View Full Version : Half-Human Template

2014-06-24, 02:12 PM
a friend of mine wants to play a character based on this guy (http://andersson.elfwood.com/Family-Gathering.2524339.html). basically he's under a curse that allows him to have sex with anything, but he automatically fails will saves vs. seduction. the plan is he will eventually have a cohort of his halfbreed children (like in the picture).
however, neither me, my friend, or the DM have been able to locate a "half-human" template, which would be very useful as it's simpler than finding a template for every species he bangs.
anyone know where we could find something like that?

Red Fel
2014-06-24, 02:43 PM
a friend of mine wants to play a character based on this guy (http://andersson.elfwood.com/Family-Gathering.2524339.html). basically he's under a curse that allows him to have sex with anything, but he automatically fails will saves vs. seduction. the plan is he will eventually have a cohort of his halfbreed children (like in the picture).
however, neither me, my friend, or the DM have been able to locate a "half-human" template, which would be very useful as it's simpler than finding a template for every species he bangs.
anyone know where we could find something like that?

3.5 is notoriously anthropocentric. (Racists. When will they realize that it's really all about elves?) As a result, something that is half-X, half-human, is always treated as half-X. (Exception: In X society, it's referred to as half-human; to everyone else, it's a half-X.)

Basically, this means that you're either templating, using savage progressions, or other methods like that. "Lesser" versions of some races, or humans with tauric templates, or creatures using a progression, or what-have-you, is basically how you do it.

Alternatively, you could homebrew it, but it would probably be messy and unbalanced (much like this guy's romance life, bazinga). I'd model it after the Dragonborn template, which outlines a list of physical features and then loudly declares "Everything else must go!" So, for example, a creature might retain its size, build, movement, and various features coming from HD, but lose things like Darkvision, (Su) or (Sp) abilities, and non-specific bonus feats. ("Thanks, dad.")

Also, what kind of horrible monster drags his horrible monster offspring around caves and dungeons? He's not going to win any father-of-the-year prizes that way.

Falcon X
2014-06-25, 01:00 PM
Ditto, all half-breeds with human are considered human/half-X.
You could do this every time, but half-human template would make things easier.

If you are open to third-party, there is a sourcebook called "Bastards and Bloodlines." At the very least, it has rules of making half-creature templates, and feats like "Old Blood".

2014-06-25, 01:41 PM
As the others have pointed out, somehow the writers of 3.5 couldn't really imagine another race being effected by breeding with a human, and generally concentrated on what would happen to the human when bred with said monster.
On the other hand, there are TONS of templates. Like, there are a lot. I'd recommend just using the templates you have on hand and have them apply depending on the monster. Auto-lost his save for a Succubus? Half-fiend. Etc.
Also Races of Ansalon (a 3rd party book I think, but connected to the Dragonlance Campaign Setting, which is 1st party.) has tons of stats for different "half races". They've got Half-Dwarves, Half-Gnomes, and even Half-Goblins.

2014-06-25, 02:41 PM
They've got Half-Dwarves

Other settings have Dwarves breed true, in terms of the resulting kid being clasified as a dwarf, but being a bit taller (and slimmer) and prehaps a shorter beard, and if having kids its either a tall dwarf (if cross pollinating again) or a proper sized dwarf.