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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class Incitatio, Masters of Teleportation [PEACH]

2014-06-20, 11:43 AM

Run, run as fast as you can... you can’t escape me, I’m the Incitatio Man

Attributes: Dexterity is the most important attribute by far. Not only does it give the Incitatio extra AC in case it gets attacked, and gives it a high initiative, but most of its class features are linked to Dexterity. Constitution is probably the only second attribute, due to the fact that the Incitatio are melee fighters.
Attributes: Due to the need of agility, elves make good Incitatio’s. Halfling’s make good stealthy Incitatio, while humans don’t have the attributes, their bonus feat makes them strong at this class.
Alignment: Any, whilst the nature of the Incitatio’s fighting style leans towards chaotic, there is no limitation to what a Incitatio’s alignment is, they are simply a form of fighter after all.
Staring Gold: As a Fighter
Starting Age: As a Paladin

Class Skills
The Incitatio’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex) Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Iaijutsu Focus (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex)
Skill Points at first level: (4 + Int Modifier)x4
Skill Points at each additional level: 4 + Int Modifier.

Not that to talk about here. Took the fighter skill list, added balance and tumble, because agility, added listen, sense motive and spot, because not having them is stupid, and finally Iaijutsu focus, become it works really well with this class.

Hit Die: d8

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save



+1Body of Lightning , From Sea to Mountain



+2Lightning Jump



+2Uncanny Dodge



+3Mental Clarity



+3Lightning Agility



+3Spring Attack, And from Mountain to Sky



+3Conserve the Momentum






+4Shifting Body



+5Lightning Arch



+5Momentum Strike



+6Improved Uncanny Dodge



+6Improved Evasion






+6Momentum Empowerment



+7Ride the Lightning



+7Bounding Assault, Improved Mettle



+8Weaving Entity



+8Momentum Absorption



+9Living Lightning

d8 gives the Incitatio a reasonable amount of health, without getting into real-front line or tank levels of health. Due to the variety of abilities, I decided to only give the class 3/4 BAB instead of full BAB. That being said, I could change it depending on the feedback.

Also, the save progression is 2/3 of the good progression. A self-made ‘average’ save progression, instead of having either good or poor progression

Class Features
All the following are class features for the Incitatio
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Incitatio is proficient with all simple and martial melee weapons and with light armor and all shields but tower shields. Additionally, they may chose one exotic melee weapon and become proficient in it.
Special: A Incitatio wearing heavier than light armour, wielding a tower shield, or have a medium load or higher. Loses access to ALL class features.

Body of Lighting (Ex)
At level 1, the Incitatio gains a +5ft bonus to all types of movement it has. This bonus increases by another 5ft per level, up to a 100ft bonus at level 20. Additionally, the Incitatio gains a +1 bonus to initiative for each 20ft of its ground speed.
Special: The Incitatio bonus initiative from this class feature overlaps (does not stack) with feats that grant you a bonus to initiative.

From Sea to Mountain (Ex)
At level 1, the Incitatio gains a climb speed and swim speed equal to their base speed

So, the first abilities of the Incitatio are quite simple. Fast Movement right at the start, which scales at each level all the way up to an impressive +100ft, which also leads itself to a bonus to initiative spaced across the levels, and then Climb and Swim Speed, opening up the options for mobility for the Incitatio.

Lighting Jump (Ex)
At level 2, the Incitatio can instantly move to an unoccupied space up to half its speed as a move action, this action will be refereed to as 'teleporting'. You must be able to see the location you are teleporting to.

One of the most important abilities of the Incitatio, is its ability to teleport at will. Admittedly, its not far, at least, not to begin with. But as the levels go on, the Incitatio is just going to be able to get faster and faster.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
Starting from 3th level, a Incitatio can react to danger before their senses would normally allow them to do so. They retain their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if they are caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However,they still loses their Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a Incitatio already has uncanny dodge from a different class they automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead.

Mental Clarity (Ex)
At level 4, the Incitatio gets a bonus to their initiative check equal to their highest mental ability modifier (Int, Wis or Cha). This does not stack with abilities that have the same effect, unless you are at level 21 or higher.

