View Full Version : Nested contingencies

2014-06-23, 03:21 PM
I'm playing in a campaign at the moment, and I'm planning for a future scenario where I may be the target of more than one disjunction spell. I'm playing a psion/thrallherd/anarchic initiate and will be level 20 by the time the fight I'm prepping for happens.

I plan on using a ring of greater counterspells to defend against one of them. I also want to make use of psionic contingency to use temporal acceleration. I'd also like to have a couple contingent spells crafted (dimension door or something), but I can't think of a way to have multiple contingencies that have the same trigger condition (I'm in the area of a disjunction) and not have them all go off at once.

Anyone got any ideas? Or other ways to protect against disjunction that I can stack together?

2014-06-23, 03:24 PM
Wings of Cover. Level 2 Sorcerer spell, Immediate action, per RAW can block a disjunction.

2014-06-23, 03:30 PM
Just have them use a basic query when the condition arises. "When I am in the area of effect for [Disjunction], cast [first crafted contingency]" "When in the area of effect for [Disjunction], and [first crafted contingency] has already been triggered, cast [second created contingency]"

Something like that I would think would work. At least I would allow it in my games.

2014-06-23, 03:31 PM
I'm playing in a campaign at the moment, and I'm planning for a future scenario where I may be the target of more than one disjunction spell. I'm playing a psion/thrallherd/anarchic initiate and will be level 20 by the time the fight I'm prepping for happens.

I plan on using a ring of greater counterspells to defend against one of them. I also want to make use of psionic contingency to use temporal acceleration. I'd also like to have a couple contingent spells crafted (dimension door or something), but I can't think of a way to have multiple contingencies that have the same trigger condition (I'm in the area of a disjunction) and not have them all go off at once.

Anyone got any ideas? Or other ways to protect against disjunction that I can stack together?

Depends on how specific you're allowed to get with your contingencies. Have you asked your DM about labeling contingencies and mentioning these labels in the triggers of other contingencies?

2014-06-23, 03:32 PM
According to Contingent Spell Rules (CA 139):

A contingent spell is a single-use, one-spell magical effect instilled within a specifi c willing creature. It doesn’t take up space on the body or have a physical form, and it remains inactive until triggered (similar to the effect created by a contingency spell)[...].
Triggers for contingent spells are usually events that happen to the bearer of the spell, and can include death, contracting disease, exposure to a breath weapon or to energy damage, falling, exposure to poison, exposure to a dangerous environment (trapped by fi re, plunged underwater, and so forth), succumbing to sleep or fear effects, gaining negative levels, or being rendered helpless, deafened, or blinded [...].
At any one time, a creature can bear a number of contingent spells equal to its Hit Dice. Attempts to apply additional contingent spells beyond this limit simply fail.

This means that you can have more than one contingent spell and have all of them triggered to the event you want (Being in the area of a disjunction) because that area is affecting you and your items you can set that event as trigger for your contingent spells.

2014-06-23, 03:47 PM
According to Contingent Spell Rules (CA 139):

This means that you can have more than one contingent spell and have all of them triggered to the event you want (Being in the area of a disjunction) because that area is affecting you and your items you can set that event as trigger for your contingent spells.

I get that part, what I'm having trouble with is how to make sure they don't all trigger the first time I'm in the area of a disjunction.

I think I need something like what the previous poster suggested, basically Contingency_1 is set to trigger if I'm in the area of disjunction. Contingency_2 is set to trigger if I'm in the area of a disjunction and Contingency_1 no longer exists. But I don't know if the DM will go for that.

2014-06-23, 03:54 PM
I get that part, what I'm having trouble with is how to make sure they don't all trigger the first time I'm in the area of a disjunction.

I think I need something like what the previous poster suggested, basically Contingency_1 is set to trigger if I'm in the area of disjunction. Contingency_2 is set to trigger if I'm in the area of a disjunction and Contingency_1 no longer exists. But I don't know if the DM will go for that.

Alternatively set them to thought-activated passwords. Stuff that's easy to remember that you don't think of often. Preferably not even in your native language to prevent accidental activation.

2014-06-23, 04:10 PM
Alternatively set them to thought-activated passwords. Stuff that's easy to remember that you don't think of often. Preferably not even in your native language to prevent accidental activation.

Rules on this are a tad foggy, aren't they? Speaking is at least a free action (you can't do it on your opponents turn), and I'm assuming these MD effects will be cast on someone's turn besides the players. At the very least, as DM I would make you identify the impending MD with a spellcraft check first, otherwise how would the character "think" the password for the contingency spell without first recognizing what is being cast on him?

2014-06-23, 04:16 PM
Rules on this are a tad foggy, aren't they? Speaking is at least a free action (you can't do it on your opponents turn), and I'm assuming these MD effects will be cast on someone's turn besides the players. At the very least, as DM I would make you identify the impending MD with a spellcraft check first, otherwise how would the character "think" the password for the contingency spell without first recognizing what is being cast on him?

This guy apparently knows to expect this all ahead of time. I'm assuming he has some general framework as to when the attack will be, or at least how to identify it immediately if he knows this much about the structure.

2014-06-23, 04:36 PM
Even if you cannot apply labels to contingencies, you might be able to key it off of the number of contingent spells remaining. So if you have 10 contingent spells, the first goes off when you are in the area of a disjunction, the second goes of when you are in the area of a disjunction and have 9 contingent spells remaining, etc.

2014-06-23, 08:08 PM
You can always look for alternative blocking methods, ring of spell battle, spellblade etc.

Yes, repeated nestled craft contingencies based on your actions can be very spotty. I highly recommend you and the dm set aside an hour or two to discuss how various high level magics will play out in the campaign, what cheese you both are okay with, and where to draw limits.