View Full Version : Naruto versus Ranma

2014-06-18, 05:14 PM
Im honestly just curious about this matchup. I havent actually read/watched ranma, but I have heard he is capable of various superhuman feats of strength speed and destructive power, so who would win in a fight? Also, just to make things more interesting, if it turns out to be a miss match at peak levels, lets adjust them and see at what point it becomes a fair fight worth arguing over?

Lord Raziere
2014-06-18, 05:30 PM
*is both Naruto and Ranma nerd*

well! it all depends, how far in time are we talking here?

if they're both at the end points of their respective mangas, Naruto wins HANDS DOWN. Ranma, even at his strongest is more like a wuxia martial artist with like, only one energy attack that he can fire around, and even that is kind of not something he can spam- sure he can also do his flurry of thousand fists thing but its weak compared to Max Narutos strength, or that tornado counterattack but said tornado counterattack requires a certain luring the opponent in and walking in a certain pattern to set up. none of which is strong as Naruto at his max age.

if they're both at the BEGINNING of the mangas though, Ranma has more of an advantage. sure he may not have any special moves, but neither does Naruto, and beginning Naruto is basically just a kid whose best jutsu is sexy no jutsu, which doesn't work on Ranma who can do the same thing just with some water, and is older and more experienced than Naruto, sure beginning Naruto can disguise himself, but before multi-shadow clone he is basically just a 12-year old brat facing off against like, a high school martial artist who could probably kick Naruto's ass even when Ranma was 12 years old himself- Ranma is a cool-headed guy who has no qualms about exploiting his opponents weaknesses or using any techniques or dirty tricks to win, while beginning Naruto's best strategy is CHAAAAARGE!

as for beginning Naruto WITH multi-shadow clone, Ranma could probably still kick his ass- Ranma has faced mass crowds of weak fighters before with no sweat, and Naruto has to divide his chakra many times over for his clones to work.

in short, the question of Naruto Vs. Ranma is much like a Wizard Vs. Fighter: Naruto is the wizard, Ranma's the fighter, Ranma's progression is linear and doesn't change him much, while Naruto starts off weaker than Ranma but his power increases exponentially until he is so much stronger than him that its not even funny.

the only fair match up really is probably some time before the Naruto timeskip against Ranma at his strongest.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-06-18, 05:35 PM
How about start of Shippuden Naruto (IE he has just returned to Konoha) vs. Ranma, would that be a little more even?

2014-06-18, 05:38 PM
strait up fight with final power levels? Curbstomp in Naruto's favor

T the begining or the respective Manga? Ranma.

Naruto post sage training but pre biju taming, it could go either way

Endurance Match? Naruto.

Most terrifying berserk state? Naruto.

funniest Berserk State, Ranma.

Most collateral damage from a single technique, Naruto at any point after sage training, otherwise Ranma

Strongest unmodified punch, Ranma.

2014-06-18, 05:41 PM
How about start of Shippuden Naruto (IE he has just returned to Konoha) vs. Ranma, would that be a little more even?

Is naruto allowed to summon the toads? If so, he wins, otherwise it's up to chance

2014-06-18, 06:08 PM
Thanks Raz and Rate, I had a feeling the winner fluctuated depending on point in respective mangas, I just wasnt sure how extreme ranma gets, like, im pretty sure end game naruto is capable of wiping nerima off the face of the map with a single full power bijudama, but I dont know what ranmas upper limit feats are.

