View Full Version : Team Evil IC: A Quest for Power

2014-06-18, 02:20 PM
Prologue: Midnight's Apprentice

Dusk. A Dusty Valley: 5 miles north of Adrilanka

Your benefactor, a mysterious voice that called itself Midnight, has imprinted each of your minds with the image of this place. While you were at first unsure of something so... off, flitting into your mind, unlike most things that did so, it did always seem to ask permission first. Or at least start off with a Sending.

Regardless, Midnight's promise of future work and more importantly, pay, has brought all of you here after what seemed to be an Ocean's Eleven style plan of perfection, even if none of you really took part in the planning phase.

You recognize some of the people gathered here from the escapade the night before, and might even be a little incredulous at what they each did that night.

The valley itself has a sense of wrongness about it, as if the very land itself exudes Evil. A cave, large enough to probably fit a cart through, but only just, stands at the bottom of the valley. The cave mouth almost reeks of Evil presence, almost like a gateway to the Hells would. Whatever lairs there is both more Evil, and possibly more powerful, than any of you are individually.

It is here you were told to gather, both to meet your allies in person, and to collect your rewards...

In each of your minds, you hear Midnight's 'voice.'

You have all done well, and you shall be rewarded as such. I will enjoy watching you five work. Remember, you shall need each of your skills if you are to evade the Light and stay alive to enjoy your rewards.

Now, to business. A powerful Evil has hold over this cave, and in that cave, we will each find something we want. Your rewards lie within, as well as your second task. Do not destroy the Library, but purge the cave and it's environs of it's previous owners. I will contact you when you have finished with your next task, and your next reward..."

You recall seeing the Necromancer's armies holding a group of warriors that you were almost positive had caught you for the crucial time it took you to slip away into the shadows and get away with the medallion. This man is completely at ease with the undead, likely because he is himself. Your Spot is higher than his Disguise, so it's likely you've seen through it at some point.
The Azurin is a powerful warrior, and Weaver [color=dimgray]Incarnum user. He single-handedly fought off a group of Paladins, Templars, and priests during the all-out brawl. These people would surely have taken out your undead minions with their capability to Turn the dead.
The vampire Elira took out the most powerful mage on the field of the Order of Light. This mage had already supressed your Weaves once, and was likely going to do so again, but her timely take-down allowed you unfettered access to killing off their holy men and women.
During the fight, the psion Caelric teleported a group of warriors into the fray, allowing you a distraction to take out their best mage and slip away unseen.
Your timely summons and Dimension Doors put warriors on the front lines with a strategic ease that the Order was unable to match. You personally took down guards that were supposed to guard the secret escape route out of the Order's headquarters so as to allow Crow to escape undetected.

2014-06-18, 02:28 PM
"It seems there truly is no rest for the wicked. Well I shall remain in the back as we advance through the cave, ready to aide the front line should we find its current inhabitants." Caelric says to the party as they advance towards the entrance.

2014-06-18, 03:01 PM
Eliria sighs as she says, "Looks like. Nice distraction, by the way...That mage was delicious."

2014-06-18, 03:04 PM
"My pleasure, did you make him your new pet thrall or just drain him completely?" Caelric asks Eliria.

2014-06-18, 07:00 PM
Bob the (not quite super awesome) Necromancer

I couldn't help but notice your fighting last night Azurin. It was a great spectacle to behold. I'm afraid I don't remember your names though. I do apologize but I'm horrible at remembering names. My name is Bob and as some of you might have noticed (points at his "bodyguard") I am a master of the undead. If we can pause for a moment, I can raise a few more that can run ahead of the group to be our trap trippers if needed otherwise I'll just summon a stronger one to carry my weight in combat. Just be careful if you are near one of my creations; when they die they can be almost as dangerous as when they were living or unliving (shrugs shoulders).

Depending on what the rest of the group feels we need I'll use a Summon Undead III to either raise 4 level 1 undead or 1 3rd level undead. If you guys want to know what options I have to raise (i.e. types of undead) you'll need to ask in character. There are a several options we can take depending on what we need them for.

2014-06-19, 08:27 AM
"So, um..." the mercenary cleared his throat. "Are you sure we can't discuss payment in advance? I prefer to know what I'm working for." Although he was a fair sneak, he had two large swords on his back, and liked to use them. "Swords don't come cheap after all."

2014-06-19, 08:41 AM
Brother Avis, Life Coach and Cult Leader

I couldn't help but notice your fighting last night Azurin. It was a great spectacle to behold. I'm afraid I don't remember your names though. I do apologize but I'm horrible at remembering names. My name is Bob and as some of you might have noticed (points at his "bodyguard") I am a master of the undead. If we can pause for a moment, I can raise a few more that can run ahead of the group to be our trap trippers if needed otherwise I'll just summon a stronger one to carry my weight in combat. Just be careful if you are near one of my creations; when they die they can be almost as dangerous as when they were living or unliving (shrugs shoulders).

I am brother Avis of the burning muscle. I hope my fight was educational to you Bob, while you can fight with team mates or other creatures, one must remember that at the end you can only depend on yourself

He will reach into his backpack taking out a hat that will hide his more monstrous appearance and looking like a plain human in a simple robe.

Hearing the mercenary speak Avis will look around the battlefield with an expression of bafflement on his face.

The mercenary speaks truly, I to would like to know what we fight for and why my family is not here on the field with me?

2014-06-19, 11:04 AM
Caleric vi Umbra/ Caleric Coldharbor, The Prince that was Lost

"I believe your followers could not come because this mission required a more... delicate touch than our last mission. As for payment I believe it was implied any spoils in this powerfully Evil cave would be ours, including any relics which may be inside." Caelric said to Brother Avis.

2014-06-19, 02:31 PM
Eliria nods and says, "Sounds worth it. And who knows, we might run in to some of those pesky Light's whatever people. That will be most enjoyable."

2014-06-19, 03:07 PM
A stiff breeze flows through the valley, blowing the stench of Evil through the air. With a slight *pop,* a scroll falls out of the air in front of Caelric.

To the trained eyes of Caelric and Bob, this is obviously the effect of a Teleport Object spell.

