he happens to have any need of my services?

Lyrica Springsong

Good morning, Captain! Lyrica here!

About the Combat Homonculi, I can synthesize up to [4 Force] worth of them every month regularly. It's possible to do more than that, but I'd really rather not do so unless there's a need for a lot of them in a hurry. It'll eat way too much into my to-do list otherwise to be worth it, at least until I get more space to work with. Do you think you can help me out there?

Lyrica Springsong

(OOC: I'm basing this answer on spend 5 Industry to build 2 Force in the Mid-Turn, and another 5 Industry for 2 Force at EoT, making 4 Force. Tell me if there's any detail I'm overlooking.)

Okay, I have the [Alchemical Resurrection] Trait. How do I put it to use? Does Lyrica have to be present to copy and resurrect a dying VIP, or is there something she can make which can do the soul-copying thing automagically, and let her create the body at a later date? That's what I invested the [Transparent Alumina] Trait into the research for.

How much Glasteel do I have at present, and how exactly does the production work? Do I automatically get a set amount of Units each Turn, or do I have to spend Industry on it?

2014-10-02, 07:58 PM
The Guild to Titan Industries
The cost would depend on what type of vessel and cargo you intend to charter.

We also wish to clarify that we have no qualms about sending a ship to Jask Freehold. It is a well traveled route. Your previous request was whether we intended an exploratory mission to the City of Perpetual Light, which is simply to risky a voyage.

House of Dravor to Atelier Lyrica
Lord Dravor is already recovering. We do not foresee needing your assistance with anything at this time.

Iron Knights to Atelier Lyrica
We are not engaged in the buying and selling of properties, but we will of course pay you for any homonculi you supply us. How much are you asking for them?

To Atelier Lyrica (GM)
You can use the trait on it's own to make resurrect a dying VIP. It comes with the necessary equipment so that Lyrica does not have to personally have to oversee the operation.

Currently you don't have any Glasteel. To get some you only need to set your [Transparent Alumina] trait to making it and you will receive that many units of glasteel. Of course if you put the trait into use doing something else, then the glasteel will be used up by that instead. As you did this turn with Alchemical Resurrection.

2014-10-02, 09:03 PM

To the Duskmen (3.5)

Order in the lower city is what we are looking for, but only because with order comes profit. The men we had below were their training, since putting them in the pits wasn't producing results.

2014-10-03, 05:43 PM

In one month's time we and the Duskmen will be establishing an outpost at farthest location to which an airship departing from Jask could safely travel. In the coming days our leader wishes to depart on a ship with the extensive infrastructure needed to launch such an endeavor and the materials needed at the far end for a new base of operations to begin its business. We suspect that all of this would take up much or all of a vessel. That ship would also carry goods from our Jask branch on its return flight. In a month we and the Duskmen will leave from the Spire and stop at Jask on the way to our final destination. For this second leg of course we will need vessels capable of very long range flight and able to carry the manpower and infrastructure our new outpost will hold.
While we are discussing our plans. Where would you suggest we aim for to build our next stop on the way to the Resplendent Light?

2014-10-04, 12:22 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 5

Hello there! Lyrica's got something exciting to share with the both of you! Are we having any plans to have tea this month or something?

Speaking of which, good luck on becoming Emperor, Lord Eryn! I'm sure you can do it!

Lyrica Springsong

Oh, that sure is glad tidings to hear! I hope Lord Dravor will be fit as a fiddle in no time at all.

All the same, if it should ever transpire that Lord Dravor's life should be in mortal danger for any reason, please waste no time in getting to me, okay? Please pass it on to him that I might have a way to bring someone back from the brink of death, should it ever become necessary.

Lyrica Springsong

Well, they do take a significant amount of my current resources... how does [3 Wealth] for [2 Force]'s worth of them sound? I can negotiate, of course.

Lyrica Springsong

Didn't I have some Glasteel in my inventory previously? I don't recall doing anything with the initial batch...

