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View Full Version : Roleplaying Quotes you can build a character off of

Teapot Salty
2014-06-17, 12:50 AM
Hey guys. You know those quotes that are just so awesome that you can't help but think "I want to say that" those quotes that you just think "wow" well, why not make a character based on those? You can either quote something else, or make up something new, or somewhere in between. Here are some of mine:

"There is no door I can't open, no binding's that can hold me, no trap that can stop me, no man I can't kill, no obstacle that I can't overcome, and I'm coming for you. Sweet dreams."

"Do you honestly think a single blade can kill me?"
"No, that's why I carry two."

"Release me of this witch, or you die with me!"

"I am a hurricane, a force of nature. A whirling tornado of blades and fury, intent of rending asunder all who stand in my path."

"Birds fly, grass grows, sun shines, and brother, I hurt people."

Go nuts.

EDIT: You know, we could add pictures to the mix as well.

Kid Jake
2014-06-17, 01:24 AM
I actually made a character based off this one:
"Yes, I'm stupid. But you? You are so very, very small."

She was a cow barbarian/frenzied berserker.

2014-06-17, 01:25 AM
howabout Disturbed's
"I am now an instrument of violence/A living vessel of invisibility"

2014-06-17, 02:05 AM
howabout Disturbed's
"I am now an instrument of violence/A living vessel of invisibility"

That's easy, just play a Dawn caste Solar :smallbiggrin:

2014-06-17, 02:36 AM
"A great man once said, do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. And he got it half right.
**** subtlety"

"So all you monsters, you horrific abominations? What are you all waiting for? I've a machete on my right and a shotgun in my left. First prize goes to the one who takes me down."

"Oh no, not again"

"They say love is the most powerful force in the universe. So i'm trying to harness it to make weapons of mass destruction"

"My name is *Insert name here* And i. Hate. Babies.

Bonus points to anybody who can tell where they're all from. Triple bonus points for the second.
(Yes, i know Black Mage says something very similar to the fourth one, but the quote is not in fact from him. Unless he says it too...)

Erik Vale
2014-06-17, 02:55 AM
Broken up by ----

"Give me a lever, and I shall move the Earth."
"Your right.. I'm not smart, I'm not quick, I'm not potent. But there's only one thing I need to do. Outllast, you."
"You gave me an inch. Ready to be beaten with a mile?"

2014-06-17, 04:48 AM
"Good Cop and Bad Cop left for the day. I'm a different kind of cop."

2014-06-17, 06:33 AM
"Why? It is a good day to die!"

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what."

"It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake."

"Ah, ruins: The fate of all cities."

"The whole of Gaul is divided in three parts."

"I will either find a way or make one."

"Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won."

"If I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city."

"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once."

"I've seen knights in armor panic at the first hint of battle. And I've seen the lowliest, unarmed squire pull a spear from his own body to defend a dying horse. Nobility is not a birthright. It's defined by one's actions."

"Do unto others before they do unto you."

"Old fool! This is my hour. Do you not know Death when you see it? Die now and curse in vain!"

"Assumption is the mother of all ****-ups."

2014-06-17, 06:50 AM
Her hands are like storm clouds/ with lightning swift talons
All before is a murmur/ all after is silence.

2014-06-17, 07:22 AM
The first on may be better to base a campaign on than a character, but you could probably make a character from it too.

"Our enemy is an alien spaceship in orbit around the earth filled with, powered by, and propelled by nukes. We have a protractor."

"Alright, time's up, let's do this. LEEEEEEROOOOOY JEEEEENKIIIINS"

"The voices in my head committed suicide."

"Are you okay?"
"That has never been satisfactorially determined"

As always, bonus points if you can identify any of those. Except the really obvious one.

2014-06-17, 08:15 AM
Not a character, but my entire GMing style is built off of "Just when you think you have all the answers, I change the question."

The Oni
2014-06-17, 08:31 AM
For a Druid:

"If you would count me your enemy, every beast in heaven and earth is your opponent."

For an Inquisitor:

"Were you thinking about conversion? I'd think real hard about it right now."

For an immortal:

"Another footnote to my saga."

2014-06-17, 09:16 AM
“I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don’t have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.”

2014-06-17, 10:41 AM
"A real man never dies, even if he's killed!"

Jay R
2014-06-17, 10:41 AM
My 2E thief/mage came up with the following in play. We were a party of 14-year-olds, and (with a small army) had attacked an evil priest in his lair. He appeared on his balcony to work his evil magic, and my character Ornrandir jumped down from the roof to engage him.

Priest: You? You are the great heroes who think you can stop me?
Ornrandir: And you'd have gotten away with it if it weren't for us meddling kids.


I had a modern super-hero named Dr. MacAbre (John MacAubrey, Ph.D) in Champions, but he refused to answer the question of whether his powers were magic or not. He often repeated:
"To say 'magic' instead of 'I don't know' proves nothing."


And here are several from the movies:

D’Artagnan: I may have not the tunic, but I have the heart of a Musketeer.
The Three Musketeers (1973)

Hawkins: Caution is for popinjays and cockatoos!
The Court Jester

Jason Nesmith: Never give up. Never surrender!
Galaxy Quest

Le Bret: This latest pose of yours . . . becomes exaggerated.
Cyrano: Then I exaggerate! There are things in this world a man does well to carry to extremes.
Cyrano de Bergerac

Athos: What an absolute madman. You know, I’m beginning to form a positive affection for you.
The Three Musketeers (1948)

Aramis: When the king sends us on campaign, does he give us his reasons? He says, “Porthos, fight,” and you fight.
Porthos: Oh, I do, I do.
Aramis: Then let’s go and be killed where we’re told to. Is life worth so many questions?
The Three Musketeers, 1973

D’Artagnan’s father: Get into trouble. Make mistakes. Fight, love, live.
The Three Musketeers, 2011

Richelieu: I never acknowledge defeat; I make use of it.
The Three Musketeers, 1921

Long John Silver: Arrrr, fortune rides the shoulders of them what schemes.
Long John Silver

Porthos: You're reckless, arrogant, impetuous, probably dead by sundown, but I like you, lad.
The Three Musketeers, 2011

Lord Willoughby: He’s chivalrous to the point of idiocy.
Captain Blood

Aramis: What we need is a great cause.
The Three Musketeers, 2011

Hawkins: What manner of man is Giacomo? Ha ha! I shall tell you what manner of man is he. He lives for a sigh, he dies for a kiss, he lusts for the laugh, ha! He never walks when he can leap! He never flees when he can fight. And he swoons at the beauty of a rose.
The Court Jester

Fred Kwan: Maybe you’re the plucky comic relief. Did you ever think of that?
Galaxy Quest

Daffy Duck: You ain’t got a chance. I’m the hero of this picture, and you know what happens to the villain.
The Scarlet Pumpernickel

Edna Mode: Go – confront the problem. Fight! Win!
The Incredibles

2014-06-17, 11:26 AM
"I look out for me and mine. That don't include you unless I conjure it does."

"If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."

I'd provide citations but I suspect everyone who read the quotes here knows the source material. :smallwink:

2014-06-17, 12:45 PM
"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."
"Consider the flea! — incomparably the bravest of all the creatures of God, if ignorance of fear were courage."
"If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country.”

2014-06-17, 12:55 PM
"No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between his shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style."
- Vlad Taltos

2014-06-17, 01:13 PM
"I killed a demon with these hands!/Did I say I'm also in a band?"
- Danny Sexbang

The quote's from a song about a pathetic guy trying to seduce a girl at a party by singing about how he killed a dragon.

But taking the quote out of context, I'm picturing a hypercompetent fighter who should by all logic thrive in a fantasy dungeon-looting, swashbuckling world. However, at some point, his confidence in life was terribly shaken by someone pointing out that he seemed to have no other interests or skills besides monster slaying... implanting deep-seated insecurities that, A. perhaps killing stuff isn't the most fulfilling life path one can take, and B. that maybe he's really not that talented at the other important things in life.

Jay R
2014-06-17, 06:08 PM
"Do not meddle in the affairs of barbarians. We're not that flippin' subtle."

2014-06-17, 07:05 PM
"I. Will. Not. Bow. Not to you." *spits*

"You think an initiate in the Arcane arts can kill me?"
"And who said anything about Arcana?"

"You know nothing. Your best bet is to follow my foot and try as hard as you can to keep me down."

"This blade has over 10.000 years!"
"And this is me with a rusty old machete killing a person with a legendary blade."

"I'll be there for you. To protect you or hunt you down, I'll be there."

"I've done nothing but survive. That's how I'll win my battles."

The Oni
2014-06-17, 07:13 PM
"I killed a demon with these hands!/Did I say I'm also in a band?"
- Danny Sexbang

The quote's from a song about a pathetic guy trying to seduce a girl at a party by singing about how he killed a dragon.

But taking the quote out of context, I'm picturing a hypercompetent fighter who should by all logic thrive in a fantasy dungeon-looting, swashbuckling world. However, at some point, his confidence in life was terribly shaken by someone pointing out that he seemed to have no other interests or skills besides monster slaying... implanting deep-seated insecurities that, A. perhaps killing stuff isn't the most fulfilling life path one can take, and B. that maybe he's really not that talented at the other important things in life.

...I'm actually sort of imagining a fantasy Naked Snake with a crossbow and tactical knife.


2014-06-17, 07:30 PM

...The whole song.

Seriously. You can make a character on that.

Despite the fact the movie is the Karate Kid, it sounds more Paladin then Monk.

If you want to make a Monk...


And if you want to be a Bard...


2014-06-17, 07:35 PM
If we're doing songs, then this one's for Dread Necromancers

2014-06-17, 07:38 PM
For shame, for shame.

What is best in life?

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

2014-06-17, 07:59 PM
What have you become, when even nightmares fear you?

2014-06-17, 08:13 PM
"Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood."
-George S. Patton

2014-06-17, 08:18 PM
My car is the car of Death;
My wings are the wings of dread;
My breath is the north wind’s breath;
My prey are the cold and the dead.

From Psychopompos: A Tale In Rhyme (http://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/poetry/p139.aspx), by H.P. Lovecraft

2014-06-17, 08:38 PM
"Paranoia is a survival trait when you run in my circles. It gives you something to do in your spare time, coming up with solutions to ridiculous problems that aren't ever going to happen. Except when one of them does, at which point you feel way too vindicated."

From the Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher.

2014-06-17, 09:53 PM
Only fools seek answers. I know all the answers. I'm looking for the questions.

It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you can see

If you don't make a few enemies every now and then, you're a coward.

Miracles are not, in fact, all that uncommon if you know where to look

2014-06-18, 06:28 AM
I made a Warhulk after the following quote:

"You really think you can just easily walk into a throne room fighting off the entire royal guard and kill the king?!"
He did exactly that in every situation.....

The Oni
2014-06-18, 06:42 AM
@ Alex12: How about a rogue based off "Defeat You"


2014-06-18, 07:57 AM
"Heroes get remembered, but legends never die."

"I solve practical problems. Like for instance, 'how do I stop some big, mean, mother-hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind?' The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun."

2014-06-18, 08:32 AM
...I'm actually sort of imagining a fantasy Naked Snake with a crossbow and tactical knife.


Fantasy equivalent of Big Boss? That would be cool.

However, Big Boss never really cared for a life outside of war. While he was talented in all kinds of skills that could be used for fighting wars (including leadership), he didn't know much outside of it, didn't care about it and certainly wasn't insecure that he couldn't play in a band. I guess he just couldn't adapt to a peaceful life*.

If you haven't, you should see his views on existentialism. :smalltongue:

Until at the very end of his life.

2014-06-18, 08:41 AM
Messenger Boy: Are the stories true? They say your mother was an immortal godess. They say you can't be killed.

Achilles: I wouldn't be bothering with the shield then, would I?

Messenger Boy: The Thesselonian you're fighting... he's the biggest man i've ever seen. I wouldn't want to fight him.

Achilles: Thats why no-one will remember your name.

2014-06-18, 08:55 AM
"I solve practical problems. Like for instance, 'how do I stop some big, mean, mother-hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind?' The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun."
Star Wars Saga Edition has an entire PrC that revolves around having a turret. It's awesome.

2014-06-18, 09:03 AM
Your mind is software. Program It.
Your body is a shell. Change It.
Death is a disease. Cure It.
Extinction is approaching. Fight It.

2014-06-18, 09:32 AM
Another one I am fond of:

"You have not died until I consent." - Reya Dawnbringer

2014-06-18, 09:56 AM
"You have not died until I consent." - Reya Dawnbringer

Or as Colonel Potter puts it: "Noone dies around here without my say-so."

Red Fel
2014-06-18, 09:58 AM
I made a funny!

The quote is from the original live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. (It is echoed in the sequel, "I made another funny!") It is the final line spoken in the film, by Splinter.

Why does it make a great character concept? Think about how the line is spoken. You have the aging, wise figure, whose every line in the story is meant to be profound, heavy, and full of meaning and insight. In the final scene, he says something completely silly, but with his usual gravitas, and follows it up with childlike amusement at his own antics. If you can't make a dozen character concepts off of that, you're hardly even trying!

No, Mr. Bond; I expect you to die!

Spoken by Auric Goldfinger in the 007 movie that shares his surname.

This is one of the classic villain lines, and is a great building block for fiendishness. What really sells the line is the concept - the speaker isn't trying to get information, or cooperation, or even the satisfaction of torture; he simply intends to kill his victim, pragmatically. (Admittedly, the chosen method - death by slow laser - isn't the most pragmatic. But points for style.)

Nothing terrifies me, because nothing is beyond my ability to change.

Spoken by David Xanatos in Disney's Gargoyles animated series, in response to the accusation that he's afraid of growing old and dying.

This is the perfect quote to form the core of the archetypically over-prepared Wizard; the character who is ultra-confident because of all the preparations, the schemes within schemes and Xanatos Speed Chess he's playing.

Look at you, Hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?

Spoken by SHODAN in the original System Shock. SHODAN, a murderous AI, taunts and mocks the protagonist, a hacker, as he attempts to stop her from, well, the usual. SHODAN was GLaDOS before GLaDOS was GLaDOS, and her glory is infinite.

Sorry, I'm back now.

This is the perfect quote to form the core of a character with absolute contempt for lifeforms. It needn't be a robot or AI, however; it could be a construct, golem, skeleton, even a form of energy being; or even someone aspiring to become one of these things. Imagine a character whose goal is to transcend the frailties of his own flesh; this is a perfect illustration of the sheer arrogance that could produce.

Anything said by Mako, ever.

Mako was one of the most awesome actors (and voice actors) to ever live. Seriously. Pick anything he has said in anything he has ever done. Conan. Samurai Jack. Avatar. Go nuts. It's all perfect.

2014-06-18, 10:41 AM
Mass effect has some fantastic ones too. Thane and Samara's religious kill-lines are good, as is Jack's list of crimes/accomplishments. Shepard is obviously loaded with them, Garrus and Joker have great one liners, hell Legion has awesome lines too. Also dont forget virtually anything wrex or grunt say.
And thats only ME2. Not counting extras like Zaeed, Kasumi and Javik, all three games have a metric ****-ton of lines you can poach and make characters from.

2014-06-18, 11:05 AM
Pick anything he [Mako] said in anything he has ever done.

