View Full Version : Optimization Challenge: One-Punch Man

Red Fel
2014-06-20, 01:08 PM
Picture it in your mind for a moment. The character has been sitting at the back of the party, doing seemingly nothing. Maybe reading, or whittling, or scraping designs into the dirt. The rest of the party is busy fighting something big and ugly, with too many teeth; yet they haven't insisted he get up or do anything.

Finally, one of them speaks. "Now would be nice!" The character sighs. He gets up, walks towards the fray. The party parts in front of him, and soon he's face-to-knee with Big Ugly. He rears back, and delivers a single hit.

And Big Ugly is reduced to a fine red mist.

The character sighs, and returns to his book/whittling/scraping.

Here's the challenge. Can you come up with a character capable of defeating any (non-Epic) opponent in a single hit? The rules are simple: There must be only a single attack delivered. It can be magical, physical, or any combination or variation thereupon, but it can only be a single attack. (Despite the thread name, it doesn't actually have to be a punch.) A single attack which hits multiple times (such as a spell that launches multiple projectiles) is acceptable, if frowned upon. A full attack action is discouraged. Try to limit it to one-hit, one-kill if possible. This attack must be immediately lethal. Either it kills the target from HP damage, or triggers a save, or does something else to immediately kill the target. Note that if it triggers a save, it must be a save that is guaranteed to be failed; if an enemy can survive, you haven't created a lethal one-hit. It must be lethal against any opponent. Thus, for example, if it uses a death effect instead of pure HP damage, it must have a way of overcoming immunity to death effects. Note that the attack does not have to be permanently lethal - for example, a single attack that destroys a Lich is considered lethal, even though the Lich will reform. Note also that, for purposes of this exercise, we will not consider an opponent who explicitly cannot be killed, or automatically revives upon death. Pre-buffing is limited to what you can do in the same round that you perform the attack, or all-day or perpetual buffs that need not be reactivated on short notice. For example, if the attack itself is a standard action, you can use your move and swift actions to buff, but you cannot use a standard action in a prior turn to buff. The goal is to produce a single-turn kill with a single-attack technique. The ability need not be perpetual. An ability with limited uses per day, such as via ki pool, rage, spell slots, power points, or per-day SLAs, is permissible. However, it must not have absolutely finite uses; an ability that can only be used three times ever does not satisfy the challenge. Sources can be 3.0/3.5 or PF, but not both; if PF, use PF only, and if 3.0/3.5, use 3.0/3.5 only. No third party. The character must be non-Epic. All related powers and abilities must be non-Epic. No other limitations on optimization. Dark Chaos Shuffle is admissible, as are various races, templates, archetypes, bloodlines, and assorted cheese. Let's see your inner Tippy! Creating a magic item or artifact with the ability to instantly kill an enemy, without save, is cheating.
I'm genuinely intrigued as to what some people can create for this.

2014-06-20, 01:29 PM
Well a simple uber charger does this pretty well... while it is true that pounce makes this better, you can still get several hundred damage easily by multiplying damage on a charge.

Shock trooper+Leap Attack+Heedless Charge+Rhino Rush spell+Valorous weapon.

Put on a frenzied berserker for lolz.

Slithery D
2014-06-20, 01:40 PM
Note that if it triggers a save, it must be a save that is guaranteed to be failed;


(Filing the "20" off my die now.)

2014-06-20, 01:50 PM
So... Well.

Decisive Strike Martial Monk 2/Crusader2/Warblade2/Cancer Mage 1/Kensai X

You use Martial Monk feats to qualify for Kensai, normal feats to qualify for Cancer Mage. You may want to swap one Warblade level for Fighter, because feats.

Normal Festering Anger cheese ensues. Up your Strength to NI levels. Kensai gives you the ability to enhance your whole body (Thanks, Monk). Put Spellblade (Cure Disease) on it. Pump numerical enhancement to give yourself Hardness.

In combat: Get swift action movement (Sudden Leap works, since your STR score is through the roof). Appear next to your enemy, Decisive Strike for tons of damage.

Even better. Make a normal Ubercharger and slap Cancer Mage on top. Works anyway.

2014-06-20, 04:23 PM
Like, this?


2014-06-20, 04:42 PM
Race: any with bonuses to charisma and or Constitution

Factotum 15/ marshal 1/ warblade 4

Feats: item familiar, skill focus: concentration, shape soulmeld: vitality belt.

