View Full Version : A little confused: Reducing Level Adjustment?

2014-06-24, 12:25 PM
I thought I understood this, but after a reread I'm suddenly wondering if I've been using the rules wrong.

Okay! So you have our LA+2 unit. How I was playing it was, once said LA+2 unit reaches ECL 6, he can become a LA+1 unit (spending some XP), then again when he hits ECL9.

However, upon a reread, it says 'Number of Class Levels Necessary for Level Adjustment Reduction', emphasis mine. And this fits the drow cleric example that I guess I never read very clearly - she is ECL 8 before she can remove her first LA, which is 'LA+2 and 6 class levels'.

The weirdness, however, comes from their LA+6 example. They specifically don't have LA+7 or higher because, to again quote the SRD:

Creatures with a level adjustment of +7 or more retain their full normal level adjustment until reaching epic levels (21st level or higher), and thus aren't included on the table.

And then their LA+6 example says that you'd need 18 class levels. But uh.. if your LA is 6, and you have 18 class levels, won't that happen at level 24 and thus also be epic?

Now, I'm also the DM (in most cases), so I'll generally go with ECL over 'class levels' to be more nice, and things are mostly case-by-case anyway - I have a good handle on balance. This is mostly me wondering - so is the LA+6 example in error (and shouldn't be on the table itself due to requiring epic)? Is my understanding of it wrong?

(I also didn't realize that your hit dice did not count for this purpose, which seems additionally mean. Poor hound archons can't ever get a single reduction to their level adjustments, it seems, in addition to starting at level 11 about on par with a level 11 commoner :P)

2014-06-24, 04:08 PM
I thought I understood this, but after a reread I'm suddenly wondering if I've been using the rules wrong.

Okay! So you have our LA+2 unit. How I was playing it was, once said LA+2 unit reaches ECL 6, he can become a LA+1 unit (spending some XP), then again when he hits ECL9.

However, upon a reread, it says 'Number of Class Levels Necessary for Level Adjustment Reduction', emphasis mine. And this fits the drow cleric example that I guess I never read very clearly - she is ECL 8 before she can remove her first LA, which is 'LA+2 and 6 class levels'.

Yup, you were doing it wrong. Another example: A Flind (LA +2, 2 RHD) needs to be class level 6, which means ECL 10 for his first buy off!

And then their LA+6 example says that you'd need 18 class levels. But uh.. if your LA is 6, and you have 18 class levels, won't that happen at level 24 and thus also be epic?

Your confusion (again) stems from your mixing up of Class Levels and ECL. A +6LA creature may be ECL 24 when he's got 18 class levels (meaning he's most likely adventuring with Epic Level lower-adjustment friends), but he hasn't reached Epic level in his class yet. An Epic Monk has at least 21 class levels, regardless of LA. So, the example is right, and LA +7 is the first to only start buy off in epic levels.

Anyhow, you're free to further adjust this if you see fit in the name of balance. Especially having RHD count towards Class Level for determining buy-off may be fair as those RHD are little more than dead weight anyways...

Piggy Knowles
2014-06-24, 05:25 PM
Anyhow, you're free to further adjust this if you see fit in the name of balance. Especially having RHD count towards Class Level for determining buy-off may be fair as those RHD are little more than dead weight anyways...

In games where I allow LA buyoff, I always implement this as a houserule. It just makes sense to me, and it makes racial hit die a little easier to swallow.

2014-06-24, 05:44 PM
A~ha. Thank you for that clarification.

Although wow, that means I also misunderstood how epic worked. I thought the moment your ECL was 21 or higher you counted as epic and can take epic feats! I guess that's a house rule we've been unknowingly using.

...and will continue to use, as otherwise you are horribly crippling creatures with LA even more.

Either way, thanks for the heads up. My group mostly does some minor LA tweaking on a case by case basis and we're incredibly low optimization so a lot of normally-poor options are okay... I just wanted to know how the rule actually worked in case I opt to play a hound archon in someone else's game, or someone new comes into mine. :P

(I am also aware of various racial classes and fixes that exist, mind you, so I'm also good on that angle)

Thanks again for the quick responses.