View Full Version : Pathfinder Quick sanity check on some 3rd party material:

2014-06-25, 01:07 AM
One of my players is considering rolling up a Barbarian/Rogue, with a bit of third party material. She's considering taking Improved Catch Off-Guard (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/3rd-party-feats/super-genius-games/combat-feats/improved-catch-off-guard-combat) and playing as either a Drakken or a Faun (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/3rd-party-races/little-red-goblin-races)

These all look fine for me, but my PF experience is limited - could I get a second opinion just to make sure I'm not missing anything?

For power level reference, the others are Bard, Paladin, Tetori Monk, Alchemist and Ranger.

2014-06-25, 01:49 AM
the feat is fine, the drakken are a bit much nothing bu bonuses and no penalties at all, a free +2 stat and additional one as well which basically make syou better at X class for instance the INT drakken

faun is cool balanced and really neat

so out of the three id disallow the drakken too WAY too much for just one race.

2014-06-25, 01:55 AM
I just looked over the Drakken, and they only get +2 to one ability score of their choice, not to two scores.

2014-06-25, 02:05 AM
no they get +2 to any stat of their choice.. THEN they get an aditiona; +2 to any stat depending on which 'version' of drakken they (the player) wants so yes it is A +2 to any 2 stats the player wants.

hmm I might have read that one... my bad I guess they do only get 1 +2.. if that's the sace that allright since being considered dragons means that a lot of spells are simply not going to work on them.

let the player know that.

2014-06-25, 06:02 AM
The Drakken one is odd. Dragon is a type (like monstrous humanoid or ooze) and not a subtype (like giant, goblinoid or in the case of a red dragon fire). You should alter the description: "A drakken counts as both a dragon and a humanoid for the effects of spells and abilities whichever is worse. If a beneficial effect works on humanoids it also works on drakken."

If you need pointers the Half-Dragon template changes your type to dragon. So you may have a Half-Dragon Human Sorcerer but he counts as dragon for all effects (means loosing the ability to enlarge person on himself for example).