Key maneuver: greater insightful strike. Make a concentration check, double the results, and that's how much damage you deal.

Assuming level 20, a 32 point buy, and no racial ability modifiers. Starting con 18, charisma 13. Your concentration modifier is;

+10 competence - 3rd eye of concentration
+4 moral vitality belt
+3 skill focus
+15 factotum
+23 skill ranks
+23 item familiar
+1 luck- luck stone
+12 Con mod (18 base, 6 enhancement, +5 tome, +5 skill raises: total 34)
+ 7 cha modifier (14 base, +6 enhancement, +5 tome: total 24)

Total: +98

Damage from greater insightful strike:(D20 + 98)x2

I'm sure there is a perfect race for this, and plenty of other bonuses to be had. This is just off the top of my head.

The fun thing is that the attack can be made with anything. A finger, a trout, an adamantine ghost touch tooth pick, etc.

2014-06-20, 05:15 PM
Like, this?

I was totally expecting a different image.

2014-06-20, 05:39 PM
personally i was expecting

Piggy Knowles
2014-06-20, 06:13 PM
Hmm. For One-Punch Man, I'd want something that really is just a single, powerful standard action attack, rather than a charge.

So, for a non-charging build, my first thought is...

Cloistered Cleric 1/Warblade 4/Chameleon 10/Legacy Champion 5

Use Legacy Champion to progress Warblade. Your IL at ECL 20 is 16, enough to nab Diamond Nightmare Blade.

For relevant feats, take your standard Persistent Spell shenanigans and Extra Turning, plus Power Attack and Knowledge Devotion.

Assuming Bite of the Werebear, Divine Power and Righteous Might, a starting Strength of 15 and a +5 Tome, you'll be looking at a Strength score of 40. With a +5 (preferably via GMW) bronzewood greatsword with the Collision and Force enhancements and Spikes or Brambles pre-cast, and a maxed out Knowledge Devotion, and full Power Attack, a single strike will be dealing 3d6+87. Persistent Surge of Fortune guarantees the hit. Diamond Nightmare Blade quadruples that to 12d6+348. Force damage ignores DR and most similar considerations, but that's still shy of the ~440 HP that the average CR 20 opponent has. (With the crit from Surge of Fortune, this would be well and above what is necessary - but I'm assuming no crits, since we want an attack that will work fine against crit-immune enemies.)

I'm sure I can easily get over 440 HP by stacking on enough spells, but that seems boring. I'll try to re-work this to get enough damage in.

EDIT: OK, actually, I've decided to scratch this first one, because I want it to be with a punch. So, I'm going to come up with the best single-punch build I can. No charging, no weapon beyond just one standard action punch, no spell channeling or anything.

I'll use a similar chassis, but make some changes:

Human, Cloistered Cleric 1/Unarmed Swordsage 4/Chameleon 10/Legacy Champion 5

1. Cloistered Cleric1- Knowledge Devotion, Extend Spell, Extra Turning, Able Learner, Least Dragonmark (any)
2. Unarmed Swordsage1-
3. Unarmed Swordsage2- Persistent Spell
4. Unarmed Swordsage3-
5. Unarmed Swordsage4-
6. Chameleon1- Divine Metamagic (Persistent Spell)
7. Chameleon2-
8. Chameleon3-
9. Chameleon4- Least Legacy
10. Chameleon5-
11. Chameleon6-
12. Chameleon7- Hammer Fist
13. Chameleon8-
14. Chameleon9-
15. Chameleon10- Dragonmark Fist
16. Legacy Champion1-
17. Legacy Champion2-
18. Legacy Champion3- Superior Unarmed Strike
19. Legacy Champion4-
20. Legacy Champion5-

A fanged ring gives you Improved Unarmed Strike and Improved Natural Attack. Bite of the Werebear, which you should have persisted, gives you Power Attack. I don't feel like fully writing up maneuvers, but as before, you've got an IL of 16. The most important strike to pick up is Diamond Nightmare Blade.