In a tight scrawl, words in Common are at the top of a magical scroll.

One of you must affix this scroll to the Library. After that, I will be able to contact you in a more direct fashion and we may discuss your rewards. Use any means necessary, any followers or magics you wish, to clear this cave of it's inhabitants, and you will be able to keep it for your own purposes. Good luck to you, and do not fail me.
This is a scroll of Unhallow.
The tied spell is Deeper Darkness, and it the trigger effect is... strange. It uses a Mark to identify who can pass freely, but you don't recall ever being Marked in such a way...

2014-06-19, 03:32 PM
Caelric grabs the scroll and using techniques he picked up while studying psionics at the Umbra manor, attempts to discern any secondary effects that may be tied to the scroll, if any.


Upon reading the arcane script on the scroll Caelric reports to the party, "It appears out benefactor has given us a scroll with the aim to profane the library, with the secondary effect of activating a heavy darkness which would block out any light should anyone not marked pass through it... do any of you know if we have been marked so to pass safely through this barrier? To my knowledge, I have not"

2014-06-19, 04:04 PM
Eliria raises an eyebrow and says, "Nor, to my knowledge, have I. Fascinating."

2014-06-19, 05:19 PM
Bob the (slightly less intelligent) Necromancer

Bob sits and thinks for a minute and converses quietly with his bodyguard (so he talks to unintelligent minions lol) who appears to be just staring at Bob. After a few moments he turns and says I don't recall either and neither does my bodyguard. Give me a second and I'll see if I can't think of anything I may have forgot about.

Not sure what I need to roll to see if I remember something so I'll roll both an intelligence check and a wisdom check.
Intelligence: [roll0]
Wisdom: [roll1]

2014-06-19, 10:16 PM
Caelric vi Umbra/Coldharbor, the Lord of Shade

"While you attempt to recall whether you and your bodyguard have been marked, how about we start clearing the cave. Afterwards we can figure out what to do with this scroll." and as Caelric says this he begins to walk towards the inside of the cave, crossbow in hand with his ioun stones swirling around his head with sinister intent.

2014-06-20, 09:33 AM
Eliria nods, cracks her fingers, and says, "Indeed. We can worry about any issues after we've cleared the dungeon."

2014-06-20, 12:49 PM
You can not recall any such markings.

As you close to the cave mouth, you see that inside, it is lit by some sort of concealed, dim red light, casting a strange glow to everything. There is a snarling, ravenous dog(?)-like creature near the entrance. Whatever it is, it's big Medium and is covered in armored plates. The creature is about as tall as a dwarf, but as long as a horse, and a barbed tongue snakes out of it's mouth as it snarls.

Roll Knowledge (The Planes)

2014-06-20, 01:09 PM
Caerlic calmly looks at the unknown beast, points his finger at it and says, "Begone and rejoin the sands of time!" and as he says this his eyes glow with an otherworldly purple tinge.

Manifests Time Hop, Will Save vs 18 or the beast disappears from existence for eight rounds, rolling a DC 15 Wis check each round to return early.
-5PP, 79/84PP

2014-06-20, 03:12 PM
I do not like this Avis Growls. What kind of person has the power to hand out such trinkets, but leave us at such a disadvantage in what we know?

I.... he starts as he sees the creature. It is just going be on of those days he sighs

2014-06-21, 03:24 PM
Eliria looks at the dog-beast and it's resistance to the spell and says, "Well, then. Looks like this'll need to be done more brutally," as she balls her hand into a fist, and runs at the monstrosity, trying to punch it's head in, grab it, and hold it.

Charge the thing, making an unarmed strike into a Scorpion's Grasp grapple.

Unarmed Strike: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Grapple Check: [roll2]

2014-06-21, 03:37 PM
Caelric sighs, accepting that passing this guardian would not be so easy, and aims his crossbow at the beast and fires. While the bolt flies through the air, the crystal crossbow begins to glow with a purple light.

Crit Confrim:[roll1]
Damage:[roll2] + [roll3]
Crit Damage:[roll4] + [roll5]

-2PP for activating the deep crystal crossbow, 77/84PP. reposting because I messed up the numbers and formatting, although my first roll was a 20 (well 13+7)... any chance I can keep that :P

2014-06-21, 03:43 PM
As Elira jumps into the cave, the air around the rest of the party turns green and noxious. Caelric identifies this as the effects of a Cloudkill at about the time that they all need to save.

DC 17 or take [roll0] Con damage. Successful save halves damage.
Crow [roll1]
Avis [roll2]
Caelric [roll3]
Gorak [roll]1d20+6

Elira's strike seems mostly absorbed by the armored plates of the creature. Damage Reductino
Opposed Grapple [roll4]

As you get a hold of the armored creature, you notice several others in the area. 2 more of the dog-creatures, to be specific, and a strange bug-creature.

2014-06-21, 04:01 PM
Bob the Necromancer

As Bob watches the events unfold he begins an incantation and as soon as he completes it you see a ray shoot forth from his hands aimed at the creature. He then turns to his minion and tells him I need you to watch our backs. If anyone not in our group approaches, attack them.Once completed with that, he gets ready to pull the next trick out of his sleeve.

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]
Damage (Str): [roll1]
Leaves me with 5 level 1 spells for the day. And since I'm immune to the Con damage, do I still need to make a concentration check? If so here it is:
Concentration: [roll2]

2014-06-21, 05:01 PM
Gorak, the not-so-awesome Crit Phisher

"A chellenge, eh? I like that!" Gorak says as he charges at the creature in front of him.

Full Round Action: Charge
Free Action: Draw both Mind Blades
Attack (with Katana) [roll0]
Crit Confirm (Katana) [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
Crit Damage [roll3]
Attack with Wakizashi [roll4]
Crit Confirm (Wakizashi)[roll5]
Damage [roll6]
Crit Damage [roll7]
I get 2 attacks on charge because of the Two Weapon Pounce feat.

