View Full Version : Too Mean?

2014-06-25, 04:43 PM
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I only started reading the OOTs comic last week. I know, I know; I'm not good enough to be on the forums, whatever. Now that I've read through a considerable portion, however, I realized a recent implementation of "Explosive Runes" was the first and only time I'd ever done it to a party, and I'd missed hundreds of opportunities of such a comedic device.

To set the stage:
Said the Mind Blade, Damien the CoH, Valenwood the Grey Elf Wizard, and Bartlby the Monk/Rogue had returned to Owlsdale on a rather run-of-the-mill fetch quest. A baker in St. Therissa needed special ingredients for a special cake for the Prince's birthday (which turns out to be a cake golem, resulting in one of the lamest assassination plots ever). They needed "A handful of giant owl feathers," which could be collected from the top of Daksunder Mountain.
The problem, however, as they're told by Cragus, Keplr, Mortimer, and Mortimer's Brother, is that all routes up were blocked by a band of mercenary orcs intent on taking over the recently rediscovered gold and quartz mines. Worse, one of the PC's girlfriend, Lezlybeth the Inept Alchemist, was missing after travelling to Daksunder to collect flowers.

Party makes their way up Daksunder, gets into the dark, twisting tunnels hungry for blood, and they encounter a Choker (again; Daksunder is full of them). This Choker isn't some nameless stat-block, though; it's Silas (http://www.monsteradvancer.com/generate.maurl?monster=Choker&hd=3&size=S&str=10&dex=15&con=14&int=15&wis=13&cha=12&templates=Vampire&classes=Wizard6&feats=Lightning%20Reflexes,Stealthy) the Vampire. Rather than attack the party directly, Silas summons 1d3+1 wolves (as Vampires do) and hides in the shadows while the PCs (level 5 by now) easily dispatch the animals. When they're dead, he reveals himself. "It's good fortune you arrived when you did. Those damn Orcs have been trying to chase me out with their wolves all day." Despite a Detect Evil spell, the party joined forces against a common enemy after Silas promised he knew where the orcs were and how they could save their beloved Lezlybeth. The Choker's real intentions, though (and what else would a 6th level Wizard want?) was to get the party to open a passage into the final resting place of a Dragon that had died in Daksunder waaay back in the lore of the campaign setting.
First, they came across more wolves Silas summoned (without them realizing), then they fought a Charmed Orc before coming up to Silas's first obstacle. Whoever locked up the area had made sure none of his puzzles could be solved by Undead, so Silas claimed "I can't read this language." The Cleric, who could read Celestial, bent down to read the inscription on the door:

"As a protection against the horrors I assume will one day attempt to retrieve Lorris' items of power, I prepared Explosive Room before making this door." His Reflex save... he honestly asked me if a 6 was high enough.

Next, they had a generic "The Rogue disables the whirling poison blades"

Then, they had a room filled with some bags of tricks. Not too difficult. What was difficult was when Valenwood the Wizard read the Sepia Snake Signal on the next door and was paralyzed. Silas cast Enlarge Person and used his Quickness to Charm Said while he grappled/blood drained/negative level inflicted the already-low-on-health Sir Damien. It was the closest I've gotten to a TPK in a long time.

Oh and it turns out Lezlybeth had actually been taken as a slave by a human baron, they found out a long time later... but Lezlybeth was actually a succubus who took the baron as a slave using mind control (but acted/made everone think she was his slave). When the party showed up, they killed the baron, then found out she was the evil one.

2014-06-25, 05:02 PM
I don't think it was mean at all. You played the enemy correctly and had the players believing everything he said. They had the tools at their disposal to learn his alignment and should have been distrustful of a creature like that. I think it was wonderfully done. My players are super paranoid and would have tried to kill him just to be sure. Bravo good sir. Your players should learn from this experience and be more mindful of the intentions of NPCs in the future.

2014-06-25, 05:20 PM
Honestly, I think you should just document and make a campaign journal, and ask feedback that way, rather than make threads for each time.

2014-06-25, 05:52 PM
Honestly, I think you should just document and make a campaign journal, and ask feedback that way, rather than make threads for each time.

How does one go about doing that?

2014-06-25, 06:59 PM
Oh and it turns out Lezlybeth had actually been taken as a slave by a human baron, they found out a long time later... but Lezlybeth was actually a succubus who took the baron as a slave using mind control (but acted/made everone think she was his slave). When the party showed up, they killed the baron, then found out she was the evil one.

You... You're Evil. :smalleek:

You have done well, I approve of this behaviour. :smallamused:

2014-06-25, 09:39 PM
Yes! Make a campaign journal and post it on here. I would love to read it ^_^

Darth Paul
2014-06-25, 11:06 PM
If I were wearing a hat at this time, I would take it off to you.

Also, I'm totally stealing your succubus plot twist. :smallyuk:

2014-06-26, 12:31 AM
Not too mean. It was appropriate for a succubus:smalltongue:

2014-06-26, 01:32 AM
Wow. I'm not used to an internet forum being so... well, not overly critical and rude. It's a pleasant change of pace.

That being said: How do I make a "Campaign journal" ? Do I just start a thread named "The Wonderful Adventures of Applejaxc and His Unfortunate Players" ?

2014-06-26, 01:36 AM
Wow. I'm not used to an internet forum being so... well, not overly critical and rude. It's a pleasant change of pace.

That being said: How do I make a "Campaign journal" ? Do I just start a thread named "The Wonderful Adventures of Applejaxc and His Unfortunate Players" ?Pretty much.

And then you tell your tale. Like in this one. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?116836-The-SilverClawShift-Campaign-Archives) (I really, really, really, really suggest reading it. REALLY.)

Might I suggest that, whenever you make a new post with the next part of the story, you link to that post in the opening post of the thread? That way the "chapters" are easy to find.

2014-06-26, 02:12 AM
Pretty much.

And then you tell your tale. Like in this one. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?116836-The-SilverClawShift-Campaign-Archives) (I really, really, really, really suggest reading it. REALLY.)

Might I suggest that, whenever you make a new post with the next part of the story, you link to that post in the opening post of the thread? That way the "chapters" are easy to find.

It seems like... I don't know. Not all of my campaign lives up to the evils of Lezlybeth and Silas. I feel like it'd be a lot of unread effort.

2014-06-26, 08:15 AM
I've got one point of confusion: Lezlybeth was one of the PCs' sister, right? Was this just part of the succubus's mind-magical ruse making them think they had a sister, or was there more to this?

John Longarrow
2014-06-26, 08:28 AM
She was one of the characters girlfriend.

As your Succubi was one of the characters girlfriend, does that imply you may be needing a 1/2 succubi template for a potential "Child of Love"?

2014-06-26, 08:45 AM
Ah, girlfriend. I misremembered or misparsed. ...so he never got a kiss, or did he have some negative levels of which he was unaware? >_> <_<

2014-06-26, 03:50 PM
I used that trick, only the PC's girlfriend was dragged to the Abyss and replaced with a Marilith. The character's name was Marion Lithsomethingdon'tremembertherest (I think I purposefully didn't bring up her last name) and she'd been introduced several levels earlier as the leader of a mercenary company. I think I was able to get away with "She says she's the Marion in Marion's Marauders." Or something similar.

She even carried a bunch of weapons on her normally since she was previously established as a two-weapon fighter. The player in question barely got his character out of the ensuing ambush alive (being a barbarian and denying the demon a surprise round saved his life, the encounter was balanced fairly tightly), and the expression on his face when he realized how long I'd had this particular subplot planned was priceless.

There was also the brief interval of time where the party had to figure out if Marion had been replaced by a demon or had been a Marilith the entire time.