OK, so you've got an effective monk level of 17 with SUS and a monk's belt. Have the following spells pre-cast or persisted:

Surge of Fortune
Bite of the Werebear
Greater Mighty Wallop (hours/level, don't persist)
Greater Magic Weapon (hours/level, don't persist)
Divine Power
Righteous Might
Unfettered Heroism (it's a cool spell to persist, but it's an immediate action to cast, so you don't need to if you are short on turn attempts)

Make sure you have, at a minimum, the following magic items:

Monk's Belt
Fanged Ring
Necklace of Natural Attacks with the Collision and Force enhancements

Assuming the same base 15 Strength as before, a +5 Tome and BotWB brings us up to 40. We're large sized, so that gives us a base of 3d8 for our unarmed damage. Greater Mighty Wallop and Improved Natural Attack bring that up to... 12d8? I'm a bit foggy. We're talking five effective (and stacking) size increases at this point. Let's call it 12d8, but I might be off on this. I'll edit this later if it turns out I'm wrong.

We'll assume Combat/Divine focii for Chameleon, and max damage of Knowledge Devotion (which might require a spell to boost Knowledge scores up a bit, but should be doable). Power Attack for full. Hammer Fist from Dragon Compendium lets you make a two-handed unarmed strike, which lets us put that Power Attack and massive Strength score to good use.

So that's 12d8+81 damage on our hit (and it's a guaranteed hit thanks to Surge of Fortune). Now, expend your action point (you get one a round thanks to Unfettered Heroism) to use Dragonmark Fist, which lets you automatically deal maximum damage on a single unarmed strike. So, we're looking at 177 points of damage, which Diamond Nightmare Blade quadruples.

So, the total guaranteed damage off of this single unarmed punch, without any charging or spell channeling, is 708 points of damage (or 885 if the enemy is vulnerable to crits). That's force damage, so it bypasses DR. There are only two creatures in the entire Monster Manual with more HP than that - the tarrasque (858 HP) and the great wyrm gold dragon (717 HP), and both of them are susceptible to crits and will STILL be killed.

In case the gold dragon has used its spells and wealth to become crit immune, though, you may want to use a boost to up your damage a bit. I originally suggested Burning Blade, but der, gold dragons are immune to fire. Well, heck, just cast Earth Hammer, which is a swift action. With Earth Hammer, even without a crit, your attack will easily fell the tarrasque and the great wyrm gold dragon.

2014-06-20, 07:19 PM
I was totally expecting a different image.

Could somebody please explain this one to me?

2014-06-20, 07:47 PM
Could somebody please explain this one to me?

Its Twice Betrayer of Shar vs Greater Consumptive Field Chicken Infested.

2014-06-20, 07:47 PM
Could somebody please explain this one to me?

The important ingredients are a level of Commoner, the Chicken Infested Flaw, (http://luduscarcerum.blogspot.ca/2011/05/chicken-infested.html) a Spell Component Pouch, and a Persisted Greater Consumptive Field. To summarise, draw an arbitrary number of chickens as free actions that are immediately killed by the spell for, among other things, a +2 to STR. RAW Legal? Questionably. Hilarious to imagine though.

2014-06-20, 07:57 PM
d2 Crusader: Halfling Cleric 2/Crusader 10 with Imbued Healing, Luck domain, Martial Study: Aura of Chaos taken at 12, and a gauntlet. A Halfling's (non-spiked) gauntlet does 1d2 damage. Imbued Healing with the Luck domain causes you to treat ones as twos. Aura of Chaos on a d2 weapon causes you to roll an additional die whenever you roll a two. End result: Infinite damage in one hit, enough to instant-kill anything without regeneration.

To really kill *any* opponent in one hit, you need the gauntlet to be +1, Sure-Striking, and Metalline to defeat most types of regeneration. You'll also want Martial Study: Burning Brand to make your attacks deal fire damage, thus one-shotting trolls. The only remaining creatures I could find with regeneration are War Trolls and the Tarrasque; the former requires acid damage (I couldn't find a way to transform melee damage into acid), and the other requires an extra action to Wish it to death no matter how you kill it.

There's also the issue of Frenzied Berserkers and other things that have "don't die for a fixed amount of time no matter what" abilities: You must punch these and then just run away until the ability runs out.

This does currently require a prep round to cast the imbued healing spell. This can be worked around with one more Cleric level, to get access to the (immediate action casting) Close Wounds spell. This can't be used in the same round as Burning Brand, but it can still be done in one round with a readied action.

