View Full Version : DM Help (PF) NPC Problems - Can't Figure Out Bonuses

2014-06-20, 01:32 PM
Heya, GitP peoples. I'm having a bit of a problem trying to figure out how some of the attack bonuses listed on NPC stats are calculated, and I never seem to get the same values. So, for example, with this NPC (Generic Thug (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/npc-s/npc-1/thugs)):

The longsword's +5 comes from BAB +3, weapon focus +1 and strength +1 = +5.

But, with his light crossbow, the bonus is +2. However, his BAB is +3 and his dex is 11, so there's no penalty. Thus, unless range increments are included in this bonus listed, I think it should be +3.

What am I missing?

2014-06-20, 01:44 PM
Looks like a miscalculation. These things are known to happen. (Esp. in, for instance, 3.5 example NPCs: a few that have one too many feats)

From the looks of it, he should get +3 to the crossbow.
Unless the designers really just wanted it to be a massive difference between the thug's ranged and melee...
But when has Paizo ever done anything weird like ignoring their own rules?