Lord Raziere
2014-06-18, 07:10 PM
Ranma's upper limit feats?

well there is Moko Takabisha, I think he can maybe take out a building with that pride-powered energy attack? if he gives it his all? or Hiryuu Shoten Ha, the tornado attack I mentioned earlier, might be able cause damage to a building? I don't know. we don't see him applying those to such things all that much. mostly only against opponents, I know I've seen Ryoga, whom knows a technique equivalent to Moko Takabisha, take out Ranma with its full force form create a crater in the middle of the street.....

but yeah. even if Ranma strains himself to his fullest, I doubt he could ever be all that super-destructive in his martial arts. his modus operandi is more like being a less jerkish Sasuke if he grew up, forgot about revenge and focused on just being this guy who is really good at taijutsu and analyzing other peoples weaknesses and exploiting them to the fullest- he isn't one of those shonen protagonists going around wrecking everything with sheer determination, willpower and lots of strength, he is a tactical guy who focuses on defeating the enemy using whatever force or trick is necessary to get the job done, no matter how great or how little. he is not a hammer, but a scalpel.Ryoga is more similar to the usual shonen protagonist- headstrong, impulsive, passionate, strong as an ox, tough as nails, and completely lacking in subtlety.

but neither of them are in a shonen world- they are in a romantic comedy set in a 1990's wuxia world with rare minor shonen elements. them getting stronger and facing foes is not actually the focus of the plot. its the romance and relationships that is the focus, the wuxia action is just incidental. Ranma, if he really had to face Max Naruto, wouldn't actually fight him straight on- he isn't stupid, he would instead concoct some stupid scheme in deceiving Naruto that Ranma could somehow pull a Cyrano to woo Sakura and watch as all the attempts hilariously fail as Ranma keeps giving him bad advice and Naruto getting his ass kicked by Sakura....and possibly try and set it up so that Naruto receives the brunt of all of Ranma's stupid suitor attacks, so that Ranma can live his life in peace, at least for a little while, and even if Naruto kicks all their asses, Ranma is happy anyways because yay! all his stupid suitors and rivals won't be bothering him for a while! which is a far more plausible scenario for how Ranma would "beat" Naruto at his Max Strength- Naruto would think Ranma is his friend, when Ranma would just be using him to get rid of all his stalkers and enemies, one way or another.

the only other plausible scenario is that Ranma decides to beat Naruto at his own game, find a ninja and start learning ninjutsu and kick Naruto's ass when they finally face off, because that is what Ranma does- he learns new martial arts until he can beat the martial artist at their own game and then goes back to living his life. but that could take awhile. or not, Ranma seems to learn fast without needing any clones to help him.

Ace Mace
2014-06-18, 08:08 PM
So we have a fight between a ninja that invented sexy-jutsu, and a teenage boy that turns into a girl?:smallconfused:
Nappa: "Vegeta, what does the scouter say about the fan service level?"
Vegeta: "It's OVER 9,000!!!!"
Nappa: "WHAT?! 9,000?!?!"

2014-06-18, 08:31 PM
So we have a fight between a ninja that invented sexy-jutsu, and a teenage boy that turns into a girl?:smallconfused:
Nappa: "Vegeta, what does the scouter say about the fan service level?"
Vegeta: "It's OVER 9,000!!!!"
Nappa: "WHAT?! 9,000?!?!"

:smallbiggrin: Nah, if that was the case, we would have to include the cast of High School of the Dead. Of course, that series starts out at 9000 and just keeps going up further.

Ace Mace
2014-06-18, 08:34 PM
:smallbiggrin: Nah, if that was the case, we would have to include the cast of High School of the Dead. Of course, that series starts out at 9000 and just keeps going up further.

I watched about episdoes of HotD. Then I raged quit that show so hard. Though I would support including it an anime fan service battle.

Now let's pick the judges of this battle:

Master Roshi
Black Foot Sanji

Who else?:smallconfused:

2014-06-18, 08:59 PM
I watched about episdoes of HotD. Then I raged quit that show so hard. Though I would support including it an anime fan service battle.

Now let's pick the judges of this battle:

Master Roshi
Black Foot Sanji

Who else?:smallconfused:

Obviously Happosuai(not sure if I spelled his name right) from the Ranma series. He's a tiny, dirty-minded old lech who constantly steals womens panties ^^

Lord Raziere
2014-06-18, 09:12 PM
So we have a fight between a ninja that invented sexy-jutsu, and a teenage boy that turns into a girl?:smallconfused:
Nappa: "Vegeta, what does the scouter say about the fan service level?"
Vegeta: "It's OVER 9,000!!!!"
Nappa: "WHAT?! 9,000?!?!"