Red Fel
2014-06-21, 07:41 AM
Now this has been interesting. The escalation, I mean. Starting with an Ubercharger build, which is nice but somewhat situational (i.e. when you can charge); switching to the classic Cancer Mage cheese (NI Str? Yes please); later we get the traditional (although excellent) responses of Chicken Infested + Consumptive Field and the d2 Crusader. All great ideas, although some are of the sort that you can really only pull off once before the DM decides that death by literacy is an extremely real medical condition. But then we get into some of the more unusual and creative stuff. Like optimizing for Concentration to use an over-charged Diamond Mind maneuver. That's a very smart idea. Or Piggy's rather magnificent (if complex) buffed puncher. The numbers on that are somewhat staggering, and it's technically closer to PO than TO, in my view.

What I think has impressed me the most so far is that, apart from some Persisted buffing, there really hasn't been anyone suggesting spells. Understandable, since the name of the post presumes a physical attack, but I did explicitly permit magical attacks. It's refreshing that I have yet to hear "Just roll Wizard, cast X, win forever" in this thread. (And in before I hear precisely that. Preemptively swordsage'd, yo.)

Anybody else want to take a shot?

2014-06-21, 08:07 AM
Anything taking Cancer Mage can easily do it.

Wizard Polymorphs into a Dusk Giant, and advances their HD to a level where their BAB is equal to the sum of all of their spells slots (each spell slot adding their spell level), then burns all of their Spellslots on Arcane Strike. If we use the basic 20th level wizard without high ability score modifiers, then they have +180 to attack and +180d4 damage, which averages at +450 damage, which is enough to kill any Ancient Dragon on paper as written - the bonuses from additional spell slots (a Wizard who has PAO'd into a Pit Fiend beforehand can gain the requisite intelligence for +2 Bonus 9th level spell slots, which at minimum adds a further 90d4 damage - or in otherwords, another average 225 damage, plus the odd extras from having a further 3 or four slots, that means I should be able to punch out a Great Wyrm Gold Dragon.

Of course, that leads to arguments of "if a Great Wyrm Gold Dragon would let you actually get that close", blah blah, I'm using it as an example.

2014-06-21, 08:40 AM
The d2 Crusader can be modified to allow ranged attacks: balling skip-rocks are also d2 weapons. Cheese to increase the effective range would make it viable from distances normally out of reach.

So far, none of this will stop an Abrupt Jaunt or Celerity-> Teleport from getting the target out of the way and negating the hit entirely; is that within the realm of acceptably meeting the challenge? (Saitama CAN be dodged, I think, every now and a again, but I could be misremembering.)

2014-06-21, 08:58 AM
The d2 Crusader can be modified to allow ranged attacks: balling skip-rocks are also d2 weapons. Cheese to increase the effective range would make it viable from distances normally out of reach.
Aura of Chaos only has an effect when rolling damage for melee attacks, so you'd need Bloodstorm Blade or something for it to work.

2014-06-21, 09:42 AM
Ok I'll give it a shot.

half-orc, unseelie fey (if LA reduction is allowed add lolth touched, draconic, etc...)
monk1 (decisive strike), Hit-n-Run fighter2, bard1, marshal1, factotum1, swordsage1, warblade2, city brawler barbarian1 (rage variant Ferocity), Shou Disciple5, Iaijutsu Master5

Relevant feats: quick draw, Battle Jump, headlong rush, Snowflake Wardance, Shock Trooper

Relevant class features: Laeding the Charge stance, strike from the void

Relevant equipment: A size larger Scorpion's Kama so that you can wield it 2 handed.
Must have the Valorous and Collision enchantments
An item of permanent Greater Might Wallop. Maximized Charisma. (34 = +12)

1- activate snowflake wardance
2- activate rage
3- use Decisive Strike and convert the attack in something that doesn't deal damage, like a trip attempt
4- jump with Sudden Leap and trigger the charge, extract weapon
5- make a iaijutsu focus check (used factotum to qualify) add you cha twice thanks to marshal, have 23 ranks, 23+24= 47, add an item of +2 and you're guaranteed to hit 50
6- damage equals:
Base damage: 8d8 (8-64)
Cha: (12x10) = 120
Power attack: 30
Weapon enhancement + collision = 10
Strengthx1.5, 2xDEX and INT from Factotum (I'll assume 15 total, it's low but it'll be fine)
stance: +11

damage: 194-300

This is multiplied x5:
x2 from decisive strike
x3 from battle jump
x4 from headlong rush
x5 from valorous

Damage: 970-1500 (average: 1235)

We still may want to add the Iaijutsu Focus dice since they are not multiplied being extra damage expressed in dice (are they?)