2014-06-22, 03:34 AM
Gorak's mental manifestations feel the barest hint of hesitation as he slashes through the armored dog-creature with both blades, ripping mercilessly through the creature. You also face the creature's DR, but did more damage per attack and confirmed a critical. It's still standing on all four feet steadily, but acidic blood drips from it's heavy wounds and it's snarls are much more aggressive. Less than 50% health

Two more of the dog creatures charge into the melee, one attacking the now-grappling Elira and the other attacking Gorak. Their long, snaking, barbed tongues rake across the two warriors' armor with the loud noises of grinding metal. looking to find purchase amongst the metal.
Each of the creatures charge out to a distance of 10 feet and attack with a Tongue attack.
vs Elira:
Tongue [roll0] vs. Flat-Footed AC
Damage [roll1] Does not bypass Elira's DR

A successful hit triggers Improved Grab
Improved Grab [roll2]
Opposed Grapple (Elira) [roll3]

vs Gorak:
Tongue [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Crit Confirm (20) [roll6]
Crit Damage [roll7]

A successful hit triggers Improved Grab, and Gorak must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 17) or be Paralyzed.
Gorak's Fortitude [roll8]
Improved Grab [roll9]
Opposed Grapple (Gorak) [roll10]

Bob's Ray of Enfeeblement connects with the creature, effectively neutering it's power.

Caelric's bolt flies through the air, failing to connect with any of the armored dog creatures.

Brother Avis may act.

2014-06-22, 09:03 AM
Crow simply draws his swords and waits for now. He has become weaker, so he is hesitant to attract the monster's attention.

2014-06-22, 11:36 AM
Avis let out a chuckle as a grey mist like substance seems to just appear and flow around him. Instead of hiding him under the mist, it seems to conform and enhance his basic physic. Suddenly 2 more arms with deadly claws sprout forth from the mist. Avis raises head and lets out a growl as the mask on his face changes under the mist to look more like a basilisk. He than charges at the nearest creature.

primary attacks:
claw: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit confirm: [roll2]
crit damage: [roll3]

claw: [roll4]
damage: [roll5]
crit confirm: [roll6]
crit damage: [roll7]

Secondary attacks:
claw: [roll8]
damage: [roll9]
crit confirm: [roll10]
crit damage: [roll11]

claw: [roll12]
damage: [roll13]
crit confirm: [roll14]
crit damage: [roll15]

claw: [roll16]
damage: [roll17]
crit confirm: [roll18]
crit damage: [roll19]

2014-06-22, 01:48 PM
Bob the Necromancer (Second Round action)

Upon seeing the other two creatures emerge, Bob quickly realizes that the group is going to need some more assistance. He begins his little ritual and at the end an Ogre Zombie emerges from the ground beside the creature Bob hit earlier with a Ray of Enfeeblement.

Used 3rd level spell 4/5 left. Zombie won't appear until my turn next round (Start casting in second round, Zombie will be able to act immediately in the third round.) Zombie will be around four 7 rounds starting from the round he appears.
Ogre Zombie stats


Initiative (runs off mine so it shouldn't matter)


17 (-1 size, -2 dex, +10 Natural), Touch 7 Flat-footed 17


Slam +9 melee (1d8+9)


Special Qualities
Single actions only, DR 5/slashing, Darkvision 60', Undead traits, Corpsecrafter, Nimble Bones, Hardened Flesh, Destructive Retribution (3d6 negative energy upon death), Bolster Resistance (+4 Turn Resistance)

Fort 1, Ref 0, Will 3

Str 27, Dex 6, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1

I'm not sure if a summoned undead comes with weapons listed in the MM, but if it does he can also attack with a Great Club +9 melee (2d8+9) or a Javelin +0 ranged (1d8+8)

2014-06-22, 01:59 PM
Caelric Coldharbor, He-Who-Would-Rule-The-World

Caerlic frowns as his bolt sails past the beast and two more of its kind emerge from the cave. He then points at one of the new hounds and says, "Reality enncircles us all, now it collapses on you!" and with that threads of ectoplasm begin to spin around the hound, coming closer every second.

Ectoplasmic Cocoon- Reflex save vs 19 or subject is stuck in a cocoon of 8hp 20 hardness, helpless
-7PP, 72/84PP

2014-06-22, 02:40 PM
Eliria beats on the one hound, suplexing it into the ground, before she is licked by the other. She briefly grins at it wildly before grabbing it's tongue and pulling it towards the mass of the fight.

Alright. I voluntarily fail my grapple check, allowing the other monster to grapple me. I then make 2 grapple checks to try to deal damage to my opponents:

Hound A:[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Hound B:[roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2014-06-22, 03:00 PM
Gorak, the Hopefully-getting-better Crit Phisher

Gorak continues to beat on the one that he attacked last round, and if it drops, will turn to the closest one, and continue his full attack if possible. Otherwise, he just moves up to it.

Katana [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Confirm [roll2]
Crit Damage [roll3]

Wakizashi [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Confirm [roll6]
Crit Damage [roll7]

Katana [roll8]
Damage [roll9]
Confirm [roll10]
Crit Damage [roll11]

Wakizashi [roll12]
Damage [roll13]
Confirm [roll14]
Crit Damage [roll15]

Keep in mind my range is 15-20.

Lots of rolls. Let's hope I did it all right...

2014-06-22, 03:21 PM
Brother Avis hurls himself into melee with the armored dog creature, but as he closes in, it's tongue snaps out and rakes across his mail.
Tongue (Avis) [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Crit Confirm [roll2]
Crit Damage [roll3]

A successful hit triggers Improved Grab and Avis must make a Fortitude save (DC 17) or be Paralyzed.
Fortitude save [roll4]
Improved Grab [roll5]
Opposed Grapple [roll6]

Stepping from hiding, a humanoid insectoid with six arms steps out from behind a pillar. It's Evil, glowing red eyes betray an intellect beyond that of the armored dog creatures, but not by much. In a pair of claws it holds a guisarme at the ready, and a third claw is wreathed in flames, which it hurls towards the Azurin Weaver who has just charged into the fray.
Moves out of hiding to a distance of 15 feet from Elira.
Throws flames at Avis.
Thrown Weapon [roll7] Includes penalty for firing into melee
Damage [roll8] Fire damage
Crit Confirm (20) [roll9]
Crit Damage [roll10]

The Cloudkill effect rolls downhill into the cave at this point in the round, affecting Avis and Gorak once more.
Fortitude save (DC 17) for half or take [roll11] Constitution Damage.
Gorak [roll12]
Avis [roll13]

Gorak's blades sizzle through the creature again and again, drawing blood with his furious flurry of strikes. Less than 10% health

Elira continues to grapple the armored dog, and with the Ray of Enfeeblement, it offers much less resistance than before. Her full attack drops the creature, although the still has a good hold on the other dog creature's tongue.