Challenge accepted! :smalltongue:
MASH Season 8, episode 3 "Guerilla my dreams", he plays Lt. Hung Lee Park (and he is indeed as good as you claim). I'd be having problems building a character over the following quotes, though:
"She's awake. I wish to ask but a few simple questions. Where is the harm?"
"I shall be pleased to play, Major. My stay is indefinite."
"Doctor, how is our patient?"
"Major, I must say you play with a most aggressive style."
"Drumming fingers. Bellowing for tea. Squeaking chair. The idle humming."
Admittedly, any of the things he say following or preceding those I chose would indeed be good for building a character over.

Red Fel
2014-06-18, 12:18 PM
I'd be having problems building a character over the following quotes, though:

Challenge accepted.

"She's awake. I wish to ask but a few simple questions. Where is the harm?"

Inquisitor/ torturer. Too easy.

"I shall be pleased to play, Major. My stay is indefinite."

Robot/vulcan/alien-among-us. Alternatively, the social chameleon, having infiltrated the group, who endears himself to those around him.

"Doctor, how is our patient?"

Medic. Alternatively, torturer, as above.

"Major, I must say you play with a most aggressive style."

Just to be different: Fencer, or any other "artistic" or "stylish" melee-type.

"Drumming fingers. Bellowing for tea. Squeaking chair. The idle humming."

Itchy-fingered rogue-type who can't stay still for long. Alternatively, anybody strongly associated with the wind or lightning element, for the same reason. Alternatively, The Master.

But we're only getting started! Have some more!

Omae wa mou shindeiru. ("You are already dead.")

Spoken by Kenshiro, the protagonist of the post-apocalyptic action anime and manga Hokutou no Ken (Fist of the North Star), upon using one of his deadly pressure point techniques. This line gives the enemy a moment to scoff, or beg, or simply look shocked, before their bodies explode in gore.

This is an exceptional line to form the core of any character with sublime confidence in his abilities, but particularly a martial artist. Martial artists tend to be closely associated with the boastful and outspoken trope, after all. In Ken's case, the line is appropriate because he speaks it after having performed a lethal technique; the only thing keeping the enemy alive is time. But not every character needs to embody that level of certainty; it can simply be a certain degree of earned confidence, or arrogance.

I am, from beginning to end, at a climax!

Spoken by Momotaros, one of the Imagin powering the tokusatsu hero Den-O in the series Kamen Rider Den-O, whenever he leaps into action.

It's perfect for any character who is not only an action hero, but a flamboyant action hero. He doesn't beat enemies, he demolishes them; he doesn't win, he dominates; he doesn't fight, he destroys. This is the action hero who never acts by half-measures, who is constantly the loudest, the most destructive, and the most comical, but also the most loyal.

Watashi wa akumade sh*tsuji desukara. ("For I am, until the end, a butler." OR "For I am a demon, and a butler.")

Spoken by Sebastian Michaelis, one of the protagonists of the dark anime and manga Kurosh*tsuji (Black Butler), a demon posing as a butler to a wealthy young lord seeking revenge. The language is a play on the Japanese phrases "aku made," meaning idiomatically "until the end," and "akuma de," meaning essentially "and a demon." It has been translated in some sources as "I am simply one hell of a butler."

This is the perfect quote for a character who is manipulative, witty, and - of course - demonic. Someone who warps words, who misleads and twists people and ideas. Somebody impeccably polite and impossibly wicked. Somebody who operates both in plain sight and invisibly, a master of the backhanded compliment, the power behind the power, etc. The evil vizier loves this line, as does the plotting servant and, of course, the diabolical attorney.

As an aside, I had to replace the "i" in the Japanese word for butler with an asterisk, due to how the censor picks up certain words.

2014-06-18, 12:58 PM
Inquisitor/ torturer. [...] Robot/vulcan/alien-among-us. Alternatively, the social chameleon, having infiltrated the group, who endears himself to those around him. [...] Medic. [...] Fencer, or any other "artistic" or "stylish" melee-type.
[...] Itchy-fingered rogue-type who can't stay still for long. Alternatively, anybody strongly associated with the wind or lightning element, for the same reason. Alternatively, The Master.

Good ones! But these are all quotes from the same character, and you get something like ten different character types from it. Obviously, you're the one doing the work, not the quotes. Obviously, you could make a character from anything. Which means that your initial statement, about anything Mako saying being useful, means very little - since so is everything else.

Jay R
2014-06-18, 04:44 PM
"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

"Go ahead, make my day."

"That's not a knoife... THAT's a knoife."

2014-06-18, 05:47 PM
"What's in there?"
"It's my hand. I want you to take it."


Note: I'm still trying to figure out a good Sabaton song to grab a quote from.

2014-06-18, 07:25 PM
On that note:
"Rule one of the sea. Never put your arse on a pirate's face."

I have a good one for a BBEG.

"In the eternal battle of supreme beneficence versus absolute evil, The beast always triumphs! My name is legion for WE! ARE! MANY!"

...to be honest I could use like, 90% of that song.

2014-06-18, 07:40 PM
I have a good one for a BBEG.

"In the eternal battle of supreme beneficence versus absolute evil, The beast always triumphs! My name is legion for WE! ARE! MANY!"

Why bother with the BBEG? You could easily slap that on an early-game miniboss, and continue the theme through later opponents too.

2014-06-18, 07:43 PM
Screw it being a mini-boss, make it so all villains follow that.

That'd be badass.

Teapot Salty
2014-06-18, 08:30 PM
Here's a couple cool ones from magic:

"I run the maze alone, but I fight with the full might of the legion"-Tajic, Blade of the Legion

"I would fear this fight, bloodsucker, were I alone"-Hamlet Captain

"I stand for every tanner, cobbler, and fool in this town. And they stand for me."-Champion of the Parish.

2014-06-18, 08:39 PM
"With this ring, I thee behead."

2014-06-18, 09:32 PM
Screw it being a mini-boss, make it so all villains follow that.

That'd be badass.

....Campaign fuel.

2014-06-18, 09:49 PM
I like the classic "What am I doing here again?". Applies to many of my characters.

Then there's Buffy:
"We saved the world. I say we party."
"I may be dead, but I'm still pretty."
"Demons after money. Whatever happened to the still-beating heart of a virgin? No one has any standards anymore."
"Just because this is never going to work, there's no need to be negative."

What is best in life?

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

I prefer "Hot water, good dentishtry and shoft lavatory paper."

Or from the same source: "Never get into an arse-kicking contest with a porcupine."

2E Phoinex
2014-06-18, 11:53 PM
Hymer beat me to Invictus which would have topped my list, but these also make me want to roll Characters, especially Villains:

"We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he today that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother…"

- Shakespeare's Henry V

"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war."
-Mark Antony(??), Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

Your words are as empty as your future. I am the vanguard of your destruction. This exchange is over.
- Sovereign, Mass Effect.

"Dear Brother, I do not spread rumors. I create them."
- Lucien Lachance, TES IV Oblivion

"What, drawn, and talk of peace! I hate the word,
As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee:..."
- Tybalt, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

"I speak for all mediocrities in the world. I am their champion. I am their patron saint."
-Salieri, Amadeus

"If you must mount the gallows, give a jest to the crowd, a coin to the hangman, and make the drop with a smile on your lips"
-Birgitte Silverbow, The Wheel of Time

"I would not mind you in my head, if you were not so clearly mad."
- Lews Therin, The Wheel of Time

"Death Smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back"
-Marcus Aralias, Gladiator

"Death is light as a feather; duty, heavy as a mountain"
- Wheel of time (Borrowed from a Japanese Emperor)

"I’m no lord. I’ve more respect for myself than that"
- Matt Cauthon, Wheel of Time.

"If the absolutely pure, uncalculating, unpractical spirit of adventure had ever ruled a human being, it ruled this bespacthced youth"
- Charlie Marlowe, Heart of Darkness

"I, like the arch-fiend, bore a hell within me; and, finding myself unsympathised with, wished to tear up the trees, spread havoc and destruction around me, and then to have sat down and enjoyed the ruin."
-The Monster, Frankenstein

"I have no pity! I have no pity! The more the worms writhe th more I yearn to Crush out their entrails!"
-Heathcliff, Wuthering Heights.

" To live in order to exist? Why, he had been ready a thousand times before to give up existence for the sake of an idea, for a hope, even for a fancy. Mere existence had always been too little for him; he had always wanted more."
- Crime and Punishment.

2014-06-19, 12:20 AM
There are a lot of quotes about or by Harry Dresden of Jim Butcher's series The Dresden Files that can form the nucleus of a character. They really drive the point home in the section about character generation in the RPG. xD

2014-06-19, 03:13 AM
"People do not fear God. Fear itself IS GOD!"

"If only the people of rome had but one neck, so I could wring it."

"We became nature itself, as benevolent, giving, ruthless and indifferent as that can mean."

2014-06-19, 04:34 AM
"I solve practical problems. Like for instance, 'how do I stop some big, mean, mother-hubbard from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind?' The answer? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun."

On that note...

"Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

"Doctor! Are you sure this will work?"
"(laugh) I have NO IDEA!"

"Grass grows, sun shines, birds fly... and brudda, I hurt people."

Erik Vale
2014-06-19, 06:38 AM
"Pity for the guilty is treason against the innocent."

"I've brushed with death so many times, I should start giving him high fives as I pass."

The later could apply to any adventurer though... Reincarnation Druid works best though.

2014-06-19, 08:45 AM
On that note...

"Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

"Doctor! Are you sure this will work?"
"(laugh) I have NO IDEA!"

"Grass grows, sun shines, birds fly... and brudda, I hurt people."

"I've done nothing in the last three days but teleport bread."


"Some people think they can outsmart me. Maybe. Maybe. I've yet to met someone able to outsmart a bullet."

"Do you believe in magic?"

Man on Fire
2014-06-19, 09:30 AM
"Sorceres have little patience for the laws of nature. Even less for the laws of man."

Mono Vertigo
2014-06-19, 09:46 AM
So, it's been established that Team Fortress 2 is a goldmine for such quotes. (Although I mostly imagine characters that are on the Chaotic or Evil axes, or both. :smallbiggrin: )
There's something to be said about Discworld too (all Death this time):

You haven’t heard of the Bay of Mante, have you? he said.
“No, sir,” said Mort.
Famous shipwreck there.
“Was there?”
There will be, said Death, if I can find the damn place.

He shook his head. “There’s no justice.”
Death sighed. No, he said,... there’s just me.

Death is whoever does Death’s job.

2014-06-19, 11:55 AM
"The problem with your Utopia is the peace it creates itself. With everyone happy and lazy it only takes one visionary genocidal evil prick with something to prove to set back civilization hundreds of years. True, eventually heroes will rise and will stand against him and and bring peace - until the next evil prick comes along and ruins it again because everyone got complacent. I am a patriot. I proudly rape, pillage, murder, poison, defile, and nastiness that don't yet have words to describe them. I do it so there is never a shortage of heroes, so there will never be a time when you people forget the need for them. What really pisses you off isn't, that I like my job - it's that I am right."

Edits for grammer.

2014-06-19, 12:00 PM
"I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

'No,' says the man in Washington, 'it belongs to the poor.'
'No,' says the man in the Vatican, 'it belongs to God.'
'No,' says the man in Moscow, 'it belongs to everyone.'

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...


A city where the artist would not fear the censor,
where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality,
where the great would not be constrained by the small.

And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city, as well."

Modify as needed.

2014-06-19, 01:21 PM
"I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

'No,' says the man in Washington, 'it belongs to the poor.'
'No,' says the man in the Vatican, 'it belongs to God.'
'No,' says the man in Moscow, 'it belongs to everyone.'

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...


A city where the artist would not fear the censor,
where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality,
where the great would not be constrained by the small.

And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city, as well."

Modify as needed.

"No, for my name is Randy Newdra, and I enslaved the population of my city, and soon all the world's cities, to fuel my new invention. It extracts the sweat of men's brows and converts it directly into energy! In the city where the scientist is not constrained by petty morality, the great does not fear the small, the artists are too blitzed on drugs to care, and I have an unstoppable superweapon and mind-bending pharmaceuticals, the sweat of your brow- and soon, all the world's massively genetically enhanced constantly sweating brows, belongs to ME!"


Jeff the Green
2014-06-19, 02:06 PM
I believe every lie that I ever told/Paid for every heart that I ever stole
I played my cards and I didn't fold
Well it ain't that hard when you got soul (this is my world)

Somewhere I heard that life is a test
I been through the worst but I still give my best
God made my mold different from the rest
Then he broke that mold so I know I'm blessed (this is my world)
I'm thinking a bard. No one can do conceited like a bard.

Scully: Mulder, I know what you did wasn't by the book.
Mulder: Tells you a lot about the book, doesn't it?
Definitely a paladin in a non-good society

And some David and Leigh Eddings ones.

Garion: Why me?

Silk: The money's just a way of keeping score. It's the game that's important.

Silk: I've regretted many things in my life. I doubt that one more will make all that much difference.

Silk: It's what I do. Every time there's something so dangerous that no rational human would ever attempt it, they send for me.

Silk: As long as I know that my motives are good, I'm seldom very concerned with the opinions of others.

2014-06-19, 02:38 PM
"Child, I've seen the monster in your closet. Stay in bed, or he will see you, like he saw your older brother. He didn't listen and so the monster ate him. Don't make me, I mean him get you too."

2014-06-19, 04:34 PM
I came here to protect my family; and just as my blow was about to connect I realized that you too have a family; a father, mother, brothers and sisters. I did not wish to bring your parents sadness by taking their son away from them.

Jay R
2014-06-19, 05:02 PM
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."

2014-06-19, 06:25 PM
"I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
I used it for a fallen amnesiac archangel in a MM game (left malleable should the GM have other ideas), but it works well for any necromantic character, too.

2014-06-19, 08:05 PM
"I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
I used it for a fallen amnesiac archangel in a MM game (left malleable should the GM have other ideas), but it works well for any necromantic character, too.
Not just necromancy, could be anyone who suddenly finds themselves with world-shattering power.

One I always thought would make a neat character:

"I screamed to the stars and they answered..."

I just love the Lovecraftian overtones.

2014-06-19, 08:14 PM
"Gloria Fortis Miles!
The *insert enemy army's name here* is closing in!
Adversor et Admorsus!
The Boar against the Eagle!"

I can picture nearly anything, really. From Barbarians to soldiers to Warhammer 40k.

2014-06-19, 08:25 PM
Guy1: "Do you see this knife?"
Guy2: "No?"
Guy1: "Exactly."

2014-06-19, 08:41 PM
"I screamed to the stars and they answered..."

I just love the Lovecraftian overtones.

Lovecraftian would be more like: " At that very moment, in my present delirium, or perhaps by some forgotten primordial instinct, my head jerked itself skyward and let forth an unholy, ghoulish shriek into the heavens, my throat straining, and my voice growing almost inhumanly high-pitched. After some echoing, I found myself subject to a terrible sensation. It wasn't quite a sound, but more like a pulsing feeling at the same time surrounding me and seeming to strike some vestigial nerve or bundle of cells once meant to receive such dread omens. The pulsations came in dreadful patterns not like anything to be found on this earth. As they repeated themselves and grew ever louder, I began to realize they seemed almost to form syllables or words, the like of which are not to be found in any sane or wholesome language. It was certainly utter nonsense conceived in a moment of total desolation and madness, but I have written it out as best as my recollection will permit...".

