View Full Version : Pathfinder I need a "Jester"

2014-06-16, 11:49 AM
I'm participating in a tourney-style Pathfinder game and the first thing up is a competition for the heads of factions. First place gets first pick type deal. I have one for the swordsman faction(Aasimar Magus/Eldritch Knight), the magic one(Gnome Oracle/Sorcerer/Mystic Theruge) and the evil/assassination one (Demon-Spawn Tiefling straight Antipaladin. When else am I gonna have an excuse to play CE?). There's one left called Twisted Jesters and I can't figure out what to build for it. I was thinking either a bard, because they are kinda jester-y and have archetypes that enhance that image, or a monk because they're one massive joke. I know none of these are overly optimized builds but I feel I did my best.

Character Creation

Level: 12
25 Point Buy
Hitpoints: Max per level (HD*level).
Wealth: 108,000 gp (54,000 gp max on one item).
Traits: two traits, or three and one drawback.
Alignment: any, no alignment restrictions on non-prestige classes (e.g. you can have a non-Lawful Good paladin).
Races: Core and ARG races up to 15 race points.
Guns: Commonplace
Sources: no campaign-specific material, no third party.

Any ideas for a build? I'm not looking for advice on the other three, just an idea and possibly advice for this 4th group. Of course, I can only use one in the tourney, but I like to have options.

2014-06-16, 12:29 PM
My interpretation : a crazy/weird character, charisma skills oriented (bluff/intimidate).

Cleric of Calistria

The vindicative aspect of Calistria work weel with the ironic and mean nature of a twisted jester : Laughing at the powerful in their face.

Archetype separatist so you can choose Glory as one of the domain to get the touch of glory bonus on Charsma skill.

Second domain : anything that would fit the flavor : (Chaos, Charm, Luck and Trickery all seem to fit well).

2014-06-16, 04:22 PM
maybe you could have the magic house be more of a evocation/conjuration wizard with the jester as an illusion/enchantment wizard?

2014-06-16, 08:59 PM
There actually is a Jester base class in the Dragon Magazine compendium. It plays similar to a Bard with the performance magic aspect but just with a bit more thematic spice to it.

2014-06-17, 12:34 AM
You missed the Pathfinder tag didn't you? and ya know, the rules.

2014-06-17, 01:59 AM
not to say that from a cursory reading Jester sucks donkey arse

2014-06-17, 02:10 AM
Another one who didn't read the title completely? I'm not looking for a Jester, the 3.5 base class from dragon. I'm looking for a charismatic character, preferably mundane, and built using the rules outlined in the OP. Sweet baby jesus I thought people here could read.