View Full Version : Optimization Ravenloft Dirge Bard Suggestions and Tips

2014-06-21, 03:33 AM
I am getting ready to play a Dhampir Dirge (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/dirge-bard) Bard in a Ravenloft game and was hoping I could get some suggestions in terms of feats, spells, skills and general suggestions and advice about what to expect. Here is what I have planned so far.

20 Point Buy After +2 DEX, +2 CHA, -2 CON: STR 12, DEX 16, CON 12, INT 12, WIS 9, CHA 18

Level 1:Cold One(Unintelligent undead ignore me and intelligent undead have to check to see I am alive)

Level 3:Lingering Performance

Level 5:Spell Focus: Enchantment

Level 7:Spellsong

Level 9:Iron Will

Level 11:Discordant Voice

Level 13:Persistant Spell

Level 15:Heighten Spell

Level 17:

Level 19:

Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation

Level 1: Charm Person, Silent Image

Knowledge: Dungeoneering
Knowledge: Local
Knowledge: Religion
Linguistics (I could change this is if one of our starter languages is one I've chosen for RP purposes)
Perform: Act
Perform: String

I am also not all that sure how effective I could be in combat since I've never really had a chance to play a bard more than a couple of sessions in a pick up game a few years back. I know that buffing though my songs is the big thing, but can a bard actually help out effectively in combat when it isn't using its Bardic Performance?