2014-06-19, 08:47 PM
Lovecraftian would be more like: " At that very moment, in my present delirium, or perhaps by some forgotten primordial instinct, my head jerked itself skyward and let forth an unholy, ghoulish shriek into the heavens, my throat straining, and my voice growing almost inhumanly high-pitched. After some echoing, I found myself subject to a terrible sensation. It wasn't quite a sound, but more like a pulsing feeling at the same time surrounding me and seeming to strike some vestigial nerve or bundle of cells once meant to receive such dread omens. The pulsations came in dreadful patterns not like anything to be found on this earth. As they repeated themselves and grew ever louder, I began to realize they seemed almost to form syllables or words, the like of which are not to be found in any sane or wholesome language. It was certainly utter nonsense conceived in a moment of total desolation and madness, but I have written it out as best as my recollection will permit...".

Maybe, but it also makes it a lot harder to sing. :smallsmile:

2014-06-19, 09:07 PM
If we're doing movie quotes:

"I don't believe in the no-win scenario."

2014-06-19, 09:19 PM
Here's a couple cool ones from magic:

"I run the maze alone, but I fight with the full might of the legion"-Tajic, Blade of the Legion

"I would fear this fight, bloodsucker, were I alone"-Hamlet Captain

"I stand for every tanner, cobbler, and fool in this town. And they stand for me."-Champion of the Parish.

You use Magic, and you don't include Black Knight? For shame

"Battle doesn't need a purpose; the battle is its own purpose. You don't ask why a plague spreads or a field burns. Don't ask why I fight."

2014-06-19, 10:51 PM
I have one and it's a doozy.

Silly old bear. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6odDglCoW7A)

If the harbinger of spring is the sound of a bat on a ball, then I am the harbinger of winter: a barren and desolate spot, where your bat will never hit.

As my ball strikes the padded glove, Disgruntling the thirty thousand fans stretching out the arena, watching as you throw down you bat in disgust and mourn what can never be; know this.

You will never defeat me pooh bear. Not as long as you or I will live. They will never tell stories of your greatness, or herald you as the second coming of pitch hitters.

There are a hundred and eight stitches on every ball pooh bear. How many do you think I can get on your face?

Silly old bear. Silly old bear...

Edit: few more:

"If I'm really as evil as you say I am, then let God strike me down where I stand."*KZZZZZZAP*

"....Ha! Nice try, jackass! Next time, give it your A-game!"

"If you have to look along the shaft of an arrow from the wrong end, if a man has you entirely at his mercy, then hope like hell that man is an evil man. Because the evil like power, power over people, and they want to see you in fear. They want you to know you're going to die. So they'll talk. They'll gloat. They'll watch you squirm. They'll put off the moment of murder like another man will put off a good cigar. So hope like hell your captor is an evil man."

"A good man will kill you with hardly a word."

2014-06-20, 03:52 AM
Hey Door whats the last one from? I know I've heard it somewhere but I can't remember where?

2014-06-20, 04:39 AM
Hey Door whats the last one from? I know I've heard it somewhere but I can't remember where?

Terry Pratchett, Men at arms.

2014-06-20, 04:54 AM
Thanks door! Now my contribution to the thread

"All the tasks at hand have been cleared."

"Contrary to popular belief, I don't lie. I don't need to."

“Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth! Those are the facts of this world! And you will all surrender to them, you pigs in human clothing!”

If the 2nd one seems out of place, it's said by Lucifer in Supernatural

2014-06-20, 06:15 AM
Lovecraftian would be more like: " At that very moment, in my present delirium, or perhaps by some forgotten primordial instinct, my head jerked itself skyward and let forth an unholy, ghoulish shriek into the heavens, my throat straining, and my voice growing almost inhumanly high-pitched. After some echoing, I found myself subject to a terrible sensation. It wasn't quite a sound, but more like a pulsing feeling at the same time surrounding me and seeming to strike some vestigial nerve or bundle of cells once meant to receive such dread omens. The pulsations came in dreadful patterns not like anything to be found on this earth. As they repeated themselves and grew ever louder, I began to realize they seemed almost to form syllables or words, the like of which are not to be found in any sane or wholesome language. It was certainly utter nonsense conceived in a moment of total desolation and madness, but I have written it out as best as my recollection will permit...".

Sorry for posting here with nothing to contribute to the thread but I have to commend Slipperychicken for this Lovecraft imitation. Spot on! :D

2014-06-20, 12:04 PM
Some LOL quotes - guess the champion. :)

"A broken sword is more than enough for the likes of you!"

"I AM evil.... stop laughing!"

"Cheater's just a fancy word for winner."

"Did I mention it's mating season?"

"Wait, I'm thinking! Urgh... how do people do this?"
"I'm trying to care but I just can't!"

"Punch first. Ask questions while punching."

"If you've come to kill me, i hope you brought friends"

And Vel'Koz for the truly evil.
"Creature's mewling increases during dissection."
"Are no organs safely removable?"
"Their skins appear non-transferable."
"Creature appears to seek its maternal unit."

2014-06-20, 12:23 PM
"Gloria Fortis Miles!
The *insert enemy army's name here* is closing in!
Adversor et Admorsus!
The Boar against the Eagle!"

I can picture nearly anything, really. From Barbarians to soldiers to Warhammer 40k.

If we're going with Heavy Metal lyrics...

"Today I feel I wish to disappear, leave without a trace. Wish to become a transparent one, a ghost under the sun."

"We saw the solar system shutdown sequence, all stars concealed and gone."

"Blinded by empty promises, charmed by hollow words. No truth nor answers could be found, nothing but years numbered in me."

"Gods are great, but the mind, the mind is greater. In our wounds they dwell, from our sadness they grow. Gods are great, but the heart is greater. In our scars they dwell, but in our hears they burn."

"I've waited for too long, and now you're leaving. Please don't take it all away."

2014-06-20, 01:31 PM
Some LOL quotes - guess the champion. :)

"A broken sword is more than enough for the likes of you!"

"I AM evil.... stop laughing!"

"Cheater's just a fancy word for winner."

"Did I mention it's mating season?"

"Wait, I'm thinking! Urgh... how do people do this?"
"I'm trying to care but I just can't!"

"Punch first. Ask questions while punching."

"If you've come to kill me, i hope you brought friends"

And Vel'Koz for the truly evil.
"Creature's mewling increases during dissection."
"Are no organs safely removable?"
"Their skins appear non-transferable."
"Creature appears to seek its maternal unit."

Some more:

"Violence solves everything"

"Lying is like, 95% of what I do"

"Only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it"

"Are you my nightmare, or am I yours?"

2014-06-29, 11:31 AM
"Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness."
Terry Pratchett, Men At Arms.

"You do not ask people like that what they are thinking about in case they turn around very slowly and say 'You.'"
Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

"Every ounce of my cynicism is supported by historical precedent."
Glen Cook, Shadow Games

"Conspiracies. Plots. Murder. All the fun of decadence"
Glen Cook - Possibly the very first black company book?

"The entire priesthood was sitting around it and watching it carefully, in case it did anything amusing or religious."
Terry Pratchett, Eric.

"'Chapter Fifteen, Elementary Necromancy', she read out loud. 'Lesson One: Correct Use of Shovel…"
Terry Pratchett, Jingo.

Let's see if I can think up a few that aren't Terry Pratchett related. And also worthwhile.

"I wonder what it was I said that made Death reject me"
"A thousand deaths, and you recover from each. Not so the mind, the mind is much more fragile. Its scars run deep and do not heal. The brain is encased in a hard bone shell, difficult to breach, but with no defense against that which eats at it from within"
"Mercy is for the weak. Punishment breaks souls and makes them worthy of service to their superiors. When the number of martyrs is great enough, rebellion crumbles"
(These are all from Planescape: Torment)

"The wind blew out from Bergen to the dawning of the day,
They ride and run with fifty spears to break and bar my way,
I shall not die alone, alone, but kin to all the powers,
As merry as the ancient sun and fighting like the flowers.

How white their steel, how bright their eyes! I love each laughing knave,
Cry high and bid him welcome to the banquet of the brave.
Yea, I will bless them as they bend and love them where they lie,
When on their skulls the sword I swing falls shattering from the sky.

The hour when death is like a light and blood is like a rose, --
You never loved your friends, my friends, as I shall love my foes."
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, The Last Hero

Since we've already had the old "Lamentation of their women"; how's this for an older barbarian?

"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat.
The people scattered gold dust before my horse's feet.
But now I am a great king; the people hound my track,
With poison in my wine cup, and daggers at my back."
Robert E. Howard, The Road of Kings (About Conan, later in life. All three stanzas make for neat characters really).

Teapot Salty
2014-06-29, 12:18 PM
"Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness."
Terry Pratchett, Men At Arms.

"You do not ask people like that what they are thinking about in case they turn around very slowly and say 'You.'"
Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

"Every ounce of my cynicism is supported by historical precedent."
Glen Cook, Shadow Games

"Conspiracies. Plots. Murder. All the fun of decadence"
Glen Cook - Possibly the very first black company book?

"The entire priesthood was sitting around it and watching it carefully, in case it did anything amusing or religious."
Terry Pratchett, Eric.

"'Chapter Fifteen, Elementary Necromancy', she read out loud. 'Lesson One: Correct Use of Shovel…"
Terry Pratchett, Jingo.

Let's see if I can think up a few that aren't Terry Pratchett related. And also worthwhile.

"I wonder what it was I said that made Death reject me"
"A thousand deaths, and you recover from each. Not so the mind, the mind is much more fragile. Its scars run deep and do not heal. The brain is encased in a hard bone shell, difficult to breach, but with no defense against that which eats at it from within"
"Mercy is for the weak. Punishment breaks souls and makes them worthy of service to their superiors. When the number of martyrs is great enough, rebellion crumbles"
(These are all from Planescape: Torment)

"The wind blew out from Bergen to the dawning of the day,
They ride and run with fifty spears to break and bar my way,
I shall not die alone, alone, but kin to all the powers,
As merry as the ancient sun and fighting like the flowers.

How white their steel, how bright their eyes! I love each laughing knave,
Cry high and bid him welcome to the banquet of the brave.
Yea, I will bless them as they bend and love them where they lie,
When on their skulls the sword I swing falls shattering from the sky.

The hour when death is like a light and blood is like a rose, --
You never loved your friends, my friends, as I shall love my foes."
Gilbert Keith Chesterton, The Last Hero

Since we've already had the old "Lamentation of their women"; how's this for an older barbarian?

"When I was a fighting man, the kettle-drums they beat.
The people scattered gold dust before my horse's feet.
But now I am a great king; the people hound my track,
With poison in my wine cup, and daggers at my back."
Robert E. Howard, The Road of Kings (About Conan, later in life. All three stanzas make for neat characters really).

I used the great king one for a poem when we had to memorize one for school.

Samuel Sturm
2014-06-29, 12:35 PM
A knight is sworn to valor, his heart knows only virtue, his blade defends the helpless, his might upholds the weak, his word speaks only truth, his wrath undoes the wicked.

Life is a dance. Some dance quickly, some dance slowly, but we all dance. Some dance well, some dance poorly, but we all dance.

I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!

The man says he won't go on wearing a sword because it is no longer any good against a gun. Then he throws away all the guns as relics of barbarism; and then he is surprised when a barbarian sticks him through with a sword. You say that pikes and halberds are not weapons against modern conditions. I say pikes are excellent weapons against no pikes.
G. K. Chesterton, The Return of Don Quixote

It is not my place to judge you. That would be hubris, the sin of pride. My duty is to humbly send you to the One who shall.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
Robert A. Heinlein

Reporter: This is a question for Cinnabar. But I'd also like to throw it open to any and all the other new Avengers to hear their take on the matter. Cinnabar, your father's death was a terrible blow — not just to you personally, but to the other heroes around the country, and to the nation as a whole. But his death brought home an important (and often overlooked) truth about superheroic activities — that sometimes the good guys don't win. Can you share with us your feelings on this dangerous, potentially deadly job you're about to take on? "

Kolbandr: Unseemly sir. Unseemly. I do not speak of so overly grim and wounding a question on a day of revels, but rather, thy implication on valour. On sacrifice. "sometimes the good guys don't win"? I say thee nay, nay a thousand times! Every moment of the Vision's life and death was triumph, was victory. Hast thou not taken notice that for every hero, there rampages a whole gallery of villains? That in the history of the champions of Midgard, it is often the appearance of such vileness that brings forth warriors to oppose it, despite the treacherous words of the virtueless that imply the opposite?

It is the burden all men bear that there is as much baseness in their souls as there is sterling nobility, and all too many are lured in by the easy temptations of their darker selves. And yet the Vision, though made in darkness, with the mind and soul of a man he embraced virtue. And yet the Vision stood with his fellows as exemplar shining, proclaiming to the world that we can be that better part of ourselves. That we can stand against evil, though it seem about us as the endless sea.

And thou dares't.. thou dares't to say that his death had greater power to hurt us, than his life had to teach us? To enoble us? Little wonder that Cinnabar should not respond to thy words, to hear them is to be enraged at the apparent failure on thy part to have let his heroism reach thee.

To judge the measure of a man by tragedy, is easy. Evil, is easy. To rise to the good in us, to be the people we should be, is so hard that it should be seen as the peerless miracle and true wonder of this earth that we so rise. It can be so fragile a grace that without those to show us it can be done, we would be lost.

From his life to his death, the Vision spent nearly every moment so showing. There are heroes now because of it. There are heroes standing before you because of it. The Vision did his part to ensure that good would not pass from this world to let evil stand unchallenged. The blow his death dealt? To the very last, he has given us strength that helps us stand unbowed! Is that not a worthy life? Is that not a worthy death? How can any man dare to rob him of that legacy in how he is remembered? The true dolorous stroke would be to forget that. The true dolorous stroke would be to let his memory stand not for strength, but sorrow.

It is the doom of the valiant to so rarely leave this world peacefully. But it is their greatest gift to leave it inspired to greater bravery and virtue of spirit still. From the most mortal of local constables to the most cosmic of titans, that is the best of what their heroism gives us. In ever continuing that legacy, in ever rising to the challenge of nobility, in the spite of pain, of trauma, of tragedy, or even at times the world itself, the.. good guys.. always win. The fight itself, is victory.

It is that, as Avengers, that is the most worthy of the tasks before us that we swear ourselves to. To be the heroes of today. To inspire the heroes of tomorrow. To show always, in life or death, sadness or glory, that we will e'er battle to keep goodness in this world, that so long as we have ensured that there are souls about us fired to embrace their own virtue, it will not matter if or when we pass from this world. We will have won. Let that be what thou commemorate. Let that pledge be what drives us to celebrate this day. Let us as one roar challenge into the fetid sea of evil and send it blasted back, tremulous and craven. So says the son of Balder!"

2014-06-29, 02:02 PM
"Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us into something better. And on my soul, I swear that until my dream of a world where dignity, honor and justice are the reality we all share, I'll never stop fighting. Ever."

2014-06-29, 02:04 PM
Hah. Let's see if I can't come up with a few...