Initiative is going to play an important role for the Incitatio, so you need a way of pumping it up more than just increasing your dexterity or the slow climb of levels. So, here’s another ability modifier for you to add on. But at the same time, it does stop attribute stacking until your at Epic, where things get really silly.

Lightning Agility (Ex)
At level 5, the Incitatio learns to use their Lightning Jump Class Feature as though they were moving normally for the purposes of feats, class features, and so forth, though it is still limited to half their speed.

I hope this makes sense, but it allows you to use your teleportation for a stronger degree of flexibility than... well, pretty much any class from what I can tell. Sure, you're slower than usual, but it gives you more flexibility, not to mention it skips AoO’s completely

And from Mountain to Sky (Ex)
At level 6, the Incitatio gains a flying speed equal to their base speed at average maneuverability, at level 12, good maneuverability and level 18, perfect maneuverability.

Simple, but again, important. From Mountain to Sky gives the Incitatio one of the most important forms of moving. Flight, increasing in maneuverability across the levels, all the way to perfect maneuverability at level 18.

Spring Attack (Ex)
At level 6, the Incitatio gains Spring Attack as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites. If they already possesses the Spring Attack feat, they instead gains a Fighter bonus feat for which they meets the prerequisites.

Ah, Spring Attack, a bit of a flawed feat, but it means well, and it does help people move and strike at the same time. Problem is, its locked behind a 2-feat prerequisite, and those feats are pretty useless. So instead, I’m giving it to you, straight up.

Conserve the Momentum (Ex)
The Incitatio is beginning to learn how to use their speed and reflexes, in more and more creative ways. At level 7, the Incitatio has any bonus to Initiative checks, aside from Dexterity bonus, also apply to dodge AC

Now we’re getting there. Now we are starting to see why Initiative has been so important to the Inciato. The fact that your shields and armour is limited, isn’t so much of a problem now that you can apply your initiative as a bonus to AC. Note however, that the bonuses don't stack. If you have an enchantment bonus to AC, and enchantment bonus to Initiative. Only one of them goes though, the higher. This is the same for Sacred/Insight/Competence, etc, etc

Evasion (Ex)
At 8th level and higher, a Incitatio can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If they makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, they instead takes no damage. A helpless Incitatio does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Shifting Body (Ex)
As the Incitatio gets faster and faster, they start to become harder and harder to hit due to their constant movement. Upon reaching level 9, in any round that the Incitatio moves 10ft or further, they gain 20% concealment against physical attacks until the start of their next turn. This concealment increases by 5% whenever an Incitatio gains a level, up to a maximum of 50% at level 15.

So... this is a bit of a combination of the Blurred Alacrity and Swift Surge abilities of the Swiftblade, and considering that the Swiftblade has a heavy focus on speed, I figured that I might take a leaf or two out of their book.

Lighting Arch (Ex)
The Incitatio’s experience in teleportation is beginning to show, allowing them to move even further, or make even quicker, but shorter, teleportations. Starting from level 10, the Incitatio may now using Lightning Jump up to 3/4 your ground speed. In addition, the Incitatio can now teleport up 1/4 their speed as a swift action.

Strong upgrade, allowing you to teleport further as a move action, and also teleport as a swift action. Now, it might not seem like much, being 1/4 of your speed, but at level ten, you speed is 80ft. So now you have a 20ft teleport as an at-will swift action, and its only going to get bigger.

Momentum Strike (Ex)
The Incitatio has become even more skilled at using their momentum across the battlefield for added effect. At level 11, the Incitatio has any bonus to Initiative checks apply to attack and damage rolls, instead of the usual ability modifier.

Having only 3/4’s BAB isn’t that bad now we’re getting init as attack does it? Not to mention it will more than likely be increasing your damage significantly as well.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
A Incitatio of 12th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies rogues the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking them, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target does

Improved Evasion (Ex)
At level 13, the Incitatio now only takes half damage on a failed Reflex saving throw. A helpless Incitatio does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Mettle (Ex)
Beginning at 14th level, if a Incitatio makes a successful Will or Fortitude save that would normally reduce the save’s effect, he suffers no effect from the spell at all. Only those spells with a saving throw entry of “partial” or “half” are affected by this ability, and only for purposes of Will and/or Fortitude saves with these descriptors

Momentum Empowerment (Ex)
Having fought for so long, the Incitatio’s momentum has now become a part of their very soul and body. Upon reaching level 15 the Incitatio replaces the Incitatio has any bonus to initiative checks apply to save rolls, instead of the usual ability modifier.