2014-10-04, 03:05 AM
Argent - Duskmen [PM]

"To stabilize things fast, it is best to not skimp on the final push for the throne. End the competition before it gets nasty, so we can focus on more pressing matters."

Argent - Titan Industries

We are glad of your support. The city needs to come together in such tumultous times, not be torn apart by a long struggle for the throne. If you do assist us in securing the final stretch of votes, rest assured that we will not forget you in case you are ever threatened.

(Could do with a Midturn action using Rep to assist my Rep. :) )

2014-10-07, 01:47 AM
Loyalty: 11

To Titan Shipping (5)
To clarify, the Duskmen will accompany you to the Jask Freehold and assist in establishing an outpost both for ourselves, as well as an embassy of the Spire, but that will be the limit of my commitment. Any location within a month's travel [1 EoT of actions] I will gladly assist with. Extended endeavors will require significant compensation, enough to prove more fruitful than work within the Spire.

[OOC: I'll send my stats for a turn, which should be enough to establish an outpost at the Jask Freehold. But I don't think I can commit to a trip all the way to the City of Light. If you run into trouble, I may be able to back you up for short periods, but I can't move all of my people out of the city for that long of time.]

To the Pitfighter's Association (3.5)
Do you intend to return to the Undercity, or was this a solitary endeavor?

Because I also would agree order is best for profit. Especially with all of this chaos around the throne. The roots of the Spire may need to be pruned soon, for the good of the entirety.

Midturn (GM)
Not certain when this is due, but it's almost certainly not going to change.

Industry builds Equipment.

Knowledge builds Runes.

Reputation and 4 Runes help the Argent build their Reputation, and secure the throne.

2014-10-07, 05:13 AM
Midturn [GM]

1: All Rep and 3 Runes work with Duskman assistance to finish the race and take the throne.
2: Loboniva himself campaigns heavily.
3: All Knowledge is creating more Runes.

2014-10-07, 08:43 AM
Midturn [GM]

Subtlety: Attack the Argent's Reputation
Knowledge: Create a Rune
Reputation: Invest into self

2014-10-07, 09:08 AM
The Guild to Titan Shipping
After Jask are the Totem Mountains. Your next destination would either be attempt to make it over in the mountains in the face of pirates and storms. Or go the long way around them. We would do neither as neither is profitable. The journey across is too risky, and the journey around is far too long. If you insist our advice is to not build bases at all. There are frequent cities along the base of the mountains that can support you and provide and trade opportunities. If you attempt to make it over the mountains do so in one trip. Any base you build in them would have to be a fortress capable of withstanding continuous assaults by the native monsters and pirates.

The Iron Knights to the Atelier Lyrica
That is an acceptable price.

To Atelier Lyrica
You sold it to the House of Dravor.

2014-10-07, 12:21 PM
Titan Shipping

Thank you for your advice, we see that executing the next stage of our efforts as planned would be untenable. We will instead forsake the use of airships in the next leg and cross the Totem Mountains on foot to guard against the storms and pirates. The indigenous fauna we can handle. Such a caravan will need to be well equipped however, so we will be patronizing your business all the same.

We already have a thriving branch in Jask Freehold. You are welcome to join us, but if you do not wish to go farther a joint effort is unnecessary.

reputation will lend support to the Argent's bid for the throne

24 wealth will purchase 144 equipment from the Guild
6 wealth will purchase a message rune

Gegral will travel to Jask Freehold with 207 equipment, 6 wildspeech runes, and the message rune to have the Jask Freehold Expedition organize a party to travel through the Totem Mountains with the runes and equipment with the goal of setting up a third branch in the nearest city on the far side. If successful or in dire straits the expedition will use the message rune to tell the Jask Freehold branch what happened

knowledge will produce wildspeech runes (unless using wealth counts as an action for midturns, it's a resource rather than a stat so I though it might not)

2014-10-08, 10:21 PM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 6

Okay! Then I will send you [4 Force] for [6 Wealth] at [EoT], would that be fine for you?