Elira keeps a firm grasp on the dog creatures tongue as it frantically tries to escape her superior grasp. The creature seems to realize that it has no chance to truly harm Elira.

The other creature rakes it's tongue and teeth over Azis, drawing blood in several places.

2014-06-23, 11:12 AM
opposed grapple 1: [roll0]
opposed grapple 2: [roll1]

Avis laughs as the pathetic creatures try to overpower and grapple him. The beast might have gotten lucky and stopped his momentum as he charged, but now he would show it pain.

OOC: Assuming no one is flanking with me?
primary attacks:
claw: [roll2]
damage: [roll3]
crit confirm: [roll4]
crit damage: [roll5]

Secondary attacks:
claw: [roll6]
damage: [roll7]
crit confirm: [roll8]
crit damage: [roll9]

claw: [roll10]
damage: [roll11]
crit confirm: [roll12]
crit damage: [roll13]

claw: [roll14]
damage: [roll15]
crit confirm: [roll16]
crit damage: [roll17]

2014-06-24, 01:51 PM
As Brother Avis pounces on the armored dog-creature, his flurry of Girralon's Arm strikes draw acidic blood from all over the creatures back, hindered only by the armored plates on it's back. The creature snarls and snaps, clearly more angry than wounded by your attacks. DR, ~90% Health.

OOC: Caelric, Bob, and Crow are up.

2014-06-24, 04:36 PM
Bob the Necromancer (Second Round action)

Upon seeing the other two creatures emerge, Bob quickly realizes that the group is going to need some more assistance. He begins his little ritual and at the end an Ogre Zombie emerges from the ground beside the creature Bob hit earlier with a Ray of Enfeeblement.

Used 3rd level spell 4/5 left. Zombie won't appear until my turn next round (Start casting in second round, Zombie will be able to act immediately in the third round.) Zombie will be around four 7 rounds starting from the round he appears.
Ogre Zombie stats


Initiative (runs off mine so it shouldn't matter)


17 (-1 size, -2 dex, +10 Natural), Touch 7 Flat-footed 17


Slam +9 melee (1d8+9)


Special Qualities
Single actions only, DR 5/slashing, Darkvision 60', Undead traits, Corpsecrafter, Nimble Bones, Hardened Flesh, Destructive Retribution (3d6 negative energy upon death), Bolster Resistance (+4 Turn Resistance)

Fort 1, Ref 0, Will 3

Str 27, Dex 6, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 1

I'm not sure if a summoned undead comes with weapons listed in the MM, but if it does he can also attack with a Great Club +9 melee (2d8+9) or a Javelin +0 ranged (1d8+8)

Reposted my second round action

2014-06-24, 04:51 PM
Caelric Coldharbor, He-Who-Would-Rule-The-World [reposting]

Caerlic frowns as his bolt sails past the beast and two more of its kind emerge from the cave. He then points at one of the new hounds and says, "Reality enncircles us all, now it collapses on you!" and with that threads of ectoplasm begin to spin around the hound, coming closer every second.

Ectoplasmic Cocoon- Reflex save vs 19 or subject is stuck in a cocoon of 8hp 20 hardness, helpless
-7PP, 72/84PP

2014-06-26, 01:24 PM
Reflex: [roll0] Success.
Spell Resistance: [roll1] Failed.

Even as Caelirc's power flickers around the creature, his mental energies fail to penetrate some barrier that protects the creature from his mind's probing.

It is Crow's initiative. If Crow hasn't acted when by morning tomorrow, I'll post actions and advance the round.

2014-06-27, 12:36 PM
Crow moves up to the nearest hound and attacks.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical Conformation: [roll2]
Instant Kill (are we even using these?): [roll3]

Other sword:
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Critical Conformation: [roll6]
Instant Kill: [roll7]

2014-07-04, 11:37 PM
As Crow pounces into the fray, he manages to slip one of his large, heavy blades past the creature's guard, but it bounces off of it's armor completely. DR absorbed the attack completely.

The strange, insectoid creature pauses for a moment, as if waiting to decide what to do. It then draws on a strange inner power, attempting to disrupt Bob's casting.

Con damage [roll0]
Save (Half)
Avis [roll1]
Gorak [roll2]
Crow [roll3]

Caster level check: [roll4] vs DC 19

Bug Creature
Elira and Gorak <---
Hounds (1 down)
Caelric, Crow, Bob, and Avis

2014-07-05, 12:00 AM
Gorak, the still-not-so-good-but-getting-better-crit-phisher

Gorak continues to whale on the creature in front of him. If he kills it on the first hit, he moves as far as he can to the bug-thing.

Katana: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
If Crit, add: [roll3]

Wakizashi: [roll4]
Crit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
If Crit, add: [roll7]

Katana: [roll8]
Crit: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
If Crit, add: [roll11]

Wakizashi: [roll12]
Crit: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]
If Crit, add: [roll15]

2014-07-05, 08:37 AM
Elira grins at the dog and leaps at it, trying to tackle it and take control of the grapple.

So, if I remember how this works right, I need to make a check to move while grappling, right? And then, if the DM will allow it, I'd like to try to damage my opponent as well.

Move: [roll0]

Deal damage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2014-07-09, 04:49 PM
Gorak's katana hacks through the armored creature, sending it spluttering on it's own acidic blood as it falls. After that, he chases after the bug creature, stepping into it's reach with it's weapon, but no further.

Elira pounces on the wounded creature, holding it down for the moment. Move while Grappling is a Standard Action.

The creature underneath her snaps at her with it's powerful jaws, hoping to get through her unnatural skin.