A very, very strong ability this. Stronger even than the Paladin’s Divine Grace, as you have dexterity, a mental ability, and Other bonuses. That being said, you do lose the original ability modifier’s, so it shouldn’t be overwhelmingly powerful.

Ride the Lighting (Ex)
At level 16, Incitatio’s have become true masters of the art of teleportation. You can now use your Lighting Jump ability to teleport up to your speed. Additionally, as a swift action you can now teleport up to 1/2 of your speed. Finally, you can teleport up to a total of 1/4 your speed as a free action. This can be split into 5ft increments.

Well... now this is what I call fast. At level 16, if you started with a base speed of 30ft, your speed is 110. So as a swift action, you can teleport 55ft, and as a free action, you can teleport up to 25ft. Combined, that gives you a total speed of 190ft. Not too shabby, is it?

Bounding Assault (Ex)
At level 17, the Incitatio gains Bounding Assault as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites. If they already possesses the Bounding Assault feat, they instead gains a Fighter bonus feat for which they meets the prerequisites.

Improved Mettle (Ex)
At 17th level, a Incitatio’s mettle ability improves. They still takes no effect on a successful Will or Fortitude save that has the “partial” or “half” descriptor, but henceforth they take only the partial effect or half the damage on a failed save.

Weaving Entity (Ex)
Moving a speed’s unparalleled, the Incitatio is moving so fast that even the supernatural find it hard to track them. Upon reaching level 18, in any round that the Incitatio moves 10ft or further, individually targeted spells gain a 20% to fail against them. This failure chance increases by 10% whenever an Incitatio gains a level, up to a maximum of 40% at level 20.
And here’s Evasive Clarity from the Swiftblade class, though not as strong as its limited to 40% instead of 50%, which is probably annoying, but considering what else the class gives you, and how easy it is to trigger it... I think its fair play.

Momentum Absorption (Ex)
The Incitatio’s knowledge of momentum has grown to an understanding that few others can match. Not only can they use their momentum to strengthen themselves, but they can reduce and lessen the momentum of others. At level 19, at Incitatio gains DR/X equal to their initiative modifier. X is Law if Chaotic, or Chaos if Lawful. If Neutral, choose one of the two.

The last but one ability gives the Incitatio a strong boost in survivability in the form of what will most likely be quite a lot of DR, though.

Living Lighting (Ex)
The Incitatio has reached the pinnacle of mortal speed and momentum, allowing them to perform feats that can awe even the gods. At level 20 The Incitatio’s speed is doubled, and the class features which replace ability modifiers with the initiative modifier, can now apply the original ability modify as well.

How is THIS for a capstone? 130ft speed, 65ft swift teleport, 30ft of free teleportation and +6 bonus to initiative has just been turned into 260ft speed, 130ft swift teleportation, 65ft of free teleportation and +13 bonus to initiative. That’s a total of 455ft per round, and a +7 to attack, damage, AC, saves and DR/-, with all but DR/- getting even more.

2014-06-20, 12:51 PM
@re:Tables (just use one class value instead of multiple), and then add a [/table] at the end to close the tag

Can't read thoroughly since I'm on mobile, but it looks like a fun jaunter class. Classe features are synergistic and definitely build off of one another.

Minor thing: some people may take issue with this class qualifying Telflammar Shadowlord by level 9 (Swordsage1/ Incitati6/ SS+1 with Int 14 and Human/flaw), giving three full-attacks (not me, since I like the PrC).

Not-so-minor thing: replacing Dex bonus to AC with Initiative mod on a 1:1 ratio will be very problematic, as it is too easy to ramp initiative without much effort. I had a moderately optimized L12 gestalt with +33 to initiative (and that's without the actual Dex modifier, as well as weapon enhancements like Warning and Insight). Consider wording it with something like "Any bonus to Initiative checks, aside from Dexterity bonus, also applies to AC." such that competence/insight/racial/circumstance/morale/enhancement/profane/sacred etc. bonus to both AC and initiative won't stack. The same can be said with attack, damage, and DR(/-, no less).

