View Full Version : Pathfinder Bandersnatch Loot

2014-06-25, 04:01 AM
So my players just whooped a bandersnatch and skinned it. The Duelist wants to make armor out of it and I'm inclined to give it special properties for the encounter, but I'm drawing a blank as far as that goes because it was your standard encounter not a variant. Also our duelists ac is absurd any way so I'm hesitant to give him armor in the first place. Then the ranger also had the idea to make a whip that functioned like the bandersnatches tail as well as sell the parts as spell components and such. Our cleric wants to hold an iron chef thing with the meat and such to inspire some legendary cook, she fancies her self a muse,. Just asking the internet collective their two cents worth to get the creative juices flowing

2014-06-25, 04:08 AM
In theory, it should be Hide Armor with a + appropriate to their WBL (consult DMG). Does the Bandersnatch have DR? If it has DR 5/piercing (for example), the armor should provide DR 3/piercing. Does it have Immunity (Cold) or Resistance (Cold) 5? Have the armor give him Resistance 3. (3/5 is the rule I use; if the creature has resistance 10, you make it worth 6, et cetera, rounding down).


I SRD'd it:

Let him choose ONE of the following in addition to it being a +whatever Hide:

Quills. Natural/unarmed attacks from enemies deal 1d8 (just like the B's natural quills, but weaker)

Gaze Attack (this is a helmet/goggles, not a full suit of armor!). You make spectacles out of the creature's eyes that allow you to use its gaze attack x/day (DC = 1/2 your HD + CON)

Bounding Charge: The Armor lets you bound over difficult terrain (just make boots out of it?)

Quick Recovery (a really cool unique effect you won't find on other armor!): At the beginning of every turn the player starts under the effects of confused, dazed, dazzled, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, sickened, and/or stunned, you make a new saving throw (equal to the original failed DC) to end the effect early. This can be used every turn until the effect is ended. Rolling a natural 1 means no more bonus saves for a premature ending can be made. In addition, the armor can be slept in without leaving the wearer fatigued the next day (mimicking the "Restful" enchantment)

Relentless Tracker: By somehow utilizing the creature's nose in the helmet, you make a helm/armor that allows you to move at normal speed while tracking without penalty. You can move at twice your normal speed with only a -10 to your check (instead of -20).

2014-06-25, 04:11 AM
Interesting. No DR or RES but it has spines that deal damage i wanted to avoid that aspect of it because they don't regenerate.

2014-06-25, 04:17 AM
Interesting. No DR or RES but it has spines that deal damage i wanted to avoid that aspect of it because they don't regenerate.

Sorry. I redid my post to be more useful before reading this. Ignore the suggestion for quills, then. <3

2014-06-25, 04:29 AM
The quick recovery can be a pretty sick potion or oil maybe the organs can be material components for it. The Bounding charge is pretty over done with boots unfortunately i think and their selling the eyes as components but that is a pretty nasty idea too. If it was a variant this would be so much easier :/. but i should have expedited this they are way to resourceful for their own good.

2014-06-25, 04:23 PM
The quick recovery can be a pretty sick potion

I meant, whoever wears the armor is constantly under the effect at all times, not that you made a "Potion of Bandersnatchful Recovery" But hey, if your party wants to dice it and sell the parts then that's their business. They should know there isn't a giant market for obscure body parts, or you could make a subplot out of, "No one in town is interested in such gruesome reagents. The only Arcanist that has use for them lives at X,Y,Z, but good luck getting to him because -monster that uses riddles/roleplaying instead of combat- guards the path."