T'dr'duzk b'hazg t't!- Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant
Or, more comprehensibly, "Today is a good day for someone else to die!" Works well for just about any character on the more aggressive end of the scale, although you might have to be a deep gnome or something for the untranslated version :smallwink:

Morituri nolumus mori- Terry Pratchett, The Last Hero]
Translated from that odd Discworld dog-latin, "We who are about to die don't want to." Rincewind's rather cowardly motto for the Disc's first space mission could actually be rather badass with a little recontextualizing- a final heroic stand against the darkess, for example. Still funny either way, though.

Maxim 6: If violence wasn't your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.
Maxim 12: A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.
Maxim 34: If you're leaving scorch-marks, you need a bigger gun.
Maxim 35: That which does not kill you has made a tactical error.- Schlock Mercenary (http://www.schlockmercenary.com), Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries
Maxim 34 is pretty much the one that my Pyromancer blaster Wizard lives by :smalltongue: Schlock Mercenary is really something of a goldmine for these (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Quotes/SchlockMercenary), though.

Now watch closely, everyone. I'm going to show you how to kill a god. Princess Mononoke
(Epic) Invoker for this one, I think. Although any adventurer running around where Orcus and the like are a possibility could get some mileage out of it.

Mono Vertigo
2014-06-29, 03:09 PM
... the exercise would be better if I tried to build one character or two off my own quotes - that aren't already the characters speaking them - I think.

You haven’t heard of the Bay of Mante, have you? he said.
“No, sir,” said Mort.
Famous shipwreck there.
“Was there?”
There will be, said Death, if I can find the damn place.
For this one, I have two:
- The savvy veteran adventurer who's entirely aware that his/his party's presence causes huge catastrophe, through direct intervention or not. Right now, he's trying to get to that bay for whatever reason, and predicts there's going to be a memorable tragedy there.
- Mass destroyer kind of guy who's tasked with killing some guy who's going to be at that bay, but finds it's easier destroying the whole ship. (He probably also finds it easier exploding the whole castle rather than waste time trying to individually assassinate the corrupt king occupying it.) Problem is, he's got a terrible sense of direction.

He shook his head. “There’s no justice.”
Death sighed. No, he said,... there’s just me.
- An assassin who works not because he enjoys killing or believes the victims deserve it, but because he's certain he's doing the necessary thing.
- A tyrannic kind of character who cares not for fairness, yet occasionally seems painfully aware of how evil he acts. Perhaps he desires redemption, but believes it's out of his reach, since he does not believe in fairness.

[QUOTE]Death is whoever does Death’s job.
- A megalomaniac wizard who wants to ascend to godhood, and thinks it can be done by taking over a god's domain. Right now, he's settled over death, but he could as easily have chosen life, or war, or the sea.
- A mercenary whose role is very different from what would expect from his actual class, and in fact, argues he's more competent at it than the class he could be mistaken for. (Remember the thread about the Barbarian pretending he's a Wizard? Could be that guy.)

2014-06-29, 05:17 PM
"If it fits, it ships."

2014-06-29, 07:55 PM
“I could kill you all with my bare hands — but it would prove nothing. I came for sport — the thrill of the hunt. I was told this realm offered fierce and worthy combatants. I was deceived. You have nothing to offer me. You have been a pathetic waste of my time. Today is NOT a good day.”

2014-06-29, 10:38 PM
I was heavily inspired to make an Inquisitor in Pathfinder after reading the quote "It's quite impossible for the creatures here to be without sin. Simply living and dying here on the Earth is sin enough...And the punishment for creatures here on Earth, is too spend their entire lives creeping about the Earth until they die."

The character was a Lawful Evil Assimar Inquisitor. They had a holier than though attitude about anyone around them and anyone who would suggest they had anything good about them would punished.

And I currently have the inspiration to make either a Wizard in Pathfinder, or a Strategist/Ace Trainer in PTU based on,
"Checkmate doesn't mean you've simply cornered the enemy king. It's a declaration that the enemy king is yours." They wouldn't engage in a professional match until they've assured their victory.

Laughing Dog
2014-06-30, 02:00 AM
And the Quote that made Ivan the Terrible my favorite ally in Age of Empires III:
"Our armies are scattered, our towns destroyed, our hopes dashed.

But though no hope is left, we shall never surrender! Never! do you hear, our enemies? You will have to hunt us down and kill us one by one."

other quotes:
"Be sore in the morning."- Hellboy, from Hellboy (Duh)
he had just blown up the monster from the inside

"All alone, a man with his gun wanders into the wild"- Sabaton White Death

2014-06-30, 05:09 PM
"Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

2014-06-30, 05:46 PM
TF2 is a gold mine for quotes. We've already defined that.

Personal favourite, from a session I played a few days ago:
"I've told you, man, elves are openly fey."

2014-06-30, 07:47 PM
I think this exchange sums up all you really need to know about the character of Sam Vimes (the 2nd speaker in the dialogue):
"Did you really punch the president of the Assassins' Guild?"
"Didn't have a dagger, sir."

Other Pratchettisms:

"The thing about witchcraft," said Mistress Weatherwax, "is that it's not like school at all. First you get the test, and then afterward you spend years findin' out how you passed it. It's a bit like life in the respect."

"He was not, by the standard definitions, a bad man; in the same way a plague-bearing rat is not, from a dispassionate point of view, a bad animal."

"Take it from me, whenever you see a bunch of buggers puttering around talking about truth and beauty and the best way of attacking Ethics, you can bet your sandals it's all because dozens of other poor buggers are doing all the real work around the place." - a philosopher.

"If complete and utter chaos was lightning, then he'd be the sort to stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm wearing wet copper armour and shouting 'All gods are bastards'."

2014-06-30, 09:10 PM
I think this exchange sums up all you really need to know about the character of Sam Vimes (the 2nd speaker in the dialogue):
"Did you really punch the president of the Assassins' Guild?"
"Didn't have a dagger, sir."

Other Pratchettisms:

"The thing about witchcraft," said Mistress Weatherwax, "is that it's not like school at all. First you get the test, and then afterward you spend years findin' out how you passed it. It's a bit like life in the respect."

"He was not, by the standard definitions, a bad man; in the same way a plague-bearing rat is not, from a dispassionate point of view, a bad animal."

"Take it from me, whenever you see a bunch of buggers puttering around talking about truth and beauty and the best way of attacking Ethics, you can bet your sandals it's all because dozens of other poor buggers are doing all the real work around the place." - a philosopher.

"If complete and utter chaos was lightning, then he'd be the sort to stand on a hilltop in a thunderstorm wearing wet copper armour and shouting 'All gods are bastards'."

Got a Star Wars character that is sorta based off this one:

“Something Vimes had learned as a young guard drifted up from memory. If you have to look along the shaft of an arrow from the wrong end, if a man has you entirely at his mercy, then hope like hell that man is an evil man. Because the evil like power, power over people, and they want to see you in fear. They want you to know you're going to die. So they'll talk. They'll gloat. They'll watch you squirm. They'll put off the moment of murder like another man will put off a good cigar. So hope like hell your captor is an evil man. A good man will kill you with hardly a word.”

Except my guy does it with a grenade launcher.

Also the inspiration for said character went like this:

An explosion rocked the Imperial compound. Stormtroopers rushed to the main gate in which a massive hole was blown, debris still raining down in fiery chunks. Alarms blared as the regimented troopers lined up, guns aiming at the newly made entrance.


The line wavered as a figure stomped into view through the hole in the reinforced wall. He stood stall in heavily modified Republic military armor, a relic he wore with pride. Riveted along one side in interlocking layers were slabs of Imperial spaceship hull. In his gauntleted hands he held a massive chain fed cannon, the belt of micro-grenades leading to an armored hopper on his back. A pilot light and armored hose situated under the main barrel hinted at an absurdly powerful flame projector.

"Hello," boomed the voice through a modified comms unit, causing the assembled troopers, hardened to battle as they were, to flinch back at the man's booming, gruff voice, "My name is Augustus Church, and I'm here to get my daughter."

2014-06-30, 10:29 PM
Was that your character or a character in one of the books I missed? Either way that sounds so badass! God now I want to play Star Wars in DnD or something similar...

2014-06-30, 11:54 PM
Some of my favorites, from an old character of mine.

'Git gud, scrub.'

'Ah, no need to worry. There is no shame in losing to a superior foe!'

2014-07-01, 12:56 AM
Was that your character or a character in one of the books I missed? Either way that sounds so badass! God now I want to play Star Wars in DnD or something similar...

My character :3

Imagine Bill from Left 4 Dead in that Juggernaut armor from Call of Duty with the Luchador grenade launcher from Saints Row 3.

2014-07-01, 12:58 AM
My character :3

Imagine Bill from Left 4 Dead in that Juggernaut armor from Call of Duty with the Luchador grenade launcher from Saints Row 3.

Glorious, what system was it in, as I've been thinking of trying out a Star Wars roleplay for sometime.

2014-07-01, 02:48 AM
Glorious, what system was it in, as I've been thinking of trying out a Star Wars roleplay for sometime.

It's, I think, 2nd edition d6. Last Friday was only our second session but apparently, barring our pilot, I'm one of the only party members with an actual personal plot set up.

And I feel that I should point out that the Vimes quote was from Men At Arms >.>

2014-07-01, 02:59 AM
It's, I think, 2nd edition d6. Last Friday was only our second session but apparently, barring our pilot, I'm one of the only party members with an actual personal plot set up.

And I feel that I should point out that the Vimes quote was from Men At Arms >.>

Mhm its a popular quote around the playground in various discussions. Also as repentance for slightly derailing the thread I thought I'd add a quote, no points if you recognize it.

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.
sounds like something a paladin or knight could be based off

2014-07-01, 05:36 PM
"They say that God created men, but Samuel Colt made them equal"

Teapot Salty
2014-07-01, 07:09 PM
Chaos, I love it, I'm reading game of thrones as we post.

Slipperychicken, love that one two.

"The horror, the awful might, the men I slaughtered, this is horrible, the utter chaos and destruction is unbearable"

"Ya, I had fun to"

2014-07-01, 07:14 PM
"No one's gonna take me alive
The time has come to make things right
You and I must fight for our rights
You and I must fight to survive"

I've sucessfully managed to base an entire party on this quote.

It had the most awesome ending of all times - the entire party, atop a hill, armed with M4s, fighting Cthulhu cultists in a sci-fi setting, and then we blew up Cthulhu when we pulled off an Old Man Henderson.

All to the sound of Knights of Cydonia.

2014-07-01, 09:05 PM
Since some have also done music, I present you the March of Cambreadth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCrnF844_ww)

Also, in honor of just finishing a Justice League marathon:

"That man won't quit so long as he can draw breath. None of my teammates will. Me? I've got a different problem.

I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard. Always taking care not to break something, to break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment, or someone could die.

But you can take it, can't you, big man? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose, and show you just how powerful I really am."

2014-07-01, 10:08 PM
A few fun quotes from the series Lexx. The series has some great quotes and character personalities in it.

I killed mothers with their babies. I've killed great philosophers, proud young warriors, and revolutionaries. I've killed the evil, the good, the intelligent, the weak, and the beautiful. I have done this in the service of His Divine Shadow and his predecessors, and I have never once shown any mercy.

-Kai, Divine Assassin and Last of the Brunnen-G

As the last surviving insect, I knew that I would never be able to defeat the humans. But if I possessed a human body, I thought perhaps I could use humans to defeat themselves.

-His Divine Shadow

I’ve killed mothers with their babies! I've killed great philosophers, proud young warriors and revolutionaries. I have killed the good, the evil, the weak and the beee-autiful. I have done this in the service of His Divine Shadow and his Predecessors - and apparently, the fun never stops!

-Kai, Divine Assassin and last of teh Brunnen-G having an off day

I tempt those who can be tempted and I punish those who deserve to be punished. That is my function, my occupation. My job. My joy. What is wrong with that? I also punish some who have done nothing wrong. Who slipped through the cracks. But then... no system is perfect.

-Prince, Immortal and Punisher of the Damned

2014-07-02, 01:12 AM
Sir Orrin Neville Smythe, from the movie Flight of Dragons:

Blade with whom I have lived, blade with whom I now die, serve right and justice one last time, seek one last heart of evil, still one last life of pain, cut well old friend, and then farewell.

For a Factotum:

Because I'm just that smart.

2014-07-02, 08:54 AM
""No one who has earned my hate has survived. You picked the wrong fight. You're mine.""

2014-07-02, 06:21 PM
Before I begin, I'd like to state that I am obsessed with the concepts of Power Coppying, power parasites, and power assimilation. If there is an aption for any of those in a game, you can bet I'm making one Eventually.

That said
You see, Zedd, I possess the combined intellect of four superior races...and the brute force of one stupid one. You're out of your league, old boy.

2014-07-02, 07:48 PM
I'm making a character for a Pathfinder Gestalt game right now. As a Sorcerer|Gunslinger (dual wielding gunslinger...) this sums him up rather nicely.

There is no 'overkill.' There is only 'open fire' and 'time to reload.'

2014-07-02, 08:53 PM
I've got two. One I'm making a new base class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?359834-Life-is-but-a-dream-Sleepwalker-%28Base-class%29-%28PEACH%29&p=17713717#post17713717) for. The other I sort of did in reverse - made a character, eventually thought of something that would be a cool thing to say.

The first:

Merrily // merrily // merrily // merrily // life is but a dream…

That dream can be what I want it to be.





The second:

The light does not hold back the darkness...

The darkness flees the Light!

2014-07-02, 10:00 PM
"Never the smartest or the strongest, but always so quick to see the vulnerabilities other overlooked, and so deft at working his blade into the little places..."

2014-07-02, 10:37 PM
"I'm the architect of sorrow, the girl in minor key disguise"

At some point, that's going to be the basis for a villain in a campaign.

2014-07-02, 10:59 PM
"How great will be the terror,
when the Judge comes,
who will smash everything completely!"

2014-07-02, 11:51 PM
"When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him."

2014-07-03, 01:05 PM
Malazan Series--

“Children are dying."
Lull nodded. "That's a succinct summary of humankind, I'd say. Who needs tomes and volumes of history? Children are dying. The injustices of the world hide in those three words.”
― Steven Erikson, Deadhouse Gates

“Ambition is not a dirty word. Piss on compromise. Go for the throat.”
― Steven Erikson, Gardens of the Moon

“Destiny is a lie. Destiny is justification for atrocity. It is the means by which murderers armour themselves against reprimand. It is a word intended to stand in place of ethics, denying all moral context.”
― Steven Erikson, Midnight Tides

“You stand before a god! Speak your eloquence for all posterity. Be Profound!"
"Profound ... huh." Temper was silent for a long moment, studying the cobbles of the alley mouth. And then he lifted his helmed head faced Shadowthrone, and said "**** off.”
― Steven Erikson, The Crippled God

“The notion of evil for its own sake strikes me as boring -- all these Dark Lords intent on creating wastelands packed with enslaved victims... for what?”
― Steven Erikson

“No-one chooses me. I do not give anyone that right. I am Karsa Orlong of the Teblor. All choices belong to me.”
― Steven Erikson, Reaper's Gale

The best one for me..

