View Full Version : Optimization Need some good spells for a pair of young black dragons with 1 Sorcerer level

2014-06-25, 10:41 AM
Hey there!

My ECL 6 party is gonna get hunted by a pair of Young Black Dragons (with 1 level in sorcerer). They hunt as a pair, one flying one sneaking, using their breath weapon and then retreating until it's back up, and I've already chosen mage armor as one of their spells - I wonder what other nice options there are for them (With the exception of Power Word Pain, as that one's broken even with my "deals nonlethal damage"-houseruling.)

Them being in a jungle or marshes usually, entangle sprung to mind, but sadly that's not on their list ;)

2014-06-25, 10:56 AM
if i'm not mistaken, i think that the young adult black dragon is the youngest black dragon with sorcerer spells.

Anyway, you can check the draconomicon for examples of all true dragons in all the age categories, including spells known for those with sorcerer levels. For the first black dragon age category with sorcerer spells the spells known are grease and protection from good.

i can also suggest ray of enfeeblement and silent image.

2014-06-25, 11:03 AM
They have 1 level in sorcerer on top of their dragon HD

Slithery D
2014-06-25, 11:34 AM
Anyway, you can check the draconomicon for examples of all true dragons in all the age categories, including spells known for those with sorcerer levels. For the first black dragon age category with sorcerer spells the spells known are grease and protection from good.

Those are examples and quick references for lazy DMs, not the only spells any dragon of the appropriate age and color takes...

2014-06-25, 11:40 AM
Obscuring Mist will give them concealment and make it harder for their quarry to navigate. The dragons' blindsense means they know what squares the party occupies, and breath weapons don't care about concealment.

Silent Image + Ventriloquism could create the illusion of a dragon where he isn't, to either herd the party in a particular direction or to cause them to charge into an ambush.

If the party caster packs Magic Missile, Shield might not be a bad idea. Even without that, Shield would give them another +4 AC.

True Strike can let them ignore the concealment of the Obscuring Mist for one attack, if they wish, and pretty much guarantee a hit. Use it to sunder the caster's spell component pouch, or to disarm a fighter that's being dangerous.

2014-06-25, 02:22 PM
I think 'grease' would be a good option. If the PCs fail their reflex save, or don't make their balance check, they fall over, then take time standing up again, and might fall over again, meaning that they'll still be around when the dragons can breathe again. It makes sense from the dragon's point of view, but it also gives the PCs multiple opportunities to get out of danger (ongoing reflex saves, balance checks, and working together to pull each other out of the area).

Shining Wrath
2014-06-25, 02:32 PM
Ooooh ...

If there is anything L1 that removes resistance to acid ... I can't come up with one. "Know protections" would let the dragons know who was resistant, thought.

Second "Grease" and "Obscuring Mist". Both solid choices for a creature that is making strafing runs.

"Charm Person", combined with "Run for your life and I won't hurt you!" could split the party.

"Ray of Clumsiness" frustrates the party archer / ray caster.

2014-06-25, 07:50 PM
Don't forget, you're a black dragon. There should be plenty of interconnected underwater passageways which you can rapidly traverse.

Silent Image is fantastic for this. Fake floor? Watch the party begin to laugh at the poor sap who fell through the fake floor and as they move over to help him, a dragon grabs him and attempts to pull him underwater, while the other dragon bursts out from behind them.

Net of Shadows is fantastic spell - grants the party (1 creature/level, so pick up Practised Spellcaster) concealment in exchange for the ability to only see 5ft in front of them which cannot be pierced by Darkvision. Alternatively, cast it on yourself and use your Blindsense for immunity from Sneak Attacks as well as 20% miss chance, as a low level mirror image.

Illusion is the most powerful for low level spells, IMHO.

Alternatively, Karmic Aura is a pretty naughty spell if you can up its duration, making anything exhausted after a couple of attacks is one way to keep alive against any melee based character (-6 to strength is pretty much causing the Barbarian to lose access to Power Attack or his rage is nullified which at this level is serious survivability - like along the lines of a further 25HP a turn, +3 AC, and all that which comes with it.

Forcewave is a 1st level Evocation which can bullrush unsuspecting opponents into the water (Fort save to resist so works best against flimsy casters, unless you use increases its DC - currently, its DC is 15, as you can see, not brilliant even with point buy - its going to have only a 50-50% chance at best against pushing BSF into the water where its heavy armour will drag it down.

Bloodwind is also Evocation - makes your natural attacks at range.

Necromancy has Spirit Worm - causes up to 5 Constitution damage, while Sunstroke causes heatstroke (requires special applications of healing Exhaustion), while Backbiter turns any none pounce character into a self-hit killing machine.

Burning Rage is an odd spell, but can be used to deal 4 damage a turn to squishy casters. Peacebond in combination with Backbiter can make held weapons quite scary. Reduce person can annoy the parties fighters, or already small targets, making them need to get into squares. Slide performs a small effect similar to Forcewave (5ft only, no damage, Will Negates). Nerveskitter has obvious usage here, unless you know you're going first. Hint - you're a dragon in home territory with Blindsense hiding in scum covered ponds. You're going first.

Babau Slime if you feel like Grappling opponents, but you're going to want to improve your caster level.

Lastly - True Strike is always fun.