Lyrica Springsong

5 Industry will be used to synthesize Combat Homonculi. The other 10.5 Industry will be used to produce Equipment.

14.5 Knowledge will be used to produce Runes.

16 Reputation and the [Merchant Contacts] Trait will be used to contact the merchants of the City en masse, and Lyrica's reputation as a leader of commerce will be leveraged to persuade them to come together and cooperate in order to form the Merchant's Bloc, a body consisting of the City's merchantile class possessing significant political clout, with Lyrica as the head of the organization. The idea behind the Bloc is to collectively cement the merchants as a force that cannot be ignored in the succession race, making them an important potential ally for any parties gunning for the throne, and thus allowing the merchants to negotiate favorable terms for their own businesses from political player competing for the Bloc's vote.

44 Wealth will be used to purchase additional manufacturing facilities in the Manufactorium, boosting Industry.

Can I use the [Transparent Alumina] Trait in Midturn? If yes, use it to produce a batch of Glasteel.

2014-10-10, 02:59 PM

There is nothing that can't be vanished, nor issues that will not disappear, no load that won't be set adrift, between the first swig and the last.
-Minister of Herbs

I apologize for the lack of formality in this letter, I was told to inquire to other affairs with haste.
How's it going?
Marshall Yellertin,
Newly Appointed LFTM District Manager

2014-10-12, 09:18 PM
Midturn 6

Joining together with the Duskmen and Titan Shipping the Argent have formed a coalition to put Lord Loboniva on the throne. Their combined efforts have borne much fruit and the tripartite coalition seems poised to gain the throne in the next vote of the council of nobles.

However they are not without challengers. Seeing the coalition forming has prompted the other claimants to make alliance of their own. Lord Dravor has begun courting the favor of the common people by promising to fund the nascent City Guards. Lord Hadren is rumored to be seeking access to the House of Knowledge, and the Atheist League appears to be talking with various residents of the Under City.

Meanwhile in the Docks a merchant's group has formed with the intent of lending its support to whomever best serves its interests.

To Titan Shipping
After purchasing the equipment from the Guild's market Gegral makes his way to Jask and prepares to launch his expedition. It's a good thing he brought his own supplies as no one there will sell him anything. Not from dislike, but because they refuse to help him accomplish what they view to be a rather elaborate suicide. There are no records of anyone ever making it over the Totem Mountains on foot.

To the Deadmen
The operation appears to have been a success. Influence is diverted to the Deadmen with no one the wiser.

Also a representative from the Kaxxix Killsquad has arrived seeking a meeting.

To Atelier Lyrica
Lyrica manages to convince the merchants of the city to form a bloc to influence the vote. They agree that it is a good idea. However they elect Guildmaster Merric, leader of the Guild, to be the head rather than Lyrica. While Lyrica is well known through the city it is mostly do to her alchemical prowess not as a merchant, and the Guild still maintains a decisive edge in both manufacturing and mercantile networks over anyone else in the city.

More combat homonculi are produced. And more equipment is manufactured.

(You can use [Transparent Alumina] at the midturn. However using a trait counts towards the three stat limit.)

OOC: If I missed anything let me know.

2014-10-12, 11:30 PM

Internal (GM)
I'm going to fill all my stats to max off of my Equipment. If I don't have enough, I prioritize in the following order:
Reputation, Subtlety, Force, Loyalty, Knowledge, Industry.

After that action, could I get a count on my Rune total and Equipment leftover (if any)? I think I may try to give Murska some to help seize the throne.

2014-10-12, 11:55 PM
To Kaxxix Killsquad

Yes? What do you want of us?

2014-10-13, 10:27 AM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 11]

To The Duskmen
Hello again, it has been a while, would you care to pass on to the Argent that we can support them if they need any sort of... dark work. Particularly if they want some swing with one of the undercity factions.

To the Shadows Eye
We have some information, however fleeting, on the Silence.

