View Full Version : DM Help Feating and equipping a Xorvintaal Dragon

2014-06-23, 09:23 AM
Hello playgrounders !

First : Zerval, Zhundag, Fukyurr, Pik Pik and Karakxiss... Get out of this thread or my wrath will fall upon you !

Back to the topic,
I'm currently running a kobold campaign and my fellow dragon wannabe will soon encounter their draconic patron. He will be a old red dragon (28HD, CR20) (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dragonTrue.htm#redDragon) with the Xorvintaal template, one of the master of the Great Game and bearer of some draconic relics (the red Orb maybe).
The group will meet him at 4th level and should be introduced to the Great Game at 8th as exarch. I plan on using this dragon mostly as a quest-giver and a powerful ally at higher-level.

Now, knowing my players tendencies (half of them are playing chaotic), i want to prepare in case of mutiny (you never know when they will try to kill a npc). I don't want to use DM fiat and tend to be honest and fair with my players so I prepare every npc profile, even if they are not supposed to fight them. So i want to build that Xorvintaal Dragon as real challenge if they ever cross his path or if i want to use it a battle.
So far i got this :

Feats :
1st - Power Attack
3rd - Iron will (needed for the following two)
6th - Suppress Weakness
9th - Overcome Weakness (so long forst damage)
12th - Bind Vestige (Naberius) (so long Shivering Touch lockdown)
15th - Awaken Spell Resistence (so long SR loss from the Xorvintaal template)
18th - Schock Wave (bull rush attempt on anything in a 140ft radius ? Yes please !)
21th - free (epic)
24th - free (epic)
27th - free (epic)

Xorvintaal powers : 4 (half the age category following the book)
- Rejuvenation ("It's just a flesh wound.")
- Draconic Roar ( 16d10/2 sonic damage roar)
- Alternate Form (since red dragons don't have it naturally and i think it fits a player of the great game)
- ???

Equipment :
- Ring of Scintillating Scales for 20k gp (following the Magic Item Estimation Table (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/creatingMagicItems.htm#tableEstimatingMagicItemGol dPieceValues), same spell level and duration as invisibilty thus same price) a.k.a. 33 touch AC baby !
- ... a hoard ?

Do you have any suggestions for the remaining feats, xorvintaal powers and equipement this dragon should have ?
I impose myself the same rules as my players so :
- no third-party or Dragon Magazine
- no campaign-setting specific other than Faerun (where they are playing)
- no PF and preferably no 3.0.

Thank you in advance.

PS : i know that spellcasting is OP thus Xorvintaal is a stupid template because it remove spells. But like to play by the same rules as my players. And they follow the books (even if they are stupid). And the group is not high-OP.

2014-06-23, 10:04 AM
Actually, you get one xorvintaal ability plus one per two age categories beyond young adult. In your case, two, total. You can add more at the cost of +1 CR per ability. Keep the ones you have, they're pretty good, even alternate form, which is mostly fluff, but remember to raise the CR by 1. The good news is, this nets you extra treasure, and therefore gear. The bad news is, the PCs get more XP if they decide to kill him and succeed in doing so. As for feats, Hover, Snatch, and Improved Snatch are always useful for dragons. I'll do a bit of digging and come back with some suggestions for gear.

NOTE: For the same increase in CR, you could raise him an age category, and get the ability that way, alog with 3 HD, two more dice of breath weapon damage, +2 base saves, +2 Frightful Presebce DC, another feat, and +2 to every stat but DEX. If you go this route, the additional feat I suggest is either Flyby Attack (use unused movement after attacking) or Multiattack (reduces penalties on secondary natural weapons, essentially giving you a +3 to all non-bite attacks).

2014-06-23, 10:51 AM
If Xorvintaal Dragons are more intended to be like the Dragons of ye olde fantasy story, then their breath weapon is among the most powerful weapon in their arsenal - albeit, one which is fairly easily got around.

Deep Breath is about the best use of it, while Draconic Roar is a rare way to get Sonic damage, while Dragon Toxin rapidly drops weaker targets. Unless you want the Dragon to become their patron, Intimidating Presence isn't really worthwhile (and even then, is only of use against NPC's, so the dragon needs to adventure with the PC's for that to work - which sort of defeats the point of being a Xorvintaal Dragon).

Twist of Fate is about the best ability there is there.

If I was to choose, Deep Breath and Twist of Fate, with Draconic Roar for the +1 to CR being worth it. Rejuvenation maybe. Again - do you intend for your PCs to Kill it, or do you intend for it to become a patron. If you intend for it to become a patron, it doesn't need it. It doesn't add to the combat encounter, and if the PC's kill it all the same, then arbitrarily add it on, after the fact where it can become more of a threat to the PC's. If you intend for it to become a patron, well, why does it need that ability then?

2014-06-23, 04:34 PM
For your other ring, I recommend a Ring of Energy Immunity (Cold). While expensive (240,000 gp, which is the entire expcted WBL for a LV 21 NPC, though I'd outfit him as LV 23, because dragon. You have 50k left, and 30k after your other ring), it frees up four(!!) of your feats, as of you're immune to Cold, you're immune to Shivering Touch.

New Feat List-
1- Power Attack
3- Hover
6- Flyby Attack
9- Snatch
12- Multiattack
15- Clinging Breath
18- Lingering Breath
21- Shock Wave
24- Tempest Breath (because they have to be airborne to hit you, and, as they are likely medium or small, they get blown back 2d6*10 feet, taking 2d6 nonlethal per 10 feet. If on ground, knocked prone and 1d4*10 feet and 1d4 nonethal per 10 feet)
27- Improved Snatch
(30- Snatch and Swallow )

Jeff the Green
2014-06-23, 05:07 PM
For your other ring, I recommend a Ring of Energy Immunity (Cold). While expensive (240,000 gp, which is the entire expcted WBL for a LV 21 NPC, though I'd outfit him as LV 23, because dragon. You have 50k left, and 30k after your other ring), it frees up four(!!) of your feats, as of you're immune to Cold, you're immune to Shivering Touch.