2014-06-20, 03:50 PM
There is a real (or at least commonly used) average save progression, which goes 1/1/2/2/3/3/3/4/4/5/5/6/6/6/7/7/8/8/8/9 instead of what you have going there.

Dwarf, halfling and gnome Incitatios can currently climb or swim faster than they can run. Is this supposed to be the case?

Lightning Jump requires some on-the-spot rules adjudications to work, because no-one ever defines "Teleport," except possibly "Move, as the spell Teleport" which I assume is not the intention.

Incitatios can fly before practically any other class in existence gains that capability, and they can do it all day. Might be worth bumping up to later, as they currently ruin the days of anyone who isn't as good at shooting as them at as low as third level.

Initiative is fine. They do things first. Fits the concept.

Lightning agility would perhaps be better served if it read "At level 5, the Incitatio learns to use their Lightning Jump Class Feature as though they were moving normally for the purposes of feats, class features, and so forth, though it is still limited to half their speed."

Spring attack is fine. It's not like Truenamers weren't already doing this, so it must be perfectly balanced, right?

Conserve the Momentum is a weird ability, and can result in strange situations such as someone taking the vulnerable flaw (-1 AC) to take the Improved Initiative feat (+4 init, and therefore +4 AC), gaining a massive benefit out of nowhere. Conversely, if someone takes the flaw which reduces their initiative, they might not actually want the class feature either.

Shifting body should probably read "For each level beyond ninth" instead of "Whenever the Incitatio gains a level".

Lightning Arch basically allows you to annoy fighter-types even more - when they do get near you, you 5 20-foot step away from them, you shoot them as a full attack, they can't full attack you with a melee weapon.

Momentum Strike shares Conserve The Momentum's potential for you not to want it, as does Momentum Empowerment.

Ride the Lightning doesn't set a limit on the number of times the free action can be used per round.

Weaving Entity is... kinda silly. It gives a very specific type of spell a pretty high chance of failure when targeted at you, and there's nothing the caster can do about it.

Living Lightning basically turns you into an annoying "I add it to my everything" classes - compare the Pathfinder psychic warrior, who can do a similar thing... only with his wisdom modifier, and only for five minutes/day. Adding your initiative (which can easily be something in the 20s) to all your attack and damage rolls, saves (which, if you had any chance of succeeding before, you now cannot fail except on a natural 1), your AC (Again, anyone who had any chance of missing you before now only hits you on a 20) and damage reduction just makes you into the kind of class which only bothers to roll in case it gets a nat 1. That's not fun to play as, or against.

Southern Cross
2014-06-20, 05:28 PM
Here is my revised version of the class table (Complete with fixing spelling errors- " Ride The Lighting", indeed!)

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save



+1Body of Lightning , From Sea to Mountain



+2Lightning Jump



+2And from Mountain to Sky



+3Mental Clarity



+3Lightning Agility



+3Spring Attack, Uncanny Dodge



+3Conserve the Momentum






+4Shifting Body



+5Lightning Arch



+5Momentum Strike



+6Improved Uncanny Dodge



+6Improved Evasion






+6Momentum Empowerment



+7Ride the Lightning



+7Bounding Assault, Improved Mettle



+8Weaving Entity



+8Momentum Absorption



+9Living Lightning

2014-06-20, 06:00 PM
Firstly. Southern Cross, you are awesome. Thank you.

Now then, I made some modifications to the class. Due to how abuseable this could be, the class starts with no ranged weapon proficiency. You can spend a feat to gain it of course, but that's up to you.

Additionally, one listening to feedback, I have clarified Lighting Jump to define teleportation. Clarified Ride the Lighting to ensure that the amount of free action teleportation is 100% clear. Swapped 'And from Mountian to Sky' and Unncanny dodge, changed Mental Clarity so it stops mental ability stacking on initiative and modified the initiative addition abilities, so the bonuses to Initiative can't stack for type with other bonuses. Your probably gonna be strong enough anyway.