“This is Quick Ben’s game, O Elder. The bones are in his sweaty hands and they have been for some time. Now, if at his table you’ll find the Worm of Autumn, and the once Lord of Death, and Shadowthrone and Cotillion, not to mention the past players Anomander Rake and Dessembrae, and who knows who else, well – did you really believe a few thousand damned Nah’ruk could take him down? The thing about Adaephon Delat’s game is this: he cheats.”
― Steven Erikson, The Crippled God


“Every ounce of my cynicism is supported by historical precedent.”
― Glen Cook, Shadow Games

“Consistency is the sign of a narrow mind.”
― Glen Cook

The number of problems that can't be solved by an explosion is inversely proportionate to the yield of the explosion.

2014-07-03, 01:29 PM
This thread lacks Queen.

I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go go go
There's no stopping me
I'm burning through the sky Yeah!
Two hundred degrees
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm trav'ling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you

Here we stand or here we fall
History won't care at all
Make the bed, light the light
Lady Mercy won't be home tonight.

You don't waste no time at all
Don't hear the bell but you answer the call
It comes to you as to us all
We're just waiting
For the hammer to fall

2014-07-03, 04:27 PM
I just remembered one I read so long ago, and assimilated into my own thinking so much, I'd completely forgotten it was a quote. To me, it's the basis of all Lawful alignments:

"The means is the end." - Ursula LeGuin, The Dispossessed.

Dorian Gray
2014-07-03, 04:40 PM
A large number of quotes from the same place:
“I only want power so I can get books.”
“There is no justice in the laws of nature, no term for fairness in the equations of motion. The Universe is neither evil, nor good, it simply does not care. The stars don't care, or the Sun, or the sky.

But they don't have to! WE care! There IS light in the world, and it is US!”
“World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation.”
“Many have stood their ground and faced the darkness when it comes for them. Fewer come for the darkness and force it to face them.”
“I see little hope for democracy as an effective form of government, but I admire the poetry of how it makes its victims complicit in their own destruction.”
“I'm wondering if there's a spell to make lightning flash in the background whenever I make an ominous resolution.”

And a different source:
No, no, no. If anyone asks, you kicked their asses with butterflies.
"Eh, I could take her."

2014-07-03, 06:03 PM
And a different source:
No, no, no. If anyone asks, you kicked their asses with butterflies.
"Eh, I could take her."

Where are these from?

2014-07-03, 06:23 PM
Where are these from?

Worm (http://parahumans.wordpress.com/2011/06/11/1-1/), a pretty good serial-novel, now completed. The latter was repeated many, many times, by a variety of people, and is mostly notable in how very wrong the speaker is every time in the end. Doesn't really have as much impact without that context.

The former works without context, and frankly giving enough context to give the idea of the original situation would spoil some fairly major mid/late plot.

2014-07-03, 06:34 PM
From DoW, perfect for both a zealot and a mindbender:
"And open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded"

Don't remember the source, but this one sticks to me:
"There is no way you are going to survive that!"
"What makes you think I plan to survive?"

2014-07-03, 06:48 PM
"I did not come here to win. I came here to kill you. Death is lighter than a feather."

2014-07-03, 07:05 PM
I've found that most players in my group (me included) tend to have bard types who live by this:

I'll compose a ballad while I fight with you, and, as I end the refrain, thrust home

2014-07-11, 10:29 PM
"First comes destruction. I bring nothing, I bless nothing, I save nothing, I just erase. Completely. Shatter. Collapse. Break and disappear!"
I'm currently trying to create a BBEG who will say this. It's just so ominous and dark that it sounds perfect for the villain of a campaign, probably an omnicidal maniac with a god complex or an eldritch abomination.

Averis Vol
2014-07-11, 11:57 PM
"Through the gates of hell as we make our way to heaven through the Nazi lines....Primo victoria!" -Sabaton

"I'm not insane, that's how it seems though "Spiteful, cruel but wise beyond his age"" Blind guardian.

The former was used for a squad of redeemed death row inmates (The party) who converted to the gods of light for the their cruel pasts gave them the perfect tools to make them a special OP's group for their countries army, just replace "Nazi" with "Crotian".

The latter was a paladin with terrible charisma (yahoo serenity!) and a high wisdom, who had a terrible rude streak. He got a lot of flack for his impulsiveness and unwillingness to discuss plans. So he was seen as mad because he would charge someone halfway through a conversation because he had pinged his detect evil and found the real foe. When you caught him in his downtime though, he would speak for hours about the deeper aspects of philosophy.

2014-07-12, 06:30 PM
There will come a time when you think everything is finished. That will be the beginning.

Hey tough guy, prepare to be loved!

I think it's awesome to be able to make people laugh.

I'm a person who gets better with practice. Getting older is awesome - because you get more practice.

I would love to go into an animal's dream - like a lion's or a cat's. I'm sure that's pretty awesome.

There are two types of Pain in this world: Pain that hurts you, and Pain that changes you!

Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does no one else.

2014-07-13, 12:17 AM
Along with the quotes in my sig, here are some good ones:

"And thus, Cinderella won the science fair, became Supreme Ruler of the Kingdom, and, might I add, showed them, showed them all."
~Agatha Heterodyne

"There is no charge for awesomeness. Or attractiveness."
~Po, Kung Fu Panda

"Mr. Stark, may I remind you that some of us in this info-share collective have to spend copious amounts of time screening tech for dangerously vigilante-esque young men instead of letting them test it on their teammates? Our time is valuable."
~Lucius Fox, Roommates (http://vereshti.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-273-I-T-320827161)

Reksew Trebla
2014-07-13, 03:10 AM
From Kingdom Hearts... I think... I've seen it used in relation to Kingdom Hearts a lot.

"The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes."

And then there is that epic quote by Albert Wesker, which I'm too lazy to look up the full thing.

"The only thing that can defeat power is more power. That is the one constant in this universe. However, there is no point in power if it consumes itself. ..."

Both of those could make for interesting characters.

And of course, the greatest quote of them all, that you should always want to make a character based off of.

"I'm Batman."


Teapot Salty
2014-07-13, 11:44 AM
Game of thrones is a gold mine. The house motto's: Hear, me, roar.
Ours is the fury.
Blood and Fire.
Duty, honor, family.

2014-07-13, 04:42 PM
There's always been one quote that's fascinated me since I heard it first. It's a quote describing a historical person, ans such some contect can help, but I find the quote interesting on it's own even without context.

Context and larger quote:
The quote is by the Byzantine princess Anna Comnena who wrote a firsthand account of the First Crusade, and it's about one of its leaders, the Norman Bohemond de Hauteville, son of Robert Guiscard ("The Weasel"/"The Fox") de Hauteville.
The quote itself was part of a larger description of Bohemund, which (minus the smaller quote) is as follows:

Now [Bohemond] was such as, to put it briefly, had never before been seen in the land of the Romans [that is, Greeks], be he either of the barbarians or of the Greeks (for he was a marvel for the eyes to behold, and his reputation was terrifying). Let me describe the barbarian's appearance more particularly -- he was so tall in stature that he overtopped the tallest by nearly one cubit, narrow in the waist and loins, with broad shoulders and a deep chest and powerful arms. And in the whole build of the body he was neither too slender nor overweighted with flesh, but perfectly proportioned and, one might say, built in conformity with the canon of Polycleitus... His skin all over his body was very white, and in his face the white was tempered with red. His hair was yellowish, but did not hang down to his waist like that of the other barbarians; for the man was not inordinately vain of his hair, but had it cut short to the ears. Whether his beard was reddish, or any other colour I cannot say, for the razor had passed over it very closely and left a surface smoother than chalk... His blue eyes indicated both a high spirit and dignity; and his nose and nostrils breathed in the air freely; his chest corresponded to his nostrils and by his nostrils...the breadth of his chest. For by his nostrils nature had given free passage for the high spirit which bubbled up from his heart. A certain charm hung about this man but was partly marred by a general air of the horrible... He was so made in mind and body that both courage and passion reared their crests within him and both inclined to war. His wit was manifold and crafty and able to find a way of escape in every emergency. In conversation he was well informed, and the answers he gave were quite irrefutable.

The quote itself however, is much shorter. A single sentence in fact, where every word adds to the whole:

...even his laugh seemed like a threat to others.
Even without the larger quote describing the actual historical person above, the smaller quote can quite easily conjure up an image of what the man described could be like.

2014-07-13, 05:00 PM
You have to be a bit of a liar to tell a story the right way.

We are more than the parts that form us.

Only priests and fools are fearless and I've never been on the best of terms with the gods.

I won the only duel I ever lost

2014-07-13, 05:09 PM
If you, as a servant of your god, must use one hundred thousand warriors to destroy me, a solitary servant of my god, then you whisper to me: who will be remembered from this battle, your god or mine?

2014-07-13, 05:11 PM
One of the characters on my list of things to play is a mass-destruction blaster wizard inspired by "I will show you fear in a handful of dust."

2014-07-13, 07:58 PM
An immortal? An archivist? A madman? A diviner?

"Knowledge is power...Imagine what I must know."

2014-07-13, 08:38 PM
I kept seeing "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." so I decided to adapt a few more from the same source to a fantasy setting:

“I come in peace. I didn't bring dragons. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f* with me, I’ll kill you all.”

“We’ve backed off in good faith to try and give you a chance to straighten this problem out. But I am going to beg with you for a minute. I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.”

“Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in liberty, democracy, harmony, Taco Tuesdays, or whatever your campaign needs) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our people intact.”

2014-07-13, 08:43 PM
I kept seeing "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." so I decided to adapt a few more from the same source to a fantasy setting:

“I come in peace. I didn't bring dragons. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f* with me, I’ll kill you all.”

“We’ve backed off in good faith to try and give you a chance to straighten this problem out. But I am going to beg with you for a minute. I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.”

“Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in liberty, democracy, harmony, Taco Tuesdays, or whatever your campaign needs) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our people intact.”

I may steal the last quote for something for one of my future NPCs to say, so thanks :smallbiggrin:

2014-07-13, 10:15 PM
"...Every man's heart one day beats its final beat. His lungs breathe a final breath. And if what that man did in his life makes the blood pulse through the body of others, and makes them bleed deeper and something larger than life, then his essence, his spirit, will be immortalized. By the storytellers, by the loyalty, by the memory of those who honor him and make the running the man did live forever."

2014-07-14, 04:47 AM
" Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many."

I'm not a Dr. Who fan, but I stumbled onto this quote a couple weeks ago and I think itd fit a paladin whose been pushed to the point of falling.

Cowardly Griffo
2014-07-14, 04:58 AM
I'm pretty sure this was from Super Robot Wars, although I don't remember the name of the character:

"You'll never get stronger by facing weak enemies."

It seems like the perfect quote for a recurring rival, or BBEG. Just someone who's out raising an army and conquering nations, setting out to break the world just to stir up someone who's capable of stopping them.

Oh, and along similar lines, just remembered this one from the main bad guy Cedric in the (otherwise largely mediocre) movie Arthur:

"Finally... a man worth killing."
" Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many."

I'm not a Dr. Who fan, but I stumbled onto this quote a couple weeks ago and I think itd fit a paladin whose been pushed to the point of falling.I really do love that quote. Moffat's hit or miss, but when he hits, he hits pretty hard. It does suit a certain strain of paladin very well, as you say. :smallcool:

Teapot Salty
2014-07-18, 04:10 PM
I found a few Great ones from Sparta:

Xerxes Messenger: "Deliver up your arms"
King Leonidas: "Come and take them."

'A slave's life is all you understand, you know nothing of freedom. For if you did, you would have encouraged us to fight on, not only with our spear, but with everything we have.'

Others arn't that good out of context, but you can find a gold mine here (http://www.ancientgreekbattles.net/Pages/47931_Spartaquotes.htm)

2014-07-18, 07:10 PM
Working on a Bard concept that could be considered based on this quote:

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." -Hunter S. Thompson

2014-07-19, 01:42 PM
"What, can you truly say I did wrong? When was it said that it is wrong for one to, speak his mind? When you spoke, I listened. When you commanded, I obeyed. And yet, you decide that I am worth no more of your time, your effort. You disown me, and cast me from your sight. Tell me now, Is it wrong for an angel to speak his mind?"

2014-07-19, 01:47 PM
"Whenever people see birds flying through the sky, it's said that they get the urge to go on a journey."

Jay R
2014-07-19, 09:46 PM
I heard this in conversation today. (Don't ask.)

It's not a famous quote, but it certainly qualifies as a quote you can build a character off of.

"Fight. Kill. Camp. Claim."

2014-07-19, 10:08 PM
I heard this in conversation today. (Don't ask.)

It's not a famous quote, but it certainly qualifies as a quote you can build a character off of.

"Fight. Kill. Camp. Claim."

One of those new survival-exploration games, right? Can't remember the names.

2014-07-19, 10:31 PM
"Will you let them steal your freedom? Channel the anger swelling inside you fighting the boundary 'til you break through. Deep in your soul their is no hesitation, make yourself the one they all fear. There is a wild fire inside you burning desire that you can't extinguish. Your crimson arrow rips through the twilight, this is the moment for war!"

2014-07-19, 11:27 PM
Paladin quotes:
"I do not love the sword for its sharpness, the arrow for its swiftness, the warrior for his glory. Rather, I love that which they defend."
- Faramir, The Lord of the Rings

"I'm not a warrior, I'm a soldier. There's a difference. Warriors attack and conquer, they prey on the weak. Soldiers defend and protect the innocent - mostly from warriors."
- Carth Onasi, Knights of the Old Republic

Plus a few more that aren't from anywhere in particular that I can recall.

"The world is full of ugliness, but that only means something if you decide it does. I choose to see the beauty, even in this - and you will never take that from me."

"The monsters, they fear us. That's why they keep to the shadows. For all their strength, all their power, all their contempt for us mere mortals, they know that if they were brought into the light, they would be brought down! Let us show them that this fear is justified! Let us bring the light to the dark places, so that there is nowhere they can hide from us!"

"Let me explain something to you, son. We are in a position to do some good, here. We have the power to make a difference, and that means we have a duty to make a difference. So don't give me any crap about the way the world works - it works that way because we allow it! If want to see it work different, we have to be the ones to do something about it!"

2014-07-20, 12:14 AM
Here's one I thought of today, and would like to use. (Probably in a superhero game)

"So, science-guy. How's it feel to get your ass kicked by a Mad Liberal Arts Major?"

2014-07-20, 12:24 AM
"You say if you come to the city you will lay seige to our walls and break through. If you break through you say you will defeat our warriors. If you defeat our warriors you say you will kill our leaders. If you kill our leaders you say you will ravage our city and our women. There is one problem with your threat. If."

Variation of the classic Spartan myth, thought it would make for a badass general/leader/diplomat :smallbiggrin:

2014-07-20, 01:16 AM
"You say if you come to the city you will lay seige to our walls and break through. If you break through you say you will defeat our warriors. If you defeat our warriors you say you will kill our leaders. If you kill our leaders you say you will ravage our city and our women. There is one problem with your threat. If."

Variation of the classic Spartan myth, thought it would make for a badass general/leader/diplomat :smallbiggrin:

Didn't Sparta not have walls?

Pointing proudly to his soldiers who stood fearlessly in place, he said, "Behold the walls of Sparta--10,000 men and every man a brick!"

2014-07-20, 01:38 AM
I'm fairly certain they had some form of walls, I'm looking for the direct quote but it's from a history book I haven"t read in awhile.

2014-07-20, 01:50 AM
The way I heard it is that the enemy sent them the message "If we conquer your city, we will bla bla bla burn pillage bla."

The Spartans replied with one word.


