View Full Version : DM help ~ Balance and troubleshoot upcoming dungeon

2014-06-25, 03:37 PM
Before I get started ~ Anyone who's participating in the PGBC campaign, The Great Quest to Play-Test, should stop reading right now. That includes Tanuki Tales, malonkey1, caledscratcher, and Phillamon.

Now that that's out of the way, I can proceed.
The story so far is that 4 random travellers (the players) are in a seedy port town when they see a suspicious event unfold between two NPC's. After inquiring/following the more interesting one, they are greeted and asked for assistance. This woman, Yesiren Furie, has not seen her love in over a year. He was captured by some creatures, who may be holding him now in a nearby dungeon. She did not know if he was alive or dead.
She asked the players to go into the dungeon and return with word of her loved one, Veglane, and return him to her if possible. She also mentioned that she'd appreciate it if they could kill the two creatures who had captured Veglane, and end the suffering of any tortured creatures they came across in the dungeon.
Main quest, two side quests.
She did not explain what they should expect to find, or what troubles they may face. She offered no real reward, but beseached their "benevolent nature".

So, they agreed, because that's the plot. They'll (hopefully) be leaving soon, and I want to make sure that there's not something I'm forgetting or that will mess them up too bad.

Rules in effect

High fantasy setting, 20 point buy.
At each level (including first) you gain HP equal to your HD's max –2 + your constitution modifier. Thus, a d10 class gets 8+con/level, a d8 class gets 6+con, and a d6 class gets 4+con at each level.


+ Con mod

+ 2*Con

+ 3*Con

+ 4*Con

+ 5*Con

+ 6*Con

+ 7*Con

+ 8*Con

Starting at level 8 with 33,000 gold in equipment.
All core + homebrew races allowed. Monster races treat CR as their effective level.
Normal pantheon and deities, or any custom you desire.
All classes receiving 2 skill ranks per level receive 4 instead.
No traits or flaws.

Our Players:

Player Name
Character Name
Race and Classes

Phillammon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?85918-Phillammon)
Trizbit Skeem (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=888930)
Gnome (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/core-races/gnome) Iron Man (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?287835-PF-The-Invincible-Iron-Man-mk-II-Base-Class-revised) 8

malonkey1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?68219-malonkey1)
Danaan Gaaz (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=893376)
Brun Kithkin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=13729868&postcount=4) Investigator (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5D9AgFEhGZ3YzQwbk5CYmJ6dmM/edit) 5/Geneticist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=15437604&postcount=11) 3

caledscratcher (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?69381-caledscratcher)
Garm (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=896566)
Primitive Human (http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5lg4g?The-Gauntlet-Will-Be-Ours) Cootie Catcher (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=15749024&postcount=11) 8 with the Blindheim (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=15750588&postcount=12) infection

Tanuki Tales (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?48202-Tanuki-Tales)
Low Coo (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=890332)
Troll (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/giants/troll) (CR 5) Witch (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch) (Scarred Witch Doctor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-orc/scarred-witch-doctor-witch-orc)/Hedge Witch (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch/archetypes/paizo---witch-archetypes/hedge-witch)) 3

So, now that I've listed that information, I move on to the dungeon and encounters.
The dungeon has primarily 4 rooms. The first room, ground floor, is massive and empty, with a golem inside. The golem is a Graven Guardian with extra hit dice and the giant creature template. Relevant stats below.
Huge size, roughly CR 10 or 11.
AC 23, saves +3 or +4, 120 HP, DR 5/adamantine and FH 3/--, SR 20, CMD 33
30 speed, +10 BAB, +22 CMB, Full attack: Falchion +19/+14 (3d6+16/15-20 x2) and Slam +13 (1d10+10)
Haste (10 rounds) 1/day, Domain powers from Healing and Repose: Heals 5d10+15 1/day from half health as a free action, and any damage it deals requires a DC 20 CL check to magically heal.Obviously, this thing's a beast, so they're not actually supposed to fight it. When they encounter it, it will ask for identification, either "prisoner" or "captor". Prisoners are forced up the stairs, and will then be attacked on sight if not escorted by a captor. It has a +11 sense motive if anyone tries to bluff it. Captors must possess a holy symbol for the golem's faith (discussed later) or they are believed to be escaping prisoners. The golem lowers a massive door when the players enter, and will not open it unless commanded by a captor.
If the players take the two holy symbols from the dungeon bosses, then they can pretend to be 2 captors and 2 escorted prisoners, and the golem will obey the captors' commands. Commanding the golem (30 strength) to lift the door is the easy way out.
If they somehow kill the golem, then they have to lift the door themselves, which weighs 1500 fey. Engineering checks will reveal enough material to build a block and tackle, giving a +5 on strength checks to lift the door.
Low Coo is large, so it needs to be lifted 5 feet for him to crawl under. No PC can lift a 1500 lb door without a block and tackle. With one, Trizbit and Low Coo can both lift the door to get out.

There is no door to the next room, though the golem is too large to fit through.
The next room is a torture chamber, with many cages and devices of punishment. In one, there is a quick long with the broken soul template. Noticeable abilities below.CR 5, small fey,
36 HP, 24 AC, saves 7/11/5, DR 5, elemental resistance 5, evasion and uncanny dodge.
Spd 110, touch attack +9 (2d6 +1d6 Dex and prone/dazed 1d4 rounds (fort 15 negates Dex dmg and prone/dazed effect)) with 1d6 snk atk.
Agonized Wail 120 ft, DC 15 will or shaken until defeated
Baleful Gaze 60 ft, DC 15 fort or 1d4 str/con/cha drain. Subject immune for 1 minute.
Some miscellaneous low level SLAs, 20% miss chance after moving, or natural invisibility when holding still. This enemy is optional. He's trapped in a cage when every tile on the floor springs a trap. So he is constantly moving and dodging to avoid traps. If freed, he is crazy, and willwill attack the PCs until a better target is available.
There are 4 augurs in this room which constantly lift blood and tissue to the floor above.
The next room is large and at first glimpse there is no enemy. I'm still debating what to use here, but it will likely be some blood based ooze or aberration or a ghost of some kind. The augurs run through this room, carrying blood and gore to the next floor.
The last room is smaller, for a boss fight. The augurs run up into 4 magical skulls. These skulls convert blood and tissue into healing energy. Each skull is hooked to one shackle, and all 4 shackles are hooked to Veglane's legs (2 per leg). Four more chains are anchored in the ceiling, and twisted around Veglane's arms, and hooked into his ribs. Two jackal headed outsiders are torturing Veglane as he hangs helpless in the middle of the room.
The jackals are fallen hound archons, who were sent to capture and punish Veglane (a Kyton) for his torment of innocent souls. They eventually lost sight of their ethics and morality, and have become nearly evil. The fact that they only punish criminals is the only factor keeping them neutral. Their former paladin abilities are falling into antipaladin nature, so their smites have been replaced by a cavalier's challenge. They retain most other antipaladin perks.
The players must fight the jackal archons.CR 5 each, medium outsiders
60 HP, saves 10/7/7, AC 22, sr 15, DR 5/good or evil,
Feats- dimensional assault/agility/dervish and power attack.
At will dimension door (nerfed from natural teleport), scent and detect criminals, challenge 1/day +3 dmg and +2 atk
Touch of corruption 3/day 1d6 and sicken 3 rounds (DC 13)
Aura of cowardice. Aura of menace 20', DC 15 or -2 atk/save/AC until you hit the archon.
Full attack w/ 80 ft of teleports- falchion +12/+7 (2d4+4/18-20, x2) and bite +6 (1d8+3). Power atk -3/+6