To Lyrica
Greetings once more Miss Lyrica, I was hoping you might be able to help me with something. You may have heard of my recent probe into the area known as the silence? Well I was unfortunately unable to find anything, but I fear something may have found me. Could we perhaps talk in private?

To the Lost Ones
Greetings once more, I have a favour to ask, in exchange for a favour in future. Tell me of the cities' opinion of the NightHawks.

2014-10-13, 11:31 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 6

If you're asking how things are going within Atelier Lyrica, it is going quite well so far, if I may say so myself! How, may I ask, about yourself?

Lyrica Springsong

Oh, dear. It does sound quite serious, from the way you mention it.

Certainly, let us meet in confidence. When, and where?

Lyrica Springsong

2014-10-15, 09:50 PM
Kaxix Killsquad to Deadmen
We feel it is time that the Under City rose up and acquired a real say in this city. But as you are no doubt aware the so called nobles are dominating the contest for the imperial throne. So we propose that those of us in the under city work together to put a candidate on the throne as otherwise we stand little chance.

The Shadow's Eye to the Reddinfel
Very well, please present it at our office and we will provide the appropriate bounty.

The Lost Ones to the Reddinfel
Decent folk for thieves. They keep to themselves and don't harm anyone who can't afford it.

2014-10-15, 10:23 PM
Loyalty: 11

To the Argent (PM)
It would seem the Kaxxix are trying to recruit the Deadmen into a campaign to take the throne by a Undercitizen. We should probably prevent that from happening, either by convincing them to stand aside, or eliminate the theat.

And the Reddinfel reassert their intent to aid you in acquiring the throne, in the ways they are proficient with. Fortuitous, isn't it?

To the Reddinfel (11)
Will do. Would you be available to act this season?

2014-10-17, 09:41 PM
Indeed. I have been entertaining notions of putting forth a serious effort for the throne myself. You would support me?

2014-10-18, 02:49 PM
Loyalty: 11

Internal (GM)
So I have 263 Equipment available.

Firstly, fill all of my stats and VIPs up to maximum. I think that's already happened, so I have a lot to move around.

Send 162 Equipment to the Argent for their Reputation.

Then send the remaining 101 (or whatever number left) to the Reddinfel to help out them for EoT.

2014-10-18, 10:43 PM
Kaxxix Killsquad to the Deadmen
We will if you can provide some assurance that you will look after our interests once on the throne.

2014-10-18, 10:57 PM
My current inventory of Equipment, the maximum amount of Equipment I can apply to each of my stats at present, and how much Force and Industry I have after producing Combat Homonculi and buying manufacturing facilities, please?

2014-10-19, 11:46 AM
To Kaxxix

That depends. What are your goals?

Force: Invest in Self
Subtlety: Attack the Argent's Reputation
Industry: Create Subtlety Equipment
Knowledge: Create a Rune
Reputation: Invent in Self
Loyalty: Invest in Reputation

2014-10-19, 03:45 PM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 11]

To the Lost Ones
Thank you, do you happen to know if the watch has plans for them?

To the Duskmen
Thank you, and yes, we are ready to act

To Lyrica
Your facilities are much better suited I feel. Beyond a few druids tricks there is little down here in the way of proper medical equipment.

To The Shadows Eye
I'll be there soon.

Head over to the SE headquarters and tell them of the empty city from which there is no nonmagical means of escape. And the whispers that seem to fill every corner.

2014-10-19, 08:55 PM
The Kaxxix Killsquad to the Deadmen
Power, money, reputation. It really boils down to influence. We want to have a say in how the city runs. More than just that provided by the weight of a battle axe.

The Lost Ones to the Reddinfel
The watch lacks funds to police the shadow world. They make a good show, but they won't chase anyone too far.

To Reddinfel (GM)
The Shadow's Eye agrees that it is useful information, although it doesn't offer any insights into what is causing it. They pay the lesser bounty of two wealth.