Bite [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

The other armored dog snaps at Avis with it's jaws, and then unrolls its tongue to attempt to grab him again.
Bite [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Tongue [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Fort save vs. Paralysis [roll6] DC 17
Improved Grab [roll7]
Opposed Grapple [roll8]

Bob, Caelric, Avis, and Crow

2014-07-09, 05:13 PM
Caleric Coldharbor, Judicar of Darkness

Growing annoyed at these beasts unwillingness to simply die and allow him to pass, looks at one of the beasts and says to it, eyes glowing an otherworldly purple, "DIE!" He begins filling the beast's mind with dark thoughts, slowly convincing it that it has no purpose and should just do the world a favor and kill itself.

manifests Death Urge (which surprisingly doesn't have an Evil tag) Will save of 19 if successful the enemy attempts to kill itself and provoke its enemies to kill it, giving the AoO on it, -7 PP 65/84 PP

2014-07-09, 07:04 PM
Bob the most powerful Necromancer

Upon finishing his spell a big brute of a Zombie Ogre appears next to the dog Bob attacked moments earlier. He then shouts Undead! Attack that overgrown Insect thing! As he points at the creature that tried to interrupt his spell casting. He then casts another Ray at the dog attempting to bite Elira. Once he finishes his cast he moves around towards the insect creature making sure to stay out of reach of the dog creatures. If he can't get past them without provoking an attack of opportunity he will move near one of the dogs so he is within reach on his next turn.

Ray of enfeeblement lasts 7 minutes
Ranged Touch: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Ouch, that sucked!

Ogre Zombie Charges the insect looking creature and swings his club! I miss calculated his str bonus by a point it should be a +8 instead of +7. round 1/7
Attack: [roll3]
Confirm: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Ogre Zombie Smash!

Bugbear Bodyguard Zombie Charges the insect creature and swings his morning star. His stats are on page one of the OOC thread.
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll8]
Bugbear Zombie flails away, guess that's what i get for employing zombies.

2014-07-11, 01:47 PM
Crow continues attacking like mad, his blades flashing. Despite this, he calmly hums a tune, although it can't be heard over the sound of battle

I forgot to apply my damage modifiers last time, so if you're wondering why I suddenly am doing more damage, it's that.
Damage: [roll1]
Critical Conformation: [roll1]d20+7
Instant Kill (are we even using these?):

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Critical Conformation: [roll1]d20+2
Instant Kill (are we even using these?):

Other sword:
Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Critical Conformation: [roll1]d20+7
Instant Kill (are we even using these?):

Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Critical Conformation: [roll1]d20+2
Instant Kill (are we even using these?): [roll11]

2014-07-14, 12:35 PM
Avis, Life Coach

Okay that didn't work Avis thought. New plan, I will hit them harder.

primary attacks:
claw: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
crit confirm: [roll2]
crit damage: [roll3]

Secondary attacks:
claw: [roll4]
damage: [roll5]
crit confirm: [roll6]
crit damage: [roll7]

claw: [roll8]
damage: [roll9]
crit confirm: [roll10]
crit damage: [roll11]

claw: [roll12]
damage: [roll13]
crit confirm: [roll14]
crit damage: [roll15]

2014-07-21, 04:10 PM
Bob's infernal ray blasts off amongst the stalactictes, never to be seen again, while the zombies swing wildly at the insectoid creature, who dodges the bugbear's obvious blow only to let it's guard down for the ogre's heavyhanded attack.

Crow's precise blows rip through the creature, and he senses he can siphon away some of the creatures magic as he rips into them. This far in, I'll assume you and Avis have set up a flank, which will allow you to Steal Spell-Like Ability, or deal Sneak Attack damage. Avis's attacks are much more brutish than precise, but he deals the creature heavy damage with his brutal claws.

Caelric's mental powers struggle to overcome the creature's own reserves.

Spell Resistance [roll0] DC 18
Will [roll1] DC 19

The insectoid creature focuses internally, but nothing happens.

2014-07-21, 06:11 PM
Elira laughs with delight at the chaos as she pounds the dog, trying to finish it off.

Damage while grappling: [roll0]

2014-07-21, 11:50 PM
Elira takes easy control of the grappled creature, and it's bloody, acidic howls pierce the cave. The easy beatdown from her fellows and the summoned zombies tear it to shreds, but the insectoid creature finishes it's focus, and it vanishes. Spellcraft, took a Readied action.

Crow's attacks on the helpless creatures give him access to the following SLA's (CL 5, DC 12) for the next hour. Cause Fear x2, Detect Good, Desecrate

The Cloudkill effect has seeped into the lowest point of the room it can, and seems to linger. The two mages know that it will stay here for many minutes.

The party gains 720 XP (Bob earns 910).

Search DC 15. Over where the insectoid creature was hiding, you find a rack of fifteen vials. An easy Spellcraft check determines there are [roll0] Lesser Restoration potions and [roll1] Cure Light Wounds potions. The other vials each hold a single dose of Sassone Leaf Residue.

Higher Search DC's not posted.

2014-07-22, 08:00 AM
Elira smirks as she kicks the corpse off of her, and says, "Well, that wasn't too hard. I'll take a quick look around."

Search the room: [roll0]

2014-07-22, 09:06 AM
Caleric Coldharbor, Thrice-Damned Imperator

As the fight winds down, Caelric looks slightly annoyed that he was no very useful in the battle with the beasts, "I need more power if I am to rule, and this will simply not do." he thinks to himself as he searches for anything of interest.

Search: [roll0]

2014-07-22, 10:35 PM
If you don't mind, I'll search the area with the noxious fumes since they don't bother me. As he walks past the Ogre zombie he says Well done! Then he gets his bug bear zombie to follow him and starts having a conversation with it as he searches the area with the cloudkill.

He'll give the area a quick once over and if he doesn't find anything he'll do a more in-depth search taking 20 (giving a total of 21)
The Ogre Zombie will be gone in 5 rounds I believe.

2014-07-22, 11:26 PM
Gorak, the Ill Crit Fisher

"Ugh, not feeling so good." The Soulknife looks like he's not quite as... sturdy, one might say, as he had been before the combat. " Something tells me that cloud was bad."

