View Full Version : Player Help How hard is it to hit someone in the balls? (in system, 3.5?)

2014-06-24, 04:57 AM
Its a reasonable question. Hitting the crotch should not be too hard, its rather large space. What should AC be in this case?

I need this.

For science.


2014-06-24, 05:02 AM
Depends on his armor bonus (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/225/449161530_67d5ae57b1_m.jpg).

Jeff the Green
2014-06-24, 05:33 AM
[overly strict rules interpretation]
It's impossible. There are no called shots in D&D.
[/overly strict rules interpretation]

Eh, I'd probably use the creature's AC but with a modifier of four to five sizes down (going into Fine- as needed), depending on whether you're hitting with something blunt that only needs to hit the general area or something sharp that needs a direct hit.

However, I'd really not go there. Called shots in D&D is a bad idea.

2014-06-24, 05:36 AM
I'd use Stunning Fist to model it. Similar effect.

2014-06-24, 05:40 AM
Google says average scrotum size is 3 inches, and SRD says Fine size is 6 inches or less in height, and gets +8 size bonus to AC. So I guess the target's regular AC+8?

2014-06-24, 05:47 AM
[overly strict rules interpretation]
It's impossible. There are no called shots in D&D.
[/overly strict rules interpretation]

Eh, I'd probably use the creature's AC but with a modifier of four to five sizes down (going into Fine- as needed), depending on whether you're hitting with something blunt that only needs to hit the general area or something sharp that needs a direct hit.

However, I'd really not go there. Called shots in D&D is a bad idea.

Speak for yourself.

Tohsaka Rin
2014-06-24, 06:50 AM
This is about as good an idea as using sunder.

In other words, do this more than once, and you're basically giving the DM the idea that it's free-game on such things.

If YOU are the DM, your players will see this happen once, and then try for it.

All. The. Time.

2014-06-24, 07:11 AM
i believe this is why sudden strike and sneak attack work. they hit its weak point for massive damage.

2014-06-24, 10:05 AM
Ehm... Import PF's Dirty Trick?

2014-06-24, 10:11 AM
To be fair, we don't know which (if any) races in D&D have 'balls'.

2014-06-24, 10:12 AM
Pathfinder has both Called Shots and Dirty Tricks, so using one or both should get you to a reasonable result.

2014-06-24, 10:14 AM
In the srd, there is the Hydra (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/hydra.htm) monster and it allows characters to severe her heads. So I think this rule might fit for severing someone balls. Just don't use a slashing weapon.

2014-06-24, 10:17 AM
Ugh, can we just for the moment remember it is a social game? Genitalia attacks are just awkward cringing waiting to happen.

Well, I suppose that eventually it was bound to come up.

2014-06-24, 10:19 AM
It is also awkward if party sorcerer persuades local tribe of savages he is a god, has his former buddies imprisoned, exposed to all sorts of shennanigans and humiliation and then, eventually, released to procede on a VERY ESSENTIAL QUEST THEY WERE ON THE WHOLE TIME!

My cleric of Heironeus will have none of it and may just peer deep into mechanics of groin-kicking.

In game, that is.

Darth Paul
2014-06-24, 10:25 AM

I mean, for the whole thread... just, wow.

2014-06-24, 10:45 AM
I'd allow it - maybe with a decreased AC - but only for comedic effect in a social situation. Make the kick, then either they are super hurt and double over for a bit, or you connect with whatever armor they've got and you get hurt and have to dance around a bit on one foot.

If you allow it for true combat, then you have everyone trying to aim for the brain stem and arguing about instant kill options.

Otherwise, I hear Hackmaster has some great groin stop rules...

2014-06-24, 10:50 AM
Critical hit when dealing nonlethal damage?

Shining Wrath
2014-06-24, 10:51 AM
There are no rules covering this. The following is what I'd make up if a PC wanted to do it.

In the middle of combat, it's a form of critical hit. I'd call it "you must roll and confirm a critical, and then roll a 4 on 1d4 to hit THAT particular critical instead of neck / heart / head".

As a surprise attack - say, person is being groped and deploys a knee to persuade groper to stop that - then it's a Fine target and add +8 to AC but also give usual bonuses for surprise.

2014-06-24, 12:45 PM
Critical hit when dealing nonlethal damage?

I'd debate the nonlethal. Permanent injury, at least, is not unlikely. I'd say paralyzed legs don't fall under "nonlethal".

Tohsaka Rin
2014-06-24, 03:28 PM
It is also awkward if party sorcerer persuades local tribe of savages he is a god, has his former buddies imprisoned, exposed to all sorts of shennanigans and humiliation and then, eventually, released to procede on a VERY ESSENTIAL QUEST THEY WERE ON THE WHOLE TIME!

My cleric of Heironeus will have none of it and may just peer deep into mechanics of groin-kicking.

In game, that is.

Revoke any aid.


No healing, no backup. NOTHING.


"My God permits me not to strike a comrade unduly... So I'm going to just wait until everyone else in the world does enough damage to satisfy me."

Two or three encounters, and he'll probably be begging you for healing.

If you're NOT L/G, then just beat him unconscious nightly for a few days, nonlethal damage heals quickly on its own.

Being a good guy and a nice guy are two very different things. One way or another, it helps to remind the jerks that they don't want you forgetting to be nice to them.

2014-06-24, 04:55 PM
Just choose any random dirty trick or stun related special ability or feat and say it's a kick to the nuts.

In all seriousness, kicks to the nuts are a very random business that don't model well, which is why rules for them are usually comedically bad. I've seen kick to the nuts rules that would balance playing a woman in FATAL. In reality a solid kick to the nuts will sometimes be laughed off and can sometimes cause a limp for hours.

2014-06-24, 06:38 PM
When the PC scores a critical hit, let them describe it however they like. Perhaps allow them to choose to do less critical damage in exchange for a mild special effect.

2014-06-24, 10:15 PM
When the PC scores a critical hit, let them describe it however they like. Perhaps allow them to choose to do less critical damage in exchange for a mild special effect.

this. Let them choose any words they want, because it's all moot. All the hits in the world don't do a thing, until the very end. The only damage that has any effect on a person is the last hitpoint before Zero.

From the SRD:
Your hit points measure how hard you are to kill. No matter how many hit points you lose, your character isn’t hindered in any way until your hit points drop to 0 or lower.

Effects of Hit Point Damage: Damage doesn’t slow you down until your current hit points reach 0 or lower. At 0 hit points, you’re disabled.

2014-06-24, 11:49 PM
To be fair, we don't know which (if any) races in D&D have 'balls'.

Use that spell from Nymphology to grow them, is someone doesn't have them already...

But really, guys (and gals), this thread is heading fast into FATAL territory.