.....*image googles Ranma X Naruto*

*is not disappointed*

2014-06-18, 09:32 PM
I watched about episdoes of HotD. Then I raged quit that show so hard. Though I would support including it an anime fan service battle.

Now let's pick the judges of this battle:

Master Roshi
Black Foot Sanji

Who else?:smallconfused:

Honestly, I enjoyed it, the fanservice was so over the top as to be funny as heck to watch, while keeping to an actual zombie survival storyline on top of it all. Oddly enough, there were a few superhuman moves used in the series as well. For example, Saeko (thats the sword chick) has boobs that can dodge bullets. And not hand gun bullets either, im talking high powered supersonic rifle rounds. They actually show it in slow motion, one boob goes up, the bullet flies under it, the other boob goes down and that same bullet passes over the top. Supersonic boobie bouncing. Thats how awesomely over the top that series is.

Heh, oddly enough, thats a round about reason why I am here. See, I just finished reading a ranma/hsotd cross, where ranma was depowered a bit so it wasnt a total curb stomp. He was able to kill lots of zombies, but wouldnt be willing to fight large crowds at a time. And I was thinking to myself, "Good lord, post academy naruto could have single handedly stomped this zombie outbreak flat. Just hang out in a safe place, send a few hundred clones out with hammers or something, and clean up the city. Rinse and repeat till all of japan is clear. God forbid we use any post training trip narutos. " And it made me wonder where the two matched up power wise.

*EDIT* Oh, and jiraya. Cant forget having him involved with judging.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-06-22, 01:51 PM
I'm feeling we should add Mirajane and Jenny from Fairy tail to this fanservice battle, after all they did have a canon fanservice battle.

Lord Raziere
2014-06-22, 02:42 PM
I'm feeling we should add Mirajane and Jenny from Fairy tail to this fanservice battle, after all they did have a canon fanservice battle.

only if we give them the ability to turn into men. Ranma and Naruto can provide fanservice in more ways than just their female forms, so Mirajane and Jenny would have to demonstrate their fanservice as males as well. its only fair.

Dusk Eclipse
2014-06-22, 03:56 PM
Well Mirajane is a transformation specialist and there is this (http://images5.fanpop.com/image/polls/1017000/1017396_1335875709910_full.jpg) so it is implied she can take male forms, not sure about Jenny though.

2014-06-23, 04:29 AM
So we have a fight between a ninja that invented sexy-jutsu, and a teenage boy that turns into a girl?

The real winner of the fight: Nabiki Tendo lying in wait with a camera.

2014-06-25, 03:22 PM
think of Ranma as a slower growth Rock Lee, and you're more or less there.

2014-06-25, 03:39 PM
Naruto post sage training but pre biju taming, it could go either way

Uh, I think you might have forgotten that that's the Naruto who beat the guy that one-shotted a city.

Lord Raziere
2014-06-25, 04:16 PM
Uh, I think you might have forgotten that that's the Naruto who beat the guy that one-shotted a city.

Yea, I think a better fight would be Pre-Timeskip Naruto after he got beaten by Sasuke at Valley of the End. he has enough power there to have his own advantages but not enough to guarantee a victory.

2014-06-26, 04:12 AM
While the discussion seems settled, I'll just agree: Early Ranma beats Naruto with a good advantage but as the story progresses, Naruto just gets too strong too fast. I guess the timeskip is a good balance point. Ranma could possibly take a normal Rasengan and go on but not much more.

Also: Now I miss Ranma... damn, that was a nice show. Not only because I was a young boy when it first ran and German television back then didn't care that much about censorship :smalltongue:

2014-06-27, 09:28 AM
I personally liked it because EVERYTHING had a martial version of itself. Martial Arts Cooking, Martial Arts Tea Ceremony, etc. It was awesome.