View Full Version : Player Help [ Help! My character died! ]

2014-06-19, 09:57 PM
GC here.

So I've been playing in a DnD session where the plot is an unholy love child of 22 jump street,Megaman,and
Sin City. The players are as follows.
Scout 10 : Has a dragon cohort.
Bard 10: Has a wizard cohort, is woodhouse from that one show.
Warblade 10: Is kinda a douche. Kinda.
Fighter 10: Is Megaman.
Rogue 10: I don't know much about him.
Sorcerer 9/ Bard 1: Is me.

So we get into combat and I roll last on init,and on my turn, I cast "haste". As the party dashes right past me, I tried my best to keep up. While waiting for my turn, A cat ninja cyborg shadow assassin ambushes my character at her lonesome. The Assassin rolls a natural 20, and I had close to no warning before hand. The Assassin ends up one-shotting my character.

So I told the DM, what the hell? He told me that the rest of the party ran off because they tend to tunnel vision. Hard.
He allowed me to make a new character with the memories of the last one.

I got very annoyed at this and rolled up a Jack B. Quick build for some "Deus Ex Machina" reason that my character reincarnated in a new body. I later learned that the DM shoehorned it in when we spent 2 hours at Dremel's Shop. (Metal Gear Solid 4 Cameo). I feel confused as before this, The DM had been the BEST DM since everyone had known him. I feel very confused. How should I adapt?

My Character: Her name was Celeste Managan, and she has a giant noodle incident as her backstory. It all started when Celeste found a wishing well covered with bound piranhas. And It ended up with her being insane, locked in a asylum, and tripping balls most the time. How should her mind handle being killed?

The DM also made a mistake during the "shopping" and the scout ended up with 2 million gold.


2014-06-19, 10:06 PM
GC here.

So I've been playing in a DnD session where the plot is an unholy love child of 22 jump street,Megaman,and
Sin City. The players are as follows.
Scout 10 : Has a dragon cohort.
Bard 10: Has a wizard cohort, is woodhouse from that one show.
Warblade 10: Is kinda a douche. Kinda.
Fighter 10: Is Megaman.
Rogue 10: I don't know much about him.
Sorcerer 9/ Bard 1: Is me.

So we get into combat and I roll last on init,and on my turn, I cast "haste". As the party dashes right past me, I tried my best to keep up. While waiting for my turn, A cat ninja cyborg shadow assassin ambushes my character at her lonesome. The Assassin rolls a natural 20, and the ninja had close to no warning. I had played a support role while everyone else tried to kill as many people as possible. The ninja one-shots me. Easily.

I got very annoyed at this and rolled up a Jack B. Quick build for some "Deus Ex Machina" reason that my character reincarnated in a new body. I later learned that the DM shoehorned it in when we spent 2 hours at Dremel's Shop. (Metal Gear Solid 4 Cameo). I feel confused as before this, The DM had been the BEST DM since everyone had known him. I feel very confused. How should I adapt?

My Character: Her name was Celeste Managan, and she has a giant noodle incident as her backstory. It all started when Celeste found a wishing well covered with bound piranhas. And It ended up with her being insane, locked in a asylum, and tripping balls most the time. How should her mind handle being killed?

The DM also made a mistake during the "shopping" and the scout ended up with 2 million gold.


What's your alignment?

2014-06-20, 04:49 AM
Sorry, I don't get anything of what you're saying except "my character is dead". Do you always talk exclusively in pop culture references?

2014-06-20, 06:28 AM
How did the rest of the party outrun your 180' speed on your phantom steed?

John Longarrow
2014-06-20, 07:18 AM
SQLStr=Select( Intent FROM OP WHERE Question=understandable )
MsgBox (SQLStr)

2014-06-20, 09:51 AM
What I'm gathering here is that your insane sorcerer/bard got killed. What I'm not catching is how you rolling up a new character for her to reincarnate into is somehow a bad or confusing move on your DM's part. Did you not agree that she should be reincarnated, cause if she didn't want to return to life, she'd have had the choice not to.


If she was forcefully reincarnated into a new body, and has spent most of her life tripping balls, then I suspect that her reaction would be largely based around how aware she is that she's spent most of her life tripping balls.

2014-06-20, 09:27 PM
Sorry, I don't get anything of what you're saying except "my character is dead". Do you always talk exclusively in pop culture references?

Often, yes. What I need help with is that, how should my character change after being through dying like that? I need help on how an insane person would handle it, from a roleplaying standpoint.

What's your alignment?

Chaotic Good.

How did the rest of the party outrun your 180' speed on your phantom steed?

Oh. Oh my. How does one manage this?

2014-06-21, 12:10 AM
look in heroes of horror, plenty of good ideas there

2014-06-21, 09:29 AM
look in heroes of horror, plenty of good ideas there

Thanks. I'll check it out.

2014-06-21, 12:29 PM
Does your Sorcerer know Silent Image, Major Image, ..., whatever ?

Just keep surprising your party with Illusions of whatever is going on in your mind, surprise the enemy with these deranged figments too ! Shoggoths, Cthulu, Little Miss Sunshine, whatever.

Pretty soon the Cleric will fix you, or the Warblade will.

2014-06-22, 10:49 AM
Does your Sorcerer know Silent Image, Major Image, ..., whatever ?

Just keep surprising your party with Illusions of whatever is going on in your mind, surprise the enemy with these deranged figments too ! Shoggoths, Cthulu, Little Miss Sunshine, whatever.

Pretty soon the Cleric will fix you, or the Warblade will.

That sounds grand. I guess I'll try that next time. If there is one.