Sorry for not posting, was at grandparent's

2014-07-23, 11:46 PM
As the two undead scavenge through the cave, they find a stone that seems out of place with the rest, and when touched, is revealed to be lightly weighted as if it's part of some sort of mechanism.

2014-07-24, 10:11 PM
Hey guys! exclaims Bob, I have something over here that might be of interest. Anyone know how to check for traps? I'm not sure how much longer this cloud is going to linger but give me just a sec and I'll try to figure it out.

Spellcraft: [roll0]

2014-07-24, 10:15 PM
"I'm afraid I do not. Although I personally could levitate myself above the cloud and attempt to by-pass it, I doubt this is a talent the rest of you, save a few, share" replies Caelric.

2014-07-24, 11:54 PM
"I can give it a shot." Oddly enough, it was the hired blade who spoke. "If you want to live in this business, you pick a couple things up. Although it would be nice if you could get rid of the fog first. Does anyone know Gust of Wind?"

2014-07-25, 09:35 AM
Avis will drink one of the restoration potions: [roll0]

I do not know a spell, but I might be able to supply a gust of wind.

He will try to pick up anything flat to use as a fan.

Strength check: [roll1]

2014-07-25, 01:38 PM
"Here, let me try."

STR check: [roll0]

2014-07-25, 03:55 PM
Elira smirks and says, "Well...I suppose you all could agree to become vampires. That would fix it."

2014-07-25, 03:57 PM
Caelric smirks back at her,"Perhaps later my friend, when I am older and have ran out of other ways to become immortal." and as he says that his eyes temporarily take on a purple glow as he winks at the vampire.

2014-07-26, 12:35 AM
Bob the Trap Finding Necromancer :)

Well, If nobody has the ability to check it for a trap, I'll just yank on it. With that said Bob grabs the rock and gives it a sharp, firm pull. Here goes nothing! he exclaims as he pulls on it.

2014-07-26, 12:47 AM
Caelric Coldharbor, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Harmed

As Bob declares his intent to activate what may be a trap, Caelric mentally pictures himself further away from the devastation should it occur.

readied Dimension Door, Psionic if it seems like the mechanism activates something Caelric would recognize as immediately harmful to him

2014-08-02, 02:56 PM
The two warriors attempt to blow the thick, noxious cloud away, but it's magical nature resists such mundane methods of clearing it away. Crow is able to edge around the cave while avoiding the Cloudkill, and notices no traps.

Upon moving the stone, a portion of the stone wall shifts away, and the party can see a long hallway, and what looks like bookshelves lining the walls of the hallway.

2014-08-02, 03:35 PM
Elira looks down the hallways as she pockets the loot, and says, "Well. That looks like a way forwards, now doesn't it."

2014-08-04, 04:12 PM
A haunting melody begins to play from within the hall, which at a second glance looks to be a library.

2014-08-04, 06:37 PM
Gorak will walk into the library, Mindblades drawn, and looks for anything that looks dangerous.

[roll0] spot

2014-08-08, 03:49 PM
Gorak's keen orcish eyes notice a goblin far down the hallway, playing a flute. The goblin is dressed in a simple brown tunic, and Gorak's martial training leads him to believe that the goblin is wearing armor of some kind beneath it, probably leather. The goblin notices Gorak noticing him, and nods slightly, acknowledging the orc being there, but not seeming to care enough to stop playing his tune.

Spellcraft and/or Knowledge: Local would be appropriate. DC is higher than 10 (thus, you must be trained to roll).

2014-08-08, 03:54 PM
Gorak whispers to the group, "There's a goblin that's playing some sort of song. What should we do?"

2014-08-08, 09:37 PM
Bob the Subtle Necromancer

We could try to get his attention and see what his intentions are. Bob whispers in response. That sure is a lovely tune he is playing.

2014-08-08, 09:39 PM
Forgot to put my Spellcraft roll in the last post

Nat 20 :smallsmile: How about that?!

2014-08-08, 10:40 PM
Elira simply sits and watches, waiting for any kind of excuse reason to kill the goblin. Out of necessity, of course.

2014-08-08, 11:14 PM
Caelric watches the goblin for a moment trying to figure out what arcane purpose it could serve, but quickly turns his attention to the shelves of books and attempts to see if there are any which could serve his purposes. Whether it be about ancient world-changing relics, powerful manifestations of psychic energy long forgotten, or ancient places of great power he will be interested in the secrets they contain.

Spellcraft for goblin:[roll0]
Search for books:[roll1]
Spellcraft if needed for books:[roll2]
Knowledge Arcana/Psionics for books if needed:[roll3]

2014-08-09, 04:20 PM
The goblin is a powerful Bard, capable of weaving music into magic. More importantly though, the Bard is a Thaumaturge, a specific sect of Bardic study that focuses on working spells out of their music. Thaumaturges are capable of quite deadly effects, and to even become one, you must be a powerful Bard.

This goblin is easily capable of being a magical threat to your party, and quite possibly surpasses your own abilities.

2014-08-09, 04:36 PM
Bob the Necromancer

Excuse me for interrupting your fine music sir. Bob says to the goblin. I couldn't help but wonder why you are hiding down in this library instead of playing in front of large audiences. He then whispers to the rest of the group This Bard is exceptionally strong and i wouldn't consider it to be wise to fight him.

2014-08-15, 12:05 PM
The goblin's music doesn't even stutter as he finally brings himself to directing his glance towards your party. He seems completely unafraid of you.

"What need have I for audiences, when I have all the Arcana I could desire available to me here."

The Bard's actions clearly show that his mind is not his own currently, and is in fact in the thrall of another. An actual Sense Motive check might reveal further information, depending on the success of your check.

2014-08-15, 06:27 PM
Elira nods and says to the goblin, "Well then...What Arcana are you talking about?" as she stares at it, trying to take control of it's mind from it's current possessor.

Sense Motive to determine the current owner of the Goblin: [roll0]

DC 18 Will Save or be dominated.

Knowledge (Local) to determine if he'll survive undeath: [roll1]

2014-08-16, 10:53 AM
"There is an entire library here, and facilities to conduct research. What do you think I've been doing down here, playing the flute for no reason but to here it's sweet voice?"

