View Full Version : Natural Attack Question

USS Sorceror
2014-06-25, 11:04 PM
I'm playing an alchemist in a recently started game and since we're about to reach that coveted second level, I want to pick Feral Mutagen for my first discovery. I'm curious as to how natural attacks work, because I'm not very well read on the subject. The book says that I get 2 claws and a bite, all primary natural attacks with a full STR bonus. Does this mean I can make all 3 attacks in one round with my full BAB? Is there a penalty imposed on that? Help me out here.

2014-06-26, 12:20 AM
You can make all natural attacks as a full round action. Each Primary natural attack is at your max BAB, all secondary natural attacks are at -5 BAB. Sounds like PF but in 3.5 the Multiattack Feat takes all secondary natrual attacks to -2 instead of -5. Improved Natural Attack kicks up your damage with the chosen attack as if you had gained a size category. You can load up on natural attacks and make them all each turn if you use the action for it. Swift teleports or movement are nice as keeps you mobile and gives you all your attacks. IIRC enchanting natural attacks isn't very easy but there is ways to do it. If you're allowed 3.5 the Totemist can pile on the natural attacks. Something like 8 or 9 at first level with the right race/feats/soulmelds.


2014-06-26, 12:49 AM
Yes, all three are at full BAB and no, no penalty. Feral Mutagen lets you have them all as Primary NAs, with which there are no penalties.