View Full Version : IC - Odath

2014-06-17, 09:50 AM

As you awake to the dawn of a new day, realisation hits you. This is it, the time has come for the Reaping of the 73rd Hunger Games. This has always been an unforgettable day throughout your life. For some reason, today has you feeling particularly nervous, dread filling your stomach.

You rise and dress smartly, wearing the best clothes you have. As you leave your house, you join the growing throng of people filing towards the reaping itself. Peacekeepers line the way, their immaculate white uniforms and faceless helmets keeping you from recognising any of them. Their presence presses in on you, reminding you of the harsh reality. Two children are going to their deaths. Not today, but because of the events set in motion on this day. The thought hangs over everyone like a smothering fog.

Just like all the other children in the district, you line up with those of the same age as you. Girls on one side, boys on the other. Your blood is taken by a peacekeeper at a desk, checking you in. The older children put on a brave face for the benefit of those that are younger, but everyone is afraid.

Standing on the stage, stationed between two bowls filled with names, a young looking woman with bright purple hair looks out over the assembling children with a warm smile...

Please post your character's general appearance and his/her mannerisms as the reaping takes place. How it goes down is completely up to you.

2014-06-19, 07:30 AM
The female tribute is chosen first, and Eleeza calls out: "Penny the Shatterer," but before anyone has time to process this, another girl has volunteered in her place. The peacekeepers swarm her expecting to have to drag her on stage, but instead she marches resolutely onto the stage, and the peacekeepers almost seem to become an honour guard. The girl is a half-orc, and when brought on stage, has a brief whispered conversation with Eleeza before the escort calls out: "Our female tribute, Sheila the Shatterer, a volunteer!"

Greetings! I'm district 7's DM and so I will be running your personal thread!

2014-06-24, 09:51 PM
He stared right atop the mantle where the photograph was framed. He could feel his own hatred bubbling up to his head, threatening to burst forth from his skull.

Seven years ago today they took Gerath from him. This was the same day they took Gerath and sent him to his death in that sickening twisted execution that the Capital citizens had the balls to call a "Game". He wished they would all just go die, burn, drown fall off a cliff, he didn't care, they took his brother from him. But that would never happen, and it wouldn't bring him back anyway. His rage simmered down to sadness. He finished knotting his tie, stringing it up to his throat, like a noose he thought. He saw his younger brother, Jer through the mirror above the mantle and quickly checked his face. Blank. Good. He shifted his features into something he thought a smile should look like and turned to him and patted him on the head. "Are you ready?" he asked. The ten year-old's expression changed to a smile as well and he nodded affirmation. "Let's go then." Odath said.

His family walked quietly alongside him, his fifteen-year old brother Kael would also be part of the reaping, he knew. It was unlikely either of them would be picked, neither of them took tesserae very often. Their names were in there less than times each. He looked at his brother, the one who was old enough to remember Gerath. He looked an awful lot like him, maybe less filled out, but with brilliant blue eyes and striking blond hair and a strong jaw and slender features.

Odath gave his blood then filed into the lines. His face a blank mask of the anger he felt for the peacekeepers. Given the chance he would kill them all, he thought. He began to wonder and speculate as to who could be the new tributes. His mind wandered and he thought about who he knew took many tesserae, assuring himself he couldn't be picked. Jon, Luc, Bern, Greg... He kept thinking about who it could be when his thoughts were interrupted and he realized that all eyes were on him. ".ath Fergusson... He seems a bit dazed, someone help him up to the stage."

He snapped out of his daze, then glared at the row of boys staring at him until they averted their gazes and let him pass. He shuffled lazily to the stage taking his time, thinking about how good it would feel to punch the Visitor in his stupid mouth. The other tribute, a girl was already standing tall on the other side of the platform. It was pushing it to call her a girl though, he Odath thought, she looked like she could out-punch his own rage induced strength. She and her family were notorious for being able to tear down trees with their bare hands. Doubly notorious for losing several members to the Games. At least he and she were similar that way. His mother had left, he knew she would break down into tears to lose another son. He wondered if Shiela's mother even cared anymore, or if she had gone numb. The Visitor cheered and directed a salvo of confetti and music at the crowd.

He was later given a chance to speak with his family, his mother wept openly in the spare room they were given to say their goodbyes. He was sure no one was there watching, but for the sake of his little brothers he kept up his mask. Little Jer was confused and afraid, to soothe him, he said in his happiest voice, "Jer, I'm going to be gone for a while, so I need you to help Kael and Ma around the house." The little Jer asked, his lips trembling, "You're going to win, right? Promise me you'll win Odie, you always keep your promise. I know you'll win, if you promise. You promise" Odath stopped for a beat. Well, it couldn't hurt, he thought.

"I promise, Jer. I'll win." He said, oddly pleased with himself.

Sorry about the wait, I had finals last week and this just got spaced out.

2014-06-25, 05:40 AM
Sorry about the wait, I had finals last week and this just got spaced out.

No worries, happens to everyone :smallsmile:

"Our tributes, Odath Ferguson and Sheila the Shatterer!" Eleeza, their escort called out cheerily to the assembled crowd. She was unaware of their families' tragic pasts, though district 7 looked on with pity and horror.

The two tributes are guided to the train, a sleek bullet like object that has nothing in common with the rest of district 7. Sheila has to stoop to enter being so tall, and they find themselves in a lavishly appointed living room. Eleeza flits about the pair of them, offering condolences whilst trying to remain upbeat.

Neither tribute looks particularly keen about being mothered however, and are conveniently saved by the arrival of their mentors. Blight is a middle aged man with firm muscles beneath his loose, district style clothing. He smiles kindly at the two tributes whilst appraising them silently. Behind him comes Joanna Mason, flighty and capricious, wearing a tight fitting garment that is so risque it must have come from the Capitol. She glances at Sheila and has to look upwards in order to take in her size and then grins, though it is impossible to know what she is thinking.

"Welcome," Blight says in a fatherly way, "Eat, settle down, there's a long journey ahead of us." Plates of food are brought out and laid on the table; the kind of luxurious Capitol food the tributes have only heard about.

2014-06-26, 07:10 AM
Hi there, I'm going to be taking over temporarily for MrE while he's on holiday :smallsmile:

You have a joint IC over here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?358789-IC-District-7) for your use.

2014-07-29, 09:07 PM
Fort [roll0]
Acrobatics Check Take 10 for 17