The goblin is starting to get a little testy with your party.

At your best guess, you have no clue. Goblins are tricky little buggers, and you aren't sure how, if at all, that'll affect the process.

vs Dominating Gaze
Fail Result: I will need a Charisma check if you want to actually give the Goblin an order via Dominate.

Sense Motive:
Whoever this creature's Domitor (it is clearly Dominate, not a different type of effect), the Goblin obviously bears them no personal ill will, and remains in control of most of his faculties at the time being. Currently, the Bard is reacting, not being Dominated.

tl;dr The Bard's current orders are very minimal at worst(best?), and the Bard's Domitor is someone the Bard seems to like personally.

2014-08-21, 06:11 PM
Elira nods and says to the now-controlled goblin, "I see. Why don't you tell me what else is here?"

Cha Check: [roll0]

2014-08-21, 06:46 PM
Though Elira has managed to breach the goblin's mind itself, there is another presence inside it. Something dark, and deep; vastly more mentally powerful than Elira herself. This power remains fully in control of the goblin's mind, and it asserts itself when the vampiress pushes.

The goblin's body twitches slightly, and it holds itself entirely differently for a moment. When it speaks, it does so in an entirely different voice. This voice is sinister, and entirely Evil.

"You are trespassing in my domain. I will give you one chance to leave peacefully, or I will set the very cave you stand in against you, along with my servitoirs."

This is obviously a Dominate effect.


This is roll call, as things are going to start going again, and I would like all hands on deck. Please post in the OOC to note that you are still here.

2014-08-24, 04:58 PM
"Uhrm, uh, we kinda need through here. Do you mind if... uh... we pass, leaving you alone?

By the hesitation in his voice, you can tell he's not too keen on the idea of having the cave fall on him.

2014-08-24, 05:05 PM
"Might I know to whom we are speaking, and of whose territory it is that were a trespassing upon?" Caelric says in a cold, calcuated response as he prepares for the worst.

2014-08-24, 05:06 PM
Elira grins and says, "Indeed. I believed your servitor intended to block out path to an object within. I'm sure we could work out an even trade for it, if you were so inclined. And, if not, then we will leave, no harm done to you or your territory. I apologize for the intrusion."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-08-24, 05:23 PM
The other voice booms out of the goblin.

"I am Usiil-dun, master of Arcane Secrets."

The voice pauses upon hearing the suggestion of trade.

"Unacceptable. There will be no trade. Leave now, or you will perish the chill death of the Frozen North.."

The goblin stands, holding the flute in one hand as he drops his arms to his sides. He seems ready for combat.

2014-08-25, 08:03 PM
Bob the Necromancer

Ok, I understand you don't want us here, but is there another way out? We may or may not have ransacked a village the other day and I would prefer not to be backtracking. You should understand our predicament. If there isn't another way out we can use, I'm sure we would have no problem going back the way we came.

Not really trying to be diplomatic, but just in case it is needed here is my diplomacy roll.

2014-08-31, 11:20 AM
"No, there is no way out other than where you came. Now begone, I assume by your presence here I will have to secure another Planar Binding for the door. You test my patience with your presence here."

Your benefactor Midnight kind of wants you to get something from this cave.

You have all done well, and you shall be rewarded as such. I will enjoy watching you five work. Remember, you shall need each of your skills if you are to evade the Light and stay alive to enjoy your rewards.

Now, to business. A powerful Evil has hold over this cave, and in that cave, we will each find something we want. Your rewards lie within, as well as your second task. Do not destroy the Library, but purge the cave and it's environs of it's previous owners. I will contact you when you have finished with your next task, and your next reward..."

2014-08-31, 01:12 PM

Seeing that the strange singing goblin isn't going to cooperate, Gorak charges the small figure, hoping to catch it by surprise.

Initiative for when it matters:
Two Attacks (Two Weapon Pounce)

[roll2] to confirm (crit 15-20x2)
Activating my Psychic Strike for an extra 2d8 damage.
If a crit, add [roll4]

[roll6] to confirm (crit 15-20x2)
Activating my Psychic Strike for an extra 2d8 damage.
If a crit, add [roll9]+2d8

2014-09-05, 12:02 PM
As the orc charges towards the goblin, he hears a dull crackling near his feet as the goblin sings in goblin and gestures with his flute. At about 20 feet from the goblin, this crackling manifests as a brilliant burst of electricity as the sound of a lightning bolt courses through the air and into Gorak's body. Everyone else who is too far away can hear a large clap of thunder as lightning bursts through Gorak. He can feel the lightning feed on his body's energy as his muscles tense up to the point of pain, not allowing him to move further as he slowly falls to the ground disoriented, now aglow with the energy coursing through his body.

Whatever that spell was, it was different than anything most of you have ever seen. (Spellcraft may be rolled)

Failed Fortitude and Reflex vs the spell. Gorak is stunned for 1 round and knocked prone. Further, he takes [roll0] Electricity damage and [roll1] Sonic damage.

Everyone may now act in a full round of action.

2014-09-05, 12:27 PM
Elira shakes her head when she sees Gorak fall, then runs at the goblin, hopping gracefully over the fallen orc, turning the hop into a flying leap, and trying to tackle him.

Move to grapple the goblin:

Touch Attack: [roll0]
Grapple Check: [roll1]

2014-09-09, 01:00 AM
The goblin's eyes widen to the oncoming charge of a vampire. You can sense the flash of fear inside of it as it reacts in the space of a single heartbeat. Draconian wings of force burst around him, shielding him from your attack. As an immediate action, he casts a spell that protects him from your attack. You may reselect a standard action if you so choose, but any that require an attack roll versus his AC autofail, and any area attack faces +8 AC and +4 reflex from his spell.

Wings of Cover

Caelric and Bob may act.

2014-09-11, 05:35 PM
Bob the Necromancer

Upon seeing the wings surround the goblin Bob makes up his mind. He tells tells his minion to charge the Goblin and start attacking. Once his minion has attacked, You see a ghostly visage leave Bob's body and start heading towards the Goblin.