There are no creatures to my knowledge that can resist this.

The only drawback is that you need to catch them flat footed. It can be obtained in various ways technically (note: loss of dex is not required to apply the extra damage) and I'm sure it can be optimized much further.
Anyway, it works.

2014-06-21, 09:53 AM
Aura of Chaos only has an effect when rolling damage for melee attacks, so you'd need Bloodstorm Blade or something for it to work.

and Imbued Healing doesnt have comprehensive enough wording for the luck domain trigger to cause Aura of Chaos to detonate the coin.

2014-06-21, 10:21 AM
Ok I'll give it a shot.

half-orc, unseelie fey (if LA reduction is allowed add lolth touched, draconic, etc...)
monk1 (decisive strike), Hit-n-Run fighter2, bard1, marshal1, factotum1, swordsage1, warblade2, city brawler barbarian1 (rage variant Ferocity), Shou Disciple5, Iaijutsu Master5

Relevant feats: quick draw, Battle Jump, headlong rush, Snowflake Wardance, Shock Trooper

Relevant class features: Laeding the Charge stance, strike from the void

Relevant equipment: A size larger Scorpion's Kama so that you can wield it 2 handed.
Must have the Valorous and Collision enchantments
An item of permanent Greater Might Wallop. Maximized Charisma. (34 = +12)

1- activate snowflake wardance
2- activate rage
3- use Decisive Strike and convert the attack in something that doesn't deal damage, like a trip attempt
4- jump with Sudden Leap and trigger the charge, extract weapon
5- make a iaijutsu focus check (used factotum to qualify) add you cha twice thanks to marshal, have 23 ranks, 23+24= 47, add an item of +2 and you're guaranteed to hit 50
6- damage equals:
Base damage: 8d8 (8-64)
Cha: (12x10) = 120
Power attack: 30
Weapon enhancement + collision = 10
Strengthx1.5, 2xDEX and INT from Factotum (I'll assume 15 total, it's low but it'll be fine)
stance: +11

damage: 194-300

This is multiplied x5:
x2 from decisive strike
x3 from battle jump
x4 from headlong rush
x5 from valorous

Damage: 970-1500 (average: 1235)

We still may want to add the Iaijutsu Focus dice since they are not multiplied being extra damage expressed in dice (are they?)

There are no creatures to my knowledge that can resist this.

The only drawback is that you need to catch them flat footed. It can be obtained in various ways technically (note: loss of dex is not required to apply the extra damage) and I'm sure it can be optimized much further.
Anyway, it works.

There is a weapon enhancement (shadowstriking i want to say) that 3/day lets you make an opponent flat footed.

2014-06-21, 10:35 AM
I found Blurstrike, +2, makes an opponent flat-footed, and those who don't rely on sight do retain their DEX bonus (which is irrelevant for Iaijutsu Focus purpose)

This completes perfectly the Scorpion's Kama: +5, +1 (valorous) +2 (collision) +2 (blurstrike)
Activation is free so it doesn't interfere with Sudden Leap

Thank you.

edit: Flick of the wrist feat works as well.

2014-06-21, 12:37 PM
I found Blurstrike, +2, makes an opponent flat-footed, and those who don't rely on sight do retain their DEX bonus (which is irrelevant for Iaijutsu Focus purpose)

This completes perfectly the Scorpion's Kama: +5, +1 (valorous) +2 (collision) +2 (blurstrike)
Activation is free so it doesn't interfere with Sudden Leap

Thank you.

edit: Flick of the wrist feat works as well.

yes, that is the one I was thinking of.

2014-06-21, 12:40 PM
I remember wanting to do something like this a while back. but with a ranged weapon.

Ahem... time to see what you guys think.

(Disclaimer, this only really works if it is assumed one is lvl 20, with ni amounts of gold and that Hank's power bow is upgradeable (from threads i ended up finding that it more or less, is a +4 total, so +6 more in enhancements if not possible, all thats needed, is around 20 extra damage that multiplies with crit).

