View Full Version : Favorite "OotS" Last Words

2007-02-24, 11:15 AM
Who has had the best dying line so far?

Vote away!

2007-02-24, 11:28 AM
Fruit Pie the Sorceror!

"Growing.. so cold..

I regret... nothing"

2007-02-24, 11:38 AM
It'd be helpful to list them...

Trigak: Gak! Gak! Gak!

Fruit Pie: Growing.. so cold.. I regret... nothing

Shojo: It appears... not everyone... agrees with your... analysis

Milk Dudes: Promise me... that you'll... *cough*... You'll dispose of my body in the waste receptacles... conveniently located by the theater exits...

BTW, Milk Dudes is #301, not #300

Oh, and my choice is 301 - Milk Dudes. A truly inspired strip.

brian c
2007-02-24, 11:48 AM
Gotta go with Shojo.

Trigak is also on #21, not 23

2007-02-24, 11:53 AM
Miiiiilk Duuuuuuuuuuuudes!!!!! Nooooo!!!!!

2007-02-24, 12:02 PM
Lord Shojo all the way.

2007-02-24, 12:08 PM
I'm of the opinion that Shojo had the better death scene, but Milk Dudes had the better last words.

Also: Felius, that avatar is beyond disturbing. *grins*

2007-02-24, 12:16 PM
Go the distance, Milk Dudes!

2007-02-24, 01:38 PM
The Milk Dudes. Party on! Just clean up the mess ;)

2007-02-24, 01:39 PM
Also: Felius, that avatar is beyond disturbing. *grins*

QFT :smallbiggrin:

Saithis Bladewing
2007-02-24, 01:58 PM
"It seems...not everyone agrees...with your...interpretation..."

2007-02-24, 02:12 PM
Fruit pie Is hilarios. I like the quote before to,

"You reied to kill me, you fruit-filled bastard."


BTW feluis your avatar scare me in new and intresting ways

2007-02-24, 02:26 PM
*Edit* woops sry! Didn't see the "dying" part.

The Hammer of Thor
2007-02-24, 03:01 PM
Milk dudes. '....just promise me you'll dispose of my body in the waste bins conveniently located near the cinema exits....'

2007-02-24, 03:02 PM
Lord Shojo, if only because it reaches new levels of awesomeness previously thought unnatainable by mortals.

2007-02-24, 03:08 PM
Shojo of course.

2007-02-24, 03:17 PM
Whereas Milk Dudes achieved levels of awesomeness thoroughly unattainable by mere mortal fleshy bodies.

To have those as your last words is both noble and utilitarian.

It is well beyond even Lord Shojo's pithy sarcasm, and superior on so many levels to Fruit Pie's wallowing self-dignation. As for Trigak... Cute, but Like Elan's brain, Trigak's last words just are not worth the effort to digest.

Green Bean
2007-02-24, 03:19 PM
Milk Dudes. It wasn't even a contest. That strip is my favorite because of that line. :smallbiggrin:

2007-02-24, 06:58 PM
Shojo all the way.

2007-02-24, 07:26 PM
Well, while Shojo did have a good "aha" death, Milk Dudes was a tiny refreshing GOD! Plus, he was loyal to his litter-free creed. So, obviously, Milk Dudes are for to winnings.

Mr. Moon
2007-02-24, 09:38 PM
Your talking to the only one to take the Lord Shojo Fanclub more then three days. Lord Shojo, definitly. Rest in peace, milord, rest in peace.

2007-02-25, 07:40 PM
Milk Dudes, no contest.

The Orange Zergling
2007-02-25, 08:21 PM
Fruit Pie had the best dying strip, but Milk Dude's last words take the cake.

2007-02-25, 08:27 PM
Shojo's by far. Let's weigh humor vs. witty dying breath? Wit takes it for me.

2007-02-25, 08:38 PM
That wacky, crazy old guy with the cat. Lord Shojo ftw. http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2006-8/1204323/Shojo.jpg

2007-02-26, 12:44 AM
Close call between Shojo and Milk Dudes. But as much as I can appreciate wit at the last breath, I have to cleanly give the award to the more hilarious line.

2007-02-26, 01:49 AM
Oh, come on. It's totally Milk Dudes.

Shojo's death was interesting, but pretty run-of-the-mill as far as plots go. Take that plotline out of the hilarious stick-figure comic and put it in one of 18,000 fantasy novels, and it's mundane. In a comic with hilarious characters, sure it was witty, but it isn't going to win the Nobel Prize for literature. It's not the plot we love about the OotS (nor is that what the author's energy really goes into, or what he expects us to love); the plot just gives us a reason to keep reading about them.

On the other hand, the Milk-Dudes concept in and of itself was hilarious -- I laughed myself to tears. That strip started out great and got better and better. I sent that strip to two people who'd never heard of the comic and got 2 more loyal readers out of it.

2007-02-26, 08:37 AM
Not that the Milk Duds dying speech wasn't awesome (cause it was totally awesome) but I just happened to like Shojo's words better.

2007-02-26, 08:56 AM
I found Shojo's line to be the final kick in the head for Mijo, physically represented by Belkar in the last part.

And Milk Dudes are clearly too comical to be considered in good taste. :P

2007-02-26, 01:35 PM
The Milk Dudes! Just hilarious. :D

2007-02-26, 01:39 PM
Shojo had an awesome scene, but Milk Dude's dialog was simply inspired.

2007-02-26, 03:16 PM
Tri-GAK . . . what better name is there?

2007-02-26, 03:34 PM
Felius, dude, your avatar is all kinds of win.

I'm going with Shojo. I love the guy who gets the last word.

2007-02-26, 07:28 PM
Shojo FTW, baby!

His line is awesome- the others are funnier, but Shojo's has plot-powered PUNCH to it!

Oh yeah!

Rai Thunder
2007-02-26, 07:53 PM
While Shojo's death, combined with Miko's 'transformation', was an epic scene and one of the more memorable moments of OotS...

Milk Dudes had the better line, for sheer comedy value alone.

2007-02-26, 08:12 PM
milk duds, with fruit pie as a close second

2007-02-26, 08:19 PM
For me:

While I agree that Milk-Dudes had the best last words, the whole thing with Shojo was not only plot-a-riffic, it was more enjoyable than any others so far IMO, because of the big dramatic build-up. Go Shojo!

2007-02-26, 11:28 PM
I insist on Milk Dudes, although Shojo's were great too. Why? Because with such a simple line he became one of the few characters who have been able to bitch-slap Miko, after Roy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0250.html) and Belkar (throughout so many strips).

Flying Elephant
2007-02-27, 06:28 PM
The Milk DUdes was a great comic. But so was Fruit Pie.

Flying Zombie
2007-02-27, 07:25 PM
Milk Dudes, no contest.

Seconded. That whole strip was full of great lines.

2007-02-27, 07:48 PM
Lord Shojo most definately. His last words had me laughing out loud. Of course, the refrreshment strip did that too, but that was mostly because of the other things that were said, not so much the Milk Dudes dying.

BTW, I think now might be a good time for another interlude. It's been soooooo long.