EDIT: Here's the account from Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparta#Hellenistic_and_Roman_Sparta)

Even during its decline, Sparta never forgot its claim to be the "defender of Hellenism" and its Laconic wit. An anecdote has it that when Philip II sent a message to Sparta saying "If I enter Laconia, I will raze Sparta", the Spartans responded with the single, terse reply: αἴκα, "if".

Teapot Salty
2014-07-20, 02:42 AM
I'm fairly certain they had some form of walls, I'm looking for the direct quote but it's from a history book I haven"t read in awhile.

I think it might not have had walls for a while-hence where the "the men are the walls" quote came from, be they probably built walls. Regardless, we shouldn't delve any deeper into this, I don't think were allowed to talk about history in depth, or post any opinions on history, so let's leave this here.

Jay R
2014-07-20, 06:22 AM
I heard this in conversation today. (Don't ask.)

It's not a famous quote, but it certainly qualifies as a quote you can build a character off of.

"Fight. Kill. Camp. Claim."

One of those new survival-exploration games, right? Can't remember the names.

Nope. Organizational business meeting.

I said, "Don't ask."

2014-07-20, 11:46 AM
Nope. Organizational business meeting.

I said, "Don't ask."

I am deeply worried about what sort of organization you work for. :smalleek:

2014-07-20, 05:02 PM
I am deeply worried about what sort of organization you work for. :smalleek:

They're bakers. *cough*

Craft (Cheese)
2014-07-20, 09:43 PM
"They are the hands and we are the head. It is only together that we form Humanity."

2014-07-20, 10:03 PM
"I've done everything right. Even when the collateral damage says otherwise." (From some amusing cat drawings (https://mediumlarge.wordpress.com/2014/07/17/what-cats-think-about-when-staring-at-nothing/), but applicable to many PCs.)

"I am a woman of science first and a creature of darkness second." (from a screenshot comic (http://lxgrpg.thecomicseries.com/comics/131))

2014-08-03, 01:42 PM
I had to chose for the most RPGish but they're perfect!

1. "I want nothing more than to be a bayonet; a bayonet wielded by the hand of God. I would have been happy to be born a storm, or a divine threat; a mighty explosion or even a terrible hurricane. A divine force of nature without heart or pity. And if this relic can transform me into such a thing...then I am happy to abandon my humanity."
2. "It was never about the money, it was always about the fun." (My favourite character)
3. "If I'm a dog, then you're dog food."
4. "Gentlemen, all I ask for is war. A war so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms, what is it you really want? Do you wish for further war as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody war? A war whose fury is built with iron, and lightning, and fire? Do you ask for war to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth?!"

Let's see who gets the cake for this one!

2014-08-03, 02:08 PM
I had to chose for the most RPGish but they're perfect!
Let's see who gets the cake for this one!

All Hellsing, right? Father Anderson, Pip, Alucard, and The Major.

Cowardly Griffo
2014-08-03, 02:15 PM
<snip>That's cool, Seras is still a bamf even without any good lines. :smallcool:

And my contribution:

"Oh, hold on a second, let me just check to see if I care..."
*flips through sheets on clipboard.*
"Hmm, noooo... no, seems like I don't."

2014-08-03, 02:24 PM
With regards to the game Planetside 2:

"Death is cheap. Get on the point."

2014-08-03, 07:24 PM
Don't know if anyone has already said it but here we go:

"I'm no man of honour/Myself is my true king/But somewhere deep within me/The bells of conscience ring."

Here's another one: "Do you want to know how I got these scars?"

EDIT: "We fight or we die, that's the plan!"

2014-08-03, 08:59 PM

"Monsters are those who enjoy the death of men. Evil are those who kill, but don't. Guess which I am."

"The voices in this head once went to war. I won."

2014-08-04, 01:42 AM
There is a serious lack of Minsc in this thread.

"Jump on my sword while you can, evil, I won't be as gentle!"

"The bigger they are, the harder I hit!"

"These bars will not hold my wrath! Butts shall be liberally kicked in good measure!"

"Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes! AAAAAAARGH!"

Although it's probably cheating, since it's literally an RPG character...

Teapot Salty
2014-08-04, 01:59 AM
Don't know if anyone has already said it but here we go:

"I'm no man of honour/Myself is my true king/But somewhere deep within me/The bells of conscience ring."

Here's another one: "Do you want to know how I got these scars?"

Probably the best musician on youtube.

"Who are you to command me? I can kill you with my bare hands. I am vastly smarter than you. People naturally fallow me. You think you hold any authority over me just because some old men in suits scribbled there names on a piece of paper?"-The number of times I've been tempted to say this....

2014-08-04, 10:56 AM
"I won't be reckless" (http://m.mhcdn.net/store/manga/176/272.2/compressed/hberserk_v031c267p012_013.jpg?v=11362647286)

2014-08-04, 11:23 AM
Just some quick quotes of my Star Wars character that outta give you an idea about how he works. Also, read all of these in a southern "Georgian plantation owner" accent for the full effect.

*Slams the team's smart aleck into the party ship's bulkhead* "Alright listen up you double dipped rat ****, you may speak ill of me, of my profession, of what I did during the war or even my skills, but if I EVER hear you speak poorly of my wife and daughter I will put you in an early grave do you understand me?"

"Smuggling eng- BAHAHA!! No no son, this thing ain't nothin' more than an old Naboo Starfighter engine with bits welded on. *Whispers conspiratorially* Truth be told son, that there engine's just a distraction. What we're really smuggling is this ship." *Wink and a grin* (In truth the engine is a prototype X-Wing engine and the ship is a POS)

Gracht Grabmaw
2014-08-04, 11:32 AM
I have never played a paladin because I can't really get into that kind of character, but if I was to play one, I'd pretty much sum him up with this:

I am not a righteous man, I'm not even a good man. That's why God sent me here, to do what a good man could never do.

2014-08-04, 01:25 PM
Disclaimer: I don't play RPGs. I do, however, like quotes.

Examples by source.

'You mean you called us up here at this ungodly time of the morning because of a DRAGON?'

'I tell the mighty Big Blue Whale
His life is over soon,
With one swish of this armoured tail,
I put out the sun and moon...

The winds and gales quivering,
When I begin to roar,
The waves themselves are shivering,
And trembling back to shore... '

'Take all the time you need, boyo. This is a problem that requires a lot of thought, and anybody who can have a twenty minute conversation with a winged shark the size of a planet and come out alive is a better thinker than I am.'
(I like this one as it actually describes three characters, even if it doesn't quite come across in the quote)

'I'm fine, mother, but we need to stop talking and start killing everybody.'

'Once I set the sea alight
With a single fiery breath....
Once I was so mighty that I thought
My name was Death...

Sing out loud until you're eaten,
Song of melancholy blisss,
For the mighty and the middling
All shall come to THIS... '

'I didn't think you'd have come if you knew that there was more than one guard.'


'You want me to help you? As long as you're sure.'

'Have pity? The only pity is that it's a pity no one did this sooner!'

'I'm not like most people, dreaming in their sleep. I only dream when I'm awake. Behold! I dreamed all this and it came true!

And, lately, I have begun to dream again...'

'I shall sail on, to the furthest edges of the sky.'

'And maybe, even further than that.'

'Her last words were "I curse you, father." I curse you, father. Look at you, crying over your lost daughter, when you shed no tears for me, your creation. I curse you, father!


'It's a god, seeing everything, hearing everything.
It's not me.'

'I'd never felt the kind of rage I felt as I pushed open the door and strode doen the corridor... it was all-consuming, brutal, merciless... but at the same time, I felt weirdly calm and controlled. I was in control of being out of control...'

'He couldn't terrorise a fly. No offence, Tommy'

'But you could never do it, could you? You're too ****ing weak. Too ****ing righteous. No, I couldn't work with that. It'd drive me mad.'

'Superpowers, no matter how powerful they are, are no help at all when you're crying on your own in the darkness.'

Go wild. :smallsmile:

2014-08-05, 06:07 AM
"Hello. My name is [X]. I kill people for money... but you're my friend, so I'll kill you for nothing."

2014-08-05, 07:08 AM
"I will not deny you tried, but crude effort is no match for true ability."

Gracht Grabmaw
2014-08-07, 09:35 AM
"To take offense is to admit insecurity in your own beliefs." Vaneck Grimfinger, dwarven ranger, manhunter and slaver. The last truly evil character I played, a typical case of a lawful evil character who is convinced he is doing lawful good work and everybody around him just doesn't have the stomach to admit it.

I guess for clarity's sake I should add: His thing was that whenever the party thought bandits or other outlaws, he would go out of his way to spare them so he could capture them and sell them into slavery later. Serving the people of the city he harmed is a just punishment for a man who has spent his life harming and stealing from the same people.

2014-08-07, 12:39 PM
"I will be watching with great intrest"

2014-08-07, 03:30 PM
for the first time he knew more than the fear of fear; he knew fear. And with fear came grief.

He dreamed that he breathed fire - fire, that he craved as he had never craved water. Mad with delirium, he knelt before the flames, rubbing his torn hands, washing them in the crimson-scented flames.

"Yer lie!" he roared. "My brother kin see, dead or livin'! An' he'll see the hangin' of Bud Kent! An' he'll git up outer the grave fur to see it, Bill Bates! I'm tellin' ye! I'm tellin' ye! Deep as I'll plant him, he'll heave that there sand and call to me, when the canoe comes in! I'll hear him; I'll be here! An' we'll live to see the hangin' of Bud Kent!"

Yian, - I have lived there - and loved there. When the breath of my body shall cease, when the dragon's claw shall fade from my arm, when the light of my eyes has faded forever, then, even then I shall not forget the city of Yian. Why, it is my home, - mine! The river and the thousand bridges the white peak beyond, the sweet-scented gardens, the lilies, the pleasant noise of the summer wind laden with bee music and the music of bells, - all these are mine. Do you think because the Kuen-Yuin feared the dragon's claw on my arm that my work with them is ended? Do you think that because Yue-Laou could give, that I acknowledge his right to take away? Is he God, in whose shadow the white water-lotus dares not raise its head? No! No! it was not from Yue-Laou, the sorcerer, the Maker of Moons, that my happiness came! It was real, it was not a shadow to vanish like a tinted bubble! Can a sorcerer create and give a man the woman he loves? Is Yue-Laou as great as God then? In His own time, in His infinite goodness and mercy He will bring me again to the woman I love. And I know she waits for me at God's feet.

He killed me Tess, put me in the ground, but I came back. I clawed my way out. And now I'm going to put him in that hole I crawled out of.

2014-08-08, 12:59 AM
If we're doing songs, then this one's for Dread Necromancers

You are now my favorite person ever.

2014-08-09, 06:49 AM
"Steel isn't strong, boy. Flesh is stronger!"

"If it bleeds we can kill it."

"That's why I managed to stay alive while most of my colleagues are dead. Because I know when to walk away."

"All my stories were true."
"Even the lies?"
"Especially the lies."

"I am no hero. All the heroes I know are either dead or in prison."

"Your desire to remain what you are is what ultimately limits you."

"I heard you have two swords. One to kill men and one for monsters."
"They are both for monsters."

"I am Urdnot Wrex, and THIS IS MY PLANET!"

2014-08-09, 07:38 PM
"There is nothing simple about that simple warrior."


“Mages by nature never commanded loyalty. Fear, yes, and the respect born of fear, but the one thing a mage found difficult to understand or cope with was loyalty. And yet there had been one mage, long ago, who had commanded loyalty – and that was the Emperor.”


“He was a man who would never ask for sympathy. He was a man who sought only to do what was right. Such people appear in the world, every world, now and then, like a single refrain of some blessed song, a fragment caught on the spur of an otherwise raging cacophony."

2014-08-09, 08:00 PM
"I made this. I have no idea what it does." (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php%3F127043-The-Madspark-Eccentric-3-5-PrC")

2014-08-10, 12:05 AM
"For much of my life, I've been blessed with a certainty that is denied to other men. The Druids have foretold the circumstance of my death, and so I may not die any other way. I may die now, I know this. But beneath the certainty of the Druids is a certainty all my own. I MAY die now, but I shall not! For you see, I am Calvin Kessler, Gentleman Adventurer and Problem-Solver Extraordinaire...And you, sir, are simply another problem."

"Is it not true that so long as a mans name is spoken, he shall never die? I am slain today, but I shall live on the lips of the mighty and the cowardly, in fretful voices and frightened whispers across the world. My name will echo across eternity. Long after your names are dead and even my deeds have been forgotten, I shall live."
This one works for a hero AND a villain!

"I've carried enough lies in my life to recognize the burden."

"If you think summoning a giant squid is the answer, I've already tried that."

"What's the catch?"
"Funny you should ask that! *whips out comically long contract* Can you read?"

2014-08-10, 02:54 AM
I know nothing of your afterlife.

I know nothing of your gods, or their greed for glory.

But I know this.

In days to come, widows shall curse me as they weep.

Fields shall go to seed.

Sons and daughters shall be sold into slavery.

Fathers shall die desolate, knowing that their line is extinct.

This night, I shall carve my mark into the Nansurium and thousands shall cry out for want of my mercy!

- Cnaiur urs Skiotha, Most Violent Of All Men, rallying his troops for a last stand.

Lord Raziere
2014-08-10, 04:26 AM
All of these are like from one character I played in one campaign: (Sharinelle, catfolk sorcerer)
"Nothing like the threat of fire and brimstone….or in this case, water and clamshells? To renew someones faith…."

"Did I ever tell you how cities feel? They always feel completely different from everywhere else. As if they are their own self-contained world, separate from everywhere else. With different rules and attitudes…"

"….Aye we're Pathfinders. "Run away now" is our code word for "Investigate Further!" and that is what we shall do…."

"I have a game I like to play. It is called Pink Clothing Poker, its kinda like strip poker, but instead of taking your clothes off, I turn them pink if you lose…"

"Oh wait, he's Aasimar, that doesn't mean he is apefolk that means hes….what Angelfolk? Goodfolk? Nah, Goodfolk sounds too much like a compliment. I need to keep some aloof disdain in my voice you understand. Its standard policy among the non-human races when dealing with humanity. Your close enough to humanity that I'm like legally obligated to speak to you in a condescending tone of voice and drive you crazy with my wildly different culture. That I pretend is better than yours."

"If this trick works, I am SO going to use it on worshippers of Cayden Cailean to make them do stupid stuff next."

She said with a mischievous smile and even more mischievous twinkle in her eyes. she walked right up to the wizard and imitated a noblewoman's voice.
"My word, Natasha! How dare he insult the Ancient and Proud Lineages of the Sorcerous Bloodlines! Is it not sad, that the world has reduced spellcasting from its noble high art to mere trickery that pops out of odd little books carried around by commoners? I mean really, them with their drab and dull language, their overly technical approach of incantation, it simply has no life or art to it darling, no art at all! Unlike us sorcerers who are cultured and wise to the ways of the world outside dusty tomes, who are in tune with magic is in its natural state, ohohohohoho…."
She continued showing how a sorcerer can be a cultured, refined jerk using flowery language and demonstrating how elitism can work both ways, all with a smile on her face about how she knew everything she was saying was like, half garbage.

