View Full Version : Summer Games Done Quick 2014: HYPE!

2014-06-22, 03:33 AM
It's almost time for Summer Games Done Quick (https://gamesdonequick.com/)!

For those not in the know, Summer Games Down Quick is the (northern hemisphere) summer equivelant of Awesome Games Done Quick, a massive speed running marathon raising money for charity. This year's AGDQ raised over a million dollars for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, and this time they're raising money for Doctors Without Borders. Watch members of the speedrunning community tear their way through a range of brilliant games (and sometimes a couple utterly terrible games), help support a wonderful charity, and enter the draw for some amazing prizes! Interested yet, here's the deets:

When: From 22 June - 28 June (American Time). A full schedule of all the events can be found here (https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule). The schedule automatically adjusts to your timezone too, so keep an eye on that.

Where: View the stream at gamesdonequick.com (https://gamesdonequick.com/), or their twitch channel (http://www.twitch.tv/speeddemosarchivesda). Donations can be made here (https://gamesdonequick.com/tracker/donate/10)

Who: Speedrunners from Speed Demos Archive (http://speeddemosarchive.com/) and Speed Runs Live (http://www.speedrunslive.com/). Charity is Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres) (http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/).

So, what runs is everyone looking foward to? I'm most hype about the Dustforce run. I picked up the game last week and it's totally made for speedrunning (it's 50% off on the steam sale right now, so if you want to pick it up and see what all the crazy stuff they'll be up to is about). Banjo Tooie, Metal Warriors, Psychonauts, Octodad, and Super Mario Sunshine should all be pretty great too.