View Full Version : Good bye to Elan the bard?

2007-02-23, 01:16 PM
Will Elan ever use his bard powers (bardic knowledge, bardic music, ect) again now he is all dashing swordsman?

I hope so,

2007-02-23, 01:19 PM
What a blow it would be to lose the ability to "Bluff, bluff, bluff the stupid ogre"!
Oh, wait...
But seriously, I assume he would. Those skills are always useful, and hopefully would not go the way of the familiar.

2007-02-23, 01:19 PM
He'll probably only use them when they're least needed, I mean this is ELAN we're talking about...

2007-02-23, 01:20 PM
I think he'll just keep taking levels in bard. The dashing swordsman with just for a boost in combat ability. Who knows maybe he'll switch on and off since its not like he'll get an xp penalty for it (Darn Humans...)

Joxer t' Mighty
2007-02-23, 01:23 PM
Yeah, its odd but I keep expecting to see him in a cape and then realize he's now of the Dashing Swordsman persona.

Elliot Kane
2007-02-23, 01:31 PM
I'm sure he will. Nothing stops him from doing so, after all. And we'd all miss him giving the game away to the bad guys, wouldn't we?

Elan may be only slightly smarter than a pickled walnut, but we love him that way :D

2007-02-23, 01:32 PM
Who knows maybe he'll switch on and off since its not like he'll get an xp penalty for it (Darn Humans...)

Actually, since it is a PrC, any race could take it without XP penalty (presuming of course they were eligible for the class - many PrC's have restrictions on eligibility). Unless otherwise stated, a Prestige Class never counts toward the XP class balance requirement. :smallsmile:

2007-02-23, 01:33 PM
Actually, since it is a PrC, any race could take it without XP penalty (presuming of course they were eligible for the class - many PrC's have restrictions on eligibility). Unless otherwise stated, a Prestige Class never counts toward the XP class balance requirement. :smallsmile:

Really??? .....nifty!

2007-02-23, 02:37 PM
I think he is a "dashing swordman" now and will take more levels of that, but nothings stops from him to use some bard abilities at ocassion. I wonder if he caster level is increased....

Lizard Lord
2007-02-23, 02:40 PM
I think he is a "dashing swordman" now and will take more levels of that, but nothings stops from him to use some bard abilities at ocassion. I wonder if he caster level is increased....

Does it matter? Mending is the only non-illusion spell he has used in the whole comic.

Don't get me wrong though he is still my favorite character. :smallbiggrin:

2007-02-23, 02:59 PM
It wouldn't be bad for him to stop using, but thinking in DnD tactics, having 1 level in a good class isn't as great as 11 or so in bard. He'll still use bardic things, then add more levels in dashing swordsman. Besides, if Banjo was lost to the ages I would go to wherever and slap Rich Burlew upside the head :smallwink:.

2007-02-23, 03:05 PM
Does it matter? Mending is the only non-illusion spell he has used in the whole comic.

Don't get me wrong though he is still my favorite character. :smallbiggrin:

Hey, I wouldn't knock it. A powerfull enough caster can virtualy MEND ANTHING!!!!! (ANYTHING!!! ANYTHING!!!) MUAHAHAHA :smallbiggrin:

2007-02-23, 05:11 PM
I hope he does. That's what makes Elan the stupid little kid he is. or was. Now he's the "dashing swordsman" he's not quite himself. Maybe he'll pull a Skywalker and Haley will leave him for what he's become and he'll go away and cry and become a crupt evil and then he'll be like "aww poop i suck" and be himself again and then they fall in love with him and they live happily ever after!

...it could happen.

Anyway, i would deffinetly rather him be a bard anyway. "dashing swordsman" was funny for the first while, now, I dunno. I just don't entirely think it works.


Don't get me wrong, though. He still is plenty awesome. He just got... too smart.

2007-02-23, 05:22 PM
I don't think he's going to just forget about his bard abilities. Actually, that doesn't seem to unlikely, but should he forget about them he has to use them again at some point in the future to complete the joke. Long winded rambeling aside, I'm sure he will use them again in the future.

2007-02-23, 05:55 PM
I didn't get any hints that led me to think that Elan either traded in bard levels for dashing swordsman, or has completely refocused himself on that PrC. I guess I am thinking of it more like a rogue taking 1 level of Shadowdancer for the Hide in Plain Sight feat, and then returning to their rogue levels.

Since his dashing swordsman mentor is now gone, it would make story sense for him to just not be able to get more training in that PrC and just continue with bard levels from here on out.

The Extinguisher
2007-02-23, 07:05 PM
Lets see. Elan can sing. He also has a class in which he can do better in melee combat if he says a pun or catch phrase.

You do the math. Even with Elan's math, this turns out pretty good.

Green Bean
2007-02-23, 07:20 PM
Of course he's going to use his bardic abilities. Think about it. the siege of Azure city is a large scale fight, and this is the sort of encounter bard live for. Bonuses to rolls in a party of six is alright, but when upwards of a hundred people get the upgrade, it's incredibly powerful.

2007-02-23, 07:47 PM
As Roy would say, "Good riddance."
Then again, given the circumstances, he might just have to lend Elan a bullhorn.

2007-02-23, 07:50 PM

Vote, vote, vote, vote overwhelmingly 'yes' on the poll...

2007-02-23, 07:52 PM
Yep saynore to elan the bard. hell oto elan the swordsman with levels in bard

2007-02-23, 07:53 PM

Vote, vote, vote, vote overwhelmingly 'yes' on the poll...

I suddenly feel compeled to.......dance? No.....vote....

2007-02-23, 08:01 PM
I think he'll just keep taking levels in bard. The dashing swordsman with just for a boost in combat ability. Who knows maybe he'll switch on and off since its not like he'll get an xp penalty for it (Darn Humans...)Prestige Classes are exempt from the multi-class penalty to experience gain. He wouldn't get a penalty regardless of what race he is.