Basically the build goes like this:

Dark Human (Assuming La buyoff rules) Rogue 3 (Penetrating strike ACF)/Cloistered cleric 1/(Decisive strike ACF) Martial Monk 1/Chameleon 4/Shiba Protector 1/Chameleon 5-7/Deepwood sniper 7
1 Darkstalker
1(H) Able learner
1(Flaw) Craven
1(Flaw) Expertise
3 Alertness
4 Knowledge Devotion (DCS for Weapon Focus (Composite Longbow))
4 Planning domain (Extend spell)
4 Something Domain (the one that provides Point Blank Shot)
5 Unorthodox flurry (any specific weapon)
6 Iron Will
9 Far Shot
12 Persist
15 DMM (persist)
18 Practiced Spellcaster

32 pt buy:
Str 10 +6 enhancement belt +4 inherent 18 (+4) +extra 10 from bite of the werebear 28 (+9)
Dex 16 +6 Enh + 4 Inh 26 (+8) +4 extra from divine agility 30 (+10)
Con 12 +6 ehn + 4 Inh 22 (+6)
Int 14 +6 Enh + 4 Inh 24 (+7)
Wis 16 +6 Enhancement Belt + 5 Inherent + 5 Lvl 32 (+11) + 9 (owl's insight) 41 (+15)
Cha 8 +6 enh + 4 inh 16 (+3)

Thats the build. Now for the rocket launcher.... and other items of importance...

Kaorti Resin Hanks bow (+4 total) + Aptitude (+1) + Splitting (+3) + collision (+2)
Belt of magnificence (or w/e the +6 to all stats belt is called)
Nightsticks xni (as many as you can stuff into your bag of holding. Artery clogging amounts just in case)
Deathstrike Bracers (for the crit immune) x as many as necessary

Spells to persist:
Divine power (full bab)
Greater Magic weapon (+5) weapon
Hunter's eye (6d6 SA)
Surge of Fortune
Greater Invisibility
divine agility (+10 enh dex)
Bite of the werebear (+16 enh str)

The goal of this build, is to kill off a Tarrasque with max hp (48d10+594 -> 480+594 = 1074 hp)

Divine power makes our BaB 20, so to hit is:
20 + 5 (weapon) +10 (dex) + 15 (Wisdom) +2 (focus and pbs) so 52. -20 = 32, consider that the enemy will be flat footed since you will be invisible, and theres way to gain even higher to-hit bonuses.

Now, for a normal round. you are invisible and see a wild tarrasque... or whatever evil baddie you want...
As a swift action, you activate your deathstrike bracers ensuring your crit.

then as a full attack, you activate desisive strike. -2 to hit means your hit is 30. still decent. you will expend surge of fortune here for the crit

to confirm threat you need to beat a 32 ac (tarrasque is 32 when flatfooted) so if you dont autofail (1) you hit (2+)

Now, for the fun part.
Your damage would be 1d6 (sneak attack, penetrating strike to make craven hit in no matter what) + 2d6 (bow) +1 (point blank shot) +20 (hanks bow) + 20 craven + 9 (str) + 15 (wisdom) +5 (collision)
77 crit duable damage + 1d6 sneak attack.
Now, splitting means that you will shoot 2 of these little arrows. now sure how it works in RaW but, lets assume only 1 of the 2 arrows gets the bonus of crit.

Kaorti resin bow x4, +2 (deepwood sniper 7) = x6

so you get two arrows from 1, one that deals 77 dmg, and another that deals 462. so 539 dmg.

this is when Aptitude combine with unorthodox flurry to make that 539 dmg into 1078 damage. all from a single force arrow (yea it splits, but w/e... needed that extra damage).

Max hp tarrasque 1074. Since hank's bow makes the attack a force attack, it supposedly bypasses DR, so you end up leaving it at -4 hp.

Barely, yes, but thats what I could come up with....

hopefully I didnt mess up anything or misread any ruling :O

2014-06-22, 07:28 PM
well, this died quickly...

2014-06-22, 07:37 PM
d2 Crusader.

2014-06-23, 11:50 PM
What about Imp of Cania, it gets a very high powered Reverse Word of Nurturing that KOs anything, the ability to jump to the moon and back via Jump checks, balance on clouds, steal everyones pants, see everything, and craft anything near instantly. Its also looks rather weak, and is usually bald.

Steps for Imp of Cania. Imp with 1 lvl Truenamer.Take the feats Brand of the Nine Hells, Mark of Cania, and Martial Study (Moment of Perfect Mind). Use at will imp invisibilty on self and then decide to make the willsave, use Moment of Perfect Mind to try to make the save, wait a minute for Moment of Perfect mind to be regained.