"…Fine…I will….but why does this chosen and prophecy stuff always happen to those who least expect it? To me, to every single naive farm boy who picks up a rusty blade? I am this important gem….but what does that truly mean? Why pick me for all this to revolve around? Strange how these prophecies never seem to choose old, wise supernatural beings of incredible power to carry these things out.
Is that a perk of the job? You have to act all wise and cryptic now and then as if you know more about everything than everyone else, and in return you get a "No Prophecy" Free Pass Card from the fates or something? If so, I want that job. Who do I hand my resume to? Or is being old, wise and incredibly powerful a job requirement, not a part of the job itself? Damn."

"Sigh….I should've learned to cast that Mending cantrip, should I? The Tide-Weaver Elders always warn you that someday you'll need Mending, but we never listen! Worse, those elders don't have Mending either! Because they learned from experience that they should've learned Mending! After ignoring their elders who warned them to learn Mending! Who also learned such wisdom from experience they themselves did not heed! The cycle once again repeats itself! Curse you unheeded cyclical wisdom! Curse you forever!"

these are from another campaign (Naruto using Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Kazuo and Naneko):

"Yea yea, whatever you overblown long-winded Son of a Legend. Your just in a hissy cause you didn't get to be a hero just like daddy. Why don't you go find some effeminate Uchiha to have some strange love-hate rivalry relationship with. You can stare into his red creepy eyes and whisper into his ear "Dattebayo" and he will answer lovingly back "Hn."- Kazuo

"Well then, hello Daichi. Since you so want to be distinguished from your fathers legacy, I'm going to honor that in my own little way. Coming up with it was not easy. There were so many titles that would've fit just as well! Such as Mr. Nukeforest, The Exploding Autumn, Hidden In The Boom, An Explosion In The Wind, and many other such names…. however all pale in comparison to the one that fits best. a name that is short, catchy, memorable and best of all, a bad pun, no longer are you Son-Of-Legends..."
He made a dramatic flourish.
"From this day forth….I rechristen thee…."
He pointed at Daichi.
"Bomb Tree."

"Yes, I am completely willing and ready to go off into terrifying danger to face a man with a Bijuu and a powerful jutsu that could wreck my entire perception of reality. Yay." -Kazuo

"If I had known that being shinobi would lead to all this, I would've just stayed home and grown up to be a fish salesman. much safer, selling fish. It may be stinky to sell fish, but its still safer."-Kazuo

"Keep it cool Naneko…I'm sure the book is legitimate, and that he sees through my deceptive cat girl persona like any true ninja would. Maybe he is trying to enhance that persona? or something? just trust him, he is the sensei, he probably knows better..."- Naneko

"Ok…you insist on honest communication, I shall grant it. Though why sensei, you want such communication is a mystery to me. The enemy could be watching at any time and speaking honestly could reveal things we would otherwise want hidden. sometimes I question whether you even have a mask…buts thats silly, ALL ninja have masks and they all deceive…"-Naneko

"Hey! I think completely differently! I'm not some clan prodigy chasing after glory for its own sake or some weirdo caught up in his own brilliance-centered ego. My concern for the good of this nation! For the good of the village! I would lay down my life for others if it came to it! That is what a shinobi is all about. Furthermore I know to keep my mask up, to be careful, to be pragmatic, to be subtle. I have complete control of what I am, unlike others-neko."- Naneko

"But….I…..he….fun girl? No….I'm supposed to be a ninja! I….kill people that is my purpose. Not tell campfire stories! Not eat smores and laugh while sitting around with friends, I'm a killer, I kill! He knows who I am, he knows what I do….why then did he say that?
…..and why do I enjoy it? I…..like this. It may not be my purpose, but I enjoyed it. Am I supposed to like things outside of my purpose? what does that mean? for…..me? what does that say about me? Is a ninja supposed to feel this way?….is this what a ninja feels at all?……what is….why…..what am I? what does it mean for me?


Who am I? Who, who am I?

WHO AM I!?"- Naneko

2014-08-10, 12:55 PM
"Gotta go fast!" *Cue the rest of the Sonic X Opening here* and "I must kill fast and bullets too slow" accurately describe this nightmarishly optimized Harpy I wanna make for this setting I'm constructing. I've essentially weaponized movement speed.

200ft movement, two move actions plus a standard per round, deals 6 damage for every 20ft moved, also has Sneak Attack and Skirmish at 5d6 a piece. At a run (x4 speed) they fly at 181mph.

2014-08-10, 01:58 PM
"I killed a demon with these hands!/Did I say I'm also in a band?"
- Danny Sexbang

The quote's from a song about a pathetic guy trying to seduce a girl at a party by singing about how he killed a dragon.

But taking the quote out of context, I'm picturing a hypercompetent fighter who should by all logic thrive in a fantasy dungeon-looting, swashbuckling world. However, at some point, his confidence in life was terribly shaken by someone pointing out that he seemed to have no other interests or skills besides monster slaying... implanting deep-seated insecurities that, A. perhaps killing stuff isn't the most fulfilling life path one can take, and B. that maybe he's really not that talented at the other important things in life.

That reminds me of Rachel from Animorphs. She starts out as a popular blond who likes shopping and gymnastics, and has suddenly become a superhero. As the series went on, she got more and more ruthless, and more and more concerned about whether she liked fighting too much, and what that meant about her character.

2014-08-10, 02:02 PM
"This is not a war, this is pest control!"

"You are superior to me in only one respect, you are better at dying."


2014-08-12, 02:23 AM
"Call me Ishmael."

2014-08-12, 01:01 PM
"I made this. I have no idea what it does." (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php%3F127043-The-Madspark-Eccentric-3-5-PrC")

Reminds me of this one:

"Does this look familiar? Do you know what it is? Neither do I! I made it in my sleep. Apparently I used Gindrogak, highly unstable!

I put a button on it, yes. I wish to press it, but, I'm not sure what will happen if I do..."

2014-08-12, 09:58 PM
For explorers, expeditions, and boldly going forth "to challenge the great unknown," Iron Savior's Thunderbird (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahk-1gwHUG4) is quite inspiring.

Perhaps more of a humorous rather than awesome character concept, but every know-it-all should take a page from the Modern Major General's (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upl_tje9ZIE) handbook.

Gracht Grabmaw
2014-08-13, 10:02 AM
"Call me Ishmael."

Aye, aye! and I’ll chase him round Good Hope, and round the Horn, and round the Norway Maelstrom, and round perdition’s flames before I give him up.

Seriously, if that's not a case of Favored Enemy I don't know what is.

2014-08-13, 07:27 PM
"I am a warrior, let the battle be joined."

"So, what's a warrior without weapons?"
"A warrior still."

"Build a man a fire, he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm the rest of his life!"

My favorite Tyrion quote: "I have a soft spot for cripples, bastards, and broken things."

"They say we wizards are subtle. But believe you me, we've got nothing, nothing at all, on women."

Teapot Salty
2014-08-13, 08:36 PM
"Those are some brave men, let's go kill them."- Tyrion Lannister

Gracht Grabmaw
2014-08-15, 10:24 AM
I feel like this little nugget from Hellblazer could be my next Mage or Vampire character, if I can ever get out of just being the ST forever.

Clarice: Talk to me, John.
John: Dead girlfriends, Clarice.
Clarice: Ah. Your favourite drug.
John: And magic.
Clarice: Your favourite ****.

2014-08-15, 04:29 PM
Sometimes the quote makes the character, sometimes the character makes the quote.

"I bear a message, fresh from the lips of the Lord of Fire and Steel."
"And what exactly would that be?"
"Get the **** off my throne."-spoken by a gun toting priest

"You broke the laws of my people, why should I obey yours?"

"A decade of suffering, a moment of justice."

"I'm good for three things, mate. Eatin', drinkin', an' takin' hits."

"Nobody else dies today."

"I'm tired of people taking care of me! It's my turn!"

2014-08-28, 04:46 PM
"There was nothing [he] would not sacrifice, no one he would not slay, if it meant the people he cared about were safe. [He] would raze entire dimensions, killing both innocent and guilty alike, if it ensured their well-being."

Out of curiosity, what alignment would you give a character based off of the above quote?

2014-09-01, 12:36 AM
"There was nothing [he] would not sacrifice, no one he would not slay, if it meant the people he cared about were safe. [He] would raze entire dimensions, killing both innocent and guilty alike, if it ensured their well-being."

Out of curiosity, what alignment would you give a character based off of the above quote?

Some form of neutral, probably.

"Get off my lawn. No, seriously, GET OFF IT."

Lord Raziere
2014-09-01, 01:04 AM
"The world is a complicated, confusing place full of lies misconceptions and conflict. Thats why I want to know how it works- so that I can take it all apart, then put it back together again. But Better."

"I know the only truth that anyone ever needs to know: If its crazy but it works, it ain't crazy."

"I'm the most selfish person in the world. I want to be the hero that saves everyone else after all."

2014-09-01, 07:33 AM
I once built a 4e Ranger built on the premise:
"There is no 'Overkill'. There is only 'Fire' and 'Reload'."

It involved a firing lot of arrows :smalltongue:

2014-09-01, 09:00 AM
My Pathfinder group is a bunch of people new to playing table-tops and they're super annoying. They think themselves to be "cool nerds" and like put down those they think aren't (and actually gave me a lot of **** about playing D&D before they started) and so far when I play, I've always been the mother hen, playing a cleric and talking them down when they get frustrated and want to murder a valuable NPC or something.

I'm tired of that and would like to base my next character off of these quotes from Sarge from Red vs. Blue:


My question to you guys is how I should go about making that character with a non-spellcaster?

Also, a quote I really love from...I have no idea what it's called, actually. It's one of Glen Cook's novels, NOT the Black Company ones. I think it was just:

"You have made me lonely."

2014-09-01, 06:49 PM
My Pathfinder group is a bunch of people new to playing table-tops and they're super annoying. They think themselves to be "cool nerds" and like put down those they think aren't (and actually gave me a lot of **** about playing D&D before they started) and so far when I play, I've always been the mother hen, playing a cleric and talking them down when they get frustrated and want to murder a valuable NPC or something.

I'm tired of that and would like to base my next character off of these quotes from Sarge from Red vs. Blue:


My question to you guys is how I should go about making that character with a non-spellcaster?

Sounds like a Barbarian to me.

2014-09-01, 07:26 PM
"If you're very good, tomorrow night I'll tell you the story of emperor who was betrayed by those closest to him, by his own blood. They whispered in dark corners and went out late at night and conspired and conspired but the emperor knew they were up to something. He knew they were busy little bees. And one night he sat down with one of them and he looked at her and he said, "Tell me what you've been doing busy little bee or I shall strike down those dearest to you. You shall watch as I bathe in their blood." And the emperor was heartbroken. The little bee had wounded him more deeply than anyone else could ever have done. And what do you think happened then?"

One Step Two
2014-09-01, 07:47 PM
This one goes out to all my fellow Brown Coats.

"First Rule of battle, little one... don't ever let them know where you are."
"'Course, there's the other schools of thought..."

"We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so very pertty. We are just to pretty for God to let us die."

"Shiny, let's go be bad guys."

"Also, I can kill you with my Brain."

"I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you."

"We gotta go to the crappy town where I'm a hero."

"You Guys always bring me the very best Violence."

"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here..."

"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

"Ain't logical. Cuttin' on his own face, rapin' and murdering - Hell, I'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight, or if he bothers me, or if there's a woman, or if I'm gettin' paid - mostly when I'm gettin' paid. But these Reavers.. last ten years they show up like the bogy man out of stories. Eating People alive? Where's that get fun?"

"We got here in the nick of time, what do you think that makes us?"
"Big Damn Heroes sir."
"Ain't we just?"

"Ya'll got on this boat for different reasons, but ya'll come to the same place. So now, I'm asking more of you than I have before. Maybe all. Sure as I know anything, I know this - they will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, ten? They'll swing back to the belief that they can make people... better. And I do not hold to that. So no moer runnin'. I aim to misbehave."

"I am leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."

2014-09-02, 05:29 PM
Here are a few good ones I can think of.

"My hypocrisy goes only so far"

" I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughing. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it."

"You will deny in agony, begging for mercy, which I will gladly provide."

2014-09-03, 01:16 AM
You forgot one:

"Mercy is the mark of a great man."
"Guess I'm just a good man."
"Well, I'm alright."

On another note, unrelated to browncoats.
"I did NOT kill him! you insult me by relating me to such sloppy work."

2014-09-03, 09:24 AM

1st Rule of magic: Always be the smartest person in the room


Good, bad I am the one with the gun.

Teapot Salty
2014-09-03, 10:38 PM
TF2, did we do these already:

"Some men think they can outsmart me. Maybe, maybe. I have yet to meet a man who can outsmart bullet."

"The answer, use a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun."

"Feelings? You know who has a lot of feelings? Men who bludgeon their wives to death, with a golf trophy. Professionals, have standards. Be polite, be efficient, have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

"Can guarantee you won't go hungry. 'Cause as long as theirs two people left on the planet, someone, is gonna want someone dead."

2014-09-03, 10:49 PM
For a paladin who's had to break out the atonement spell in the past, or a fallen-but-not-evil paladin (although I can't offhand think of a way to make that practical for combat):

The trouble with oaths that take the form, "death before dishonor," is that eventually they sort the world into two people: the dead and the forsworn.

For, just offhand, a barbarian from a monstrous race trying not to be evil:

She would like to refrain from cruelty and not be thanked for it.

For any character who focuses on redemption, if you want a principle a little different from the standard D&D character:

What I’ve come to learn is that the world is never saved in grand messianic gestures, but in the simple accumulation of gentle, soft, almost invisible acts of compassion.
(She'll probably still end up with some grand messianic gestures, because D&D, but I think it'd be interesting to play a character who doesn't expect to do them.)

For a former Proper Lady rapidly finding a need to take levels in rogue or gunslinger and discovering she loves it:

Dress suitably in short skirts and strong boots, leave your jewels in the bank, and buy a revolver.

And I hesitate to use straight-up badass boasts, because they set you up with big shoes to fill, but try and tell me Fall Out Boy's "My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark (Light 'Em Up)" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkIWmsP3c_s) couldn't be the basis for a really chilling BBEG bard, of the "burn the world and start over" type. (BBEG bards, now there's something you don't see every day.)

I'm in the details with the Devil
You know the world will never get me on my level
I just gotta get you out the cage
I'm a young lover's rage

I've got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see
You're the antidote to everything except for me
I'm a constellation of tears on your lashes
Burn everything you love, then burn the ashes

My songs know what you did in the dark,
so light 'em up.

(Signature spell is definitely Blistering Invective.)

2014-09-04, 01:03 PM
And I hesitate to use straight-up badass boasts, because they set you up with big shoes to fill, but try and tell me Fall Out Boy's "My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark (Light 'Em Up)" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkIWmsP3c_s) couldn't be the basis for a really chilling BBEG bard, of the "burn the world and start over" type.

I listened to this just because, and I think I found another character concept in here:

I wish that you could see,
that you're the antidote to everything except for me

A healer or emotional support, either full of self-doubt or trying to redeem the Bard.
This also gives a bit of complexity to the Bard: they may want a truly worthy opponent, whether that means one fighting with all their heart, or one not so patheticly insistent on trying to find the good in the BBEEG.
Perhaps the Healer was someone the Bard was close to or admired (you don't see many reverse broken pedestals in stories. It could be interesting), who they want to be great and strong in the new world. Or perhaps they just want the best archnemesis for their story they can get. Bards will be bards, after all.