Standard action: Imbue my familiar with Inflict Serious Wounds
Move action: I'll move closer to the Goblin but stay out of melee range (not sure how much space is between us)

The Ghostly Visage has a movement speed of 10' flying with perfect manueverability and an AC of 17. If I'm 30'ft away he will "run" the first round to move 20' then the second round he should be able to close the distance to deliver the Inflict Serious Wounds (3d8+4). I'm trying to save my single 4th level spell so that I might be able to reanimate this goblin after he dies. :smallsmile:

2014-09-16, 04:54 PM
As Bob moves closer to the goblin thaumaturge, his pet wings away to deliver the spell. The goblin stands ready, already having charged one of our companions with so much lightning that his muscles can't bring him to a standing position. Yet

The vampire stands at the to press the attack on the goblin. NPC'd. Readied Attack versus Spellcasting.

Caelric has actions.

2014-09-16, 05:11 PM
Caelric looks at the goblin in disgust,"If only you had bowed to serve us rather than sacrifice yourself for your... master. Instead let the cold tendrils of fate wrap around you, let you be helpless as your life blood flows from you and you are swallowed by the maw of damnation." he pauses as he focuses his mental energies at the goblin, making sure to aim his attack slightly behind the goblin so as to keep his allies out of the blast radius. His eyes begin to glow an otherworld purple as similar contrails follow his hand as he points at the beast in goblin skin, "Let the fingers of the primordial light freeze you in your tracks as your end reaches you." Once this action occurs, a circle of electricity climbs out of nothingness at where the man had pointed, expanding in a circle as the energy slams into the goblin, crackling across his skin and paralyzing his very core.

manifesting Energy Stun-Electricity, reflex save DC 24 (normal 17, +2 from Electric subtype, +5 from augment), manifester level to beat power resistance is 10.
-8 PP, 57/84 PP

damage (electric): [roll0]

2014-09-19, 12:03 AM
The electrical energy surges around the goblin, who it is apparently not his day as he fully absorbs so much energy that he is massively disoriented and drops his flute as he staggers back looking for a bookshelf to help lean on. Natural 1 and 5

[roll0] Electricity + [roll1] Sonic
[roll2] Fortitude DC 18, if he succeeds he is not Stunned for an additional round and takes half damage.

Goblin is Stunned, everyone may act.

2014-09-19, 11:34 PM
Gorak, the now unstunned

Gorak rises (move action) and runs wildly at the goblin, punches him with both hands, and forms his mind blades a split second after impact. (Fancy talk for charging.)

[roll1] to confirm (range 15-20)
Unleashing my Phychic Strike
[roll2] dmg
add [roll3] on a crit.

[roll5] to confirm (range 15-20)
Unleashing my Phychic Strike
[roll6]+[roll7] dmg
add [roll8]+[roll9] on a crit

2014-09-22, 10:54 PM
Bob the Minionmancer

Upon seeing the Goblin stunned, Bob takes a moment to assess what the others are doing. He then says to the Goblin "I see your master has betrayed you and used your own magic against you. Join us or die. Those are your options." You then see a black ray shoot forth from Bob's finger as he points at the goblin. About that time the ghostly visage that left Bob just a few moments ago delivers the attack Bob imbued him with. Bob's bodyguard steps to the Goblin and takes a mighty swing as ordered. The ghostly visage then immediately returns and disappears into Bob's face.

Ray of Exhastion (ranged touch): [roll0]
Not sure if he can make a fortitude save while stunned. If not he immediately becomes exhausted for 4 minutes (24 rounds 40 rounds), If he does get a fortitude save and passes, he is only fatigued. DC 17

Ghostly Visage: Inflict serious wounds (touch): [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Will save DC 17 for half damage

Bugbear Bodyguard: Melee attack: [roll3] Crit Confirm: [roll4] Damage:[roll5]

2014-09-22, 10:59 PM
Elira grins and pounces on the goblin, trying to wrest him under her.

Touch Attack: [roll0]
Grapple check: [roll1]

2014-09-22, 11:23 PM
His eyes still glowly slightly purple, Caelric looks at the immobile goblin with disdain. "You aren't worthy of me expending even a fraction of my power on. Nevertheless you prove an obstacle on the path to my goals, and as such you must be eliminated."

He then pulls out a small crossbow, which sparkles and glimmers in the dim light of the room, reflecting and refracting light that passes through it. In the blink of an eye, Caelric aims the crossbow at the soon to be dead man and fires. As the bolt flies through the air it takes upon an otherworldly purple glow as it sails towards its newest flesh receptacle.

activating deep-crystal damage boost for 2PP (+2d6 damage) (55/84 PP)

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3]
Crit Damage: [roll4] + [roll5]

2014-09-23, 01:32 AM
With a vampiress having grappled the goblin, there is truly no means of escape for the small creature and you can do whatever you'd like with it. The exhaustion only further makes his plight more complex, and it chooses to use it's magic to attempt to escape and begins to sing briefly. It's obviously casting a spell (Dimension Door). Elira's focus on keeping the creature in her hands keeps her from effectively stopping him. Gorak however, recognizes the opportunity. Hopefully he isn't stunned this round.

Gorak however, still feels the goblin's lingering magic coursing through his body, causing electrical twitches and shocks that occasionally leave him senseless and sometimes even bringing him to his knees.

For brevity's sake, the spell will deal

Save [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Gorak's AoO
Attack [roll]1d20+16[/roll
Damage [roll2]
Crit Confirm (15-20) [roll3]
Crit Damage [roll4]

Opposed Concentration versus damage (DC 10+Damage)
Concentration [roll5]

Save [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Save [roll8]
Damage [roll9]

Save [roll10]
Damage [roll11]

Save [roll12]
Damage [roll13]

Save [roll14]
Damage [roll15]

Save [roll16]
Damage [roll17]

Save [roll18]
Damage [roll19]

Save [roll20]
Damage [roll21]

additional damage. Half lightning, half sonic.

Gorak's blade slices through the vanishing goblin, but it manages to hold on to it's concentration long enough to complete the incantation and vanish.

You are now alone in the library: unwanted guests with a goblin (and who knows what else) on the loose.

2014-09-23, 10:06 AM
Elira frowns, her meal escaped, and she says, "So...What now?"