"Whenever the imp uses a spell-like ability and the target for the ability makes it's save, mark of cania triggers giving a cumulative +1 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks." It takes a little bit of patience to get the ball going, but once it does you are One Punch Imp.

Reversed Word of Nurturing has no save,no miss chance, goes through SR, can hit ethereal targets, is truenaming, and is ranged. It is literally telling the universe to make the person dead.

For low level simulation of One Punch man, I think the only thing that beats it is Pun Pun.

2014-06-24, 12:20 AM

Level 1 Monk.

Necklace of Natural Attacks (Flaming x10)
Braces of Striking (+1 EB, Flaming x9)
Masterwork Knuckle Cap Implants (+1 EB, Flaming x9)
Ward Cestus (+1 EB, Flaming X9)

Greater Magic Weapon The spell +5 EB

+5 to hit, 37d6 fire from a Level 1 monk WAY outside his WLB.
Maybe another +10d6 from 10 levels of Kensai.

Or a War Spikard. Hornblade, Balanced, Made of Alchemical Gold, oversized Should be... 8d6 base. The Spike it shoots into you does 8d6 as well. So you stack on A whole bunch of WSAs, like explosive and explosion and fireball, then you put explosive and fireball on the War Spikard, Should hit someone and then BOOM, like 26d6 explosion? Not even trying here, to be honest. But then you put splitting on the spike so the damage from THAT doubles, maybe make it Tumbling for an extra +2, cast greater mighty whallop... I dunno. if you can go larger then colossal size you could get the damage up to... 24d6/24d6+4/24d6+2 just by adding splitting to the spike. Something like that. Really don't care to do the math. Sort of boring, really.

So yeah, layi

Andion Isurand
2014-06-24, 01:02 AM
Ok I'll give it a shot.

half-orc, unseelie fey (if LA reduction is allowed add lolth touched, draconic, etc...)
monk1 (decisive strike), Hit-n-Run fighter2, bard1, marshal1, factotum1, swordsage1, warblade2, city brawler barbarian1 (rage variant Ferocity), Shou Disciple5, Iaijutsu Master5

Relevant feats: quick draw, Battle Jump, headlong rush, Snowflake Wardance, Shock Trooper

Relevant class features: Laeding the Charge stance, strike from the void

Relevant equipment: A size larger Scorpion's Kama so that you can wield it 2 handed.
Must have the Valorous and Collision enchantments
An item of permanent Greater Might Wallop. Maximized Charisma. (34 = +12)

1- activate snowflake wardance
2- activate rage
3- use Decisive Strike and convert the attack in something that doesn't deal damage, like a trip attempt
4- jump with Sudden Leap and trigger the charge, extract weapon
5- make a iaijutsu focus check (used factotum to qualify) add you cha twice thanks to marshal, have 23 ranks, 23+24= 47, add an item of +2 and you're guaranteed to hit 50
6- damage equals:
Base damage: 8d8 (8-64)
Cha: (12x10) = 120
Power attack: 30
Weapon enhancement + collision = 10
Strengthx1.5, 2xDEX and INT from Factotum (I'll assume 15 total, it's low but it'll be fine)
stance: +11

damage: 194-300

This is multiplied x5:
x2 from decisive strike
x3 from battle jump
x4 from headlong rush
x5 from valorous

Damage: 970-1500 (average: 1235)

We still may want to add the Iaijutsu Focus dice since they are not multiplied being extra damage expressed in dice (are they?)

There are no creatures to my knowledge that can resist this.

The only drawback is that you need to catch them flat footed. It can be obtained in various ways technically (note: loss of dex is not required to apply the extra damage) and I'm sure it can be optimized much further.
Anyway, it works.

You could try and work in a Dragonborn Water Orc with the Wings option for your Uber Charger.... and see if you can't get it to work in somehow, albeit its not slashing for your Snowflake Wardance.

"A dragonborn with flight can make a dive attack. A dive attack works like a charge, but the dragonborn must move a minimum of 30 feet and descend at least 10 feet. A dragonborn can make a dive attack only when wielding a piercing weapon. If the dive attack hits, it deals double damage."

