View Full Version : Your Favorite Character

2014-06-22, 09:44 PM
So what was your favorite character to play? My favorite character was Jude Morwind, a human rogue/sorcerer with a raven familiar named William. Jude and William worked together to practice their "art" of thievery. Jude saw himself as an "artist" in thievery and was even capable of stealing memories via the Crystalline Memories spell. He came from a family with dragon blood, which powered his sorcerer spells. He was able to join the Thieves' Guild and became an Arcane Trickster.

Thrice Dead Cat
2014-06-22, 10:01 PM
My favorite character, without a doubt, is Ronald Redford, a pacifistic mad scientist I played during a Deadlands Original game. While most "new scientists" were off creating weapons of destruction, his worst fear was to be the next Richard Gatling and cause far more harm than good with his creations. He came down with an unfortunate case of death, which lead to him to return as a harrowed. Due to issues with keeping control of his own body, he ended up working for Dr. Darius Hellstromme. The Marshal intended for him to create a thermonuclear bomb and level Salt Lake City, but the campaign fell apart due to two other PC deaths the first week we were in the city. Looking back on it, I have no doubt in my mind he ended up responsible for the eventual Hell on Earth. The poor deader.

Side note, this should probably be under the general roleplaying section rather than the 3.5/Pathfinder section.

mabriss lethe
2014-06-22, 10:07 PM
Thrugbum Face-humper: A half-orc barbarian. He chewed on the furniture a bit, but, aside from a few accidents, was at least mostly housebroken

2014-06-22, 10:19 PM
Jargost "The Greatest Swordsmen in his Village" who... was a Sorcerer who never EVER thought he was using magic.

Mirror image? "Splitting Cat's hair technique!", Grater Magic Weapon/Mage Armor "I channel my Ki"

I loved him, lvl 1 was lots of fun with 6 HP while front lining!

As he was from the Dale lands he has the militia feat and last time we played (years ago sadly) was Sor6 Eldritch Knight2 Abjurant Champion 5 and, somehow, was the only member of his party who hadn't died at lest once and one of the other play's had made a whole clan of Halflings who fallowed Jargost as their king (that same player was on PC #5 and they where all Halflings who where part of said clan)

2014-06-22, 11:25 PM
Nalin Fiendborn, in his many faces. The core of the character is this
Father was a local hero who had killed the evil warlock threatening the town. Married his childhood sweetheart and had a kid named Nalin, left shortly thereafter.
In reality, the warlock killed the hero and staged a fake fight where he posed as the hero and defeated an illusion of himself. Sired a kid off his enemy's girl, and left, leaving Nalin the tiefling to discover his powers.

Now, I then have variations
Nalin the Warlock: The original, a 3.5 Lesser Tiefling. When he reached maturity, Nalin discovered that he had dark powers. Being a very intelligent person and noticing how his mother talked about how his father changed slightly after the battle, he realized who his real father was. Ended up also discovering that his Great Great Great Great (this goes on for a while) Grandfather was Grazzt, a Demon Prince.

Nalin the Paladin: Actually a continuation of Nalin the Warlock, he is now a hellbred paladin. After Nalin, in his drive to kill Grazzt, crosses the line between good intentioned user of dark forces and abusing the claim of that role by sacrificing innocent lives to gain information about Grazzt, he is killed by his own companions. As his soul is condemned, he realizes his error and returns, hellbred and reclassed to paladin.

Nalin the Magus: PF Tiefling now, complete with the whole slew of Alternate Racial traits (wings, tail, scales, maw), and using Bladebound Kensai. In this tale, his father took him away when he left, and raised him into the LE tyrant to be that he was. Then abandoned him in some ruins where he found Hellreaver, his Black Blade. Sadly, this campaign died before I got to do, well, anything.

Nalin the Alchemist: Again using PF Tiefling with full ARTs, but now only for crunch purposes. In this version, his father wasn't the warlock, but the warlock cursed his father to have a demon spawn for a child. Thus, Nalin Fiendcursed was born. Father went into exile in shame, and mother had to smuggle him out of town at age 6 when he bit off the hand of a boy who was attacking him. Grabbed a level of Barbarian and then into Ragechemist. Joined the military essentially as a tank. Goes Hulk on things with an Earth Breaker.

I just love the variation I get out of a basic backstory. All of them are snarky in the extreme, and some of my best gaming memories are from Warlock Nalin (calling a 20th level highly racist paladin an idiot to his face and smirking as he cannot justify murdering me)

2014-06-22, 11:27 PM
Female Athasian halfling druid, living on a custom world. Her mother died in childbirth, her wracked birth coinciding with an ill-omen of the stars. She was taken in by the tribe's shaman, who saw she had great insight for a child, and would one day make a good successor. Unfortunately, she was plagued by "accidents," bad fortune that tribal gossip associated with the day of her birth, when the star of the tribe's ancestral hero disappeared from the sky.

In the end, the shaman couldn't protect her; her father, the best hunter in the village, died in a terrible accident on the first hunt the young girl attended. After that, the hunts all failed, one after another, and the gossip grew into barely-contained hostility. At the young age of ten, after the shaman taught her all he could of survival, she was led down into the dinosaur-infested jungle below the tribe's clifftop homes, and abandoned to die.

But she didn't. Climbing trees and hiding carefully, she survived her adolescence, befriending a hawk who would later become her animal companion, and scraping together a meager living.

After coming of age and making druid 1, she emerged from the jungle, deciding to travel abroad. Yet she was deeply marked by misanthropy; being abandoned and suffering from what amounted to PTSD from many nights of hiding from velociraptors and other predators had scarred her profoundly. Every day for the first few levels, I rolled a d6; 1-3, she followed her normal motives and personality, 4-6 she became withdrawn, cynical, and unhelpful, essentially flipping the bird at her friends and the world generally.

Eventually she overcame her CN roots and became a powerful druid in a campaign that spanned 25 levels and 3.5 irl years. She and her fellow partymembers crusaded to save their Prime from various forces, eventually forging an alliance between various gods and extraplanar forces to overcome an eldritch god from time immemorial that threatened to unleash a psychic plague of assimilation on the multiverse, incorporating all things into its warped, all-consuming self.

Good times. Definitely in my top five character concepts of my long, long role playing career.

2014-06-23, 01:02 AM
Greg: Half-Orc Gud Wil Ambazdor

2014-06-23, 01:15 AM
My favorite so far is Soren Sarkynyt, the first humanoid arcane caster on the material plane. He's a dragonblooded sorcerer, who accidentally burnt down a forest when his powers awakened, ran away from the flames and from home, was thought dead for seven years, until he returned home just to inadvertently burn down a different part of the same forest and get run out of town. He's a member of an army special task force, since he had to choose between jail or the army at age 17 (level 1). The opposing army (based on Japan) calls him the "Oni" because they think he's a demon, which seems to be the consensus among the people who don't know him. He doesn't even know why he has the powers, although he suspects a connection to the dragons. He cares about very few things, and is all for doing what is necessary, no matter how harsh. It's fun to play the realist when some of my party wants to be idealist about stuff, and I really enjoy being feared. Although, the magic and fear does lead to me getting targeted a lot more than I would be otherwise, which is annoying. Otherwise though, it's all great!

2014-06-23, 05:52 AM
I have two favorites. First is Tiberius Stormrage IV. He had a homebrew contingency spell so that when he died his soul would take over the nearest body. When he did die, the nearest body happened to be the paladins mount. So he was the paladins mount now (DM rolled with it and gave me the mount bonuses) His alingment slowly went from N to LG as him and the pally became best friends.

The second is Gwendolyn the undying. She was a "half-troll" paladin. She did not have any half-troll template, she had the racial feat from greyhawk that gave her regeneration. Her and her husband where high level paladins of Heironyius, then this evil lich came to the land and her husband crossed a line to kill the lich. He fell and went to hell, Gwendolyn was distraught and made a pact with the devil to get her husband back. Devils being what they are, have her her husbands sentient skin (he was a pit fiend now) and then Heironyus found out. He gave them one chance to somehow redeem themselves, but he smote out her paladin levels, blasting her back to first level. She still wears her smote armor and wields the damaged sword (they were all burned and battered) Her and her sentient pitfiend cloak travel the land to do good. This was all in a planescape campaign, sadly only lasted two sessions X_X

2014-06-23, 06:32 AM
Alton zane. Venerable whisper gnome deviner / shadowcraft mage/ arch mage. Was lawful evil but everyone thought he was good because he wanted the world to stay like it was. The whole doing evil against evil was fun. Did things like polymorph enimies into turtles so i could stick them in a bag of holding to sufficate. Dm asked me why a turtle? So they are slow an my old a## dont have to chase them.

2014-06-23, 08:28 AM
Poruk the Warforged. Obsessed with growing larger he kept looking everywhere for items and spells to increase his size, as well as having a particular fancy for components. Fighter 6/Juggernaut 5/Barb 2 last I played him. He eventually retired to join the Lord of Blades' army and serve as a general. So now the LoB has this smarter-than-average Warforged Titan working for him. Provides artillery support by means of a balista attached to his shoulder with a Scout manning it.

He still pops up as my new guy is a cleric for the LoB so Poruk occasionally shows up in visions when praying for his spells and to communicate the party's progress.