Should you really be outfitting it as an NPC of an ECL=CR? I'd think treasure (triple normal, whatever normal is for a CR 21 encounter) or as an NPC of its ECL (technically, it doesn't have one, but it'd be at least 34).

Honestly, for an old red dragon ~9 million GP feels more appropriate than a few hundred thousand. Just keeps bunch of it (say, 90%) in shiny form and the remaining ~750,000 GP in magic items to shore up defenses and make up for the lack of spells.

2014-06-23, 05:38 PM
For your other ring, I recommend a Ring of Energy Immunity (Cold). While expensive (240,000 gp, which is the entire expcted WBL for a LV 21 NPC, though I'd outfit him as LV 23, because dragon. You have 50k left, and 30k after your other ring), it frees up four(!!) of your feats, as of you're immune to Cold, you're immune to Shivering Touch.

New Feat List-
1- Power Attack
3- Hover
6- Flyby Attack
9- Snatch
12- Multiattack
15- Clinging Breath
18- Lingering Breath
21- Shock Wave
24- Tempest Breath (because they have to be airborne to hit you, and, as they are likely medium or small, they get blown back 2d6*10 feet, taking 2d6 nonlethal per 10 feet. If on ground, knocked prone and 1d4*10 feet and 1d4 nonethal per 10 feet)
27- Improved Snatch
(30- Snatch and Swallow )

Dragons have triple wealth.

2014-06-23, 07:22 PM
Which for CR 21 should be 240,000 gp plus three major items.

2014-06-23, 07:45 PM
According to DMG, it goes by level - so 28th level, rather than CR20. Using the last few levels of the DMG, each increase is a further N+10K, where N is the previous value.

21 = 280K
22 = 350K
23 = 430K
24 = 520K
25 = 620K
26 = 730K
27 = 850K
28 = 980K

With triple wealth for dragons, that's 2.94 Million.

RE; Table 4-23, NPC Gear value, page 127 DMG.

2014-06-23, 08:38 PM
According to DMG, it goes by level - so 28th level, rather than CR20. Using the last few levels of the DMG, each increase is a further N+10K, where N is the previous value.

21 = 280K
22 = 350K
23 = 430K
24 = 520K
25 = 620K
26 = 730K
27 = 850K
28 = 980K

With triple wealth for dragons, that's 2.94 Million.

RE; Table 4-23, NPC Gear value, page 127 DMG.
Do note that since this is Xorvintaal you might want to spare some of that money for the hoard.

Jeff the Green
2014-06-23, 08:49 PM
According to DMG, it goes by level - so 28th level, rather than CR20. Using the last few levels of the DMG, each increase is a further N+10K, where N is the previous value.

21 = 280K
22 = 350K
23 = 430K
24 = 520K
25 = 620K
26 = 730K
27 = 850K
28 = 980K

With triple wealth for dragons, that's 2.94 Million.

RE; Table 4-23, NPC Gear value, page 127 DMG.

It scales differently in epic. See the table on page 209 of the DMG. Also, it's ECL, not HD. As I said before, old red dragons don't have an ECL because they've got LA –, but a young one has LA +6. So assume the LA stays the same for wealth purposes, and you've got ECL 34 and 7,000,000 GP. (I was wrong before because I was going with what I found in a Google search, being away from my books.)

Also, it's triple treasure, not triple wealth. NPC wealth is already significantly more than treasure, so it works out fine.

2014-06-25, 04:26 AM
Thanks Svata for the correction on Xorviintal ablility and feats suggestion (how could i forget Multiattack ? I played a totemist with that feat...)
I will follow your suggestion of buying him a Ring of Energy Immunity but i will keep the Bind Vestige feat (there are ways to reduce ability score other than shivering touch).

Vaz is also right about the Rejuvenation ability: he doesn't need it now. Maybe later if the PC really plan on killing him, he may just earn this new ability by winning in the Great Game. So i will stand with Draconic Roar and Alternate Form.

Now that i have saved 3 feats i will read more those metabreath ones.

Thanks everyone ! Great suggestions here

2014-06-25, 04:54 AM
For your other ring, I recommend a Ring of Energy Immunity (Cold). While expensive (240,000 gp, which is the entire expcted WBL for a LV 21 NPC, though I'd outfit him as LV 23, because dragon. You have 50k left, and 30k after your other ring), it frees up four(!!) of your feats, as of you're immune to Cold, you're immune to Shivering Touch.

Just noticed this it's true, but no protection to an Energy Substituted one - and that's a feat EVERY blaster has, or should have. Cold Immunity is not enough after I thought Mantle of the Icy Soul would be enough to protect against one of my players. Who then used his Sorcerer's Energy Sub to turn his Shivering Touch into a Fire type.

2014-06-25, 04:59 AM
Just noticed this it's true, but no protection to an Energy Substituted one - and that's a feat EVERY blaster has, or should have. Cold Immunity is not enough after I thought Mantle of the Icy Soul would be enough to protect against one of my players. Who then used his Sorcerer's Energy Sub to turn his Shivering Touch into a Fire type.

Fair enough.

2014-06-25, 06:30 AM
I based my answer on the Treasure tables in the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/treasure.htm#monstersWithTreasure), multiplied by 3 of course.