2014-06-24, 10:02 AM
No other limitations on optimization. Dark Chaos Shuffle is admissible, as are various races, templates, archetypes, bloodlines, and assorted cheese.

Overwhelming attack monk 2 / any psionic 18
Feats (includes flaws); monastic training, tashalatora, practiced manifester, power attack, fists of iron, improved sunder, eagle claw attack, ki shout, empty hand mastery & any 3... Items; fanged ring, monk's belt, added tailx20, ectoplasmic fistx20*, wand of mighty wallop, wand of greater mighty wallop, and a morphing manyfanged dagger. Spells; expansion.

Unarmed damage: 65,536d8 (colossal+25**) x4 for manyfanged to gauntlet.
Total: 262,144d8 (1,179,648 avg)
Excluding properties, strength bonuses & decisive strike of course.

*Strongly implied to stack. **Weapon table caps min but implies none on max.

2014-06-24, 05:46 PM
d2 Crusader.

d2 can't actually kill anything though, they pause the universe forever with everything inside it still alive and well

2014-06-24, 06:21 PM
Here's the challenge. Can you come up with a character capable of defeating any (non-Epic) opponent in a single hit?

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MknaFEovHcdXn60yv0ql130XgNLTqooghMytuNkJIMI/edit This guy hits pretty hard, though he needs some prebuffing.

Also the Hulking Hurler builds out there should be able to do this too.

My take: Pathfinder Orc Two-Handed Fighter 20

Double PA
Double Strength
Autocrits on a single attack

Strength 21 Start +5 Tome + 6 Enhancement+ 6 Orc Bloodline Eldritch Heritage +4 Size(also Bloodline) = 44
Weapon: +5 Courageous Acid Burst Sound Burst Tetsubo

Attack +46
Average Damage: [(5,5 Weapon+ 34Str +7 Weapon Training+5 magic+ 36Power Attack+4 Spez)x5] +27,5Acid +27,5 Sound = 515,5

Can activate his first Bloodline Ability for +13 Attack, Damage(and Will) Attack +59(580)

If you give him Mythic Power Attack his damage increases by another 90.

Overwhelming attack monk 2 / any psionic 18
Feats (includes flaws); monastic training, tashalatora, practiced manifester, power attack, fists of iron, improved sunder, eagle claw attack, ki shout, empty hand mastery & any 3... Items; fanged ring, monk's belt, added tailx20, ectoplasmic fistx20*, wand of mighty wallop, wand of greater mighty wallop, and a morphing manyfanged dagger. Spells; expansion.

Unarmed damage: 65,536d8 (colossal+25**) x4 for manyfanged to gauntlet.
Total: 262,144d8 (1,179,648 avg)
Excluding properties, strength bonuses & decisive strike of course.

*Strongly implied to stack. **Weapon table caps min but implies none on max.

Now my build seem uite useless...

2014-06-24, 09:05 PM
Now my build seem uite useless...Nonsense, did you achieve one-hit kills for your desired CR? If so, job accomplished.

Use the rest of the replies to learn and improve upon as each attempt their own method. Each one gives you a new way of doing things.

2014-06-24, 10:27 PM
But I already made Hood (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=2462.0)!

Alternatively, glass strike (Spell Compendium) with the unerrataed version of the feat Irresistable Spell applied.

2014-06-24, 10:39 PM
I submit an humble shrimp (http://theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp).

2014-06-25, 10:03 AM
I submit an humble shrimp (http://theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp).

That. Is. Perfect!

Imagine if this guy started taking class levels!?!? I mean this 1 punch = 1 kill comes straight from his base racial stat... no adventuring levels.


Red Fel
2014-06-25, 10:09 AM
I submit an humble shrimp (http://theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp).

Can someone homebrew an anthropomorphic mantis shrimp race? Has somebody already done this?

And my apologies for not contributing to my own thread as much as I ought to. Some of the numbers were a bit above my pay grade. But there's some seriously outrageously adverbially good stuff here. Kudos.

2014-06-25, 11:23 AM
I made a Mantis Shrimp Lunar Exalted once. That was an interesting game.

2014-06-25, 11:28 AM
I made a Mantis Shrimp Lunar Exalted once. That was an interesting game.

Tell me you were a master of both the Mantis and Dreaming Pearl Courtesan styles.

2014-06-25, 02:20 PM
This problem can be solved by Hulking Hurler abuse, right?