2007-02-23, 08:38 PM
Does it matter? Mending is the only non-illusion spell he has used in the whole comic.

Don't get me wrong though he is still my favorite character. :smallbiggrin:

Really? Then what was he casting here? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/../comics/oots0156.html)

Everyone knows that when your hands glow, you're casting a spell.

Saithis Bladewing
2007-02-23, 09:05 PM
Wittify, wittify, wittify, wittify the dashing swordsman's sword!

2007-02-23, 09:16 PM
I don't think he could ever totally get rid of his levels in Bard. It would be silly.

Besides, that spell he cast in #156 looks an awful lot like an "Escape Ropes" spell or whatever. That would be kinda handy.

2007-02-23, 09:17 PM
Maybe he will incorporate the puns into his songs.

Awesome Girl
2007-02-23, 09:19 PM
Rich wouldn't throw away Elan the bard. Remember: Once a bard, always a bard!

2007-02-23, 09:22 PM
Rich wouldn't throw away Elan the bard. Remember: Once a bard, always a bard

Hey! First two rules of Bardhood!

2007-02-23, 11:57 PM
First Rule About Bardhood...

No, no, the other First Rule About Bardhood...

NO, not that one EITHER. Sheesh!

The Extinguisher
2007-02-24, 12:02 AM
"I though the first rule about Bardhood is you don't talk about Bardhood?"
"No, that's Fight Club."
"Who told you about Fight Club?"

Come on, you're making this easy for me.

2007-02-24, 12:32 AM
Elan can't resist a chance to show Roy the nether reaches of insanity. Besides, his new class is no meat shield, just slightly more adept at poking people with metal.

2007-02-24, 02:39 AM
Use, use, use the amazing bardic music class feature!

2007-02-24, 03:31 AM
Sure, the Bard class and DS go together hand in hand. His bard skills will come in very handy as he levels up in DS.

I'm thinking about Cyrano DeBergerac (sp?) in the opening scene where he fights a duel while making up prose as he fights!

And......... http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0061.html shows Elan doing the same. Sorta.

basilisk 89
2007-02-24, 07:30 PM
*Poll, Poll, Poll the many questions!*

2007-02-25, 11:48 AM
He will use his bardic music. It's too funny to give up.

2007-02-25, 12:00 PM
I believe, despite the fact it's Elan we're talking about, that his bardic chants will play the main role in the upcoming battle. It would be neat if Elan went through a kind of transformation and be the coolest guy after.

2007-02-25, 12:22 PM
Of course he will. He multi-classed to dashing swordsman, he can use his bard powers, and will.

2007-02-25, 01:44 PM
I can see him just running along the wall, singing "Dodge, dodge, dodge the enemy projectiles!" and "Fire, fire, fire your arrows faster!" over and over in the upcoming battle...after all, what else is he going to do while Xykon's army is on the other side of the wall?

If the wall gets breached and he gets thrown into melee, then he'll pull out the sword and start spouting off bad puns and one-liners.

2007-02-25, 01:47 PM
If the wall gets breached and he gets thrown into melee, then he'll pull out the sword and start spouting off bad puns and one-liners.

THAT....or create the single most disturbing mass female hobgoblin illusion we've seen yet....

2007-02-25, 01:58 PM
THAT....or create the single most disturbing mass female hobgoblin illusion we've seen yet....

Now, THAT would be something I would really like to see. :smallbiggrin:

2007-02-25, 02:01 PM
Now, THAT would be something I would really like to see. :smallbiggrin:

Up untill the point where they all start dancing.......(This IS Elan we're talking about.) :smallbiggrin:

2007-02-25, 02:07 PM
Up untill the point where they all start dancing.......(This IS Elan we're talking about.) :smallbiggrin:

I guess when the hobgoblins start to come closer to try to "get to know the females better" Elan sure will panic. :smallwink: And then he will be surrounded by them. Haley'll sure have many things to do. :smallbiggrin:

2007-02-25, 02:43 PM
I doubt he'll give up his chants. He learned them from his mother after all (sixth frame (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0050.html)).

2007-02-26, 07:38 AM
I'm sure there must be a spell somewhere that amplifies your voice... imagine, Bardic Music to the tune of "Repel, repel, repel, the evil invaders..." amplified so it echoes across the entire city...

2007-02-26, 07:37 PM
He will, simply because they are designed for different things. Dashing Swordsman is not an improvement to his Bard abilities; it's a fighting upgrade. He's tougher with his rapier now.

However, it hasn't replaced his bardic powers with better versions, so he'll still need those things for other tasks.

Given, he may need a new instrument. Hard to pluck strings with one hand around a +3 rapier.

2007-02-26, 08:00 PM
He will, simply because they are designed for different things. Dashing Swordsman is not an improvement to his Bard abilities; it's a fighting upgrade. He's tougher with his rapier now.

However, it hasn't replaced his bardic powers with better versions, so he'll still need those things for other tasks.

Given, he may need a new instrument. Hard to pluck strings with one hand around a +3 rapier.

Well he does have ranks in Perform (Kazoo)

2007-02-27, 08:49 AM
He will, simply because they are designed for different things. Dashing Swordsman is not an improvement to his Bard abilities; it's a fighting upgrade. He's tougher with his rapier now.

However, it hasn't replaced his bardic powers with better versions, so he'll still need those things for other tasks.

Given, he may need a new instrument. Hard to pluck strings with one hand around a +3 rapier.

He could simply use his rapier to make music, you know, like swinging it through the air *phwew* or laying it down on a table and making it swing *d-d-d-doing* or something like this. :smallbiggrin: