View Full Version : Is the Dragoon any good?

2014-06-22, 11:04 PM
so I'm a new character, completely from scratch, and I found this homebrew dragoon class on D&D Wiki that looks really nice. this one (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Dragoon_(3.5e_Class)).
however, I am really bad at evaluating character balance and power levels and stuff like that. so, I come to you here at the playground and humbly ask you opinions.

would this class be useable for the whole 20 level stretch? or would it need multiclassing to be useful? what would it multiclass well with? is it even worth using?

any input is appreciated, thanks in advance.

2014-06-23, 12:16 AM
Looks like a Paladin, but without the splatbook power creep or the dippability.

As far as multiclassing, the class's most powerful ability is its mount, which relies on continuing Dragoon levels. The charge power's limits on what exactly is doubled and how its multiplication stacks make it pretty marginal, and limited daily uses and a key ability that doesn't directly correlate to fighting just shrink its effects further; the bonus feats are bad; and the other abilities are small numerical increases which are always very weak Ability Table-Filler.

What that means is that it's not a class that you'll want to dip, because it just won't bring as much to the table as you'll get from the traditional dip classes like Monk, Fighter, Pally or Barbarian.

As far as playability, think Fighter or spell-less Paladin or Ranger variants. If those would be playable in your group, this probably will be as well.

2014-06-23, 01:07 AM

I highly recommend this version created by Eiji-kun. In general, dnd-wiki.org has better quality control, and I pretty much give a blank cheque to all of this specific author's work in my games. This is irrelevant of the fact that Eiji is a personal acquaintance of mine; he's one of my favorite homebrewers.

As for the class itself, this emulates the Final Fantasy-style Dragoon; you'll be doing a lot of superhuman jump attacks to the point of being able to emulate Teleport and Plane Shift effects, you're able to receive spell-like abilities and a dragon familiar, and all sorts of other little goodies.

I'd wager this class is easily Tier 3; definitely worth taking all 20 levels.