View Full Version : Rules Q&A Choosing the correct level for Unique Spells (Arcana Evolved)

2014-06-20, 12:05 PM
I was sent this way by a good friend and old DM of mine to get some advice on how to level some Unique Spells (as per the feat) that one of my players has come up with. In addition to figuring out what level to make these spells, any changes that you might make to the spells if you think they would be "broken" would also be appreciated.

Thanks so much! Here are the spells:

Tom's Almighty Demonlord Destroyer

School: [Electricity]

Level: ??? (Unique)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: Personal

Target: You

Duration: 1 hour / level

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Y

Tom summons the shadow of an arcane artifact crafted by a long-dead god and entombed within an obsidian mountain. It manifests as a skinless hand with six fingers, each ending in a demonic talon. The entire hand is wreathed in black flames and a golden eye is embedded into the center of the palm, restlessly searching at all times. This conjuration revolves around Tom's head and can be dispelled but not attacked.

At the beginning of each of Tom's turns, the almighty demonlord destroyer channels a bolt of golden lightning from it's eye to one hostile target within 100' of Tom's choice, dealing 2 points of damage per caster level.

Tom may use a standard action to command the almighty demonlord destroyer to attack again on his turn.

Diminished Effects: Damage dealt by the almighty demonlord destroyer is reduced to a maximum of 1 point.

Heightened Effects: Damage dealt by the almighty demonlord destroyer is increased to 3 points per caster level.


Tom's Psychedelic Leviathan Warden

School: [Psionic]

Level: ??? (Unique)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: Personal

Target: You

Duration: 1 hour / level

Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Y

Tom summons a world-ending demigod from an utterly alien, but tiny, plane. It manifests as a grapefruit-sized incorporeal mass of bright pink tentacles, multi-pupiled swirling eyes, and razor-like teeth coated in iridescent slime. This conjuration lazily floats around Tom's head and can be dispelled but not attacked.

At the beginning of each of Tom's turns, the psychedelic leviathan warden reveals a fragment of it's power to a single hostile target within 10' of Tom of his choice, dealing 1 point of damage per caster level and dazing the target (Will save to negate).

Tom may use a standard action to command the psychedelic leviathan warden to attack again on his turn.

Diminished Effects: Damage dealt by the psychedelic leviathan warden is reduced to a maximum of 1 point.

Heightened Effects: Range of the psychedelic leviathan warden's attack is increased to 25'


Tom's Grotesque Panopticon

School: [Divination]

Level: ??? (Unique)

Casting Time: Standard

Range: Personal

Target: You

Duration: 1 hour / level

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: N

Tom summons a floating halo of 8d4 disembodied eyes, each from a different creature

At the beginning of each of Tom's turns, he can choose to look through a single summoned eye rather than his own, choosing one that that has one of the following properties:

1. Darkvision 60'

2. Reveals immunities / resistances of a single target

3. Reveals vulnerabilities of a single target

4. Revels spell resistance of a single target

5. Reveals invisible objects within 30'

6. +5 on search checks to reveal secret doors

7. Doubles range of normal vision

8. Blindsight 10'

Diminished Effects: Tom rolls 1d8 when choosing to look through the panopticon and effect is selected randomly from above table

Heightened Effects: The range of any gaze attacks usable by Tom are also doubled.


Tom's Magnificent Switcheroo

School: [Teleportation]

Level: ??? (Unique)

Casting Time: Move-equivalent

Range: Medium

Target: One Small, Medium, or Large creature caster can see

Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Y

With a swirl of blue smoke, the caster switches places with target. If the targets are different sizes, Tom selects orientation upon casting.

Diminished Effects: Target may make a reflex save to negate

Heightened Effects