2014-09-04, 05:28 PM
I've always thought that Hand of Sorrow would make a good character inspiration:


Sadly I'm too silly to play a character with such gravitas.

I think this is attributable to Rincewind: "He who fights and runs away lives to run away another day". I'd be much better at such a character.

2014-09-04, 09:06 PM
"Build a man a fire, he's warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm the rest of his life!"

*snicker* Gets me every time. I need to remember this for my next evil character.

Something for my fellow barbarians, fighters, Space Wolves and overall all people who know, what's best in their chosen profession:

"Relax son, enjoy every moment! You fight, then eat good food. You fight, then drink fine wine. You fight, then sleep with beautiful women. Hell, fight with beautiful women! That is what it means to live."

"I have had carnal knowledge of the fairest maidens in Heaven... and have tasted the finest wines of Gaia. But none of it-- none of it-- excites my blood more than using my blade!"

"I don't fight for good, and I don't fight for evil. I just fight!"

2014-09-04, 09:59 PM
"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die." -Inigo Montoya

2014-09-04, 10:57 PM
"The Perfect Party. It's an elusive idea. People have to be completely entertained from the moment they walk in to the moment they walk out. It's a grand experiment; and I am a party scientist. Welcome to my laboratory."

the OOD
2014-09-05, 12:08 AM
Telling Ghosts (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS-s5jZaqsc) keeps inspiring ideas of a John Constantine-ish character.
a talker who can speak with the dead, walking amidst a sea of ghosts, disillusioned with life (the perspective of ghosts 24/7 will do that). not a fighter, but a trickster who aid himself with the secrets of ghosts.

that said, this song has so many interpretations, I would love to here yours!

2014-09-06, 01:03 PM
"I am the Flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you." ~ Ghengis Khan

Tell me that doesn't scream Grey Guard

Gracht Grabmaw
2014-09-07, 11:40 AM
"I am the Flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you." ~ Ghengis Khan

Tell me that doesn't scream Grey Guard

He didn't really mean that though. He just liked to **** with his enemies, particularly muslims. Like when he found out they think touching dead people is unholy, he catapulted corpses over their walls.

His grandson Hülegü was even more spiteful. He purposefully destroyed irrigation systems around Bagdad to turn the place into a barren desert just because the nobles of the city kept bragging to him about their awesome parks and gardens.

2014-09-07, 03:19 PM
"Nice Try? Where I come from there is no try."

Said by one Waldo Butters, mere moments after becoming Paladin-Jedi-Batman.

2014-09-07, 05:02 PM
" Oh no we're not trapped in here with them. They're trapped in here with Jenkins".
"Jenkins, who is Jenkins. "
" Jenkins is..............on our side. Trust me you'll grow to appreciate that. "

Atomic Robo

2014-09-08, 06:28 AM
"Victory demands no excuses, Defeat allows none."

2014-09-08, 02:48 PM
He didn't really mean that though. He just liked to **** with his enemies, particularly muslims. Like when he found out they think touching dead people is unholy, he catapulted corpses over their walls.

His grandson Hülegü was even more spiteful. He purposefully destroyed irrigation systems around Bagdad to turn the place into a barren desert just because the nobles of the city kept bragging to him about their awesome parks and gardens.

Of course not. I meant it purely by reading, not by the original intention.

2014-09-10, 03:29 PM
So, has anyone actually made characters based off of the quotes on this thread?

The only one that I've made was from two quotes that I provided: "You know how I got these scars" & "I have a soft spot for cripples, bastards, and broken things."

I'm not sure if this new quote would work, but I like it and figured that I'd put it up here anyway: "We are the last/Children of the Cataclysm" although rather than being a quote about a specific character it could for for a faction or organization.

Man, Miracle of Sound's songs are a goldmine of quotes.

Teapot Salty
2014-09-11, 02:35 PM
So, has anyone actually made characters based off of the quotes on this thread?

The only one that I've made was from two quotes that I provided: "You know how I got these scars" & "I have a soft spot for cripples, bastards, and broken things."

I'm not sure if this new quote would work, but I like it and figured that I'd put it up here anyway: "We are the last/Children of the Cataclysm" although rather than being a quote about a specific character it could for for a faction or organization.

Man, Miracle of Sound's songs are a goldmine of quotes.

Justice runs in crimson rivers.

2014-09-11, 03:44 PM
@Jendekit: not played, but I've started building that bard I was talking about and fine-tuned some goals and backstory. (He's moved from omnicidal maniac to creepy stalker determined to destroy a kingdom for 'keeping him from the girl of his dreams,' who used court duties as a polite excuse to drop him when she started picking up on everything hiding under the 18 charisma.) When I'll get a chance to run the campaign is another question, of course.

Jay R
2014-09-11, 07:55 PM
So, has anyone actually made characters based off of the quotes on this thread?

I more-or-less created Dr. MacAbre off of "To say 'magic' instead of 'I don't know' proves nothing."

But Ornrandir was a long-established character when I came up with "That's because you're a paladin, sworn to do what's good and lawful. I'm just a thief, free to do what's right."

2014-09-11, 08:49 PM
I really like the one my current GM used, among others: Has gun, will tech support.

2014-09-11, 09:56 PM
"But if you prick us, do we not bleed?"
". . . no."

Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.

Love belongs to desire, and desire is always cruel.

There are things not in your book. There are paths outside this garden. You would do well to remember that.

There are roughly seventy people walking the Earth, human to all appearances … who were alive before the Earth had begun to congeal from gas and dust.

“Sometimes...you can cry until there's nothing wet in you. You can scream and curse to where your throat rebels and ruptures. You can pray, all you want, to whatever god you think will listen. And, still it makes no difference. It goes on, with no sign as to when it might release you. And you know that if it ever did relent...it would not be because it cared.”

Oh, yes! Fill the churches with dirty thoughts! Introduce honesty to the White House! Write letters in dead languages to people you've never met! Paint filthy words on the foreheads of children! Burn your credit cards and wear high heels! Asylum doors stand open!

Sometimes it's only madness that makes us what we are.

The moon is so beautiful. It's a big silver dollar, flipped by God. And it landed scarred side up, see? So He made the world.

. . . although we must keep our fingers away from his mouth (he snaps, this one; snaps like a baby crocodile), we are allowed to pity him a little.

Anyone who knows the lot gets an internet.

Lord Raziere
2014-09-12, 05:13 AM
The Sandman! Neil Gaiman's Sandman! the second quote tipped me off, but the fourth is a dead giveaway with its talk of a book and a garden.

2014-09-21, 04:18 PM
"They say your life flashes before your eyes when you're about to die, any useful flashes yet?"

"It is only when you fall, when you learn if you can fly."
"Cheap advice, from a dragon."

"I'd make a terrible slave, for one thing I talk too much," draws dagger and places it at slaver's throat, "and I do that."

Jay R
2014-09-25, 09:44 PM
I could see building a gallant rogue around this one, from the TV show, Alias Smith and Jones.

Hannibal Heyes: Don't worry, outlaws never shoot ladies.
Clara Phillips: You mean they have a code of honor?
Hannibal Heyes: No, they have a shortage of ladies.

2014-09-26, 06:26 AM
If we're doing songs, then this one's for Dread Necromancers

Sorry, but there's only one song for the necromancer:


For the ambitious diplomancer or manipulative BBEG:

Regimes may fall or fail, but I do not. - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord


"What if you miss?
"Don't know. Never have. - Person of Interest

`Road to Hell is paved with good intentions`types:

Once there was The People--Terror gave it birth;
Once there was The People and it made a Hell of Earth
Earth arose and crushed it. Listen, 0 ye slain!
Once there was The People--it shall never be again! - Rudyard Kipling

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-09-27, 05:15 AM
Nope. Organizational business meeting.

I said, "Don't ask."

Coffee. Nose. Spew.

Tarlek Flamehai
2014-09-27, 01:32 PM
I like nice, simple situations and nice, easy solutions," said Belgarath. "Good and Evil?" Durnik suggested. "That's a difficult one, Durnik. I prefer 'them and us."

“Any time there's something so ridiculously dangerous that no rational human being would try it, they send for me.'

"I lied," Silk confessed. "It's a vice a have.”

"She's been swearing a great deal lately, though, and that's not like her. She's usually a very ladylike little snake."

"My apologies to your horse.”

"How would you like to have me gut you?" she offered.

Why don't we just call it a symptom of my incipient madness?

“If you're going to maintain any kind of self-respect, you're going to have to keep secrets from yourself.”

“We were in the middle of a busy street for one thing. Killing somebody’s the sort of thing you ought to do in private, wouldn’t you say?”

“Little jobs require little men, and it's the little jobs that keep a kingdom running.”

"I believe that forgiving them is God's function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting."

"Death. Death! DEATH to those who oppose us!"

If you refuse, you die; she dies... everybody dies!

He's nothing but a low-down, double-dealing, backstabbing, larcenous perverted worm! Hanging's too good for him. Burning's too good for him! He should be torn into little bitsy pieces and buried alive!

“A man’s got to have a code, a creed to live by.”

“Don’t say it’s a fine morning or I’ll shoot ya’.”

“God-damn, I’m the stuff men are made of!”

“Talk low, talk slow, and don’t say too much.”

If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow.

“What is your name?"
So I can mark your grave...”

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”

“The truth. Men will blind themselves with hot irons, rather than face it.”

"Cheer up, laddie. Nobody lives forever."

“The night has a capacity for terror that the day can never match.”

This world is a troubled, savage, place. It would, however, even be more ghastly if only evil men took time to master weapons.

“we are what we are my boy and wolves is what we are”

“Shall I show him in or tell him to go find a short and unpleasant route to hell?”

“Peace through superior firepower.”

“This is what you get for letting rednecks play with antimatter, boss”

“This is too complicated. What about I shoot him? If he comes back, he really likes me.”

“Neither love nor evil conquers all, but evil cheats more.”

“Maybe they know what I know, that the true way to a man's heart is six inches of metal between his ribs. Sometimes four inches will do the job, but to be really sure, I like to have six.”

“Can the sarcasm,' he said. 'Please, I always use fresh sarcasm, never canned.”

“If I let you get killed, the other body guards will make fun of me.”

“I enjoy my anger, it’s the only hobby I have.”

“I am sincere, ma petite, even when I lie.”

“A girl could never have too much jewelry or too much weaponry.”

“Is it better to outmonster the monsters or to be quietly devoured?”

“Hope will lie to you, but lust is what it is; it never lies.”

“If you’re alive, don’t move, if you’re dead, don’t worry about it.”

“I am the Executioner. Murder someone in my town, and I’m the one that you get to see. Once.”

“But we were all young once. It passes, like innocence and a sense of fair play. The only thing left in the end is a good instinct for survival.”

“Is this a private fight, or can anyone join?”

“I don't do doomed.”

“In real life I do violence, but for psychic stuff I do other things better.”
Warning, very long.

“Because all bad little vampires see me in the end”

“Death cures all ills. Well, most of them.”

“We aren't the good guys, Anita. We're the necessary guys. -Edward”

“I spent the next fifteen minutes convincing a crying werewolf that I wasn’t going to hurt her. My life was getting too strange, even for me.”

“Anyone who doesn't believe that the forest is a deadly place has never been lost in one.”

“Be nice, be nice, until it's time to stop being nice, then destroy them.”

“I don't have a master. I'm not sure if I have an equal.”

2014-09-28, 10:23 AM
One of my favorites is from magic the gathering's Stifle "If I wanted your opinion, I'd have told you what it was."

2014-09-28, 03:25 PM
I think Frankie says it best (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E2hYDIFDIU)

Really those lyrics can go for any RPG character.

2014-09-29, 02:42 AM
"But... but... Blasting is suboptimal!"

Yes. Yes it is. But so is Batman's taking on criminals one-on-one instead of using his vast wealth to erect lasting social change through civic programs. But who's complaining about Batman? He's Batman.

2015-09-24, 06:45 AM
I've started building a human sorcerer based on the quote earlier:

"The voices in my head went to war. I won"

Or something along those lines.

2015-09-28, 08:33 AM
So, has anyone actually made characters based off of the quotes on this thread?

The only one that I've made was from two quotes that I provided: "You know how I got these scars" & "I have a soft spot for cripples, bastards, and broken things."

I'm not sure if this new quote would work, but I like it and figured that I'd put it up here anyway: "We are the last/Children of the Cataclysm" although rather than being a quote about a specific character it could for for a faction or organization.

Man, Miracle of Sound's songs are a goldmine of quotes.

Well, I'm currently making a character based off Redgum's "I was only 19", as I said earlier in this thread. That said, I posted in the thread because I was basing a character on a quote, rather than vice versa.

For those who are wondering, here's the passage that convinced me to make the character:
"A four week operation when each step could mean your last last one on two legs /
It was a war within yourself /
But you wouldn't let you mates down 'til they had you dusted off /
so you closed your eyes and though about something else."

2015-09-28, 09:07 AM
"Never lost a fair game. Nor played one" - Twisted Fate, League of Legends

"I'm not really fond of killing people. But luckily you're not a person just a huge ******* "

"Your lust for life is the reason to live" - "Carry on" by Freedom Call

"Demons, gods, magicians, half-human hybdrids, vampires and weirder things, yet it's up to the guy with a piece of metal in his hand to save them all"

"Oh god why did i think this was a good ideaaaaaa... !"

"I'm not human, the things that are instinctual for you elude me. That's why i try to be the most humane person i can."

And a long and quite known one

“All right," said Susan. "I'm not stupid. You're saying humans need... fantasies to make life bearable."


"Tooth fairies? Hogfathers? Little—"


"So we can believe the big ones?"


"They're not the same at all!"


"Yes, but people have got to believe that, or what's the point—"


2015-09-28, 09:18 AM
The Doctor: Look at that, I'm angry, this is new. I'm not sure what's going to happen now.
Madame Kovarian: The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules.
The Doctor: Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.

2015-09-28, 11:01 AM
"My family was killed by vampires. My master, who saved me, was killed by vampires when he fought a needless war against them. I will not be killed. I will befriend, and bring peace to us all."
-old World of Darkness, an Akashi I played who was devoted to the idea of forming alliances with other supernaturals.

"We're PCs and they're NPCs, and they were a potential threat. Why are you upset that I killed them? It's not like they're really people."
-an increasingly evil Virtual Adept (Reality Hacker) talking to his cabal about mortals

2015-09-28, 11:05 PM
"Please be an ambush. Please be an ambush... Yes!"
-Hardcover Hobb

"My secrets are mine. Your secrets are also mine. "
-Ming Chen

"Oh, come on. Like this is craziest thing we've ever done."
-Lia Grace

"I am your guardian demon."
-Iron Will

"I hope all my enemies underestimate me as much as you just did."
-Omanda the Dragonkiller

All PCS or NPCS I've ran.

2015-09-29, 02:15 AM
High level spellcaster : Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
High level Barbarian: I don't have let peeves, I have psychotic ****ing hatreds.

2015-10-02, 03:05 PM
Although I have enjoyed the new posts I feel I should point out there is a new thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?390599-Quotes-you-can-build-a-character-off-of-II-It-s-never-as-good-the-second-time-around) for this now.

Despite the title, it also has many good quotes.