2014-10-19, 10:04 PM
To Kaxxix Killsquad

Seems reasonable. We accept.

2014-10-20, 08:54 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 6

Little in the way of... oh dear, I see. Yes, yes, do please drop by my Atelier as soon as you are able, Master Hadran. I shall be ready to tend to whatever may ail yourself, or your men.

Lyrica Springsong

When the expected guests arrived at the doorsteps of the Atelier, it looked pretty much how it has always been. Except, of course, for the fact that the Alchemist's personal workshop seemed to be busier than usual, not to mention the new figures standing guard at the Atelier's doors, togged in shiny, near-translucent armor. Intriguing changes, to be sure.

It was one of the Alchemist's burlap-robed Homonculi who showed them into the anteroom, and took its leave without a word. Although everything was set out nicely as usual, Lyrica was nowhere to be seen. Where in the world could she be...?

"...gotta hurry, gotta hurry, Master Hadran is going to be here any second!"

And at that moment, one of the doors slammed open to reveal Lyrica, with her wet hair hanging limply down from her head... and only a towel wrapped around her petite body, by way of accoutrement. She stopped short as she saw the Reddinfel party in her anteroom, having arrived earlier than she expected."


2014-10-20, 10:47 AM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 11]

To Lyrica Springsong [PM]
Hadren turns from looking after where the homunculi had just left, curious at its strange garb. At Lyrica's voice he turns with a smile on his face brandishing a violet Dahlia that fades to white near the edges.

Then his brain catches up to his eyes. Miss Lyrica! I am so sorry! Shall I be back in a few hours? Hadren spins about so his back is once again facing Lyrica.

Is there somewhere I can wait while you... Do your thing?

2014-10-20, 01:24 PM
Loyalty: 11

Argent (PM)
Me and the Reddinfel will take care of the Deadmen, and I will assist you in the Upper City as well.

Best of luck.

To the Reddinfel (11)
Wonderful. Then if you would please allow me to give orders to your people this month as we have a big job to do in the Undercity.

2014-10-20, 02:37 PM
Argent - Duskmen [PM]

Good hunting.

2014-10-20, 06:22 PM
The Reddinfel [Loyalty 11]

To the Duskmen
Very well, but you are providing the equipment. And the boots had better come back with most of their bits still attached.

2014-10-21, 09:24 AM
Atelier Lyrica
D. ESP: 6

"Master Hadran! So glad to see you again!"

Lyrica chirped happily, babbling on even as Hadran turned his back on her, seeming not to notice.

"So what can Lyrica do for you today? Oh by the way, what did you mean by me doing... my... thing...?"

Her rapid-fire speech slowed down at the end, as she gradually realised her current state of undress, even slower than Hadran had. Looking down at herself, her cheeks went pink, and shortly after turned as red as a fresh tomato.

"Ah... I... I..."

But the young girl was interrupted, as a couple of Homonculi burst out from a side door, threw a spare burlap robe over their mistress, and spirited her out of the anteroom in a flash.

Lyrica emerged again some minutes later - this time fully dressed - although her hair was still wet, and her face remained as red as ever. Seeing Hadran again, she jumped a little, and became really flustered as she started babbling in panic."

"Master Hadran I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that it's just I've been working for a few days straight and I was just finishing something up before you came so I needed to wash up before you came since I hadn't had the chance oh no I mean I don't usually do that I usually wash every day it's just I've been busy lately and I really didn't mean to do that it's just I've been having some building work done here lately and this anteroom is the only way I can get between the bath and my wardrobe and I was going to dress before you came I don't greet guests wearing only a towel usually it's just how it happened this time and I didn't mean it...!"

Belatedly realizing she was only digging her grave even deeper, the flustered Lyrica slapped both palms to her beet-red face, and kept her face hidden from Hadran as the embarassment overwhelmed her. Slowly, she peered up at Hadran, from beneath her fingers.

"Don't... don't tell Lord Eryn, please? I don't want him to think I'm this kind of girl..."